//| Blessing 3 v3.9.6.18 |
//| July 20, 2020 |
//| |
//| In no event will authors be liable for any damages whatsoever. |
//| Use at your own risk. |
//| |
//| This EA is dedicated to Mike McKeough, a member of the Blessing |
//| Development Group, who passed away on Saturday, 31st July 2010. |
//| His contributions to the development of this EA have helped make |
//| it what it is today, and we will miss his enthusiasm, dedication |
//| and desire to make this the best EA possible. |
//| Rest In Peace. |
// This work has been entered into the public domain by its authors …
// Copyrights have been rescinded.
// Versions .10 thru .18 …
// .10 Clean up for new versions of MT4 and potentially MT5,
// passes #property strict added EnableOncePerBar to allow use of
// Open Prices Only model of MT4 Strategy Tester to vastly speed up
// optimization. Filters out ticks!
// Also a few bug fixes and cosmetic changes.
// .11 Repaired external parameters from .10 so they match the Blessing manual
// .12 Added UseMinMarginPercent control to keep margin from dropping too low.
// .13 Holiday bug fix.
// .14 Enhanced PortionPC behavior, settings over 100 force effective balance
// to that amount. Assuming real balance is greater.
// .15 Fixed divide by zero error
// .16 Fixed Draw Down display
// .17
// .18 Added MA_TF, to replace hardwired Current setting for more control
#property version “396.18”
#property strict
#include <stdlib.mqh>
#include <stderror.mqh>
#include <WinUser32.mqh>
#define A 1 //All (Basket + Hedge)
#define B 2 //Basket
#define H 3 //Hedge
#define T 4 //Ticket
#define P 5 //Pending
enum portChgs {
no_change = 0, // No changes
increase = 1, // Increase only
any = -1, // Increase / decrease
enum mktCond {
uptrend = 0, // Long only
downtrend = 1, // Short only
range = 2, // Long & short
automatic = 3 // Automatic
enum entType {
disable = 0, // Disabled
enable = 1, // Enabled
reverse = 2 // Reverse
enum tFrame {
current = 0, // Current
m1 = 1, // M1
m5 = 2, // M5
m15 = 3, // M15
m30 = 4, // M30
h1 = 5, // H1
h4 = 6, // H4
d1 = 7, // Daily
w1 = 8, // Weekly
mn1 = 9 // Monthly
//| External Parameters Set |
input string Version_3_9_6_18 = “EA Settings:”;
input string TradeComment = “b3_v396.18”;
input string Notes = “”;
input int EANumber = 1; // EA Magic Number
input bool EmergencyCloseAll = false; // *** CLOSE ALL NOW ***
// input bool kludge_fix = true;
input string s1 = “”; //.
input bool ShutDown = false; // *** NO NEW TRADES ***
input string s2 = “”; //.
input string LabelAcc = “”; // == ACCOUNT SETTINGS ==
input double StopTradePercent = 10;; // Percentage of balance lost before trading stops
input bool NanoAccount = false;; // Small Lot Account (0.01)
input string s3 = “… PortionPC > 100 forces effective balance to that amount (e.g. 1000)”; //.
input double PortionPC = 100;; // Percentage of account you want to trade on this pair
input portChgs PortionChange = increase;; // Permitted Portion change with open basket
// If basket open: 0=no Portion change;1=allow portion to increase; -1=allow increase and decrease
input double MaxDDPercent = 50;; // Percent of portion for max drawdown level.
input double MaxSpread = 5;; // Maximum allowed spread while placing trades
input bool UseHolidayShutdown = true;; // Enable holiday shut-downs
input string Holidays = “18/12-01/01”;; // Comma-separated holiday list (format: [day]/[mth]-[day]/[mth])
input bool PlaySounds = false;; // Audible alerts
input string AlertSound = “Alert.wav”;; // Alert sound
input string eopb = “”; // — Opt. with ‘Open prices only’ —
// input string eopb0 = “Filters out ticks”; //.
input bool EnableOncePerBar = true;
input bool UseMinMarginPercent = false;
input double MinMarginPercent = 1500;
input string eopb1 = “”; //.
input bool B3Traditional = true;; // Stop/Limits for entry if true, Buys/Sells if false
input mktCond ForceMarketCond = 3;; // Market condition
// 0=uptrend 1=downtrend 2=range 3=automatic
input bool UseAnyEntry = false;; // true = ANY entry can be used to open orders, false = ALL entries used to open orders
// input entType MAEntry = 1; // MA Entry
// input entType CCIEntry = 0; // CCI Entry
// input entType BollingerEntry = 0; // Bollinger Entry
// input entType StochEntry = 0; // Stochastic Entry
// input entType MACDEntry = 0; // MACD Entry
// 0=disable 1=enable 2=reverse
input string LabelLS = “”; // ———– LOT SIZE ———–
input bool UseMM = true; // UseMM (Money Management)
input double LAF = 0.5;; // Adjusts MM base lot for large accounts
input double Lot = 0.01;; // Starting lots if Money Management is off
input double Multiplier = 1.4;; // Multiplier on each level
input string LabelGS = “”; // —— GRID SETTINGS ——
input bool AutoCal = false;; // Auto calculation of TakeProfit and Grid size;
input tFrame ATRTF = 0;; // TimeFrame for ATR calculation
input int ATRPeriods = 21;; // Number of periods for the ATR calculation
input double GAF = 1.0;; // Widens/Squishes Grid in increments/decrements of .1
input int EntryDelay = 2400;; // Time Grid in seconds, avoid opening lots of levels in fast market
input double EntryOffset = 5;; // In pips, used in conjunction with logic to offset first trade entry
input bool UseSmartGrid = true;; // True = use RSI/MA calculation for next grid order
input string LabelTS = “”; // ===== TRADING =====
input int MaxTrades = 15;; // Maximum number of trades to place (stops placing orders when reaches MaxTrades)
input int BreakEvenTrade = 12;; // Close All level, when reaches this level, doesn’t wait for TP to be hit
input double BEPlusPips = 2;; // Pips added to Break Even Point before BE closure
input bool UseCloseOldest = false;; // True = will close the oldest open trade after CloseTradesLevel is reached
input int CloseTradesLevel = 5;; // will start closing oldest open trade at this level
input bool ForceCloseOldest = true;; // Will close the oldest trade whether it has potential profit or not
input int MaxCloseTrades = 4;; // Maximum number of oldest trades to close
input double CloseTPPips = 10;; // After Oldest Trades have closed, Forces Take Profit to BE +/- xx Pips
input double ForceTPPips = 0;; // Force Take Profit to BE +/- xx Pips
input double MinTPPips = 0;; // Ensure Take Profit is at least BE +/- xx Pips
input string LabelES = “”; // ———– EXITS ———–
input bool MaximizeProfit = false;; // Turns on TP move and Profit Trailing Stop Feature
input double ProfitSet = 70;; // Profit trailing stop: Lock in profit at set percent of Total Profit Potential
input double MoveTP = 30;; // Moves TP this amount in pips
input int TotalMoves = 2;; // Number of times you want TP to move before stopping movement
input bool UseStopLoss = false;; // Use Stop Loss and/or Trailing Stop Loss
input double SLPips = 30;; // Pips for fixed StopLoss from BE, 0=off
input double TSLPips = 10;; // Pips for trailing stop loss from BE + TSLPips: +ve = fixed trail; -ve = reducing trail; 0=off
input double TSLPipsMin = 3;; // Minimum trailing stop pips if using reducing TS
input bool UsePowerOutSL = false;; // Transmits a SL in case of internet loss
input double POSLPips = 600;; // Power Out Stop Loss in pips
input bool UseFIFO = false;; // Close trades in FIFO order
input string LabelEE = “”; // ——— EARLY EXITS ———
input bool UseEarlyExit = false;; // Reduces ProfitTarget by a percentage over time and number of levels open
input double EEStartHours = 3;; // Number of Hours to wait before EE over time starts
input bool EEFirstTrade = true;; // true = StartHours from FIRST trade: false = StartHours from LAST trade
input double EEHoursPC = 0.5;; // Percentage reduction per hour (0 = OFF)
input int EEStartLevel = 5;; // Number of Open Trades before EE over levels starts
input double EELevelPC = 10;; // Percentage reduction at each level (0 = OFF)
input bool EEAllowLoss = false;; // true = Will allow the basket to close at a loss : false = Minimum profit is Break Even
input string LabelAdv = “”; //.
input string LabelGrid = “”; // ——— GRID SIZE ———
input string SetCountArray = “4,4”;; // Specifies number of open trades in each block (separated by a comma)
input string GridSetArray = “25,50,100”;; // Specifies number of pips away to issue limit order (separated by a comma)
input string TP_SetArray = “50,100,200”;; // Take profit for each block (separated by a comma)
input string LabelEST0 = “”; // .
input string LabelEST = “”; // == ENTRY PARAMETERS ==
input string LabelMA = “”; // ————- MA ————-
input entType MAEntry = 1;; // MA Entry
input tFrame MA_TF = 0;; // Time frame for MA calculation, r.f. ********
input int MAPeriod = 100;; // Period of MA (H4 = 100, H1 = 400)
input double MADistance = 10;; // Distance from MA to be treated as Ranging Market
input string LabelCCI = “”; // ————- CCI ————-
input entType CCIEntry = 0;; // CCI Entry
input int CCIPeriod = 14;; // Period for CCI calculation
input string LabelBBS = “”; // —– BOLLINGER BANDS —–
input entType BollingerEntry = 0;; // Bollinger Entry
input int BollPeriod = 10;; // Period for Bollinger
input double BollDistance = 10;; // Up/Down spread
input double BollDeviation = 2.0;; // Standard deviation multiplier for channel
input string LabelSto = “”; // ——— STOCHASTIC ——–
input entType StochEntry = 0;; // Stochastic Entry
input int BuySellStochZone = 20;; // Determines Overbought and Oversold Zones
input int KPeriod = 10;; // Stochastic KPeriod
input int DPeriod = 2;; // Stochastic DPeriod
input int Slowing = 2;; // Stochastic Slowing
input string LabelMACD = “”; // ———— MACD ————
input entType MACDEntry = 0;; // MACD Entry
input tFrame MACD_TF = 0;; // Time frame for MACD calculation
// 0:Chart, 1:M1, 2:M5, 3:M15, 4:M30, 5:H1, 6:H4, 7:D1, 8:W1, 9:MN1
input int FastPeriod = 12;; // MACD EMA Fast Period
input int SlowPeriod = 26;; // MACD EMA Slow Period
input int SignalPeriod = 9;; // MACD EMA Signal Period
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE MACDPrice = 0;; // MACD Applied Price
// 0=close, 1=open, 2=high, 3=low, 4=HL/2, 5=HLC/3 6=HLCC/4
input string LabelSG = “”; // ——— SMART GRID ———
input tFrame RSI_TF = 3;; // Timeframe for RSI calculation (should be lower than chart TF)
input int RSI_Period = 14;; // Period for RSI calculation
input ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE RSI_Price = 0;; // RSI Applied Price
input int RSI_MA_Period = 10;; // Period for MA of RSI calculation
input ENUM_MA_METHOD RSI_MA_Method = 0;; // RSI MA Method
// ***********************************************************
input string LabelHS0 = “”; //.
input string LabelHS = “”; // —— HEDGE SETTINGS —–
// input string LabelHS1 = “”; //.
input string HedgeSymbol = “”;; // Enter the Symbol of the same/correlated pair EXACTLY as used by your broker.
input int CorrPeriod = 30;; // Number of days for checking Hedge Correlation
input bool UseHedge = false;; // Turns DD hedge on/off
input string DDorLevel = “DD”;; // DD = start hedge at set DD;Level = Start at set level
input double HedgeStart = 20;; // DD Percent or Level at which Hedge starts
input double hLotMult = 0.8;; // Hedge Lots = Open Lots * hLotMult
input double hMaxLossPips = 30;; // DD Hedge maximum pip loss – also hedge trailing stop
input bool hFixedSL = false;; // true = fixed SL at hMaxLossPips
input double hTakeProfit = 30;; // Hedge Take Profit
input double hReEntryPC = 5;; // Increase to HedgeStart to stop early re-entry of the hedge
input bool StopTrailAtBE = true;; // True = Trailing Stop will stop at BE;False = Hedge will continue into profit
input bool ReduceTrailStop = true;; // False = Trailing Stop is Fixed;True = Trailing Stop will reduce after BE is reached
// ***********************************************************
input string LabelOS0 = “”; //.
input string LabelOS = “”; // ———— OTHER ———–
input bool RecoupClosedLoss = true;; // true = Recoup any Hedge/CloseOldest losses: false = Use original profit target.
input int Level = 7;; // Largest Assumed Basket size. Lower number = higher start lots
int slip = 99;;
input bool SaveStats = false;; // true = will save equity statistics
input int StatsPeriod = 3600;; // seconds between stats entries – off by default
input bool StatsInitialise = true;; // true for backtest – false for forward/live to ACCUMULATE equity traces
input string LabelUE = “”; // ———— EMAIL ————
input bool UseEmail = false;;
input string LabelEDD = “At what DD% would you like Email warnings (Max: 49, Disable: 0)?”; //.
input double EmailDD1 = 20;;
input double EmailDD2 = 30;;
input double EmailDD3 = 40;;
input string LabelEH = “Hours before DD timer resets”; //.
input double EmailHours = 24;; // Minimum number of hours between emails
input string LabelDisplay = “”; // ———— DISPLAY ———–
// input string LabelDisplay = “Used to Adjust Overlay”; //.
input bool displayOverlay = true;; // Enable display
input bool displayLogo = true;; // Display copyright and icon
input bool displayCCI = true;; // Enable CCI display
input bool displayLines = true;; // Show BE, TP and TS lines
input int displayXcord = 100;; // Left / right offset
input int displayYcord = 30;; // Up / down offset
input int displayCCIxCord = 10;; // Moves CCI display left and right
input string displayFont = “Arial Bold”; //Display font
input int displayFontSize = 9;; // Changes size of display characters
input int displaySpacing = 14;; // Changes space between lines
// input double displayRatio = 1;; // Ratio to increase label width spacing
input double displayRatio = 1.3;; // Ratio to increase label width spacing
input color displayColor = DeepSkyBlue;; // default color of display characters
input color displayColorProfit = Green;; // default color of profit display characters
input color displayColorLoss = Red;; // default color of loss display characters
// input color displayColorFGnd = White;; // default color of ForeGround Text display characters
input color displayColorFGnd = Black;; // default color of ForeGround Text display characters
input bool Debug = false;;
input string LabelGridOpt = “”; // —- GRID OPTIMIZATION —-
input string LabelOpt = “These values can only be used while optimizing”; //.
input bool UseGridOpt = false;; // Set True in order to optimize the grid settings.
// These values will replace the normal SetCountArray,
// GridSetArray and TP_SetArray during optimization.
