//| === EA_Cleopatra v 4.9 === |*
#property description “务钺? 犭嚆钿囵眍耱?玎 桎彖, 镱祛??耦玟囗梃 耦忮蝽桕?纛痼祗 MartinForex.ru”
#property description “橡钽疣祆桉蜞?Pyyx, Zaartu, SVG, Kordan”
#property description “杨忮蝽桕 蝠囗耵铕戾?溻篚 嚯泐痂蜢钼”
#property description “朽犷蜞 镱 镳桧鲨矬 祓蜩磴彘豚 || 朽犷蜞 镱 镳桧鲨矬 镨疣扈潲”
#property description “朽犷蜞 鬣耱梓睇??镱腠 腩觐?|| 朽犷蜞 溻篚 嚯泐痂蜢钼 钿眍怵屐屙眍”
#property description “玛?蔓? 钿眍泐 桤 嚯泐痂蜢钼 忸 怵屐 蝾疸钼”
#property description “如戾礤龛?蝾疸钼 镟疣戾蝠钼 忸 怵屐 蝾疸钼”
//# property strict
#property copyright “Copyright ?EA_Cleopatra, SNAIKE”
#property link “http://ea-signal.com/proekt-cleopatra/”
//#property strict
//| #import |
#import “user32.dll”
int GetDC(int hWnd);
int ReleaseDC(int hWnd, int hDC);
#import “Gdi32.dll”
bool GetTextExtentPoint32A(int hdc, string lpString, int size, int& lpSize[]);
int CreateFontA(int nHeight,int nWidth,int nEscapement,int nOrientation,int fnWeight,int fdwItalic,int fdwUnderline,
int fdwStrikeOut,int fdwCharSet,int fdwOutputPrecision,int fdwClipPrecision,int fdwQuality,
int fdwPitchAndFamily,string lpszFace);
int SelectObject(int hdc,int hgdiobj);
bool DeleteObject(int hObject);
int GetDeviceCaps(int hdc,int nIndex);
//| #define |
#define FF_MODERN 48
#define LOGPIXELSX 88//+——————————————————————+
//| extern variables |
extern bool Info = true; // 玛?桧滂赅鲨? 玮箨钼钽?耦镳钼铈溴龛 铗牮? 觐脲??镱漯钺眍泐 镳铗铌铍桊钼囗?
extern bool AutoDigits = false;// 逾咫梓桠囹?怦?镟疣戾蝠?玎溧忄屐 ?矬黻蜞??溴?螯 疣?(镟疣戾蝠 潆 闹 ?5-?珥嚓囔?觐蜩痤忸?
extern bool NewCycle_ON = true; // 橡?玎镳弪?- 鲨觌 漕疣徉螓忄弪? 漕 觐眦? 眍恹?鲨觌 礤 磬麒磬弪?
extern string I = “-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-“;
extern string T0 = “吾?蚁 阉”;
extern double DefaultProfit = 10; // 义殛 镳铘栩 朽聍栩噱蝰 ?矬黻蜞?铗 腓龛?徨?筢赅.
// 殃铍?眢骓?镳铋蜩 矬黻蝾?铗 腓龛?徨?筢赅 潆 玎牮? 铕溴痤?
extern double StopLoss = 100; // 橡?漕耱桄屙梃 赅觐泐 % 筢赅 ?忄膻蝈 溴镱玷蜞 玎牮?怦?铕溴疣.//—————————————
extern string T1 = “吾?茵彘腓磴”;
extern bool Trall_on = true; // 玛?蔓觌. 妈痱筻朦眍泐 蝠彘腓磴 耱铒?
extern double Tral_Start = 5; // 朽耨蝾龛?磬鬣豚 蝠嚯?铗 腓龛?Profit ?矬黻蜞?(觌囫耔麇耜栝 蚁 ?矬黻蜞?.
extern double Tral_Size = 5; // 洛腓麒磬 蝠嚯?镱耠?Tral_Start ?矬黻蜞?
// 项塍鬣弪?, 镳铠咫 蝠嚯 ?矬黻蜞? 磬 5 矬黻蝾?腓龛 蚁
// 镱漕溻桧箅囫?蜞赕?磬 ?螯 矬黻蝾??蝈牦驽?鲥礤,
// 铗赅蜩豚顸 鲥磬 ?腓龛?蚁, 玎牮?怦?铕溴疣.
extern string T2 = “玉蜞眍怅?MM”;
extern double Risk = 0.1; // 襄疴? 皲咫赅 疣珈屦铎 ?% 铗 疋钺钿睇?耩邃耱?
// 羼腓 Risk=0 蝾 镥疴? 皲咫赅 铗牮噱蝰 疣珈屦铎 DefaultLot
extern double DefaultLot = 0.1; // 澡犟桊钼囗睇?腩? 羼腓 磬耱痤殛?Risk = 0
extern double MaxLot = 10; // 锑犟桁嚯?忸珈铈睇?腩?潆 蝾疸钼腓
extern bool FixLot = false;// 篷腓 TRUE, 蝾 翳犟桊钼囗睇?腩? 羼腓 FALSE ?滂磬扈麇耜栝 滂磬扈麇耜栝 腩?疣犷蜞弪 蝾朦觐
// 羼腓 镟痨弪?CCI_On = True, PiramidOn = false, ?蝾朦觐 潆 磬镳噔脲龛 爨痱桧沐殡
extern string T2_1 = “蔓犷?戾蝾溧 蝾疸钼腓”;
extern int Metod = 1; // 1 – 迈钿 ?瘥眍?玎礻铎 腩蝾?耦汶囫眍 篑蜞眍忸?烫.
// ?溧朦 疣犷蜞屐 ?玎忤耔祛耱?铗 磬耱痤尻 MartinOn PiramidOn. 枢赅 桤 龛?怅膻麇磬.
// 2 ?迈钿 ?瘥眍?玎礻铎 腩蝾?耦汶囫眍 篑蜞眍忸?烫.
// 泥脲?疣犷蜞屐 铗腩驽眄?铕溴疣扈. 翌驽 襦祛?黩??镥疴 忄痂囗?
// 蝾朦觐 镱 镳铛钿?镨锺蜩?铕溴疣 礤 铗牮噱?赅??镥疴铎 忄痂囗蝈,
// ?恹耱噔?弪 铗腩驽眄 铕溴疣 磬 疣耱?龛?箨噻囗眍??磬耱痤殛?
// Dist 铗 蝈牦?鲥睇.
extern string T3 = “相疣戾蝠?铗腩驽眄 铕溴痤?”;
extern double Dist = 3; // 疣耨蝾龛? 磬 觐蝾痤?恹耱噔?? 铗腩驽眄 铕溴疣
// 耦汶囫眍 镳铋溴眄钽?Pipstep. ??镳邃咫圊 觐蝾痤泐
// 铐?溴疰囹? 铗 鲥睇. 项塍鬣弪? 羼腓 禧 疣犷蜞屐 镱 戾蝾潴
// 蝾疸钼腓 ? 镱 镳铛钿?疣耱?龛 镨锺蜩?箨噻囗眍泐 ?磬耱痤殛圊
// MartinStep ?PiramidStep (?玎忤耔祛耱?黩?怅膻麇眍 锑痱桧 翔疣扈溧 桦?铐?钺?
// 恹耱噔?弪? 铗腩驽眄 铕溴?磬 疣耨蝾龛?3 矬黻蜞 铗 蝈牦?鲥睇.
extern double Step = 3; // ?镳铛钿?鲥睇 – 潆 镳铗骊?铕溴疣 玎 鲥眍? 蒡?黩?蝾 蜩镟 蝠嚯?铗腩骊?玎 鲥眍?
extern string T4 = “= 屠岩形墒?汤幸韧?=”;
extern bool MartinOn = true; // 玛? 恹觌. 疣犷螓 镱 戾蝾潴 锑痱桧沐殡?
extern double MartinStep = 20; // 剜??矬黻蜞?潆 铗牮? 耠邃簋泐 铕溴疣 镱 爨痱桧沐殡?
extern double MartinLotExponent = 1.4; // 添铈栩咫?腩蜞 潆 锑痱桧? 屿眍驽龛?镱耠邃簋?铕溴痤?桎簌桴 镳铗桠 瘥黻?
extern int Martin_TP = 0; // 义殛 镳铘栩 镨疣扈漤 铕溴痤? 羼腓 眍朦 蝾 蝈殛 镳铘栩 礤 桉镱朦珞弪?.
extern int MartinStopLoss = 0; // 朽珈屦 翳犟桊钼囗眍泐 耱铒?潆 赅驿钽?镨疣扈漤钽?铕溴疣. // 羼腓 0 蝾 蝾 耱铒 腩?礤 恹耱噔?弪?.
extern int Close_M_orders = 200; // 暑腓麇耱?铕溴痤?皴痂?镳?觐蝾痤?怦 皴痂 溧眄钽?磬镳噔脲龛 玎牮噱蝰
extern string t9=”袜耱痤殛?桧滂赅蝾疣 铗牮? ?耦镳钼铈溴龛”;
extern bool Vxod_M = false; // 怩钿 镱 桧滂赅蝾痼,0-铗觌
extern int TF_M = 2; // 以 桧滂赅蝾疣 0-蝈牦?以 沭圄桕? 1=?,2=?,3=?5,4=?0,5=?,6=?,7=D1,8=W1,9=MN1)
extern int Sensitivity_M = 40; // 磬耱痤殛?镥痂钿?桧滂赅蝾疣 (戾潆屙睇?extern string t10=”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”;
extern bool Vxod_M2 = false; // 怩钿 镱 桧滂赅蝾痼,0-铗觌
extern int TF_M2 = 2; // 以 桧滂赅蝾疣 0-蝈牦?以 沭圄桕? 1=?,2=?,3=?5,4=?0,5=?,6=?,7=D1,8=W1,9=MN1)
extern int Sensitivity_M2 = 20; // 磬耱痤殛?镥痂钿?桧滂赅蝾疣 (戾潆屙睇?
extern string T5_9 = “铃珞猁蝾?潆 锑痱桧?”;
extern bool M_WL = false; // 玛膻麇龛? 铗觌屙桢 徨珞猁蜿?铕溴痤?
extern int M_BU_Start = 1; // ?赅觐忄 铕溴疣 龛麒磬螯 恹耱噔?螯 徨?筢铌
extern int M_WLstart = 30; // 悟牦溧 镥疱忸滂?(矬黻螓 镳铘栩?
extern int M_WLlevel = 1; // 鼠溧 镥疱忸滂?(矬黻螓 镳铘栩?
extern string T5_8 = “Trailing 徨珞猁蜿?锑痱桧?”;
extern bool M_Trailing = false; // 玛? 蝠彖腓磴?
extern int M_Trailing_Start = 1; // ?赅觐忄 铕溴疣 龛麒磬螯 蝠嚯栩?耱铒 腩?徨?筢赅.
extern int M_TrailingStop = 30; // 朽珈屦 蝠嚯??矬黻蜞?
extern int M_TrailingStep = 30; // 剜?蝠嚯??矬黻蜞?
extern string T4_1 = “如戾礤龛?篑蜞眍忸?镱耠?N-泐 觐脲磬 锑痱桧?”;
extern bool MartinOnNew = false;// 锐镱朦珙忄螯 腓 怅膻麇龛?疣犷螓 磬镳噔脲龛 锑痱桧?镱耠?N-泐 觐脲磬.
extern int LotNoM = 20; // 项耠?漕耱桄屙? 钽?觐脲磬 磬镳噔脲龛?锑痱桧?镳尻疣弪 疋铪
// 疣犷蝮 羼腓 MartinOnNew =true
extern int LotN_M = 3; // ?赅觐泐 觐脲磬 眢骓?桤戾龛螯 磬耱痤殛?锑痱桧?
extern double MartinLotExponenNew=1.5;// 暑翳鲨屙?筲咫梓屙? 腩蜞
extern double MartinStepNew = 20; // 剜?铗牮? 觐脲??矬黻蜞?
extern double MartinK_Step = 1.2; // 觐翳鲨屙?疣聒桊屙? 汔 戾驿?铗牮桢?镱耠邃簋?铕溴痤? 0 铗觌屙?
extern string l = “-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-^-=-“;
extern string T5 = “= 屠岩形墒?先欣倘嫩 =”;
extern bool PiramidOn = false;// 玛?恹觌. 镱 戾蝾潴 翔疣扈潲.
extern double PiramidStart = 2; // 橡?漕耱桄屙梃 赅觐?镳铖噤觇 ?% 镳铞屙蜞? 怅膻麒螯 磬镳噔脲龛?镨疣扈潲.
extern double Persen_open = 30; // 枢觇?镳铞屙蝾?铗 铖眍忭铋 皴痂?爨痱桧?铗牮?耠邃簋?铕溴?镨疣扈潲 镳?甯 怅膻麇龛?
extern double PiramidStep = 20; // 剜??矬黻蜞?潆 铗牮? 耠邃簋泐 铕溴疣 镨疣扈潲.
extern double PiramidLotExponent = 1.4;// 添铈栩咫?腩蜞 潆 镨疣扈潲.
extern int Piramid_TP = 0; // 义殛 镳铘栩 镨疣扈漤 铕溴痤? 羼腓 眍朦 蝾 蝈殛 镳铘栩 礤 桉镱朦珞弪?.
extern int PiramidStopLoss = 0; // 朽珈屦 翳犟桊钼囗眍泐 耱铒?潆 赅驿钽?镨疣扈漤钽?铕溴疣.羼腓 0 蝾 蝾 耱铒 腩?礤 恹耱噔?弪?
extern bool UseRevers = false; // 玛膻麇龛?疱忮瘃?
extern double PiramidRevers = 10; // 橡铞屙?镳铖噤觇 磬镳噔脲龛 潆 耩噌囹囗? 疱忮瘃?
extern int Close_P_orders= 200; // 暑腓麇耱?铕溴痤?皴痂?镳?觐蝾痤?怦 皴痂 溧眄钽?磬镳噔脲龛 玎牮噱蝰.extern string t91=”袜耱痤殛?桧滂赅蝾疣 铗牮? ?耦镳钼铈溴龛”;
extern bool Vxod_P = false; // 怩钿 镱 桧滂赅蝾痼,0-铗觌
extern int TF_P = 2; // 以 桧滂赅蝾疣 0-蝈牦?以 沭圄桕? 1=?,2=?,3=?5,4=?0,5=?,6=?,7=D1,8=W1,9=MN1)
extern int Sensitivity_P = 40; // 磬耱痤殛?镥痂钿?桧滂赅蝾疣 (戾潆屙睇?
extern string t99=”~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~”;
extern bool Vxod_P2 = false; // 怩钿 镱 桧滂赅蝾痼,0-铗觌
extern int TF_P2 = 2; // 以 桧滂赅蝾疣 0-蝈牦?以 沭圄桕? 1=?,2=?,3=?5,4=?0,5=?,6=?,7=D1,8=W1,9=MN1)
extern int Sensitivity_P2 = 20; // 磬耱痤殛?镥痂钿?桧滂赅蝾疣 (戾潆屙睇?
extern string T6 = “铃珞猁蝾?潆 翔疣扈潲”;
extern bool P_WL = true; // 玛膻麇龛? 铗觌屙桢 徨珞猁蜿?铕溴痤?
extern int P_BU_Start = 1; // ?赅觐忄 铕溴疣 龛麒磬螯 恹耱噔?螯 徨?筢铌
extern int P_WLstart = 30; // 悟牦溧 镥疱忸滂?(矬黻螓 镳铘栩?
extern int P_WLlevel = 1; // 鼠溧 镥疱忸滂?(矬黻螓 镳铘栩?
extern string T7 = “Trailing 徨珞猁蜿?翔疣扈潲”;
extern bool P_Trailing = true; // 玛? 蝠彖腓磴?
extern int P_Trailing_Start= 1; // ?赅觐忄 铕溴疣 龛麒磬螯 蝠嚯栩?耱铒 腩?徨?筢赅.
extern int P_TrailingStop = 30; // 朽珈屦 蝠嚯??矬黻蜞?
extern int P_TrailingStep = 30; // 剜?蝠嚯??矬黻蜞?
extern string T8 = “如戾礤龛?篑蜞眍忸?镱耠?N-泐 觐脲磬 翔疣扈潲”;
extern bool PiramidOnNew = false;// 锐镱朦珙忄螯 腓 怅膻麇龛?疣犷螓 磬镳噔脲龛 镨疣扈潲 镱耠?N-泐 觐脲磬
extern int LotNoP = 20; // 项耠?漕耱桄屙? 钽?觐脲磬 磬镳噔脲龛?镨疣扈潲
// 镳尻疣弪 疋铪 疣犷蝮 羼腓 PiramidOnNew =true
extern int LotN_P = 3; // ?赅觐泐 觐脲磬 眢骓?桤戾龛螯 磬耱痤殛?
extern double PiramidLotExponenNew = 1.5;// 暑翳鲨屙?筲咫梓屙? 腩蜞
extern double PiramidStepNew= 20; // 剜?铗牮? 觐脲??矬黻蜞?
