//|ASSARV10 by “www.assarofficial.com”
//| |
//| Misty Horivak
#property strict
//#include <stdlib.mqh>
#import “stdlib.ex4”
string ErrorDescription(int a0);
//| |
Server=0,//Place SL n TP
Client=1,//Hidden SL n TP
//| |
TS_NONE=0,//No Trailing Stop
TS_STEP_DISTANCE=2,//Step Keep Distance
TS_STEP_BY_STEP=3, //Step By Step
//| |
extern string Contact1 = “www.assarofficial.com”;
extern string Contact2 = “support@assarofficial.com”;
extern string Important3 = “Default settings are for 6 digit pairs”;
extern string Important4 = “Use default setting with leverage 1:500!”;
extern string Important5 = “Use on any time frame. But do NOT move between time frames.”;
extern string Currency = “Any currency pair under 4 pip spread.”;
extern bool mm = TRUE;
extern double risk = 1;
extern double default_lot = 0.01;
extern int MaxSpread = 40;
extern int StopLoss = 200;
extern int TakeProfit = 50;
input ENUM_SLTP_MODE SLnTPMode=Client;
input int LockProfitAfter=20;//Target Pips to Lock Profit
input int ProfitLock=15;//Profit To Lock
input ENUM_TRAILINGSTOP_METHOD TrailingStopMethod=TS_STEP_DISTANCE;//Trailing Method
input int TrailingStop=5;//Trailing Stop
input int TrailingStep=1;//Trailing Stop Step
input bool inpEnableAlert=true;//Enable Alert
input string hint4 = “===== Forex Events Settings =====”;
input bool FilterByEvents = TRUE;
input int BeforeEventsInMinutes = 60;
input int AfterEventsInMinutes = 30;
input int EventsAlertDispX = 15;
input int EventsAlertDispY = 15;
input string EventLabelFont = “Verdana”;
input int EventLabelFontSize = 8;
input bool IncludeHigh = true;
input bool IncludeMedium = true;
input bool IncludeLow = false;
input color HighImpactColor = clrRed;
input color MediumImpactColor = clrOrange;
input color LowImpactColor = clrYellow;
input bool IncludeSpeaks = true;
input bool IncludeHolidays = true;
input bool ReportAllPairs = false;
input bool ReportUSD = true;
input bool ReportEUR = true;
input bool ReportGBP = true;
input bool ReportCAD = true;
input bool ReportCHF = true;
input bool ReportJPY = true;
input bool ReportAUD = true;
input bool ReportNZD = true;
input bool ReportCNY = true;
int Zi_396;
int Zi_400;
int Zi_404;
int Zi_408;
int Zi_412;
int Zi_416;
int Zi_420;
int Zi_424;
int Z_count_428 = 0;
int Zi_432 = 0;
double Zda_436[30];
double Z_lots_440;
double Zd_448;
double Zd_456;
double Zd_464;
double Zd_472;
double Z_lotstep_480;
double Z_marginrequired_488;
double Zd_496 = 0.0;
bool ECN_Mode = FALSE;
bool Debug = FALSE;
bool Verbose = TRUE;
int MaxExecution = 0;
int MaxExecutionMinutes = 10;
double AddPriceGap = 0.0;
double Commission = 0.0;
int Slippage = 3;
double MinimumUseStopLevel = 10.0;
double VolatilityMultiplier = 125.0;
double VolatilityLimit = 325.0;
bool UseVolatilityPercentage = TRUE;
int f;
double VolatilityPercentageLimit = 125.0;
int UseIndicatorSwitch = 3;
double BBDeviation = 1.5;
string COMMENT = “ASSARV10 support@assarofficial.com”;
bool AUTOMM = mm;
double EnvelopesDeviation = 0.07;
int OrderExpireSeconds = 3600;
double MinLots = 0.01;
double MaxLots = 1000.0;
bool TakeShots = TRUE;
int DelayTicks = 1;
int ShotsPerBar = 1;
string Zs_320 = “ASSARV10 support@assarofficial.com”;
int Z_period_328 = 3;
int Z_digits_332 = 0;
int Zi_336 = 0;
datetime Z_time_340 = 0;
int Z_count_344 = 0;
int Zi_348 = 0;
int Zi_352 = -1;
int Zi_356 = 0;
int Zi_360 = 0;
enum lottype
enum trailingmode
enum gmt
int Expert_Id = 8888;
string Expert_Comment = “”;
lottype Lot_Type = 1;
double Lot_Risk = 1.0;
double Lot_Max = 0.0;
bool TrailingStop_CorrectSL = TRUE;
bool TrailingStop_UseRealOPAndSL = TRUE;
trailingmode TrailingStop_TrailingMode = 0;
datetime Z_datetime_364;
int Z_leverage_368;
double Zi_372;
int Zi_376;
int Zi_380;
int Zi_384;
int Zi_388;
int Zi_392;
datetime Zi_504;
int Zi_508 = -1;
int Zi_512 = 3000000;
int Zi_516 = 0;
string lbl = “Assar.”, gbl;
string STR_OPTYPE[]={“Buy”,”Sell”,”Buy Limit”,”Sell Limit”,”Buy Stop”,”Sell Stop”};
string lblEvent; bool Reset;
int init() {
Print(“====== Initialization of “, Zs_320, ” ======”);
gbl = lbl+Symbol()+”.”;
if (IsTesting()) { gbl = “B.”+gbl; GlobalVariablesDeleteAll(gbl); }
if (FilterByEvents) { InitEvents(); Reset = true; }
Z_datetime_364 = TimeLocal();
Zi_336 = -1;
Z_digits_332 = Digits;
Z_leverage_368 = AccountLeverage();
Z_lotstep_480 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
if (UseIndicatorSwitch < 1 || UseIndicatorSwitch > 4) UseIndicatorSwitch = 1;
if (UseIndicatorSwitch == 4) UseVolatilityPercentage = FALSE;
if (Zd_464 == 0.0 && AddPriceGap == 0.0) Zd_464 = MinimumUseStopLevel;
VolatilityPercentageLimit = VolatilityPercentageLimit / 100.0 + 1.0;
VolatilityMultiplier /= 10.0;
ArrayInitialize(Zda_436, 0);
VolatilityLimit *= Point;
Commission = f0_12(Commission * Point);
Zd_464 *= Point;
AddPriceGap *= Point;
if (MinLots < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) MinLots = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
if (MaxLots > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)) MaxLots = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
if (MaxLots < MinLots) MaxLots = MinLots;
Z_marginrequired_488 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);
Zi_372 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSIZE);
Z_lots_440 = f0_11();
if (Expert_Id < 0) f0_13();
if (MaxExecution > 0) MaxExecutionMinutes = 60 * MaxExecution;
Print(“========== Initialization complete! ===========\n”);
return (0);
int deinit() {
if (FilterByEvents) DeInitEvents();
string Ms_0 = “”;
if (IsTesting() && MaxExecution > 0) {
Ms_0 = Ms_0 + “During backtesting ” + IntegerToString(Z_count_428) + ” number of ticks was “;
Ms_0 = Ms_0 + “skipped to simulate latency of up to ” + IntegerToString(MaxExecution) + ” ms”;
Print(Zs_320, ” has been deinitialized!”);
return (0);
int start() {
if (!IsConnected() || AccountNumber() == 0 || Bars <= 30 || ArraySize(Time) == 0) return(0);
if (IsConnected() && FilterByEvents) { CheckEvents(Reset); if (Reset) Reset = false; }
AUTOMM = mm;
return (0);
void f0_9() {
string Ms_unused_8;
bool bool_24 = false;
int Mi_32 = 0;
int Mi_36 = 0;
int Mi_40 = 0;
int ticket_52;
int Mi_88 = 0;
int Mi_92 = 0;
double Md_128 = 0;
double price_144;
double order_stoploss_152;
double order_takeprofit_160;
double Md_184 = 0;
double Md_192 = 0;
double Md_200 = 0;
double Md_208 = 0;
