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Generated by EX4-TO-MQ4 decompiler V4.0.224.1 []
Website: http://purebeam.biz
E-mail : purebeam@gmail.com
#property copyright “Copyright ?2009, Julien Loutre”
#property link “http://www.forexcomm.com”

#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_color1 LightSkyBlue
#property indicator_color2 Plum

int gi_76 = 0;
int gi_80 = 300;
int gia_84[] = {10, 15, 25, 35, 45};
int gi_unused_88 = 0;
bool gi_92 = FALSE;
bool gi_96 = FALSE;
bool gi_100 = TRUE;
bool gi_104 = TRUE;
bool gi_108 = FALSE;
int g_index_112;
int gi_116 = 50;
int gi_120 = 25;
int gi_124 = 40;
int gi_128 = 20;
int g_fontsize_132 = 12;
int g_corner_136 = 4;
int gi_unused_140 = 67;
int gi_unused_144 = 68;
int gi_unused_148 = 73;
int gi_unused_152 = 55295;
int gi_unused_156 = 14381203;
int gi_unused_160 = 16119285;
int g_color_164 = Gold;
int gia_168[7];
string gsa_172[20];
int gi_176 = 0;
int g_index_180 = 0;
extern string periodinput = “M5,15,30,H1,H4,D1,W1”;
string gsa_200[7];

int deinit() {
return (0);

int init() {
gi_108 = TRUE;
g_index_180 = 0;
for (int li_0 = 0; li_0 < StringLen(periodinput); li_0 += 3) {
if (StringSubstr(periodinput, li_0, 2) == “M5”) {
gia_168[g_index_180] = 5;
gsa_200[g_index_180] = “M5”;
if (StringSubstr(periodinput, li_0, 2) == “15”) {
gia_168[g_index_180] = 15;
gsa_200[g_index_180] = “15”;
} else {
if (StringSubstr(periodinput, li_0, 2) == “30”) {
gia_168[g_index_180] = 30;
gsa_200[g_index_180] = “30”;
} else {
if (StringSubstr(periodinput, li_0, 2) == “H1”) {
gia_168[g_index_180] = 60;
gsa_200[g_index_180] = “H1”;
} else {
if (StringSubstr(periodinput, li_0, 2) == “H4”) {
gia_168[g_index_180] = 240;
gsa_200[g_index_180] = “H4”;
} else {
if (StringSubstr(periodinput, li_0, 2) == “D1”) {
gia_168[g_index_180] = 1440;
gsa_200[g_index_180] = “D1”;
} else {
if (StringSubstr(periodinput, li_0, 2) == “W1”) {
gia_168[g_index_180] = 10080;
gsa_200[g_index_180] = “W1”;
gi_176 = 1;
gsa_172[0] = Symbol();
for (li_0 = 0; li_0 < StringLen(pair); li_0 += 7) {
gsa_172[gi_176] = StringSubstr(pair, li_0, 6);
for (int l_index_4 = 0; l_index_4 < gi_176; l_index_4++) {
for (g_index_112 = 0; g_index_112 < g_index_180; g_index_112++) {
ObjectCreate(“signal” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“signal” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_CORNER, g_corner_136);
ObjectSet(“signal” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_index_4 * gi_116 + gi_124 + 10);
ObjectSet(“signal” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, g_index_112 * gi_120 + 30);
ObjectSetText(“signal” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, CharToStr(73), 11, “Wingdings”, White);
ObjectCreate(“signalup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“signalup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_CORNER, g_corner_136);
ObjectSet(“signalup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_index_4 * gi_116 + gi_124 + 35);
ObjectSet(“signalup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, g_index_112 * gi_120 + 30);
ObjectSetText(“signalup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, CharToStr(73), 11, “Wingdings”, White);
for (g_index_112 = 0; g_index_112 < g_index_180; g_index_112++) {
ObjectCreate(“distance” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“distance” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_CORNER, g_corner_136);
ObjectSet(“distance” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_index_4 * gi_116 + gi_124 + 20);
ObjectSet(“distance” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, g_index_112 * gi_120 + 45);
ObjectSet(“distance” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_ANGLE, 90);
ObjectSetText(“distance” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, “x”, 6, “Arial”, White);
