#property copyright “Copyright 2011-2017 by Misty Horivak at http://www.mt4talk.com”
#property version “9.00”
#property link “http://www.mt4talk.com”
#property description “This is a FREE Shareware Expert Advisor for MetaTrader 4.”
#property description “Please do not remove the property section and version history.”
#property description “ASSAR V9 is a Trend Breakout Strategy for the 15m TF on all forex pairs.”//———————– Include files ————————————————————
// Note: If the below files are stored in the installation directory of MT4 then the files should be
// written with ” ” around their names. If you however prefer to have the include files in the same
// directory as this EA, then the files below shoul be surropunded by < > instead.
#include “stdlib.mqh” // “stdlib.mqh” or “<sdlib.mqh>
#include “stderror.mqh” // “stderror.mqh” or <stderror.mqh>//———————– Externals —————————————————————-
// All externals should here have their name starting with a CAPITAL characterextern string Configuration = “==== Configuration ====”;
extern bool ReverseTrade = TRUE; // If TRUE, then trade in opposite direction
extern int Magic = -1; // If set to a number less than 0 it will calculate MagicNumber automatically
extern string OrderCmt = “ASSARV9 Trend Breakout Edition”; // Trade comments that appears in the Trade and Account History tab
extern bool ECN_Mode = FALSE; // True for brokers that don’t accept SL and TP to be sent at the same time as the order
extern bool Debug = FALSE; // Print huge log files with info, only for debugging purposes
extern bool Verbose = TRUE; // Additional information printed in the chart
extern string TradingSettings = “==== Trade settings ====”;
extern double MaxSpread = 40.0; // Max allowed spread in points (1 / 10 pip)
extern int MaxExecution = 0; // Max allowed average execution time in ms (0 means no restrictions)
extern int MaxExecutionMinutes = 10; // How often in minutes should fake orders be sent to measure execution speed
extern double StopLoss = 800; // StopLoss from as many points. Default 60 (= 6 pips)
extern double TakeProfit = 800; // TakeProfit from as many points. Default 100 (= 10 pip)
extern double AddPriceGap = 20; // Additional price gap in points added to SL and TP in order to avoid Error 130
extern double TrailingStart = 20; // Start trailing profit from as so many pips. Default 23
extern double Commission = 0; // Some broker accounts charge commission in USD per 1.0 lot. Commission in dollar
extern int Slippage = 5; // Maximum allowed Slippage in points
extern double MinimumUseStopLevel = 0; // Minimum stop level. Stoplevel to use will be max value of either this value or broker stoplevel
extern string VolatilitySettings = “==== Volatility Settings ====”;
extern bool UseDynamicVolatilityLimit = FALSE; // Calculate VolatilityLimit based on INT (spread * VolatilityMultiplier)
extern double VolatilityMultiplier = 125; // Dynamic value, only used if UseDynamicVolatilityLimit is set to TRUE
extern double VolatilityLimit = 325; // Fix value, only used if UseDynamicVolatilityLimit is set to FALSE
extern bool UseVolatilityPercentage = TRUE; // If true, then price must break out more than a specific percentage
extern double VolatilityPercentageLimit = 125; // Percentage of how much iHigh-iLow difference must differ from VolatilityLimit. 0 is risky, 60 means a safe value
extern string UseIndicatorSet = “=== Indicators: 1 = Moving Average, 2 = BollingerBand, 3 = Envelopes”;
extern int UseIndicatorSwitch = 3; // Switch User indicators.
extern int Indicatorperiod = 3; // Period in bars for indicators
extern int BBDeviation = 2; // Deviation for the iBands indicator
extern double EnvelopesDeviation = 0.07; // Deviation for the iEnvelopes indicator
extern int OrderExpireSeconds = 1800; // Orders are deleted after so many seconds
extern string Money_Management = “==== Money Management ====”;
extern bool MoneyManagement = TRUE; // If TRUE then calculate lotsize automaticallay based on Risk, if False then use ManualLotsize below
extern double MinLots = 0.01; // Minimum lot-size to trade with
extern double MaxLots = 1000.0; // Maximum allowed lot-size to trade with
extern double Risk = 1.0; // Risk setting in percentage, For 10.000 in Equity 10% Risk and 60 StopLoss lotsize = 16.66
extern double ManualLotsize = 0.01; // Manual lotsize to trade with if MoneyManagement above is set to FALSE
extern string Screen_Shooter = “==== Screen Shooter ====”;
extern bool TakeShots = FALSE; // Save screen shots on STOP orders?
extern int DelayTicks = 1; // Delay so many ticks after new bar
extern int ShotsPerBar = 1; // How many screen shots per bar//————————— Globals ————————————————————–
// All globals have their name written in lower case charactersstring ea_version = “ASSARV9 Trend Breakout Edition”;
int brokerdigits = 0; // Nnumber of digits that the broker uses for this currency pair
int globalerror = 0; // To keep track on number of added errors
int lasttime = 0; // For measuring tics
int tickcounter = 0; // Counting tics
int upto30counter = 0; // For calculating average spread
int execution = -1; // For execution speed, -1 means no speed
int avg_execution = 0; // Average execution speed
int execution_samples = 0; // For calculating average execution speed
int starttime; // Initial time
int leverage; // Account leverage in percentage
int lotbase; // Amount of money in base currency for 1 lot
int err_unchangedvalues; // Error count for unchanged values (modify to the same values)
int err_busyserver; // Error count for busy server
int err_lostconnection; // Error count for lost connection
int err_toomanyrequest; // Error count for too many requests
int err_invalidprice; // Error count for invalid price
int err_invalidstops; // Error count for invalid SL and/or TP
int err_invalidtradevolume;// Error count for invalid lot size
int err_pricechange; // Error count for change of price
int err_brokerbuzy; // Error count for broker is buzy
int err_requotes; // Error count for requotes
int err_toomanyrequests; // Error count for too many requests
int err_trademodifydenied; // Error count for modify orders is denied
int err_tradecontextbuzy; // error count for trade context is buzy
int skippedticks = 0; // Used for simulation of latency during backtests, how many tics that should be skipped
int ticks_samples = 0; // Used for simulation of latency during backtests, number of tick samplesdouble array_spread[30]; // Store spreads for the last 30 tics
double lotsize; // Lotsize
double highest; // Highest indicator value
double lowest; // Lowest indicator value
double stoplevel; // Broker stoplevel
double stopout; // Broker stoput percentage
double lotstep; // Broker lotstep
double marginforonelot; // Margin required for 1 lot
double avg_tickspermin = 0;// Used for simulation of latency during backtests//======================= Program initialization ===================================================
int init()
// Print short message at the start of initalization
Print (“====== Initialization of “, ea_version, ” ======”);// Reset time for execution control
