//| Another Martingale.mq4 |
//| Copyright © 2009, Totom Sukopratomo |
//| mailto:forexengine@gmail.com |
//| be my referall by register in my link and get free managed account
//| for $50000 deposit in standard or $1000 in micro with
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#property copyright “Copyright © 2009, Totom Sukopratomo”
#property link “mailto:forexengine@gmail.com”
//*——USER INPUT—–*
extern int MagicNumber=1; // use for identifing order
extern double StartLot=0.1; // basic lot
extern int StopLoss=30; // stop loss
extern int TakeProfit=30; // take profit
extern int TrailingStop=0; // to moving out stoploss into
// profit direction. adding
// number bigger than 0 will
// activated this fuction
extern bool MoveToBreakEvent=false; // to moving stoploss into
// opening price so there
// a losses can neutralize
// when market moves again us
extern int LockedPips=1; // small amount of pips profit
// expected to be earn when
// market moves again us after
// move to break event funtion
// is triggered out
extern int RSIPeriod=9; // amount of bar to calculate
// rsi price
extern int UpperLevel=70; // a level to determine market
// is overbought if price is touch
// it
extern int LowerLevel=30; // same as above but for
// oversold comdition
extern bool Martingale=true; // false to deactivated this feature
extern double Multiplier=2.5; // previous lotsize will multiplied
// with this value to get lotsize
// of next order if EA getting loss
extern int DeepLevel=10; // how many continue losses
// will be covered by martingale
// function
extern int StartHour=0; // time for EA start trading
extern int EndHour=20; // time for EA stop trading
double pt, // custom point
stoplevel, // stop level
minlot, // minimal lot
maxlot; // maximal lot
//| order counting |
int ordercount() // we counting our order here
int total=0; // total of our order
int i; // pos of our order
for(i=0; i<OrdersTotal(); i++) // looping to count our order
// from pos 0 until last pos
if (!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) continue; // is it right our order?
if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || // if symbol of order didn’t match
OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) // with current chart symbol
continue; // or the magic numb of order
// didn’t match with our magic
// number, don’t count it
total++; // count if all criteria matched
return(total); // this function returned total of
// our opened order
//| check for losses |
bool checkforlosses() // we check our last closed order
{ // from losses here
int losses=0; // total of losses
int i; // pos of our order
for(i=0; i<OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++) // looping to check all of our
{ // order history from pos 0 until
// last pos
if (!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)) continue; // is it right our order?
if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || // if symbol of order didn’t match
OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) // with current chart symbol
continue; // or the magic numb of order
// didn’t match with our magic
// number, it is not our’s, just don’t check it
if(OrderProfit()<0) losses++; // so we count it as a losses ’cause negative profit
else losses=0; // otherwise we leave it as is
if(losses>0) return(true); // if last of our order is in losses
// true “value” will returned from this function
return(false); // when there is no losses false will returned
//| last lot |
double lastlot() // we will find last lot size
{ // order with this function
double lot=0; // lot size
int i; // pos of our order
for(i=0; i<OrdersHistoryTotal(); i++) // looping to check all of our
{ // order history from pos 0 until
// last pos
if (!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_HISTORY)) continue; // is it right our order?
if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || // if symbol of order didn’t match
OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) // with current chart symbol
continue; // or the magic numb of order
// didn’t match with our magic
// number, it is not our’s
lot=OrderLots(); // last lot
return(lot); // last lot size returned
//| my lot |
double mylot() // we calculate for next lot here
{ // when a loss occured or not
int prec=0; // precision value
double lot, // lot size
maxlotX; // maximal size of martingale lot
minlot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT); // get brokers minimal lot size
maxlot=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT); // get brokers maximal lot size
if(minlot==0.01) prec=2; // get precision value
if(minlot==0.1) prec=1; // get precision value
maxlotX=NormalizeDouble(StartLot*MathPow(Multiplier,DeepLevel), prec); //get max.
