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//| #MarketPrice _v1_4.mq4 |
//| ServerUang |
//| http://www.indofx-trader.net/ |
#property copyright “ServerUang”
#property link “http://www.indofx-trader.net/”

#property indicator_chart_window
extern string Settings_n_1 = “————————–“;
extern int Side = 1;
extern int MP_Y = 0;
extern int MP_X = 0;

extern string Settings_n_2 = “————————–“;
extern string Colors_Setting =”Setting for Colors”;
extern color Highest_Color = Blue;
extern color Distance_from_Highest_Color = DodgerBlue;
extern color Lowest_Color = Red;
extern color Distance_from_Lowest_Color = OrangeRed;
extern color Hi_to_Lo_Color = Peru;
extern color Daily_Av_Up_Color = Blue;
extern color Daily_Av_Dn_Color = Red;
extern color Time_n_Spread_Color = LimeGreen;
extern color PipsToOpen_Up_Color = Blue;
extern color PipsToOpen_Dn_Color = Red;

extern string Settings_n_3 = “————————–“;
extern string Signals_Settings = “Settings for Signals”;
extern bool Show_Signals = true;

// BuySeLL Variable
extern string BuySeLL_Settings = “————————–“;
extern int MAFast_Period = 1;
extern int MAFast_Method = 0;
extern int MAFast_Apply_To = 0;
extern int MAFast_Shift = 0;

extern int MASlow_Period = 4;
extern int MASlow_Method = 0;
extern int MASlow_Apply_To = 1;
extern int MASlow_Shift = 0;

// Trend Variable
extern string TRend_Settings = “————————–“;
extern int TMAFast_Period = 1;
extern int TMAFast_Method = 0;
extern int TMAFast_Apply_To = 0;
extern int TMAFast_Shift = 0;

extern int TMASlow_Period = 20;
extern int TMASlow_Method = 0;
extern int TMASlow_Apply_To = 0;
extern int TMASlow_Shift = 0;

// Strength Variable
extern string Strength_Settings = “————————–“;
extern int RSI_Period = 5;
extern int RSI_PRICE_TYPE = 0;

extern int CCI_Period = 20;
extern int CCI_PRICE_TYPE = 0;

extern int STOCH_K_Period = 5;
extern int STOCH_D_Period = 3;
extern int STOCH_Slowing = 3;
extern int STOCH_MA_MODE = 0;
extern int STOCH_Price_Field = 0;

extern string Settings_n_4 = “————————–“;
extern color LegendColor = Gainsboro;
extern color PriceColor_Up = Blue;
extern color PriceColor_Dn = Red;
extern color NeutralColor = LightGray;

extern color Arrow_Up = Lime;
extern color Arrow_Dn = Gold;
extern color Arrow_Nt = White;

double vA, vB, vC, TFs, High_Lama, Low_Lama;
int TimeFrame, x, y, space, baris, fontsize, cTF, cCC, cX, cSTR, cTR;
string text, fontname, Teks_Menit, Teks_Detik;
string UpSymbol=”?, DnSymbol=”?, NtSymbol=”?, SignalSymbol;
color SignalColor;

// — variabel Daili_Av ——————————————–+
int R1, R5, R10, R20, RAvg, n, i;
string Teks_ReRata = “”, Teks_Rerata_Kemarin =””;
color warna_ReRata, WarnaTeks;

// — Strength Variable —
double v_RSI, v_Stoch, v_CCI;
//| Custom indicator initialization function |
int init()
//—- indicators
//| Custom indicator deinitialization function |
int deinit()
for(int i = ObjectsTotal() – 1; i >= 0; i–)
string label = ObjectName(i);
if(StringSubstr(label, 0, 4) != “MP14”)
} //—-