starttime = TimeLocal();// Reset error variable
globalerror = -1;// Get the broker decimals
brokerdigits = Digits;// Get leverage
leverage = AccountLeverage();// Calculate stoplevel as max of either STOPLEVEL or FREEZELEVEL
stoplevel = MathMax ( MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_FREEZELEVEL ), MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL ) );
// Then calculate the stoplevel as max of either this stoplevel or MinimumUseStopLevel
stoplevel = MathMax ( MinimumUseStopLevel, stoplevel );// Get stoput level and re-calculate as fraction
stopout = AccountStopoutLevel();// Calculate lotstep
lotstep = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP );// Check to confirm that indicator switch is valid choices, if not force to 1 (Moving Average)
if (UseIndicatorSwitch < 1 || UseIndicatorSwitch > 4)
UseIndicatorSwitch = 1;// If indicator switch is set to 4, using iATR, tben UseVolatilityPercentage cannot be used, so force it to FALSE
if (UseIndicatorSwitch == 4)
UseVolatilityPercentage = FALSE;// Adjust SL and TP to broker stoplevel if they are less than this stoplevel
StopLoss = MathMax ( StopLoss, stoplevel );
TakeProfit = MathMax ( TakeProfit, stoplevel );// Re-calculate variables
VolatilityPercentageLimit = VolatilityPercentageLimit / 100 + 1;
VolatilityMultiplier = VolatilityMultiplier / 10;
ArrayInitialize ( array_spread, 0 );
VolatilityLimit = VolatilityLimit * Point;
Commission = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( Commission * Point );
TrailingStart = TrailingStart * Point;
stoplevel = stoplevel * Point;
AddPriceGap = AddPriceGap * Point;// If we have set MaxLot and/or MinLots to more/less than what the broker allows, then adjust it accordingly
if ( MinLots < MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT ) )
MinLots = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT );
if ( MaxLots > MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT ) )
MaxLots = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT );
if ( MaxLots < MinLots )
MaxLots = MinLots;// Calculate margin required for 1 lot
marginforonelot = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED );// Amount of money in base currency for 1 lot
lotbase = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_LOTSIZE );// Also make sure that if the risk-percentage is too low or too high, that it’s adjusted accordingly
sub_recalculatewrongrisk();// Calculate intitial lotsize
lotsize = sub_calculatelotsize();// If magic number is set to a value less than 0, then calculate MagicNumber automatically
if (Magic < 0)
sub_magicnumber();// If execution speed should be measured, then adjust maxexecution from minutes to seconds
if (MaxExecution > 0)
MaxExecutionMinutes = MaxExecution * 60;// Print initial info
sub_printdetails();// Print short message at the end of initialization
Print (“========== Initialization complete! ===========\n”);// Finally call the main trading subroutine
start();return (0);
}//======================= Program deinitialization =================================================
int deinit()
string local_text = “”;// If we run backtests and simulate latency, then print result
if (IsTesting() && MaxExecution > 0)
local_text = local_text + “During backtesting ” + skippedticks + ” number of ticks was “;
local_text = local_text + “skipped to simulate latency of up to ” + MaxExecution + ” ms”;
sub_printandcomment ( local_text );
}// Print summarize of broker errors
sub_printsumofbrokererrors();// Print short message when EA has been deinitialized
Print ( ea_version, ” has been deinitialized!” );return ( 0 );
}//==================================== Program start ===============================================
int start()
// We must wait til we have enough of bar data before we call trading routine
if ( iBars ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15 ) > Indicatorperiod )
Print ( “Please wait until enough of bar data has been gathered!” );return ( 0 );
}//================================ Subroutines starts here =========================================
// All subroutines (aka functions) here have their names starting with sub_
// Exception are the standard routines init(), deinit() and start()
// Notation:
// All actual and formal parameters in subs have their names starting with par_
// All local variables in subs have their names starting with local_// This is the main trading subroutine
void sub_trade()
string local_textstring;
string local_pair;
string local_indy;bool local_select;
bool local_wasordermodified;
bool local_ordersenderror;
bool local_isbidgreaterthanima;
bool local_isbidgreaterthanibands;
bool local_isbidgreaterthanenvelopes;
bool local_isbidgreaterthanindy;int local_orderticket;
int local_orderexpiretime;
int local_loopcount2;
int local_loopcount1;
int local_pricedirection;
int local_counter1;
int local_counter2;
int local_askpart;
int local_bidpart;double local_ask;
double local_bid;
double local_askplusdistance;
double local_bidminusdistance;
double local_volatilitypercentage;
double local_orderprice;
double local_orderstoploss;
double local_ordertakeprofit;
double local_ihigh;
double local_ilow;
double local_imalow;
double local_imahigh;
double local_imadiff;
double local_ibandsupper;
double local_ibandslower;
double local_ibandsdiff;
double local_envelopesupper;
double local_envelopeslower;
double local_envelopesdiff;
double local_volatility;
double local_spread;
double local_avgspread;
double local_realavgspread;
double local_fakeprice;
double local_sumofspreads;
double local_askpluscommission;
double local_bidminuscommission;
double local_skipticks;// Previous time was less than current time, initiate tick counter
if ( lasttime < Time[0] )
// For simulation of latency during backtests, consider only 10 samples at most.
if ( ticks_samples < 10 )
ticks_samples ++;
avg_tickspermin = avg_tickspermin + ( tickcounter – avg_tickspermin ) / ticks_samples;
// Set previopus time to current time and reset tick counter
lasttime = Time[0];
tickcounter = 0;
// Previous time was NOT less than current time, so increase tick counter with 1
tickcounter ++;// If backtesting and MaxExecution is set let’s skip a proportional number of ticks them in order to
// reproduce the effect of latency on this EA
if ( IsTesting() && MaxExecution != 0 && execution != -1 )
local_skipticks = MathRound ( avg_tickspermin * MaxExecution / ( 60 * 1000 ) );
if ( skippedticks >= local_skipticks )
execution = -1;
skippedticks = 0;
skippedticks ++;
}// Get Ask and Bid for the currency
local_ask = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_ASK );
local_bid = MarketInfo ( Symbol(), MODE_BID );// Calculate the channel of Volatility based on the difference of iHigh and iLow during current bar
local_ihigh = iHigh ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, 0 );
local_ilow = iLow ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, 0 );
local_volatility = local_ihigh – local_ilow;// Reset printout string
local_indy = “”;// Calculate a channel on Moving Averages, and check if the price is outside of this channel.