// 溧眄钽?磬镳噔脲龛 耦汶囫眍 镥疱戾眄铋 PiramidStart = 5
string T8_1 = “青牮桢 埋蝠鬻睇?”;
bool CloseBy = false;// 篷腓 TRUE, 蝾 青牮桢 埋蝠鬻睇?铕溴痤? 羼腓 FALSE ?玎牮桢 钺眍;
extern string T9 = “袜耱痤殛?桧滂赅鲨?”;
extern int PositionX = 10; // 项腩驽龛?桧滂赅蜩忭钽?犭铌?镱 铖??铗 镳噔铋 耱铕铐?沭圄桕?
extern int PositionY = 15; // 项腩驽龛?桧滂赅蜩忭钽?犭铌?镱 铖?Y 铗 忮瘐礤?耱铕铐?沭圄桕?
extern int FontSize = 9; // 朽珈屦 梏蜞 ?桧滂赅蜩忭铎 犭铌?
extern color BULineColor = clrYellow; // 肘弪 腓龛?徨珞猁蜿?
extern color TPLineColor = clrGray; // 肘弪 腓龛?蚁
extern color TralLineColor = clrDarkOrange; // 肘弪 腓龛?茵嚯?
extern color BuyStopColor = clrDeepSkyBlue; // 肘弪 铗腩骊?磬 镱牦镪?
extern color SellStopColor = clrRed; // 肘弪 铗腩骊?磬 镳钿噫?
extern color StartBPriceColor = clrHotPink;
extern color StartSPriceColor = clrPink;
extern string T10 = “吾?磬耱痤殛?”;
extern int MagicMartin = 777; // 禹桕嚯 眍戾?爨痱桧?
extern int MagicPiramid = 888; // 禹桕嚯 眍戾?翔疣扈潲
int MagicRuchnik = 000005555; // 禹桕嚯 眍戾?畜黜钽?铕溴疣
extern int PauseTrade = 6; // 吗屐 铈桎囗? 戾驿?蝾疸钼?觐爨礓囔??皴?
extern int PauseTrade2 = 1; // 吗屐 铈桎囗? 镱耠?恹躅溧 ?瘥黻? 漕 眍忸泐 怩钿??瘥眍??扈眢蜞?
extern int Slippege = 2; // 念矬耱桁铄 镳铖赅朦琨忄龛?鲥睇 ?矬黻蜞?镳?铗牮梃 铕溴疣
extern double Test_com_in_pip = 0.5; // 相疣戾蝠 潆 篦弪?觐扈耨梃 ?蝈耱屦?耱疣蝈汨?(?铐豚轫 疱骅戾 疣聍弪?噔蝾爨蜩麇耜桢)
extern string T11 = “玉蜞眍怅?CCI”;
extern bool CCI_On = false;// 篷腓 – true ?镟疣戾蝠 PiramidOn = false 蝾 镱耠?怩钿??瘥眍?耠邃簋?觐脲龛 爨痱桧?
// 恹耱噔?? 镱 耔沩嚯?CCI, 羼腓 false 蝾 镱耠?镳铛钿?MartinStep
extern int CCI_TimeFrame = 2; // 以 CCI(0-蝈牦?以 沭圄桕? 1=?,2=?,3=?5, 4=?0,5=?, 6=?,7=D1,8=W1,9=MN1)
extern double Level = 100; // 羽钼屙?CCI
extern int Period_CCI = 14; // 襄痂钿 CCI
extern string T12 = “吗屐 疣犷螓 耦忮蝽桕?”;
extern string StartHour = “00:00”; // 吗屐 磬鬣腩 蝾疸钼腓
extern string EndHour = “23:59”; // 吗屐 铌铐鬣龛 蝾疸钼腓
extern string T13 = “捻?礤溴腓 疣犷螓 耦忮蝽桕?”;
extern bool Trade_in_Monday =true; //翌疸钼囹??项礤溴朦龛?
extern bool Trade_in_Tuesday =true; //翌疸钼囹??买铕龛?
extern bool Trade_in_Wednesday=true;//翌疸钼囹??佯邃?
extern bool Trade_in_Thursday=true; //翌疸钼囹??族蜮屦?
extern bool Trade_in_Friday =true; //翌疸钼囹???蝽桷?
//| global variables |
//+——————————————————————+string sPref = “Cleopatra_”; // 橡弭桕?沭圄梓羼觇?钺牝钼
string sPrefIndPan = “CleoInfoPan_”; // 橡弭桕?沭圄梓羼觇?钺牝钼 ?桧纛痨圉桀眄铋 镟礤腓
int iDigitLot = 0; // 暑?忸 珥嚓钼 镱耠?玎?蝾??珥圜屙梃 腩蜞
bool isWorking = true; // 噪嚆 箨噻噱?磬 忸珈铈眍耱?镳钿铍驽龛 蝾疸钼腓
int iTicket = -1; // 诣赍?铕溴疣 镱耠?铠栳觇
bool PiramidAutoStart = false; // 雨噻噱?磬 怅膻麇龛?镨疣扈潲 镳?漕耱桄屙梃 玎溧眄铋 镳铖噤觇
double PiramidStartLot = 0.0;double MBuyStop = 0.0; // 皱磬 铗牮? 铕溴疣 martin BuyStop
double MBuyStopLot = 0.0;// 祟?铕溴疣 martin BuyStop
int MBuyStopNumb = 0.0; // 皖戾?铕溴疣 martin BuyStopdouble MSellStop = 0.0; // 皱磬 铗牮桢 铕溴疣 martin SellStop
double MSellStopLot = 0.0;// 祟?铕溴疣 martin BuyStop
int MSellStopNumb = 0.0; // 皖戾?铕溴疣 martin BuyStopdouble PBuyStop = 0.0; // 皱磬 铗牮? 铕溴疣 piramid BuyStop
double PBuyStopLot = 0.0;// 祟?铕溴疣 piramid BuyStop
int PBuyStopNumb = 0.0; // 皖戾?铕溴疣 piramid BuyStop
double PBuyStopStopLoss = 0.0; // 朽珈屦 耱铒腩耨 piramid BuyStop
double PBuyStopTakeProfit = 0.0; // 朽珈屦 蝈殛镳铘栩 piramid BuyStop
double MBuyStopStopLoss = 0.0; // 朽珈屦 耱铒腩耨 martin BuyStop
double MBuyStopTakeProfit = 0.0; // 朽珈屦 蝈殛镳铘栩 martin BuyStopdouble PSellStop = 0.0; // 皱磬 铗牮桢 铕溴疣 piramid SellStop
double PSellStopLot = 0.0;// 祟?铕溴疣 piramid SellStop
int PSellStopNumb = 0.0; // 皖戾?铕溴疣 piramid SellStop
double PSellStopStopLoss = 0.0; // 朽珈屦 耱铒腩耨 piramid SellStop
double PSellStopTakeProfit = 0.0; // 朽珈屦 蝈殛镳铘栩 piramid SellStop
double MSellStopStopLoss = 0.0; // 朽珈屦 耱铒腩耨 martin SellStop
double MSellStopTakeProfit = 0.0; // 朽珈屦 蝈殛镳铘栩 martin SellStopdouble TralStartPrice = 0.0; // 皱磬 ?觐蝾痤?磬黜弪? 蝠彘腓磴 铕溴痤?
double TralPrice = 0.0; // 义牦?箴钼屙?腓龛?蝠彘腓磴?
int TralType = 0; // 诣?铕溴痤?玎牮噱禧?镱 蝠嚯?string FontName = “Arial”; // 袜玮囗桢 梏蜞 ?桧滂赅蜩忭铎 犭铌?犭铌?
color BaseColor = clrWhite;int DC_hWnd = 0;
int DC_hFont = 0;
int DC_hnd = 0;bool StopMartin = false;
bool StopPiramid = false;
double AveregeLine = 0.0;
double TPLine = 0.0;
bool CommentSet = false;
double OpenLot = 0.0;
bool InitDC = false;double dMartinStopLoss = 0.0;
double dMartinTP = 0.0;
double dPiramidStopLoss = 0.0;
double dPiramidTP = 0.0;
double dP_WLstart = 0.0;
double dP_WLlevel = 0.0;
double dP_TrailingStop = 0.0;
double dP_TrailingStep = 0.0;
double dM_WLstart = 0.0;
double dM_WLlevel = 0.0;
double dM_TrailingStop = 0.0;
double dM_TrailingStep = 0.0;//— 铒疱溴脲龛?綦嚆钼
int Buy_flag = 0;
int Sell_flag = 0;
int martin_flag=1, piramid_flag=2;
int Magic_martin = 0;
int Magic_piramid = 0;//—
bool err;
double Lot2,LotR,StartSPrice,StartBPrice,Martin_On;
int shiftGraph=4,Sl_tp_close_flag,ordTotal,hwnd,M_buybtn,P_buybtn,lottxt,P_sellbtn,M_sellbtn,closesellbtn,closebtn,closebuybtn,totalord,totalbuy,totalsell,tick2;
string Symb,comment;//+——————————————————————+
//| expert initialization function |
int OnInit(){
// 视盐?饰睦 乃?蚊欣腿着腿?盐屡彝仁?欣廖役 衔 滦盘磐?屠 信浪芡翁 炎乓?
//+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++if(!IsTesting() && !IsOptimization())
if(IsDemo()==false)// 耦忮蝽桕 疣犷蜞弪 蝾朦觐 磬 溴祛 聍弪?
if(TimeCurrent()>StrToTime(“2065.01.01 00:00”))// 钽疣龛麇龛?痤犷螓 耦忮蝽桕?镱 怵屐屙?
Alert(“佯铌 痤犷螓 耦忮蝽桕?磬 疱嚯 聍弪? 桉蝈”,
“耦忮蝽桕 祛驽?疣犷蜞螯 蝾朦觐 ?疱骅戾 蝈耱?桦?磬 溴祛 聍弪”);
// 青蜞 铗 镥疱桁屙钼囗? 耦忮蝽桕?
string name = WindowExpertName();
if(name != “EA_Cleopatra_v5_4”){
Alert(“浪咝?!! 杨忮蝽桕 镥疱桁屙钼囗! – 埋?嚯泐痂蜢?玎犭铌桊钼囗?!!”);
Alert(“-洛痦?桉躅漤铄 磬玮囗桢 耦忮蝽桕?!!-“);return(0);
}if(AutoDigits && (Digits == 5 || Digits == 3)){
DefaultProfit *= 10;
Tral_Start *= 10;
Tral_Size *= 10;
Dist *= 10;
Step *= 10;
MartinStep *= 10;
M_WLstart *= 10;
M_WLlevel *= 10;
M_TrailingStop *= 10;
M_TrailingStep *= 10;
MartinStepNew *= 10;
PiramidStep *= 10;
PiramidStopLoss *= 10;
Piramid_TP *= 10;
MartinStopLoss *= 10;
Martin_TP *= 10;
P_WLstart *= 10;
P_WLlevel *= 10;
P_TrailingStop *= 10;
P_TrailingStep *= 10;
PiramidStepNew *= 10;
Test_com_in_pip *= 10;
shiftGraph *= 10;
//— 汶钺嚯 镥疱戾眄 铗耠彐桠囗? 爨滏桕钼
if (GlobalVariableCheck(“M_piramid”) && GlobalVariableCheck(“M_martin”)) {
Magic_martin = GlobalVariableGet(“M_martin”);
Magic_piramid = GlobalVariableGet(“M_piramid”);
} else {
GlobalVariableSet(“M_martin”, MagicMartin);
GlobalVariableSet(“M_piramid”, MagicPiramid);
Magic_martin = MagicMartin;
Magic_piramid = MagicPiramid;
if (GlobalVariableGet(“Buy_flag”) && GlobalVariableGet(“Sell_flag”)) {
Buy_flag = GlobalVariableGet(“Buy_flag”);
Sell_flag = GlobalVariableGet(“Sell_flag”);
iDigitLot = InfoGetLotDigit(_Symbol);
Symb = Symbol();//—- 镳钼屦赅 忖邃屙睇?镱朦珙忄蝈脲?溧眄
if(DefaultProfit < 0.0) DefaultProfit = 0.0;
if(StopLoss < 0.0) StopLoss = 0.0;
//if(StopLoss > AccountEquity()) Alert(“羽钼屙?StopLoss 镳邂噱?疣珈屦 疋钺钿睇?耩邃耱?磬 聍弪?”);
if(Tral_Start < 0.0) Tral_Start = 0.0;
if(Tral_Size < 0.0) Tral_Size = 0.0;
if(Risk < 0.0) Risk = 0.0;
if(Metod < 1){ Alert(“湾镳噔桦?箨噻囗 戾蝾? 桤戾礤眍 磬 戾蝾??1”);Metod = 1; }else if(Metod > 2){ Alert(“湾镳噔桦?箨噻囗 戾蝾? 桤戾礤眍 磬 戾蝾??2”);Metod = 2; }
if(Dist < 1.0) Dist = 1.0;
if(Step < 1.0) Step = 1.0;
if(MartinStep < 1.0) MartinStep = 1.0;
if(MartinLotExponent < 0.0) MartinLotExponent = 1.0;
if(Slippege < 0) Slippege = 0;
if(MaxLot > MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_MAXLOT)) MaxLot = MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_MAXLOT);
if(Close_M_orders < 0) Close_M_orders = 0;
if(PiramidStopLoss < 0) PiramidStopLoss = 0;
if(Piramid_TP < 0) Piramid_TP = 0;if(M_BU_Start< 0) M_BU_Start= 0.0;
if(M_WLlevel < 0) M_WLlevel = 0.0;
if(M_WLstart < 0) M_WLstart = 0.0;
if(M_Trailing_Start< 0) M_Trailing_Start= 0.0;
if(M_TrailingStop < 0) M_TrailingStop = 0.0;
if(M_TrailingStep < 0) M_TrailingStep = 0.0;
//————————————-if(P_BU_Start< 0) P_BU_Start= 0.0;
if(P_WLlevel < 0) P_WLlevel = 0.0;
if(P_WLstart < 0) P_WLstart = 0.0;
if(P_Trailing_Start< 0) P_Trailing_Start= 0.0;
if(P_TrailingStop < 0) P_TrailingStop = 0.0;
if(P_TrailingStep < 0) P_TrailingStep = 0.0;switch(CCI_TimeFrame){
case 1: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_M1; break;
case 2: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_M5; break;
case 3: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_M15; break;
case 4: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_M30; break;
case 5: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_H1; break;
case 6: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_H4; break;
case 7: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_D1; break;
case 8: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_W1; break;
case 9: CCI_TimeFrame = PERIOD_MN1; break;
default: CCI_TimeFrame = 0;
}if(MartinOn && PiramidOn) CCI_On = false;
//—- 觐礅屦蜞鲨 溧眄睇?
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, DefaultProfit);
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, Tral_Start);
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, Tral_Size);
DefaultLot = InfoNormalizeVolume(_Symbol, DefaultLot);
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, Dist);
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, Step);
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, MartinStep);
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, MartinStepNew);
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, PiramidStep);
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, PiramidStepNew);
PiramidAutoStart = PiramidOn;dPiramidStopLoss = PiramidStopLoss;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dPiramidStopLoss);
dPiramidTP = Piramid_TP;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dPiramidTP);dMartinStopLoss = MartinStopLoss;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dMartinStopLoss);
dMartinTP = Martin_TP;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dMartinTP);//dM_BU_Start = M_BU_Start;
//InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dM_BU_Start);
dM_WLstart = M_WLstart;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dM_WLstart);
dM_WLlevel = M_WLlevel;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dM_WLlevel);
dM_TrailingStop = M_TrailingStop;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dM_TrailingStop);
dM_TrailingStep = M_TrailingStep;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dM_TrailingStep);
//dP_BU_Start = P_BU_Start;
//InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dP_BU_Start);
dP_WLstart = P_WLstart;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dP_WLstart);
dP_WLlevel = P_WLlevel;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dP_WLlevel);
dP_TrailingStop = P_TrailingStop;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dP_TrailingStop);
dP_TrailingStep = P_TrailingStep;
InfoChangeToDigit(_Symbol, dP_TrailingStep);//—- 吾眢腓?溧眄 钺 铕溴疣?觐蝾瘥?眢骓?铗牮?铗腩驽眄 铕溴痤?
MBuyStop = 0.0;
MBuyStopLot = 0.0;
MBuyStopNumb= 0.0;MSellStop = 0.0;
MSellStopLot = 0.0;
MSellStopNumb= 0.0;PBuyStop = 0.0;
PBuyStopLot = 0.0;
PBuyStopNumb= 0.0;
PBuyStopStopLoss = 0.0;
PBuyStopTakeProfit = 0.0;
MBuyStopStopLoss = 0.0;
MBuyStopTakeProfit = 0.0;PSellStop = 0.0;
PSellStopLot = 0.0;
PSellStopNumb= 0.0;
PSellStopStopLoss = 0.0;
PSellStopTakeProfit = 0.0;
MSellStopStopLoss = 0.0;
MSellStopTakeProfit = 0.0;
Martin_On = MartinOn;
//—- 橡钼屦赅 铗觌屙?桦?礤?
//—- 羼腓 箧?羼螯 玎矬眄? 皴痂 – 镳钿铍驽龛螯 祛龛蝾痂磴 桦?玎矬耱栩?眍怏?皴痂?
int _martin_cnt = OrdersGetCount(_Symbol, 99, Magic_martin, “”, 0, 0);
int _piramid_cnt = OrdersGetCount(_Symbol, 99, Magic_piramid, “”, 0, 0);
if(_martin_cnt+_piramid_cnt == 0){
// 橡钼屦桁 疣琊屮屙?腓 蝾疸钼? 皴轺囫
if (TimeFilter()){
// 项漕驿屐 玎溧眄铌 觐?忸 皴牦礓
/*Comment(“杨忮蝽桕 玎矬? 念 铗牮? 铖蜞腩顸 “+DoubleToStr(PauseTrade,0)+” 皴?”);
SendOrder(OP_BUY, GetLot(), Ask, Magic_martin, “0:start”);
Comment(“念 铗牮? 怛铕钽?铕溴疣 铖蜞腩顸 “+DoubleToStr(PauseTradezamok,0)+” 扈?”);
SendOrder(OP_SELL, GetLot(), Bid, Magic_martin, “0:start”);*///— 钺眢脲龛?镥疱戾眄 镥疱?磬鬣腩?疣犷螓
GlobalVariableSet(“M_martin”, MagicMartin);
GlobalVariableSet(“M_piramid”, MagicPiramid);
Magic_martin = MagicMartin;
Magic_piramid = MagicPiramid;
Buy_flag = 0;
Sell_flag = 0;
StartSPrice = Bid;
StartBPrice = Ask;
Comment(“杨忮蝽桕 玎矬? 翌疸钼? ?蝈牦?怵屐 玎镳妁屙?”);
CommentSet = true;
} else {
StartSPrice = GlobalVariableGet(“StartSPrice”);
StartBPrice = GlobalVariableGet(“StartBPrice”);
GetDCWithFontNameAndSize(FontName, FontSize);
//| expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
if(CommentSet){ Comment(“”); CommentSet = false; }
InitDC = false;
//| expert start function |
void OnTick()
int _order_number=0;
// 橡钼屦赅 綦嚆?疣犷螓 镱耠?镱耠邃礤泐 玎牮? 皴痂?- 玎忤耔?铗 镟疣戾蝠?NewCycle_ON
// 橡钼屦赅 觐?忄 铗牮 铕溴痤?
int _martin_cnt = OrdersGetCount(_Symbol, 99, Magic_martin, “”, 0, 0);
int _piramid_cnt = OrdersGetCount(_Symbol, 99, Magic_piramid, “”, 0, 0);
ordTotal = _martin_cnt+_piramid_cnt;
if(ordTotal == 0 && ((StartSPrice <= 0 && StartBPrice <= 0) || (Sl_tp_close_flag && isCloseLastPos()))){// 橡钼屦桁 疣琊屮屙?腓 蝾疸钼? 皴轺囫
if(CommentSet){ Comment(“”); CommentSet = false; }
// 篷腓 铗牮 铕溴痤?礤?- 玎矬耱桁 镥疴铐圜嚯 玎祛?