double Md_216 = 0;
double Md_224 = 0;
double Md_232 = 0;
double Md_240 = 0;
double Md_248 = 0;
double price_312;
double Md_344;
if (Z_time_340 < Time[0]) {
if (Zi_432 < 10) Zi_432++;
Zd_496 += (Z_count_344 – Zd_496) / Zi_432;
Z_time_340 = Time[0];
Z_count_344 = 0;
} else Z_count_344++;
if (IsTesting() && MaxExecution != 0 && Zi_352 != -1) {
Md_344 = MathRound(Zd_496 * MaxExecution / 60000.0);
if (Z_count_428 >= Md_344) {
Zi_352 = -1;
Z_count_428 = 0;
} else {
double ask_96 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
double bid_104 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
double ihigh_168 = iHigh(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 0);
double ilow_176 = iLow(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 0);
double Md_280 = ihigh_168 – ilow_176;
string Ms_16 = “”;
if (UseIndicatorSwitch == 1 || UseIndicatorSwitch == 4) {
Md_184 = iMA(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Z_period_328, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_LOW, 0);
Md_192 = iMA(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Z_period_328, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_HIGH, 0);
Md_200 = Md_192 – Md_184;
Mi_32 = bid_104 >= Md_184 + Md_200 / 2.0;
Ms_16 = “iMA_low: ” + f0_6(Md_184) + “, iMA_high: ” + f0_6(Md_192) + “, iMA_diff: ” + f0_6(Md_200);
if (UseIndicatorSwitch == 2) {
Md_208 = iBands(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Z_period_328, BBDeviation, 0, PRICE_OPEN, MODE_UPPER, 0);
Md_216 = iBands(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Z_period_328, BBDeviation, 0, PRICE_OPEN, MODE_LOWER, 0);
Md_224 = Md_208 – Md_216;
Mi_36 = bid_104 >= Md_216 + Md_224 / 2.0;
Ms_16 = “iBands_upper: ” + f0_6(Md_216) + “, iBands_lower: ” + f0_6(Md_216) + “, iBands_diff: ” + f0_6(Md_224);
if (UseIndicatorSwitch == 3) {
Md_232 = iEnvelopes(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Z_period_328, MODE_LWMA, 0, PRICE_OPEN, EnvelopesDeviation, MODE_UPPER, 0);
Md_240 = iEnvelopes(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, Z_period_328, MODE_LWMA, 0, PRICE_OPEN, EnvelopesDeviation, MODE_LOWER, 0);
Md_248 = Md_232 – Md_240;
Mi_40 = bid_104 >= Md_240 + Md_248 / 2.0;
Ms_16 = “iEnvelopes_upper: ” + f0_6(Md_232) + “, iEnvelopes_lower: ” + f0_6(Md_240) + “, iEnvelopes_diff: ” + f0_6(Md_248);
bool Mi_48 = FALSE;
int Mi_72 = 0;
if (UseIndicatorSwitch == 1 && Mi_32 == 1) {
Mi_48 = TRUE;
Zd_448 = Md_192;
Zd_456 = Md_184;
} else {
if (UseIndicatorSwitch == 2 && Mi_36 == 1) {
Mi_48 = TRUE;
Zd_448 = Md_208;
Zd_456 = Md_216;
} else {
if (UseIndicatorSwitch == 3 && Mi_40 == 1) {
Mi_48 = TRUE;
Zd_448 = Md_232;
Zd_456 = Md_240;
double Md_288 = ask_96 – bid_104;
datetime datetime_56 = TimeCurrent() + OrderExpireSeconds;
Z_lots_440 = f0_11();
ArrayCopy(Zda_436, Zda_436, 0, 1, 29);
Zda_436[29] = Md_288;
if (Zi_348 < 30) Zi_348++;
double Md_320 = 0;
int pos_64 = 29;
for (int count_68 = 0; count_68 < Zi_348; count_68++) {
Md_320 += Zda_436[pos_64];
double Md_296 = Md_320 / Zi_348;
double Md_328 = f0_12(ask_96 + Commission);
double Md_336 = f0_12(bid_104 – Commission);
double Md_304 = Md_296 + Commission;
if (mm == TRUE) VolatilityLimit = Md_304 * VolatilityMultiplier;
if (Md_280 && VolatilityLimit && Zd_456 && Zd_448 && UseIndicatorSwitch != 4) {
if (Md_280 > VolatilityLimit) {
Md_128 = Md_280 / VolatilityLimit;
if (UseVolatilityPercentage == FALSE || (UseVolatilityPercentage == TRUE && Md_128 > VolatilityPercentageLimit)) {
if (bid_104 < Zd_456) Mi_72 = -1;
if (bid_104 > Zd_448) Mi_72 = 1;
} else Md_128 = 0;
if (AccountBalance() <= 0.0) {
Comment(“ERROR — Account Balance is ” + DoubleToStr(MathRound(AccountBalance()), 0));
Zi_352 = -1;
int count_76 = 0;
int count_80 = 0;
for (pos_64 = 0; pos_64 < OrdersTotal(); pos_64++) {
f = OrderSelect(pos_64, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderMagicNumber() == Expert_Id && OrderCloseTime() == 0) {
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) {
switch (OrderType()) {
case OP_BUY:
case OP_SELL:
if (Mi_48 == FALSE) {
} else
f = OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (Mi_48 == TRUE) {
} else
f = OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (Zi_336 >= 0 || Zi_336 == -2) {
Mi_92 = (int)NormalizeDouble(bid_104 / Point, 0);
Mi_88 = (int)NormalizeDouble(ask_96 / Point, 0);
if (Mi_92 % 10 != 0 || Mi_88 % 10 != 0) Zi_336 = -1;
else {
if (Zi_336 >= 0 && Zi_336 < 10) Zi_336++;
else Zi_336 = -2;
int Mi_unused_28 = 0;
if (Mi_72 != 0 && MaxExecution > 0 && Zi_356 > MaxExecution) {
Mi_72 = 0;
if (Debug || Verbose) Print(“Server is too Slow. Average Execution: ” + IntegerToString(Zi_356));
double Md_112 = ask_96 + Zd_464;
double Md_120 = bid_104 – Zd_464;
string event;
if (count_76 == 0 && Mi_72 != 0 && f0_12(Md_304) <= f0_12(MaxSpread * Point) && Zi_336 == -1) {
if ((Mi_72 == -1 || Mi_72 == 2) && !IsAnyEventAround(TimeGMT(), event)) {
price_144 = ask_96 + Zd_464;
if (ECN_Mode == TRUE) {
price_144 = Md_112;
order_stoploss_152 = 0;
order_takeprofit_160 = 0;
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount();
ticket_52 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, Z_lots_440, price_144, Slippage, order_stoploss_152, order_takeprofit_160, COMMENT, Expert_Id, 0, Lime);
if (ticket_52 > 0) {
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount() – Zi_352;
if (Debug || Verbose) Print(“Order executed in ” + IntegerToString(Zi_352) + ” ms”);
if (TakeShots && (!IsTesting())) f0_8();
} else {
Mi_unused_28 = 1;
Zi_352 = -1;
if (OrderSelect(ticket_52, SELECT_BY_TICKET)) {
price_144 = OrderOpenPrice();
order_stoploss_152 = f0_12(price_144 – Md_288 – StopLoss * Point – AddPriceGap);
order_takeprofit_160 = f0_12(price_144 + TakeProfit * Point + AddPriceGap);
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount();
bool_24 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), price_144, order_stoploss_152, order_takeprofit_160, datetime_56, Lime);
if (bool_24 == TRUE) {
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount() – Zi_352;
if (Debug || Verbose) Print(“Order executed in ” + IntegerToString(Zi_352) + ” ms”);
if (TakeShots && (!IsTesting())) f0_8();
} else {
Mi_unused_28 = 1;
Zi_352 = -1;
} else {
price_144 = Md_112;
order_stoploss_152 = f0_12(price_144 – Md_288 – StopLoss * Point – AddPriceGap);