if ( UseIndicatorSwitch == 1 || UseIndicatorSwitch == 4 )
local_imalow = iMA ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, Indicatorperiod, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_LOW, 0 );
local_imahigh = iMA ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, Indicatorperiod, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_HIGH, 0 );
local_imadiff = local_imahigh – local_imalow;
local_isbidgreaterthanima = local_bid >= local_imalow + local_imadiff / 2.0;
local_indy = “iMA_low: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_imalow ) + “, iMA_high: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_imahigh ) + “, iMA_diff: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_imadiff );
}// Calculate a channel on BollingerBands, and check if the price is outside of this channel
if ( UseIndicatorSwitch == 2 )
local_ibandsupper = iBands ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, Indicatorperiod, BBDeviation, 0, PRICE_OPEN, MODE_UPPER, 0 );
local_ibandslower = iBands ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, Indicatorperiod, BBDeviation, 0, PRICE_OPEN, MODE_LOWER, 0 );
local_ibandsdiff = local_ibandsupper – local_ibandslower;
local_isbidgreaterthanibands = local_bid >= local_ibandslower + local_ibandsdiff / 2.0;
local_indy = “iBands_upper: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_ibandslower ) + “, iBands_lower: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_ibandslower ) + “, iBands_diff: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_ibandsdiff );
}// Calculate a channel on Envelopes, and check if the price is outside of this channel
if ( UseIndicatorSwitch == 3 )
local_envelopesupper = iEnvelopes ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, Indicatorperiod, MODE_LWMA, 0, PRICE_OPEN, EnvelopesDeviation, MODE_UPPER, 0 );
local_envelopeslower = iEnvelopes ( Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, Indicatorperiod, MODE_LWMA, 0, PRICE_OPEN, EnvelopesDeviation, MODE_LOWER, 0 );
local_envelopesdiff = local_envelopesupper – local_envelopeslower;
local_isbidgreaterthanenvelopes = local_bid >= local_envelopeslower + local_envelopesdiff / 2.0;
local_indy = “iEnvelopes_upper: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_envelopesupper ) + “, iEnvelopes_lower: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_envelopeslower ) + “, iEnvelopes_diff: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_envelopesdiff) ;
}// Reset breakout variable as FALSE
local_isbidgreaterthanindy = FALSE;// Reset pricedirection for no indication of trading direction
local_pricedirection = 0;// If we’re using iMA as indicator, then check if there’s a breakout
if ( UseIndicatorSwitch == 1 && local_isbidgreaterthanima == TRUE )
local_isbidgreaterthanindy = TRUE;
highest = local_imahigh;
lowest = local_imalow;
}// If we’re using iBands as indicator, then check if there’s a breakout
else if ( UseIndicatorSwitch == 2 && local_isbidgreaterthanibands == TRUE )
local_isbidgreaterthanindy = TRUE;
highest = local_ibandsupper;
lowest = local_ibandslower;
}// If we’re using iEnvelopes as indicator, then check if there’s a breakout
else if ( UseIndicatorSwitch == 3 && local_isbidgreaterthanenvelopes == TRUE )
local_isbidgreaterthanindy = TRUE;
highest = local_envelopesupper;
lowest = local_envelopeslower;
}// Calculate spread
local_spread = local_ask – local_bid;
// Calculate lot size
lotsize = sub_calculatelotsize();
// calculatwe orderexpiretime
if ( OrderExpireSeconds != 0 )
local_orderexpiretime = TimeCurrent() + OrderExpireSeconds;
local_orderexpiretime = 0;// Calculate average true spread, which is the average of the spread for the last 30 tics
ArrayCopy ( array_spread, array_spread, 0, 1, 29 );
array_spread[29] = local_spread;
if ( upto30counter < 30 )
local_sumofspreads = 0;
local_loopcount2 = 29;
for ( local_loopcount1 = 0; local_loopcount1 < upto30counter; local_loopcount1 ++ )
local_sumofspreads += array_spread[local_loopcount2];
local_loopcount2 –;
}// Calculate an average of spreads based on the spread from the last 30 tics
local_avgspread = local_sumofspreads / upto30counter;// Calculate price and spread considering commission
local_askpluscommission = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_ask + Commission );
local_bidminuscommission = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_bid – Commission );
local_realavgspread = local_avgspread + Commission;// Recalculate the VolatilityLimit if it’s set to dynamic. It’s based on the average of spreads + commission
if ( UseDynamicVolatilityLimit == TRUE )
VolatilityLimit = local_realavgspread * VolatilityMultiplier;// If the variables below have values it means that we have enough of data from broker server.
if ( local_volatility && VolatilityLimit && lowest && highest && UseIndicatorSwitch != 4 )
// The Volatility is outside of the VolatilityLimit, so we can now open a trade
if ( local_volatility > VolatilityLimit )
// Calculate how much it differs
local_volatilitypercentage = local_volatility / VolatilityLimit;
// In case of UseVolatilityPercentage == TRUE then also check if it differ enough of percentage
if ( ( UseVolatilityPercentage == FALSE ) || ( UseVolatilityPercentage == TRUE && local_volatilitypercentage > VolatilityPercentageLimit ) )
if ( local_bid < lowest )
if ( ReverseTrade == FALSE )
local_pricedirection = -1; // BUY or BUYSTOP
else // ReverseTrade == true
local_pricedirection = 1; // SELL or SELLSTOP
else if ( local_bid > highest )
if ( ReverseTrade == FALSE )
local_pricedirection = 1; // SELL or SELLSTOP
else // ReverseTrade == true
local_pricedirection = -1; // BUY or BUYSTOP
// The Volatility is less than the VolatilityLimit
local_volatilitypercentage = 0;
}// Out of money
if ( AccountEquity() <= 0.0 )
Comment ( “ERROR — Account Equity is ” + DoubleToStr ( MathRound ( AccountEquity() ), 0 ) );
}// Reset execution time
execution = -1;// Reset counters
local_counter1 = 0;
local_counter2 = 0;// Loop through all open orders (if any) to either modify them or delete them
for ( local_loopcount2 = 0; local_loopcount2 < OrdersTotal(); local_loopcount2 ++ )
local_select = OrderSelect ( local_loopcount2, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES );
// We’ve found an that matches the magic number and is open
if ( OrderMagicNumber() == Magic && OrderCloseTime() == 0 )
// If the order doesn’t match the currency pair from the chart then check next open order
if ( OrderSymbol() != Symbol() )
// Increase counter
local_counter2 ++;
// Select order by type of order
switch ( OrderType() )
// We’ve found a matching BUY-order
case OP_BUY:
// Start endless loop
while ( TRUE )
// Update prices from the broker
// Set SL and TP
local_orderstoploss = OrderStopLoss();
local_ordertakeprofit = OrderTakeProfit();
// Ok to modify the order if its TP is less than the price+commission+stoplevel AND price+stoplevel-TP greater than trailingStart
if ( local_ordertakeprofit < sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_askpluscommission + TakeProfit * Point + AddPriceGap ) && local_askpluscommission + TakeProfit * Point + AddPriceGap – local_ordertakeprofit > TrailingStart )
// Set SL and TP
local_orderstoploss = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_bid – StopLoss * Point – AddPriceGap );
local_ordertakeprofit = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_askpluscommission + TakeProfit * Point + AddPriceGap );
// Send an OrderModify command with adjusted SL and TP
if ( local_orderstoploss != OrderStopLoss() && local_ordertakeprofit != OrderTakeProfit() )
