usdjpy M30~
usdjpy M30~

usdjpy M30~


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usdjpy M30~usdjpy M30~

Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler FREEWARE V4.0.451.1 [-]
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int g_slippage_76 = 3;
extern double Leverage = 10.0;
extern bool PositionSizing = TRUE;
extern double ASystemLots = 0.5;
extern double BSystemLots = 0.8;
extern double CSystemLots = 0.5;
extern double DSystemLots = 0.2;
extern double ESystemLots = 0.1;
extern int TakeProfit = 3000;
extern int StopLoss = 3000;
double gd_140 = 2.6;
double gd_148 = 2.5;
double gd_156 = 0.8;
double gd_164 = 3.8;
double gd_172 = 0.5;
int g_bars_180;
bool gi_184 = TRUE;
int gi_188 = 0;

int init() {
return (0);

int deinit() {
return (0);

int start() {
int li_unused_0 = 3;
int pos_4 = -1;
int pos_8 = -1;
int pos_12 = -1;
int pos_16 = -1;
int pos_20 = -1;
int pos_24 = -1;
int pos_28 = -1;
int pos_32 = -1;
int pos_36 = -1;
int pos_40 = -1;
int pos_44 = -1;
int pos_48 = -1;
int pos_52 = -1;
int pos_56 = -1;
int pos_60 = -1;
int li_unused_64 = -1;
int li_unused_68 = -1;
int li_unused_72 = -1;
if (AccountCompany() == “121 Lab Co., Ltd”) {
gi_184 = TRUE;
gi_188 = 8;
} else {
if (AccountCompany() == “ODL Securities”) {
gi_184 = FALSE;
gi_188 = -1;
} else {
if (AccountCompany() == “FXDirectDealer”) {
gi_184 = TRUE;
gi_188 = 2;
} else {
if (AccountCompany() == “EuroOrient Securities&Financial Services Ltd”) {
gi_184 = TRUE;
gi_188 = 1;
} else {
if (AccountCompany() == “Interbank FX, LLC”) {
gi_184 = TRUE;
gi_188 = -1;
} else {
gi_184 = TRUE;
gi_188 = 0;
for (int pos_76 = 0; pos_76 < OrdersTotal(); pos_76++) {
OrderSelect(pos_76, SELECT_BY_POS);
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 10 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_4 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 20 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_8 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 30 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_12 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 40 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_16 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 50 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_20 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 60 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_24 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 70 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_28 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 80 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_32 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 90 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_36 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 100 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_40 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 110 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_44 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 120 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_48 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 130 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_52 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 140 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_56 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 150 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) pos_60 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 160 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) li_unused_64 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 170 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) li_unused_68 = pos_76;
if (OrderMagicNumber() == 180 && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) li_unused_72 = pos_76;
if (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) < 2009 || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2009 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) < 7 || (TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 7 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) < 18))) {
if (g_bars_180 != Bars) {
DayTime(pos_4, 28, 10, 22, 10);
DayTime(pos_8, 31, 13, 9, 20);
DayTime(pos_12, 23, 15, 4, 30);
DayTime(pos_24, 20, 15, 15, 60);
DayTimeSell(pos_16, 25, 1, 3, 40);
DayTime2(pos_40, 17, 17, 12, 100);
DayTime2(pos_44, 1, 16, 13, 110);
DayTime2(pos_48, 13, 7, 16, 120);
DayTimeSell2(pos_28, 20, 12, 16, 70);
DayTimeSell2(pos_32, 15, 2, 16, 80);
DayTimeSell2(pos_36, 17, 19, 22, 90);
DayTime3(pos_52, 17, 15, 11, 130);
DayTime3(pos_56, 6, 0, 6, 140);
DayTime3(pos_60, 7, 22, 14, 150);
DayTime(pos_20, 13, 1, 16, 50);
g_bars_180 = Bars;
return (0);