order_takeprofit_160 = f0_12(price_144 + TakeProfit * Point + AddPriceGap);
if (SLnTPMode==Client) { order_stoploss_152=0; order_takeprofit_160=0; }
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount();
ticket_52 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, Z_lots_440, price_144, Slippage, order_stoploss_152, order_takeprofit_160, COMMENT, Expert_Id, datetime_56, Lime);
if (ticket_52 > 0) {
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount() – Zi_352;
if (Debug || Verbose) Print(“Order executed in ” + IntegerToString(Zi_352) + ” ms”);
if (TakeShots && (!IsTesting())) f0_8();
} else {
Mi_unused_28 = 1;
Zi_352 = -1;
if ((Mi_72 == 1 || Mi_72 == 2) && !IsAnyEventAround(TimeGMT(), event)) {
price_144 = Md_120;
order_stoploss_152 = 0;
order_takeprofit_160 = 0;
if (ECN_Mode) {
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount();
ticket_52 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, Z_lots_440, price_144, Slippage, order_stoploss_152, order_takeprofit_160, COMMENT, Expert_Id, 0, Orange);
if (ticket_52 > 0) {
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount() – Zi_352;
if (Debug || Verbose) Print(“Order executed in ” + IntegerToString(Zi_352) + ” ms”);
if (TakeShots && (!IsTesting())) f0_8();
} else {
Mi_unused_28 = 1;
Zi_352 = -1;
if (OrderSelect(ticket_52, SELECT_BY_TICKET)) {
price_144 = OrderOpenPrice();
order_stoploss_152 = f0_12(price_144 + Md_288 + StopLoss * Point + AddPriceGap);
order_takeprofit_160 = f0_12(price_144 – TakeProfit * Point – AddPriceGap);
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount();
bool_24 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), order_stoploss_152, order_takeprofit_160, datetime_56, Orange);
if (bool_24 == true) {
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount() – Zi_352;
if (Debug || Verbose) Print(“Order executed in ” + IntegerToString(Zi_352) + ” ms”);
if (TakeShots && (!IsTesting())) f0_8();
} else {
Mi_unused_28 = 1;
Zi_352 = -1;
} else {
price_144 = Md_120;
order_stoploss_152 = f0_12(price_144 + Md_288 + StopLoss * Point + AddPriceGap);
order_takeprofit_160 = f0_12(price_144 – TakeProfit * Point – AddPriceGap);
if (SLnTPMode==Client) { order_stoploss_152=0; order_takeprofit_160=0; }
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount();
ticket_52 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, Z_lots_440, price_144, Slippage, order_stoploss_152, order_takeprofit_160, COMMENT, Expert_Id, datetime_56, Orange);
if (ticket_52 > 0) {
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount() – Zi_352;
if (Debug || Verbose) Print(“Order executed in ” + IntegerToString(Zi_352) + ” ms”);
if (TakeShots && (!IsTesting())) f0_8();
} else {
Mi_unused_28 = 1;
Zi_352 = 0;
if (MaxExecution && Zi_352 == -1 && (TimeLocal() – Z_datetime_364) % MaxExecutionMinutes == 0 && !IsAnyEventAround(TimeGMT(), event)) {
if (IsTesting() && MaxExecution) {
Zi_352 = MathRand() / (32767 / MaxExecution);
} else {
price_312 = 2.0 * ask_96;
ticket_52 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, Z_lots_440, price_312, Slippage, 0, 0, COMMENT, Expert_Id, 0, Lime);
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount();
bool_24 = OrderModify(ticket_52, price_312 + 10.0 * Point, 0, 0, 0, Lime);
Zi_352 = (int)GetTickCount() – Zi_352;
f = OrderDelete(ticket_52);
if (Zi_352 >= 0) {
if (Zi_360 < 10) Zi_360++;
Zi_356 += (Zi_352 – Zi_356) / Zi_360;
if (Zi_336 >= 0) {
Comment(“Robot is initializing…”);
if (Zi_336 == -2) {
Comment(“ERROR — Instrument ” + Symbol() + ” prices should have ” + IntegerToString(Z_digits_332) + ” fraction digits on broker account”);
string Ms_0 = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent()) + ” Tick: ” + f0_10(Z_count_344);
if (Debug || Verbose) {
Ms_0 = Ms_0
+ “\n*** DEBUG MODE *** \nCurrency pair: ” + Symbol() + “, Volatility: ” + f0_6(Md_280) + “, VolatilityLimit: ” + f0_6(VolatilityLimit) + “, VolatilityPercentage: ” + f0_6(Md_128);
Ms_0 = Ms_0
+ “\nPriceDirection: ” + StringSubstr(“BUY NULLSELLBOTH”, Mi_72 * 4 + 4, 4) + “, Expire: ” + TimeToStr(datetime_56, TIME_MINUTES) + “, Open orders: ” + IntegerToString(count_76);
Ms_0 = Ms_0
+ “\nBid: ” + f0_6(bid_104) + “, Ask: ” + f0_6(ask_96) + “, ” + Ms_16;
Ms_0 = Ms_0
+ “\nAvgSpread: ” + f0_6(Md_296) + “, RealAvgSpread: ” + f0_6(Md_304) + “, Commission: ” + f0_6(Commission) + “, Lots: ” + DoubleToStr(Z_lots_440, 2) + “, Execution: ” + IntegerToString(Zi_352) + ” ms”;
if (f0_12(Md_304) > f0_12(MaxSpread * Point)) {
Ms_0 = Ms_0
+ “\n”
+ “The current spread (” + f0_6(Md_304) + “) is higher than what has been set as MaxSpread (” + f0_6(MaxSpread * Point) + “) so no trading is allowed right now on this currency pair!”;
if (MaxExecution > 0 && Zi_356 > MaxExecution) {
Ms_0 = Ms_0
+ “\n”
+ “The current Avg Execution (” + IntegerToString(Zi_356) + “) is higher than what has been set as MaxExecution (” + IntegerToString(MaxExecution) + ” ms), so no trading is allowed right now on this currency pair!”;
if (count_76 != 0 || Mi_72 != 0) f0_2(Ms_0);
string f0_6(double Od_0) {
return (DoubleToStr(Od_0, Z_digits_332));
double f0_12(double Od_0) {
return (NormalizeDouble(Od_0, Z_digits_332));
string f0_10(int Oi_0) {
if (Oi_0 < 10) return (“00” + IntegerToString(Oi_0));
if (Oi_0 < 100) return (“0” + IntegerToString(Oi_0));
return (“” + IntegerToString(Oi_0));
void f0_2(string Os_0) {
int Mi_8;
int Mi_12 = -1;
while (Mi_12 < StringLen(Os_0)) {
Mi_8 = Mi_12 + 1;
Mi_12 = StringFind(Os_0,
“\n”, Mi_8);
if (Mi_12 == -1) {
Print(StringSubstr(Os_0, Mi_8));
Print(StringSubstr(Os_0, Mi_8, Mi_12 – Mi_8));
int f0_13() {
string Ms_0 = Symbol();
int str_len_8 = StringLen(Ms_0);
int Mi_12 = 0;
for (int Mi_16 = 0; Mi_16 < str_len_8 – 1; Mi_16++) Mi_12 += StringGetChar(Ms_0, Mi_16);
Expert_Id = AccountNumber() + Mi_12;
return (0);
void f0_8() {
int Mi_0;
if (ShotsPerBar > 0) Mi_0 = (int)MathRound(60 * Period() / ShotsPerBar);
else Mi_0 = 60 * Period();
int Mi_4 = (int)MathFloor((TimeCurrent() – Time[0]) / Mi_0);
if (Time[0] != Zi_504) {
Zi_504 = Time[0];
Zi_508 = DelayTicks;
} else
if (Mi_4 > Zi_512) f0_1(“i”);
Zi_512 = Mi_4;
if (Zi_508 == 0) f0_1(“”);
if (Zi_508 >= 0) Zi_508–;
string f0_7(int Oi_0, int Oi_4) {
string dbl2str_8 = DoubleToStr(Oi_0, 0);
for (; StringLen(dbl2str_8) < Oi_4; dbl2str_8 = “0” + dbl2str_8) {
return (dbl2str_8);