//| Custom indicator iteration function |
int start()
int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
// Price
TimeFrame = 15;
vA = iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TimeFrame, MAFast_Period, MAFast_Shift, MAFast_Method, MAFast_Apply_To, 0);
vC = iMA(Symbol(), TimeFrame, MASlow_Period, MASlow_Shift, MASlow_Method, MASlow_Apply_To, 0);
Write(“MP14001”, Side, MP_X+9, MP_Y+22, DoubleToStr(vA,Digits), 34, “Arial”, CheckColor(vB, vC, PriceColor_Up, PriceColor_Dn) );

// Highest
vB=iHigh(NULL,1440,0); text=DoubleToStr(vB, Digits);
Write(“MP14002”, Side, MP_X+100, MP_Y+14, text, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, Highest_Color);

// Lowest
vC=iLow(NULL,1440,0); text=DoubleToStr(vC, Digits);
Write(“MP14003”, Side, MP_X+100, MP_Y+62, text, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, Lowest_Color);

//— Distance from Highest —
Write(“MP14004”, Side, MP_X+56, MP_Y+14, text, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, Distance_from_Highest_Color);

//— Distance from Lowest —
Write(“MP14005”, Side, MP_X+56, MP_Y+62, text, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, Distance_from_Lowest_Color);

//— Hi to Lo —
Write(“MP14006”, Side, MP_X+10, MP_Y+14, text, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, Hi_to_Lo_Color);

//— Daily Av —
R1=0; R5=0; R10=0; R20=0; RAvg=0; i=0;
R1 = (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1))/Point;
R5 = R5 + (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
R10 = R10 + (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;
R20 = R20 + (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,i))/Point;

R5 = R5/5;
R10 = R10/10;
R20 = R20/20;
RAvg = (R1+R5+R10+R20)/4;

Teks_ReRata = (DoubleToStr(RAvg,Digits-4));
Teks_Rerata_Kemarin = (iHigh(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1)-iLow(NULL,PERIOD_D1,1))/Point;

if (Teks_ReRata > Teks_Rerata_Kemarin) {warna_ReRata = Daily_Av_Up_Color;}
else {warna_ReRata = Daily_Av_Dn_Color;}

Write(“MP14007”, Side, MP_X+10, MP_Y+62, Teks_ReRata, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, warna_ReRata);

//— Time for Next Candle —
vB = (Time[4]-Time[5])-MathMod(CurTime(),Time[4]-Time[5]);
vA = vB/60;
vB = (vA-MathFloor(vA))*60;
vA = MathFloor(vA);
Teks_Menit = DoubleToStr(vA,0);
Teks_Detik = DoubleToStr(vB,0);
Write(“MP14008”, Side, MP_X+100, MP_Y+74, text, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, Time_n_Spread_Color);

// — Spread —
vA = (Ask – Bid)/Point;
text = (DoubleToStr(vA, Digits-4));
Write(“MP14009”, Side, MP_X+56, MP_Y+74, text, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, Time_n_Spread_Color);

//— Pips to Open —
vA = iOpen(NULL,1440,0);
vB = iClose(NULL,1440,0);
SignalColor=CheckColor(vB, vA, PipsToOpen_Up_Color, PipsToOpen_Dn_Color);
Write(“MP14010”, Side, MP_X+10, MP_Y+74, text, 10, “Tahoma Bold”, SignalColor);

//— Show_Signals —
if (Show_Signals)
// Pair, Pair color depand to Trend
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TimeFrame, TMAFast_Period, TMAFast_Shift, TMAFast_Method, TMAFast_Apply_To, 0);
vC = iMA(Symbol(), TimeFrame, TMASlow_Period, TMASlow_Shift, TMASlow_Method, TMASlow_Apply_To, 0);
Write(“MP13001”, Side, 85, 8, Symbol(), 16, “Arial Bold”, CheckColor(vB, vC, PriceColor_Up, PriceColor_Dn) );

