Strategy Tester ReportEA_Onion(revC)MetaQuotes-Demo (Build 1361)
交易品种 EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar) 时间周期 15 分钟图 2020.01.01 22:00 – 2020.09.06 23:45 (2020.01.01 – 2020.09.07) 复盘模型 每个即时价格(基于所有可利用的最小时段的每一个价格的分形插值计算) 参数 Note=”onion”; Magic_Number=1; MAGIC=100; ECN=false; Show_info=true; ShowArrow=true; Slippage=3; Maxspread=100; Reverse_Mode=false; TRADE=3; AutoReverse=false; MaxDrawDown=200; Max_order=1; Use_Order_distance_Pips=false; Order_distance_Pips=10; Money_Management=”===Money Management===”; MM=1; FixLotSize=0.01; Risk=5; Takeprofit_Stoploss=”===Takeprofit & Stoploss===”; takeprofit=10; stoploss=0; AUTOSL=false; Opposite_close=false; Trailing_stop=”===Trailing stop===”; Use_trailingStop=true; TS_Start=10; TS_Stop=10; Attack_Martingale=”===Attack Martingale —Add multiple order every xx pips===”; Use_Attack_Martin=false; Use_SmartMartin=true; Martin_Lotsize=0; Lot_Multiplier=2; Max_Martin=2; Pip_distance=”===PIP distance between Attack Martin===”; PipStep_default=30; Pip_Multiple=1; Basket_Profit=”===Basket Profit to close all orders in the account===”; Use_BasketProfit=true; Type_of_baslet_close=3; Manual_input_dollar=10; Basket_Stoploss=”===Basket stoploss to close all orders— Total account loss reach to xx dollars, close all===”; Use_Basket_Stoploss=false; Stoploss_dollars=200; Daily_Profit_Target=”===Daily profit Target dollars (EA will stop orders if reach to the target & restart in next day)===”; Use_Daily_Target=false; Daily_profit_Target=10; Time_Filter=”===EA time filter –Stop or Run EA during the time period(hours)===”; UseTimeFilter=3; Start_Time=”8:00″; End_Time=”19:00″; News_Filter=”===NEWS Filter —Select impact to stop or run EA===”; Use_News_Filter=false; URL=”http://cdn-nfs.faireconomy.media/ff_calendar_thisweek.xml”; RUN_or_STOP=1; MinimumImpact=1; CloseOrder_beforeNews=false; MinsBeforeNews=60; MinsAfterNews=60; OffSetHours=0; Indicator_settings=”===Indicator settings===”; LotSizeMulti=5; LowLV=30; HighLV=70; PartialClose=”===Partial Close settings===”; Use_PartialClose=true; takeprofit2=5; CloseOrderPercentage=70; PA_filter=”===Price_Gap_Pips===”; Use_PriceGap=true; PriceGapPips=30; EA_pause=”===EA pause time===”; Use_EApause=true; EA_Pause_Min=60; 经测试过的柱数 17538 用于复盘的即时价数量 464718 复盘模型的质量 90.00% 输入图表错误 0 起始资金 10000.00 点差 3 总净盈利 26.27 总获利 26.27 总亏损 -0.00 盈利比 预期盈利 1.25 绝对亏损 3.36 最大亏损 6.10 (0.06%) 相对亏损 0.06% (6.10) 交易单总计 21 卖单 (%获利百分比) 10 (100.00%) 买单 (%获利百分比) 11 (100.00%) 盈利交易(%占总百分比) 21 (100.00%) 亏损交易(%占总百分比) 0 (0.00%) 最大: 获利交易 1.57 亏损交易 -0.00 平均 获利交易 1.25 亏损交易 -0.00 最大: 连续获利金额 21 (26.27) 连续亏损金额 0 (-0.00) 最多: 连续获利次数 26.27 (21) 连续亏损次数 -0.00 (0) 平均: 连续获利 21 连续亏损 0