// Start execution timer
execution = GetTickCount();
// Try to modify order
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), 0, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, local_orderexpiretime, Lime );
// Order was modified with new SL and TP
if ( local_wasordermodified == TRUE )
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
// If we have choosen to take snapshots and we’re not backtesting, then do so
if ( TakeShots && !IsTesting() )
// Break out from while-loop since the order now has been modified
// Order was not modified
// Reset execution counter
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
// Print if debug or verbose
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print (“Order could not be modified because of “, ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
// Order has not been modified and it has no StopLoss
if ( local_orderstoploss == 0 )
// Try to modify order with a safe hard SL that is 3 pip from current price
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), 0, NormalizeDouble ( Bid – 30, brokerdigits ), 0, 0, Red );
// Break out from while-loop since the order now has been modified
// count 1 more up
local_counter1 ++;
// Break out from switch
break;// We’ve found a matching SELL-order
case OP_SELL:
// Start endless loop
while ( TRUE )
// Update broker prices
// Set SL and TP
local_orderstoploss = OrderStopLoss();
local_ordertakeprofit = OrderTakeProfit();
// Ok to modify the order if its TP is greater than price-commission-stoplevel AND TP-price-commission+stoplevel is greater than trailingstart
if ( local_ordertakeprofit > sub_normalizebrokerdigits(local_bidminuscommission – TakeProfit * Point – AddPriceGap ) && local_ordertakeprofit – local_bidminuscommission + TakeProfit * Point – AddPriceGap > TrailingStart )
// set SL and TP
local_orderstoploss = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_ask + StopLoss * Point + AddPriceGap );
local_ordertakeprofit = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_bidminuscommission – TakeProfit * Point – AddPriceGap );
// Send an OrderModify command with adjusted SL and TP
if ( local_orderstoploss != OrderStopLoss() && local_ordertakeprofit != OrderTakeProfit() )
// Start execution timer
execution = GetTickCount();
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), 0, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, local_orderexpiretime, Orange );
// Order was modiified with new SL and TP
if ( local_wasordermodified == TRUE )
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
// If we have choosen to take snapshots and we’re not backtesting, then do so
if ( TakeShots && !IsTesting() )
// Break out from while-loop since the order now has been modified
// Order was not modified
// Reset execution counter
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
// Print if debug or verbose
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order could not be modified because of “, ErrorDescription ( GetLastError() ) );
// Lets wait 1 second before we try to modify the order again
Sleep ( 1000 );
// Order has not been modified and it has no StopLoss
if ( local_orderstoploss == 0 )
// Try to modify order with a safe hard SL that is 3 pip from current price
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), 0, NormalizeDouble ( Ask + 30, brokerdigits), 0, 0, Red );
// Break out from while-loop since the order now has been modified
// count 1 more up
local_counter1 ++;
// Break out from switch
break;// We’ve found a matching BUYSTOP-order
// Price must NOT be larger than indicator in order to modify the order, otherwise the order will be deleted
if ( local_isbidgreaterthanindy == FALSE )
// Calculate how much Price, SL and TP should be modified
local_orderprice = sub_normalizebrokerdigits(local_ask + stoplevel + AddPriceGap);
local_orderstoploss = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice – local_spread – StopLoss * Point – AddPriceGap );
local_ordertakeprofit = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice + Commission + TakeProfit * Point + AddPriceGap );
// Start endless loop
while ( TRUE )
// Ok to modify the order if price+stoplevel is less than orderprice AND orderprice-price-stoplevel is greater than trailingstart
if ( local_orderprice < OrderOpenPrice() && OrderOpenPrice() – local_orderprice > TrailingStart )
{// Send an OrderModify command with adjusted Price, SL and TP
if ( local_orderstoploss != OrderStopLoss() && local_ordertakeprofit != OrderTakeProfit() )
// Start execution timer
execution = GetTickCount();
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), local_orderprice, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, 0, Lime );
// Order was modified
if ( local_wasordermodified == TRUE )
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
// Print if debug or verbose
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order executed in ” + execution + ” ms” );
// Order was not modified
// Reset execution counter
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
// Break out from endless loop
// Increase counter
local_counter1 ++;
// Price was larger than the indicator
// Delete the order
local_select = OrderDelete ( OrderTicket() );
// Break out from switch
break;// We’ve found a matching SELLSTOP-order
// Price must be larger than the indicator in order to modify the order, otherwise the order will be deleted
if ( local_isbidgreaterthanindy == TRUE )
// Calculate how much Price, SL and TP should be modified
local_orderprice = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_bid – stoplevel – AddPriceGap );
local_orderstoploss = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice + local_spread + StopLoss * Point + AddPriceGap );
local_ordertakeprofit = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice – Commission – TakeProfit * Point – AddPriceGap );
// Endless loop
while ( TRUE )
// Ok to modify order if price-stoplevel is greater than orderprice AND price-stoplevel-orderprice is greater than trailingstart
if (local_orderprice > OrderOpenPrice() && local_orderprice – OrderOpenPrice() > TrailingStart)
// Send an OrderModify command with adjusted Price, SL and TP
if(local_orderstoploss != OrderStopLoss() && local_ordertakeprofit != OrderTakeProfit())
// Start execution counter
execution = GetTickCount();
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), local_orderprice, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, 0, Orange );
// Order was modified
if ( local_wasordermodified == TRUE )
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
// Print if debug or verbose
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order executed in ” + execution + ” ms” );
// Order was not modified
// Reset execution counter
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
// Break out from endless loop
// count 1 more up
local_counter1 ++;
// Price was NOT larger than the indicator, so delete the order
local_select = OrderDelete ( OrderTicket() );
} // end of switch
} // end if OrderMagicNumber
} // end for loopcount2 – end of loop through open orders// Calculate and keep track on global error number
if ( globalerror >= 0 || globalerror == -2 )
local_bidpart = NormalizeDouble ( local_bid / Point, 0 );
local_askpart = NormalizeDouble ( local_ask / Point, 0 );
if ( local_bidpart % 10 != 0 || local_askpart % 10 != 0 )
globalerror = -1;
if ( globalerror >= 0 && globalerror < 10 )
globalerror ++;
globalerror = -2;
}// Reset error-variable
local_ordersenderror = FALSE;// Before executing new orders, lets check the average execution time.
