Strategy Tester ReportEA-ICHIMOKUMetaQuotes-Demo (Build 1361)
交易品种 EURUSD (Euro vs US Dollar) 时间周期 15 分钟图 2020.01.01 22:00 – 2021.12.30 23:45 (2020.01.01 – 2022.01.01) 复盘模型 每个即时价格(基于所有可利用的最小时段的每一个价格的分形插值计算) 参数 Tradealhint=”if false, no trades will be opened:”; Ordercomment=”Ichimoku EA”; TradeAllowed=true; LotSize=1; TKCrossAtOneCandle=false; OpenAtClosedCandle=false; H1=”————-time management————“; Gmthint1=”your GMT timezone (e.g. 6, -7, etc.):”; GMTShift=2; Closehint=”stop trading on friday?”; StopTradingOnFriday=true; Closehint1=”if true, at which time (GMT)?”; FridayCloseTime=20; ShowScreenComments=true; Hl0=”—————— trade management——————-“; UseATRforTP=false; UseATRforSL=true; AtrTPmultiplier=5; AtrSLmultiplier=4; AtrCalcTF=60; AtrCalcPeriod=14; Minprofithint=”Close Orders at minimum Profit?”; CloseOrdersAtMinProfit=false; MinProfit=5; Maxlosshint=”Close Orders at maximum loss?”; CloseOrdersAtMaxLoss=false; MaxLoss=5; UseTrailing=false; TrailingStop=5; TrailingStep=10; Slippage=5; Hl1=”—— Ichimoku specific parameters——“; Hhint0=”Tenkan Sen Period:”; TenkanSen=7; Ihint1=”Kijun Sen Period:”; KijunSen=22; Ihint2=”Senkou Span B Period:”; SenkouSpanB=44; Hhint1=”—————Signal decision——————“; Ignhint0=”ignore Kijun Signals?”; IgnoreKijun=false; Ignhint1=”ignore Tenkan Signals?”; IgnoreTenkan=false; Ignhint2=”ignore Senkou Signals?”; IgnoreSenkou=false; Ignhint3=”ignore Chikou Signals?”; IgnoreChikou=false; Kumohint=”ignore kumo if width less than:”; IgnoreKumoIfWidthUnder=0; Tenkankumohint=”tenkan cross in/over/under kumo”; Tenkankumohint1=”which signals should be used?”; Tenkankumohint2=”(to use it, IgnoreTenkan and”; Tenkankumohint3=”IgnoreSenkou must be FALSE!)”; Tenkankumohint4=”0 : ALL / 1 : NORMAL/STRONG”; Tenkankumohint5=”2 : ONLY STRONG SIGNALS”; TenkanKumoMode=1; Chikkuhint=”same for the chikou span:”; ChikouKumoMode=1; 经测试过的柱数 50080 用于复盘的即时价数量 904424 复盘模型的质量 90.00% 输入图表错误 0 起始资金 10000.00 点差 3 总净盈利 -8894.21 总获利 36744.57 总亏损 -45638.78 盈利比 0.81 预期盈利 -23.72 绝对亏损 8934.21 最大亏损 12011.60 (91.85%) 相对亏损 91.85% (12011.60) 交易单总计 375 卖单 (%获利百分比) 187 (26.74%) 买单 (%获利百分比) 188 (21.28%) 盈利交易(%占总百分比) 90 (24.00%) 亏损交易(%占总百分比) 285 (76.00%) 最大: 获利交易 2337.99 亏损交易 -683.00 平均 获利交易 408.27 亏损交易 -160.14 最大: 连续获利金额 3 (1064.17) 连续亏损金额 13 (-2374.09) 最多: 连续获利次数 2906.95 (2) 连续亏损次数 -2644.12 (9) 平均: 连续获利 1 连续亏损 4