#property copyright “mladen”
#property link “www.forex-station.com”
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_color1 clrDarkGray
#property indicator_color2 clrLimeGreen
#property indicator_color3 clrLimeGreen
#property indicator_color4 clrOrange
#property indicator_color5 clrOrange
#property indicator_width1 2
#property indicator_width2 3
#property indicator_width3 3
#property indicator_width4 3
#property indicator_width5 3
#property indicator_minimum -0.1
#property indicator_maximum 1.1
#property strict
#define _fltPrc 0x01
#define _fltVal 0x10
enum enFltWhat
flt_01 = _fltPrc, // Filter the price
flt_02 = _fltVal, // Filter the value
flt_03 = _fltPrc+_fltVal // Filter the price and the value
input int Length = 30; // Period
input string BaseSymbol = “GBPUSD”; // Symbol to compare to
input double TresholdUp = 0.8; // Upper treshlod
input double TresholdDn = 0.2; // Lower treshlod
input int PreSmooth = 8; // Price smoothing period
input int PreSmoothPhase = 0; // Price smoothing phase
input int PosSmooth = 0; // Result smoothing period
input int PosSmoothPhase = 0; // Result smoothing phase
input double Filter = 0; // Filter to use for filtering (<=0 – no filtering)
input enFltWhat FilterWhat = _fltVal; // Filter on :
input bool alertsOn = true; // Alerts true/false?
input bool alertsOnCurrent = false; // Alerts open bar true/false?
input bool alertsMessage = true; // Alerts pop-up message true/false?
input bool alertsSound = false; // Alerts sound true/false?
input bool alertsNotify = false; // Alerts push notification true/false?
input bool alertsEmail = false; // Alerts email true/false?
input string soundFile = “alert2.wav”; // Sound file
double stoch[],stochua[],stochub[],stochda[],stochdb[],stocha[],stochb[],stochc[],pricesa[],pricesb[],state[];
int init()
SetIndexBuffer( 0, stoch, INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer( 1, stochua,INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer( 2, stochub,INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer( 3, stochda,INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer( 4, stochdb,INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer( 5, stocha);
SetIndexBuffer( 6, stochb);
SetIndexBuffer( 7, stochc);
SetIndexBuffer( 8, pricesa);
SetIndexBuffer( 9, pricesb);
SetIndexBuffer(10, state);
IndicatorShortName(“ds – divergences “+_Symbol+” to : “+BaseSymbol+” (“+(string)Length+”)”);
int deinit()
int start()
int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);
if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars–;
int limit = MathMin(Bars-counted_bars,Bars-1);
double pfilter = ((FilterWhat&_fltPrc)==0) ? 0 : Filter;
double vfilter = ((FilterWhat&_fltVal)==0) ? 0 : Filter;
if (state[limit]== 1) CleanPoint(limit,stochua,stochub);
if (state[limit]==-1) CleanPoint(limit,stochda,stochdb);
for(int i=limit; i>=0; i–)
pricesa[i] = iSmooth(iFilter(iMA(NULL ,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,i),pfilter,Length,i,0),PreSmooth,PreSmoothPhase,i,0);
pricesb[i] = iSmooth(iFilter(iMA(BaseSymbol,0,1,0,MODE_SMA,Price,i),pfilter,Length,i,1),PreSmooth,PreSmoothPhase,i,1);
stochda[i] = stochdb[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
stochua[i] = stochub[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
double min=0,max=0;
max = pricesa[ArrayMaximum(pricesa,Length,i)];
min = pricesa[ArrayMinimum(pricesa,Length,i)];
stocha[i] = (max!=min) ? (pricesa[i]-min)/(max-min) : 0.5;
max = pricesb[ArrayMaximum(pricesb,Length,i)];
min = pricesb[ArrayMinimum(pricesb,Length,i)];
stochb[i] = (max!=min) ? (pricesb[i]-min)/(max-min) : 0.5;
stochc[i] = stocha[i]-stochb[i];
max = stochc[ArrayMaximum(stochc,Length*10,i)];
min = stochc[ArrayMinimum(stochc,Length*10,i)];
stoch[i] = (max!=min) ? iFilter(fmax(fmin(iSmooth((stochc[i]-min)/(max-min),PosSmooth,PosSmoothPhase,i,2),1),0),vfilter,Length,i,2) :
iFilter(fmax(fmin(iSmooth(0.5 ,PosSmooth,PosSmoothPhase,i,2),1),0),vfilter,Length,i,2);
state[i] = (stoch[i]>TresholdUp) ? 1 : (stoch[i]<TresholdDn) ? -1 : 0;
if (state[i] == 1) PlotPoint(i,stochua,stochub,stoch);
if (state[i] == -1) PlotPoint(i,stochda,stochdb,stoch);
if (alertsOn)
int whichBar = (alertsOnCurrent) ? 0 : 1;
if (state[whichBar] != state[whichBar+1])
if (state[whichBar] == 1) doAlert(” crossing upper threshold”);
if (state[whichBar] ==-1) doAlert(” crossing lower threshold”);
#define _filterInstances 3
double workFil[][_filterInstances*3];
#define _fchange 0
#define _fachang 1
#define _fvalue 2