void f0_1(string Os_0 = “”) {
string Ms_8 = “SnapShot” + Symbol() + IntegerToString(Period()) + “\\” + IntegerToString(Year()) + “-” + f0_7(Month(), 2) + “-” + f0_7(Day(), 2) + ” ” + f0_7(Hour(), 2) + “_” + f0_7(Minute(), 2) + “_” + f0_7(Seconds(),
2) + ” ” + IntegerToString(Zi_516) + Os_0 + “.gif”;
if (!WindowScreenShot(Ms_8, 640, 480)) Print(“ScreenShot error: “, ErrorDescription(GetLastError()));
double f0_11() {
int Mi_40 = 0;
if (Z_lotstep_480 == 1.0) Mi_40 = 0;
if (Z_lotstep_480 == 0.1) Mi_40 = 1;
if (Z_lotstep_480 == 0.01) Mi_40 = 2;
double Md_8 = AccountEquity();
double Md_24 = MathMin(MathFloor(0.98 * Md_8 / Z_marginrequired_488 / Z_lotstep_480) * Z_lotstep_480, MaxLots);
double Md_32 = MinLots;
double Md_ret_16 = MathMin(MathFloor(risk / 102.0 * Md_8 / (StopLoss + AddPriceGap) / Z_lotstep_480) * Z_lotstep_480, MaxLots);
Md_ret_16 = NormalizeDouble(Md_ret_16, Mi_40);
string Ms_0 = “”;
if (AUTOMM == FALSE) {
Md_ret_16 = default_lot;
if (default_lot > Md_24) {
Md_ret_16 = Md_24;
Ms_0 = “Note: Manual lotsize is too high. It has been recalculated to maximum allowed ” + DoubleToStr(Md_24, 2);
default_lot = Md_24;
} else
if (default_lot < Md_32) Md_ret_16 = Md_32;
return (Md_ret_16);
double f0_4() {
double Md_8 = AccountEquity();
double Md_16 = MathFloor(Md_8 / Z_marginrequired_488 / Z_lotstep_480) * Z_lotstep_480;
double Md_40 = MathFloor(100.0 * (Md_16 * (Zd_464 + StopLoss) / Md_8) / 0.1) / 10.0;
double Md_24 = MinLots;
double Md_48 = MathRound(100.0 * (Md_24 * StopLoss / Md_8) / 0.1) / 10.0;
string Ms_0 = “”;
if (AUTOMM == TRUE) {
if (risk > Md_40) {
Ms_0 = Ms_0 + “Note: risk has manually been set to ” + DoubleToStr(risk, 1) + ” but cannot be higher than ” + DoubleToStr(Md_40, 1) + ” according to “;
Ms_0 = Ms_0 + “the broker, StopLoss and Equity. It has now been adjusted accordingly to ” + DoubleToStr(Md_40, 1) + “%”;
risk = Md_40;
if (risk < Md_48) {
Ms_0 = Ms_0 + “Note: risk has manually been set to ” + DoubleToStr(risk, 1) + ” but cannot be lower than ” + DoubleToStr(Md_48, 1) + ” according to “;
Ms_0 = Ms_0 + “the broker, StopLoss, AddPriceGap and Equity. It has now been adjusted accordingly to ” + DoubleToStr(Md_48, 1) + “%”;
risk = Md_48;
} else {
if (default_lot < MinLots) {
Ms_0 = “Manual lotsize ” + DoubleToStr(default_lot, 2) + ” cannot be less than ” + DoubleToStr(MinLots, 2) + “. It has now been adjusted to ” + DoubleToStr(MinLots,
default_lot = MinLots;
if (default_lot > MaxLots) {
Ms_0 = “Manual lotsize ” + DoubleToStr(default_lot, 2) + ” cannot be greater than ” + DoubleToStr(MaxLots, 2) + “. It has now been adjusted to ” + DoubleToStr(MinLots,
default_lot = MaxLots;
if (default_lot > Md_16) {
Ms_0 = “Manual lotsize ” + DoubleToStr(default_lot, 2) + ” cannot be greater than maximum allowed lotsize. It has now been adjusted to ” + DoubleToStr(Md_16, 2);
default_lot = Md_16;
return (0.0);
void f0_14() {
string Ms_0;
string Ms_8;
string Ms_16;
int Mi_24 = IsDemo() + IsTesting();
int Mi_28 = AccountFreeMarginMode();
int Mi_32 = AccountStopoutMode();
if (Mi_28 == 0) Ms_0 = “that floating profit/loss is not used for calculation.”;
else {
if (Mi_28 == 1) Ms_0 = “both floating profit and loss on open positions.”;
else {
if (Mi_28 == 2) Ms_0 = “only profitable values, where current loss on open positions are not included.”;
if (Mi_28 == 3) Ms_0 = “only loss values are used for calculation, where current profitable open positions are not included.”;
if (Mi_32 == 0) Ms_8 = “percentage ratio between margin and equity.”;
if (Mi_32 == 1) Ms_8 = “comparison of the free margin level to the absolute value.”;
if (AUTOMM == TRUE) Ms_16 = ” (automatically calculated lots).”;
if (AUTOMM == FALSE) Ms_16 = ” (fixed manual lots).”;
Print(“Broker name: “, AccountCompany());
Print(“Broker server: “, AccountServer());
Print(“Account type: “, StringSubstr(“RealDemoTest”, Mi_24 * 4, 4));
Print(“Initial account balance: “, AccountBalance(), ” “, AccountCurrency());
Print(“Broker digits: “, Z_digits_332);
Print(“Broker stoplevel / freezelevel (max): “, Zd_464, ” points.”);
Print(“Broker stopout level: “, Zd_472, “%”);
Print(“Broker Point: “, DoubleToStr(Point, Z_digits_332), ” on “, AccountCurrency());
Print(“Broker account leverage in percentage: “, Z_leverage_368);
Print(“Broker credit value on the account: “, AccountCredit());
Print(“Broker account margin: “, AccountMargin());
Print(“Broker calculation of free margin allowed to open positions considers ” + Ms_0);
Print(“Broker calculates stopout level as ” + Ms_8);
Print(“Broker requires at least “, Z_marginrequired_488, ” “, AccountCurrency(), ” in margin for 1 lot.”);
Print(“Broker set 1 lot to trade “, Zi_372, ” “, AccountCurrency());
Print(“Broker minimum allowed lotsize: “, MinLots);
Print(“Broker maximum allowed lotsize: “, MaxLots);
Print(“Broker allow lots to be resized in “, Z_lotstep_480, ” steps.”);
Print(“risk: “, risk, “%”);
Print(“risk adjusted lotsize: “, DoubleToStr(Z_lots_440, 2) + Ms_16);
void f0_3(string Os_0) {
void f0_0() {
int error_0 = GetLastError();
switch (error_0) {
case 1/* NO_RESULT */:
case 4/* SERVER_BUSY */:
case 6/* NO_CONNECTION */:
case 129/* INVALID_PRICE */:
case 130/* INVALID_STOPS */:
case 135/* PRICE_CHANGED */:
case 137/* BROKER_BUSY */:
case 138/* REQUOTE */:
case 141/* TOO_MANY_REQUESTS */:
case 145/* TRADE_MODIFY_DENIED */:
case 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */:
void f0_5() {
string Ms_0 = “Number of times the brokers server reported that “;
if (Zi_376 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “SL and TP was modified to existing values: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_376, 0));
if (Zi_380 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “it is buzy: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_380, 0));
if (Zi_384 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “the connection is lost: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_384, 0));
if (Zi_388 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “there was too many requests: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_388, 0));
if (Zi_392 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “the price was invalid: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_392, 0));