/*SendOrder(OP_BUY, GetLot(), Ask, Magic_martin, “0:start”);
Comment(“念 铗牮? 怛铕钽?铕溴疣 铖蜞腩顸 “+DoubleToStr(PauseTradezamok,0)+” 扈?”);
SendOrder(OP_SELL, GetLot(), Bid, Magic_martin, “0:start”);*///— 钺眢脲龛?镥疱戾眄 镱耠?玎牮? 怦艴 铕溴痤?
GlobalVariableSet(“M_martin”, MagicMartin);
GlobalVariableSet(“M_piramid”, MagicPiramid);
Magic_martin = MagicMartin;
Magic_piramid = MagicPiramid;
Buy_flag = 0;
Sell_flag = 0;
StartSPrice = Bid;
StartBPrice = Ask;
//StartPrice = Bid;
Martin_On = MartinOn;
Sl_tp_close_flag = false;
if(AveregeLine > 0.0) AveregeLine = 0.0;
// 谚眭痤龛玷痼屐 桉镱朦珙忄龛?镨疣扈潲 ?镱腩驽龛屐 觐蝾痤?玎溧眍 镱朦珙忄蝈脲?
PiramidAutoStart = PiramidOn;
PiramidStartLot = 0.0;
StopMartin = false;
StopPiramid = false;
if (ordTotal > 0) Sl_tp_close_flag = true;
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 礤钺躅滂祛耱?玎牮? 皲咫铌 镳?漕耱桄屙梃 玎溧眄钽?StopLoss ?忄膻蝈 溴镱玷蜞
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 玎牮桢 镱 蚁 桦?镱 茵彘腓磴?
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 忸珈铈眍耱?怅膻麇龛 镨疣扈潲 镳?漕耱桄屙梃 玎溧眄铋 镳铖噤觇 ?镳铞屙蜞?
// 项?蜩汨忄龛?忤痱筻朦眍泐 铗腩驽眄钽?铕溴疣
// 悟牮桢 忤痱筻朦睇?铗腩驽眄 铕溴痤?
// 项塍麒?桧纛痨圉棹 ?镱耠邃礤?铗牮铎 Sell 铕溴疱
double dSellInfo[]; string sSellInfo[];
bool _sell_opened = OrdersGetLastOpenInfo(_Symbol, OP_SELL, 99, “”, dSellInfo, sSellInfo);
//项塍麒?桧纛痨圉棹 ?镱耠邃礤?铗牮铎 Buy 铕溴疱
double dBuyInfo[]; string sBuyInfo[];
bool _buy_opened = OrdersGetLastOpenInfo(_Symbol, OP_BUY, 99, “”, dBuyInfo, sBuyInfo);
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 礤钺躅滂祛耱?疱忮瘃?
if (UseRevers) ReversPiramid(dSellInfo[7], dBuyInfo[7]);
if(_sell_opened || StartSPrice > 0){
// 玉蜞眍怅?徨珞猁蜿?铕溴痤?镨疣扈潲
// 玉蜞眍怅?徨珞猁蜿?铕溴痤?爨痱桧?
// 茵彘腓磴 铕溴痤?爨痱桧?
// 茵彘腓磴 铕溴痤?镨疣扈潲
// 项塍麇龛 眍戾疣 镳邃簌邈?铕溴疣
_order_number = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sSellInfo[1],0,StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:”)));
// 橡钼屦赅 – 祛骓?腓 铗牮囹?爨痱桧 铕溴疣if(Martin_On && (Sell_flag == martin_flag || (StartSPrice > 0 && _order_number == 0 && Bid – StartSPrice >= MartinStep)/*StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:start”)>-1*/)
/*((StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:start”)>-1 || StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:martin”)>-1) &&
(!_buy_opened || StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:martin”)==-1))*/)
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 铗觌屙桢 疣犷螓 爨痱桧?镱耠?漕耱桄屙? 玎溧眄钽?觐?忸 觐脲?
// 橡钼屦赅 – 漕耱桡眢蝾 腓 玎溧眄铄 觐?忸 矬黻蝾?潆 铗牮? 爨痱桧 铕溴疣
//if(NormalizeDouble(Bid-dSellInfo[3],Digits) >= GetMartinStepPip(_order_number)){
if(GetSignal(OP_SELL, dSellInfo[3], _order_number) || _order_number == 0){
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 玎牮桢 铕溴痤?觐沅?漕耱桡眢蝾 铗牮桢 玎溧眄钽?觐?忸 铕溴痤?
if(Close_M_orders==0 || !CheckOpenOrdCnt(OP_SELL,_order_number)){
// 疣聍弪?腩蜞 觐蝾瘥?眢骓?铗牮?
OpenLot = GetLot(2, dSellInfo[6], _order_number, Bid-dSellInfo[3], GetMartinStepPip(_order_number));
// 悟牮桢 爨痱桧 铕溴疣 ?玎忤耔祛耱?铗 戾蝾溧
if(((M()==-1 && Vxod_M==1) || Vxod_M==0) && ((M2()==-1 && Vxod_M2==1) || Vxod_M2==0)) {//我市垡扰 涡呐欣 衔 韧娜世椅杏 膛娜犹
case 1:
SendOrder(OP_SELL, OpenLot, Bid, Magic_martin, DoubleToStr((_order_number+1),0)+”:martin”,0, 0);
case 2:
// 橡钼屦桁 黩?猁 珥圜屙桢 猁腩 矬耱铄 – 耔沩嚯 ?蝾?黩?镳邃簌栝 铕溴?桉镱腠桦?
if(MSellStop == 0.0){
MSellStop = NormalizeDouble(Bid-Dist,Digits);
MSellStopLot = OpenLot;
MSellStopNumb= _order_number+1;
//MSellStopStopLoss = dMartinStopLoss;
//MSellStopTakeProfit = dMartinTP;
Sell_flag = martin_flag;
//StartSPrice = -1;
// 橡钼屦赅 祛骓?腓 铗牮桠囹?铕溴疣 镨疣扈潲
if((PiramidOn || PiramidAutoStart) && (Sell_flag == piramid_flag || (StartSPrice > 0 && _order_number == 0 && StartSPrice – Bid >= PiramidStep)/*StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:start”)>-1*/)
/*(StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:start”)>-1 || StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:piramid”)>-1) &&
(!_buy_opened || StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:piramid”)==-1)*/)
//Print(” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sell Orders:”, _order_number);
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 铗觌屙桢 疣犷螓 镨疣扈潲 镱耠?漕耱桄屙? 玎溧眄钽?觐?忸 觐脲?
// 橡钼屦赅 – 漕耱桡眢蝾 腓 玎溧眄铄 觐?忸 矬黻蝾?潆 铗牮? 铕溴疣 镨疣扈潲
if(NormalizeDouble(dSellInfo[3]-Bid,Digits) >= GetPiramidStepPip(_order_number) || _order_number == 0){
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 玎牮桢 铕溴痤?觐沅?漕耱桡眢蝾 铗牮桢 玎溧眄钽?觐?忸 铕溴痤?
if(Close_P_orders==0 || !CheckOpenOrdCntP(OP_SELL,_order_number)){
OpenLot = dSellInfo[6];
if(PiramidAutoStart && !PiramidOn && _order_number==0) OpenLot = PiramidStartLot; else if (_order_number==0) OpenLot = GetLot(); // 羼腓 镱潢膻麇龛?镱 % 铗 爨痱桧?恹觌屙??铕溴痤?镨疣扈潲 礤?- 铗牮噱?腩?镱 痂耜?铗 溴镱 (忸珈铈眍 塍鼬?铗牮囹?腩?= 镥疴铎?铕溴痼 爨痱桧?
// 悟牮桢 铕溴疣 镨疣扈潲 ?玎忤耔祛耱?铗 戾蝾溧
if(((P()==-1 && Vxod_P==1) || Vxod_P==0) && ((P2()==-1 && Vxod_P2==1) || Vxod_P2==0)) {//我市垡扰 涡呐欣 衔 韧娜世椅杏 膛娜犹
case 1:
SendOrder(OP_SELL, GetLot(3,OpenLot,_order_number), Bid, Magic_piramid, DoubleToStr((_order_number+1),0)+”:piramid”, 0, 0);
PModifyOrders (OP_SELL);
case 2:
if(PSellStop == 0.0){
PSellStop = NormalizeDouble(Bid-Dist,Digits);
PSellStopLot = GetLot(3,OpenLot, _order_number);
PSellStopNumb= _order_number+1;
//PSellStopStopLoss = dPiramidStopLoss;
//PSellStopTakeProfit = dPiramidTP;
Sell_flag = piramid_flag;
//StartSPrice = -1;
if(_buy_opened || StartBPrice > 0){
// 玉蜞眍怅?徨珞猁蜿?铕溴痤?镨疣扈潲
// 玉蜞眍怅?徨珞猁蜿?铕溴痤?爨痱桧?
// 茵彘腓磴 铕溴痤?爨痱桧?
// 茵彘腓磴 铕溴痤?镨疣扈潲
// 项塍麇龛 眍戾疣 镳邃簌邈?铕溴疣
_order_number = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(sBuyInfo[1],0,StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:”)));
// 橡钼屦赅 – 祛骓?腓 铗牮囹?爨痱桧 铕溴疣
if(Martin_On && (Buy_flag == martin_flag || (StartBPrice > 0 && _order_number == 0 && StartBPrice – Ask >= MartinStep)/*StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:start”)>-1*/)
/*(StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:start”)>-1 || StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:martin”)>-1) &&
(!_sell_opened || StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:martin”)==-1)*/)
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 铗觌屙桢 疣犷螓 爨痱桧?镱耠?漕耱桄屙? 玎溧眄钽?觐?忸 觐脲?
// 橡钼屦赅 – 漕耱桡眢蝾 腓 玎溧眄铄 觐?忸 矬黻蝾?潆 铗牮? 爨痱桧 铕溴疣
//if(NormalizeDouble(dBuyInfo[3]-Ask,Digits) >= GetMartinStepPip(_order_number)){
if(GetSignal(OP_BUY, dBuyInfo[3], _order_number) || _order_number == 0){
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 玎牮桢 铕溴痤?觐沅?漕耱桡眢蝾 铗牮桢 玎溧眄钽?觐?忸 铕溴痤?
if(Close_M_orders==0 || !CheckOpenOrdCnt(OP_BUY,_order_number)){
// 朽聍弪 耠邃簋泐 腩蜞
OpenLot = GetLot(2, dBuyInfo[6], _order_number, dBuyInfo[3]-Ask, GetMartinStepPip(_order_number));
// 悟牮桢 爨痱桧 铕溴疣 ?玎忤耔祛耱?铗 戾蝾溧
if(((M()==1 && Vxod_M==1) || Vxod_M==0) && ((M2()==1 && Vxod_M2==1) || Vxod_M2==0)) {//我市垡扰 涡呐欣 衔 韧娜世椅杏 膛娜犹
case 1:
SendOrder(OP_BUY, OpenLot, Ask, Magic_martin, DoubleToStr((_order_number+1),0)+”:martin”,0, 0);
case 2:
// 橡钼屦桁 黩?猁 珥圜屙桢 猁腩 矬耱铄 – 耔沩嚯 ?蝾?黩?镳邃簌栝 铕溴?桉镱腠桦?
if(MBuyStop == 0.0){
MBuyStop = NormalizeDouble(Ask+Dist,Digits);
MBuyStopLot = OpenLot;
MBuyStopNumb= _order_number+1;
//MBuyStopStopLoss = dMartinStopLoss;
//MBuyStopTakeProfit = dMartinTP;
Buy_flag = martin_flag;
//StartBPrice = -1;
// 橡钼屦赅 祛骓?腓 铗牮桠囹?铕溴疣 镨疣扈潲
if((PiramidOn || PiramidAutoStart) && (Buy_flag == piramid_flag || (StartBPrice > 0 && _order_number == 0 && Ask – StartBPrice >= PiramidStep)/*StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:start”)>-1*/)
/*(StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:start”)>-1 || StringFind(sBuyInfo[1],”:piramid”)>-1) &&
(!_sell_opened || StringFind(sSellInfo[1],”:piramid”)==-1)*/)
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 铗觌屙桢 疣犷螓 镨疣扈潲 镱耠?漕耱桄屙? 玎溧眄钽?觐?忸 觐脲?
// 橡钼屦赅 – 漕耱桡眢蝾 腓 玎溧眄铄 觐?忸 矬黻蝾?潆 铗牮? 铕溴疣 镨疣扈潲
if(NormalizeDouble(Ask-dBuyInfo[3],Digits) >= GetPiramidStepPip(_order_number) || _order_number == 0){
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 玎牮桢 铕溴痤?觐沅?漕耱桡眢蝾 铗牮桢 玎溧眄钽?觐?忸 铕溴痤?
if(Close_P_orders==0 || !CheckOpenOrdCntP(OP_BUY,_order_number)){
OpenLot = dBuyInfo[6];
if(PiramidAutoStart && !PiramidOn && _order_number==0) OpenLot = PiramidStartLot; else if (_order_number==0) OpenLot = GetLot();
// 悟牮桢 铕溴疣 镨疣扈潲 ?玎忤耔祛耱?铗 戾蝾溧
if(((P()==1 && Vxod_P==1) || Vxod_P==0) && ((P2()==1 && Vxod_P2==1) || Vxod_P2==0)) { //我市垡扰 涡呐欣 衔 韧娜世椅杏 膛娜犹
case 1:
SendOrder(OP_BUY, GetLot(3, OpenLot, _order_number), Ask, Magic_piramid, DoubleToStr((_order_number+1),0)+”:piramid”, 0, 0);
case 2:
// 橡钼屦桁 黩?猁 珥圜屙桢 猁腩 矬耱铄 – 耔沩嚯 ?蝾?黩?镳邃簌栝 铕溴?桉镱腠桦?
if(PBuyStop == 0.0){
PBuyStop = NormalizeDouble(Ask+Dist,Digits);
PBuyStopLot = GetLot(3, OpenLot, _order_number);
PBuyStopNumb= _order_number+1;
// PBuyStopStopLoss = dPiramidStopLoss;
// PBuyStopTakeProfit = dPiramidTP;
Buy_flag = piramid_flag;
//StartBPrice = -1;
// 软纛痨噼痤忄龛?镱朦珙忄蝈?
GetDCWithFontNameAndSize(FontName, FontSize);
InitDC = true;
// 茵彘腓磴 羊铒 铕溴痤?锑痱桧? +
void MartinTrailing(int type){
if(M_Trailing && M_TrailingStop > 0.0){
// 杨耱噔桁 耧桉铌 铕溴痤?潆 镳桁屙屙? 徨珞猁蜿?
int _tickets[][2];
int _orders_cnt = 0,i;
if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_martin && OrderType()==type){
_tickets[_orders_cnt][0] = OrderTicket();
_tickets[_orders_cnt][1] = OrderOpenTime();
// 橡钼屦桁 黩?猁 觐?忸 铕溴痤??耧桉赍 猁腩 犷朦 桦?疣忭?M_BU_Start
if(M_Trailing_Start > 0 && _orders_cnt >= M_Trailing_Start){
// 悟耦痱桊箦?耧桉铌 镱 怵屐屙?铗牮? 铕溴痤?
// 亦觇?钺疣珙??磬鬣脲 耧桉赅 狍溴?铕溴? 觐蝾瘥?铗牮 疣睃 铖蜞朦睇?
// ?觐眦?耧桉赅 狍溴?铕溴?觐蝾瘥?铗牮?襦禧?镱耠邃龛?耩邃?铖蜞朦睇?
ArrayTwoSortInt(_tickets, 1);
// 玉蜞眍忤?徨珞猁蝾?潆 蝈?铕溴痤? 觐蝾瘥?犷朦 腓犷 疣忭?M_BU_Start
double _price,_new_sl;
bool t=false;
case OP_BUY:_price = OrderStopLoss();
if(_price == 0.0 || _price < OrderOpenPrice()) _price = OrderOpenPrice();
if(Bid >= NormalizeDouble(_price+dM_TrailingStop,Digits)){
_new_sl = NormalizeDouble(Bid-dM_TrailingStep,Digits);
if(NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss()-_new_sl,Digits)!=0.0 && _new_sl > _price){
case OP_SELL:
//bool t=false;
_price = OrderStopLoss();
if(_price == 0.0 || _price > OrderOpenPrice()) _price = OrderOpenPrice();
if(Ask <= NormalizeDouble(_price-dM_TrailingStop,Digits)){
_new_sl = NormalizeDouble(Ask+dM_TrailingStep,Digits);
if(NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss()-_new_sl,Digits)!=0.0 && _new_sl < _price){
// 茵彘腓磴 羊铒 铕溴痤?翔疣扈潲 +
void PiramidTrailing(int type){
if(P_Trailing && P_TrailingStop > 0.0){
// 杨耱噔桁 耧桉铌 铕溴痤?潆 镳桁屙屙? 徨珞猁蜿?
int _tickets[][2];
int _orders_cnt = 0,i;
if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_piramid && OrderType()==type){
_tickets[_orders_cnt][0] = OrderTicket();
_tickets[_orders_cnt][1] = OrderOpenTime();
// 橡钼屦桁 黩?猁 觐?忸 铕溴痤??耧桉赍 猁腩 犷朦 桦?疣忭?M_BU_Start
if(P_Trailing_Start > 0 && _orders_cnt >= P_Trailing_Start){
// 悟耦痱桊箦?耧桉铌 镱 怵屐屙?铗牮? 铕溴痤?