double iFilter(double value, double filter, int period, int i, int instanceNo=0)
if (filter<=0 || period<=0) return(value); i=Bars-i-1;
if (ArrayRange(workFil,0)!= Bars) ArrayResize(workFil,Bars); instanceNo*=3;
workFil[i][instanceNo+_fvalue] = value;
if (i>0)
workFil[i][instanceNo+_fchange] = MathAbs(workFil[i][instanceNo+_fvalue]-workFil[i-1][instanceNo+_fvalue]);
workFil[i][instanceNo+_fachang] = workFil[i][instanceNo+_fchange];
double fdev=0;
for (int k=1; k<period && (i-k)>=0; k++) workFil[i][instanceNo+_fachang] += workFil[i-k][instanceNo+_fchange]; workFil[i][instanceNo+_fachang] /= (double)period;
for (int k=0; k<period && (i-k)>=0; k++) fdev += MathPow(workFil[i-k][instanceNo+_fchange]-workFil[i-k][instanceNo+_fachang],2); fdev = filter*MathSqrt(fdev/(double)period);
if (MathAbs(workFil[i][instanceNo+_fvalue]-workFil[i-1][instanceNo+_fvalue])<fdev)
double wrk[][30];
#define bsmax 5
#define bsmin 6
#define volty 7
#define vsum 8
#define avolty 9
double iSmooth(double tprice, double length, double phase, int i, int s=0)
if (length <=1) return(tprice);
if (ArrayRange(wrk,0) != Bars) ArrayResize(wrk,Bars);
int r = Bars-i-1; s *= 10;
if (r==0) { int k; for(k=0; k<7; k++) wrk[0][k+s]=tprice; for(; k<10; k++) wrk[0][k+s]=0; return(tprice); }
double len1 = MathMax(MathLog(MathSqrt(0.5*(length-1)))/MathLog(2.0)+2.0,0);
double pow1 = MathMax(len1-2.0,0.5);
double del1 = tprice – wrk[r-1][bsmax+s];
double del2 = tprice – wrk[r-1][bsmin+s];
double div = 1.0/(10.0+10.0*(MathMin(MathMax(length-10,0),100))/100);
int forBar = MathMin(r,10);
wrk[r][volty+s] = 0;
if(MathAbs(del1) > MathAbs(del2)) wrk[r][volty+s] = MathAbs(del1);
if(MathAbs(del1) < MathAbs(del2)) wrk[r][volty+s] = MathAbs(del2);
wrk[r][vsum+s] = wrk[r-1][vsum+s] + (wrk[r][volty+s]-wrk[r-forBar][volty+s])*div;
wrk[r][avolty+s] = wrk[r-1][avolty+s]+(2.0/(MathMax(4.0*length,30)+1.0))*(wrk[r][vsum+s]-wrk[r-1][avolty+s]);
double dVolty = 0;
if (wrk[r][avolty+s] > 0) dVolty = wrk[r][volty+s]/wrk[r][avolty+s];
if (dVolty > MathPow(len1,1.0/pow1)) dVolty = MathPow(len1,1.0/pow1);
if (dVolty < 1) dVolty = 1.0;
double pow2 = MathPow(dVolty, pow1);
double len2 = MathSqrt(0.5*(length-1))*len1;
double Kv = MathPow(len2/(len2+1), MathSqrt(pow2));
if (del1 > 0) wrk[r][bsmax+s] = tprice; else wrk[r][bsmax+s] = tprice – Kv*del1;
if (del2 < 0) wrk[r][bsmin+s] = tprice; else wrk[r][bsmin+s] = tprice – Kv*del2;
double R = MathMax(MathMin(phase,100),-100)/100.0 + 1.5;
double beta = 0.45*(length-1)/(0.45*(length-1)+2);
double alpha = MathPow(beta,pow2);
wrk[r][0+s] = tprice + alpha*(wrk[r-1][0+s]-tprice);
wrk[r][1+s] = (tprice – wrk[r][0+s])*(1-beta) + beta*wrk[r-1][1+s];
wrk[r][2+s] = (wrk[r][0+s] + R*wrk[r][1+s]);
wrk[r][3+s] = (wrk[r][2+s] – wrk[r-1][4+s])*MathPow((1-alpha),2) + MathPow(alpha,2)*wrk[r-1][3+s];
wrk[r][4+s] = (wrk[r-1][4+s] + wrk[r][3+s]);
string sTfTable[] = {“M1″,”M5″,”M15″,”M30″,”H1″,”H4″,”D1″,”W1″,”MN”};
int iTfTable[] = {1,5,15,30,60,240,1440,10080,43200};
string timeFrameToString(int tf)
for (int i=ArraySize(iTfTable)-1; i>=0; i–)
if (tf==iTfTable[i]) return(sTfTable[i]);
void doAlert(string doWhat)
static string previousAlert=”nothing”;
static datetime previousTime;
string message;
if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != Time[0]) {
previousAlert = doWhat;
previousTime = Time[0];
message = timeFrameToString(_Period)+” “+_Symbol+” at “+TimeToStr(TimeLocal(),TIME_SECONDS)+” dual stoch – dovergence “+doWhat;
if (alertsMessage) Alert(message);
if (alertsNotify) SendNotification(message);
if (alertsEmail) SendMail(_Symbol+” dual stoch – dovergence “,message);
if (alertsSound) PlaySound(soundFile);
void CleanPoint(int i,double& first[],double& second[])
if (i>=Bars-3) return;
if ((second[i] != EMPTY_VALUE) && (second[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE))
second[i+1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
if ((first[i] != EMPTY_VALUE) && (first[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE) && (first[i+2] == EMPTY_VALUE))
first[i+1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
void PlotPoint(int i,double& first[],double& second[],double& from[])
if (i>=Bars-2) return;
if (first[i+1] == EMPTY_VALUE)
if (first[i+2] == EMPTY_VALUE)
{ first[i] = from[i]; first[i+1] = from[i+1]; second[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; }
else { second[i] = from[i]; second[i+1] = from[i+1]; first[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; }
else { first[i] = from[i]; second[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; }