if (Zi_396 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “invalid SL and/or TP: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_396, 0));
if (Zi_400 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “invalid lot size: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_400, 0));
if (Zi_404 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “the price has changed: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_404, 0));
if (Zi_408 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “the broker is buzy: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_408, 0));
if (Zi_412 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “requotes ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_412, 0));
if (Zi_416 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “too many requests ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_416, 0));
if (Zi_420 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “modifying orders is denied ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_420, 0));
if (Zi_424 > 0) f0_3(Ms_0 + “trade context is buzy: ” + DoubleToStr(Zi_424, 0));
//| |
bool LockProfit(int TiketOrder,int TargetPoints,int LockedPoints)
if(TargetPoints==0 || LockedPoints==0) return false;
if(OrderSelect(TiketOrder,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)==false) return false;
double CurrentSL=(OrderStopLoss()!=0)?OrderStopLoss():OrderOpenPrice();
double point=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT);
int digits=(int)MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS);
double minstoplevel=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL);
double ask=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_ASK);
double bid=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID);
double PSL=0;
if (SLnTPMode==Client)
CurrentSL = GlobalVariableGet(gbl+IntegerToString(OrderTicket())+”.SL”);
if (CurrentSL==0 && OrderStopLoss()!=0) CurrentSL = OrderStopLoss();
if((OrderType()==OP_BUY) && (bid-OrderOpenPrice()>=TargetPoints*point) && (CurrentSL<=OrderOpenPrice()))
else if((OrderType()==OP_SELL) && (OrderOpenPrice()-ask>=TargetPoints*point) && (CurrentSL>=OrderOpenPrice()))
return false;
Print(STR_OPTYPE[OrderType()],” #”,OrderTicket(),” ProfitLock: OP=”,OrderOpenPrice(),” CSL=”,CurrentSL,” PSL=”,PSL,” LP=”,LockedPoints);
if (SLnTPMode == Server)
return true;
return false;
GlobalVariableSet(gbl+IntegerToString(OrderTicket())+”.SL”, PSL);
return true;
return false;
//| |
bool RZ_TrailingStop(int TiketOrder,int JumlahPoin,int Step=1,ENUM_TRAILINGSTOP_METHOD Method=TS_STEP_DISTANCE)
if(JumlahPoin==0) return false;
if(OrderSelect(TiketOrder,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)==false) return false;
double CurrentSL=(OrderStopLoss()!=0)?OrderStopLoss():OrderOpenPrice();
double point=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT);
int digits=(int)MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS);
double minstoplevel=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL);
double ask=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_ASK);
double bid=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID);
double TSL=0;
if (SLnTPMode==Client)
CurrentSL = GlobalVariableGet(gbl+IntegerToString(OrderTicket())+”.SL”);
if (CurrentSL==0 && OrderStopLoss()!=0) CurrentSL = OrderStopLoss();
if((OrderType()==OP_BUY) && (bid-OrderOpenPrice()>JumlahPoin*point))
if(CurrentSL==0 || CurrentSL<OrderOpenPrice()) CurrentSL=OrderOpenPrice();
case TS_CLASSIC://Classic, no step
case TS_STEP_DISTANCE://Step keeping distance
case TS_STEP_BY_STEP://Step by step (slow)
if (SLnTPMode==Client && TSL!=0 && TSL<CurrentSL) TSL = 0;
else if((OrderType()==OP_SELL) && (OrderOpenPrice()-ask>JumlahPoin*point))
if(CurrentSL==0 || CurrentSL>OrderOpenPrice()) CurrentSL=OrderOpenPrice();
case TS_CLASSIC://Classic
case TS_STEP_DISTANCE://Step keeping distance
case TS_STEP_BY_STEP://Step by step (slow)
if (SLnTPMode==Client && TSL!=0 && TSL>CurrentSL) TSL = 0;
if(TSL==0) return false;
Print(STR_OPTYPE[OrderType()],” #”,OrderTicket(),” TrailingStop: OP=”,OrderOpenPrice(),” CSL=”,CurrentSL,” TSL=”,TSL,” TS=”,JumlahPoin,” Step=”,Step);
bool res = false;
if (SLnTPMode == Server)
GlobalVariableSet(gbl+IntegerToString(OrderTicket())+”.SL”, TSL);
res = true;
if(res == true) return true;
else return false;
return false;
//| |
bool SetSLnTP()
double SL,TP;
for(int i=0;i<OrdersTotal();i++)
if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) break;
if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol()) continue;
if (OrderMagicNumber()!=Expert_Id) continue;
if(OrderType()!=OP_BUY && OrderType()!=OP_SELL) continue;
double point=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_POINT);
double minstoplevel=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL);
double ask=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_ASK);
double bid=MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_BID);
int digits=(int)MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(),MODE_DIGITS);
double sl = GlobalVariableGet(gbl+IntegerToString(OrderTicket())+”.SL”);
//Print(“Check SL & TP : “,OrderSymbol(),” SL = “,OrderStopLoss(),” TP = “,OrderTakeProfit());
double ClosePrice=0;
int Points=0;
color CloseColor=clrNONE;
//Get Points
else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL)
if (SLnTPMode==Client && sl!=0 && OrderType()==OP_BUY && NormalizeDouble(bid, digits)<=NormalizeDouble(sl, digits))
Alert(“Closed by Virtual SL #”,OrderTicket(),” PL=”,OrderProfit(),” Points=”,Points);
if (SLnTPMode==Client && sl!=0 && OrderType()==OP_SELL && NormalizeDouble(ask, digits)>=NormalizeDouble(sl, digits))
Alert(“Closed by Virtual SL #”,OrderTicket(),” PL=”,OrderProfit(),” Points=”,Points);
//Set Server SL and TP
if(OrderType()==OP_BUY || OrderType()==OP_BUYSTOP)
else if(OrderType()==OP_SELL || OrderType()==OP_SELLSTOP)
if(OrderStopLoss()==0.0 && OrderTakeProfit()==0.0)
bool res=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),SL,TP,0,Blue);
else if(OrderTakeProfit()==0.0)
bool res=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),OrderStopLoss(),TP,0,Blue);
else if(OrderStopLoss()==0.0)
bool res=OrderModify(OrderTicket(),OrderOpenPrice(),SL,OrderTakeProfit(),0,Red);
//Hidden SL and TP
else if(SLnTPMode==Client)
if((TakeProfit>0 && Points>=TakeProfit) || (StopLoss>0 && Points<=-StopLoss))
