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G e n e r a t e d by ex4-to-mq4 decompiler FREEWARE 4.0.509.5
Website: HT tp:// WW W .m eT aQUo teS.N e t
E-mail : S upp Or t@Metaq UoTE S.NE t
#property copyright “Copyright ?2011, PatPatel”
#property link “”

#property indicator_chart_window

#include <WinUser32.mqh>

int Gi_76 = 1000;
extern int TF = 60;
extern string FI3 = “* * * * * Pairs to Trade * * * * * * * * *”;
extern string PairSuffix = “”;
extern string Pair1 = “GBPUSD”;
extern string Pair2 = “AUDJPY”;
extern string Pair3 = “EURJPY”;
extern string Pair4 = “GBPJPY”;
extern string Pair5 = “NZDUSD”;
extern string Pair6 = “EURGBP”;
extern string Pair7 = “USDCHF”;
extern string Pair8 = “EURUSD”;
extern string Pair9 = “USDJPY”;
extern string Pair10 = “AUDUSD”;
extern string Pair11 = “NZDJPY”;
extern string Pair12 = “GBPCHF”;
extern string Pair13 = “CHFJPY”;
extern string Pair14 = “EURCHF”;
string Gs_212;
string Gs_220;
string Gsa_228[14];
double Gd_232;
double Gda_240[14];
int G_index_244;
int Gi_248;
int G_count_252;
string Gs_256;
int G_file_264 = -1;
int G_timeframe_268 = 0;
int Gi_unused_272 = 0;
int G_datetime_276 = 0;
int Gi_280 = 0;
int Gi_284;
int Gi_unused_288 = 0;

// E37F0136AA3FFAF149B351F6A4C948E9
int init() {
int Lia_32[13];
G_count_252 = 0;
if (Pair1 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair2 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair3 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair4 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair5 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair6 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair7 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair8 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair9 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair10 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair11 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair12 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair13 != “”) G_count_252++;
if (Pair14 != “”) G_count_252++;
Gs_212 = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight(StringSubstr(Symbol(), 6, StringLen(Symbol()) – 6)));
Gs_256 = “#BT#” + f0_1(G_count_252, 2) + Gs_212;
GlobalVariableSet(Gs_256 + “_” + TF + “_Fact”, Gd_232);
for (int index_0 = 0; index_0 < G_count_252; index_0++) {
if (StringSubstr(Gsa_228[index_0], 3, 3) == “JPY”) Gda_240[index_0] = 1.0;
else Gda_240[index_0] = 100.0;
if (TF == 0) G_timeframe_268 = Period();
else G_timeframe_268 = TF;
int Li_4 = 400;
string Ls_16 = Gs_256;
int Li_24 = G_timeframe_268;
int Li_28 = 3;
Lia_32[0] = 3;
Lia_32[1] = 3;
Lia_32[2] = 3;
G_file_264 = FileOpenHistory(Ls_16 + Li_24 + “.hst”, FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
if (G_file_264 < 0) return (-1);
string Ls_8 = “Copyright ?2011, PatPatel”;
FileWriteInteger(G_file_264, Li_4, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteString(G_file_264, Ls_8, 64);
FileWriteString(G_file_264, Ls_16, 12);
FileWriteInteger(G_file_264, Li_24, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteInteger(G_file_264, Li_28, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteInteger(G_file_264, 0, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteInteger(G_file_264, 0, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteArray(G_file_264, Lia_32, 0, 13);
if (ObjectFind(Gs_256 + Gs_220 + G_timeframe_268) == 0) ObjectDelete(Gs_256 + Gs_220 + G_timeframe_268);
return (0);

// 52D46093050F38C27267BCE42543EF60
int deinit() {
ObjectDelete(Gs_256 + Gs_220 + G_timeframe_268);
return (0);