ObjectCreate(“distanceup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“distanceup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_CORNER, g_corner_136);
ObjectSet(“distanceup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_index_4 * gi_116 + gi_124 + 45);
ObjectSet(“distanceup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_ANGLE, 90);
ObjectSet(“distanceup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, g_index_112 * gi_120 + 45);
ObjectSetText(“distanceup” + l_index_4 + “_” + g_index_112, “x”, 6, “Arial”, White);
for (l_index_4 = 0; l_index_4 < gi_176; l_index_4++) {
ObjectCreate(“textPeriod” + l_index_4, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“textPeriod” + l_index_4, OBJPROP_ANGLE, 20);
ObjectSet(“textPeriod” + l_index_4, OBJPROP_CORNER, g_corner_136);
ObjectSet(“textPeriod” + l_index_4, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, l_index_4 * gi_116 + gi_124 + 10);
ObjectSet(“textPeriod” + l_index_4, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, gi_128 + 5);
ObjectSetText(“textPeriod” + l_index_4, gsa_172[l_index_4], 8, “Tahoma”, g_color_164);
for (g_index_112 = 0; g_index_112 < g_index_180; g_index_112++) {
ObjectCreate(“textSignal” + g_index_112, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“textSignal” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_CORNER, g_corner_136);
ObjectSet(“textSignal” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 25);
ObjectSet(“textSignal” + g_index_112, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, g_index_112 * gi_120 + gi_128 + 12);
ObjectSetText(“textSignal” + g_index_112, gsa_200[g_index_112], 8, “Tahoma”, g_color_164);
int l_count_8 = 0;
ObjectCreate(“redbox”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“redbox”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“redbox”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 25);
ObjectSet(“redbox”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“redbox”, CharToStr(110), 12, “Wingdings”, Red);
ObjectCreate(“Downtrend/Sell”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“Downtrend/Sell”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“Downtrend/Sell”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 10);
ObjectSet(“Downtrend/Sell”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“Downtrend/Sell”, ” Downtrend/Sell”, 8, “Arial”, Red);
ObjectCreate(“bluebox”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“bluebox”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“bluebox”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 25);
ObjectSet(“bluebox”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“bluebox”, CharToStr(110), 12, “Wingdings”, Blue);
ObjectCreate(“Uptrend/Buy”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“Uptrend/Buy”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“Uptrend/Buy”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 10);
ObjectSet(“Uptrend/Buy”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“Uptrend/Buy”, ” Uptrend/Buy”, 8, “Arial”, Blue);
ObjectCreate(“redline”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“redline”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“redline”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 25);
ObjectSet(“redline”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“redline”, “SBR ————-“, 8, “Arial”, Red);
ObjectCreate(“blueline”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“blueline”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“blueline”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 + 30);
ObjectSet(“blueline”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“blueline”, “RBS ————- “, 8, “Arial”, Blue);