Alert(“Closed by Virtual TP #”,OrderTicket(),” Profit=”,OrderProfit(),” Points=”,Points);
Alert(“Closed by Virtual SL #”,OrderTicket(),” Loss=”,OrderProfit(),” Points=”,Points);
if(LockProfitAfter>0 && ProfitLock>0 && Points>=LockProfitAfter)
else if(Points>=LockProfitAfter+TrailingStop)
else if(LockProfitAfter==0)
return false;
#define TITLE 0
#define COUNTRY 1
#define DATE 2
#define TIME 3
#define IMPACT 4
#define FORECAST 5
#define PREVIOUS 6
#define EVENTMAX 256
bool SkipSameTimeNews = false;
bool EnableLogging = false; // Perhaps remove this from externs once its working well
bool SaveXmlFiles = true; // If true, this will keep the daily XML files
bool AllowWebUpdates = true;
int DebugLevel = 5;
string sUrl = “http://www.forexfactory.com/ff_calendar_thisweek.xml”;
int logHandle = -1;
string sTags[7] = { “<title>”, “<country>”, “<date>”, “<time>”, “<impact>”, “<forecast>”, “<previous>” };
string eTags[7] = { “</title>”, “</country>”, “</date>”, “</time>”, “</impact>”, “</forecast>”, “</previous>” };
string mainData[EVENTMAX][7];
datetime mainDataGMT[EVENTMAX];
string lines[];
color colors[];
int NewsCount;
string checkCountries;
bool IsAnyEventAround(datetime base, string &event)
if (IsTesting()) return (false);
if (!FilterByEvents) return (false);
datetime dt;
for (int i = 0; i < NewsCount; i++)
dt = StrToTime(MakeDateTime(mainData[i][DATE], mainData[i][TIME]));
if (mainData[i][IMPACT] == “Holiday” && base-dt < 24*60*60)
event = mainData[i][COUNTRY]+” – “+TimeToStr(dt, TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)+” – “+mainData[i][TITLE];
return (true);
if (dt >= base && dt – base <= BeforeEventsInMinutes * 60)
event = mainData[i][COUNTRY]+” – “+TimeToStr(dt, TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)+” – “+mainData[i][TITLE];
return (true);
else if (base >= dt && base – dt <= AfterEventsInMinutes * 60)
event = mainData[i][COUNTRY]+” – “+TimeToStr(dt, TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)+” – “+mainData[i][TITLE];
return (true);
return (false);
int CheckEvents(bool reset = false)
static int newsIdx = 0;
static datetime PrevReadTime = 0;
if (reset) PrevReadTime = 0;
if (!IsTesting() && (newsIdx == 0 || (TimeLocal() – PrevReadTime > 60 * 60)))
string sXMLData = ReadXMLFile();
if (sXMLData == “”) return (0);
newsIdx = ParseXML(sXMLData);
PrevReadTime = TimeLocal();
datetime Gmt = TimeGMT(), time = 0;
ArrayResize(lines, 0); ArrayResize(colors, 0);
NewsCount = newsIdx;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < newsIdx; i++)
if (mainData[i][IMPACT] == “Holiday”) continue;
time = StrToTime(MakeDateTime(mainData[i][DATE], mainData[i][TIME]));
if (time > Gmt) break;
if (i == newsIdx) i = newsIdx – 5;
if (i < 0) i = 0;
int index = -1;
int dif = int(TimeGMT() – TimeCurrent());
int mod = (int)MathMod(MathAbs(dif), 60), add = 0;
if (mod != 0 && mod > 30) add = (60-mod);
if (mod != 0 && mod < 30) add = -mod;
if (dif < 0) dif = dif – add;
else if (dif >= 0) dif = dif + add;
Gmt = TimeGMT();
for (; i < newsIdx; i++)
time = StrToTime(MakeDateTime(mainData[i][DATE], mainData[i][TIME]));
if (Gmt > time) if (Gmt – time > AfterEventsInMinutes * 60) continue;
if (Gmt < time) if (time – Gmt > BeforeEventsInMinutes * 60) continue;
ArrayResize(lines, index+1); ArrayResize(colors, index+1);
lines[index] = mainData[i][COUNTRY] + “, ” + mainData[i][TITLE] + “, “;
if (time < Gmt) lines[index] = lines[index] + “-” + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent() – (time – dif), TIME_SECONDS);
else lines[index] = lines[index] + TimeToStr(time – dif – TimeCurrent(), TIME_SECONDS);
colors[index] = LowImpactColor;
if (mainData[i][IMPACT] == “High”) colors[index] = HighImpactColor;
else if (mainData[i][IMPACT] == “Medium”) colors[index] = MediumImpactColor;
else if (mainData[i][IMPACT] == “Low”) colors[index] = LowImpactColor;
if (index == 4) break;
for (i = index; i >= 0; i–)
DrawLabel(lblEvent+IntegerToString(index-i), EventsAlertDispX, EventsAlertDispY * (index – i + 1), colors[i]);
ObjectSetText(lblEvent+IntegerToString(index-i), lines[i], EventLabelFontSize, EventLabelFont);
if (index == -1)
index = 0;
DrawLabel(lblEvent+IntegerToString(index), EventsAlertDispX, EventsAlertDispY * (index + 1), Red);
ObjectSetText(lblEvent+IntegerToString(index), “no events around!!!”, EventLabelFontSize, EventLabelFont);
for (i = index + 1; i < 10; i++)
if (ObjectFind(lblEvent+IntegerToString(i)) != -1) ObjectDelete(lblEvent+IntegerToString(i));
return (1);
void InitEvents()
// If we are not logging, then do not output debug statements either
// moved by euclid
if (!EnableLogging) DebugLevel = 0;
// Open the log file (will not open if logging is turned off)
// Filename changed by euclid
OpenLog(StringConcatenate(“FFCal”, Symbol(), Period()));
lblEvent = lbl + “Event.”;
checkCountries = “”;
if (ReportAUD) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,AUD,”;
if (ReportCAD) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,CAD,”;
if (ReportCHF) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,CHF,”;
if (ReportCNY) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,CNY,”;
if (ReportEUR) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,EUR,”;
if (ReportGBP) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,GBP,”;
if (ReportJPY) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,JPY,”;
if (ReportNZD) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,NZD,”;
if (ReportUSD) checkCountries = checkCountries + “,USD,”;
void DeInitEvents()
if (logHandle > 0) FileClose(logHandle);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
if (ObjectFind(lblEvent+IntegerToString(i)) != -1) ObjectDelete(lblEvent+IntegerToString(i));
string GetXmlFileName()
return (IntegerToString(Month())+”-“+IntegerToString(Day())+”-“+IntegerToString(Year())+”-“+”FFCal.xml”);
int ParseXML(string sData)
//Print(“Parse XML”);
// Get the currency pair, and split it into the two countries
string pair = Symbol();
string cntry1 = StringSubstr(pair, 0, 3);
string cntry2 = StringSubstr(pair, 3, 3);
if ( DebugLevel > 0 ) Print( “cntry1 = “, cntry1, ” cntry2 = “, cntry2 );
if ( DebugLevel > 0 ) Log( “Weekly calendar for ” + pair + “\n\n” );
// ————————————————-
// Parse the XML file looking for an event to report
// ————————————————-
int newsIdx = 0;
int BoEvent = 0;
int begin, next, end;
