DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21
DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21

DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21


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DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21




DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21
DNA Pro5 4012 EA_21

#property copyright “DNA Pro5 4012 EA 2”
#property link “”
#property description “Trades Gold only by Scalping Gold Price”
#property version “5.0”
#property strict

// +——————————————————————————————————————+ //
// | System and Custom variables and other definitions used in the project | //
// +——————————————————————————————————————+ //

// System constants (project settings) //
#include <stdlib.mqh>
#include <stderror.mqh>

int LotDigits; //initialized in OnInit
double MaxSpread = 10;
int MaxSlippage = 3;

#define PROJECT_ID “mt4-3500”

// Point Format Rules
#define POINT_FORMAT_RULES “0.001=0.01,0.00001=0.0001,0.000001=0.0001” // this is deserialized in a special function later
#define ENABLE_STATUS true
// Events On/Off
#define ENABLE_EVENT_TICK 1 // enable “Tick” event
#define ENABLE_EVENT_TRADE 0 // enable “Trade” event
#define ENABLE_EVENT_TIMER 0 // enable “Timer” event
// Virtual Stops
#define VIRTUAL_STOPS_ENABLED 0 // enable virtual stops
#define VIRTUAL_STOPS_TIMEOUT 0 // virtual stops timeout
#define USE_EMERGENCY_STOPS “no” // “yes” to use emergency (hard stops) when virtual stops are in use. “always” to use EMERGENCY_STOPS_ADD as emergency stops when there is no virtual stop.
#define EMERGENCY_STOPS_REL 0 // use 0 to disable hard stops when virtual stops are enabled. Use a value >=0 to automatically set hard stops with virtual. Example: if 2 is used, then hard stops will be 2 times bigger than virtual ones.
#define EMERGENCY_STOPS_ADD 0 // add pips to relative size of emergency stops (hard stops)
// Settings for events
#define ON_TRADE_REALTIME 0 //
#define ON_TIMER_PERIOD 60 // Timer event period (in seconds)

// System constants (predefined constants) //
// Blocks Lookup Functions
string fxdBlocksLookupTable[];

#define TLOBJPROP_TIME1 801
#define SEL_CURRENT 0
#define SEL_INITIAL 1

// Enumerations, Imports, Constants, Variables //








// Constants (Input Parameters)
input bool once = 0; // once a day
input bool once_per_bar = 1; // Once per bar
input string Scantime = “16:00”; // open trade time, (local time)
input double Candle_in_a_row = 3.0; // Closed candle in a row
input double Min_body_size = 3.0; // Min body size
input string ____________ = “”;input double Trailing_stop = 50.0; // trailing stop
input double Trailing_start = 10.0; // trailing start
input double SL = 0.0;input double TP = 0.0;input string ________ = “”;input ENUM_TRADE_SIZE Trade_size = Fixedamount; // Trade size
input double fixed_trade_size = 0.1; // Fixed
input double Risk = 5.0; // Risk%
input double amount_loss = 50.0; // Amount loss
input string _____ = “”;input double Check_loss = 5.0; // Loss%balance
input double Check_profit = 5.0; // Profit%balance
input string __ = “”;input bool daily_close = 0; // Daily close
input string close_time = “23:00”;input string Comment = “DNA_Pro4_4012”;input bool movingaverage = true;input double ma = 200.0;input ENUM_MA_METHOD method = 0;input bool reverse = 1;input int MagicStart = 3500; // Magic Number, kind of…
class c
static bool once;
static bool once_per_bar;
static string Scantime;
static double Candle_in_a_row;
static double Min_body_size;
static string ____________;
static double Trailing_stop;
static double Trailing_start;
static double SL;
static double TP;
static string ________;
static int Trade_size;
static double fixed_trade_size;
static double Risk;
static double amount_loss;
static string _____;
static double Check_loss;
static double Check_profit;
static string __;
static bool daily_close;
static string close_time;
static string Comment;
static bool movingaverage;
static double ma;
static ENUM_MA_METHOD method;
static bool reverse;
static int MagicStart;
bool c::once;
bool c::once_per_bar;
string c::Scantime;
double c::Candle_in_a_row;
double c::Min_body_size;
string c::____________;
double c::Trailing_stop;
double c::Trailing_start;
double c::SL;
double c::TP;
string c::________;
int c::Trade_size;
double c::fixed_trade_size;
double c::Risk;
double c::amount_loss;
string c::_____;
double c::Check_loss;
double c::Check_profit;
string c::__;
bool c::daily_close;
string c::close_time;
string c::Comment;
bool c::movingaverage;
double c::ma;
ENUM_MA_METHOD c::method;
bool c::reverse;
int c::MagicStart;