// 亦觇?钺疣珙??磬鬣脲 耧桉赅 狍溴?铕溴? 觐蝾瘥?铗牮 疣睃 铖蜞朦睇?
// ?觐眦?耧桉赅 狍溴?铕溴?觐蝾瘥?铗牮?襦禧?镱耠邃龛?耩邃?铖蜞朦睇?
ArrayTwoSortInt(_tickets, 1);
// 玉蜞眍忤?徨珞猁蝾?潆 蝈?铕溴痤? 觐蝾瘥?犷朦 腓犷 疣忭?M_BU_Start
double _price,_new_sl;
bool t=false;
case OP_BUY:_price = OrderStopLoss();
if(_price == 0.0 || _price < OrderOpenPrice()) _price = OrderOpenPrice();
if(Bid >= NormalizeDouble(_price+dP_TrailingStop,Digits)){
_new_sl = NormalizeDouble(Bid-dP_TrailingStep,Digits);
if(NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss()-_new_sl,Digits)!=0.0 && _new_sl > _price){
t= OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),_new_sl,OrderTakeProfit(),OrderExpiration());
case OP_SELL:
_price = OrderStopLoss();
if(_price == 0.0 || _price > OrderOpenPrice()) _price = OrderOpenPrice();
if(Ask <= NormalizeDouble(_price-dP_TrailingStop,Digits)){
_new_sl = NormalizeDouble(Ask+dP_TrailingStep,Digits);
if(NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss()-_new_sl,Digits)!=0.0 && _new_sl < _price){
// 玉蜞眍怅?徨珞猁蜿?潆 铕溴痤?爨痱桧? +
void MartinBE(int type){
if(M_WL && M_WLstart > 0){
// 杨耱噔桁 耧桉铌 铕溴痤?潆 镳桁屙屙? 徨珞猁蜿?
int _tickets[][2];
int _orders_cnt = 0,i;
if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_martin && OrderType()==type){
_tickets[_orders_cnt][0] = OrderTicket();
_tickets[_orders_cnt][1] = OrderOpenTime();
// 橡钼屦桁 黩?猁 觐?忸 铕溴痤??耧桉赍 猁腩 犷朦 桦?疣忭?M_BU_Start
if(M_BU_Start > 0 && _orders_cnt >= M_BU_Start){
// 悟耦痱桊箦?耧桉铌 镱 怵屐屙?铗牮? 铕溴痤?
// 亦觇?钺疣珙??磬鬣脲 耧桉赅 狍溴?铕溴? 觐蝾瘥?铗牮 疣睃 铖蜞朦睇?
// ?觐眦?耧桉赅 狍溴?铕溴?觐蝾瘥?铗牮?襦禧?镱耠邃龛?耩邃?铖蜞朦睇?
ArrayTwoSortInt(_tickets, 1);
// 玉蜞眍忤?徨珞猁蝾?潆 蝈?铕溴痤? 觐蝾瘥?犷朦 腓犷 疣忭?M_BU_Start
double _new_sl;
//— 篦弪 觐扈耨梃 ?疋铒?
double com_swap = (OrderSwap()+OrderCommission())/OrderLots()*Point;
if (IsTesting()) com_swap = (OrderSwap()/OrderLots()*Point)+(-1*(Test_com_in_pip*Point));
bool t=false;
case OP_BUY:if(OrderStopLoss()==0.0 || OrderStopLoss() < NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+dM_WLlevel-com_swap,Digits)){
if(Bid >= NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+dM_WLstart-com_swap,Digits)){
_new_sl = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+dM_WLlevel-com_swap,Digits);
t= OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),_new_sl,OrderTakeProfit(),OrderExpiration());
case OP_SELL:
if(OrderStopLoss()==0.0 || OrderStopLoss() > NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()-dM_WLlevel+com_swap,Digits)){
if(Ask <= NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()-dM_WLstart+com_swap,Digits)){
_new_sl = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()-dM_WLlevel+com_swap,Digits);
// 蔓镱腠弪 耦痱桊钼牦 溻箪屦眍泐 爨耨桠?int 镱 玎溧眄铎?桤戾疱龛?戾蝾漕?矬琨瘘赅 ?玎溧眄铎 磬镳噔脲龛?耦痱桊钼觇
// array – 耦痱桊箦禧?溻箪屦睇?爨耨桠 int
// mode – 磬镳噔脲龛?耦痱桊钼觇 (MODE_ASCEND – 镱 忸琊囫蜞龛? MODE_DESCEND – 镱 筢囗棹)
//-// 礤?忸琊帙噱祛泐 珥圜屙?
void ArrayTwoSortInt(int &array[][], int key, int mode=MODE_ASCEND){ int dt_temp = 0,q,i,j; int line = ArrayRange(array,0); int line2 = ArrayRange(array,1); if(key >= 0 && key < line2){ for(i=line-1;i>=0;i–){ for (j=0; j<i; j++){ if (mode==MODE_ASCEND){ if(array[j][key]>array[j+1][key]){ for(q=0;q<line2;q++){ dt_temp = array[j][q]; array[j][q] = array[j+1][q]; array[j+1][q] = dt_temp; } } }else{ if(array[j][key]<array[j+1][key]){ for(q=0;q<line2;q++){ dt_temp = array[j][q]; array[j][q] = array[j+1][q]; array[j+1][q] = dt_temp; } } } } } } }
// 玉蜞眍怅?徨珞猁蜿?潆 铕溴痤?镨疣扈潲 =
void PiramidBE(int type){
if(P_WL && P_WLstart > 0){
// 杨耱噔桁 耧桉铌 铕溴痤?潆 镳桁屙屙? 徨珞猁蜿?
int _tickets[][2];
int _orders_cnt = 0,i;
if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_piramid && OrderType()==type){
_tickets[_orders_cnt][0] = OrderTicket();
_tickets[_orders_cnt][1] = OrderOpenTime();
// 橡钼屦桁 黩?猁 觐?忸 铕溴痤??耧桉赍 猁腩 犷朦 桦?疣忭?M_BU_Start
if(P_BU_Start > 0 && _orders_cnt >= P_BU_Start){
// 悟耦痱桊箦?耧桉铌 镱 怵屐屙?铗牮? 铕溴痤?
// 亦觇?钺疣珙??磬鬣脲 耧桉赅 狍溴?铕溴? 觐蝾瘥?铗牮 疣睃 铖蜞朦睇?
// ?觐眦?耧桉赅 狍溴?铕溴?觐蝾瘥?铗牮?襦禧?镱耠邃龛?耩邃?铖蜞朦睇?
ArrayTwoSortInt(_tickets, 1);
// 玉蜞眍忤?徨珞猁蝾?潆 蝈?铕溴痤? 觐蝾瘥?犷朦 腓犷 疣忭?M_BU_Start
double _new_sl;
//— 篦弪 觐扈耨梃 ?疋铒?
double com_swap = (OrderSwap()+OrderCommission())/OrderLots()*Point;
if (IsTesting()) com_swap = (OrderSwap()/OrderLots()*Point)+(-1*(Test_com_in_pip*Point));
bool t=false;
case OP_BUY:if(OrderStopLoss()==0.0 || OrderStopLoss() < NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+dP_WLlevel-com_swap,Digits)){
if(Bid >= NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+dP_WLstart-com_swap,Digits)){
_new_sl = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()+dP_WLlevel-com_swap,Digits);
t= OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),_new_sl,OrderTakeProfit(),OrderExpiration());
case OP_SELL:
if(OrderStopLoss()==0.0 || OrderStopLoss() > NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()-dP_WLlevel+com_swap,Digits)){
if(Ask <= NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()-dP_WLstart+com_swap,Digits)){
_new_sl = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice()-dP_WLlevel+com_swap,Digits);
t= OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),_new_sl,OrderTakeProfit(),OrderExpiration());
// 橡钼屦弪 耠铈桦桉?腓 篑脞钼? 潆 铗牮? 铕溴疣
bool GetSignal(int _type, double _price_open, int _order_number){
bool _res = false;
double _cci = 0.0;
double _cci1 = 0.0;
case OP_SELL:
// 橡钼屦赅 – 漕耱桡眢蝾 腓 玎溧眄铄 觐?忸 矬黻蝾?潆 铗牮? 爨痱桧 铕溴疣
if(NormalizeDouble(Bid-_price_open,Digits) >= GetMartinStepPip(_order_number)){
_cci = CCI(0);
_cci1 = CCI(1);
if(_cci <= Level && _cci1 > Level) _res = true;
}else _res = true;
case OP_BUY:
// 橡钼屦赅 – 漕耱桡眢蝾 腓 玎溧眄铄 觐?忸 矬黻蝾?潆 铗牮? 爨痱桧 铕溴疣
if(NormalizeDouble(_price_open-Ask,Digits) >= GetMartinStepPip(_order_number)){
_cci = CCI(0);
_cci1 = CCI(1);
if(_cci >= -Level && _cci1 < -Level) _res = true;
}else _res = true;
// 骂玮疣弪 珥圜屙桢 桧滂赅蝾疣 蜒I ?玎溧眄?磬耱痤殛囔?
double CCI(int _bar){ return(NormalizeDouble(iCCI(NULL,CCI_TimeFrame,Period_CCI,PRICE_CLOSE,_bar),4)); }
// 橡钼屦弪 漕耱桡眢蝾 腓 铗牮桢 玎溧眄钽?铕溴疣
// 羼腓 溧 – 玎牮噱?怦?皴痂?铕溴痤??忸玮疣弪 true
bool CheckOpenOrdCnt(int _type, int _current_cnt){
bool _res = false;if(Close_M_orders > 0 && _current_cnt >= Close_M_orders-1){
// 青牮铄?怦?铕溴疣
for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i>=0;i–){
if(OrderSymbol()==_Symbol && OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_martin && OrderType()==_type)
OrdersClose(33, OrderTicket(), false, _Symbol, “”);
_res = true;
// 橡钼屦弪 漕耱桡眢蝾 腓 铗牮桢 玎溧眄钽?铕溴疣
// 羼腓 溧 – 玎牮噱?怦?皴痂?铕溴痤??忸玮疣弪 true
bool CheckOpenOrdCntP(int _type, int _current_cnt){
bool _res = false;
if(Close_P_orders > 0 && _current_cnt >= Close_P_orders-1){
// 青牮铄?怦?铕溴疣
for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i>=0;i–){
if(OrderSymbol()==_Symbol &&
(OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_piramid || StringFind(OrderComment(),”:start”)>-1) &&
OrdersClose(33, OrderTicket(), false, _Symbol, “”);
_res = true;
// 骂玮瘗噱?true 羼腓 疣琊屮屙?蝾疸钼? ?蝈牦?怵屐bool TimeFilter(){
bool _res = false;
datetime _time_curent = TimeCurrent();
datetime _time_start = StrToTime(DoubleToStr(Year(),0)+”.”+DoubleToStr(Month(),0)+”.”+DoubleToStr(Day(),0)+” “+StartHour);
datetime _time_stop = StrToTime(DoubleToStr(Year(),0)+”.”+DoubleToStr(Month(),0)+”.”+DoubleToStr(Day(),0)+” “+EndHour);
if(((Trade_in_Monday==true) && (TimeDayOfWeek(Time[0]) == 1)) ||
((Trade_in_Tuesday==true) && (TimeDayOfWeek(Time[0]) == 2)) ||
((Trade_in_Wednesday==true) && (TimeDayOfWeek(Time[0]) == 3)) ||
((Trade_in_Thursday==true) && (TimeDayOfWeek(Time[0]) == 4)) ||
((Trade_in_Friday==true) && (TimeDayOfWeek(Time[0]) == 5)))if(_time_start > _time_stop){
if(_time_curent >= _time_start || _time_curent <= _time_stop) _res = true;
if(_time_curent >= _time_start && _time_curent <= _time_stop) _res = true;return(_res);
// 软纛痨桊钼囗桢 镱朦珙忄螂
void DrawInfo(){
int _x = PositionX,i;
int _y = PositionY;
color _clr = CLR_NONE;
string sInfo[9];
//—- 厌铕 溧眄
double _buy_lot = OrdersGetOpenLot(_Symbol, OP_BUY, 99, “”, 0, 0);
sInfo[0] = DoubleToStr(_buy_lot,iDigitLot);
double _sell_lot = OrdersGetOpenLot(_Symbol, OP_SELL, 99, “”, 0, 0);
sInfo[1] = DoubleToStr(_sell_lot,iDigitLot);
double _buy_result = OrdersGetProfit(99, OP_BUY, _Symbol, “”);
sInfo[2] = DoubleToStr(_buy_result,2);
double _sell_result = OrdersGetProfit(99, OP_SELL, _Symbol, “”);
sInfo[3] = DoubleToStr(_sell_result,2);
double _all_result = NormalizeDouble(_buy_result+_sell_result,2);
sInfo[4] = DoubleToStr(_all_result,2);
// dd
double _dd = 0.0;
if(_all_result < 0.0) _dd = NormalizeDouble((_all_result/AccountBalance())*100,2);
sInfo[5] = DoubleToStr(_dd,2);
// balance
double _balance = AccountBalance();
sInfo[6] = DoubleToStr(_balance,2);
// equity
double _equity = AccountEquity();
double _equity_persent = NormalizeDouble((_equity/_balance)*100,2);
sInfo[7] = DoubleToStr(AccountFreeMargin(),2);
// level
sInfo[8] = DoubleToStr(InfoGetMarginLevel(),2);
//—- 蔓聍栩噱?潆桧眢 襦祛?犷朦?耱痤觇
int _max_size = 0; int _temp_size = 0;
//_temp_size = GetStringSizeInPix(sInfo[i]);
if(_temp_size > _max_size) _max_size = _temp_size;
_max_size += (_x+50);
// —-
// 杨玟囗桢 / 镱滗屦驵龛?桧纛痨圉桀眄铋 镟礤腓
if(_buy_lot == 0.0) _clr = White; else _clr = clrDeepSkyBlue;
Label(“BuyVolume”, _max_size, _y, “勿溴?Buy:”, BaseColor);
Label(“vBuyVolume”, _x, _y, sInfo[0], _clr);_y += FontSize + 5;
if(_sell_lot == 0.0) _clr = White; else _clr = clrRed;
Label(“SellVolume”, _max_size, _y, “勿溴?Sell:”, BaseColor);
Label(“vSellVolume”, _x, _y, sInfo[1], _clr);_y += FontSize + 5;
if(_buy_result == 0.0) _clr = White; else if(_buy_result < 0.0) _clr = Red; else _clr = clrDeepSkyBlue;
Label(“BuyProfit”, _max_size, _y, “橡铘栩 Buy:”, BaseColor);
Label(“vBuyProfit”, _x, _y, sInfo[2], _clr);_y += FontSize + 5;
if(_sell_result == 0.0) _clr = White; else if(_sell_result < 0.0) _clr = Red; else _clr = clrDeepSkyBlue;
Label(“SellProfit”, _max_size, _y, “橡铘栩 Sell:”, BaseColor);
Label(“vSellProfit”, _x, _y, sInfo[3], _clr);_y += FontSize + 5;
if(_all_result == 0.0) _clr = White; else if(_all_result < 0.0) _clr = Red; else _clr = clrDeepSkyBlue;
Label(“AllProfit”, _max_size, _y, “洋祆囵睇?镳铘栩:”, BaseColor);
Label(“vAllProfit”, _x, _y, sInfo[4], _clr);_y += FontSize + 5;
if(_dd == 0.0) _clr = White; else _clr = clrDarkOrange;
Label(“DD”, _max_size, _y, “橡铖噤赅:”, BaseColor);
Label(“vDD”, _x, _y, sInfo[5], _clr);_y += FontSize + 10;
Label(“Balance”, _max_size, _y, “拎豚眈:”, BaseColor);
Label(“vBalance”, _x, _y, sInfo[6], clrDeepSkyBlue);_y += FontSize + 5;
if(_equity_persent > 80) _clr = clrGreen; else if(_equity_persent > 50) _clr = clrDeepSkyBlue; else if(_equity_persent > 30) _clr = clrDarkOrange; else _clr = clrRed;
Label(“Equity”, _max_size, _y, “砚钺钿眍:”, BaseColor);
Label(“vEquity”, _x, _y, sInfo[7], _clr);_y += FontSize + 5;
Label(“Level”, _max_size, _y, “羽钼屙?”, BaseColor);
Label(“vLevel”, _x, _y, sInfo[8], clrDeepSkyBlue);_y += FontSize + 15;
if(TralPrice > 0.0){
Label(“vTral”, _x, _y, “> 马桁囗桢 朽犷蜞弪 茵嚯 <“, clrDarkOrange);
_y += FontSize + 5;
if(ObjectFind(sPrefIndPan+”vTral”)>-1) ObjectDelete(sPrefIndPan+”vTral”);
Label(“vNewCycle_ON”, _x, _y, “> 青镳弪 NewCycle <“, clrDarkOrange);
_y += FontSize + 5;
if(ObjectFind(sPrefIndPan+”vNewCycle_ON”)>-1) ObjectDelete(sPrefIndPan+”vNewCycle_ON”);
}if(!PiramidOn && PiramidAutoStart){
Label(“vPiramidAutoStart”, _x, _y, “> 袜镳噔脲龛?翔疣扈溧 率?<“, clrDarkOrange);
_y += FontSize + 5;
if(ObjectFind(sPrefIndPan+”vPiramidAutoStart”)>-1) ObjectDelete(sPrefIndPan+”vPiramidAutoStart”);
Label(“vStopMartin”, _x, _y, “> 袜镳噔脲龛?锑痱桧沐殡 我仕 <“, clrDarkOrange);
_y += FontSize + 5;
if(ObjectFind(sPrefIndPan+”vStopMartin”)>-1) ObjectDelete(sPrefIndPan+”vStopMartin”);
Label(“vStopPiramid”, _x, _y, “> 袜镳噔脲龛?翔疣扈溧 我仕 <“, clrDarkOrange);
_y += FontSize + 5;
if(ObjectFind(sPrefIndPan+”vStopPiramid”)>-1) ObjectDelete(sPrefIndPan+”vStopPiramid”);}
//—- 俞屦屐 ?沭圄桕?腓龛?铕溴痤?