if ( local_pricedirection != 0 && MaxExecution > 0 && avg_execution > MaxExecution )
local_pricedirection = 0; // Ignore the order opening triger
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Server is too Slow. Average Execution: ” + avg_execution );
}// Set default price adjustment
local_askplusdistance = local_ask + stoplevel;
local_bidminusdistance = local_bid – stoplevel;// If we have no open orders AND a price breakout AND average spread is less or equal to max allowed spread AND we have no errors THEN proceed
if ( local_counter1 == 0 && local_pricedirection != 0 && sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_realavgspread) <= sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( MaxSpread * Point ) && globalerror == -1 )
// If we have a price breakout downwards (Bearish) then send a BUYSTOP order
if ( local_pricedirection == -1 || local_pricedirection == 2 ) // Send a BUYSTOP
// Calculate a new price to use
local_orderprice = local_ask + stoplevel;
// SL and TP is not sent with order, but added afterwords in a OrderModify command
if ( ECN_Mode == TRUE )
// Set prices for OrderModify of BUYSTOP order
local_orderprice = local_askplusdistance;
local_orderstoploss = 0;
local_ordertakeprofit = 0;
// Start execution counter
execution = GetTickCount();
// Send a BUYSTOP order without SL and TP
local_orderticket = OrderSend ( Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, lotsize, local_orderprice, Slippage, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, OrderCmt, Magic, 0, Lime );
// OrderSend was executed successfully
if ( local_orderticket > 0 )
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order executed in ” + execution + ” ms” );
// If we have choosen to take snapshots and we’re not backtesting, then do so
if ( TakeShots && !IsTesting() )
} // end if ordersend
// OrderSend was NOT executed
local_ordersenderror = TRUE;
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
// OrderSend was executed successfully, so now modify it with SL and TP
if ( OrderSelect ( local_orderticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET ) )
// Set prices for OrderModify of BUYSTOP order
local_orderprice = OrderOpenPrice();
local_orderstoploss = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice – local_spread – StopLoss * Point – AddPriceGap );
local_ordertakeprofit = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice + TakeProfit * Point + AddPriceGap );
// Start execution timer
execution = GetTickCount();
// Send a modify order for BUYSTOP order with new SL and TP
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), local_orderprice, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, local_orderexpiretime, Lime );
// OrderModify was executed successfully
if ( local_wasordermodified == TRUE )
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order executed in ” + execution + ” ms” );
// If we have choosen to take snapshots and we’re not backtesting, then do so
if ( TakeShots && !IsTesting() )
} // end successful ordermodiify
// Order was NOT modified
local_ordersenderror = TRUE;
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
} // end if-else
} // end if ordermodify
} // end if ECN_Mode// No ECN-mode, SL and TP can be sent directly
// Set prices for BUYSTOP order
local_orderprice = local_askplusdistance;//ask+stoplevel
local_orderstoploss = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice – local_spread – StopLoss * Point – AddPriceGap );
local_ordertakeprofit = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice + TakeProfit * Point + AddPriceGap );
// Start execution counter
execution = GetTickCount();
// Send a BUYSTOP order with SL and TP
local_orderticket = OrderSend ( Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, lotsize, local_orderprice, Slippage, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, OrderCmt, Magic, local_orderexpiretime, Lime );
if ( local_orderticket > 0 ) // OrderSend was executed suxxessfully
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order executed in ” + execution + ” ms” );
// If we have choosen to take snapshots and we’re not backtesting, then do so
if ( TakeShots && !IsTesting() )
} // end successful ordersend
// Order was NOT sent
local_ordersenderror = TRUE;
// Reset execution timer
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
} // end if-else
} // end no ECN-mode
} // end if local_pricedirection == -1 or 2// If we have a price breakout upwards (Bullish) then send a SELLSTOP order
if ( local_pricedirection == 1 || local_pricedirection == 2 )
// Set prices for SELLSTOP order with zero SL and TP
local_orderprice = local_bidminusdistance;
local_orderstoploss = 0;
local_ordertakeprofit = 0;
// SL and TP cannot be sent with order, but must be sent afterwords in a modify command
if (ECN_Mode)
// Start execution timer
execution = GetTickCount();
// Send a SELLSTOP order without SL and TP
local_orderticket = OrderSend ( Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, lotsize, local_orderprice, Slippage, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, OrderCmt, Magic, 0, Orange );
// OrderSend was executed successfully
if ( local_orderticket > 0 )
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order executed in ” + execution + ” ms” );
// If we have choosen to take snapshots and we’re not backtesting, then do so
if ( TakeShots && !IsTesting() )
} // end if ordersend
// OrderSend was NOT executed
local_ordersenderror = TRUE;
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
// If the SELLSTOP order was executed successfully, then select that order
if ( OrderSelect(local_orderticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET ) )
// Set prices for SELLSTOP order with modified SL and TP
local_orderprice = OrderOpenPrice();
local_orderstoploss = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice + local_spread + StopLoss * Point + AddPriceGap );
local_ordertakeprofit = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice – TakeProfit * Point – AddPriceGap );
// Start execution timer
execution = GetTickCount();
// Send a modify order with adjusted SL and TP
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, local_orderexpiretime, Orange );
// OrderModify was executed successfully
if ( local_wasordermodified == TRUE )
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
// Print debug info
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order executed in ” + execution + ” ms” );
// If we have choosen to take snapshots and we’re not backtesting, then do so
if ( TakeShots && !IsTesting() )
} // end if ordermodify was executed successfully
// Order was NOT executed
local_ordersenderror = TRUE;
// Reset execution timer
execution = -1;
// Add to errors
else // No ECN-mode, SL and TP can be sent directly
// Set prices for SELLSTOP order with SL and TP
local_orderprice = local_bidminusdistance;
local_orderstoploss = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice + local_spread + StopLoss * Point + AddPriceGap );
local_ordertakeprofit = sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_orderprice – TakeProfit * Point – AddPriceGap );
// Start execution timer
execution = GetTickCount();
// Send a SELLSTOP order with SL and TP
local_orderticket = OrderSend ( Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, lotsize, local_orderprice, Slippage, local_orderstoploss, local_ordertakeprofit, OrderCmt, Magic, local_orderexpiretime, Orange );
// If OrderSend was executed successfully
if ( local_orderticket > 0 )
// Calculate exection speed for that order
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
// Print debug info
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Order executed in ” + execution + ” ms” );
if ( TakeShots && !IsTesting() )
} // end successful ordersend
// OrderSend was NOT executed successfully
local_ordersenderror = TRUE;
// Nullify execution timer
execution = 0;
// Add to errors
} // end if-else
} // end no ECN-mode
} // end local_pricedirection == 0 or 2
} // end if execute new orders// If we have no samples, every MaxExecutionMinutes a new OrderModify execution test is done
if ( MaxExecution && execution == -1 && ( TimeLocal() – starttime ) % MaxExecutionMinutes == 0 )
// When backtesting, simulate random execution time based on the setting
if ( IsTesting() && MaxExecution )
MathSrand ( TimeLocal( ));
execution = MathRand() / ( 32767 / MaxExecution );
// Unless backtesting, lets send a fake order to check the OrderModify execution time,
if ( IsTesting() == FALSE )
// To be sure that the fake order never is executed, st the price to twice the current price
local_fakeprice = local_ask * 2.0;
// Send a BUYSTOP order
local_orderticket = OrderSend ( Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, lotsize, local_fakeprice, Slippage, 0, 0, OrderCmt, Magic, 0, Lime );
execution = GetTickCount();
// Send a modify command where we adjust the price with +1 pip
local_wasordermodified = OrderModify ( local_orderticket, local_fakeprice + 10 * Point, 0, 0, 0, Lime );
// Calculate execution speed
execution = GetTickCount() – execution;
// Delete the order
local_select = OrderDelete(local_orderticket);
}// Do we have a valid execution sample? Update the average execution time.
if ( execution >= 0 )
// Consider only 10 samples at most.