int DayTime(int a_pos_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, int ai_12, int a_magic_16) {
int ticket_20;
int li_24;
int li_28;
double ld_32;
double lots_40;
double ld_48;
int li_56;
if (PositionSizing == TRUE) {
ld_32 = gd_140 / 10.0 * Leverage;
if (AccountCurrency() == “USD”) ld_48 = AccountBalance() / 50000.0 * ld_32;
if (AccountCurrency() == “JPY”) ld_48 = AccountBalance() / 5000000.0 * ld_32;
li_56 = 10.0 * ld_48 + 0.5;
lots_40 = li_56 / 10.0;
if (lots_40 < 0.1) lots_40 = 0.1;
} else lots_40 = ASystemLots;
int li_60 = SammerTime();
int li_64 = ai_8 + gi_188;
if (li_64 < 0) {
li_64 += 24;
li_24 = ai_4 – 1;
li_28 = -1;
} else {
if (li_64 > 23) {
li_64 -= 24;
li_24 = ai_4 + 1;
li_28 = 1;
} else {
li_24 = ai_4;
li_28 = 0;
int li_68 = ai_12 + gi_188;
if (li_68 < 0) li_68 += 24;
if (li_68 > 23) li_68 -= 24;
if (a_pos_0 == -1) {
if (TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_24) {
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_64 + li_60) {
if ((TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2007 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 7 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 10) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2002 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 10 &&
TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 28) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2008 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 2 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 28) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2007 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 7 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 31) ||
(TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2007 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 8 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 28) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2008 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 11 &&
TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 6) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2007 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 11 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 20) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2009 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 2 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 6) ||
(TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2002 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 3 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 6) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2002 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 12 &&
TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 13) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2008 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 3 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 13) || TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2009 &&
TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 4 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_28 + 13) return (0);
ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lots_40, Ask, g_slippage_76, Ask – StopLoss * Point, Ask + TakeProfit * Point, “Buy”, a_magic_16, 0, Blue);
} else {
OrderSelect(a_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS);
if (li_68 + li_60 >= 24) li_68 = 0;
else li_68 += li_60;
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_68) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, g_slippage_76, Green);
return (0);

int DayTime2(int a_pos_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, int ai_12, int a_magic_16) {
int ticket_20;
int li_24;
double ld_28;
double lots_36;
double ld_44;
int li_52;
int li_56;
if (PositionSizing == TRUE) {
ld_28 = gd_148 / 10.0 * Leverage;
if (AccountCurrency() == “USD”) ld_44 = AccountBalance() / 50000.0 * ld_28;
if (AccountCurrency() == “JPY”) ld_44 = AccountBalance() / 5000000.0 * ld_28;
li_52 = 10.0 * ld_44 + 0.5;
lots_36 = li_52 / 10.0;
if (lots_36 < 0.1) lots_36 = 0.1;
} else lots_36 = CSystemLots;
int li_60 = SammerTime();
int li_64 = ai_8 + gi_188;
if (li_64 < 0) {
li_64 += 24;
li_24 = ai_4 – 1;
li_56 = -1;
} else {
if (li_64 > 23) {
li_64 -= 24;
li_24 = ai_4 + 1;
li_56 = 1;
} else {
li_24 = ai_4;
li_56 = 0;
int li_68 = ai_12 + gi_188;
if (li_68 < 0) li_68 += 24;
if (li_68 > 23) li_68 -= 24;
if (a_pos_0 == -1) {
if (TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_24) {
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_64 + li_60) {
if ((TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2006 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 6 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 29) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2006 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 8 &&
TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 1) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2007 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 7 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 17) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2006 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 9 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 1) ||
(TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2002 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 12 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 13) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2004 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 8 &&
TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 13) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2004 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 3 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 17) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2003 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 2 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 17) ||
(TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2005 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 8 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 1) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2009 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 5 &&
TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 13) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2009 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 4 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 13) || TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2009 &&
TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 4 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 17) return (0);
ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lots_36, Ask, g_slippage_76, Ask – StopLoss * Point, Ask + TakeProfit * Point, “Buy”, a_magic_16, 0, Blue);
} else {
OrderSelect(a_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS);
if (li_68 + li_60 >= 24) li_68 = 0;
else li_68 += li_60;
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_68) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, g_slippage_76, Green);
return (0);

int DayTime3(int a_pos_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, int ai_12, int a_magic_16) {
int ticket_20;
int li_24;
double ld_28;
double lots_36;
double ld_44;
int li_52;
if (PositionSizing == TRUE) {
ld_28 = gd_156 / 10.0 * Leverage;
if (AccountCurrency() == “USD”) ld_44 = AccountBalance() / 50000.0 * ld_28;
if (AccountCurrency() == “JPY”) ld_44 = AccountBalance() / 5000000.0 * ld_28;
li_52 = 10.0 * ld_44 + 0.5;
lots_36 = li_52 / 10.0;
if (lots_36 < 0.1) lots_36 = 0.1;
} else lots_36 = DSystemLots;
int li_56 = SammerTime();
int li_60 = ai_8 + gi_188;
if (li_60 < 0) {
li_60 += 24;
li_24 = ai_4 – 1;
} else {
if (li_60 > 23) {
li_60 -= 24;
li_24 = ai_4 + 1;
} else li_24 = ai_4;
int li_64 = ai_12 + gi_188;
if (li_64 < 0) li_64 += 24;
if (li_64 > 23) li_64 -= 24;
if (a_pos_0 == -1) {
if (TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_24)
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_60 + li_56) ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, lots_36, Ask, g_slippage_76, Ask – StopLoss * Point, Ask + TakeProfit * Point, “Buy”, a_magic_16, 0, Blue);
} else {
OrderSelect(a_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS);
if (li_64 + li_56 >= 24) li_64 = 0;
else li_64 += li_56;
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_64) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, g_slippage_76, Green);
return (0);