ObjectCreate(“yellowline”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“yellowline”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“yellowline”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 25);
ObjectSet(“yellowline”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“yellowline”, “incoming SBR/RBS ————-“, 8, “Arial”, Yellow);
ObjectCreate(“bigno”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“bigno”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“bigno”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 25);
ObjectSet(“bigno”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“bigno”, “Numbers in the columns = No. of candles retest on RBS/SBR line”, 8, “Tahoma”, Pink);
ObjectCreate(“smallno”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“smallno”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“smallno”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 25);
ObjectSet(“smallno”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“smallno”, “Small No. show the distance betw current price to RBS/SBR “, 8, “Tahoma”, Lime);
ObjectCreate(“errorsignal”, OBJ_LABEL, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2);
ObjectSet(“errorsignal”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(“errorsignal”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 25);
ObjectSet(“errorsignal”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, l_count_8 * gi_120 + gi_128);
ObjectSetText(“errorsignal”, ” Error,Wait 30sec,if same,load every respective chart first”, 8, “Arial”, Gold);
SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_LINE, STYLE_DASH);
SetIndexLabel(0, “High”);
SetIndexLabel(1, “Low”);
IndicatorDigits(Digits + 2);
return (0);

int start() {
int li_8;
int l_highest_20;
double l_ihigh_24;
int li_unused_32;
double ld_unused_36;
int l_lowest_44;
double l_ilow_48;
int l_highest_56;
double l_ihigh_60;
int li_unused_68;
double ld_unused_72;
double l_ilow_80;
int li_unused_88;
double ld_unused_92;
double l_ilow_100;
double ld_108;
double ld_116;
double ld_unused_124;
int l_highest_132;
double l_ihigh_136;
int l_lowest_144;
double l_ilow_148;
int l_lowest_156;
double l_ilow_160;
double l_ihigh_168;
double ld_176;
double ld_184;
double l_iopen_192;
double l_iopen_200;
int l_highest_208;
int l_count_212;
double ld_216;
double l_iopen_224;
int l_lowest_232;
int li_236;
int li_240;
int l_timeframe_244;
int li_248;
double l_point_260;
bool li_268;
int l_lowest_276;
double l_ilow_280;
double ld_288;
double ld_296;
int li_unused_308;
int li_312;
int l_highest_316;
double l_ihigh_320;
double ld_328;
double ld_336;
int li_unused_344;
if (gi_108 == FALSE)
if (TimeSeconds(TimeCurrent()) % 5 != 0) return (0);
gi_108 = FALSE;
int l_year_0 = TimeYear(TimeCurrent());
int l_month_4 = TimeMonth(TimeCurrent());
if (l_year_0 > 2037) {
li_8 = g_index_112;
ObjectCreate(“textSignal” + li_8, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“textSignal” + li_8, OBJPROP_CORNER, g_corner_136);
ObjectSet(“textSignal” + li_8, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, gi_124 – 10);
ObjectSet(“textSignal” + li_8, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, (li_8 – 1) * gi_120 + gi_128 + 8);
// return (ObjectSetText(“textSignal” + li_8, ” Expired. download new version at jualminyak.blogspot.com”, 9, “Arial”, Blue));
for (int l_count_12 = 0; l_count_12 < gi_176; l_count_12++) for (int l_count_16 = 0; l_count_16 < g_index_180; l_count_16++) ObjectSetText(“signal” + l_count_12 + “_” + l_count_16, CharToStr(73), 12, “Wingdings”, White);
for (int l_index_252 = 0; l_index_252 < gi_176; l_index_252++) {
for (int l_index_256 = 0; l_index_256 < g_index_180; l_index_256++) {
l_highest_20 = 0;
l_ihigh_24 = 0;
li_unused_32 = 0;
ld_unused_36 = 0;
l_lowest_44 = 0;
l_ilow_48 = 0;
l_highest_56 = 0;
l_ihigh_60 = 0;
li_unused_68 = 0;
ld_unused_72 = 0;
l_ilow_80 = 0;
li_unused_88 = 0;