// The default values are the same as the normal array defaults
// There must be one more value for GridArray and TPArray
// than there is for SetArray
input int SetArray1 = 4;
input int SetArray2 = 4;
input int SetArray3 = 0;
input int SetArray4 = 0;
input int GridArray1 = 25;
input int GridArray2 = 50;
input int GridArray3 = 100;
input int GridArray4 = 0;
input int GridArray5 = 0;
input int TPArray1 = 50;
input int TPArray2 = 100;
input int TPArray3 = 200;
input int TPArray4 = 0;
input int TPArray5 = 0;
//| Internal Parameters Set |
int ca;
int Magic, hMagic;
int CbT, CpT, ChT; // Count basket Total,Count pending Total,Count hedge Total
double Pip, hPip;
int POSLCount;
double SLbL; // Stop Loss basket Last
int Moves;
double MaxDD;
double SLb; // Stop Loss
int AccountType;
double StopTradeBalance;
double InitialAB; // Initial Account Balance
bool Testing, Visual;
bool AllowTrading;
bool EmergencyWarning;
double MaxDDPer;
int Error;
int Set1Level, Set2Level, Set3Level, Set4Level;
int EmailCount;
string sTF;
datetime EmailSent;
int GridArray[, 2];
double Lots[], MinLotSize, LotStep;
int LotDecimal, LotMult, MinMult;
bool PendLot;
string CS, UAE;
int HolShutDown;
// datetime HolArray[, 4];
int HolArray[, 4];
datetime HolFirst, HolLast, NextStats, OTbF;
double RSI[];
int Digit[, 2], TF[10] = { 0, 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440, 10080, 43200 };
double Email[3];
double PbC, PhC, hDDStart, PbMax, PbMin, PhMax, PhMin, LastClosedPL, ClosedPips, SLh, hLvlStart, StatLowEquity, StatHighEquity;
datetime EETime;
int hActive, EECount, TbF, CbC, CaL, FileHandle;
bool TradesOpen, FileClosed, HedgeTypeDD, hThisChart, hPosCorr, dLabels, FirstRun;
string FileName, ID, StatFile;
double TPb, StopLevel, TargetPips, LbF, bTS, PortionBalance;
bool checkResult;
//| Input Parameters Requiring Modifications To Entered Values |
int EANumber_;
double EntryOffset_;
double MoveTP_;
double MADistance_;
double BollDistance_;
double POSLPips_;
double hMaxLossPips_;
double hTakeProfit_;
double CloseTPPips_;
double ForceTPPips_;
double MinTPPips_;
double BEPlusPips_;
double SLPips_;
double TSLPips_;
double TSLPipsMin_;
string HedgeSymbol_;
bool UseHedge_;
double HedgeStart_;
double StopTradePercent_;
double ProfitSet_;
double EEHoursPC_;
double EELevelPC_;
double hReEntryPC_;
double PortionPC_;
double Lot_;
bool Debug_;
mktCond ForceMarketCond_;
entType MAEntry_;
entType CCIEntry_;
entType BollingerEntry_;
entType StochEntry_;
entType MACDEntry_;
int MaxCloseTrades_;
double Multiplier_;
string SetCountArray_;
string GridSetArray_;
string TP_SetArray_;
bool EmergencyCloseAll_;
bool ShutDown_;
//| expert initialization function |
int init() {
EANumber_ = EANumber;
EntryOffset_ = EntryOffset;
MoveTP_ = MoveTP;
MADistance_ = MADistance;
BollDistance_ = BollDistance;
POSLPips_ = POSLPips;
hMaxLossPips_ = hMaxLossPips;
hTakeProfit_ = hTakeProfit;
CloseTPPips_ = CloseTPPips;
ForceTPPips_ = ForceTPPips;
MinTPPips_ = MinTPPips;
BEPlusPips_ = BEPlusPips;
SLPips_ = SLPips;
TSLPips_ = TSLPips;
TSLPipsMin_ = TSLPipsMin;
HedgeSymbol_ = HedgeSymbol;
UseHedge_ = UseHedge;
HedgeStart_ = HedgeStart;
StopTradePercent_ = StopTradePercent;
ProfitSet_ = ProfitSet;
EEHoursPC_ = EEHoursPC;
EELevelPC_ = EELevelPC;
hReEntryPC_ = hReEntryPC;
PortionPC_ = PortionPC;
if (PortionPC > 100) PortionPC_ = 100; // r.f.
Lot_ = Lot;
Debug_ = Debug;
ForceMarketCond_ = ForceMarketCond;
MAEntry_ = MAEntry;
CCIEntry_ = CCIEntry;
BollingerEntry_ = BollingerEntry;
StochEntry_ = StochEntry;
MACDEntry_ = MACDEntry;
MaxCloseTrades_ = MaxCloseTrades;
Multiplier_ = Multiplier;
SetCountArray_ = SetCountArray;
GridSetArray_ = GridSetArray;
TP_SetArray_ = TP_SetArray;
EmergencyCloseAll_ = EmergencyCloseAll;
ShutDown_ = ShutDown;
ChartSetInteger(0, CHART_SHOW_GRID, false);
CS = “Waiting for next tick .”; // To display comments while testing, simply use CS = …. and
Comment(CS); // it will be displayed by the line at the end of the start() block.
CS = “”;
Testing = IsTesting();
Visual = IsVisualMode();
FirstRun = true;
AllowTrading = true;
if (EANumber_ < 1)
EANumber_ = 1;
if (Testing)
EANumber_ = 0;
Magic = GenerateMagicNumber();
hMagic = JenkinsHash((string) Magic);
FileName = “B3_” + (string) Magic + “.dat”;
if (Debug_) {
Print(“Magic Number: “, DTS(Magic, 0));
Print(“Hedge Number: “, DTS(hMagic, 0));
Print(“FileName: “, FileName);
Pip = Point;
if (Digits % 2 == 1)
Pip *= 10;
if (NanoAccount)
AccountType = 10;
AccountType = 1;
MoveTP_ = ND(MoveTP_ * Pip, Digits);
EntryOffset_ = ND(EntryOffset_ * Pip, Digits);
MADistance_ = ND(MADistance_ * Pip, Digits);
BollDistance_ = ND(BollDistance_ * Pip, Digits);
POSLPips_ = ND(POSLPips_ * Pip, Digits);
hMaxLossPips_ = ND(hMaxLossPips_ * Pip, Digits);
hTakeProfit_ = ND(hTakeProfit_ * Pip, Digits);
CloseTPPips_ = ND(CloseTPPips_ * Pip, Digits);
ForceTPPips_ = ND(ForceTPPips_ * Pip, Digits);
MinTPPips_ = ND(MinTPPips_ * Pip, Digits);
BEPlusPips_ = ND(BEPlusPips_ * Pip, Digits);
SLPips_ = ND(SLPips_ * Pip, Digits);
TSLPips_ = ND(TSLPips * Pip, Digits);
TSLPipsMin_ = ND(TSLPipsMin_ * Pip, Digits);
if (UseHedge_) {
if (HedgeSymbol_ == “”)
HedgeSymbol_ = Symbol();
if (HedgeSymbol_ == Symbol())
hThisChart = true;
hThisChart = false;
hPip = MarketInfo(HedgeSymbol_, MODE_POINT);
int hDigits = (int) MarketInfo(HedgeSymbol_, MODE_DIGITS);
if (hDigits % 2 == 1)
hPip *= 10;
if (CheckCorr() > 0.9 || hThisChart)
hPosCorr = true;
else if (CheckCorr() < -0.9)
hPosCorr = false;
else {
AllowTrading = false;
UseHedge_ = false;
Print(“The specified Hedge symbol (“, HedgeSymbol_, “) is not closely correlated with “, Symbol());
if (StringSubstr(DDorLevel, 0, 1) == “D” || StringSubstr(DDorLevel, 0, 1) == “d”)
HedgeTypeDD = true;
else if (StringSubstr(DDorLevel, 0, 1) == “L” || StringSubstr(DDorLevel, 0, 1) == “l”)
HedgeTypeDD = false;
UseHedge_ = false;
if (HedgeTypeDD) {
HedgeStart_ /= 100;
hDDStart = HedgeStart_;
StopTradePercent_ /= 100;
ProfitSet_ /= 100;
EEHoursPC_ /= 100;
EELevelPC_ /= 100;
hReEntryPC_ /= 100;
PortionPC_ /= 100;
InitialAB = AccountBalance();
// PortionPC now does double duty. If > 100 serves as forced balance
// assuming the real balance is greater than PortionPC
if (PortionPC > 100 && InitialAB > PortionPC) {
InitialAB = PortionPC;
Print(“*** Account balance: ” + DTS(InitialAB, 0));
StopTradeBalance = InitialAB * (1 – StopTradePercent_);
if (Testing)
ID = “B3Test.”;
ID = DTS(Magic, 0) + “.”;
MinLotSize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
if (MinLotSize > Lot_) {
Print(“Lot is less than minimum lot size permitted for this account”);
AllowTrading = false;
LotStep = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
double MinLot = MathMin(MinLotSize, LotStep);
LotMult = (int) ND(MathMax(Lot_, MinLotSize) / MinLot, 0);
MinMult = LotMult;
Lot_ = MinLot;
if (MinLot < 0.01)
LotDecimal = 3;
else if (MinLot < 0.1)
LotDecimal = 2;
else if (MinLot < 1)
LotDecimal = 1;
LotDecimal = 0;
FileHandle = FileOpen(FileName, FILE_BIN | FILE_READ);
if (FileHandle != -1) {
TbF = FileReadInteger(FileHandle, LONG_VALUE);
Error = GetLastError();
if (OrderSelect(TbF, SELECT_BY_TICKET)) {
OTbF = OrderOpenTime();
LbF = OrderLots();
LotMult = (int) MathMax(1, LbF / MinLot);
PbC = FindClosedPL(B);
PhC = FindClosedPL(H);
TradesOpen = true;
if (Debug_)
Print(FileName, ” File Read: “, TbF, ” Lots: “, DTS(LbF, LotDecimal));
} else {
TbF = 0;
OTbF = 0;
LbF = 0;
Error = GetLastError();
if (Error == ERR_NO_ERROR) {
if (Debug_)
Print(FileName, ” File Deleted”);
} else
Print(“Error “, Error, ” (“, ErrorDescription(Error), “) deleting file “, FileName);
GlobalVariableSet(ID + “LotMult”, LotMult);
if (Debug_)
Print(“MinLotSize: “, DTS(MinLotSize, 2), ” LotStep: “, DTS(LotStep, 2), ” MinLot: “, DTS(MinLot, 2), ” StartLot: “, DTS(Lot_, 2), ” LotMult: “, DTS(LotMult, 0), ” Lot Decimal: “, DTS(LotDecimal, 0));
EmergencyWarning = EmergencyCloseAll_;
if (IsOptimization())
Debug_ = false;
if (UseAnyEntry)
UAE = “||”;
UAE = “&&”;
if (ForceMarketCond_ < 0 || ForceMarketCond_ > 3)
ForceMarketCond_ = 3;
if (MAEntry_ < 0 || MAEntry_ > 2)
MAEntry_ = 0;
if (CCIEntry_ < 0 || CCIEntry_ > 2)
CCIEntry_ = 0;
if (BollingerEntry_ < 0 || BollingerEntry_ > 2)
BollingerEntry_ = 0;
if (StochEntry_ < 0 || StochEntry_ > 2)
StochEntry_ = 0;
if (MACDEntry_ < 0 || MACDEntry_ > 2)
MACDEntry_ = 0;
if (MaxCloseTrades_ == 0)
MaxCloseTrades_ = MaxTrades;
ArrayResize(Digit, 6);
for (int Index = 0; Index < ArrayRange(Digit, 0); Index++) {
if (Index > 0)
Digit[Index, 0] = (int) MathPow(10, Index);
Digit[Index, 1] = Index;
if (Debug_)
Print(“Digit: “, Index, ” [“, Digit[Index, 0], “, “, Digit[Index, 1], “]”);
dLabels = false;
//| Set Lot Array |
ArrayResize(Lots, MaxTrades);
for (int Index = 0; Index < MaxTrades; Index++) {
if (Index == 0 || Multiplier_ < 1)
Lots[Index] = Lot_;
Lots[Index] = ND(MathMax(Lots[Index – 1] * Multiplier_, Lots[Index – 1] + LotStep), LotDecimal);
if (Debug_)
Print(“Lot Size for level “, DTS(Index + 1, 0), ” : “, DTS(Lots[Index] * MathMax(LotMult, 1), LotDecimal));
if (Multiplier_ < 1)
Multiplier_ = 1;
//| Set Grid and TP array |
int GridSet = 0, GridTemp, GridTP, GridIndex = 0, GridLevel = 0, GridError = 0;
if (!AutoCal) {
ArrayResize(GridArray, MaxTrades);
if (IsOptimization() && UseGridOpt) {
if (SetArray1 > 0) {
SetCountArray_ = DTS(SetArray1, 0);
GridSetArray_ = DTS(GridArray1, 0);
TP_SetArray_ = DTS(TPArray1, 0);
if (SetArray2 > 0 || (SetArray1 > 0 && GridArray2 > 0)) {
if (SetArray2 > 0)
SetCountArray_ = SetCountArray_ + “,” + DTS(SetArray2, 0);
GridSetArray_ = GridSetArray_ + “,” + DTS(GridArray2, 0);
TP_SetArray_ = TP_SetArray_ + “,” + DTS(TPArray2, 0);
if (SetArray3 > 0 || (SetArray2 > 0 && GridArray3 > 0)) {
if (SetArray3 > 0)
SetCountArray_ = SetCountArray_ + “,” + DTS(SetArray3, 0);
GridSetArray_ = GridSetArray_ + “,” + DTS(GridArray3, 0);
TP_SetArray_ = TP_SetArray_ + “,” + DTS(TPArray3, 0);
if (SetArray4 > 0 || (SetArray3 > 0 && GridArray4 > 0)) {
if (SetArray4 > 0)
SetCountArray_ = SetCountArray_ + “,” + DTS(SetArray4, 0);
GridSetArray_ = GridSetArray_ + “,” + DTS(GridArray4, 0);
TP_SetArray_ = TP_SetArray_ + “,” + DTS(TPArray4, 0);
if (SetArray4 > 0 && GridArray5 > 0) {
GridSetArray_ = GridSetArray_ + “,” + DTS(GridArray5, 0);
TP_SetArray_ = TP_SetArray_ + “,” + DTS(TPArray5, 0);
while (GridIndex < MaxTrades) {
if (StringFind(SetCountArray_, “,”) == -1 && GridIndex == 0) {
GridError = 1;
} else
GridSet = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(SetCountArray_, 0, StringFind(SetCountArray_, “,”)));
if (GridSet > 0) {
SetCountArray_ = StringSubstr(SetCountArray_, StringFind(SetCountArray_, “,”) + 1);
GridTemp = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(GridSetArray_, 0, StringFind(GridSetArray_, “,”)));
GridSetArray_ = StringSubstr(GridSetArray_, StringFind(GridSetArray_, “,”) + 1);
GridTP = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(TP_SetArray_, 0, StringFind(TP_SetArray_, “,”)));
TP_SetArray_ = StringSubstr(TP_SetArray_, StringFind(TP_SetArray_, “,”) + 1);
} else
GridSet = MaxTrades;
if (GridTemp == 0 || GridTP == 0) {
GridError = 2;
for (GridLevel = GridIndex; GridLevel <= MathMin(GridIndex + GridSet – 1, MaxTrades – 1); GridLevel++) {
GridArray[GridLevel, 0] = GridTemp;
GridArray[GridLevel, 1] = GridTP;
if (Debug_)
Print(“GridArray “, (GridLevel + 1), “: [“, GridArray[GridLevel, 0], “, “, GridArray[GridLevel, 1], “]”);
GridIndex = GridLevel;
if (GridError > 0 || GridArray[0, 0] == 0 || GridArray[0, 1] == 0) {
if (GridError == 1)
Print(“Grid Array Error. Each value should be separated by a comma.”);
Print(“Grid Array Error. Check that there is one more ‘Grid’ and ‘TP’ entry than there are ‘Set’ numbers – separated by commas.”);
AllowTrading = false;
} else {
while (GridIndex < 4) {
GridSet = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(SetCountArray_, 0, StringFind(SetCountArray_, “,”)));
SetCountArray_ = StringSubstr(SetCountArray_, StringFind(SetCountArray_, DTS(GridSet, 0)) + 2);
if (GridIndex == 0 && GridSet < 1) {
GridError = 1;
if (GridSet > 0)
GridLevel += GridSet;
else if (GridLevel < MaxTrades)
GridLevel = MaxTrades;
GridLevel = MaxTrades + 1;
if (GridIndex == 0)
Set1Level = GridLevel;
else if (GridIndex == 1 && GridLevel <= MaxTrades)
Set2Level = GridLevel;
else if (GridIndex == 2 && GridLevel <= MaxTrades)
Set3Level = GridLevel;
else if (GridIndex == 3 && GridLevel <= MaxTrades)
Set4Level = GridLevel;
if (GridError == 1 || Set1Level == 0) {
Print(“Error setting up Grid Levels. Check that the SetCountArray contains valid numbers separated by commas.”);
AllowTrading = false;
//| Set holidays array |
if (UseHolidayShutdown) {
int HolTemp = 0, NumHols, NumBS = 0, HolCounter = 0;
string HolTempStr;
// holidays are separated by commas
// 18/12-01/01
if (StringFind(Holidays, “,”, 0) == -1) { // no comma if just one holiday
NumHols = 1;
} else {
NumHols = 1;
while (HolTemp != -1) {
HolTemp = StringFind(Holidays, “,”, HolTemp + 1);
if (HolTemp != -1) NumHols++;
HolTemp = 0;
while (HolTemp != -1) {
HolTemp = StringFind(Holidays, “/”, HolTemp + 1);
if (HolTemp != -1) NumBS++;
if (NumBS != NumHols * 2) {
Print(“Holidays Error, number of back-slashes (“, NumBS, “) should be equal to 2* number of Holidays (“,
NumHols, “, and separators should be commas.”);
AllowTrading = false;
} else {
HolTemp = 0;
ArrayResize(HolArray, NumHols);
while (HolTemp != -1) {
if (HolTemp == 0)
HolTempStr = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight(StringSubstr(Holidays, 0, StringFind(Holidays, “,”, HolTemp))));
HolTempStr = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight(StringSubstr(Holidays, HolTemp + 1,
StringFind(Holidays, “,”, HolTemp + 1) – StringFind(Holidays, “,”, HolTemp) – 1)));
HolTemp = StringFind(Holidays, “,”, HolTemp + 1);
HolArray[HolCounter, 0] = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(StringSubstr(HolTempStr, 0, StringFind(HolTempStr, “-“, 0)),
StringFind(StringSubstr(HolTempStr, 0, StringFind(HolTempStr, “-“, 0)), “/”) + 1));
HolArray[HolCounter, 1] = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(StringSubstr(HolTempStr, 0, StringFind(HolTempStr, “-“, 0)), 0,
StringFind(StringSubstr(HolTempStr, 0, StringFind(HolTempStr, “-“, 0)), “/”)));
HolArray[HolCounter, 2] = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(StringSubstr(HolTempStr, StringFind(HolTempStr, “-“, 0) + 1),
StringFind(StringSubstr(HolTempStr, StringFind(HolTempStr, “-“, 0) + 1), “/”) + 1));
HolArray[HolCounter, 3] = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(StringSubstr(HolTempStr, StringFind(HolTempStr, “-“, 0) + 1), 0,
StringFind(StringSubstr(HolTempStr, StringFind(HolTempStr, “-“, 0) + 1), “/”)));
for (HolTemp = 0; HolTemp < HolCounter; HolTemp++) {
datetime Start1, Start2;
int Temp0, Temp1, Temp2, Temp3;
for (int Item1 = HolTemp + 1; Item1 < HolCounter; Item1++) {
Start1 = (datetime) HolArray[HolTemp, 0] * 100 + HolArray[HolTemp, 1];
Start2 = (datetime) HolArray[Item1, 0] * 100 + HolArray[Item1, 1];
if (Start1 > Start2) {
Temp0 = HolArray[Item1, 0];
Temp1 = HolArray[Item1, 1];
Temp2 = HolArray[Item1, 2];
Temp3 = HolArray[Item1, 3];
HolArray[Item1, 0] = HolArray[HolTemp, 0];
HolArray[Item1, 1] = HolArray[HolTemp, 1];
HolArray[Item1, 2] = HolArray[HolTemp, 2];
HolArray[Item1, 3] = HolArray[HolTemp, 3];
HolArray[HolTemp, 0] = Temp0;
HolArray[HolTemp, 1] = Temp1;
HolArray[HolTemp, 2] = Temp2;
HolArray[HolTemp, 3] = Temp3;
if (Debug_) {
for (HolTemp = 0; HolTemp < HolCounter; HolTemp++)
Print(“Holidays – From: “, HolArray[HolTemp, 1], “/”, HolArray[HolTemp, 0], ” – “,
HolArray[HolTemp, 3], “/”, HolArray[HolTemp, 2]);
//| Set email parameters |
if (UseEmail) {
if (Period() == 43200)
sTF = “MN1”;
else if (Period() == 10800)
sTF = “W1”;
else if (Period() == 1440)
sTF = “D1”;
else if (Period() == 240)
sTF = “H4”;
else if (Period() == 60)
sTF = “H1”;
else if (Period() == 30)
sTF = “M30”;
else if (Period() == 15)
sTF = “M15”;
else if (Period() == 5)
sTF = “M5”;
else if (Period() == 1)
sTF = “M1”;
Email[0] = MathMax(MathMin(EmailDD1, MaxDDPercent – 1), 0) / 100;
Email[1] = MathMax(MathMin(EmailDD2, MaxDDPercent – 1), 0) / 100;
Email[2] = MathMax(MathMin(EmailDD3, MaxDDPercent – 1), 0) / 100;
ArraySort(Email, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND);
for (int z = 0; z <= 2; z++) {
for (int Index = 0; Index <= 2; Index++) {
if (Email[Index] == 0) {
Email[Index] = Email[Index + 1];
Email[Index + 1] = 0;
if (Debug_)
Print(“Email [“, (z + 1), “] : “, Email[z]);
//| Set SmartGrid parameters |
if (UseSmartGrid) {
ArrayResize(RSI, RSI_Period + RSI_MA_Period);
ArraySetAsSeries(RSI, true);
//| Initialize Statistics |
if (SaveStats) {
StatFile = “B3” + Symbol() + “_” + (string) Period() + “_” + (string) EANumber_ + “.csv”;
NextStats = TimeCurrent();
// new PortionPC behavior … r.f.