// 项溷铗钼赅 溧眄
int _bar_on_chart = WindowBarsPerChart();
int _need_bar = _bar_on_chart / 2;
int _first_visible_bar = WindowFirstVisibleBar();
datetime _time_bar = Time[_first_visible_bar] + ((Period()*60) * _need_bar);
if(AveregeLine > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”AverLine”, AveregeLine, BULineColor, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtAverLine”,0, _time_bar, AveregeLine, BULineColor, FontSize, 0.0, “羽钼屙?劣”, FontName);GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”TPLine”, TPLine, TPLineColor, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtTPLine”,0, _time_bar, TPLine, TPLineColor, FontSize, 0.0, “羽钼屙?蚁”, FontName);
if(TralStartPrice > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”TralPrice”, TralStartPrice, DarkOrange, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtTralPrice”,0, _time_bar, TralStartPrice, DarkOrange, FontSize, 0.0, “袜鬣腩 疣犷螓 蝠嚯”, FontName);
if(TralPrice > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”TralPrice”, TralPrice, DarkOrange, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtTralPrice”,0, _time_bar, TralPrice, DarkOrange, FontSize, 0.0, “朽犷蜞弪 茵嚯”, FontName);
}if(MBuyStop > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”MBuyStop”, MBuyStop, BuyStopColor, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtMBuyStop”,0, _time_bar, MBuyStop, BuyStopColor, FontSize, 0.0, “BUY”, FontName);
if(MSellStop > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”MSellStop”, MSellStop, SellStopColor, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtMSellStop”,0, _time_bar, MSellStop, SellStopColor, FontSize, 0.0, “SELL”, FontName);
if(PBuyStop > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”PBuyStop”, PBuyStop, BuyStopColor, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtPBuyStop”,0, _time_bar, PBuyStop, BuyStopColor, FontSize, 0.0, “BUY”, FontName);
if(PSellStop > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”PSellStop”, PSellStop, SellStopColor, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtPSellStop”,0, _time_bar, PSellStop, SellStopColor, FontSize, 0.0, “SELL”, FontName);
if(StartSPrice > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”StartSPrice”, StartSPrice, StartSPriceColor, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtStartSPrice”,0, _time_bar, StartSPrice, StartSPriceColor, FontSize, 0.0, “羊囵蝾忄 鲥磬 SELL”, FontName);
if(StartBPrice > 0.0){
GraphHLineCreate(sPref+”StartBPrice”, StartBPrice, StartBPriceColor, STYLE_SOLID, 1);
GraphTextCreate(sPref+”txtStartBPrice”,0, _time_bar, StartBPrice+shiftGraph*Point, StartBPriceColor, FontSize, 0.0, “羊囵蝾忄 鲥磬 BUY”, FontName);
// 杨玟囗桢 / 桤戾礤龛?桧纛痨圉桀眄铋 镟礤腓
void Label(string _name, int _x, int _y, string _text, color _clr){
_name = sPrefIndPan+_name;
GraphLabelCreate(0, _name, _x, _y, 1, _text, FontSize, FontName, _clr);
if(ObjectGet(_name, OBJPROP_COLOR) != _clr) ObjectSet(_name,OBJPROP_COLOR,_clr);
if(ObjectGet(_name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE) != _x) ObjectSet(_name,OBJPROP_XDISTANCE,_x);
if(ObjectGet(_name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE) != _y) ObjectSet(_name,OBJPROP_YDISTANCE,_y);
if(ObjectDescription(_name) != _text) ObjectSetText(_name, _text, FontSize);
// 泽黻鲨 耦玟噱?钺牝 Horisontal Line 玎溧眄钽?鲡弪? 耱桦
void GraphHLineCreate(string sName, double _dPrice, color MyColor, int _iStyle, int _iWidth){ObjectCreate(sName,OBJ_HLINE,0,0,_dPrice);ObjectSet(sName,OBJPROP_COLOR,MyColor);ObjectSet(sName,OBJPROP_STYLE,_iStyle); ObjectSet(sName,OBJPROP_WIDTH,_iWidth); }
// 泽黻鲨 耦玟噱?钺牝 Label ?箨噻囗铎 铌礤(镱漕觏? 沭圄桕??玎溧眄 磬玮囗桢? 蝈犟蝾? 梏蝾? 疣珈屦铎 梏蜞, 鲡弪铎 梏蜞, ?疣耧铍铈屙桁 镱 蝾麝囔 ??y
void GraphLabelCreate(int Handle, string NameObject, int x, int y, int Corn, string text, int _FontSize, string _FontName, color FontColor){ObjectCreate(NameObject, OBJ_LABEL, Handle, 0, 0);ObjectSet(NameObject, OBJPROP_CORNER, Corn); ObjectSet(NameObject, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x); ObjectSet(NameObject, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y); ObjectSetText(NameObject, text, _FontSize, _FontName, FontColor);}
// 泽黻鲨 耦玟噱?钺牝 Text ?箨噻囗眍?铌礤(镱漕觏? 沭圄桕??玎溧眄 磬玮囗桢? 蝈犟蝾? 梏蝾? 疣珈屦铎 栩? 鲡弪铎 蝈犟蜞, 筱腩?磬觌铐?蝈犟蜞
void GraphTextCreate(string _n,int _h, datetime x, double y, color _c,int _FontSize, double _Angle, string _text, string _FontName){ ObjectCreate(_n, OBJ_TEXT, _h, x, y); ObjectSet(_n, OBJPROP_ANGLE, _Angle); ObjectSetText(_n, _text, _FontSize, _FontName, _c); }
// 骂玮疣弪 觐眚尻耱 篑蝠铋耱?觌桧蝰觐?钺豚耱?沭圄桕??玎溧眄 珥圜屙桢?疣珈屦??磬玮囗? 梏蜞
// 吾玎蝈朦眍 眢骓?恹玮囹?趔黻鲨?
void GetDCWithFontNameAndSize(string _font_name, int _font_size){
DC_hWnd=WindowHandle(Symbol(), Period());
DC_hnd = GetDC(DC_hWnd);
int dpi=GetDeviceCaps(DC_hnd,88); //88=LOGPIXELSX
int fontheight = MathRound(_font_size*dpi/72.0);
// 务忸犷驿噱?钺牝?DC ?Font
void DCRelease(){ ReleaseDC(DC_hWnd,DC_hnd); DeleteObject(DC_hFont); DC_hWnd = 0; DC_hFont = 0; DC_hnd = 0; }
// 项塍鬣弪 疣珈屦 耱痤觇 ?镨犟咫?
int GetStringSizeInPix(string _str){
int size[2];
// 泽黻鲨 疣耨麒螓忄弪 箴钼屙?爨疰??镳铞屙蜞?
double InfoGetMarginLevel(){ double dMarginNow = AccountMargin(); if(dMarginNow==0) dMarginNow = 1; return(NormalizeDouble(((AccountEquity()/dMarginNow)*100),2)); }
// 泽黻鲨 忸玮疣弪 桧纛痨圉棹 ?镱耠邃礤?铗牮铎 铕溴疱 (铕溴?妁?礤 玎牮)
////// 相疣戾瘥:
// _symbol – 桧耱痼戾眚 潆 镱桉赅 铕溴疣 (“” – 镱桉?镱 怦屐 桧耱痼戾眚囔)
// _type_order – 蜩?桉觐祛泐 铕溴疣 (-1 – 膻犷?蜩?
// 灭箫镱忸?恹犷?
// 99 – 埋?铕溴疣
// 10 – Buy ?Sell
// 50 – 悟腩驽眄 (BuyStop, BuyLimit, SellStop, SellLimit)
// 51 – BuyStop ?BuyLimit
// 52 – SellStop ?SellLimit
// 53 – BuyStop ?SellStop
// 54 – BuyLimit ?SellLimit
// _magic – 箜桕嚯 眍戾?铕溴疣 桦?
// -1 – 镱桉?礤 玎忤耔?铗 箜桕嚯钽?眍戾疣
// 99 – 镱桉?镱 戾滏桕囔 Magic_martin ?Magic_piramid
// _comment – 耱痤赅 觐蝾痼?漕腈屙 耦溴疰囹?觐祆屙蜞痂?铕溴疣 (“” – 镱桉?礤 玎忤耔?铗 觐祆屙蜞痂 铕溴疣)
////// 青镱腠屐 爨耨桠?(耱痼牝箴?:
// dblInfo – 溧眄 麒耠钼钽?蜩镟 (鲨麴?钺铉磬鬣 屐屙螓 爨耨桠?:
// 0 – OrderTicket, 眍戾?蜩赍蜞 铕溴疣
// 1 – OrderType, 蜩?铕溴疣
// 2 – OrderOpenTime, 怵屐 铗牮? 铕溴疣
// 3 – OrderOpenPrice, 鲥磬 铗牮? 铕溴疣
// 4 – OrderStopLoss, 鲥磬 玎牮? 镱玷鲨?镳?漕耱桄屙梃 箴钼? 筢铟眍耱?
// 5 – OrderTakeProfit, 鲥磬 玎牮? 镱玷鲨?镳?漕耱桄屙梃 箴钼? 镳栳铖蜩
// 6 – OrderLots, 钺?铕溴疣
// 7 – OrderMagicNumber, 箜桕嚯 眍戾?铕溴疣
// 8 – OrderProfit, 珥圜屙桢 麒耱铋 镳栳?
// 9 – OrderCommission, 珥圜屙桢 疣耨麒蜞眄铋 觐扈耨梃
// 10- OrderSwap, 珥圜屙桢 疋铒?
// strInfo – 溧眄 耱痤觐忸泐 蜩镟:
// 0 – OrderSymbol, 桧耱痼戾眚 镱 觐蝾痤祗 铗牮 铕溴疣
// 1 – OrderComment, 觐祆屙蜞痂?恹狃囗眍泐 铕溴疣
//-// true 羼腓 桧纛痨圉? 耦狃囗? false ?镳铗桠眍?耠篦噱
bool OrdersGetLastOpenInfo(string _symbol, int _type_order, int _magic, string _comment, double& dblInfo[], string& strInfo[]){
bool res = false;
datetime time = 0;
int ticket = 0;for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i>=0;i–){
if((time==0 || OrderOpenTime()>time) &&
(_symbol==”” || OrderSymbol()==_symbol) &&
(_type_order==-1 || InfoisTypeOrdPartOfGroup(OrderType(), _type_order)) &&
(_magic==-1 || _magic==OrderMagicNumber() || (_magic==99 && (Magic_martin==OrderMagicNumber() ||/* MagicRuchnik==OrderMagicNumber() ||*/ Magic_piramid==OrderMagicNumber()))) &&
(_comment==”” || StringFind(OrderComment(),_comment)!=-1))
time = OrderOpenTime();
ticket = OrderTicket();
ArrayResize(dblInfo,11); ArrayInitialize(dblInfo,0);
dblInfo[0] = OrderTicket();
dblInfo[1] = OrderType();
dblInfo[2] = OrderOpenTime();
dblInfo[3] = OrderOpenPrice();
dblInfo[4] = OrderStopLoss();
dblInfo[5] = OrderTakeProfit();
dblInfo[6] = OrderLots();
dblInfo[7] = OrderMagicNumber();
dblInfo[8] = OrderProfit();
dblInfo[9] = OrderCommission();
dblInfo[10]= OrderSwap();
strInfo[0] = OrderSymbol();
strInfo[1] = OrderComment();
res = true;
// 蔓镱腠弪 玎牮桢 镱 蚁 ?茵彘腓磴?
//-// 忸玮疣弪 true 羼腓 铕溴疣 猁腓 玎牮?
bool CloseByTPAndTral(){
bool _res = false;
if(TralPrice > 0.0){
case OP_BUY:
if(Bid <= TralPrice){
OrdersClose(33, Magic_martin, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, Magic_piramid, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, MagicRuchnik, true, _Symbol, “”);
StartBPrice = -1;
StartSPrice = -1;
OpenCloseLineDraw();if(!NewCycle_ON) isWorking = false;
TralPrice = 0.0;
StopMartin = false;
StopPiramid = false;
if(NormalizeDouble(Bid-TralPrice,Digits) >= Tral_Size){
TralPrice = NormalizeDouble(Bid-Tral_Size,Digits);
case OP_SELL:
if(Ask >= TralPrice){
OrdersClose(33, Magic_martin, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, Magic_piramid, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, MagicRuchnik, true, _Symbol, “”);
StartBPrice = -1;
StartSPrice = -1;
OpenCloseLineDraw();if(!NewCycle_ON) isWorking = false;
TralPrice = 0.0;
StopMartin = false;
StopPiramid = false;
if(NormalizeDouble(TralPrice-Ask,Digits) >= Tral_Size){
TralPrice = NormalizeDouble(Ask+Tral_Size,Digits);
// 橡钼屦赅 漕耱桄屙? 箴钼? StartTral
if(TralStartPrice > 0.0){
case OP_BUY:
if(NormalizeDouble(Bid-TralStartPrice,Digits) >= 0.0){
TralPrice = NormalizeDouble(Bid-Tral_Size,Digits);
OrdersClose(2, Magic_piramid, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(2, Magic_martin, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, MagicRuchnik, true, _Symbol, “”);
StartBPrice = -1;
//StartSPrice = -1;
OpenCloseLineDraw();TralStartPrice = 0.0;
case OP_SELL:
if(NormalizeDouble(TralStartPrice-Ask,Digits) >= 0.0){
TralPrice = NormalizeDouble(Ask+Tral_Size,Digits);
OrdersClose(0, Magic_piramid, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(0, Magic_martin, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, MagicRuchnik, true, _Symbol, “”);
//StartBPrice = -1;
StartSPrice = -1;
OpenCloseLineDraw();TralStartPrice = 0.0;
// 项聍栩囹屐 铗牮 钺禧 Buy ?Sell
double _buy_lot = OrdersGetOpenLot(_Symbol, OP_BUY, 99, “”, 0, 0);
double _sell_lot = OrdersGetOpenLot(_Symbol, OP_SELL, 99, “”, 0, 0);
// 物疱溴腓?赅觐?磬镳噔脲龛?桁邋?犷朦?钺?
int _type_ord_tp = EMPTY; if(_buy_lot > _sell_lot) _type_ord_tp = OP_BUY; else if(_buy_lot < _sell_lot) _type_ord_tp = OP_SELL;
// 项聍栩噱?耩邃睨?鲥眢 潆 礤钺躅滂祛泐 蜩镟
double _aver_price = 0.0;
double _tp_line = 0.0;
case OP_BUY:
//_aver_price = OrdersGetAveragePrice(_Symbol, OP_BUY, 99, “”, 0, 0);
_aver_price = AveragePriceAllSeries(_buy_lot, _sell_lot);
if(_aver_price > 0.0){
_tp_line = NormalizeDouble(_aver_price + DefaultProfit,Digits);
// 篷腓 漕耱桡眢蜞 腓龛 蚁
if(Bid >= _tp_line){
// 愉嚯桁 怦?铗腩驽眄 铕溴疣
MBuyStop = 0.0;
MBuyStopLot = 0.0;
MBuyStopNumb= 0.0;
PSellStop = 0.0;
PSellStopLot = 0.0;
PSellStopNumb= 0.0;
// 橡钼屦桁 眢骓?腓 玎牮?怦?铕溴疣 耩噻?桦?蝾朦觐 鬣耱?- 铖蜞朦睇?蝠嚯栩?
// 青牮桢 怦艴 铕屦钼 钺睇?耧铖钺铎
OrdersClose(33, Magic_martin, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, Magic_piramid, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, MagicRuchnik, true, _Symbol, “”);
StartBPrice = -1;
StartSPrice = -1;
OpenCloseLineDraw();if(!NewCycle_ON) isWorking = false;
_res = true;
// 朽聍栩噱?箴钼屙?磬鬣豚 蝠彘腓磴?
TralStartPrice = NormalizeDouble(_tp_line+Tral_Start,Digits);
TralType = OP_BUY;
TralStartPrice = 0.0;
TralType = EMPTY;
case OP_SELL:
//_aver_price = OrdersGetAveragePrice(_Symbol, OP_SELL, 99, “”, 0, 0);
_aver_price = AveragePriceAllSeries(_buy_lot, _sell_lot);
if(_aver_price > 0.0){
_tp_line = NormalizeDouble(_aver_price – DefaultProfit,Digits);
// 篷腓 漕耱桡眢蜞 腓龛 蚁
if(Ask <= _tp_line){
// 愉嚯桁 怦?铗腩驽眄 铕溴疣
MSellStop = 0.0;
MSellStopLot = 0.0;
MSellStopNumb= 0.0;
PBuyStop = 0.0;
PBuyStopLot = 0.0;
PBuyStopNumb= 0.0;
// 橡钼屦桁 眢骓?腓 玎牮?怦?铕溴疣 耩噻?桦?蝾朦觐 鬣耱?- 铖蜞朦睇?蝠嚯栩?
// 青牮桢 怦艴 铕屦钼 钺睇?耧铖钺铎
OrdersClose(33, Magic_martin, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, Magic_piramid, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, MagicRuchnik, true, _Symbol, “”);
StartBPrice = -1;
StartSPrice = -1;
OpenCloseLineDraw();if(!NewCycle_ON) isWorking = false;
_res = true;
// 朽聍栩噱?箴钼屙?磬鬣豚 蝠彘腓磴?