// martingale lotsize
if(Martingale) // if martingale activated
if(checkforlosses()) // if last order is in losses
lot=NormalizeDouble(lastlot()*Multiplier,prec); // martingale lot
lot=StartLot; // normal lot
lot=StartLot; // normal lot
if(lot>maxlot) return(StartLot); // if lot size is bigger than broker rules,
// we change it into StartLot value
if(lot>maxlotX) return(StartLot); // if lot size is bigger than martingale level,
// we change it into StartLot value
if(lot<minlot) return(minlot); // if lot size smaller than minlot, we change
// into monlot value
return(lot); // lot size returned
//| get signal |
string getsignal() // we calculate trading signal here
double rsi=iRSI(Symbol(),0,RSIPeriod,0,0); // we use RSI to get signal
if(rsi<LowerLevel) return(“buy”); // buy signal returned when
// oversold detected
if(rsi>UpperLevel) return(“sell”); // sell signal returned when
// overbought detected
return(“wait and see”); // no signal returned
//| send order |
int sendorder(int cmd,double lots,double prc,double sl,double tp,color warna)
//| trailing stop |
void trailingstop() // we check our opened order to see
{ // posibility to move its stoploss
stoplevel=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL); // stoplevel
for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i–) // lets scan all order and position
if (!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) continue; // is this our order?
if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || // if symbol of order didn’t match
OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) // with current chart symbol
continue; // or the magic numb of order
// didn’t match with our magic
// number, it is not our’s
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) // order type need to be identified
{ // in order price selection (bid or ask)
) break; // we calculate range between SL & TP
// to avoid posible error
) // common price calculation
bool Mod = OrderModify( // moving stoploss
) break;
) // common price calculation
bool Mod1 = OrderModify( // moving stoploss
//| move to break event |
void breakevent() // we check our opened order to see
{ // posibility to move its stoploss
stoplevel=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL); // stoplevel
for(int i=OrdersTotal()-1; i>=0; i–) // lets scan all order and position
if (!OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) continue; // is this our order?
if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol() || // if symbol of order didn’t match
OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) // with current chart symbol
continue; // or the magic numb of order
// didn’t match with our magic
// number, it is not our’s
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY) // order type need to be identified
{ // in order price selection (bid or ask)
OrderStopLoss()>=OrderOpenPrice() // common calculation
) break;
) // common price calculation
bool Mod = OrderModify( // moving stoploss
OrderStopLoss()<=OrderOpenPrice() // common calculation
) break;
) // common price calculation
bool Mod1 = OrderModify( // moving stoploss
//| order management |
int ordermanagement() // we manage our orders here
if(ordercount()==0) // when there is no opened orders
if(getsignal()==”buy”) // when buy signal is appeared
if(sendorder(OP_BUY,mylot(), // we send our buy order into
Ask,Ask-StopLoss*pt, // broker’s server then we out
Ask+TakeProfit*pt, // from this cycle to avoid
Blue)>0) return(0); // errors possibility
if(getsignal()==”sell”) // same procces as buy signal
Red)>0) return(0);
if(TrailingStop>0) trailingstop(); // we calling trailing stop function
// if TrailingStop value bigger than 0
if(MoveToBreakEvent) breakevent(); // we calling breakevent function here
//| expert initialization function |
int init()
if(Digits==3 || Digits==5) pt=10*Point; // when use at broker with 5 digits
else pt=Point; // pricing, this function is useful
//stoplevel; // minimal pips for stop
stoplevel=MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL); // get broker’s stoplevel
if(StopLoss<=stoplevel) StopLoss=stoplevel; // we compare our StopLoss with
// stoplevel and adjust it when error occured
if(TakeProfit<=stoplevel) TakeProfit=stoplevel; // we compared our TakeProfit
// as we compared our StopLoss
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit()
//| expert start function |
int start()
if(Hour()<StartHour) // when time to trade is not coming yet
{ // let user now
Comment(“\nTrade time is not coming yet..”); // and
return(0); // we just stop here
if(Hour()>EndHour) // when time to trade is over
{ // let user know
Comment(“\nTrade time is over…”); // and
return(0); // we just stop here
Comment(“”); // no comment needed
ordermanagement(); // we calling order management funtion here
return(0); // we out of our cycle when everything done