double temp_account_balance = AccountBalance();
if (PortionPC > 100 && temp_account_balance > PortionPC) {
Stats(StatsInitialise, false, PortionPC, 0);
} else {
Stats(StatsInitialise, false, temp_account_balance * PortionPC_, 0);
return (0);
//| expert deinitialization function |
int deinit() {
switch (UninitializeReason()) {
if (CpT > 0) {
while (CpT > 0)
CpT -= ExitTrades(P, displayColorLoss, “Blessing Removed”);
if (!Testing)
return (0);
datetime OncePerBarTime = 0;
//| Once Per Bar function returns true once per bar |
bool OncePerBar() {
if (!EnableOncePerBar || FirstRun)
return (true); // always return true if disabled
if (OncePerBarTime != Time[0]) {
OncePerBarTime = Time[0];
return (true); // true, our first time this bar
return (false);
double LbT = 0; // total lots out
double previous_stop_trade_amount;
double stop_trade_amount;
//| expert start function |
int start() {
int CbB = 0; // Count buy
int CbS = 0; // Count sell
int CpBL = 0; // Count buy limit
int CpSL = 0; // Count sell limit
int CpBS = 0; // Count buy stop
int CpSS = 0; // Count sell stop
double LbB = 0; // Count buy lots
double LbS = 0; // Count sell lots
// double LbT =0; // total lots out
double OPpBL = 0; // Buy limit open price
double OPpSL = 0; // Sell limit open price
double SLbB = 0; // stop losses are set to zero if POSL off
double SLbS = 0; // stop losses are set to zero if POSL off
double BCb = 0, BCh = 0, BCa; // Broker costs (swap + commission)
double ProfitPot = 0; // The Potential Profit of a basket of Trades
double PipValue, PipVal2, ASK, BID;
double OrderLot;
double OPbL = 0, OPhO = 0; // last open price
datetime OTbL = 0; // last open time
datetime OTbO = 0, OThO = 0;
double g2, tp2, Entry, RSI_MA = 0, LhB = 0, LhS = 0, LhT, OPbO = 0;
int Ticket = 0, ChB = 0, ChS = 0, IndEntry = 0, TbO = 0, ThO = 0;
double Pb = 0, Ph = 0, PaC = 0, PbPips = 0, PbTarget = 0, DrawDownPC = 0, BEb = 0, BEh = 0, BEa = 0;
bool BuyMe = false, SellMe = false, Success, SetPOSL;
string IndicatorUsed;
double EEpc = 0, OPbN = 0, nLots = 0;
double bSL = 0, TPa = 0, TPbMP = 0;
int Trend = 0;
string ATrend;
double cci_01 = 0, cci_02 = 0, cci_03 = 0, cci_04 = 0;
double cci_11 = 0, cci_12 = 0, cci_13 = 0, cci_14 = 0;
//| Count Open Orders, Lots and Totals |
PipVal2 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE) / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE);
PipValue = PipVal2 * Pip;
StopLevel = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL) * Point;
ASK = ND(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK), (int) MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));
BID = ND(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID), (int) MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS));
if (ASK == 0 || BID == 0)
return (0);
for (int Order = 0; Order < OrdersTotal(); Order++) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
int Type = OrderType();
if (OrderMagicNumber() == hMagic) {
Ph += OrderProfit();
BCh += OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
BEh += OrderLots() * OrderOpenPrice();
if (OrderOpenTime() < OThO || OThO == 0) {
OThO = OrderOpenTime();
ThO = OrderTicket();
OPhO = OrderOpenPrice();
if (Type == OP_BUY) {
LhB += OrderLots();
} else if (Type == OP_SELL) {
LhS += OrderLots();
if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic || OrderSymbol() != Symbol())
if (OrderTakeProfit() > 0)
ModifyOrder(OrderOpenPrice(), OrderStopLoss());
if (Type <= OP_SELL) {
Pb += OrderProfit();
BCb += OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
BEb += OrderLots() * OrderOpenPrice();
if (OrderOpenTime() >= OTbL) {
OTbL = OrderOpenTime();
OPbL = OrderOpenPrice();
if (OrderOpenTime() < OTbF || TbF == 0) {
OTbF = OrderOpenTime();
TbF = OrderTicket();
LbF = OrderLots();
if (OrderOpenTime() < OTbO || OTbO == 0) {
OTbO = OrderOpenTime();
TbO = OrderTicket();
OPbO = OrderOpenPrice();
if (UsePowerOutSL && ((POSLPips_ > 0 && OrderStopLoss() == 0) || (POSLPips_ == 0 && OrderStopLoss() > 0)))
SetPOSL = true;
if (Type == OP_BUY) {
LbB += OrderLots();
} else {
LbS += OrderLots();
} else {
if (Type == OP_BUYLIMIT) {
OPpBL = OrderOpenPrice();
} else if (Type == OP_SELLLIMIT) {
OPpSL = OrderOpenPrice();
} else if (Type == OP_BUYSTOP)
CbT = CbB + CbS;
LbT = LbB + LbS;
Pb = ND(Pb + BCb, 2);
ChT = ChB + ChS;
LhT = LhB + LhS;
Ph = ND(Ph + BCh, 2);
CpT = CpBL + CpSL + CpBS + CpSS;
BCa = BCb + BCh;
//| Calculate Min/Max Profit and Break Even Points |
if (LbT > 0) {
BEb = ND(BEb / LbT, Digits);
if (BCa < 0) { // broker costs
if (LbB – LbS != 0) // r.f., fix divide by zero on following line
BEb -= ND(BCa / PipVal2 / (LbB – LbS), Digits);
if (Pb > PbMax || PbMax == 0)
PbMax = Pb;
if (Pb < PbMin || PbMin == 0)
PbMin = Pb;
if (!TradesOpen) {
FileHandle = FileOpen(FileName, FILE_BIN | FILE_WRITE);
if (FileHandle > -1) {
FileWriteInteger(FileHandle, TbF);
TradesOpen = true;
if (Debug_)
Print(FileName, ” File Written: “, TbF);
} else if (TradesOpen) {
TPb = 0;
PbMax = 0;
PbMin = 0;
OTbF = 0;
TbF = 0;
LbF = 0;
PbC = 0;
PhC = 0;
PaC = 0;
ClosedPips = 0;
CbC = 0;
CaL = 0;
bTS = 0;
if (HedgeTypeDD)
hDDStart = HedgeStart_;
hLvlStart = HedgeStart_;
EmailCount = 0;
EmailSent = 0;
FileHandle = FileOpen(FileName, FILE_BIN | FILE_READ);
if (FileHandle > -1) {
Error = GetLastError();
Error = GetLastError();
if (Error == ERR_NO_ERROR) {
if (Debug_)
Print(FileName + ” File Deleted”);
TradesOpen = false;
} else
Print(“Error “, Error, ” {“, ErrorDescription(Error), “) deleting file “, FileName);
} else
TradesOpen = false;
if (LhT > 0) {
BEh = ND(BEh / LhT, Digits);
if (Ph > PhMax || PhMax == 0)
PhMax = Ph;
if (Ph < PhMin || PhMin == 0)
PhMin = Ph;
} else {
PhMax = 0;
PhMin = 0;
SLh = 0;
//| Check if trading is allowed |
if (CbT == 0 && ChT == 0 && ShutDown_) {
if (CpT > 0) {
ExitTrades(P, displayColorLoss, “Blessing is shutting down”);
return (0);
if (AllowTrading) {
Print(“Blessing has shut down. Set ShutDown = ‘false’ to resume trading”);
if (PlaySounds)
AllowTrading = false;
if (UseEmail && EmailCount < 4 && !Testing) {
SendMail(“Blessing EA”, “Blessing has shut down on ” + Symbol() + ” ” + sTF + “. To resume trading, change ShutDown to false.”);
Error = GetLastError();
if (Error > 0)
Print(“Error “, Error, ” (“, ErrorDescription(Error), “) sending email”);
EmailCount = 4;
static bool LDelete;
if (!AllowTrading) {
if (!LDelete) {
LDelete = true;
if (ObjectFind(“B3LStop”) == -1) {
CreateLabel(“B3LStop”, “Trading has stopped on this pair.”, 10, 0, 0, 3, displayColorLoss);
CreateLabel(“B3LLogo”, “I”, 27, 3, 10, 10, Red, “Wingdings”); // I = open hand (stop)
string Tab = “Tester Journal”;
if (!Testing)
Tab = “Terminal Experts”;
if (ObjectFind(“B3LExpt”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LExpt”, “Check the ” + Tab + ” tab for the reason.”, 10, 0, 0, 6, displayColorLoss);
if (ObjectFind(“B3LResm”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LResm”, “Reset Blessing to resume trading.”, 10, 0, 0, 9, displayColorLoss);
return (0);
} else {
LDelete = false;
//| Calculate Drawdown and Equity Protection |
double temp_account_balance = AccountBalance();
double NewPortionBalance;
if (PortionPC > 100 && temp_account_balance > PortionPC) {
NewPortionBalance = ND(PortionPC, 2);
} else {
NewPortionBalance = ND(temp_account_balance * PortionPC_, 2);
if (CbT == 0 || PortionChange < 0 || (PortionChange > 0 && NewPortionBalance > PortionBalance))
PortionBalance = NewPortionBalance;
if (Pb + Ph < 0) // *******************************
DrawDownPC = -(Pb + Ph) / PortionBalance; // opb
if (!FirstRun && DrawDownPC >= MaxDDPercent / 100) {
ExitTrades(A, displayColorLoss, “Equity StopLoss Reached”);
if (PlaySounds)
return (0);
} // ***********************************
if (-(Pb + Ph) > MaxDD)
MaxDD = -(Pb + Ph);
MaxDDPer = MathMax(MaxDDPer, DrawDownPC * 100);
// ***********************************************************
// ***********************************************************
if (SaveStats)
Stats(false, TimeCurrent() < NextStats, PortionBalance, Pb + Ph);
//| Calculate Stop Trade Percent |
double StepAB = InitialAB * (1 + StopTradePercent_);
double StepSTB;
double temp_ab = AccountBalance();
if (PortionPC > 100 && temp_ab > PortionPC) {
StepSTB = PortionPC * (1 – StopTradePercent_);
} else {
StepSTB = temp_ab * (1 – StopTradePercent_);
double NextISTB = StepAB * (1 – StopTradePercent_);
if (StepSTB > NextISTB) {
InitialAB = StepAB;
StopTradeBalance = StepSTB;
// Stop Trade Amount:
double InitialAccountMultiPortion = StopTradeBalance * PortionPC_;
stop_trade_amount = InitialAccountMultiPortion;
if (PortionBalance < InitialAccountMultiPortion) {
if (CbT == 0) {
AllowTrading = false;
if (PlaySounds)
Print(“Portion Balance dropped below stop-trading percentage”);
MessageBox(“Reset required – account balance dropped below stop-trading percentage on ” + DTS(AccountNumber(), 0) + ” ” + Symbol() + ” ” + (string) Period(), “Blessing 3: Warning”, 48);
return (0);
} else if (!ShutDown_ && !RecoupClosedLoss) {
ShutDown_ = true;
if (PlaySounds)
Print(“Portion Balance dropped below stop-trading percentage”);
return (0);
// **********************************************************************
// **********************************************************************
//| Calculation of Trend Direction |
// double ima_0 = iMA(Symbol(), 0, MAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
double ima_0 = iMA(Symbol(), MA_TF, MAPeriod, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
if (ForceMarketCond_ == 3) {
if (BID > ima_0 + MADistance_)
Trend = 0;
else if (ASK < ima_0 – MADistance_)
Trend = 1;
Trend = 2;
} else {
Trend = ForceMarketCond_;
if (Trend != 0 && BID > ima_0 + MADistance_)
ATrend = “U”;
if (Trend != 1 && ASK < ima_0 – MADistance_)
ATrend = “D”;
if (Trend != 2 && (BID < ima_0 + MADistance_ && ASK > ima_0 – MADistance_))
ATrend = “R”;
if (OncePerBar()) { // **************************************************
//| Hedge/Basket/ClosedTrades Profit Management |
double Pa = Pb;
PaC = PbC + PhC;
if (hActive == 1 && ChT == 0) {
PhC = FindClosedPL(H);
hActive = 0;
return (0);
} else if (hActive == 0 && ChT > 0)
hActive = 1;
if (LbT > 0) {
if (PbC > 0 || (PbC < 0 && RecoupClosedLoss)) {
Pa += PbC;
BEb -= ND(PbC / PipVal2 / (LbB – LbS), Digits);
if (PhC > 0 || (PhC < 0 && RecoupClosedLoss)) {
Pa += PhC;
BEb -= ND(PhC / PipVal2 / (LbB – LbS), Digits);
if (Ph > 0 || (Ph < 0 && RecoupClosedLoss))
Pa += Ph;
//| Close oldest open trade after CloseTradesLevel reached |
if (UseCloseOldest && CbT >= CloseTradesLevel && CbC < MaxCloseTrades_) {
if (!FirstRun && TPb > 0 && (ForceCloseOldest || (CbB > 0 && OPbO > TPb) || (CbS > 0 && OPbO < TPb))) {
int Index = ExitTrades(T, DarkViolet, “Close Oldest Trade”, TbO);
if (Index == 1) {
if (OrderSelect(TbO, SELECT_BY_TICKET)) { // yoh check return
PbC += OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
ca = 0;
} else
Print(“OrderSelect error “, GetLastError()); // yoh
return (0);
//| ATR for Auto Grid Calculation and Grid Set Block |
double GridTP;
if (AutoCal) {
double GridATR = iATR(NULL, TF[ATRTF], ATRPeriods, 0) / Pip;
if ((CbT + CbC > Set4Level) && Set4Level > 0) {
g2 = GridATR * 12; //GS*2*2*2*1.5
tp2 = GridATR * 18; //GS*2*2*2*1.5*1.5
} else if ((CbT + CbC > Set3Level) && Set3Level > 0) {
g2 = GridATR * 8; //GS*2*2*2
tp2 = GridATR * 12; //GS*2*2*2*1.5
} else if ((CbT + CbC > Set2Level) && Set2Level > 0) {
g2 = GridATR * 4; //GS*2*2
tp2 = GridATR * 8; //GS*2*2*2
} else if ((CbT + CbC > Set1Level) && Set1Level > 0) {
g2 = GridATR * 2; //GS*2
tp2 = GridATR * 4; //GS*2*2
} else {
g2 = GridATR;
tp2 = GridATR * 2;
GridTP = GridATR * 2;
} else {
int Index = (int) MathMax(MathMin(CbT + CbC, MaxTrades) – 1, 0);
g2 = GridArray[Index, 0];
tp2 = GridArray[Index, 1];
GridTP = GridArray[0, 1];
g2 = ND(MathMax(g2 * GAF * Pip, Pip), Digits);
tp2 = ND(tp2 * GAF * Pip, Digits);
GridTP = ND(GridTP * GAF * Pip, Digits);
//| Money Management and Lot size coding |
if (UseMM) {
if (CbT > 0) // Count basket Total
if (GlobalVariableCheck(ID + “LotMult”))
LotMult = (int) GlobalVariableGet(ID + “LotMult”);
if (LbF != LotSize(Lots[0] * LotMult)) {
LotMult = (int) (LbF / Lots[0]);
GlobalVariableSet(ID + “LotMult”, LotMult);
Print(“LotMult reset to ” + DTS(LotMult, 0));
} else if (CbT == 0) {
double Contracts, Factor, Lotsize;
Contracts = PortionBalance / 10000; // MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSIZE); ??