ld_unused_92 = 0;
l_ilow_100 = 0;
ld_108 = 0;
ld_116 = 0;
ld_unused_124 = 0;
l_iopen_224 = 0;
l_timeframe_244 = gia_168[l_index_256];
if (l_timeframe_244 == PERIOD_H1) li_248 = 20;
else {
if (l_timeframe_244 == PERIOD_H4) li_248 = 30;
else {
if (l_timeframe_244 == PERIOD_D1) li_248 = 60;
else {
if (l_timeframe_244 == PERIOD_W1) li_248 = 100;
else li_248 = 5;
l_point_260 = MarketInfo(gsa_172[l_index_252], MODE_POINT);
l_lowest_232 = 0;
li_236 = 1;
l_count_12 = 0;
if (gi_100 == TRUE) {
li_268 = FALSE;
for (int l_index_272 = 0; l_index_272 < ArraySize(gia_84); l_index_272++) {
if (li_268 == TRUE) break;
li_240 = gi_76;
while (li_240 < gi_80) {
l_highest_20 = iHighest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_HIGH, gia_84[l_index_272] * 2, li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272] * 2);
l_ihigh_24 = iHigh(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_highest_20);
l_lowest_44 = iLowest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_LOW, l_highest_20 – li_240 – gia_84[l_index_272] * 2, li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272] * 2);
l_ilow_48 = iLow(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_lowest_44);
l_highest_56 = iHighest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_HIGH, l_lowest_44 – li_240 – gia_84[l_index_272], li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272]);
l_ihigh_60 = iHigh(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_highest_56);
l_lowest_232 = iLowest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_LOW, l_highest_56 – li_240, li_240);
l_ilow_100 = iLow(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_lowest_232);
l_ilow_80 = iLow(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, iLowest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_LOW, l_lowest_44 – l_highest_56, l_highest_56));
ld_108 = l_ihigh_60 – l_ilow_48;
ld_116 = l_ilow_48 – l_ilow_100;
l_lowest_276 = iLowest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_LOW, l_lowest_232 – 5, 0);
l_ilow_280 = iLow(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_lowest_276);
if (l_lowest_232 > 0) l_iopen_224 = iOpen(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, iHighest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_OPEN, l_lowest_232, 0));
if (ld_116 == 0.0) ld_116 = 1.0 * l_point_260;
ld_288 = l_ihigh_24 – l_ilow_48;
ld_296 = l_ihigh_60 – l_ilow_48;
if (ld_296 == 0.0 * l_point_260) ld_296 = 1.0 * l_point_260;
if (l_ihigh_24 > l_ilow_48 && l_ihigh_60 > l_ilow_48 && l_ihigh_60 < l_ihigh_24 && l_ilow_100 < l_ilow_48 && l_ilow_80 >= l_ilow_48 && ld_108 / ld_116 >= 0.3 && ld_108 / ld_116 <= 3.0 &&
l_lowest_44 – l_highest_56 > 2 && l_iopen_224 – l_ilow_48 < 10.0 * l_point_260 || gi_92 && ld_288 / ld_296 > 0.5 && l_ilow_280 > l_ilow_100) {
li_268 = TRUE;
l_count_212 = 0;
for (int li_304 = 0; li_304 < l_lowest_232; li_304++) {
ld_216 = iHigh(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, li_304);
if (ld_216 >= l_ilow_48) {
li_304 += 4;
if (gsa_172[l_index_252] == Symbol() && l_timeframe_244 == Period()) {
ObjectCreate(gsa_172[l_index_252] + “down” + li_304, OBJ_ARROW, 0, iTime(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, li_304), l_ilow_48 + li_248 * Point);
ObjectSet(gsa_172[l_index_252] + “down” + li_304, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, SYMBOL_ARROWDOWN);
ObjectSet(gsa_172[l_index_252] + “down” + li_304, OBJPROP_COLOR, Red);
li_unused_308 = li_304;
li_312 = (l_ilow_48 – iHigh(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, 0)) / l_point_260;
ObjectSetText(“signal” + l_index_252 + “_” + l_index_256, “” + l_count_212, g_fontsize_132, “Arial”, Red);
ObjectSetText(“distance” + l_index_252 + “_” + l_index_256, “” + li_312, 7, “Arial”, Red);
