//| 10.2 TmaSlope v.1.4.mq4 |
#property copyright “Copyright ?2012, zznbrm”
//Edited by shahrooz “sh.sadeghi.me@gmail.com”
//Edited by Nanningbob April 2012 for 10.2
//—- indicator settings
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 7
#property indicator_level1 0.4
#property indicator_level2 -0.4
#property indicator_level3 0.8
#property indicator_level4 -0.8
#property indicator_levelcolor Black
#property indicator_color1 Green
#property indicator_color2 Lime
#property indicator_color3 FireBrick
#property indicator_color4 Red
#property indicator_color5 Teal
#property indicator_color6 HotPink
#property indicator_color7 DarkBlue
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_width2 2
#property indicator_width3 2
#property indicator_width4 2
#property indicator_width5 3
#property indicator_width6 3
#property indicator_width7 0
//—- input parameters
extern string OtherTimeFrames = “Select below 0=current tf,1,5,15,30,60,240,1440,10080,43200”;
extern int select_other_tf_to_show=0;
extern int H_Pos_MTF=1;
extern int V_Pos_MTF=50;
extern int Font_Size_MTF = 12;
extern int Corner_MTF=3;
extern color Font_Color_MTF = Black;
extern int eintPeriod = 20;
extern double edblHigh1 = 0.4;
extern double edblLow1 = -0.4;
extern int atrPeriod = 100;
extern color Font_Color = White;
extern int H_Pos = 1;
extern int V_Pos = 25;
extern int Corner = 3;
extern int Font_Size = 14;
extern int Font_Size_text = 11;
extern int H_Pos_text = 1;
extern int V_Pos_text = 1;
extern int Text_Corner=3;
//—- indicator buffers
double gadblUp1[];
double gadblUp2[];
double gadblDn1[];
double gadblDn2[];
double gadblMid1[];
double gadblMid2[];
double gadblSlope[];
color Font_Color_M15;
double TICK;
bool AdditionalDigit;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
//IndicatorBuffers( 8 );
IndicatorBuffers( 7 );
IndicatorDigits( 5 );
IndicatorShortName( “10.2 TmaSlope_Norm” );
AdditionalDigit = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINCALCMODE) == 0 && MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_PROFITCALCMODE) == 0 && Digits % 2 == 1;
TICK = getTick();
SetIndexBuffer( 0, gadblUp1 ); SetIndexLabel( 0, NULL ); SetIndexStyle( 0, DRAW_HISTOGRAM );
SetIndexBuffer( 1, gadblUp2 ); SetIndexLabel( 1, NULL ); SetIndexStyle( 1, DRAW_HISTOGRAM );
SetIndexBuffer( 2, gadblDn1 ); SetIndexLabel( 2, NULL ); SetIndexStyle( 2, DRAW_HISTOGRAM );
SetIndexBuffer( 3, gadblDn2 ); SetIndexLabel( 3, NULL ); SetIndexStyle( 3, DRAW_HISTOGRAM );
SetIndexBuffer( 4, gadblMid1 ); SetIndexLabel( 4, NULL ); SetIndexStyle( 4, DRAW_HISTOGRAM );
SetIndexBuffer( 5, gadblMid2 ); SetIndexLabel( 5, NULL ); SetIndexStyle( 5, DRAW_HISTOGRAM );
SetIndexBuffer( 6, gadblSlope ); SetIndexLabel( 6, “TMA Slope” ); SetIndexStyle( 6, DRAW_NONE );
SetIndexEmptyValue( 0, 0.0 );
SetIndexEmptyValue( 1, 0.0 );
SetIndexEmptyValue( 2, 0.0 );
return( 0 );
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
return( 0 );
//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
int counted_bars = IndicatorCounted();
if ( counted_bars < 0 ) return(-1);
if ( counted_bars > 0 ) counted_bars–;
int intLimit = MathMin( Bars – 1, Bars – counted_bars + eintPeriod );
double dblTma, dblPrev;
double dblTmaMTF, dblPrevMTF;
double atr ;
double atrMTF ;
for( int inx = intLimit; inx >= 0; inx– )
//gadblTma[inx] = calcTma( inx );
//gadblPrev[inx] = calcTma( inx+1 );
//gadblSlope[inx] = ( gadblTma[inx] – gadblPrev[inx] ) / TICK;
atr= iATR(NULL,0,atrPeriod,inx+10)*0.1;
atrMTF= iATR(NULL,select_other_tf_to_show,atrPeriod,inx+10)*0.1;
if (atr == 0) continue;
if (atrMTF == 0) continue;