if (Multiplier_ <= 1)
Factor = Level;
Factor = (MathPow(Multiplier_, Level) – Multiplier_) / (Multiplier_ – 1);
Lotsize = LAF * AccountType * Contracts / (1 + Factor);
LotMult = (int) MathMax(MathFloor(Lotsize / Lot_), MinMult);
GlobalVariableSet(ID + “LotMult”, LotMult);
} else if (CbT == 0)
LotMult = MinMult;
//| Calculate Take Profit |
static double BCaL, BEbL;
nLots = LbB – LbS;
if (CbT > 0 && (TPb == 0 || CbT + ChT != CaL || BEbL != BEb || BCa != BCaL || FirstRun)) {
string sCalcTP = “Set New TP: BE: ” + DTS(BEb, Digits);
double NewTP = 0, BasePips;
CaL = CbT + ChT;
BCaL = BCa;
BEbL = BEb;
if (nLots == 0) {
nLots = 1;
} // divide by zero error fix … r.f.
BasePips = ND(Lot_ * LotMult * GridTP * (CbT + CbC) / nLots, Digits);
if (CbB > 0) {
if (ForceTPPips_ > 0) {
NewTP = BEb + ForceTPPips_;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” +Force TP (” + DTS(ForceTPPips_, Digits) + “) “;
} else if (CbC > 0 && CloseTPPips_ > 0) {
NewTP = BEb + CloseTPPips_;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” +Close TP (” + DTS(CloseTPPips_, Digits) + “) “;
} else if (BEb + BasePips > OPbL + tp2) {
NewTP = BEb + BasePips;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” +Base TP: (” + DTS(BasePips, Digits) + “) “;
} else {
NewTP = OPbL + tp2;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” +Grid TP: (” + DTS(tp2, Digits) + “) “;
if (MinTPPips_ > 0) {
NewTP = MathMax(NewTP, BEb + MinTPPips_);
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” >Minimum TP: “;
NewTP += MoveTP_ * Moves;
if (BreakEvenTrade > 0 && CbT + CbC >= BreakEvenTrade) {
NewTP = BEb + BEPlusPips_;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” >BreakEven: (” + DTS(BEPlusPips_, Digits) + “) “;
sCalcTP = (sCalcTP + “Buy: TakeProfit: “);
} else if (CbS > 0) {
if (ForceTPPips_ > 0) {
NewTP = BEb – ForceTPPips_;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” -Force TP (” + DTS(ForceTPPips_, Digits) + “) “;
} else if (CbC > 0 && CloseTPPips_ > 0) {
NewTP = BEb – CloseTPPips_;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” -Close TP (” + DTS(CloseTPPips_, Digits) + “) “;
} else if (BEb + BasePips < OPbL – tp2) {
NewTP = BEb + BasePips;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” -Base TP: (” + DTS(BasePips, Digits) + “) “;
} else {
NewTP = OPbL – tp2;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” -Grid TP: (” + DTS(tp2, Digits) + “) “;
if (MinTPPips_ > 0) {
NewTP = MathMin(NewTP, BEb – MinTPPips_);
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” >Minimum TP: “;
NewTP -= MoveTP_ * Moves;
if (BreakEvenTrade > 0 && CbT + CbC >= BreakEvenTrade) {
NewTP = BEb – BEPlusPips_;
sCalcTP = sCalcTP + ” >BreakEven: (” + DTS(BEPlusPips_, Digits) + “) “;
sCalcTP = (sCalcTP + “Sell: TakeProfit: “);
if (TPb != NewTP) {
TPb = NewTP;
if (nLots > 0)
TargetPips = ND(TPb – BEb, Digits);
TargetPips = ND(BEb – TPb, Digits);
Print(sCalcTP + DTS(NewTP, Digits));
return (0);
PbTarget = TargetPips / Pip;
ProfitPot = ND(TargetPips * PipVal2 * MathAbs(nLots), 2);
if (CbB > 0)
PbPips = ND((BID – BEb) / Pip, 1);
if (CbS > 0)
PbPips = ND((BEb – ASK) / Pip, 1);
//| Adjust BEb/TakeProfit if Hedge is active |
double hAsk = MarketInfo(HedgeSymbol_, MODE_ASK);
double hBid = MarketInfo(HedgeSymbol_, MODE_BID);
double hSpread = hAsk – hBid;
if (hThisChart)
nLots += LhB – LhS;
double PhPips;
if (hActive == 1) {
if (nLots == 0) {
BEa = 0;
TPa = 0;
} else if (hThisChart) {
if (nLots > 0) {
if (CbB > 0)
BEa = ND((BEb * LbT – (BEh – hSpread) * LhT) / (LbT – LhT), Digits);
BEa = ND(((BEb – (ASK – BID)) * LbT – BEh * LhT) / (LbT – LhT), Digits);
TPa = ND(BEa + TargetPips, Digits);
} else {
if (CbS > 0)
BEa = ND((BEb * LbT – (BEh + hSpread) * LhT) / (LbT – LhT), Digits);
BEa = ND(((BEb + ASK – BID) * LbT – BEh * LhT) / (LbT – LhT), Digits);
TPa = ND(BEa – TargetPips, Digits);
if (ChB > 0)
PhPips = ND((hBid – BEh) / hPip, 1);
if (ChS > 0)
PhPips = ND((BEh – hAsk) / hPip, 1);
} else {
BEa = BEb;
TPa = TPb;
//| Calculate Early Exit Percentage |
double EEStartTime = 0, TPaF;
if (UseEarlyExit && CbT > 0) {
datetime EEopt;
if (EEFirstTrade)
EEopt = OTbF;
EEopt = OTbL;
if (DayOfWeek() < TimeDayOfWeek(EEopt))
EEStartTime = 2 * 24 * 3600;
EEStartTime += EEopt + EEStartHours * 3600;
if (EEHoursPC_ > 0 && TimeCurrent() >= EEStartTime)
EEpc = EEHoursPC_ * (TimeCurrent() – EEStartTime) / 3600;
if (EELevelPC_ > 0 && (CbT + CbC) >= EEStartLevel)
EEpc += EELevelPC_ * (CbT + CbC – EEStartLevel + 1);
EEpc = 1 – EEpc;
if (!EEAllowLoss && EEpc < 0)
EEpc = 0;
PbTarget *= EEpc;
TPaF = ND((TPa – BEa) * EEpc + BEa, Digits);
if (displayOverlay && displayLines && (hActive != 1 || (hActive == 1 && hThisChart)) && (!Testing || (Testing && Visual)) &&
EEpc < 1 && (CbT + CbC + ChT > EECount || EETime != Time[0]) && ((EEHoursPC_ > 0 && EEopt + EEStartHours * 3600 < Time[0]) || (EELevelPC_ > 0 && CbT + CbC >= EEStartLevel))) {
EETime = Time[0];
EECount = CbT + CbC + ChT;
if (ObjectFind(“B3LEELn”) < 0) {
ObjectCreate(“B3LEELn”, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“B3LEELn”, OBJPROP_COLOR, Yellow);
ObjectSet(“B3LEELn”, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSet(“B3LEELn”, OBJPROP_STYLE, 0);
ObjectSet(“B3LEELn”, OBJPROP_RAY, false);
ObjectSet(“B3LEELn”, OBJPROP_BACK, false);
if (EEHoursPC_ > 0)
ObjectMove(“B3LEELn”, 0, (datetime) (MathFloor(EEopt / 3600 + EEStartHours) * 3600), TPa);
ObjectMove(“B3LEELn”, 0, (datetime) (MathFloor(EEopt / 3600) * 3600), TPaF);
ObjectMove(“B3LEELn”, 1, Time[1], TPaF);
if (ObjectFind(“B3VEELn”) < 0) {
ObjectCreate(“B3VEELn”, OBJ_TEXT, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“B3VEELn”, OBJPROP_COLOR, Yellow);
ObjectSet(“B3VEELn”, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSet(“B3VEELn”, OBJPROP_STYLE, 0);
ObjectSet(“B3VEELn”, OBJPROP_BACK, false);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VEELn”, ” ” + DTS(TPaF, Digits), -1, Yellow);
ObjectSet(“B3VEELn”, OBJPROP_PRICE1, TPaF + 2 * Pip);
ObjectSet(“B3VEELn”, OBJPROP_TIME1, Time[1]);
} else if ((!displayLines || EEpc == 1 || (!EEAllowLoss && EEpc == 0) || (EEHoursPC_ > 0 && EEopt + EEStartHours * 3600 >= Time[0]))) {
} else {
TPaF = TPa;
EETime = 0;
EECount = 0;
//| Maximize Profit with Moving TP and setting Trailing Profit Stop |
if (MaximizeProfit) {
if (CbT == 0) {
SLbL = 0;
Moves = 0;
SLb = 0;
if (!FirstRun && CbT > 0) {
if (Pb + Ph < 0 && SLb > 0)
SLb = 0;
if (SLb > 0 && ((nLots > 0 && BID < SLb) || (nLots < 0 && ASK > SLb))) {
ExitTrades(A, displayColorProfit, “Profit Trailing Stop Reached (” + DTS(ProfitSet_ * 100, 2) + “%)”);
return (0);
if (PbTarget > 0) {
TPbMP = ND(BEa + (TPa – BEa) * ProfitSet_, Digits);
if ((nLots > 0 && BID > TPbMP) || (nLots < 0 && ASK < TPbMP))
SLb = TPbMP;
if (SLb > 0 && SLb != SLbL && MoveTP_ > 0 && TotalMoves > Moves) {
TPb = 0;
if (Debug_)
SLbL = SLb;
if (PlaySounds)
return (0);
if (!FirstRun && TPaF > 0) {
if ((nLots > 0 && BID >= TPaF) || (nLots < 0 && ASK <= TPaF)) {
ExitTrades(A, displayColorProfit, “Profit Target Reached @ ” + DTS(TPaF, Digits));
return (0);
if (!FirstRun && UseStopLoss) {
if (SLPips_ > 0) {
if (nLots > 0) {
bSL = BEa – SLPips_;
if (BID <= bSL) {
ExitTrades(A, displayColorProfit, “Stop Loss Reached”);
return (0);
} else if (nLots < 0) {
bSL = BEa + SLPips_;
if (ASK >= bSL) {
ExitTrades(A, displayColorProfit, “Stop Loss Reached”);
return (0);
if (TSLPips_ != 0) {
if (nLots > 0) {
if (TSLPips_ > 0 && BID > BEa + TSLPips_)
bTS = MathMax(bTS, BID – TSLPips_);
if (TSLPips_ < 0 && BID > BEa – TSLPips_)
bTS = MathMax(bTS, BID – MathMax(TSLPipsMin_, -TSLPips_ * (1 – (BID – BEa + TSLPips_) / (-TSLPips_ * 2))));
if (bTS > 0 && BID <= bTS) {
ExitTrades(A, displayColorProfit, “Trailing Stop Reached”);
return (0);
} else if (nLots < 0) {
if (TSLPips_ > 0 && ASK < BEa – TSLPips_) {
if (bTS > 0)
bTS = MathMin(bTS, ASK + TSLPips_);
bTS = ASK + TSLPips_;
if (TSLPips_ < 0 && ASK < BEa + TSLPips_)
bTS = MathMin(bTS, ASK + MathMax(TSLPipsMin_, -TSLPips_ * (1 – (BEa – ASK + TSLPips_) / (-TSLPips_ * 2))));
if (bTS > 0 && ASK >= bTS) {
ExitTrades(A, displayColorProfit, “Trailing Stop Reached”);
return (0);
//| Check for and Delete hanging pending orders |
if (CbT == 0 && !PendLot) {
PendLot = true;
for (int Order = OrdersTotal() – 1; Order >= 0; Order–) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic || OrderType() <= OP_SELL)
if (ND(OrderLots(), LotDecimal) > ND(Lots[0] * LotMult, LotDecimal)) {
PendLot = false;
while (IsTradeContextBusy())
if (IsStopped())
return (-1);
Success = OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (Success) {
PendLot = true;
if (Debug_)
Print(“Delete pending > Lot”);
return (0);
} else if ((CbT > 0 || (CbT == 0 && CpT > 0 && !B3Traditional)) && PendLot) {
PendLot = false;
for (int Order = OrdersTotal() – 1; Order >= 0; Order–) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic || OrderType() <= OP_SELL)
if (ND(OrderLots(), LotDecimal) == ND(Lots[0] * LotMult, LotDecimal)) {
PendLot = true;
while (IsTradeContextBusy())
if (IsStopped())
return (-1);
Success = OrderDelete(OrderTicket());
if (Success) {
PendLot = false;
if (Debug_)
Print(“Delete pending = Lot”);
return (0);
//| Check ca, Breakeven Trades and Emergency Close All |
switch (ca) {
case B:
if (CbT == 0 && CpT == 0)
ca = 0;
case H:
if (ChT == 0)
ca = 0;
case A:
if (CbT == 0 && CpT == 0 && ChT == 0)
ca = 0;
case P:
if (CpT == 0)
ca = 0;
case T:
if (ca > 0) {
ExitTrades(ca, displayColorLoss, “Close All (” + DTS(ca, 0) + “)”);
return (0);
} else if (CbT == 0 && ChT > 0) {
ExitTrades(H, displayColorLoss, “Basket Closed”);
return (0);
} else if (EmergencyCloseAll_) {
ExitTrades(A, displayColorLoss, “Emergency Close-All-Trades”);
EmergencyCloseAll_ = false;
return (0);
//| Check Holiday Shutdown |
if (UseHolidayShutdown) {
if (HolShutDown > 0 && TimeCurrent() >= HolLast && HolLast > 0) {
Print(“Trading has resumed after the “, TimeToStr(HolFirst, TIME_DATE), ” – “, TimeToStr(HolLast, TIME_DATE), ” holidays.”);
HolShutDown = 0;
if (PlaySounds)
if (HolShutDown == 3) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LStop”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LStop”, “Trading has been paused on this pair for the holidays.”, 10, 0, 0, 3, displayColorLoss);
if (ObjectFind(“B3LResm”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LResm”, “Trading will resume trading after ” + TimeToStr(HolLast, TIME_DATE) + “.”, 10, 0, 0, 9, displayColorLoss);
return (0);
} else if ((HolShutDown == 0 && TimeCurrent() >= HolLast) || HolFirst == 0) {
for (int Index = 0; Index < ArraySize(HolArray); Index++) {
// HolFirst = StrToTime((string) Year() + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 0] + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 1]);
string tts = (string) Year() + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 0] + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 1];
Print(“tts: ” + tts + ” *******************************************************”);
HolFirst = StrToTime(tts);
HolLast = StrToTime((string) Year() + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 2] + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 3] + ” 23:59:59″);
if (TimeCurrent() < HolFirst) {
if (HolFirst > HolLast)
HolLast = StrToTime(DTS(Year() + 1, 0) + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 2] + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 3] + ” 23:59:59″);
if (TimeCurrent() < HolLast) {
if (HolFirst > HolLast)
HolFirst = StrToTime(DTS(Year() – 1, 0) + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 0] + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 1]);
if (TimeCurrent() > HolFirst && HolFirst > HolLast) {
HolLast = StrToTime(DTS(Year() + 1, 0) + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 2] + “.” + (string) HolArray[Index, 3] + ” 23:59:59″);
if (TimeCurrent() < HolLast)
if (TimeCurrent() >= HolFirst && TimeCurrent() <= HolLast) {
// Comment(“”); // xxx
HolShutDown = 1;
} else if (HolShutDown == 0 && TimeCurrent() >= HolFirst && TimeCurrent() < HolLast)
HolShutDown = 1;
if (HolShutDown == 1 && CbT == 0) {
Print(“Trading has been paused for holidays (“, TimeToStr(HolFirst, TIME_DATE), ” – “, TimeToStr(HolLast, TIME_DATE), “)”);
if (CpT > 0) {
int Index = ExitTrades(P, displayColorLoss, “Holiday Shutdown”);
if (Index == CpT)
ca = 0;
HolShutDown = 2;
} else if (HolShutDown == 1) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LClos”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LClos”, “”, 5, 0, 0, 23, displayColorLoss);
ObjSetTxt(“B3LClos”, “Trading will pause for holidays when this basket closes”, 5);
if (HolShutDown == 2) {
if (PlaySounds)
HolShutDown = 3;
if (HolShutDown == 3) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LStop”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LStop”, “Trading has been paused on this pair due to holidays.”, 10, 0, 0, 3, displayColorLoss);
if (ObjectFind(“B3LResm”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LResm”, “Trading will resume after ” + TimeToStr(HolLast, TIME_DATE) + “.”, 10, 0, 0, 9, displayColorLoss);
// Comment(“”); // xxx
return (0);
//| Power Out Stop Loss Protection |
if (SetPOSL) {
if (UsePowerOutSL && POSLPips_ > 0) {
double POSL = MathMin(PortionBalance * (MaxDDPercent + 1) / 100 / PipVal2 / LbT, POSLPips_);
SLbB = ND(BEb – POSL, Digits);
SLbS = ND(BEb + POSL, Digits);
} else {
SLbB = 0;
SLbS = 0;
for (int Order = 0; Order < OrdersTotal(); Order++) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() > OP_SELL)
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderStopLoss() != SLbB) {
Success = ModifyOrder(OrderOpenPrice(), SLbB, Purple);
if (Debug_ && Success)
Print(“Order “, OrderTicket(), “: Sync POSL Buy”);
} else if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderStopLoss() != SLbS) {
Success = ModifyOrder(OrderOpenPrice(), SLbS, Purple);
if (Debug_ && Success)
Print(“Order “, OrderTicket(), “: Sync POSL Sell”);
//+—————————————————————–+ << This must be the first Entry check.