if (gi_96 == TRUE && gsa_172[l_index_252] == Symbol() && l_timeframe_244 == Period()) {
drawLine(li_240, “line” + l_count_12, Yellow, 1);
drawLine(li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272], “line” + l_count_12, Blue, 1);
drawLine(li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272] * 2, “line” + l_count_12, Blue, 1);
drawLine(li_240 + 3 * gia_84[l_index_272], “line” + l_count_12, Blue, 1);
drawLine(li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272] << 2, “line” + l_count_12, Blue, 1);
if (gsa_172[l_index_252] == Symbol() && l_timeframe_244 == Period()) {
DrawArrow(14, “L”, “L” + li_236, Time[l_lowest_44], l_ilow_48, 5, Red);
DrawArrow(14, “H”, “H” + li_236, Time[l_highest_20], l_ihigh_24, 5, Red);
DrawArrow(14, “LH”, “LH” + li_236, Time[l_highest_56], l_ihigh_60, 5, Red);
DrawArrow(14, “LL”, “LL” + li_236, Time[l_lowest_232], l_ilow_100, 5, Red);
if (l_count_212 > 0) drawLineH(l_ilow_48, “SNR” + li_236, Red, 1);
else drawLineH(l_ilow_48, “SNR” + li_236, Yellow, 1);
li_240 = l_highest_20;
if (gi_92 == FALSE) break;
} else li_240++;
for (l_index_252 = 0; l_index_252 < gi_176; l_index_252++) {
for (l_index_256 = 0; l_index_256 < g_index_180; l_index_256++) {
l_timeframe_244 = gia_168[l_index_256];
if (l_timeframe_244 == PERIOD_H1) li_248 = 20;
else {
if (l_timeframe_244 == PERIOD_H4) li_248 = 30;
else {
if (l_timeframe_244 == PERIOD_D1) li_248 = 60;
else {
if (l_timeframe_244 == PERIOD_W1) li_248 = 100;
else li_248 = 5;
l_point_260 = MarketInfo(gsa_172[l_index_252], MODE_POINT);
li_236 = 1;
l_count_12 = 0;
l_highest_132 = 0;
l_ihigh_136 = 0;
l_lowest_144 = 0;
l_ilow_148 = 0;
l_lowest_156 = 0;
l_ilow_160 = 0;
l_ihigh_168 = 0;
ld_176 = 0;
ld_184 = 0;
l_iopen_192 = 0;
l_iopen_200 = 0;
l_highest_208 = 0;
li_236 = 1;
l_count_12 = 0;
if (gi_104 == TRUE) {
li_268 = FALSE;
for (l_index_272 = 0; l_index_272 < ArraySize(gia_84); l_index_272++) {
li_240 = gi_76;
if (li_268 == TRUE) break;
while (li_240 < gi_80) {
l_lowest_144 = iLowest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_LOW, gia_84[l_index_272] * 2, li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272] * 2);
l_ilow_148 = iLow(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_lowest_144);
l_highest_132 = iHighest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_HIGH, l_lowest_144 – li_240 – gia_84[l_index_272] * 2, li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272] * 2);
l_ihigh_136 = iHigh(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_highest_132);
l_lowest_156 = iLowest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_LOW, l_highest_132 – li_240 – gia_84[l_index_272], li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272]);
l_ilow_160 = iLow(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_lowest_156);
l_highest_208 = iHighest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_HIGH, l_lowest_156 – li_240, li_240);
l_ihigh_168 = iHigh(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_highest_208);
ld_176 = l_ihigh_136 – l_ilow_160;
ld_184 = l_ihigh_168 – l_ihigh_136;
l_highest_316 = iHighest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_HIGH, l_highest_208 – 5, 0);
l_ihigh_320 = iHigh(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, l_highest_316);
if (l_highest_208 > 0) l_iopen_192 = iOpen(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, iLowest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_OPEN, l_highest_208, 0));
l_iopen_200 = iOpen(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, iHighest(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, MODE_OPEN, l_highest_132 – l_lowest_156, l_lowest_156));
if (ld_184 == 0.0 * l_point_260) ld_184 = 1.0 * l_point_260;
ld_328 = l_ihigh_136 – l_ilow_148;
ld_336 = l_ihigh_136 – l_ilow_160;
if (ld_336 == 0.0 * l_point_260) ld_336 = 1.0 * l_point_260;