dblTma = calcTma( inx );
dblPrev = calcTma( inx+1 );
gadblSlope[inx] = ( dblTma – dblPrev ) / atr;
gadblUp1[inx] = 0.0;
gadblDn1[inx] = 0.0;
gadblMid1[inx] = 0.0;
gadblUp2[inx] = 0.0;
gadblDn2[inx] = 0.0;
gadblMid2[inx] = 0.0;
if ( gadblSlope[inx] > edblHigh1 )
if(gadblSlope[inx] < gadblSlope[inx+1]) gadblUp1[inx] = gadblSlope[inx];
else gadblUp2[inx] = gadblSlope[inx];
else if ( gadblSlope[inx] < edblLow1 )
if(gadblSlope[inx] < gadblSlope[inx+1]) gadblDn2[inx] = gadblSlope[inx];
else gadblDn1[inx] = gadblSlope[inx];
if(gadblSlope[inx] < gadblSlope[inx+1]) gadblMid2[inx] = gadblSlope[inx];
else gadblMid1[inx] = gadblSlope[inx];
// if(gadblSlope[inx]>=0 && gadblSlope[inx]<gadblSlope[inx+1] && Close[inx]>Open[inx] ) arrowdown[inx]=gadblSlope[inx]+0.1*gadblSlope[inx];
// if(gadblSlope[inx]<0 && gadblSlope[inx]>gadblSlope[inx+1] && Close[inx]<Open[inx]&& gadblSlope[inx+2]>=gadblSlope[inx+1]) arrowup[inx]=gadblSlope[inx]+0.1*gadblSlope[inx];
string tt=DoubleToStr(gadblSlope[inx],2);
ObjectCreate(“label”,OBJ_LABEL,WindowFind(“10.2 TmaSlope_Norm”),0,0);
ObjectSetText(“label”,” “+tt+” “,Font_Size,”Arial”,Font_Color);
string sObjName=”InfoBar1″;
if (gadblSlope[0] >= edblHigh1)
ObjectSetText(sObjName, “Buy Only”, Font_Size_text, “Verdana”, Black);
else if (gadblSlope[0] <= edblLow1)
ObjectSetText(sObjName, “Sell Only”, Font_Size_text, “Verdana”, Red);
ObjectSetText(sObjName, “Ranging”, Font_Size_text, “Verdana”, DarkGreen);
string name1 = “InfoBar1″;
case 1 : string TimeFrameStr=”M1″; break;
case 5 : TimeFrameStr=”M5″; break;
case 15 : TimeFrameStr=”M15″; break;
case 30 : TimeFrameStr=”M30″; break;
case 60 : TimeFrameStr=”H1″; break;
case 240 : TimeFrameStr=”H4″; break;
case 1440 : TimeFrameStr=”D1″; break;
case 10080 : TimeFrameStr=”W1″; break;
case 43200 : TimeFrameStr=”MN1″; break;
default : TimeFrameStr=”Current”;
ObjectCreate(sObjName, OBJ_LABEL,WindowFind(“10.2 TmaSlope_Norm”), 0, 0);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_CORNER, Text_Corner);
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, H_Pos_text);//left to right
ObjectSet(sObjName, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, V_Pos_text);//top to bottom
dblTmaMTF = calcTmaMTF( 0 , select_other_tf_to_show );
dblPrevMTF = calcTmaMTF( 1 , select_other_tf_to_show);
double hh = ( dblTmaMTF – dblPrevMTF ) / atrMTF;
if(hh>=0.5) Font_Color_MTF=Black;
else if (hh<=-0.5) Font_Color_MTF=Red;
else Font_Color_MTF=DarkGreen;
string jj=DoubleToStr(hh,2);
ObjectCreate(“label MTF”,OBJ_LABEL,WindowFind(“10.2 TmaSlope_Norm”),0,0);
ObjectSet(“label MTF”,OBJPROP_CORNER,Corner_MTF);
ObjectSetText(“label MTF”,””+TimeFrameStr+” = “+jj+” “,Font_Size_MTF,”Arial”,Font_Color_MTF);
return( 0 );
//| getTick() |
double getTick() {
double tick = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);
if (AdditionalDigit) {
tick *= 10;
return (tick);
//| calcTma() |
double calcTma( int inx )
double dblSum = (eintPeriod+1)*Close[inx];
double dblSumw = (eintPeriod+1);
int jnx, knx;
for ( jnx = 1, knx = eintPeriod; jnx <= eintPeriod; jnx++, knx– )
dblSum += ( knx * Close[inx+jnx] );
dblSumw += knx;
if ( jnx <= inx )
dblSum += ( knx * Close[inx-jnx] );
dblSumw += knx;
return( dblSum / dblSumw );
double calcTmaMTF( int inx , int tf)
double dblSum = (eintPeriod+1)*iClose(Symbol(),tf,inx);
double dblSumw = (eintPeriod+1);
int jnx, knx;
for ( jnx = 1, knx = eintPeriod; jnx <= eintPeriod; jnx++, knx– )
dblSum += ( knx * iClose(Symbol(),tf,inx+jnx) );
dblSumw += knx;
if ( jnx <= inx )
dblSum += ( knx * iClose(Symbol(),tf,inx-jnx) );
dblSumw += knx;
return( dblSum / dblSumw );