// Variables (Global Variables)
class v


// System global variables //
double FXD_MILS_INIT_END = 0;
bool FXD_DRAW_SPREAD_INFO = false;
bool FXD_BREAK = false;
bool FXD_CONTINUE = false;
bool FXD_CHART_IS_OFFLINE = false;
bool FXD_ONTIMER_TAKEN = false;
datetime FXD_TICKSKIP_UNTIL = 0;

//- for use in OnChart() event
struct fxd_onchart
int id;
long lparam;
double dparam;
string sparam;
fxd_onchart FXD_ONCHART;

// +——————————————————————————————————————+ //
// | These are the main functions that controls the whole project | //
// +——————————————————————————————————————+ //

// This function is executed once when the program starts //
int OnInit()

// Initiate Constants
c::once = once;
c::once_per_bar = once_per_bar;
c::Scantime = Scantime;
c::Candle_in_a_row = Candle_in_a_row;
c::Min_body_size = Min_body_size;
c::____________ = ____________;
c::Trailing_stop = Trailing_stop;
c::Trailing_start = Trailing_start;
c::SL = SL;
c::TP = TP;
c::________ = ________;
c::Trade_size = Trade_size;
c::fixed_trade_size = fixed_trade_size;
c::Risk = Risk;
c::amount_loss = amount_loss;
c::_____ = _____;
c::Check_loss = Check_loss;
c::Check_profit = Check_profit;
c::__ = __;
c::daily_close = daily_close;
c::close_time = close_time;
c::Comment = Comment;
c::movingaverage = movingaverage;
c::ma = ma;
c::method = method;
c::reverse = reverse;
c::MagicStart = MagicStart;


// do or do not not initilialize on reload
if (UninitializeReason() != 0)
if (UninitializeReason() == REASON_CHARTCHANGE)
// if the symbol is the same, do not reload, otherwise continue below
if (FXD_CURRENT_SYMBOL == Symbol()) {return INIT_SUCCEEDED;}

CurrentSymbol(FXD_CURRENT_SYMBOL); // CurrentSymbol() has internal memory that should be set from here when the symboll is changed



for (int i=ObjectsTotal(ChartID()); i>=0; i–)
string name = ObjectName(ChartID(), i);
if (StringSubstr(name,0,8) == “fxd_cmnt”) {ObjectDelete(ChartID(), name);}


//– disable virtual stops in optimization, because graphical objects does not work
// http://docs.mql4.com/runtime/testing
if (MQLInfoInteger(MQL_OPTIMIZATION) || (MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER) && !MQLInfoInteger(MQL_VISUAL_MODE))) {

//– set initial local and server time

//– set initial balance

//– draw the initial spread info meter
if (ENABLE_SPREAD_METER == false) {
else {
if (FXD_DRAW_SPREAD_INFO) DrawSpreadInfo();

//– draw initial status
if (ENABLE_STATUS) DrawStatus(“waiting for tick…”);

//– draw indicators after test

//– working with offline charts


if (ENABLE_EVENT_TRADE) OnTradeListener(); // to load initial database of orders

//– Initialize blocks classes
ArrayResize(_blocks_, 53);

_blocks_[0] = new Block0();
_blocks_[1] = new Block1();
_blocks_[2] = new Block2();
_blocks_[3] = new Block3();
_blocks_[4] = new Block4();
_blocks_[5] = new Block5();
_blocks_[6] = new Block6();
_blocks_[7] = new Block7();
_blocks_[8] = new Block8();
_blocks_[9] = new Block9();
_blocks_[10] = new Block10();
_blocks_[11] = new Block11();
_blocks_[12] = new Block12();
_blocks_[13] = new Block13();
_blocks_[14] = new Block14();
_blocks_[15] = new Block15();
_blocks_[16] = new Block16();
_blocks_[17] = new Block17();
_blocks_[18] = new Block18();
_blocks_[19] = new Block19();
_blocks_[20] = new Block20();
_blocks_[21] = new Block21();
_blocks_[22] = new Block22();
_blocks_[23] = new Block23();
_blocks_[24] = new Block24();
_blocks_[25] = new Block25();
_blocks_[26] = new Block26();
_blocks_[27] = new Block27();
_blocks_[28] = new Block28();
_blocks_[29] = new Block29();
_blocks_[30] = new Block30();
_blocks_[31] = new Block31();
_blocks_[32] = new Block32();
_blocks_[33] = new Block33();
_blocks_[34] = new Block34();
_blocks_[35] = new Block35();
_blocks_[36] = new Block36();
_blocks_[37] = new Block37();
_blocks_[38] = new Block38();
_blocks_[39] = new Block39();
_blocks_[40] = new Block40();
_blocks_[41] = new Block41();
_blocks_[42] = new Block42();
_blocks_[43] = new Block43();
_blocks_[44] = new Block44();
_blocks_[45] = new Block45();
_blocks_[46] = new Block46();
_blocks_[47] = new Block47();
_blocks_[48] = new Block48();
_blocks_[49] = new Block49();
_blocks_[50] = new Block50();
_blocks_[51] = new Block51();
_blocks_[52] = new Block52();