//| Moving Average Indicator for Order Entry | << Add your own Indicator Entry checks
//+—————————————————————–+ << after the Moving Average Entry.
if (MAEntry_ > 0 && CbT == 0 && CpT < 2) {
if (BID > ima_0 + MADistance_ && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2))) {
if (MAEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (MAEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (ASK < ima_0 – MADistance_ && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2))) {
if (MAEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (MAEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (B3Traditional && Trend == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
} else {
BuyMe = false;
SellMe = false;
if (IndEntry > 0)
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + UAE;
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + ” MA “;
//| CCI of 5M, 15M, 30M, 1H for Market Condition and Order Entry |
if (CCIEntry_ > 0) {
cci_01 = iCCI(Symbol(), PERIOD_M5, CCIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
cci_02 = iCCI(Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, CCIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
cci_03 = iCCI(Symbol(), PERIOD_M30, CCIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
cci_04 = iCCI(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, CCIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
cci_11 = iCCI(Symbol(), PERIOD_M5, CCIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
cci_12 = iCCI(Symbol(), PERIOD_M15, CCIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
cci_13 = iCCI(Symbol(), PERIOD_M30, CCIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
cci_14 = iCCI(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, CCIPeriod, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
if (CCIEntry_ > 0 && CbT == 0 && CpT < 2) {
if (cci_11 > 0 && cci_12 > 0 && cci_13 > 0 && cci_14 > 0 && cci_01 > 0 && cci_02 > 0 && cci_03 > 0 && cci_04 > 0) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ == 3)
Trend = 0;
if (CCIEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (CCIEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (cci_11 < 0 && cci_12 < 0 && cci_13 < 0 && cci_14 < 0 && cci_01 < 0 && cci_02 < 0 && cci_03 < 0 && cci_04 < 0) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ == 3)
Trend = 1;
if (CCIEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (CCIEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0) {
BuyMe = false;
SellMe = false;
if (IndEntry > 0)
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + UAE;
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + ” CCI “;
//| Bollinger Band Indicator for Order Entry |
if (BollingerEntry_ > 0 && CbT == 0 && CpT < 2) {
double ma = iMA(Symbol(), 0, BollPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_OPEN, 0);
double stddev = iStdDev(Symbol(), 0, BollPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_OPEN, 0);
double bup = ma + (BollDeviation * stddev);
double bdn = ma – (BollDeviation * stddev);
double bux = bup + BollDistance_;
double bdx = bdn – BollDistance_;
if (ASK < bdx) {
if (BollingerEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (BollingerEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (BID > bux) {
if (BollingerEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (BollingerEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0) {
BuyMe = false;
SellMe = false;
if (IndEntry > 0)
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + UAE;
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + ” BBands “;
//| Stochastic Indicator for Order Entry |
if (StochEntry_ > 0 && CbT == 0 && CpT < 2) {
int zoneBUY = BuySellStochZone;
int zoneSELL = 100 – BuySellStochZone;
double stoc_0 = iStochastic(NULL, 0, KPeriod, DPeriod, Slowing, MODE_LWMA, 1, 0, 1);
double stoc_1 = iStochastic(NULL, 0, KPeriod, DPeriod, Slowing, MODE_LWMA, 1, 1, 1);
if (stoc_0 < zoneBUY && stoc_1 < zoneBUY) {
if (StochEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (StochEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (stoc_0 > zoneSELL && stoc_1 > zoneSELL) {
if (StochEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (StochEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0) {
BuyMe = false;
SellMe = false;
if (IndEntry > 0)
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + UAE;
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + ” Stoch “;
//| MACD Indicator for Order Entry |
if (MACDEntry_ > 0 && CbT == 0 && CpT < 2) {
double MACDm = iMACD(NULL, TF[MACD_TF], FastPeriod, SlowPeriod, SignalPeriod, MACDPrice, 0, 0);
double MACDs = iMACD(NULL, TF[MACD_TF], FastPeriod, SlowPeriod, SignalPeriod, MACDPrice, 1, 0);
if (MACDm > MACDs) {
if (MACDEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (MACDEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (MACDm < MACDs) {
if (MACDEntry_ == 1) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 0 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe)))
SellMe = true;
SellMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
BuyMe = false;
} else if (MACDEntry_ == 2) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ != 1 && (UseAnyEntry || IndEntry == 0 || (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && BuyMe)))
BuyMe = true;
BuyMe = false;
if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0 && SellMe && (!B3Traditional || (B3Traditional && Trend != 2)))
SellMe = false;
} else if (!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 0) {
BuyMe = false;
SellMe = false;
if (IndEntry > 0)
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + UAE;
IndicatorUsed = IndicatorUsed + ” MACD “;
//+—————————————————————–+ << This must be the last Entry check before
//| UseAnyEntry Check && Force Market Condition Buy/Sell Entry | << the Trade Selection Logic. Add checks for
//+—————————————————————–+ << additional indicators before this block.
if ((!UseAnyEntry && IndEntry > 1 && BuyMe && SellMe) || FirstRun) {
BuyMe = false;
SellMe = false;
if (ForceMarketCond_ < 2 && IndEntry == 0 && CbT == 0 && !FirstRun) {
if (ForceMarketCond_ == 0)
BuyMe = true;
else if (ForceMarketCond_ == 1)
SellMe = true;
IndicatorUsed = ” FMC “;
//| Trade Selection Logic |
OrderLot = LotSize(Lots[StrToInteger(DTS(MathMin(CbT + CbC, MaxTrades – 1), 0))] * LotMult);
if (CbT == 0 && CpT < 2 && !FirstRun) {
if (B3Traditional) {
if (BuyMe) {
if (CpBS == 0 && CpSL == 0 && ((Trend != 2 || MAEntry_ == 0) || (Trend == 2 && MAEntry_ == 1))) {
Entry = g2 – MathMod(ASK, g2) + EntryOffset_;
if (Entry > StopLevel) {
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, OrderLot, Entry, 0, Magic, CLR_NONE);
if (Ticket > 0) {
if (Debug_)
Print(“Indicator Entry – (“, IndicatorUsed, “) BuyStop MC = “, Trend);
if (CpBL == 0 && CpSS == 0 && ((Trend != 2 || MAEntry_ == 0) || (Trend == 2 && MAEntry_ == 2))) {
Entry = MathMod(ASK, g2) + EntryOffset_;
if (Entry > StopLevel) {
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, OrderLot, -Entry, 0, Magic, CLR_NONE);
if (Ticket > 0) {
if (Debug_)
Print(“Indicator Entry – (“, IndicatorUsed, “) BuyLimit MC = “, Trend);
if (SellMe) {
if (CpSL == 0 && CpBS == 0 && ((Trend != 2 || MAEntry_ == 0) || (Trend == 2 && MAEntry_ == 2))) {
Entry = g2 – MathMod(BID, g2) + EntryOffset_;
if (Entry > StopLevel) {
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, OrderLot, Entry, 0, Magic, CLR_NONE);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“Indicator Entry – (“, IndicatorUsed, “) SellLimit MC = “, Trend);
if (CpSS == 0 && CpBL == 0 && ((Trend != 2 || MAEntry_ == 0) || (Trend == 2 && MAEntry_ == 1))) {
Entry = MathMod(BID, g2) + EntryOffset_;
if (Entry > StopLevel) {
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, OrderLot, -Entry, 0, Magic, CLR_NONE);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“Indicator Entry – (“, IndicatorUsed, “) SellStop MC = “, Trend);
} else {
if (BuyMe) {
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, OrderLot, 0, slip, Magic, Blue);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“Indicator Entry – (“, IndicatorUsed, “) Buy”);
} else if (SellMe) {
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, OrderLot, 0, slip, Magic, displayColorLoss);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“Indicator Entry – (“, IndicatorUsed, “) Sell”);
if (Ticket > 0)
return (0);
} else if (TimeCurrent() – EntryDelay > OTbL && CbT + CbC < MaxTrades && !FirstRun) {
if (UseSmartGrid) {
if (RSI[1] != iRSI(NULL, TF[RSI_TF], RSI_Period, RSI_Price, 1)) {
for (int Index = 0; Index < RSI_Period + RSI_MA_Period; Index++)
RSI[Index] = iRSI(NULL, TF[RSI_TF], RSI_Period, RSI_Price, Index);
} else
RSI[0] = iRSI(NULL, TF[RSI_TF], RSI_Period, RSI_Price, 0);
RSI_MA = iMAOnArray(RSI, 0, RSI_MA_Period, 0, RSI_MA_Method, 0);
if (CbB > 0) {
if (OPbL > ASK)
Entry = OPbL – (MathRound((OPbL – ASK) / g2) + 1) * g2;
Entry = OPbL – g2;
if (UseSmartGrid) {
if (ASK < OPbL – g2) {
if (RSI[0] > RSI_MA) {
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUY, OrderLot, 0, slip, Magic, Blue);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“SmartGrid Buy RSI: “, RSI[0], ” > MA: “, RSI_MA);
OPbN = 0;
} else
OPbN = OPbL – g2;
} else if (CpBL == 0) {
if (ASK – Entry <= StopLevel)
Entry = OPbL – (MathFloor((OPbL – ASK + StopLevel) / g2) + 1) * g2;
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, OrderLot, Entry – ASK, 0, Magic, SkyBlue);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“BuyLimit grid”);
} else if (CpBL == 1 && Entry – OPpBL > g2 / 2 && ASK – Entry > StopLevel) {
for (int Order = OrdersTotal() – 1; Order >= 0; Order–) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() != OP_BUYLIMIT)
Success = ModifyOrder(Entry, 0, SkyBlue);
if (Success && Debug_)
Print(“Mod BuyLimit Entry”);
} else if (CbS > 0) {
if (BID > OPbL)
Entry = OPbL + (MathRound((-OPbL + BID) / g2) + 1) * g2;
Entry = OPbL + g2;
if (UseSmartGrid) {
if (BID > OPbL + g2) {
if (RSI[0] < RSI_MA) {
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELL, OrderLot, 0, slip, Magic, displayColorLoss);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“SmartGrid Sell RSI: “, RSI[0], ” < MA: “, RSI_MA);
OPbN = 0;
} else
OPbN = OPbL + g2;
} else if (CpSL == 0) {
if (Entry – BID <= StopLevel)
Entry = OPbL + (MathFloor((-OPbL + BID + StopLevel) / g2) + 1) * g2;
Ticket = SendOrder(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, OrderLot, Entry – BID, 0, Magic, Coral);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“SellLimit grid”);
} else if (CpSL == 1 && OPpSL – Entry > g2 / 2 && Entry – BID > StopLevel) {
for (int Order = OrdersTotal() – 1; Order >= 0; Order–) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic || OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderType() != OP_SELLLIMIT)
Success = ModifyOrder(Entry, 0, Coral);
if (Success && Debug_)
Print(“Mod SellLimit Entry”);
if (Ticket > 0)
return (0);
//| Hedge Trades Set-Up and Monitoring |
if ((UseHedge_ && CbT > 0) || ChT > 0) {
int hLevel = CbT + CbC;
if (HedgeTypeDD) {
if (hDDStart == 0 && ChT > 0)
hDDStart = MathMax(HedgeStart_, DrawDownPC + hReEntryPC_);
if (hDDStart > HedgeStart_ && hDDStart > DrawDownPC + hReEntryPC_)
hDDStart = DrawDownPC + hReEntryPC_;
if (hActive == 2) {
hActive = 0;
hDDStart = MathMax(HedgeStart_, DrawDownPC + hReEntryPC_);
if (hActive == 0) {
if (!hThisChart && ((hPosCorr && CheckCorr() < 0.9) || (!hPosCorr && CheckCorr() > -0.9))) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LhCor”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LhCor”, “Correlation with the hedge pair has dropped below 90%.”, 0, 0, 190, 10, displayColorLoss);
} else
if (hLvlStart > hLevel + 1 || (!HedgeTypeDD && hLvlStart == 0))
hLvlStart = MathMax(HedgeStart_, hLevel + 1);
if ((HedgeTypeDD && DrawDownPC > hDDStart) || (!HedgeTypeDD && hLevel >= hLvlStart)) {
OrderLot = LotSize(LbT * hLotMult);
if ((CbB > 0 && !hPosCorr) || (CbS > 0 && hPosCorr)) {
Ticket = SendOrder(HedgeSymbol_, OP_BUY, OrderLot, 0, slip, hMagic, MidnightBlue);
if (Ticket > 0) {
if (hMaxLossPips_ > 0)
SLh = hAsk – hMaxLossPips_;
if (Debug_)
Print(“Hedge Buy: Stoploss @ “, DTS(SLh, Digits));
if ((CbB > 0 && hPosCorr) || (CbS > 0 && !hPosCorr)) {
Ticket = SendOrder(HedgeSymbol_, OP_SELL, OrderLot, 0, slip, hMagic, Maroon);
if (Ticket > 0) {
if (hMaxLossPips_ > 0)
SLh = hBid + hMaxLossPips_;
if (Debug_)
Print(“Hedge Sell: Stoploss @ “, DTS(SLh, Digits));
if (Ticket > 0) {
hActive = 1;
if (HedgeTypeDD)
hDDStart += hReEntryPC_;
hLvlStart = hLevel + 1;
return (0);
} else if (hActive == 1) {
if (HedgeTypeDD && hDDStart > HedgeStart_ && hDDStart < DrawDownPC + hReEntryPC_)
hDDStart = DrawDownPC + hReEntryPC_;
if (hLvlStart == 0) {
if (HedgeTypeDD)
hLvlStart = hLevel + 1;
hLvlStart = MathMax(HedgeStart_, hLevel + 1);
if (hLevel >= hLvlStart) {
OrderLot = LotSize(Lots[CbT + CbC – 1] * LotMult * hLotMult);
if (OrderLot > 0 && ((CbB > 0 && !hPosCorr) || (CbS > 0 && hPosCorr))) {
Ticket = SendOrder(HedgeSymbol_, OP_BUY, OrderLot, 0, slip, hMagic, MidnightBlue);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“Hedge Buy”);
if (OrderLot > 0 && ((CbB > 0 && hPosCorr) || (CbS > 0 && !hPosCorr))) {
Ticket = SendOrder(HedgeSymbol_, OP_SELL, OrderLot, 0, slip, hMagic, Maroon);
if (Ticket > 0 && Debug_)
Print(“Hedge Sell”);
if (Ticket > 0) {