if ( execution_samples < 10 )
execution_samples ++;
// Calculate average execution speed
avg_execution = avg_execution + ( execution – avg_execution ) / execution_samples;
}// Check initialization
if ( globalerror >= 0 )
Comment ( “Robot is initializing…” );
// Error
if ( globalerror == -2 )
Comment ( “ERROR — Instrument ” + Symbol() + ” prices should have ” + brokerdigits + ” fraction digits on broker account” );
// No errors, ready to print
local_textstring = TimeToStr ( TimeCurrent() ) + ” Tick: ” + sub_adjust00instring ( tickcounter );
// Only show / print this if Debug OR Verbose are set to TRUE
if ( Debug || Verbose )
local_textstring = local_textstring + “\n*** DEBUG MODE *** \nCurrency pair: ” + Symbol() + “, Volatility: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_volatility )
+ “, VolatilityLimit: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( VolatilityLimit ) + “, VolatilityPercentage: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_volatilitypercentage );
local_textstring = local_textstring + “\nPriceDirection: ” + StringSubstr ( “BUY NULLSELLBOTH”, 4 * local_pricedirection + 4, 4 ) + “, Expire: ”
+ TimeToStr ( local_orderexpiretime, TIME_MINUTES ) + “, Open orders: ” + local_counter1;
local_textstring = local_textstring + “\nBid: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_bid ) + “, Ask: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_ask ) + “, ” + local_indy;
local_textstring = local_textstring + “\nAvgSpread: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_avgspread ) + “, RealAvgSpread: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_realavgspread )
+ “, Commission: ” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( Commission ) + “, Lots: ” + DoubleToStr ( lotsize, 2 ) + “, Execution: ” + execution + ” ms”;
if ( sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( local_realavgspread ) > sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( MaxSpread * Point ) )
local_textstring = local_textstring + “\n” + “The current spread (” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( local_realavgspread )
+”) is higher than what has been set as MaxSpread (” + sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( MaxSpread * Point ) + “) so no trading is allowed right now on this currency pair!”;
if ( MaxExecution > 0 && avg_execution > MaxExecution )
local_textstring = local_textstring + “\n” + “The current Avg Execution (” + avg_execution +”) is higher than what has been set as MaxExecution (”
+ MaxExecution+ ” ms), so no trading is allowed right now on this currency pair!”;
Comment ( local_textstring );
// Only print this if we have a any orders OR have a price breakout OR Verbode mode is set to TRUE
if ( local_counter1 != 0 || local_pricedirection != 0 )
sub_printformattedstring ( local_textstring );
} // end if-else
} // end check initialization// Check for stray market orders without SL
sub_Check4StrayTrades();} // end sub
void sub_Check4StrayTrades()
int local_loop;
int local_totals;
bool local_modified = TRUE;
bool local_selected;
double local_ordersl;
double local_newsl;// New SL to use for modifying stray market orders is max of either current SL or 10 points
local_newsl = MathMax ( StopLoss, 10 );
// Get number of open orders
local_totals = OrdersTotal();// Loop through all open orders from first to last
for ( local_loop = 0; local_loop < local_totals; local_loop ++ )
// Select on order
if ( OrderSelect ( local_loop, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES ) )
// Check if it matches the MagicNumber and chart symbol
if ( OrderMagicNumber() == Magic && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() ) // If the orders are for this EA
local_ordersl = OrderStopLoss();
// Continue as long as the SL for the order is 0.0
while ( local_ordersl == 0.0 )
if ( OrderType() == OP_BUY )
// Set new SL 10 points away from current price
local_newsl = Bid – local_newsl * Point;
local_modified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), NormalizeDouble ( local_newsl, Digits ), OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Blue );
else if ( OrderType() == OP_SELL )
// Set new SL 10 points away from current price
local_newsl = Ask + local_newsl * Point;
local_modified = OrderModify ( OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), NormalizeDouble ( local_newsl, Digits ), OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Blue );
} // If the order without previous SL was modified wit a new SL
if ( local_modified == TRUE )
// Select that modified order, set while condition variable to that true value and exit while-loop
local_selected = OrderSelect ( local_modified, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES );
local_ordersl = OrderStopLoss();
// If the order could not be modified
else // if ( local_modified == FALSE )
// Wait 1/10 second and then fetch new prices
Sleep ( 100 );
// Print debug info
if ( Debug || Verbose )
Print ( “Error trying to modify stray order with a SL!” );
// Add to errors
}// Convert a decimal number to a text string
string sub_dbl2strbrokerdigits ( double par_a )
return ( DoubleToStr ( par_a, brokerdigits ) );
}// Adjust numbers with as many decimals as the broker uses
double sub_normalizebrokerdigits ( double par_a )
return ( NormalizeDouble ( par_a, brokerdigits ) );
}// Adjust textstring with zeros at the end
string sub_adjust00instring ( int par_a )
if ( par_a < 10 )
return ( “00” + par_a );
if ( par_a < 100 )
return ( “0” + par_a );
return ( “” + par_a );
}// Print out formatted textstring
void sub_printformattedstring ( string par_a )
int local_difference;
int local_a = -1;while ( local_a < StringLen ( par_a ) )
local_difference = local_a + 1;
local_a = StringFind ( par_a, “\n”, local_difference );
if ( local_a == -1 )
Print ( StringSubstr ( par_a, local_difference ) );
Print ( StringSubstr ( par_a, local_difference, local_a – local_difference ) );
}double sub_multiplicator()
// Calculate lot multiplicator for Account Currency. Assumes that account currency is any of the 8 majors.
// If the account currency is of any other currency, then calculate the multiplicator as follows:
// If base-currency is USD then use the BID-price for the currency pair USDXXX; or if the
// counter currency is USD the use 1 / BID-price for the currency pair XXXUSD,
// where XXX is the abbreviation for the account currency. The calculated lot-size should
// then be multiplied with this multiplicator.