string PrevNewsTime = “”;
while ( newsIdx < EVENTMAX ) {
BoEvent = StringFind( sData, “<event>”, BoEvent );
if ( BoEvent == -1 ) break;
BoEvent += 7;
next = StringFind( sData, “</event>”, BoEvent );
if ( next == -1 ) break;
string myEvent = StringSubstr( sData, BoEvent, next – BoEvent );
BoEvent = next;
begin = 0;
bool skip = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) {
mainData[newsIdx][i] = “”;
next = StringFind( myEvent, sTags[i], begin );
// Within this event, if tag not found, then it must be missing; skip it
if ( next == -1 )
else {
// We must have found the sTag okay…
begin = next + StringLen( sTags[i] ); // Advance past the start tag
end = StringFind( myEvent, eTags[i], begin ); // Find start of end tag
if ( end > begin && end != -1 ) {
// Get data between start and end tag
//mainData[newsIdx][i] = StringSubstr(myEvent, begin, end – begin);
// Get data between start and end tag
mainData[newsIdx][i] = StringSubstr( myEvent, begin, end – begin );
//check for CDATA tag – added by euclid
if ( StringSubstr( mainData[newsIdx][i], 0, 9 ) == “<![CDATA[” ) {
mainData[newsIdx][i] = StringSubstr( mainData[newsIdx][i], 9, StringLen( mainData[newsIdx][i] ) – 12 );
if ( StringSubstr( mainData[newsIdx][i], 0, 4 ) == “<” ) {
mainData[newsIdx][i] = “<” + StringSubstr( mainData[newsIdx][i], 4 );
if ( StringSubstr( mainData[newsIdx][i], 0, 4 ) == “>” ) {
mainData[newsIdx][i] = “>” + StringSubstr( mainData[newsIdx][i], 4 );
//also needs to check for HTML entities here… (euclid)
// = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – =
// Test against filters that define whether we want to
// skip this particular annoucement
if ( cntry1 != mainData[newsIdx][COUNTRY] && cntry2 != mainData[newsIdx][COUNTRY] && ( !ReportAllPairs ) ) skip = true;
if ( StringFind(checkCountries, cntry1)==-1 && StringFind(checkCountries, cntry2)==-1 ) skip = true;
if ( !IncludeHigh && mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] == “High” ) skip = true;
if ( !IncludeMedium && mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] == “Medium” ) skip = true;
if ( !IncludeLow && mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] == “Low” ) skip = true;
if ( !IncludeHolidays && mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] == “Holiday” ) skip = true;
if ( !IncludeSpeaks && ( StringFind( mainData[newsIdx][TITLE], “speaks” ) != -1 || StringFind( mainData[newsIdx][TITLE], “Speaks” ) != -1 ) ) skip = true;
if (mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] == “Holiday”) mainData[newsIdx][TIME] = “0:00am”;
if ( mainData[newsIdx][TIME] == “All Day” ||
mainData[newsIdx][TIME] == “Tentative” ||
mainData[newsIdx][TIME] == “” )
skip = true;
if( SkipSameTimeNews && PrevNewsTime == mainData[newsIdx][DATE] + mainData[newsIdx][TIME] )
skip = true;
PrevNewsTime = mainData[newsIdx][DATE] + mainData[newsIdx][TIME];
// = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – = = – =
// If not skipping this event, then log it into the draw buffers
if ( !skip ) {
mainDataGMT[newsIdx] = StrToTime( MakeDateTime( mainData[newsIdx][DATE], mainData[newsIdx][TIME] ) );
Log( “Weekly calendar for ” + pair + “\n\n” );
if ( DebugLevel > 0 ) {
Log( “FOREX FACTORY\nTitle: ” + mainData[newsIdx][TITLE] +
“\nCountry: ” + mainData[newsIdx][COUNTRY] +
“\nDate: ” + mainData[newsIdx][DATE] +
“\nTime: ” + mainData[newsIdx][TIME] +
“\nImpact: ” + mainData[newsIdx][IMPACT] +
“\nForecast: ” + mainData[newsIdx][FORECAST] +
“\nPrevious: ” + mainData[newsIdx][PREVIOUS] + “\n\n” );
} else {
// delete skipped data.
mainData[newsIdx][TITLE] = “”;
return( newsIdx );
string MakeDateTime( string strDate, string strTime )
// Print(“Converting Forex Factory Time into Metatrader time…”); //added by MN
// Converts forexfactory time & date into yyyy.mm.dd hh:mm
int n1stDash = StringFind( strDate, “-” );
int n2ndDash = StringFind( strDate, “-“, n1stDash + 1 );
string strMonth = StringSubstr( strDate, 0, 2 );
string strDay = StringSubstr( strDate, 3, 2 );
string strYear = StringSubstr( strDate, 6, 4 );
// strYear = “20” + strYear;
int nTimeColonPos = StringFind( strTime, “:” );
string strHour = StringSubstr( strTime, 0, nTimeColonPos );
string strMinute = StringSubstr( strTime, nTimeColonPos + 1, 2 );
string strAM_PM = StringSubstr( strTime, StringLen( strTime ) – 2 );
int nHour24 = StrToInteger( strHour );
if ((strAM_PM == “pm” || strAM_PM == “PM”) && nHour24 != 12 ) {
nHour24 += 12;
if ((strAM_PM == “am” || strAM_PM == “AM”) && nHour24 == 12 ) {
nHour24 = 0;
strHour = IntegerToString(nHour24);
if (nHour24 < 10) strHour = ” 0″ + strHour; else strHour = ” ” + strHour;
string sTime = StringConcatenate(strYear, “.”, strMonth, “.”, strDay, strHour, “:”, strMinute);
return (sTime);
string ReadXMLFile()
string tmpData = “”;
bool NeedToGetFile = false;
// Added this section to check if the XML file already exists.
// If it does NOT, then we need to set a flag to go get it
string xmlFileName = GetXmlFileName();
int xmlHandle = FileOpen( xmlFileName, FILE_BIN | FILE_READ );
// File does not exist if FileOpen return -1 or if GetLastError = ERR_CANNOT_OPEN_FILE (4103)
if ( xmlHandle >= 0 ) {
// Since file exists, close what we just opened
if( FileSize( xmlHandle ) < 70 ) NeedToGetFile = true;
FileClose( xmlHandle );
} else {
NeedToGetFile = true;
//added by MN. Set this to false when using in another EA or Chart, so that the multiple
//instances of the indicator dont fight with each other
if ( AllowWebUpdates ) {
// New method: Use global variables so that when put on multiple charts, it
// will not update overly often; only first time and every 4 hours
if ( DebugLevel > 1 )
Print(DoubleToStr(GlobalVariableGet(“LastUpdateTime”),0) + ” ” + IntegerToString(TimeLocal()-(int)GlobalVariableGet(“LastUpdateTime”)));
if ( NeedToGetFile || GlobalVariableCheck( “LastUpdateTime” ) == false ||
( TimeLocal() – GlobalVariableGet( “LastUpdateTime” ) ) > 2*60*60 ) {
if ( DebugLevel > 1 ) Print( “sUrl == “, sUrl );
if ( DebugLevel > 0 ) Print( “Grabbing Web, url = “, sUrl );
bool isOk = GrabWeb( sUrl, tmpData ); //PlaySound(“tick”);
if (!isOk) return ( “” );
if ( DebugLevel > 0 ) {
Print( “Opening XML file…\n” );
Print( tmpData );
// Write the contents of the ForexFactory page to an .htm file
// If it is still open from the above FileOpen call, close it.