hLvlStart = hLevel + 1;
return (0);
int Index = 0;
if (!FirstRun && hMaxLossPips_ > 0) {
if (ChB > 0) {
if (hFixedSL) {
if (SLh == 0)
SLh = hBid – hMaxLossPips_;
} else {
if (SLh == 0 || (SLh < BEh && SLh < hBid – hMaxLossPips_))
SLh = hBid – hMaxLossPips_;
else if (StopTrailAtBE && hBid – hMaxLossPips_ >= BEh)
SLh = BEh;
else if (SLh >= BEh && !StopTrailAtBE) {
if (!ReduceTrailStop)
SLh = MathMax(SLh, hBid – hMaxLossPips_);
SLh = MathMax(SLh, hBid – MathMax(StopLevel, hMaxLossPips_ * (1 – (hBid – hMaxLossPips_ – BEh) / (hMaxLossPips_ * 2))));
if (hBid <= SLh)
Index = ExitTrades(H, DarkViolet, “Hedge StopLoss”);
} else if (ChS > 0) {
if (hFixedSL) {
if (SLh == 0)
SLh = hAsk + hMaxLossPips_;
} else {
if (SLh == 0 || (SLh > BEh && SLh > hAsk + hMaxLossPips_))
SLh = hAsk + hMaxLossPips_;
else if (StopTrailAtBE && hAsk + hMaxLossPips_ <= BEh)
SLh = BEh;
else if (SLh <= BEh && !StopTrailAtBE) {
if (!ReduceTrailStop)
SLh = MathMin(SLh, hAsk + hMaxLossPips_);
SLh = MathMin(SLh, hAsk + MathMax(StopLevel, hMaxLossPips_ * (1 – (BEh – hAsk – hMaxLossPips_) / (hMaxLossPips_ * 2))));
if (hAsk >= SLh)
Index = ExitTrades(H, DarkViolet, “Hedge StopLoss”);
if (Index == 0 && hTakeProfit_ > 0) {
if (ChB > 0 && hBid > OPhO + hTakeProfit_)
Index = ExitTrades(T, DarkViolet, “Hedge TakeProfit reached”, ThO);
if (ChS > 0 && hAsk < OPhO – hTakeProfit_)
Index = ExitTrades(T, DarkViolet, “Hedge TakeProfit reached”, ThO);
if (Index > 0) {
PhC = FindClosedPL(H);
if (Index == ChT) {
if (HedgeTypeDD)
hActive = 2;
hActive = 0;
return (0);
//| Check DD% and send Email |
if ((UseEmail || PlaySounds) && !Testing) {
if (EmailCount < 2 && Email[EmailCount] > 0 && DrawDownPC > Email[EmailCount]) {
if (UseEmail) {
SendMail(“Drawdown warning”, “Drawdown has exceeded ” + DTS(Email[EmailCount] * 100, 2) + “% on ” + Symbol() + ” ” + sTF);
Error = GetLastError();
if (Error > 0)
Print(“Email DD: “, DTS(DrawDownPC * 100, 2), ” Error: “, Error, ” (“, ErrorDescription(Error), “)”);
else if (Debug_)
Print(“DrawDown Email sent for “, Symbol(), ” “, sTF, ” DD: “, DTS(DrawDownPC * 100, 2));
EmailSent = TimeCurrent();
if (PlaySounds)
} else if (EmailCount > 0 && EmailCount < 3 && DrawDownPC < Email[EmailCount] &&
TimeCurrent() > EmailSent + EmailHours * 3600)
} // opb *********************
//| Display Overlay Code |
string dMess = “”;
if ((Testing && Visual) || !Testing) {
if (displayOverlay) {
color Colour;
int dDigits;
ObjSetTxt(“B3VTime”, TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE | TIME_SECONDS));
// This fixes a problem with OncePerBar & display of Stop Trade Amount always
// showing zero, but is a hack … Blessing needs to be re-engineered.
// display of Stop Trade Amount:
// double stop_trade_amount = -(Pb + Ph) / PortionBalance; // opb
// DrawLabel(“B3VSTAm”, InitialAccountMultiPortion, 167, 2, displayColorLoss);
// static double previous_stop_trade_amount;
if (stop_trade_amount != 0) {
previous_stop_trade_amount = stop_trade_amount;
DrawLabel(“B3VSTAm”, stop_trade_amount, 167, 2, displayColorLoss);
} else
DrawLabel(“B3VSTAm”, previous_stop_trade_amount, 167, 2, displayColorLoss);
// DrawLabel(“B3VSTAm”, stop_trade_amount, 167, 2, displayColorLoss);
// End of fix
if (UseHolidayShutdown) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3VHolF”, TimeToStr(HolFirst, TIME_DATE));
ObjSetTxt(“B3VHolT”, TimeToStr(HolLast, TIME_DATE));
DrawLabel(“B3VPBal”, PortionBalance, 167);
if (DrawDownPC > 0.4)
Colour = displayColorLoss;
else if (DrawDownPC > 0.3)
Colour = Orange;
else if (DrawDownPC > 0.2)
Colour = Yellow;
else if (DrawDownPC > 0.1)
Colour = displayColorProfit;
Colour = displayColor;
DrawLabel(“B3VDrDn”, DrawDownPC * 100, 315, 2, Colour);
if (UseHedge_ && HedgeTypeDD)
ObjSetTxt(“B3VhDDm”, DTS(hDDStart * 100, 2));
else if (UseHedge_ && !HedgeTypeDD) {
DrawLabel(“B3VhLvl”, CbT + CbC, 318, 0);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VhLvT”, DTS(hLvlStart, 0));
ObjSetTxt(“B3VSLot”, DTS(Lot_ * LotMult, 2));
if (ProfitPot >= 0)
DrawLabel(“B3VPPot”, ProfitPot, 190);
else {
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPPot”, DTS(ProfitPot, 2), 0, displayColorLoss);
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) -ProfitPot, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
ObjSet(“B3VPPot”, 186 – dDigits * 7);
if (UseEarlyExit && EEpc < 1) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3SEEPr”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3SEEPr”, “/”, 0, 0, 220, 12);
if (ObjectFind(“B3VEEPr”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3VEEPr”, “”, 0, 0, 229, 12);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VEEPr”, DTS(PbTarget * PipValue * MathAbs(LbB – LbS), 2));
} else {
if (SLb > 0)
DrawLabel(“B3VPrSL”, SLb, 190, Digits);
else if (bSL > 0)
DrawLabel(“B3VPrSL”, bSL, 190, Digits);
else if (bTS > 0)
DrawLabel(“B3VPrSL”, bTS, 190, Digits);
DrawLabel(“B3VPrSL”, 0, 190, 2);
if (Pb >= 0) {
DrawLabel(“B3VPnPL”, Pb, 190, 2, displayColorProfit);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPPip”, DTS(PbPips, 1), 0, displayColorProfit);
ObjSet(“B3VPPip”, 229);
} else {
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPnPL”, DTS(Pb, 2), 0, displayColorLoss);
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) -Pb, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
ObjSet(“B3VPnPL”, 186 – dDigits * 7);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPPip”, DTS(PbPips, 1), 0, displayColorLoss);
ObjSet(“B3VPPip”, 225);
if (PbMax >= 0)
DrawLabel(“B3VPLMx”, PbMax, 190, 2, displayColorProfit);
else {
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPLMx”, DTS(PbMax, 2), 0, displayColorLoss);
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) -PbMax, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
ObjSet(“B3VPLMx”, 186 – dDigits * 7);
if (PbMin < 0)
ObjSet(“B3VPLMn”, 225);
ObjSet(“B3VPLMn”, 229);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPLMn”, DTS(PbMin, 2), 0, displayColorLoss);
if (CbT + CbC < BreakEvenTrade && CbT + CbC < MaxTrades)
Colour = displayColor;
else if (CbT + CbC < MaxTrades)
Colour = Orange;
Colour = displayColorLoss;
if (CbB > 0) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LType”, “Buy:”);
DrawLabel(“B3VOpen”, CbB, 207, 0, Colour);
} else if (CbS > 0) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LType”, “Sell:”);
DrawLabel(“B3VOpen”, CbS, 207, 0, Colour);
} else {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LType”, “”);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VOpen”, DTS(0, 0), 0, Colour);
ObjSet(“B3VOpen”, 207);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VLots”, DTS(LbT, 2));
ObjSetTxt(“B3VMove”, DTS(Moves, 0));
DrawLabel(“B3VMxDD”, MaxDD, 107);
DrawLabel(“B3VDDPC”, MaxDDPer, 229);
if (Trend == 0) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LTrnd”, “Trend is UP”, 10, displayColorProfit);
if (ObjectFind(“B3ATrnd”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3ATrnd”, “”, 0, 0, 160, 20, displayColorProfit, “Wingdings”);
ObjectSetText(“B3ATrnd”, “é”, displayFontSize + 9, “Wingdings”, displayColorProfit);
ObjSet(“B3ATrnd”, 160);
ObjectSet(“B3ATrnd”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, displayYcord + displaySpacing * 20);
if (StringLen(ATrend) > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3AATrn”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3AATrn”, “”, 0, 0, 200, 20, displayColorProfit, “Wingdings”);
if (ATrend == “D”) {
ObjectSetText(“B3AATrn”, “ê”, displayFontSize + 9, “Wingdings”, displayColorLoss);
ObjectSet(“B3AATrn”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, displayYcord + displaySpacing * 20 + 5);
} else if (ATrend == “R”) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3AATrn”, “R”, 10, Orange);
ObjectSet(“B3AATrn”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, displayYcord + displaySpacing * 20);
} else
} else if (Trend == 1) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LTrnd”, “Trend is DOWN”, 10, displayColorLoss);
if (ObjectFind(“B3ATrnd”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3ATrnd”, “”, 0, 0, 210, 20, displayColorLoss, “WingDings”);
ObjectSetText(“B3ATrnd”, “ê”, displayFontSize + 9, “Wingdings”, displayColorLoss);
ObjSet(“B3ATrnd”, 210);
ObjectSet(“B3ATrnd”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, displayYcord + displaySpacing * 20 + 5);
if (StringLen(ATrend) > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3AATrn”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3AATrn”, “”, 0, 0, 250, 20, displayColorProfit, “Wingdings”);
if (ATrend == “U”) {
ObjectSetText(“B3AATrn”, “é”, displayFontSize + 9, “Wingdings”, displayColorProfit);
ObjectSet(“B3AATrn”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, displayYcord + displaySpacing * 20);
} else if (ATrend == “R”) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3AATrn”, “R”, 10, Orange);
ObjectSet(“B3AATrn”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, displayYcord + displaySpacing * 20);
} else
} else if (Trend == 2) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LTrnd”, “Trend is Ranging”, 10, Orange);
if (StringLen(ATrend) > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3AATrn”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3AATrn”, “”, 0, 0, 220, 20, displayColorProfit, “Wingdings”);
if (ATrend == “U”) {
ObjectSetText(“B3AATrn”, “é”, displayFontSize + 9, “Wingdings”, displayColorProfit);
ObjectSet(“B3AATrn”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, displayYcord + displaySpacing * 20);
} else if (ATrend == “D”) {
ObjectSetText(“B3AATrn”, “ê”, displayFontSize + 8, “Wingdings”, displayColorLoss);
ObjectSet(“B3AATrn”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, displayYcord + displaySpacing * 20 + 5);
} else
if (PaC != 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LClPL”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LClPL”, “Closed P/L”, 0, 0, 312, 11);
if (ObjectFind(“B3VClPL”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3VClPL”, “”, 0, 0, 327, 12);
if (PaC >= 0)
DrawLabel(“B3VClPL”, PaC, 327, 2, displayColorProfit);
else {
ObjSetTxt(“B3VClPL”, DTS(PaC, 2), 0, displayColorLoss);
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) -PaC, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
ObjSet(“B3VClPL”, 323 – dDigits * 7);
} else {
if (hActive == 1) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LHdge”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LHdge”, “Hedge”, 0, 0, 323, 13);
if (ObjectFind(“B3VhPro”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3VhPro”, “”, 0, 0, 312, 14);
if (Ph >= 0)
DrawLabel(“B3VhPro”, Ph, 312, 2, displayColorProfit);
else {
ObjSetTxt(“B3VhPro”, DTS(Ph, 2), 0, displayColorLoss);
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) -Ph, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
ObjSet(“B3VhPro”, 308 – dDigits * 7);
if (ObjectFind(“B3VhPMx”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3VhPMx”, “”, 0, 0, 312, 15);
if (PhMax >= 0)
DrawLabel(“B3VhPMx”, PhMax, 312, 2, displayColorProfit);
else {
ObjSetTxt(“B3VhPMx”, DTS(PhMax, 2), 0, displayColorLoss);
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) -PhMax, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
ObjSet(“B3VhPMx”, 308 – dDigits * 7);
if (ObjectFind(“B3ShPro”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3ShPro”, “/”, 0, 0, 342, 15);
if (ObjectFind(“B3VhPMn”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3VhPMn”, “”, 0, 0, 351, 15, displayColorLoss);
if (PhMin < 0)
ObjSet(“B3VhPMn”, 347);
ObjSet(“B3VhPMn”, 351);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VhPMn”, DTS(PhMin, 2), 0, displayColorLoss);
if (ObjectFind(“B3LhTyp”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LhTyp”, “”, 0, 0, 292, 16);
if (ObjectFind(“B3VhOpn”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3VhOpn”, “”, 0, 0, 329, 16);
if (ChB > 0) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LhTyp”, “Buy:”);
DrawLabel(“B3VhOpn”, ChB, 329, 0);
} else if (ChS > 0) {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LhTyp”, “Sell:”);
DrawLabel(“B3VhOpn”, ChS, 329, 0);
} else {
ObjSetTxt(“B3LhTyp”, “”);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VhOpn”, DTS(0, 0));
ObjSet(“B3VhOpn”, 329);
if (ObjectFind(“B3ShOpn”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3ShOpn”, “/”, 0, 0, 342, 16);
if (ObjectFind(“B3VhLot”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3VhLot”, “”, 0, 0, 351, 16);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VhLot”, DTS(LhT, 2));
} else {
if (displayLines) {
if (BEb > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LBELn”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LBELn”, DodgerBlue, 1, 0);
ObjectMove(“B3LBELn”, 0, Time[1], BEb);
} else
if (TPa > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LTPLn”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LTPLn”, Gold, 1, 0);
ObjectMove(“B3LTPLn”, 0, Time[1], TPa);
} else if (TPb > 0 && nLots != 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LTPLn”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LTPLn”, Gold, 1, 0);
ObjectMove(“B3LTPLn”, 0, Time[1], TPb);
} else
if (OPbN > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LOPLn”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LOPLn”, Red, 1, 4);
ObjectMove(“B3LOPLn”, 0, Time[1], OPbN);
} else