// fill the lookup table
ArrayResize(fxdBlocksLookupTable, ArraySize(_blocks_));
for (int i=0; i<ArraySize(_blocks_); i++)
fxdBlocksLookupTable[i] = _blocks_[i].__block_user_number;

// fill the list of inbound blocks for each BlockCalls instance
for (int i=0; i<ArraySize(_blocks_); i++)

// List of initially disabled blocks
int disabled_blocks_list[] = {};
for (int l = 0; l < ArraySize(disabled_blocks_list); l++) {
_blocks_[disabled_blocks_list[l]].__disabled = true;


FXD_MILS_INIT_END = (double)GetTickCount();
FXD_FIRST_TICK_PASSED = false; // reset is needed when changing inputs


// This function is executed on every incoming tick //
void OnTick()

if (ENABLE_STATUS && FXD_TICKS_FROM_START == 1) DrawStatus(“working”);

//– special system actions
if (FXD_DRAW_SPREAD_INFO) DrawSpreadInfo();
TicksData(“”); // Collect ticks (if needed)
TicksPerSecond(false, true); // Collect ticks per second
if (USE_VIRTUAL_STOPS) {VirtualStopsDriver();}

if (OrdersTotal()) // this makes things faster
OCODriver(); // Check and close OCO orders
if (ENABLE_EVENT_TRADE) {OnTradeListener();}

// skip ticks
if (TimeLocal() < FXD_TICKSKIP_UNTIL) {return;}

//– run blocks
int blocks_to_run[] = {4,10,38,39,51,52};
for (int i=0; i<ArraySize(blocks_to_run); i++) {



// This function is executed on trade events – open, close, modify //
void EventTrade()


// This function is executed on a period basis //
void OnTimer()
//– to simulate ticks in offline charts, Timer is used instead of infinite loop
//– the next function checks for changes in price and calls OnTick() manually
if (FXD_CHART_IS_OFFLINE && RefreshRates()) {

static datetime t0 = 0;
datetime t = 0;
bool ok = false;

t = GetTickCount();
t = TimeLocal();
if ((t – t0) >= FXD_ONTIMER_TAKEN_TIME)
t0 = t;
ok = true;

if (ok == false) {


// This function is executed when chart event happens //
void OnChartEvent(
const int id, // Event ID
const long& lparam, // Parameter of type long event
const double& dparam, // Parameter of type double event
const string& sparam // Parameter of type string events
//– write parameter to the system global variables
FXD_ONCHART.id = id;
FXD_ONCHART.lparam = lparam;
FXD_ONCHART.dparam = dparam;
FXD_ONCHART.sparam = sparam;


// This function is executed once when the program ends //
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
int reson = UninitializeReason();
if (reson == REASON_CHARTCHANGE || reson == REASON_PARAMETERS || reason == REASON_TEMPLATE) {return;}

//– if Timer was set, kill it here

if (ENABLE_STATUS) DrawStatus(“stopped”);
if (ENABLE_SPREAD_METER) DrawSpreadInfo();


if (MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER)) {
Print(“Backtested in “+DoubleToString((GetTickCount()-FXD_MILS_INIT_END)/1000, 2)+” seconds”);
double tc = GetTickCount()-FXD_MILS_INIT_END;
if (tc > 0)
Print(“Average ticks per second: “+DoubleToString(FXD_TICKS_FROM_START/tc, 0));

case REASON_PROGRAM : Print(“Expert Advisor self terminated”); break;
case REASON_REMOVE : Print(“Expert Advisor removed from the chart”); break;
case REASON_RECOMPILE : Print(“Expert Advisor has been recompiled”); break;
case REASON_CHARTCHANGE : Print(“Symbol or chart period has been changed”); break;
case REASON_CHARTCLOSE : Print(“Chart has been closed”); break;
case REASON_PARAMETERS : Print(“Input parameters have been changed by a user”); break;
case REASON_ACCOUNT : Print(“Another account has been activated or reconnection to the trade server has occurred due to changes in the account settings”); break;
case REASON_TEMPLATE : Print(“A new template has been applied”); break;
case REASON_INITFAILED : Print(“OnInit() handler has returned a nonzero value”); break;
case REASON_CLOSE : Print(“Terminal has been closed”); break;