xmlHandle = FileOpen( xmlFileName, FILE_BIN | FILE_WRITE );
if ( xmlHandle < 0 ) {
if ( DebugLevel > 0 )
Print( “Can\’t open new xml file, the last error is “, GetLastError() );
return( “” );
FileWriteString( xmlHandle, tmpData, StringLen( tmpData ) );
FileClose( xmlHandle );
if ( DebugLevel > 0 ) Print( “Wrote XML file…\n” );
//— Look for the end XML tag to ensure that a complete page was downloaded —//
int end = StringFind( tmpData, “</weeklyevents>”, 0 );
if ( end <= 0 ) {
Alert( “FFCal Error – Web page download was not complete!” );
return( “” );
} else {
// set global to time of last update
GlobalVariableSet( “LastUpdateTime”, TimeLocal() );
} //end of allow web updates
if( tmpData != “” ) return( tmpData );
// Open the XML file
//xmlFileName = “test.xml”;
xmlHandle = FileOpen( xmlFileName, FILE_BIN | FILE_READ );
if ( xmlHandle < 0 ) {
Print( “Can\’t open xml file: “, xmlFileName, “. The last error is “, GetLastError() );
return( “” );
if ( DebugLevel > 0 ) Print( “XML file open must be okay” );
// Read in the whole XML file
// Workaround for FileReadString limitation – added by euclid
tmpData = “”;
string buffer;
while (!FileIsEnding(xmlHandle))
buffer = “”;
buffer = FileReadString(xmlHandle, 4096);
tmpData = tmpData + buffer;
//changed to StringConcatenate (string + string is not reliable) – euclid
static string OLDxmlFileName = “”;
if( !SaveXmlFiles && AllowWebUpdates )
if( xmlFileName != OLDxmlFileName && OLDxmlFileName != “” ) FileDelete( OLDxmlFileName );
OLDxmlFileName = xmlFileName;
return( tmpData );
void DrawLabel(string name, int x, int y, color col)
if (ObjectFind(name) == -1)
ObjectCreate(name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_BACK, false);
ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_CORNER, EventsAlertDispCorner);
if (EventsAlertDispCorner == 0 || EventsAlertDispCorner == 2) ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_ANCHOR, ANCHOR_LEFT);
ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y);
if (ObjectGet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR) != col) ObjectSet(name, OBJPROP_COLOR, col);
//====================== GrabWeb Functions =======================
// Main Webscraping function
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// bool GrabWeb(string strUrl, string& strWebPage)
// returns the text of any webpage. Returns false on timeout or other error
// Parsing functions
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// string GetData(string strWebPage, int nStart, string strLeftTag, string strRightTag, int& nPos)
// obtains the text between two tags found after nStart, and sets nPos to the end of the second tag
// void Goto(string strWebPage, int nStart, string strTag, int& nPos)
// Sets nPos to the end of the first tag found after nStart
bool bWinInetDebug = false;
int hSession_IEType;
int hSession_Direct;
int Internet_Open_Type_Preconfig = 0;
int Internet_Open_Type_Direct = 1;
int Internet_Open_Type_Proxy = 3;
int Buffer_LEN = 80;
#import “wininet.dll”
#define INTERNET_FLAG_PRAGMA_NOCACHE 0x00000100 // Forces the request to be resolved by the origin server, even if a cached copy exists on the proxy.
#define INTERNET_FLAG_NO_CACHE_WRITE 0x04000000 // Does not add the returned entity to the cache.
#define INTERNET_FLAG_RELOAD 0x80000000 // Forces a download of the requested file, object, or directory listing from the origin server, not from the cache.
int InternetOpenW(
string sAgent,
int lAccessType,
string sProxyName = “”,
string sProxyBypass = “”,
int lFlags = 0
int InternetOpenUrlW(
int hInternetSession,
string sUrl,
string sHeaders = “”,
int lHeadersLength = 0,
uint lFlags = 0,
int lContext = 0
bool InternetReadFile(
int hFile,
uchar& sBuffer[],
int lNumBytesToRead,
int& lNumberOfBytesRead[]
int InternetCloseHandle(
int hInet
int hSession( bool Direct )
string InternetAgent;
if ( hSession_IEType == 0 ) {
InternetAgent = “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; Q312461)”;
hSession_IEType = InternetOpenW( InternetAgent, Internet_Open_Type_Preconfig, “0”, “0”, 0 );
hSession_Direct = InternetOpenW( InternetAgent, Internet_Open_Type_Direct, “0”, “0”, 0 );
if ( Direct ) {
return( hSession_Direct );
} else {
return( hSession_IEType );
bool GrabWeb( string strUrl, string& strWebPage )
bool result;
int hInternet;
int iResult;
int lReturn[] = {1};
int session = hSession(FALSE);
hInternet = InternetOpenUrlW( session, strUrl, “”, 0,
if ( hInternet == 0 ) return( false );
int read[1];
uchar buf[100];
string page = “”;
while (true)
result = InternetReadFile(hInternet, buf, ArraySize(buf), read);
if (read[0] > 0) page = page + CharArrayToString(buf, 0, read[0], CP_UTF8);
else break;
strWebPage = page;
iResult = InternetCloseHandle(hInternet);
if (iResult == 0) return (false);
return (true);
bool GrabWeb2( string strUrl, string& strWebPage )
string cookie=NULL, headers;
char post[], result[];
int res;
int timeout = 5000;
res = WebRequest(“GET”,strUrl,cookie,NULL,timeout,post,0,result,headers);
Print(“Error in WebRequest. Error code =”,GetLastError());
//— Perhaps the URL is not listed, display a message about the necessity to add the address
Alert(“Add the address \n”+strUrl+”\nin the list of allowed URLs on tab ‘Expert Advisors’ on Tools->Options menu”);
return (false);
strWebPage = CharArrayToString(result, 0, WHOLE_ARRAY, CP_UTF8);
return (true);
//===================== LogUtils Functions =======================
void OpenLog( string strName )
if ( !EnableLogging ) return;
if ( logHandle <= 0 ) {
string strMonthPad = “”;
string strDayPad = “”;
MqlDateTime mdt;
TimeToStruct(TimeCurrent(), mdt);
if ( mdt.mon < 10 ) strMonthPad = “0”;
if ( mdt.day < 10 ) strDayPad = “0”;
string strFilename = “”;
StringConcatenate( strFilename, strName, “_”, mdt.year, strMonthPad, mdt.mon, strDayPad, mdt.day, “_log.txt” );
logHandle = FileOpen( strFilename, FILE_CSV | FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE );
Print( “logHandle =================================== “, logHandle );
if ( logHandle > 0 ) {
FileFlush( logHandle );
FileSeek( logHandle, 0, SEEK_END );
void Log( string msg )
if ( !EnableLogging ) return;
if ( logHandle <= 0 ) return;
msg = TimeToString( TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE | TIME_MINUTES | TIME_SECONDS ) + ” ” + msg;
FileWrite( logHandle, msg );
minnnnnnn………….can upload back ALL ASSAR EA / Hedge, PRO if u have… current link are broken laa min min
Hello, the download link has been updated