// Price color depand to Crossing MAfast and MAslow
vA = iMA(Symbol(),0,1,0,MODE_EMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0);
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TimeFrame, MAFast_Period, MAFast_Shift, MAFast_Method, MAFast_Apply_To, 0);
vC = iMA(Symbol(), TimeFrame, MASlow_Period, MASlow_Shift, MASlow_Method, MASlow_Apply_To, 0);
Write(“MP13002”, Side, 5, 5, DoubleToStr(vA,Digits), 20, “Arial Bold”, CheckColor(vB, vC, PriceColor_Up, PriceColor_Dn) );
//Write(“MP13002”, Side, 10, 10, DoubleToStr(vA,Digits), 16, “Arial Bold”, CheckColor(vB, vC, PriceColor_Up, PriceColor_Dn) );
// Legend
//cTF=MP_X+127; cCC=MP_X+99; cX=MP_X+81; cSTR=MP_X+53; cTR=MP_X+25;
cTF=MP_X+127; cCC=MP_X+99; cX=MP_X+76; cSTR=MP_X+40; cTR=MP_X+10;
Write(“MP14011”, Side, MP_X+cTF, MP_Y+90, “TF”, 10, “Arial”, LegendColor); //152
Write(“MP14012”, Side, MP_X+cCC, MP_Y+90, “CC”, 10, “Arial”, LegendColor); //116
Write(“MP14013”, Side, MP_X+cX-5, MP_Y+90, “BS”, 10, “Arial”, LegendColor); //086
Write(“MP14014”, Side, MP_X+cSTR, MP_Y+90, “Str”, 10, “Arial”, LegendColor); //048
Write(“MP14015”, Side, MP_X+cTR, MP_Y+90, “TR”, 10, “Arial”, LegendColor); //012

x=cTF; //154
y=MP_Y+106; space=12; fontname=”Arial”; fontsize=8;
Write(“MP14016”, Side, x, y+(00*space), “MN”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);
Write(“MP14017”, Side, x, y+(01*space), “W1”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);
Write(“MP14018”, Side, x, y+(02*space), “D1”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);

Write(“MP14019”, Side, x, y+(04*space), “H4”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);
Write(“MP14020”, Side, x, y+(05*space), “H1”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);
Write(“MP14021”, Side, x, y+(06*space), “M30”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);

Write(“MP14022”, Side, x, y+(08*space), “M15”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);
Write(“MP14023”, Side, x, y+(09*space), “M5”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);
Write(“MP14024”, Side, x, y+(10*space), “M1”, fontsize, fontname, LegendColor);

n=1; y=MP_Y+106; space=12;
while (n<=9)
switch (n)
case 1: TFs = 43200; baris=0; break;
case 2: TFs = 10080; baris=1; break;
case 3: TFs = 1440; baris=2; break;

case 4: TFs = 240; baris=4; break;
case 5: TFs = 60; baris=5; break;
case 6: TFs = 30; baris=6; break;

case 7: TFs = 15; baris=8; break;
case 8: TFs = 5; baris=9; break;
case 9: TFs = 1; baris=10; break;

// Trend;
vA = iMA(Symbol(),TFs, TMAFast_Period, TMAFast_Shift, TMAFast_Method, TMAFast_Apply_To, 0);
vB = iMA(Symbol(),TFs, TMASlow_Period, TMASlow_Shift, TMASlow_Method, TMASlow_Apply_To, 0);
if (vA>vB)
{ SignalSymbol=UpSymbol; SignalColor=Arrow_Up; }
else if (vA<vB)
{ SignalSymbol=DnSymbol; SignalColor=Arrow_Dn; }
else {SignalSymbol=NtSymbol; SignalColor=Arrow_Nt; }
Write(“MP14025″+DoubleToStr(n,0), Side, cTR, y+(baris*space), SignalSymbol, 10, “Wingdings”, SignalColor );