TralStartPrice = NormalizeDouble(_tp_line-Tral_Start,Digits);
TralType = OP_SELL;
TralStartPrice = 0.0;
TralType = EMPTY;
AveregeLine = _aver_price;
TPLine = _tp_line;
// 泽黻鲨 疣聍栩噱?耩邃睨?鲥眢 怦艴 铗牮 铕溴痤?疣珥 磬镳噔脲龛?
double AveragePriceAllSeries(double _buy_lot, double _sell_lot){
double _res = 0.0;double _buy_aver_price = OrdersGetAveragePrice(_Symbol, OP_BUY, 99, “”, 0, 0);
double _sell_aver_price = OrdersGetAveragePrice(_Symbol, OP_SELL, 99, “”, 0, 0);
double _lock_point = NormalizeDouble((_sell_aver_price-_buy_aver_price)/Point,0);
double _lock_in_currency = 0.0;
double _price_of_point = InfoGetPriceOfPoint(_Symbol);// 吾疣犷蜿?耔蝮圉梃 觐沅?镱 钿眍祗 桤 磬镳噔脲龛?礤?铕溴痤?
if(_buy_aver_price == 0.0 && _sell_aver_price > 0.0){
_res = _sell_aver_price;
if(_buy_aver_price > 0.0 && _sell_aver_price == 0.0){
_res = _buy_aver_price;
if(_buy_lot < _sell_lot) _lock_in_currency = NormalizeDouble(_lock_point*(_price_of_point*_buy_lot),2);
if(_lock_point > 0) _lock_point = -_lock_point;
else _lock_point = MathAbs(_lock_point);
_lock_in_currency = NormalizeDouble(_lock_point*(_price_of_point*_sell_lot),2);
}double _target_lot = NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(_buy_lot-_sell_lot),iDigitLot);
if(_target_lot > 0.0){
int _target_pip = _lock_in_currency / (_target_lot * _price_of_point);
double _target_point = NormalizeDouble(_target_pip*Point,Digits);if(_buy_lot > _sell_lot){
_res = NormalizeDouble(_buy_aver_price + _target_point,Digits);
_res = NormalizeDouble(_sell_aver_price + _target_point,Digits);
//泽黻鲨 忸玮瘗噱?耱铊祛耱?钿眍泐 矬黻蜞 磬 玎溧眄铋 镟疱 ?忄膻蝈 溴镱玷蜞 ?疣聍弪?磬 1 腩?
double InfoGetPriceOfPoint(string B)
double S = 0;
S = MarketInfo(B,MODE_TICKVALUE)/(MarketInfo(B,MODE_TICKSIZE)/MarketInfo(B,MODE_POINT));
// 泽黻鲨 疣聍栩噱?耩邃睨?鲥眢 ?铕溴痤?镱 玎溧眄 镟疣戾蝠囔
// _symbol – 桧耱痼戾眚 (“”, 膻犷?桧耱痼戾眚)
// _type – 蜩?铕溴痤?(-1, 膻犷?蜩?镱玷鲨?
// _magic – 箜桕嚯 眍戾?铕溴痤?耦忮蝽桕?桦?
// -1 – 镱 膻犷祗 箜桕嚯铎?眍戾痼
// 99 – 镱桉?镱 戾滏桕囔 Magic_martin ?Magic_piramid
// _comm – 耱痤赅 觐蝾疣 漕腈磬 耦溴疰囹 ?觐祆屙蜞痂?(“”, ?膻猁?觐祆屙蜞痂屐)
// minOpenTime – 怵屐 铗牮? 铕溴疣 漕腈眍 猁螯 犷朦 桦?疣忭?玎溧眄铎?(0 – 礤 桉镱朦珞弪?)
// maxOpenTime – 怵屐 铗牮? 铕溴疣 漕腈眍 猁螯 戾睃 桦?疣忭?玎溧眄铎?(0 – 礤 桉镱朦珞弪?)
//-// 忸玮疣屐铄 珥圜屙桢: 耩邃? 鲥磬 桦?0 ?镳铗桠眍?耠篦噱
double OrdersGetAveragePrice(string _symbol, int _type, int _magic, string _comm, datetime minOpenTime, datetime maxOpenTime){
double dRes = 0, dSumLot=0, swap_comm = 0;
int _cnt_orders = 0;
double point_cost = InfoGetPriceOfPoint(_Symbol);for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i>=0;i–){
if((_symbol==”” || OrderSymbol()==_symbol) &&
(_magic==-1 || OrderMagicNumber()==_magic || (_magic==99 && (OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_martin || OrderMagicNumber()==MagicRuchnik || OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_piramid))) &&
(_type==-1 || OrderType()==_type) &&
(_comm==”” || StringFind(OrderComment(),_comm)!=-1) &&
(minOpenTime==0 || OrderOpenTime()>=minOpenTime) &&
(maxOpenTime==0 || OrderOpenTime()<=maxOpenTime))
//— 篦弪 觐扈耨梃 ?疋铒?
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
swap_comm = ((-1*OrderCommission())+OrderSwap())/OrderLots()*Point;
if (IsTesting()) swap_comm = (OrderSwap()/OrderLots()*Point)+(Test_com_in_pip*Point);
} else
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
swap_comm = (OrderCommission()-OrderSwap())/OrderLots()*Point;
if (IsTesting()) swap_comm = (OrderSwap()/OrderLots()*Point)+(-1*Test_com_in_pip*Point);
dRes += (OrderOpenPrice()+swap_comm)*OrderLots();
dSumLot += OrderLots();
if(_cnt_orders > 0){
dRes = NormalizeDouble(dRes/dSumLot,MarketInfo(_symbol,MODE_DIGITS));
// 泽黻鲨 耋祆桊箦?觐?忸 铗牮 腩蝾?
// _symbol – 桧耱痼戾眚 (“”, 膻犷?桧耱痼戾眚)
// _type – 蜩?铕溴痤?(-1, 膻犷?蜩?镱玷鲨?
// 灭箫镱忸?恹犷?
// 99 – 埋?铕溴疣
// 10 – Buy ?Sell
// 50 – 悟腩驽眄 (BuyStop, BuyLimit, SellStop, SellLimit)
// 51 – BuyStop ?BuyLimit
// 52 – SellStop ?SellLimit
// 53 – BuyStop ?SellStop
// 54 – BuyLimit ?SellLimit
// _magic – 箜桕嚯 眍戾?铕溴痤?耦忮蝽桕?桦?
// -1 – 镱 膻犷祗 箜桕嚯铎?眍戾痼
// 99 – 镱桉?镱 戾滏桕囔 Magic_martin ?Magic_piramid
// _comm – 耱痤赅 觐蝾疣 漕腈磬 耦溴疰囹 ?觐祆屙蜞痂?(“”, ?膻猁?觐祆屙蜞痂屐)
// minOpenTime – 怵屐 铗牮? 铕溴疣 漕腈眍 猁螯 犷朦 桦?疣忭?玎溧眄铎?(0 – 礤 桉镱朦珞弪?)
// maxOpenTime – 怵屐 铗牮? 铕溴疣 漕腈眍 猁螯 戾睃 桦?疣忭?玎溧眄铎?(0 – 礤 桉镱朦珞弪?)
//-// 骂玮疣弪 觐?忸 铗牮 铕溴痤?桦?0
double OrdersGetOpenLot(string _symbol, int _type, int _magic, string _comm, datetime minOpenTime, datetime maxOpenTime){
int a1,order_type;
double lot=0;for(a1=OrdersTotal()-1;a1>=0;a1–){
if((_symbol==”” || OrderSymbol()==_symbol) &&
(_magic==-1 || OrderMagicNumber()==_magic || (_magic==99 && (OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_martin || OrderMagicNumber()==MagicRuchnik || OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_piramid))) &&
(_comm==”” || StringFind(OrderComment(),_comm)==-1) &&
(minOpenTime==0 || OrderOpenTime()>=minOpenTime) &&
(maxOpenTime==0 || OrderOpenTime()<=maxOpenTime))
lot +=OrderLots();
order_type = OrderType();
if((_type==OP_BUY || _type==10) && order_type==OP_BUY) lot +=OrderLots();
if((_type==OP_SELL || _type==10) && order_type==OP_SELL)lot+=OrderLots();
if((_type==OP_SELLSTOP || _type==50 || _type==52 || _type==53) && order_type==OP_SELLSTOP) lot+=OrderLots();
if((_type==OP_BUYSTOP || _type==50 || _type==51 || _type==53) && order_type==OP_BUYSTOP) lot+=OrderLots();
if((_type==OP_SELLLIMIT || _type==50 || _type==52 || _type==54) && order_type==OP_SELLLIMIT)lot+=OrderLots();
if((_type==OP_BUYLIMIT || _type==50 || _type==51 || _type==54) && order_type==OP_BUYLIMIT) lot+=OrderLots();
// 悟牮桢 忤痼嚯 铗腩驽眄 铕溴痤?
void OpenVirtPendOrd(){
if(MSellStop > 0.0){
if(Bid <= MSellStop){
if((M()==-1 && Vxod_M==1) || Vxod_M==0 || (M2()==-1 && Vxod_M2==1) || Vxod_M2==0) //我市垡扰 涡呐欣 衔 韧娜世椅杏 膛娜犹
SendOrder(OP_SELL, MSellStopLot, Bid, Magic_martin, DoubleToStr(MSellStopNumb,0)+”:martin”,0,0);
Sleep(PauseTrade*1000);MSellStop = 0.0;
MSellStopLot = 0.0;
MSellStopNumb = 0;
//MSellStopStopLoss = 0.0;
//MSellStopTakeProfit = 0.0;
}if(MBuyStop > 0.0){
if(Ask >= MBuyStop){
if((M()==1 && Vxod_M==1) || Vxod_M==0 || (M2()==1 && Vxod_M2==1) || Vxod_M2==0) //我市垡扰 涡呐欣 衔 韧娜世椅杏 膛娜犹
SendOrder(OP_BUY, MBuyStopLot, Ask, Magic_martin, DoubleToStr(MBuyStopNumb,0)+”:martin”,0,0);
Sleep(PauseTrade*1000);MBuyStopLot = 0.0;
MBuyStopNumb = 0;
MBuyStop = 0.0;
// MBuyStopStopLoss = 0.0;
//MBuyStopTakeProfit = 0.0;
}if(PSellStop > 0.0){
if(Bid <= PSellStop){
if((P()==-1 && Vxod_P==1) || Vxod_P==0 || (P2()==-1 && Vxod_P2==1) || Vxod_P2==0) //我市垡扰 涡呐欣 衔 韧娜世椅杏 膛娜犹
SendOrder(OP_SELL, PSellStopLot, Bid, Magic_piramid, DoubleToStr(PSellStopNumb,0)+”:piramid”,0,0);
PModifyOrders (OP_SELL);
PSellStopLot = 0.0;
PSellStopNumb = 0;
PSellStop = 0.0;
}if(PBuyStop > 0.0){
if(Ask >= PBuyStop){
if((P()==1 && Vxod_P==1) || Vxod_P==0 || (P2()==1 && Vxod_P2==1) || Vxod_P2==0) //我市垡扰 涡呐欣 衔 韧娜世椅杏 膛娜犹
SendOrder(OP_BUY, PBuyStopLot, Ask, Magic_piramid, DoubleToStr(PBuyStopNumb,0)+”:piramid”,0,0);
PModifyOrders (OP_BUY);
PBuyStopLot = 0.0;
PBuyStopNumb = 0;
PBuyStop = 0.0;
//PBuyStopStopLoss = 0.0;
//PBuyStopTakeProfit = 0.0;
// 蔓镱腠弪 蝠彘腓磴 忤痱筻朦睇?铗腩驽眄 铕溴痤?铗牮 镱 爨痱桊眢 桦?镨疣扈溴 镳?戾蝾溴 2
void TrailVirtPendOrd(){
double _val = 0.0;
if(MSellStop > 0.0){
if(NormalizeDouble(Bid-MSellStop,Digits) > Step){
_val = NormalizeDouble(Bid-Dist,Digits);
if(_val > MSellStop){
MSellStop = _val;
//Print(“MSellStop = “+MSellStop);
if(MBuyStop > 0.0){
if(NormalizeDouble(MBuyStop-Ask,Digits) > Step){
_val = NormalizeDouble(Ask+Dist,Digits);
if(_val < MBuyStop){
MBuyStop = _val;
if(PSellStop > 0.0){
if(NormalizeDouble(Bid-PSellStop,Digits) > Step){
_val = NormalizeDouble(Bid-Dist,Digits);
if(_val > PSellStop){
PSellStop = _val;
if(PBuyStop > 0.0){
if(NormalizeDouble(PBuyStop-Ask,Digits) > Step){
_val = NormalizeDouble(Ask+Dist,Digits);
if(_val < PBuyStop){
PBuyStop = _val;
// 青牮噱?铕溴疣 镳?漕耱桄屙梃 玎溧眄钽?筢赅 ?忄膻蝈 溴镱玷蜞
// 骂玮疣弪 true 羼腓 玎牮桢 耦耱?腩顸 ?false 羼腓 礤?
bool CloseByStopLoss(){
bool _res = false;
//if(StopLoss > 0.0)
if (AccountEquity()<=AccountBalance()*(1-StopLoss /100))
double _all_result = OrdersGetProfit(99, 11, _Symbol, “”);
if(_all_result <= -StopLoss){
OrdersClose(33, Magic_martin, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, Magic_piramid, true, _Symbol, “”);
OrdersClose(33, MagicRuchnik, true, _Symbol, “”);
StartBPrice = -1;
StartSPrice = -1;
isWorking = false;
_res = true;StopMartin = false;
StopPiramid = false;
// 玛膻麇龛?镨疣扈潲 镳?漕耱桄屙梃 玎溧眄铋 镳铖噤觇
void EnablePiramid(){
if(!PiramidOn && PiramidStart > 0.0 && !PiramidAutoStart){double _buy_result = OrdersGetProfit(99, OP_BUY, _Symbol, “”);
double _sell_result = OrdersGetProfit(99, OP_SELL, _Symbol, “”);
double _all_result = _buy_result+_sell_result;if(NormalizeDouble((_all_result/AccountBalance())*100,2) <= -PiramidStart){
PiramidAutoStart = true;double _open_martin = 0.0;
// 物疱溴腓?赅觐?桤 磬镳噔脲龛?蝾疸钼腓 怆弪? 爨痱桧铎
if(_buy_result < 0.0 && _sell_result >= 0.0){
// 项聍栩噱?钺?铗牮 爨痱桧 铕溴痤?
_open_martin = OrdersGetOpenLot(_Symbol, OP_BUY, Magic_martin, “:start”, 0, 0);
if(_buy_result >= 0.0 && _sell_result < 0.0){
// 项聍栩噱?钺?铗牮 爨痱桧 铕溴痤?
_open_martin = OrdersGetOpenLot(_Symbol, OP_SELL, Magic_martin, “:start”, 0, 0);
}// 朽耨麒蜞屐 礤钺躅滂禧?疣珈屦 腩蜞 镨疣扈潲
PiramidStartLot = NormalizeDouble(_open_martin*(Persen_open/100),iDigitLot);
if(PiramidStartLot > MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_MAXLOT)) PiramidStartLot = MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_MAXLOT);
if(PiramidStartLot < MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_MINLOT)) PiramidStartLot = MarketInfo(_Symbol,MODE_MINLOT);
// Revers
void ReversPiramid(int m_sell, int m_buy) {
///if(!PiramidOn && PiramidStart > 0.0 && !PiramidAutoStart){double _buy_result = OrdersGetProfit(99, OP_BUY, _Symbol, “”);
double _sell_result = OrdersGetProfit(99, OP_SELL, _Symbol, “”);
//double _all_result = MathAbs(_buy_result+_sell_result);if (_buy_result + _sell_result != 0) {
/* if(_buy_result < 0.0 && _sell_result >= 0.0){
Buy_flag = martin_flag;
Sell_flag = piramid_flag;
} else {
if(_buy_result >= 0.0 && _sell_result < 0.0){
Buy_flag = piramid_flag;
Sell_flag = martin_flag;
Magic_piramid = MagicPiramid;
Magic_martin = MagicMartin;
} */
if(NormalizeDouble((_buy_result/AccountBalance())*100,2) <= -PiramidRevers && m_buy == Magic_piramid){
Buy_flag = martin_flag;
Sell_flag = piramid_flag;
Magic_piramid = MagicMartin;
Magic_martin = MagicPiramid;
Martin_On = true;
if(NormalizeDouble((_sell_result/AccountBalance())*100,2) <= -PiramidRevers && m_sell == Magic_piramid){
Buy_flag = piramid_flag;
Sell_flag = martin_flag;
Magic_piramid = MagicMartin;
Magic_martin = MagicPiramid;
Martin_On = true;
// 泽黻鲨 痂耋弪 腓龛?戾驿?蝾麝铋 铗牮? ?玎牮? 铕溴痤?
void OpenCloseLineDraw(){
// 翌朦觐 ?铐豚轫 疱骅戾
if(Info /*&& !IsTesting() && !IsOptimization()*/){
string _name = “”;
color _clr = CLR_NONE;
for(int i=OrdersHistoryTotal()-1;i>=0;i–){
if(OrderSymbol()==Symbol() && (OrderMagicNumber() == Magic_martin || OrderMagicNumber() == Magic_piramid) && OrderType()<2){
_name = “close line by #”+DoubleToStr(OrderTicket(),0);
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) _clr = clrBlue; else _clr = clrRed;
GraphTrendLineCreate(_name, 0, OrderOpenTime(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderCloseTime(), OrderClosePrice(), false, _clr, STYLE_DOT, 1);
// 泽黻鲨 耦玟噱?钺牝 Trend Line ?玎溧眄铎 铌礤(镱?铌礤) 沭圄桕? ?玎溧眄 桁屙屐, 觐铕滂磬蜞扈, 桉镱朦珙忄龛?塍黧 桦?腓龛? 鲡弪? 耱桦 腓龛?? 痂睇 腓龛?
void GraphTrendLineCreate(string sName, int _iHandle, datetime _x1, double _y1, datetime _x2, double _y2, bool _isRay, color _MyColor, int _iStyle, int _Width){ ObjectCreate(sName, OBJ_TREND, _iHandle, _x1, _y1, _x2, _y2); ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_RAY, _isRay); ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_COLOR, _MyColor); ObjectSet(sName, OBJPROP_STYLE, _iStyle); ObjectSet(sName,OBJPROP_WIDTH,_Width); }
// 泽黻鲨 镱塍鬣弪 蝈牦?镳铘栩 镱 钿眍?桦?礤耜铍桁 镱玷鲨?
// _m – 箜桕嚯 眍戾?铕溴痤?桦?
// -1 – 礤 篦栩噱蝰
// 99 – 镱桉?镱 戾滏桕囔 Magic_martin ?Magic_piramid
// _type – 蜩?铕溴痤?(-1, 膻犷?蜩?镱玷鲨?, 沭箫镱忄 钺疣犷蜿?