if (l_ihigh_136 > l_ilow_148 && l_ilow_160 > l_ilow_148 && l_ilow_160 < l_ihigh_136 && l_ihigh_168 > l_ihigh_136 && l_lowest_144 – l_highest_132 > 2 && l_highest_132 – l_lowest_156 > 2 &&
l_iopen_200 < l_ihigh_136 && ld_176 / ld_184 >= 0.3 && ld_176 / ld_184 <= 3.0 && l_ihigh_136 – l_iopen_192 < 10.0 * l_point_260 || gi_92 && ld_328 / ld_336 > 0.5 &&
l_ihigh_320 < l_ihigh_168) {
li_268 = TRUE;
l_count_212 = 0;
for (li_304 = 0; li_304 < l_highest_208; li_304++) {
ld_216 = iLow(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, li_304);
if (ld_216 <= l_ihigh_136) {
li_304 += 4;
if (gsa_172[l_index_252] == Symbol() && l_timeframe_244 == Period()) {
ObjectCreate(gsa_172[l_index_252] + “up” + li_304, OBJ_ARROW, 0, iTime(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, li_304), l_ihigh_136 – li_248 / 2 * Point);
ObjectSet(gsa_172[l_index_252] + “up” + li_304, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, SYMBOL_ARROWUP);
ObjectSet(gsa_172[l_index_252] + “up” + li_304, OBJPROP_COLOR, Blue);
li_unused_344 = li_304;
if (gi_96 == TRUE && gsa_172[l_index_252] == Symbol() && l_timeframe_244 == Period()) {
drawLine(li_240, “linex” + l_count_12, Yellow, 1);
drawLine(li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272], “linex” + l_count_12, Blue, 1);
drawLine(li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272] * 2, “linex” + l_count_12, Blue, 1);
drawLine(li_240 + 3 * gia_84[l_index_272], “linex” + l_count_12, Blue, 1);
drawLine(li_240 + gia_84[l_index_272] << 2, “linex” + l_count_12, Blue, 1);
if (gsa_172[l_index_252] == Symbol() && l_timeframe_244 == Period()) {
DrawArrow(14, “L”, “Lup” + li_236, Time[l_lowest_144], l_ilow_148, 5, Blue);
DrawArrow(14, “H”, “Hup” + li_236, Time[l_highest_132], l_ihigh_136, 5, Blue);
DrawArrow(14, “HL”, “HL” + li_236, Time[l_lowest_156], l_ilow_160, 5, Blue);
DrawArrow(14, “HH”, “HH” + li_236, Time[l_highest_208], l_ihigh_168, 5, Blue);
drawLineH(l_ihigh_136, “SNR_” + li_236, Red, 1);
if (l_count_212 > 0) drawLineH(l_ihigh_136, “SNR_” + li_236, Blue, 1);
else drawLineH(l_ihigh_136, “SNR_” + li_236, Yellow, 1);
li_240 = l_lowest_144;
ObjectSetText(“signalup” + l_index_252 + “_” + l_index_256, “” + l_count_212, g_fontsize_132, “Arial”, Blue);
li_312 = (iLow(gsa_172[l_index_252], l_timeframe_244, 0) – l_ihigh_136) / l_point_260;
ObjectSetText(“distanceup” + l_index_252 + “_” + l_index_256, “” + li_312, 7, “Arial”, Blue);
if (gi_92 == FALSE) break;
} else li_240++;
ObjectSetText(“errorsignal”, “Indicator ver7 working properly”, 8, “Tahoma”, Green);
return (0);

void DrawArrow(int a_fontsize_0, string a_text_4, string a_name_12, int a_datetime_20, double a_price_24, int ai_unused_32, color a_color_36 = 16777215) {
ObjectCreate(a_name_12, OBJ_TEXT, 0, a_datetime_20, a_price_24);
ObjectSetText(a_name_12, a_text_4, a_fontsize_0, “Tahoma”, a_color_36);

void drawLine(int ai_0, string a_name_4, color a_color_12, int ai_16) {
if (ObjectFind(a_name_4) != 0) {
ObjectCreate(a_name_4, OBJ_VLINE, 0, Time[ai_0], 0, Time[ai_0], 0);
if (ai_16 == 1) ObjectSet(a_name_4, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_SOLID);
else ObjectSet(a_name_4, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
ObjectSet(a_name_4, OBJPROP_COLOR, a_color_12);
ObjectSet(a_name_4, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);

void drawLineH(double a_price_0, string a_name_8, color a_color_16, int ai_unused_20) {
ai_unused_20 = 1;
if (ObjectFind(a_name_8) != 0) {
ObjectCreate(a_name_8, OBJ_HLINE, 0, Time[0], a_price_0, Time[0], a_price_0);
ObjectSet(a_name_8, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
ObjectSet(a_name_8, OBJPROP_COLOR, a_color_16);
ObjectSet(a_name_8, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);


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