// STR Signals
v_RSI = iRSI(Symbol(), TFs, RSI_Period , RSI_PRICE_TYPE, 0);
v_Stoch = iStochastic(Symbol(), TFs, STOCH_K_Period,STOCH_D_Period,STOCH_Slowing, STOCH_MA_MODE, STOCH_Price_Field, MODE_MAIN, 0);
v_CCI = iCCI(Symbol(), TFs,CCI_Period , CCI_PRICE_TYPE, 0);

if ((v_RSI > 50) && (v_Stoch > 40) && (v_CCI > 0)) { SignalSymbol = UpSymbol; SignalColor = Arrow_Up ;}
else if ((v_RSI < 50) && (v_Stoch < 60) && (v_CCI < 0)) { SignalSymbol = DnSymbol; SignalColor = Arrow_Dn ;}

//netral condition
else if ((v_RSI < 50) && (v_Stoch > 40) && (v_CCI > 0)) { SignalSymbol = NtSymbol; SignalColor = Arrow_Nt; }
else if ((v_RSI > 50) && (v_Stoch < 60) && (v_CCI < 0)) { SignalSymbol = NtSymbol; SignalColor = Arrow_Nt; }
else if ((v_RSI < 50) && (v_Stoch > 40) && (v_CCI < 0)) { SignalSymbol = NtSymbol; SignalColor = Arrow_Nt; }
else if ((v_RSI > 50) && (v_Stoch < 60) && (v_CCI > 0)) { SignalSymbol = NtSymbol; SignalColor = Arrow_Nt; }
else if ((v_RSI > 50) && (v_Stoch > 40) && (v_CCI < 0)) { SignalSymbol = NtSymbol; SignalColor = Arrow_Nt; }
else if ((v_RSI > 50) && (v_Stoch < 60) && (v_CCI < 0)) { SignalSymbol = NtSymbol; SignalColor = Arrow_Nt; }

Write(“MP14026″+DoubleToStr(n,0), Side, cSTR, y+(baris*space), SignalSymbol, 10, “Wingdings”, SignalColor );

// BuySell Crossing
vB = iMA(Symbol(), TFs, MAFast_Period, MAFast_Shift, MAFast_Method, MAFast_Apply_To, 0);
vC = iMA(Symbol(), TFs, MASlow_Period, MASlow_Shift, MASlow_Method, MASlow_Apply_To, 0);
if (vB>vC)
{ SignalSymbol=UpSymbol; SignalColor=Arrow_Up; }
else { SignalSymbol=DnSymbol; SignalColor=Arrow_Dn; }
Write(“MP14027″+DoubleToStr(n,0), Side, cX-3, y+(baris*space), SignalSymbol, 10, “Wingdings”, SignalColor);

// CandleColor
vC = iClose( NULL , TFs, 0) – iOpen( NULL , TFs, 0);
if ( vC > 0 )
{ SignalColor = PriceColor_Up; SignalSymbol=”n”; }
else if ( vC < 0 ) { SignalColor = PriceColor_Dn; SignalSymbol=”n”; }
else { SignalColor = NeutralColor; SignalSymbol=”?; }
Write(“MP14028″+DoubleToStr(n,0), Side, cCC+2, y+(baris*space), SignalSymbol, 10, “Wingdings”, SignalColor ); //x=120

Write(“MP14029”, Side, cTR, y+((baris+1)*space), “Created by ServerUang”, 7, “Tahoma Narrow”, Gray);

} //end while

else Write(“MP14030”, Side, MP_X+10, MP_Y+90, “Created by ServerUang”, 7, “Tahoma Narrow”, Gray);


// Write Procedure
void Write(string LBL, double side, int pos_x, int pos_y, string text, int fontsize, string fontname, color Tcolor=CLR_NONE)
ObjectCreate(LBL, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(LBL,text, fontsize, fontname, Tcolor);
ObjectSet(LBL, OBJPROP_CORNER, side);

// CheckColor Function

color CheckColor(double a, double b, color u, color d)
if (a>b) { return (u); } else { return (d); }



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