if (bSL > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LSLbT”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LSLbT”, Red, 1, 3);
ObjectMove(“B3LSLbT”, 0, Time[1], bSL);
} else
if (bTS > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LTSbT”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LTSbT”, Gold, 1, 3);
ObjectMove(“B3LTSbT”, 0, Time[1], bTS);
} else
if (hActive == 1 && BEa > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LNBEL”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LNBEL”, Crimson, 1, 0);
ObjectMove(“B3LNBEL”, 0, Time[1], BEa);
} else
if (TPbMP > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LMPLn”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LMPLn”, Gold, 1, 4);
ObjectMove(“B3LMPLn”, 0, Time[1], TPbMP);
} else
if (SLb > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LTSLn”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LTSLn”, Gold, 1, 2);
ObjectMove(“B3LTSLn”, 0, Time[1], SLb);
} else
if (hThisChart && BEh > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LhBEL”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LhBEL”, SlateBlue, 1, 0);
ObjectMove(“B3LhBEL”, 0, Time[1], BEh);
} else
if (hThisChart && SLh > 0) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LhSLL”) == -1)
CreateLine(“B3LhSLL”, SlateBlue, 1, 3);
ObjectMove(“B3LhSLL”, 0, Time[1], SLh);
} else
} else {
if (CCIEntry_ && displayCCI) {
if (cci_01 > 0 && cci_11 > 0)
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm05”, “Ù”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, displayColorProfit);
else if (cci_01 < 0 && cci_11 < 0)
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm05”, “Ú”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, displayColorLoss);
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm05”, “Ø”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, Orange);
if (cci_02 > 0 && cci_12 > 0)
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm15”, “Ù”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, displayColorProfit);
else if (cci_02 < 0 && cci_12 < 0)
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm15”, “Ú”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, displayColorLoss);
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm15”, “Ø”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, Orange);
if (cci_03 > 0 && cci_13 > 0)
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm30”, “Ù”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, displayColorProfit);
else if (cci_03 < 0 && cci_13 < 0)
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm30”, “Ú”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, displayColorLoss);
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm30”, “Ø”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, Orange);
if (cci_04 > 0 && cci_14 > 0)
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm60”, “Ù”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, displayColorProfit);
else if (cci_04 < 0 && cci_14 < 0)
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm60”, “Ú”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, displayColorLoss);
ObjectSetText(“B3VCm60”, “Ø”, displayFontSize + 6, “Wingdings”, Orange);
if (Debug_) {
string dSpace;
for (int Index = 0; Index <= 175; Index++)
dSpace = dSpace + ” “;
dMess = “\n\n” + dSpace + “Ticket Magic Type Lots OpenPrice Costs Profit Potential”;
for (int Order = 0; Order < OrdersTotal(); Order++) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic && OrderMagicNumber() != hMagic)
dMess = (dMess + “\n” + dSpace + ” ” + (string) OrderTicket() + ” ” + DTS(OrderMagicNumber(), 0) + ” ” + (string) OrderType());
dMess = (dMess + ” ” + DTS(OrderLots(), LotDecimal) + ” ” + DTS(OrderOpenPrice(), Digits));
dMess = (dMess + ” ” + DTS(OrderSwap() + OrderCommission(), 2));
dMess = (dMess + ” ” + DTS(OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission(), 2));
if (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic)
else if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
dMess = (dMess + ” ” + DTS(OrderLots() * (TPb – OrderOpenPrice()) * PipVal2 + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission(), 2));
else if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)
dMess = (dMess + ” ” + DTS(OrderLots() * (OrderOpenPrice() – TPb) * PipVal2 + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission(), 2));
if (!dLabels) {
dLabels = true;
CreateLabel(“B3LPipV”, “Pip Value”, 0, 2, 0, 0);
CreateLabel(“B3VPipV”, “”, 0, 2, 100, 0);
CreateLabel(“B3LDigi”, “Digits Value”, 0, 2, 0, 1);
CreateLabel(“B3VDigi”, “”, 0, 2, 100, 1);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VDigi”, DTS(Digits, 0));
CreateLabel(“B3LPoin”, “Point Value”, 0, 2, 0, 2);
CreateLabel(“B3VPoin”, “”, 0, 2, 100, 2);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPoin”, DTS(Point, Digits));
CreateLabel(“B3LSprd”, “Spread Value”, 0, 2, 0, 3);
CreateLabel(“B3VSprd”, “”, 0, 2, 100, 3);
CreateLabel(“B3LBid”, “Bid Value”, 0, 2, 0, 4);
CreateLabel(“B3VBid”, “”, 0, 2, 100, 4);
CreateLabel(“B3LAsk”, “Ask Value”, 0, 2, 0, 5);
CreateLabel(“B3VAsk”, “”, 0, 2, 100, 5);
CreateLabel(“B3LLotP”, “Lot Step”, 0, 2, 200, 0);
CreateLabel(“B3VLotP”, “”, 0, 2, 300, 0);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VLotP”, DTS(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP), LotDecimal));
CreateLabel(“B3LLotX”, “Lot Max”, 0, 2, 200, 1);
CreateLabel(“B3VLotX”, “”, 0, 2, 300, 1);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VLotX”, DTS(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT), 0));
CreateLabel(“B3LLotN”, “Lot Min”, 0, 2, 200, 2);
CreateLabel(“B3VLotN”, “”, 0, 2, 300, 2);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VLotN”, DTS(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT), LotDecimal));
CreateLabel(“B3LLotD”, “Lot Decimal”, 0, 2, 200, 3);
CreateLabel(“B3VLotD”, “”, 0, 2, 300, 3);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VLotD”, DTS(LotDecimal, 0));
CreateLabel(“B3LAccT”, “Account Type”, 0, 2, 200, 4);
CreateLabel(“B3VAccT”, “”, 0, 2, 300, 4);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VAccT”, DTS(AccountType, 0));
CreateLabel(“B3LPnts”, “Pip”, 0, 2, 200, 5);
CreateLabel(“B3VPnts”, “”, 0, 2, 300, 5);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPnts”, DTS(Pip, Digits));
CreateLabel(“B3LTicV”, “Tick Value”, 0, 2, 400, 0);
CreateLabel(“B3VTicV”, “”, 0, 2, 500, 0);
CreateLabel(“B3LTicS”, “Tick Size”, 0, 2, 400, 1);
CreateLabel(“B3VTicS”, “”, 0, 2, 500, 1);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VTicS”, DTS(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKSIZE), Digits));
CreateLabel(“B3LLev”, “Leverage”, 0, 2, 400, 2);
CreateLabel(“B3VLev”, “”, 0, 2, 500, 2);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VLev”, DTS(AccountLeverage(), 0) + “:1”);
CreateLabel(“B3LSGTF”, “SmartGrid”, 0, 2, 400, 3);
if (UseSmartGrid)
CreateLabel(“B3VSGTF”, “True”, 0, 2, 500, 3);
CreateLabel(“B3VSGTF”, “False”, 0, 2, 500, 3);
CreateLabel(“B3LCOTF”, “Close Oldest”, 0, 2, 400, 4);
if (UseCloseOldest)
CreateLabel(“B3VCOTF”, “True”, 0, 2, 500, 4);
CreateLabel(“B3VCOTF”, “False”, 0, 2, 500, 4);
CreateLabel(“B3LUHTF”, “Hedge”, 0, 2, 400, 5);
if (UseHedge_ && HedgeTypeDD)
CreateLabel(“B3VUHTF”, “DrawDown”, 0, 2, 500, 5);
else if (UseHedge_ && !HedgeTypeDD)
CreateLabel(“B3VUHTF”, “Level”, 0, 2, 500, 5);
CreateLabel(“B3VUHTF”, “False”, 0, 2, 500, 5);
ObjSetTxt(“B3VPipV”, DTS(PipValue, 2));
ObjSetTxt(“B3VSprd”, DTS(ASK – BID, Digits));
ObjSetTxt(“B3VBid”, DTS(BID, Digits));
ObjSetTxt(“B3VAsk”, DTS(ASK, Digits));
ObjSetTxt(“B3VTicV”, DTS(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE), Digits));
if (EmergencyWarning) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LClos”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LClos”, “”, 5, 0, 0, 23, displayColorLoss);
ObjSetTxt(“B3LClos”, “WARNING: EmergencyCloseAll is TRUE”, 5, displayColorLoss);
} else if (ShutDown_) {
if (ObjectFind(“B3LClos”) == -1)
CreateLabel(“B3LClos”, “”, 5, 0, 0, 23, displayColorLoss);
ObjSetTxt(“B3LClos”, “Trading will stop when this basket closes.”, 5, displayColorLoss);
} else if (HolShutDown != 1)
FirstRun = false;
Comment(CS, dMess);
return (0);
//| Check Lot Size Function |
double LotSize(double NewLot) {
NewLot = ND(NewLot, LotDecimal);
NewLot = MathMin(NewLot, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT));
NewLot = MathMax(NewLot, MinLotSize);
return (NewLot);
double margin_maxlots() {
return (AccountFreeMargin() / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED));
double portion_maxlots() {
return (PortionBalance / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MARGINREQUIRED));
//| Open Order Function |
int SendOrder(string OSymbol, int OCmd, double OLot, double OPrice, int OSlip, int OMagic, color OColor = CLR_NONE) {
if (FirstRun)
return (-1);
int Ticket = 0;
int Tries = 0;
int OType = (int) MathMod(OCmd, 2);
double OrderPrice;
// check margin against MinMarginPercent
if (UseMinMarginPercent && AccountMargin() > 0) {
// double ml = ND(AccountEquity() / AccountMargin() * 100, 2);
double ml = ND(AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_MARGIN_LEVEL), 2);
Print(“Account Margin Level: ” + DTS(ml,2));
if (ml < MinMarginPercent) {
Print(“Margin percent ” + (string) ml + “% too low to open new trade”);
return -1;
// Sanity check lots vs. portion and margin … r.f.
if (OLot > (portion_maxlots() – LbT)) { // Request lots vs Portion – Current lots out
Print(“Insufficient Portion free “, OSymbol, ” Type: “, OType, ” Lots: “, DTS(OLot, 2),
” Free margin: “, DTS(AccountFreeMargin(), 2), ” Margin Maxlots: “, DTS(margin_maxlots(), 2), ” Portion Maxlots: “, DTS(portion_maxlots(), 2), ” Current Lots: “, DTS(LbT, 2));
return (-1);
// OLot = portion_maxlots() – LbT – MinLotSize;
// Print(“Reducing order to: “, DTS(OLot, 2));
if (AccountFreeMarginCheck(OSymbol, OType, OLot) <= 0 || GetLastError() == ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY) {
Print(“Not enough margin “, OSymbol, ” Type: “, OType, ” Lots: “, DTS(OLot, 2),
” Free margin: “, DTS(AccountFreeMargin(), 2), ” Margin Maxlots: “, DTS(margin_maxlots(), 2), ” Portion Maxlots: “, DTS(portion_maxlots(), 2), ” Current Lots: “, DTS(LbT, 2));
return (-1);
if (MaxSpread > 0 && MarketInfo(OSymbol, MODE_SPREAD) * Point / Pip > MaxSpread)
return (-1);
while (Tries < 5) {
while (IsTradeContextBusy())
if (IsStopped())
return (-1);
else if (OType == 0)
OrderPrice = ND(MarketInfo(OSymbol, MODE_ASK) + OPrice, (int) MarketInfo(OSymbol, MODE_DIGITS));
OrderPrice = ND(MarketInfo(OSymbol, MODE_BID) + OPrice, (int) MarketInfo(OSymbol, MODE_DIGITS));
Ticket = OrderSend(OSymbol, OCmd, OLot, OrderPrice, OSlip, 0, 0, TradeComment, OMagic, 0, OColor);
if (Ticket < 0) {
Error = GetLastError();
if (Error != 0)
Print(“Error “, Error, “(“, ErrorDescription(Error), “) opening order – “,
” Symbol: “, OSymbol, ” TradeOP: “, OCmd, ” OType: “, OType,
” Ask: “, DTS(MarketInfo(OSymbol, MODE_ASK), Digits),
” Bid: “, DTS(MarketInfo(OSymbol, MODE_BID), Digits), ” OPrice: “, DTS(OPrice, Digits), ” Price: “, DTS(OrderPrice, Digits), ” Lots: “, DTS(OLot, 2));
switch (Error) {
AllowTrading = false;
Print(“Broker has disallowed EAs on this account”);
Tries = 5;
if (Debug_)
Print(“Hedge trades are not supported on this pair”);
UseHedge_ = false;
Tries = 5;
Tries = 5;
} else {
if (PlaySounds)
return (Ticket);
//| Modify Order Function |
bool ModifyOrder(double OrderOP, double OrderSL, color Color = CLR_NONE) {
bool Success = false;
int Tries = 0;
while (Tries < 5 && !Success) {
while (IsTradeContextBusy())
if (IsStopped())
return (false); //(-1)
Success = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOP, OrderSL, 0, 0, Color);
if (!Success) {
Error = GetLastError();
if (Error > 1) {
Print(“Error “, Error, ” (“, ErrorDescription(Error), “) modifying order “, OrderTicket(), ” Ask: “, Ask,
” Bid: “, Bid, ” OrderPrice: “, OrderOP, ” StopLevel: “, StopLevel, ” SL: “, OrderSL, ” OSL: “, OrderStopLoss());
switch (Error) {
Tries = 5;
} else
Success = true;
} else
return (Success);
//| Exit Trade Function – Type: All Basket Hedge Ticket Pending |
int ExitTrades(int Type, color Color, string Reason, int OTicket = 0) {
static int OTicketNo;
bool Success;
int Tries = 0, Closed = 0, CloseCount = 0;
int CloseTrades[, 2];
double OPrice;
string s;
ca = Type;
if (Type == T) {
if (OTicket == 0)
OTicket = OTicketNo;
OTicketNo = OTicket;
for (int Order = OrdersTotal() – 1; Order >= 0; Order–) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (Type == B && OrderMagicNumber() != Magic)
else if (Type == H && OrderMagicNumber() != hMagic)
else if (Type == A && OrderMagicNumber() != Magic && OrderMagicNumber() != hMagic)
else if (Type == T && OrderTicket() != OTicket)
else if (Type == P && (OrderMagicNumber() != Magic || OrderType() <= OP_SELL))
ArrayResize(CloseTrades, CloseCount + 1);
CloseTrades[CloseCount, 0] = (int) OrderOpenTime();
CloseTrades[CloseCount, 1] = OrderTicket();
if (CloseCount > 0) {
if (!UseFIFO)
ArraySort(CloseTrades, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_DESCEND);
else if (CloseCount != ArraySort(CloseTrades))
Print(“Error sorting CloseTrades Array”);
for (int Order = 0; Order < CloseCount; Order++) {
if (!OrderSelect(CloseTrades[Order, 1], SELECT_BY_TICKET))