// 11 – 瘥眍黜 镱玷鲨?
// 12 – 铗腩驽眄 铕溴疣
// _s – 桧耱痼戾眚 (-1, 膻犷?桧耱痼戾眚)
// _scomm – 耱痤赅 觐蝾疣 漕腈磬 耦溴疰囹 ?觐祆屙蜞痂?(“”, ?膻猁?觐祆屙蜞痂屐)
double OrdersGetProfit(int _m, int _type, string _s, string _scomm){
double dRes = 0;
for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1;i>=0;i–){
if((_m==-1 || OrderMagicNumber()==_m || (_m==99 && (Magic_martin==OrderMagicNumber()|| MagicRuchnik==OrderMagicNumber() || Magic_piramid==OrderMagicNumber()))) &&
(_s==”” || _s==OrderSymbol()) &&
(_scomm==”” || StringFind(OrderComment(),_scomm)!=-1) &&
(_type==-1 || _type==OrderType() || (_type==11 && OrderType()<2) || (_type==12 && OrderType()>1)))
dRes += OrderProfit()+OrderCommission()+OrderSwap();
// 泽黻鲨 忸玮疣弪 钺?耠邃簋泐 铕溴疣 ?玎忤耔祛耱?铗 蜩镟
// 0 – 铗牮桢 镥疴 铕溴痤?鲥镱麝?
double GetLot(int _type=1, double _lst_lot = 0.0, int _number_order = 0, double _real_step = 0.0, double _target_step = 0.0){
double _res = 0.0;
case 1: // 祟?潆 镥疴 铕溴痤?
_res = DefaultLot;
_res = InfoLotPersentOfDeposit(_Symbol, Risk, iDigitLot);
case 2: // 祟?潆 爨痱桧 铕溴疣
if(_number_order >= 1){
if(!FixLot && CCI_On && !PiramidOn){
// 项聍栩噱?疣珈屦 徉珙忸泐 腩蜞
_res = NormalizeDouble(_lst_lot*GetMartinLotExponent(_number_order),iDigitLot);
// 项聍栩噱?磬 耜铍?眢骓?筲咫梓栩?疣珈屦 徉珙忸泐 腩蜞 ?玎忤耔祛耱?铗 镳铋溴眄 矬黻蝾?
if(_real_step > _target_step){
double _lot_exponent = NormalizeDouble(_real_step/_target_step,2);
_res = NormalizeDouble(_res*_lot_exponent,iDigitLot);
_res = NormalizeDouble(_lst_lot*GetMartinLotExponent(_number_order),iDigitLot);
} else {
_res = GetLot();
case 3: // 祟?潆 铕溴疣 镨疣扈潲if(_number_order == 0){
_res = _lst_lot;
_res = NormalizeDouble(_lst_lot*GetPiramidLotExponent(_number_order),iDigitLot);
// 悟镳噔赅 镳桕噻?
void SendOrder(int _type, double _dlot, double _price, int _magic, string _comment, double _stoploss = 0.0, double _takeprofit = 0.0){
// 暑眚痤朦磬 镳钼屦赅 疣珈屦?腩蜞
if(_dlot > MaxLot) _dlot = MaxLot;
// 橡钼屦赅 磬 漕耱囹铟眍耱?耩邃耱?磬 聍弪?
bool _check_margin = true;
if(AccountFreeMarginCheck(_Symbol,_type,_dlot)<=0.0 || GetLastError()==134){
_check_margin = false;
// 悟镳噔赅 镳桕噻?磬 铗牮桢 铕溴疣
OrdersOpen(InfoGetTypeTrdOperInInterFrm(_type), _dlot, _price, _Symbol, _comment, _stoploss, _takeprofit, iDigitLot, Slippege, _magic, iTicket);
// 勿溴疣 礤 猁?铗牮 – 牮栩梓羼赅 铠栳赅
if(iTicket < 0){
// 聋豚 镱稃蜿?铌蝠桢 镥疴钽?铕溴疣 皴痂?
if(_comment == “1:start”){
Alert(“马桁囗桢!署栩梓羼赅 铠栳赅 镳?铗牮梃 镥疴钽?铕溴疣 皴痂?勿溴?礤 猁?铗牮!”);
Comment(“马桁囗桢! 湾 漕耱囹铟眍 耩邃耱?潆 铗牮? 眍忸泐 铕溴疣!”);
Print ( “湾 漕耱囹铟眍 耩邃耱?潆 铗牮? 眍忸泐 铕溴疣! “);
Sleep (10000);
CommentSet = true;}
// 骂玮疣弪 true 羼腓 礤钺躅滂祛 铖蜞眍忤螯 铗牮桢 爨痱桧 铕溴痤?镱耠?玎溧眄钽?觐脲磬
bool fStopMartin(int _number_order){
bool _res = false;
if(MartinOnNew && _number_order >= LotNoM){
_res = true;
StopMartin = true;
// 骂玮疣弪 true 羼腓 礤钺躅滂祛 铖蜞眍忤螯 铗牮桢 铕溴痤??镨疣扈溴 镱耠?玎溧眄钽?觐脲磬
bool fStopPiramid(int _number_order){
bool _res = false;
if(PiramidOnNew && _number_order >= LotNoP){
_res = true;
StopPiramid = true;
// 骂玮疣弪 觐?忸 矬黻蝾?铗 鲥睇 铗牮? 镳邃簌邈?铕溴疣 潆 铗牮? 眍忸泐 爨痱桧 铕溴疣
double GetMartinStepPip(int _number_order){
double _res = MartinStep;
if(MartinOnNew && _number_order >= LotN_M){
if(MartinK_Step > 0.0){
_res = MartinStepNew * MathPow(MartinK_Step,_number_order-LotN_M);
}else _res = MartinStepNew;
// 骂玮疣弪 觐?忸 矬黻蝾?铗 鲥睇 铗牮? 镳邃簌邈?铕溴疣 潆 铗牮? 眍忸泐 铕溴疣 ?镨疣扈溴
double GetPiramidStepPip(int _number_order){
double _res = 0.0;
if(Metod==2 && PiramidOn && Martin_On){
_res = MartinStep;
if(MartinOnNew && _number_order >= LotN_M){
_res = MartinStepNew;
_res = PiramidStep;
if(PiramidOnNew && _number_order >= LotN_P){
_res = PiramidStepNew;
// 骂玮疣弪 祉铈栩咫?腩蜞 潆 铗牮? 爨痱桧 铕溴疣
double GetMartinLotExponent(int _number_order){
double _res = MartinLotExponent;
if(MartinOnNew && _number_order >= LotN_M){
_res = MartinLotExponenNew;
// 骂玮疣弪 祉铈栩咫?腩蜞 潆 铗牮? 铕溴疣 ?镨疣扈溴
double GetPiramidLotExponent(int _number_order){
double _res = PiramidLotExponent;
if(PiramidOnNew && _number_order >= LotN_P){
_res = PiramidLotExponenNew;
// 暑礅屦蜩痼弪 蜩稃 蝾疸钼 铒屦圉栝 MT 忸 忭篁疱眄邋 镳邃耱噔脲龛?潆 泽黻鲨?Order.Open
// _type – 蜩?蝾疸钼铋 铒屦圉梃
//-// 骂玮瘗噱?蜩?蝾疸钼铋 铒屦圉梃 忸 忭篁疱眄屐 镳邃耱噔脲龛?桦?-1
int InfoGetTypeTrdOperInInterFrm(int _type){ int _res = -1; switch(_type){ case OP_BUY: _res = 1; break; case OP_SELL: _res = 2; break; case OP_BUYSTOP: _res = 3; break; case OP_SELLSTOP: _res = 4; break; case OP_BUYLIMIT: _res = 5; break; case OP_SELLLIMIT: _res = 6; break; } return(_res); }
// 泽黻鲨 疣聍栩噱?腩?磬 铖眍忄龛?玎溧眄钽?镳铞屙蜞 铗 溴镱玷蜞
// _Symb – 桧耱痼戾眚 镱 觐蝾痤祗 狍溴?铗牮?镱玷鲨
// _dPersent – 镳铞屙?铗 溴镱玷蜞
// _iDigitLot – 蝾黜铖螯 腩蜞
// _isCalcRealPos – 篦栩囹?蝈牦?铗牮桢 镱玷鲨?(true – 溧, false – 礤?. 橡?铎 篦栩帼蝰 镱玷鲨??篑蜞眍怆屙 阉
// _imagic – 箜桕嚯 眍戾?铕溴痤?觐蝾瘥?眢骓?篦栩囹?(-1, 篦栩囹?怦?铕溴疣), 镱 箪铍鬣龛?-1
//-// 骂玮疣弪 疣珈屦 铗牮噱祛泐 腩蜞
double InfoLotPersentOfDeposit(string _Symb, double _dPersent, int _iDigitLot){
double dL = 0;
double One_Lot = MarketInfo(_Symb,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);
double Balance = AccountEquity();
double dPriceP = 0;
double dLossRes = 0;
int iTypeOrder = 0;dL = NormalizeDouble(Balance*_dPersent/100/One_Lot,_iDigitLot);
Print(“朽聍栩囗睇?腩?”+DoubleToStr(dL,2)+”) 戾睃 扈龛爨朦眍泐(“+DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(_Symb,MODE_MINLOT),2)+”). 祟?桤戾礤?磬 扈龛爨朦睇?”);
Print(“朽聍栩囗睇?腩?”+DoubleToStr(dL,2)+”) 犷朦 爨犟桁嚯钽?”+DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(_Symb,MODE_MAXLOT),2)+”). 祟?桤戾礤?磬 爨犟桁嚯.”);
// 蔓镱腠弪 溴蜞朦眍?腩汨痤忄龛?
//void Log(string _str){ if(Info) Print(“_str”); }
// 蔓镱腠弪 溴蜞朦眍?腩汨痤忄龛?镳?铗豚潢?
//void Debug(string _str){ Print(“DEBUG :: “+_str); }
// 襄疱忸滂?鲥腩?珥圜屙桢 ?漯钺眍?镱 觐?怏 珥嚓钼 ?觐蜩痤怅圊
// symbol – 桧耱痼戾眚 镱 觐蝾痤祗 铒疱溴?弪? 蝾黜铖螯 觐蜩痤忸?
// v – 珥圜屙桢 镥疱溧眄铄 镱 耨赍, 觐蝾痤?眢骓?觐礅屦蜩痤忄螯
//–// 湾 忸玮疣弪 珥圜屙桢
void InfoChangeToDigit(string symbol, double& v) { v *= MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_TICKSIZE); return; }
// 泽黻鲨 箐嚯弪 钺牝?桁屙?觐蝾瘥?耦溴疰囹 镥疱溧眄簋 耱痤牦
void GraphDelete(string _sName){ for(int i=0;i<ObjectsTotal();i++){ if(StringFind(ObjectName(i),_sName,0)!=-1){ ObjectDelete(ObjectName(i)); i=-1; } } }
// 皖痨嚯桤桊箦?镥疱溧眄铄 珥圜屙桢 钺爨 镱玷鲨?
// _symbol – 磬玮囗桢 桧耱痼戾眚?
// _volume – 钺?觐蝾瘥?眢骓?铌痼汶栩?
// _round_met – 耧铖钺 铌痼沐脲龛 (false – 忭桤 (镱 箪铍鬣龛?, true – 忖屦?
double InfoNormalizeVolume(string _symbol, double _volume, bool _round_met=false, bool _pre_round = true){ double new_volume = -1, k; if (_symbol==””) _symbol=Symbol(); double lot_step=MarketInfo(_symbol, MODE_LOTSTEP); double min_lot=MarketInfo(_symbol, MODE_MINLOT); double max_lot=MarketInfo(_symbol, MODE_MAXLOT); int digit_lot = InfoGetLotDigit(_symbol); if(_pre_round) _volume = NormalizeDouble(_volume,digit_lot); if(min_lot>0 && max_lot>0){ if (lot_step>0) k=1/lot_step; else k=1/min_lot; if (_round_met) new_volume = MathCeil(_volume*k)/k; else new_volume = MathFloor(_volume*k)/k; if (new_volume<min_lot) new_volume=min_lot; if (new_volume>max_lot) new_volume=max_lot; if(NormalizeDouble(_volume-new_volume,digit_lot)!=0) Print(“InfoNormalizeVolume : 腩?(“+DoubleToStr(_volume,digit_lot)+”) 猁?铌痼汶屙 漕 “+DoubleToStr(new_volume,digit_lot)); } return(NormalizeDouble(new_volume,digit_lot)); }
//泽黻鲨 忸玮疣弪 蝾黜铖螯 腩蜞
// symbol – 桧耱痼戾眚 镱 觐蝾痤祗 疣聍栩噱蝰 珥圜屙桢 蝾黜铖蜩
//–// 暑?忸 珥嚓钼 镱耠?玎?蝾?桦?0
//int InfoGetLotDigit(string symbol){ return(MathCeil(MathAbs(MathLog( MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT) )/MathLog(10)))); }
int InfoGetLotDigit(string symbol){return(MathLog(1/MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_LOTSTEP))/MathLog(10));}
// 泽黻鲨 聍栩噱?觐?忸 铕溴痤?
// _symbol – 桧耱痼戾眚 (“”, 膻犷?桧耱痼戾眚)
// _type – 蜩?铕溴痤?(-1, 膻犷?蜩?镱玷鲨?
// 灭箫镱忸?恹犷?
// 99 – 埋?铕溴疣
// 10 – Buy ?Sell
// 50 – 悟腩驽眄 (BuyStop, BuyLimit, SellStop, SellLimit)
// 51 – BuyStop ?BuyLimit
// 52 – SellStop ?SellLimit
// 53 – BuyStop ?SellStop
// 54 – BuyLimit ?SellLimit
// _magic – 箜桕嚯 眍戾?铕溴痤?耦忮蝽桕?(-1, 镱 膻犷祗 箜桕嚯铎?眍戾痼)
// _comm – 耱痤赅 觐蝾疣 漕腈磬 耦溴疰囹 ?觐祆屙蜞痂?(“”, ?膻猁?觐祆屙蜞痂屐)
// minOpenTime – 怵屐 铗牮? 铕溴疣 漕腈眍 猁螯 犷朦 桦?疣忭?玎溧眄铎?(0 – 礤 桉镱朦珞弪?)
// maxOpenTime – 怵屐 铗牮? 铕溴疣 漕腈眍 猁螯 戾睃 桦?疣忭?玎溧眄铎?(0 – 礤 桉镱朦珞弪?)