// EA2B2676C28C0DB26D39331A336C6B92
int start() {
int datetime_8;
double Ld_12;
double Ld_20;
double Ld_28;
double Ld_36;
double Ld_44;
double Ld_52;
int shift_60;
if (G_file_264 == -1) Print(“Error”);
int ind_counted_0 = IndicatorCounted();
if (ind_counted_0 < 0) return (-1);
Gi_248 = Gi_76;
if (ind_counted_0 > 0) Gi_248 = Bars – ind_counted_0;
for (int Li_4 = Gi_248; Li_4 >= 0; Li_4–) {
if (G_datetime_276 < iTime(Symbol(), G_timeframe_268, Li_4)) {
Gi_280 = FileTell(G_file_264);
G_datetime_276 = iTime(Symbol(), G_timeframe_268, Li_4);
} else FileSeek(G_file_264, Gi_280, SEEK_SET);
datetime_8 = iTime(Symbol(), G_timeframe_268, Li_4);
Ld_12 = -Gd_232;
Ld_20 = Ld_12;
Ld_28 = Ld_12;
Ld_36 = Ld_12;
Ld_44 = Ld_12;
Ld_52 = 0.0;
for (G_index_244 = 0; G_index_244 < G_count_252; G_index_244++) {
shift_60 = iBarShift(Gsa_228[G_index_244], G_timeframe_268, datetime_8);
if (iTime(Gsa_228[G_index_244], G_timeframe_268, Li_4) > iTime(Gsa_228[G_index_244], G_timeframe_268, shift_60)) shift_60++;
Ld_20 += iClose(Gsa_228[G_index_244], G_timeframe_268, shift_60) * Gda_240[G_index_244];
Ld_28 += iHigh(Gsa_228[G_index_244], G_timeframe_268, shift_60) * Gda_240[G_index_244];
Ld_36 += iLow(Gsa_228[G_index_244], G_timeframe_268, shift_60) * Gda_240[G_index_244];
Ld_44 += iOpen(Gsa_228[G_index_244], G_timeframe_268, shift_60) * Gda_240[G_index_244];
Ld_52 += iVolume(Gsa_228[G_index_244], G_timeframe_268, shift_60);
FileWriteInteger(G_file_264, G_datetime_276, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(G_file_264, Ld_44, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(G_file_264, Ld_36, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(G_file_264, Ld_28, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(G_file_264, Ld_20, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(G_file_264, Ld_52, DOUBLE_VALUE);
if (Gi_284 == 0) Gi_284 = WindowHandle(Gs_256, G_timeframe_268);
else PostMessageA(Gi_284, WM_COMMAND, 33324, 0);
return (0);

// 1E8DD14787E1E31975162D7FDBB74E80
int f0_0() {
switch (G_count_252) {
case 1:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 100.0;
case 2:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 200.0;
case 3:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 300.0;
case 4:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 400.0;
case 5:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 500.0;
case 6:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 600.0;
case 7:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[6] = Pair7 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 700.0;
case 8:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[6] = Pair7 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[7] = Pair8 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 800.0;
case 9:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[6] = Pair7 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[7] = Pair8 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[8] = Pair9 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 900.0;
case 10:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[6] = Pair7 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[7] = Pair8 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[8] = Pair9 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[9] = Pair10 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 1000.0;
case 11:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[6] = Pair7 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[7] = Pair8 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[8] = Pair9 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[9] = Pair10 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[10] = Pair11 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 1100.0;
case 12:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[6] = Pair7 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[7] = Pair8 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[8] = Pair9 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[9] = Pair10 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[10] = Pair11 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[11] = Pair12 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 1200.0;
case 13:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[6] = Pair7 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[7] = Pair8 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[8] = Pair9 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[9] = Pair10 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[10] = Pair11 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[11] = Pair12 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[12] = Pair13 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 1300.0;
case 14:
Gsa_228[0] = Pair1 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[1] = Pair2 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[2] = Pair3 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[3] = Pair4 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[4] = Pair5 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[5] = Pair6 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[6] = Pair7 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[7] = Pair8 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[8] = Pair9 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[9] = Pair10 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[10] = Pair11 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[11] = Pair12 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[12] = Pair13 + Gs_212;
Gsa_228[13] = Pair14 + Gs_212;
Gd_232 = 1400.0;
Gs_256 = Gs_256 + Gs_212;
return (0);

// C405205EABC7739B3DAB8F46DE89309B
string f0_1(int Ai_0, int Ai_4) {
for (string Ls_ret_8 = Ai_0; StringLen(Ls_ret_8) < Ai_4; Ls_ret_8 = “0” + Ls_ret_8) {
return (Ls_ret_8);


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2 条评论

  • Thiago 游客

    Could you make this administrator available?
    The link is off