double multiplicator = 1.0;
int length;
string appendix = “”;if ( AccountCurrency() == “USD” )
return ( multiplicator );
length = StringLen ( Symbol() );
if ( length != 6 )
appendix = StringSubstr ( Symbol(), 6, length – 6 );
if ( AccountCurrency() == “EUR” )
multiplicator = 1.0 / MarketInfo ( “EURUSD” + appendix, MODE_BID );
if ( AccountCurrency() == “GBP” )
multiplicator = 1.0 / MarketInfo ( “GBPUSD” + appendix, MODE_BID );
if ( AccountCurrency() == “AUD” )
multiplicator = 1.0 / MarketInfo ( “AUDUSD” + appendix, MODE_BID );
if ( AccountCurrency() == “NZD” )
multiplicator = 1.0 / MarketInfo ( “NZDUSD” + appendix, MODE_BID );
if ( AccountCurrency() == “CHF” )
multiplicator = MarketInfo ( “USDCHF” + appendix, MODE_BID );
if ( AccountCurrency() == “JPY” )
multiplicator = MarketInfo ( “USDJPY” + appendix, MODE_BID );
if ( AccountCurrency() == “CAD” )
multiplicator = MarketInfo ( “USDCAD” + appendix, MODE_BID );
if ( multiplicator == 0 )
multiplicator = 1.0; // If account currency is neither of EUR, GBP, AUD, NZD, CHF, JPY or CAD we assumes that it is USD
return ( multiplicator );
}// Magic Number – calculated from a sum of account number + ASCII-codes from currency pair
int sub_magicnumber ()
string local_a;
string local_b;
int local_c;
int local_d;
int local_i;
string local_sym = Symbol();local_a = StringSubstr (local_sym, 0, 3);
local_b = StringSubstr (local_sym, 3, 3);
local_c = StringFind (local_par, local_a, 0);
local_d = StringFind (local_par, local_b, 0);
local_i = 999999999 – AccountNumber() – local_c – local_d;
if ( Debug == TRUE )
Print ( “MagicNumber: “, local_i );
return ( local_i );
}// Main routine for making a screenshoot / printscreen
void sub_takesnapshot()
static datetime local_lastbar;
static int local_doshot = -1;
static int local_oldphase = 3000000;
int local_shotinterval;
int local_phase;if ( ShotsPerBar > 0 )
local_shotinterval = MathRound ( ( 60 * Period() ) / ShotsPerBar );
local_shotinterval = 60 * Period();
local_phase = MathFloor ( ( CurTime() – Time[0] ) / local_shotinterval );if ( Time[0] != local_lastbar )
local_lastbar = Time[0];
local_doshot = DelayTicks;
else if ( local_phase > local_oldphase )
sub_makescreenshot ( “i” );local_oldphase = local_phase;
if ( local_doshot == 0 )
sub_makescreenshot ( “” );
if ( local_doshot >= 0 )
local_doshot -= 1;
}// add leading zeros that the resulting string has ‘digits’ length.
string sub_maketimestring ( int par_number, int par_digits )
string local_result;local_result = DoubleToStr ( par_number, 0 );
while ( StringLen ( local_result ) < par_digits )
local_result = “0” + local_result;return ( local_result );
}// Make a screenshoot / printscreen
void sub_makescreenshot ( string par_sx = “” )
static int local_no = 0;local_no ++;
string fn = “SnapShot” + Symbol() + Period() + “\\”+Year() + “-” + sub_maketimestring ( Month(), 2 ) + “-” + sub_maketimestring ( Day(), 2 )
+ ” ” + sub_maketimestring ( Hour(), 2 ) + “_” + sub_maketimestring ( Minute(), 2 ) + “_” + sub_maketimestring ( Seconds( ), 2 ) + ” ” + local_no + par_sx + “.gif”;
if ( !ScreenShot ( fn, 640, 480 ) )
Print ( “ScreenShot error: “, ErrorDescription ( GetLastError() ) );
}// Calculate lotsize based on Equity, Risk (in %) and StopLoss in points
double sub_calculatelotsize()
string local_textstring;
double local_availablemoney;
double local_lotsize;
double local_maxlot;
double local_minlot;int local_lotdigit;
if ( lotstep == 1)
local_lotdigit = 0;
if ( lotstep == 0.1 )
local_lotdigit = 1;
if ( lotstep == 0.01 )
local_lotdigit = 2;// Get available money as Equity
local_availablemoney = AccountEquity();
// Maximum allowed Lot by the broker according to Equity. And we don’t use 100% but 98%
local_maxlot = MathMin ( MathFloor ( local_availablemoney * 0.98 / marginforonelot / lotstep ) * lotstep, MaxLots );
// Minimum allowed Lot by the broker
local_minlot = MinLots;
// Lot according to Risk. Don’t use 100% but 98% (= 102) to avoid
local_lotsize = MathMin(MathFloor ( Risk / 102 * local_availablemoney / ( StopLoss + AddPriceGap ) / lotstep ) * lotstep, MaxLots );
local_lotsize = local_lotsize * sub_multiplicator();
local_lotsize = NormalizeDouble ( local_lotsize, local_lotdigit );// Empty textstring
local_textstring = “”;// Use manual fix lotsize, but if necessary adjust to within limits
if ( MoneyManagement == FALSE )
// Set lotsize to manual lotsize
local_lotsize = ManualLotsize;
// Check if ManualLotsize is greater than allowed lotsize
if ( ManualLotsize > local_maxlot )
local_lotsize = local_maxlot;
local_textstring = “Note: Manual lotsize is too high. It has been recalculated to maximum allowed ” + DoubleToStr ( local_maxlot, 2 );
Print ( local_textstring );
Comment ( local_textstring );
ManualLotsize = local_maxlot;
else if ( ManualLotsize < local_minlot )
local_lotsize = local_minlot;
return ( local_lotsize );
}// Re-calculate a new Risk if the current one is too low or too high
void sub_recalculatewrongrisk()
string local_textstring;
double local_availablemoney;
double local_maxlot;
double local_minlot;
double local_maxrisk;
double local_minrisk;// Get available amount of money as Equity
local_availablemoney = AccountEquity();
// Maximum allowed Lot by the broker according to Equity
local_maxlot = MathFloor ( local_availablemoney / marginforonelot / lotstep ) * lotstep;
// Maximum allowed Risk by the broker according to maximul allowed Lot and Equity
local_maxrisk = MathFloor ( local_maxlot * ( stoplevel + StopLoss ) / local_availablemoney * 100 / 0.1 ) * 0.1;
// Minimum allowed Lot by the broker
local_minlot = MinLots;
// Minimum allowed Risk by the broker according to minlots_broker
local_minrisk = MathRound ( local_minlot * StopLoss / local_availablemoney * 100 / 0.1 ) * 0.1;
// Empty textstring
local_textstring = “”;if ( MoneyManagement == TRUE )
// If Risk% is greater than the maximum risklevel the broker accept, then adjust Risk accordingly and print out changes
if ( Risk > local_maxrisk )
local_textstring = local_textstring + “Note: Risk has manually been set to ” + DoubleToStr ( Risk, 1 ) + ” but cannot be higher than ” + DoubleToStr ( local_maxrisk, 1 ) + ” according to “;
local_textstring = local_textstring + “the broker, StopLoss and Equity. It has now been adjusted accordingly to ” + DoubleToStr ( local_maxrisk, 1 ) + “%”;
Risk = local_maxrisk;
sub_printandcomment ( local_textstring );
// If Risk% is less than the minimum risklevel the broker accept, then adjust Risk accordingly and print out changes
if (Risk < local_minrisk)
local_textstring = local_textstring + “Note: Risk has manually been set to ” + DoubleToStr ( Risk, 1 ) + ” but cannot be lower than ” + DoubleToStr ( local_minrisk, 1 ) + ” according to “;
local_textstring = local_textstring + “the broker, StopLoss, AddPriceGap and Equity. It has now been adjusted accordingly to ” + DoubleToStr ( local_minrisk, 1 ) + “%”;
Risk = local_minrisk;
sub_printandcomment ( local_textstring );
// Don’t use MoneyManagement, use fixed manual lotsize
else // MoneyManagement == FALSE
// Check and if necessary adjust manual lotsize to external limits