//-// 骂玮疣弪 觐?忸 铗牮 铕溴痤?桦?0
int OrdersGetCount(string _symbol, int _type, int _magic, string _comm, datetime minOpenTime, datetime maxOpenTime){ int iCount=0; if(OrdersTotal()<=0) return(0); for(int a1=OrdersTotal()-1;a1>=0;a1–){ if(OrderSelect(a1,SELECT_BY_POS)){ if((_symbol==”” || _symbol==OrderSymbol()) && (_magic==-1 || _magic==OrderMagicNumber()) && (_comm==”” || StringFind(OrderComment(),_comm)!=-1) && (minOpenTime==0 || OrderOpenTime()>=minOpenTime) && (maxOpenTime==0 || OrderOpenTime()<=maxOpenTime)){ if(_type==99){ iCount++; }else{ switch(OrderType()){ case OP_BUY: if(_type==OP_BUY || _type==10) iCount++; break; case OP_BUYSTOP: if(_type==OP_BUYSTOP || _type==50 || _type==51 || _type==53) iCount++; break; case OP_BUYLIMIT: if(_type==OP_BUYLIMIT || _type==50 || _type==51 || _type==54) iCount++; break; case OP_SELL: if(_type==OP_SELL || _type==10) iCount++; break; case OP_SELLSTOP: if(_type==OP_SELLSTOP || _type==50 || _type==52 || _type==53) iCount++; break; case OP_SELLLIMIT: if(_type==OP_SELLLIMIT || _type==50 || _type==52 || _type==54) iCount++; break; } } } } } return(iCount); }
// 杂褪秩?友依屠滤嚷琅?涡呐欣
// 1 – Buy, 2 – Sell, 3 – BuyStop, 4 – SellStop, 5 – BuyLimit, 6 – SellLimit
void OrdersOpen(int type_order,double Lot, double price, string SymbolSend, string Comm, double SL, double TP, int dlot, int slip, int mag, int& tick, color clr=CLR_NONE)
{int l_error_130=0; double takeprofit, stoplosse;
case 1 :
tick = OrderSend(SymbolSend,OP_BUY,NormalizeDouble(Lot,dlot),NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_ASK),MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),slip,0,0,Comm,mag,0,clrBlue);
if(tick==-1) { if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) return; }else{ break; }
} }
if(tick!=-1 && (SL!=0 || TP!=0)){
if(SL==0) { stoplosse = 0; }else{ stoplosse = OrderOpenPrice()-SL; }
if(TP==0) { takeprofit = 0;}else{ takeprofit= OrderOpenPrice()+TP; }
if(OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(stoplosse,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),0)) break;
if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;
}else{ Print(“OrderSelectError “+DoubleToStr(GetLastError(),0)); }
} } }
case 2 :
tick = OrderSend(SymbolSend,OP_SELL,NormalizeDouble(Lot,dlot),NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_BID),MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),slip,0,0,Comm,mag,0,clrRed);
if(tick==-1) { if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) return; }else{ break; }
} }
if(tick!=-1 && (SL!=0 || TP!=0)){
if(SL==0) { stoplosse = 0; }else{ stoplosse = OrderOpenPrice()+SL; }
if(TP==0) { takeprofit = 0;}else{ takeprofit= OrderOpenPrice()-TP; }
if(OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),NormalizeDouble(stoplosse,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),0)) break;
if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;
}else{ Print(“OrderSelectError “+DoubleToStr(GetLastError(),0)); }
} } }
case 3 :
if(SL==0) { stoplosse = 0; }else{ stoplosse = price-SL;}
if(TP==0) { takeprofit = 0;}else{ takeprofit= price+TP;}
tick = OrderSend(SymbolSend,OP_BUYSTOP,NormalizeDouble(Lot,dlot),NormalizeDouble(price,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),slip,NormalizeDouble(stoplosse,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),Comm,mag,0,clr);
if(tick==-1){if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;}else{ break; }
} }
case 4 :
if(SL==0) { stoplosse = 0; }else{ stoplosse = price+SL;}
if(TP==0) { takeprofit = 0;}else{ takeprofit= price-TP;}
tick = OrderSend(SymbolSend,OP_SELLSTOP,NormalizeDouble(Lot,dlot),NormalizeDouble(price,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),slip,NormalizeDouble(stoplosse,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),Comm,mag,0,clr);
if(tick==-1){if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;}else{ break; }
} }
case 5 :
if(SL==0) { stoplosse = 0; }else{ stoplosse = price-SL;}
if(TP==0) { takeprofit = 0;}else{ takeprofit= price+TP;}
tick = OrderSend(SymbolSend,OP_BUYLIMIT,NormalizeDouble(Lot,dlot),NormalizeDouble(price,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),slip,NormalizeDouble(stoplosse,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),Comm,mag,0,clr);
if(tick==-1){if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;}else{ break; }
} }
case 6 :
if(SL==0) { stoplosse = 0; }else{ stoplosse = price+SL;}
if(TP==0) { takeprofit = 0;}else{ takeprofit= price-TP;}
tick = OrderSend(SymbolSend,OP_SELLLIMIT,NormalizeDouble(Lot,dlot),NormalizeDouble(price,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),slip,NormalizeDouble(stoplosse,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),NormalizeDouble(takeprofit,MarketInfo(SymbolSend,MODE_DIGITS)),Comm,mag,0,clr);
if(tick==-1){if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;}else{ break; }
} }
} }
// 杂褪秩 抢市勐琅?涡呐欣
//33 – all, 0 – buy, 2 – sell, 11 – buystop and buylimit, 21 – sellstop and selllimit,
//31 – selllimit and buylimit, 41 – buystop and sellstop
//51 – buylimit and sellstop, 61 – selllimit and buystop
//_mag = -1 – 玎牮噱?镱 膻犷祗 爨汨牦
// 杂褪秩 抢市勐琅?涡呐欣
bool OrdersClose(int type, int _mag, bool _isMagic, string _sSymbol, string _scomm, color clr=CLR_NONE){
if(OrdersTotal()<1) return(true);
int ordertype, l_error_130;
for(int a1=OrdersTotal()-1;a1>=0;a1–){
if(OrderSelect(a1,SELECT_BY_POS) && ((_isMagic && OrderMagicNumber()==_mag) || (!_isMagic && OrderTicket()==_mag) || _mag==-1 )
&& ((_sSymbol!=”” && OrderSymbol()==_sSymbol) || _sSymbol==””) && (_scomm==”” || StringFind(OrderComment(),_scomm)!=-1) ){
ordertype = OrderType();
if((type==33 || type==0) && ordertype==OP_BUY) {
while(true) {
if(OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID),MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS)),0,clrDarkOrange)) break;
else if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;
} }
if((type==33 || type==11 || type==41 || type==61) && ordertype==OP_BUYSTOP) {
while(true) {
if(OrderDelete(OrderTicket(),clr)) break;
else if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;
} }
if((type==33 || type==11 || type==31 || type==51) && ordertype==OP_BUYLIMIT) {
while(true) {
if(OrderDelete( OrderTicket(),clr)) break;
else if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;
} }
if((type==33 || type==2) && ordertype==OP_SELL) {
while(true) {
if(OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_ASK),MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS)),0,clrDarkOrange)) break;
else if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;
} }
if((type==33 || type==21 || type==41 || type==51) && ordertype==OP_SELLSTOP) {
while(true) {
if(OrderDelete(OrderTicket(),clr)) break;
else if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;
} }
if((type==33 || type==21 || type==31 || type==61) && ordertype==OP_SELLLIMIT) {
while(true) {
if(OrderDelete(OrderTicket(),clr)) break;
else if(ErrorCheck(GetLastError(),l_error_130)) break;
} } } }
//if (ordTotal == 0) { StartBPrice = -1; StartSPrice = -1;}
bool ErrorCheck(int l_error_64, int& error_130){
if(l_error_64==0) return(true);
case 4: Print(“翌疸钼 皴疴屦 玎?? 其屐 500 祚…”); Sleep(500); return(false);
case 6: Print(“湾?疋玷 ?皴疴屦铎. 其屐 2 皴?..”); Sleep(2000);return(false);
case 8: Print(“央桫觐?鬣耱 玎镳铖? 其屐 1 皴?..”); Sleep(1000);return(false);
case 129:Print(“硒栳赅 ?鲥礤. 其屐 500 祚 ?钺眍忤?鲥睇…”);Sleep(500); return(false);
case 135:Print(“皱磬 桤戾龛豚顸. 橡钺箦?妁?疣?.”); return(false);
case 136:Print(“湾?鲥? 其胳 眍恹?蜩?.”); Sleep(1); return(false);
case 137:Print(“琉铌屦 玎?? 其屐 500 祚…”); Sleep(500); return(false);
case 138:Print(“皖恹?鲥睇. 吾眍忤?”); return(false);
case 141:Print(“央桫觐?祉钽?铒屦圉栝. 其屐 1 扈眢蝮..”); Sleep(60000);return(false);
case 146:Print(“项漶桉蝈爨 蝾疸钼腓 玎?蜞. 橡钺箦?妁?.”); Sleep(500); return(false);
case 130: if(error_130==0) {Print(“硒栳赅 鲥睇. 项稃蜿?钺眍忤螯 鲥睇…”);Sleep(1000);error_130++;return(false); }else{ Print(“署栩梓羼赅 铠栳赅 ?鲥礤.”); return(true);}
default: Print(“署栩梓羼赅 铠栳赅 ?”+DoubleToStr(l_error_64,0)); return(true);
// 物疱溴?弪 怩钿栩 腓 玎溧眄 蜩?铕溴疣 玎溧眄簋 沭箫矬 蜩镱?铕溴痤?
// _type_order – 蜩?铕溴疣 (Buy, Sell, BuyStop, SellStop, BuyLimit, SellLimit)
// _type_group – 蜩?沭箫稃:
// 99 – 埋?铕溴疣
// 10 – Buy ?Sell
// 50 – 悟腩驽眄 (BuyStop, BuyLimit, SellStop, SellLimit)
// 51 – BuyStop ?BuyLimit
// 52 – SellStop ?SellLimit
// 53 – BuyStop ?SellStop
// 54 – BuyLimit ?SellLimit
bool InfoisTypeOrdPartOfGroup(int _type_order, int _type_group){ if(_type_order < 0) return(false); bool _res = false; switch(_type_order){ case OP_BUY: switch(_type_group){ case 99: case 10: case OP_BUY: _res = true; } break; case OP_SELL: switch(_type_group){ case 99: case 10: case OP_SELL: _res = true; } break; case OP_BUYSTOP: switch(_type_group){ case 99: case 50: case 51: case 53: case OP_BUYSTOP: _res = true; } break; case OP_SELLSTOP: switch(_type_group){ case 99: case 50: case 52: case 53: case OP_SELLSTOP: _res = true; } break; case OP_BUYLIMIT: switch(_type_group){ case 99: case 50: case 51: case 54: case OP_BUYLIMIT: _res = true; } break; case OP_SELLLIMIT: switch(_type_group){ case 99: case 50: case 52: case 54: case OP_SELLLIMIT: _res = true; } break; } return(_res); }
// Kordan . 泽黻鲨 箐嚯屙? 钺牝钼 //
//=========================================================================================================================================//int DeleteObject() {
int ObjTotal = ObjectsTotal() ;
string ObName ;
for(int i = 0; i < ObjTotal; i++){
ObName = ObjectName(i) ;
if(StringSubstr(ObName,0,1) == “I”
|| StringSubstr(ObName,0,1) == “i”) {
ObjectDelete(ObName) ;
Comment(“”) ;
i = i – 1 ;
// 耔沩嚯 镱 桧滂赅蝾痼 MTS //
int mper[10]={0,1,5,15,30,60,240,1440,10080,43200};
int M(){
int MTSSignal=0;
int MTSstart=0;
double MTS_Green1=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_M],”medium”,Sensitivity_M,1,0);
double MTS_Red1=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_M],”medium”,Sensitivity_M,2,0);
double MTS_Green2=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_M],”medium”,Sensitivity_M,1,1);
double MTS_Red2=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_M],”medium”,Sensitivity_M,2,1);
if((MTS_Green1!=EMPTY_VALUE)&&(MTS_Green2!=EMPTY_VALUE)) MTSstart=1;
if((MTS_Red1!=EMPTY_VALUE)&&(MTS_Red2!=EMPTY_VALUE)) MTSstart=-1;
if(MTSstart<0) MTSSignal= -1; //耔沩嚯 Sell
if(MTSstart>0) MTSSignal = 1; // 耔沩嚯 Buy
}int M2(){
int MTSSignal2=0;
int MTSstart2=0;
double MTS_Green1=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_M2],”medium”,Sensitivity_M2,1,0);
double MTS_Red1=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_M2],”medium”,Sensitivity_M2,2,0);
double MTS_Green2=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_M2],”medium”,Sensitivity_M2,1,1);
double MTS_Red2=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_M2],”medium”,Sensitivity_M2,2,1);
if((MTS_Green1!=EMPTY_VALUE)&&(MTS_Green2!=EMPTY_VALUE)) MTSstart2=1;
if((MTS_Red1!=EMPTY_VALUE)&&(MTS_Red2!=EMPTY_VALUE)) MTSstart2=-1;
if(MTSstart2<0) MTSSignal2= -1; //耔沩嚯 Sell
if(MTSstart2>0) MTSSignal2 = 1; // 耔沩嚯 Buy
int P(){
int MTSSignal=0;
int MTSstart=0;
double MTS_Green1=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_P],”medium”,Sensitivity_P,1,0);
double MTS_Red1=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_P],”medium”,Sensitivity_P,2,0);
double MTS_Green2=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_P],”medium”,Sensitivity_P,1,1);
double MTS_Red2=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_P],”medium”,Sensitivity_P,2,1);
if((MTS_Green1!=EMPTY_VALUE)&&(MTS_Green2!=EMPTY_VALUE)) MTSstart=1;
if((MTS_Red1!=EMPTY_VALUE)&&(MTS_Red2!=EMPTY_VALUE)) MTSstart=-1;
if(MTSstart<0) MTSSignal= -1; //耔沩嚯 Sell
if(MTSstart>0) MTSSignal = 1; // 耔沩嚯 Buy
}int P2(){
int MTSSignal2=0;
int MTSstart2=0;
double MTS_Green1=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_P2],”medium”,Sensitivity_P2,1,0);
double MTS_Red1=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_P2],”medium”,Sensitivity_P2,2,0);
double MTS_Green2=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_P2],”medium”,Sensitivity_P2,1,1);
double MTS_Red2=iCustom(Symbol(),mper[TF_P2],”medium”,Sensitivity_P2,2,1);
if((MTS_Green1!=EMPTY_VALUE)&&(MTS_Green2!=EMPTY_VALUE)) MTSstart2=1;
if((MTS_Red1!=EMPTY_VALUE)&&(MTS_Red2!=EMPTY_VALUE)) MTSstart2=-1;
if(MTSstart2<0) MTSSignal2= -1; //耔沩嚯 Sell
if(MTSstart2>0) MTSSignal2 = 1; // 耔沩嚯 Buy
// 泽黻鲨 祛滂翳赅鲨?铕溴痤?
void PModifyOrders(int otype)//蜩?铕溴疣
if (dPiramidTP == 0 && dPiramidStopLoss == 0) {/*Print(“义殛 镳铘栩 ?耱铒 腩耨 镨疣扈潲 礤 玎溧睇!”); */return;}double avgprice = 0,// 耩邃? 鲥磬 = 0
order_lots = 0; // 耩邃龛?钺?镱赅 =0
bool omodif = false;
double price,Tp,Sl;
// 痒栩噱?钺禧
price = 0;
for ( int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i–)//襄疱徼疣屐 怦?铕溴疣 ?鲨觌?
if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))// 蔓徼疣屐 铕溴疣
{ // 镳钼屦屐 磬 磬腓麒?蝈犍邈?铕溴疣 磬 磬?耔焘铍??耦铗忮蝰蜮桢 爨汨赅,?蜞?驽 邈?磬镳噔脲龛?蜩镟
if (OrderSymbol()== Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic_piramid && OrderType() == otype)
price += OrderOpenPrice() * OrderLots();// 痒栩噱?耋祆囵眢?鲥眢 ?篦弪铎 钺祛?
order_lots += OrderLots();// 痒栩噱?耋爨痦 钺?
// 痒栩噱?耩邃睨?鲥眢
if (order_lots > 0) avgprice = NormalizeDouble (price / order_lots, Digits);
// 镳钼屦屐 赅觐?镳桫咫 玎镳铖 ?疣聍栩噱?蝈殛 镳铘栩
if (dPiramidTP > 0) {
if (otype == OP_BUY)Tp = NormalizeDouble(avgprice + dPiramidTP,Digits);
if (otype == OP_SELL)Tp = NormalizeDouble(avgprice – dPiramidTP,Digits);
} else {
//Print(“义殛 镳铘栩 镨疣扈潲 礤 玎溧?桦?玎溧?礤忮痦? 湾忸珈铈眍 篑蜞眍忤螯 钺?蝈殛 镳铘栩!”);
if (dPiramidStopLoss > 0) {
if (otype == OP_BUY)Sl = NormalizeDouble(avgprice – dPiramidStopLoss,Digits);
if (otype == OP_SELL)Sl = NormalizeDouble(avgprice + dPiramidStopLoss,Digits);
} else {
//Print(“羊铒 腩耨 镨疣扈潲 礤 玎溧?桦?玎溧?礤忮痦? 湾忸珈铈眍 篑蜞眍忤螯 钺?耱铒 腩耨!”);
// 填滂翳鲨痼屐 怦?铕溴疣
for ( i = OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i–)//襄疱徼疣屐 怦?铕溴疣 ?鲨觌?
if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))// 蔓徼疣屐 铕溴?
{ // 镳钼屦屐 磬 磬腓麒?蝈犍邈?铕溴疣 磬 磬?耔焘铍??耦铗忮蝰蜮桢 爨汨赅,?蜞?驽 邈?磬镳噔脲龛?蜩镟
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic_piramid && OrderType() == otype)if (Tp != OrderTakeProfit() || Sl != OrderStopLoss())
omodif=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Sl,Tp,0);// 橡铊玮钿桁 祛滂翳赅鲨?
void MModifyOrders(int otype)//蜩?铕溴疣
if (dMartinTP == 0 && dMartinStopLoss == 0) {/*Print(“义殛 镳铘栩 ?耱铒 腩耨 镨疣扈潲 礤 玎溧睇!”); */return;}double avgprice = 0,// 耩邃? 鲥磬 = 0
order_lots = 0; // 耩邃龛?钺?镱赅 =0
bool omodif = false;
double price,Tp,Sl;
// 痒栩噱?钺禧
price = 0;
for ( int i = OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i–)//襄疱徼疣屐 怦?铕溴疣 ?鲨觌?
if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))// 蔓徼疣屐 铕溴疣
{ // 镳钼屦屐 磬 磬腓麒?蝈犍邈?铕溴疣 磬 磬?耔焘铍??耦铗忮蝰蜮桢 爨汨赅,?蜞?驽 邈?磬镳噔脲龛?蜩镟
if (OrderSymbol()== Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic_martin && OrderType() == otype)
price += OrderOpenPrice() * OrderLots();// 痒栩噱?耋祆囵眢?鲥眢 ?篦弪铎 钺祛?
order_lots += OrderLots();// 痒栩噱?耋爨痦 钺?
// 痒栩噱?耩邃睨?鲥眢
if (order_lots > 0) avgprice = NormalizeDouble (price / order_lots, Digits);
// 镳钼屦屐 赅觐?镳桫咫 玎镳铖 ?疣聍栩噱?蝈殛 镳铘栩
if (dMartinTP > 0) {
if (otype == OP_BUY)Tp = NormalizeDouble(avgprice + dMartinTP,Digits);
if (otype == OP_SELL)Tp = NormalizeDouble(avgprice – dMartinTP,Digits);
} else {
//Print(“义殛 镳铘栩 镨疣扈潲 礤 玎溧?桦?玎溧?礤忮痦? 湾忸珈铈眍 篑蜞眍忤螯 钺?蝈殛 镳铘栩!”);
if (dMartinStopLoss > 0) {
if (otype == OP_BUY)Sl = NormalizeDouble(avgprice – dMartinStopLoss,Digits);
if (otype == OP_SELL)Sl = NormalizeDouble(avgprice + dMartinStopLoss,Digits);
} else {
//Print(“羊铒 腩耨 镨疣扈潲 礤 玎溧?桦?玎溧?礤忮痦? 湾忸珈铈眍 篑蜞眍忤螯 钺?耱铒 腩耨!”);
// 填滂翳鲨痼屐 怦?铕溴疣
for ( i = OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i–)//襄疱徼疣屐 怦?铕溴疣 ?鲨觌?
if (OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))// 蔓徼疣屐 铕溴?
{ // 镳钼屦屐 磬 磬腓麒?蝈犍邈?铕溴疣 磬 磬?耔焘铍??耦铗忮蝰蜮桢 爨汨赅,?蜞?驽 邈?磬镳噔脲龛?蜩镟
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic_martin && OrderType() == otype)if (Tp != OrderTakeProfit() || Sl != OrderStopLoss())
omodif=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),Sl,Tp,0);// 橡铊玮钿桁 祛滂翳赅鲨?
bool isCloseLastPos() {
datetime t;
double ocp, osl, otp;
int i, j=-1, k=OrdersHistoryTotal();
for (i=0; i<k; i++) {
if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) {
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_SELL) {
if (OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_martin || OrderMagicNumber()==Magic_piramid) {
if (t<OrderCloseTime()) {
if (OrderSelect(j, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) {
ocp=NormalizeDouble(OrderClosePrice(), Digits);
osl=NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), Digits);
otp=NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit(), Digits);
if (ocp==osl || ocp==otp) return(True);