while (IsTradeContextBusy())
if (IsStopped())
return (-1);
else if (OrderType() > OP_SELL)
Success = OrderDelete(OrderTicket(), Color);
else {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
OPrice = ND(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_BID), (int) MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS));
OPrice = ND(MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_ASK), (int) MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS));
Success = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), OPrice, slip, Color);
if (Success)
else {
Error = GetLastError();
Print(“Error “, Error, ” (“, ErrorDescription(Error), “) closing order “, OrderTicket());
switch (Error) {
Success = true;
Print(“Attempt “, (Tries + 1), ” of 5: Order “, OrderTicket(), ” failed to close. Error:”, ErrorDescription(Error));
Print(“Attempt “, (Tries + 1), ” of 5: Order “, OrderTicket(), ” failed to close. Fatal Error:”, ErrorDescription(Error));
Tries = 5;
ca = 0;
if (Closed == CloseCount || Closed == 0)
ca = 0;
} else
ca = 0;
if (Closed > 0) {
if (Closed != 1)
s = “s”;
Print(“Closed “, Closed, ” position”, s, ” because “, Reason);
if (PlaySounds)
return (Closed);
//| Find Hedge Profit |
double FindClosedPL(int Type) {
double ClosedProfit = 0;
if (Type == B && UseCloseOldest)
CbC = 0;
if (OTbF > 0) {
for (int Order = OrdersHistoryTotal() – 1; Order >= 0; Order–) {
if (!OrderSelect(Order, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY))
if (OrderOpenTime() < OTbF)
if (Type == B && OrderMagicNumber() == Magic && OrderType() <= OP_SELL) {
ClosedProfit += OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
if (UseCloseOldest)
if (Type == H && OrderMagicNumber() == hMagic)
ClosedProfit += OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
return (ClosedProfit);
//| Check Correlation |
double CheckCorr() {
double BaseDiff, HedgeDiff, BasePow = 0, HedgePow = 0, Mult = 0;
for (int Index = CorrPeriod – 1; Index >= 0; Index–) {
BaseDiff = iClose(Symbol(), 1440, Index) – iMA(Symbol(), 1440, CorrPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Index);
HedgeDiff = iClose(HedgeSymbol_, 1440, Index) – iMA(HedgeSymbol_, 1440, CorrPeriod, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, Index);
Mult += BaseDiff * HedgeDiff;
BasePow += MathPow(BaseDiff, 2);
HedgePow += MathPow(HedgeDiff, 2);
if (BasePow * HedgePow > 0)
return (Mult / MathSqrt(BasePow * HedgePow));
return (0);
//| Save Equity / Balance Statistics |
void Stats(bool NewFile, bool IsTick, double Balance, double DrawDown) {
double Equity = Balance + DrawDown;
datetime TimeNow = TimeCurrent();
if (IsTick) {
if (Equity < StatLowEquity)
StatLowEquity = Equity;
if (Equity > StatHighEquity)
StatHighEquity = Equity;
} else {
while (TimeNow >= NextStats)
NextStats += StatsPeriod;
int StatHandle;
if (NewFile) {
StatHandle = FileOpen(StatFile, FILE_WRITE | FILE_CSV, ‘,’);
Print(“Stats ” + StatFile + ” ” + (string) StatHandle);
FileWrite(StatHandle, “Date”, “Time”, “Balance”, “Equity Low”, “Equity High”, TradeComment);
} else {
StatHandle = FileOpen(StatFile, FILE_READ | FILE_WRITE | FILE_CSV, ‘,’);
FileSeek(StatHandle, 0, SEEK_END);
if (StatLowEquity == 0) {
StatLowEquity = Equity;
StatHighEquity = Equity;
FileWrite(StatHandle, TimeToStr(TimeNow, TIME_DATE), TimeToStr(TimeNow, TIME_SECONDS), DTS(Balance, 0), DTS(StatLowEquity, 0), DTS(StatHighEquity, 0));
StatLowEquity = Equity;
StatHighEquity = Equity;
//| Magic Number Generator |
int GenerateMagicNumber() {
if (EANumber_ > 99)
return (EANumber_);
return (JenkinsHash((string) EANumber_ + “_” + Symbol() + “__” + (string) Period()));
int JenkinsHash(string Input) {
int MagicNo = 0;
for (int Index = 0; Index < StringLen(Input); Index++) {
MagicNo += StringGetChar(Input, Index);
MagicNo += (MagicNo << 10);
MagicNo ^= (MagicNo >> 6);
MagicNo += (MagicNo << 3);
MagicNo ^= (MagicNo >> 11);
MagicNo += (MagicNo << 15);
return (MathAbs(MagicNo));
//| Normalize Double |
double ND(double Value, int Precision) {
return (NormalizeDouble(Value, Precision));
//| Double To String |
string DTS(double Value, int Precision) {
return (DoubleToStr(Value, Precision));
//| Integer To String |
string ITS(int Value) {
return (IntegerToString(Value));
//| Create Label Function (OBJ_LABEL ONLY) |
void CreateLabel(string Name, string Text, int FontSize, int Corner, int XOffset, double YLine, color Colour = CLR_NONE, string Font = “”) {
double XDistance = 0, YDistance = 0;
if (Font == “”)
Font = displayFont;
FontSize += displayFontSize;
YDistance = displayYcord + displaySpacing * YLine;
if (Corner == 0)
XDistance = displayXcord + (XOffset * displayFontSize / 9 * displayRatio);
else if (Corner == 1)
XDistance = displayCCIxCord + XOffset * displayRatio;
else if (Corner == 2)
XDistance = displayXcord + (XOffset * displayFontSize / 9 * displayRatio);
else if (Corner == 3) {
XDistance = XOffset * displayRatio;
YDistance = YLine;
} else if (Corner == 5) {
XDistance = XOffset * displayRatio;
YDistance = 14 * YLine;
Corner = 1;
if (Colour == CLR_NONE)
Colour = displayColor;
ObjectCreate(Name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(Name, Text, FontSize, Font, Colour);
ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_CORNER, Corner);
ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, XDistance);
ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, YDistance);
//| Create Line Function (OBJ_HLINE ONLY) |
void CreateLine(string Name, color Colour, int Width, int Style) {
ObjectCreate(Name, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_COLOR, Colour);
ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_WIDTH, Width);
ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_STYLE, Style);
//| Draw Label Function (OBJ_LABEL ONLY) |
void DrawLabel(string Name, double Value, int XOffset, int Decimal = 2, color Colour = CLR_NONE) {
int dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) Value, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, displayXcord + (XOffset – 7 * dDigits) * displayFontSize / 9 * displayRatio);
ObjSetTxt(Name, DTS(Value, Decimal), 0, Colour);
//| Object Set Function |
void ObjSet(string Name, int XCoord) {
ObjectSet(Name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, displayXcord + XCoord * displayFontSize / 9 * displayRatio);
//| Object Set Text Function |
void ObjSetTxt(string Name, string Text, int FontSize = 0, color Colour = CLR_NONE, string Font = “”) {
FontSize += displayFontSize;
if (Font == “”)
Font = displayFont;
if (Colour == CLR_NONE)
Colour = displayColor;
ObjectSetText(Name, Text, FontSize, Font, Colour);
//| Delete Overlay Label Function |
void LabelDelete() {
for (int Object = ObjectsTotal(); Object >= 0; Object–) {
if (StringSubstr(ObjectName(Object), 0, 2) == “B3”)
//| Delete Object Function |
void ObjDel(string Name) {
if (ObjectFind(Name) != -1)
//| Create Object List Function |
void LabelCreate() {
if (displayOverlay && ((Testing && Visual) || !Testing)) {
int dDigits;
string ObjText;
color ObjClr;
// CreateLabel(“B3LMNum”, “Magic: “, 8 – displayFontSize, 5, 59, 1, displayColorFGnd, “Tahoma”);
CreateLabel(“B3VMNum”, DTS(Magic, 0), 8 – displayFontSize, 5, 5, 1, displayColorFGnd, “Tahoma”);
// CreateLabel(“B3LComm”, “Trade Comment: ” + TradeComment, 8 – displayFontSize, 5, 5, 1.8, displayColorFGnd, “Tahoma”);
CreateLabel(“B3LComm”, TradeComment, 8 – displayFontSize, 5, 5, 1.8, displayColorFGnd, “Tahoma”);
if (displayLogo) {
// changed from red airplane to green thumbs up, signify all is good
// CreateLabel(“B3LLogo”, “Q”, 27, 3, 10, 10, Crimson, “Wingdings”); // Airplane
// CreateLabel(“B3LLogo”, “F”, 27, 3, 10, 10, Green, “Wingdings”); // F = right pointing finger
CreateLabel(“B3LLogo”, “C”, 27, 3, 10, 10, Green, “Wingdings”); // C = thumbs up
CreateLabel(“B3LCopy”, “This software is free and public domain”, 10 – displayFontSize, 3, 5, 3, Silver, “Arial”);
CreateLabel(“B3LTime”, “Server:”, 0, 0, 0, 0);
CreateLabel(“B3VTime”, “”, 0, 0, 60, 0);
CreateLabel(“B3Line1”, “=========================”, 0, 0, 0, 1);
CreateLabel(“B3LEPPC”, “Equity Protection % Set:”, 0, 0, 0, 2);
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) MaxDDPercent, WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
CreateLabel(“B3VEPPC”, DTS(MaxDDPercent, 2), 0, 0, 167 – 7 * dDigits, 2);
CreateLabel(“B3PEPPC”, “%”, 0, 0, 193, 2);
CreateLabel(“B3LSTPC”, “Stop Trade % Set:”, 0, 0, 0, 3);
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) (StopTradePercent_ * 100), WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
CreateLabel(“B3VSTPC”, DTS(StopTradePercent_ * 100, 2), 0, 0, 167 – 7 * dDigits, 3);
CreateLabel(“B3PSTPC”, “%”, 0, 0, 193, 3);
CreateLabel(“B3LSTAm”, “Stop Trade Amount:”, 0, 0, 0, 4);
CreateLabel(“B3VSTAm”, “”, 0, 0, 167, 4, displayColorLoss);
CreateLabel(“B3LAPPC”, “Account Portion:”, 0, 0, 0, 5);
if (PortionPC > 100) { // r.f.
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) (PortionPC), WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
CreateLabel(“B3VAPPC”, DTS(PortionPC, 2), 0, 0, 167 – 7 * dDigits, 5);
CreateLabel(“B3PAPPC”, ” “, 0, 0, 193, 5);
} else {
dDigits = Digit[ArrayBsearch(Digit, (int) (PortionPC_ * 100), WHOLE_ARRAY, 0, MODE_ASCEND), 1];
CreateLabel(“B3VAPPC”, DTS(PortionPC_ * 100, 2), 0, 0, 167 – 7 * dDigits, 5);
CreateLabel(“B3PAPPC”, “%”, 0, 0, 193, 5);
CreateLabel(“B3LPBal”, “Portion Balance:”, 0, 0, 0, 6);
CreateLabel(“B3VPBal”, “”, 0, 0, 167, 6);
if (PortionPC > 100) { // r.f.
CreateLabel(“B3LAPCR”, “Portion Risk:”, 0, 0, 228, 6);
} else {
CreateLabel(“B3LAPCR”, “Account Risk:”, 0, 0, 228, 6);
CreateLabel(“B3VAPCR”, DTS(MaxDDPercent * PortionPC_, 2), 0, 0, 347, 6);
CreateLabel(“B3PAPCR”, “%”, 0, 0, 380, 6);
if (UseMM) {
ObjText = “Money Management is ON”;
ObjClr = displayColorProfit;
} else {
ObjText = “Money Management is OFF”;
ObjClr = displayColorLoss;
CreateLabel(“B3LMMOO”, ObjText, 0, 0, 0, 7, ObjClr);
if (UsePowerOutSL) {
ObjText = “Power-Off StopLoss is ON”;
ObjClr = displayColorProfit;
} else {
ObjText = “Power-Off StopLoss is OFF”;
ObjClr = displayColorLoss;
CreateLabel(“B3LPOSL”, ObjText, 0, 0, 0, 8, ObjClr);
CreateLabel(“B3LDrDn”, “Draw Down %:”, 0, 0, 228, 8);
CreateLabel(“B3VDrDn”, “”, 0, 0, 315, 8);
if (UseHedge_) {
if (HedgeTypeDD) {
CreateLabel(“B3LhDDn”, “Hedge”, 0, 0, 190, 8);
CreateLabel(“B3ShDDn”, “/”, 0, 0, 342, 8);
CreateLabel(“B3VhDDm”, “”, 0, 0, 347, 8);
} else {
CreateLabel(“B3LhLvl”, “Hedge Level:”, 0, 0, 228, 9);
CreateLabel(“B3VhLvl”, “”, 0, 0, 318, 9);
CreateLabel(“B3ShLvl”, “/”, 0, 0, 328, 9);
CreateLabel(“B3VhLvT”, “”, 0, 0, 333, 9);
CreateLabel(“B3Line2”, “======================”, 0, 0, 0, 9);
CreateLabel(“B3LSLot”, “Starting Lot Size:”, 0, 0, 0, 10);
CreateLabel(“B3VSLot”, “”, 0, 0, 130, 10);
if (MaximizeProfit) {
ObjText = “Profit Maximizer is ON”;
ObjClr = displayColorProfit;
} else {
ObjText = “Profit Maximizer is OFF”;
ObjClr = displayColorLoss;
CreateLabel(“B3LPrMx”, ObjText, 0, 0, 0, 11, ObjClr);
CreateLabel(“B3LBask”, “Basket”, 0, 0, 200, 11);
CreateLabel(“B3LPPot”, “Profit Potential:”, 0, 0, 30, 12);
CreateLabel(“B3VPPot”, “”, 0, 0, 190, 12);
CreateLabel(“B3LPrSL”, “Profit Trailing Stop:”, 0, 0, 30, 13);
CreateLabel(“B3VPrSL”, “”, 0, 0, 190, 13);
CreateLabel(“B3LPnPL”, “Portion P/L / Pips:”, 0, 0, 30, 14);
CreateLabel(“B3VPnPL”, “”, 0, 0, 190, 14);
CreateLabel(“B3SPnPL”, “/”, 0, 0, 220, 14);
CreateLabel(“B3VPPip”, “”, 0, 0, 229, 14);
CreateLabel(“B3LPLMM”, “Profit/Loss Max/Min:”, 0, 0, 30, 15);
CreateLabel(“B3VPLMx”, “”, 0, 0, 190, 15);
CreateLabel(“B3SPLMM”, “/”, 0, 0, 220, 15);
CreateLabel(“B3VPLMn”, “”, 0, 0, 225, 15);
CreateLabel(“B3LOpen”, “Open Trades / Lots:”, 0, 0, 30, 16);
CreateLabel(“B3LType”, “”, 0, 0, 170, 16);
CreateLabel(“B3VOpen”, “”, 0, 0, 207, 16);
CreateLabel(“B3SOpen”, “/”, 0, 0, 220, 16);
CreateLabel(“B3VLots”, “”, 0, 0, 229, 16);
CreateLabel(“B3LMvTP”, “Move TP by:”, 0, 0, 0, 17);
CreateLabel(“B3VMvTP”, DTS(MoveTP_ / Pip, 0), 0, 0, 100, 17);
CreateLabel(“B3LMves”, “# Moves:”, 0, 0, 150, 17);
CreateLabel(“B3VMove”, “”, 0, 0, 229, 17);
CreateLabel(“B3SMves”, “/”, 0, 0, 242, 17);
CreateLabel(“B3VMves”, DTS(TotalMoves, 0), 0, 0, 249, 17);
CreateLabel(“B3LMxDD”, “Max DD:”, 0, 0, 0, 18);
CreateLabel(“B3VMxDD”, “”, 0, 0, 107, 18);
CreateLabel(“B3LDDPC”, “Max DD %:”, 0, 0, 150, 18);
CreateLabel(“B3VDDPC”, “”, 0, 0, 229, 18);
CreateLabel(“B3PDDPC”, “%”, 0, 0, 257, 18);
if (ForceMarketCond_ < 3)
CreateLabel(“B3LFMCn”, “Market trend is forced”, 0, 0, 0, 19);
CreateLabel(“B3LTrnd”, “”, 0, 0, 0, 20);
if (CCIEntry_ > 0 && displayCCI) {
CreateLabel(“B3LCCIi”, “CCI”, 2, 1, 12, 1);
CreateLabel(“B3LCm05”, “m5”, 2, 1, 25, 2.2);
CreateLabel(“B3VCm05”, “Ø”, 6, 1, 0, 2, Orange, “Wingdings”);
CreateLabel(“B3LCm15”, “m15”, 2, 1, 25, 3.4);
CreateLabel(“B3VCm15”, “Ø”, 6, 1, 0, 3.2, Orange, “Wingdings”);
CreateLabel(“B3LCm30”, “m30”, 2, 1, 25, 4.6);
CreateLabel(“B3VCm30”, “Ø”, 6, 1, 0, 4.4, Orange, “Wingdings”);
CreateLabel(“B3LCm60”, “h1”, 2, 1, 25, 5.8);
CreateLabel(“B3VCm60”, “Ø”, 6, 1, 0, 5.6, Orange, “Wingdings”);
if (UseHolidayShutdown) {
CreateLabel(“B3LHols”, “Next Holiday Period”, 0, 0, 240, 2);
CreateLabel(“B3LHolD”, “From: (yyyy.mm.dd) To:”, 0, 0, 232, 3);
CreateLabel(“B3VHolF”, “”, 0, 0, 232, 4);
CreateLabel(“B3VHolT”, “”, 0, 0, 300, 4);
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