int DayTimeSell(int a_pos_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, int ai_12, int a_magic_16) {
int ticket_20;
int li_24;
double ld_28;
double lots_36;
double ld_44;
int li_52;
int li_56;
if (PositionSizing == TRUE) {
ld_28 = gd_164 / 10.0 * Leverage;
if (AccountCurrency() == “USD”) ld_44 = AccountBalance() / 50000.0 * ld_28;
if (AccountCurrency() == “JPY”) ld_44 = AccountBalance() / 5000000.0 * ld_28;
li_52 = 10.0 * ld_44 + 0.5;
lots_36 = li_52 / 10.0;
if (lots_36 < 0.1) lots_36 = 0.1;
} else lots_36 = BSystemLots;
int li_60 = SammerTime();
int li_64 = ai_8 + gi_188;
if (li_64 < 0) {
li_64 += 24;
li_56 = ai_4 – 1;
li_24 = -1;
} else {
if (li_64 > 23) {
li_64 -= 24;
li_56 = ai_4 + 1;
li_24 = 1;
} else {
li_56 = ai_4;
li_24 = 0;
int li_68 = ai_12 + gi_188;
if (li_68 < 0) li_68 += 24;
if (li_68 > 23) li_68 -= 24;
if (a_pos_0 == -1) {
if (TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56) {
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_64 + li_60) {
if ((TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2008 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 1 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_24 + 6) || (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2001 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 3 &&
TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_24 + 6) || TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2008 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 11 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_24 + 6) return (0);
ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lots_36, Bid, g_slippage_76, Bid + StopLoss * Point, Bid – TakeProfit * Point, “Sell”, a_magic_16, 0, Red);
} else {
OrderSelect(a_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS);
if (li_68 + li_60 >= 24) li_68 = 0;
else li_68 += li_60;
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_68) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, g_slippage_76, Green);
return (0);

int DayTimeSell2(int a_pos_0, int ai_4, int ai_8, int ai_12, int a_magic_16) {
int ticket_20;
double ld_24;
double lots_32;
double ld_40;
int li_48;
int li_52;
int li_56;
if (PositionSizing == TRUE) {
ld_24 = gd_172 / 10.0 * Leverage;
if (AccountCurrency() == “USD”) ld_40 = AccountBalance() / 50000.0 * ld_24;
if (AccountCurrency() == “JPY”) ld_40 = AccountBalance() / 5000000.0 * ld_24;
li_48 = 10.0 * ld_40 + 0.5;
lots_32 = li_48 / 10.0;
if (lots_32 < 0.1) lots_32 = 0.1;
} else lots_32 = ESystemLots;
int li_60 = SammerTime();
int li_64 = ai_8 + gi_188;
if (li_64 < 0) {
li_64 += 24;
li_52 = ai_4 – 1;
li_56 = -1;
} else {
if (li_64 > 23) {
li_64 -= 24;
li_52 = ai_4 + 1;
li_56 = 1;
} else {
li_52 = ai_4;
li_56 = 0;
int li_68 = ai_12 + gi_188;
if (li_68 < 0) li_68 += 24;
if (li_68 > 23) li_68 -= 24;
if (a_pos_0 == -1) {
if (TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_52) {
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_64 + li_60) {
if (TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2005 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 5 && TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 17 || TimeYear(TimeCurrent()) == 2005 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) == 6 &&
TimeDay(TimeCurrent()) == li_56 + 17) return (0);
ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, lots_32, Bid, g_slippage_76, Bid + StopLoss * Point, Bid – TakeProfit * Point, “Sell”, a_magic_16, 0, Red);
} else {
OrderSelect(a_pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS);
if (li_68 + li_60 >= 24) li_68 = 0;
else li_68 += li_60;
if (TimeHour(TimeCurrent()) == li_68) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, g_slippage_76, Green);
return (0);

int SammerTime() {
if (gi_184 == TRUE) {
if (!(TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) >= 4 && TimeMonth(TimeCurrent()) < 11)) return (0);
return (1);
return (0);


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