if ( ManualLotsize < MinLots )
local_textstring = “Manual lotsize ” + DoubleToStr ( ManualLotsize, 2 ) + ” cannot be less than ” + DoubleToStr ( MinLots, 2 ) + “. It has now been adjusted to ” + DoubleToStr ( MinLots, 2);
ManualLotsize = MinLots;
sub_printandcomment ( local_textstring );
if ( ManualLotsize > MaxLots )
local_textstring = “Manual lotsize ” + DoubleToStr ( ManualLotsize, 2 ) + ” cannot be greater than ” + DoubleToStr ( MaxLots, 2 ) + “. It has now been adjusted to ” + DoubleToStr ( MinLots, 2 );
ManualLotsize = MaxLots;
sub_printandcomment ( local_textstring );
// Check to see that manual lotsize does not exceeds maximum allowed lotsize
if ( ManualLotsize > local_maxlot )
local_textstring = “Manual lotsize ” + DoubleToStr ( ManualLotsize, 2 ) + ” cannot be greater than maximum allowed lotsize. It has now been adjusted to ” + DoubleToStr ( local_maxlot, 2 );
ManualLotsize = local_maxlot;
sub_printandcomment ( local_textstring );
}// Print out broker details and other info
void sub_printdetails()
string local_margintext;
string local_stopouttext;
string local_fixedlots;
int local_type;
int local_freemarginmode;
int local_stopoutmode;
double local_newsl;local_newsl = MathMax ( StopLoss, 10 );
local_type = IsDemo() + IsTesting();
local_freemarginmode = AccountFreeMarginMode();
local_stopoutmode = AccountStopoutMode();if ( local_freemarginmode == 0 )
local_margintext = “that floating profit/loss is not used for calculation.”;
else if ( local_freemarginmode == 1 )
local_margintext = “both floating profit and loss on open positions.”;
else if ( local_freemarginmode == 2 )
local_margintext = “only profitable values, where current loss on open positions are not included.”;
else if ( local_freemarginmode == 3 )
local_margintext = “only loss values are used for calculation, where current profitable open positions are not included.”;if ( local_stopoutmode == 0 )
local_stopouttext = “percentage ratio between margin and equity.”;
else if ( local_stopoutmode == 1 )
local_stopouttext = “comparison of the free margin level to the absolute value.”;if ( MoneyManagement == TRUE )
local_fixedlots = ” (automatically calculated lots).”;
if ( MoneyManagement == FALSE )
local_fixedlots = ” (fixed manual lots).”;Print ( “Broker name: “, AccountCompany() );
Print ( “Broker server: “, AccountServer() );
Print ( “Account type: “, StringSubstr ( “RealDemoTest”, 4 * local_type, 4) );
Print ( “Initial account equity: “, AccountEquity(),” “, AccountCurrency() );
Print ( “Broker digits: “, brokerdigits);
Print ( “Broker stoplevel / freezelevel (max): “, stoplevel );
Print ( “Broker stopout level: “, stopout, “%” );
Print ( “Broker Point: “, DoubleToStr ( Point, brokerdigits ),” on “, AccountCurrency() );
Print ( “Broker account leverage in percentage: “, leverage );
Print ( “Broker credit value on the account: “, AccountCredit() );
Print ( “Broker account margin: “, AccountMargin() );
Print ( “Broker calculation of free margin allowed to open positions considers ” + local_margintext );
Print ( “Broker calculates stopout level as ” + local_stopouttext );
Print ( “Broker requires at least “, marginforonelot,” “, AccountCurrency(),” in margin for 1 lot.” );
Print ( “Broker set 1 lot to trade “, lotbase,” “, AccountCurrency() );
Print ( “Broker minimum allowed lotsize: “, MinLots );
Print ( “Broker maximum allowed lotsize: “, MaxLots );
Print ( “Broker allow lots to be resized in “, lotstep, ” steps.” );
Print ( “Risk: “, Risk, “%” );
Print ( “Risk adjusted lotsize: “, DoubleToStr ( lotsize, 2 ) + local_fixedlots );
}// Print and show comment of text
void sub_printandcomment ( string par_text )
Print ( par_text );
Comment ( par_text );
}// Summarize error messages that comes from the broker server
void sub_errormessages()
int local_error = GetLastError();switch ( local_error )
// Unchanged values
case 1: // ERR_SERVER_BUSY:
err_unchangedvalues ++;
// Trade server is busy
case 4: // ERR_SERVER_BUSY:
err_busyserver ++;
err_lostconnection ++;
err_toomanyrequest ++;
case 129: // ERR_INVALID_PRICE:
err_invalidprice ++;
case 130: // ERR_INVALID_STOPS:
err_invalidstops ++;
err_invalidtradevolume ++;
case 135: // ERR_PRICE_CHANGED:
err_pricechange ++;
case 137: // ERR_BROKER_BUSY:
err_brokerbuzy ++;
case 138: // ERR_REQUOTE:
err_requotes ++;
err_toomanyrequests ++;
err_trademodifydenied ++;
err_tradecontextbuzy ++;
}// Print out and comment summarized messages from the broker
void sub_printsumofbrokererrors()
string local_txt;
int local_totalerrors;local_txt = “Number of times the brokers server reported that “;
local_totalerrors = err_unchangedvalues + err_busyserver + err_lostconnection + err_toomanyrequest + err_invalidprice
+ err_invalidstops + err_invalidtradevolume + err_pricechange + err_brokerbuzy + err_requotes + err_toomanyrequests
+ err_trademodifydenied + err_tradecontextbuzy;if ( err_unchangedvalues > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “SL and TP was modified to existing values: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_unchangedvalues, 0 ) );
if ( err_busyserver > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “it is buzy: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_busyserver, 0 ) );
if ( err_lostconnection > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “the connection is lost: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_lostconnection, 0 ) );
if ( err_toomanyrequest > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “there was too many requests: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_toomanyrequest, 0 ) );
if ( err_invalidprice > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “the price was invalid: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_invalidprice, 0 ) );
if ( err_invalidstops > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “invalid SL and/or TP: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_invalidstops, 0 ) );
if ( err_invalidtradevolume > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “invalid lot size: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_invalidtradevolume, 0 ) );
if ( err_pricechange > 0 )
sub_printandcomment(local_txt + “the price has changed: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_pricechange, 0 ) );
if ( err_brokerbuzy > 0 )
sub_printandcomment(local_txt + “the broker is buzy: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_brokerbuzy, 0 ) ) ;
if ( err_requotes > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “requotes ” + DoubleToStr ( err_requotes, 0 ) );
if ( err_toomanyrequests > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “too many requests ” + DoubleToStr ( err_toomanyrequests, 0 ) );
if ( err_trademodifydenied > 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “modifying orders is denied ” + DoubleToStr ( err_trademodifydenied, 0 ) );
if ( err_tradecontextbuzy > 0)
sub_printandcomment ( local_txt + “trade context is buzy: ” + DoubleToStr ( err_tradecontextbuzy, 0 ) );
if ( local_totalerrors == 0 )
sub_printandcomment ( “There was no error reported from the broker server!” );