// delete dynamic pointers
for (int i=0; i<ArraySize(_blocks_); i++)
delete _blocks_[i];
_blocks_[i] = NULL;
ArrayResize(_blocks_, 0);


// +——————————————————————————————————————+ //
// | Classes of blocks | //
// | Classes that contain the actual code of the blocks and their input parameters as well | //
// +——————————————————————————————————————+ //

The base class for all block calls
class BlockCalls
bool __disabled; // whether or not the block is disabled

string __block_user_number;
int __block_number;
int __block_waiting;
int __parent_number;
int __inbound_blocks[];
int __outbound_blocks[];

void __addInboundBlock(int id = 0) {
int size = ArraySize(__inbound_blocks);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (__inbound_blocks[i] == id) {
ArrayResize(__inbound_blocks, size + 1);
__inbound_blocks[size] = id;

void BlockCalls() {
__disabled = false;
__block_user_number = “”;
__block_number = 0;
__block_waiting = 0;
__parent_number = 0;

Announce this block to the list of inbound connections of all the blocks to which this block is connected to
void __announceThisBlock()
// add the current block number to the list of inbound blocks
// for each outbound block that is provided
for (int i = 0; i < ArraySize(__outbound_blocks); i++)
int block = __outbound_blocks[i]; // outbound block number
int size = ArraySize(_blocks_[block].__inbound_blocks); // the size of its inbound list

// skip if the current block was already added
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
if (_blocks_[block].__inbound_blocks[j] == __block_number)

// add the current block number to the list of inbound blocks of the other block
ArrayResize(_blocks_[block].__inbound_blocks, size + 1);
_blocks_[block].__inbound_blocks[size] = __block_number;

// this is here, because it is used in the “run” function
virtual void _execute_() = 0;

In the derived class this method should be used to set dynamic parameters or other stuff before the main execute.
This method is automatically called within the main “run” method below, before the execution of the main class.
virtual void _beforeExecute_() {return;};
bool _beforeExecuteEnabled; // for speed

Same as _beforeExecute_, but to work after the execute method.
virtual void _afterExecute_() {return;};
bool _afterExecuteEnabled; // for speed

This is the method that is used to run the block
virtual void run(int _parent_=0) {
__parent_number = _parent_;
if (__disabled || FXD_BREAK) {return;}
FXD_CURRENT_FUNCTION_ID = __block_number;

if (_beforeExecuteEnabled) {_beforeExecute_();}
if (_afterExecuteEnabled) {_afterExecute_();}

if (__block_waiting && FXD_CURRENT_FUNCTION_ID == __block_number) {fxdWait.Accumulate(FXD_CURRENT_FUNCTION_ID);}

BlockCalls *_blocks_[];

// “Bulls in a row” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6,typename T7>
class MDL_SignalBullsInArow: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 SignalType;
T2 RowSize;
T3 MinBodySize;
T4 RowMode;
T5 Symbol;
T6 Period;
T7 Shift;
/* Static Parameters */
datetime bartime;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
SignalType = (string)”continuous”;
RowSize = (int)3;
MinBodySize = (double)5.0;
RowMode = (string)”normal”;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();
Shift = (int)0;
/* Static Parameters (initial value) */
bartime = 0;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
bool success = true;
double cSizePrev = 0;
bool pass = false;

if (SignalType == “continuous” || bartime < iTime(Symbol,Period,1))
for (int id=Shift+RowSize-1; id>=Shift; id–)
double cSize = iClose(Symbol,Period,id) – iOpen(Symbol,Period,id);

if (
(cSize < toDigits(MinBodySize, Symbol))
|| (RowMode == “bigger” && cSizePrev > 0 && cSize <= cSizePrev)
|| (RowMode == “smaller” && cSizePrev > 0 && cSize >= cSizePrev)
success = false;

cSizePrev = cSize;

if (success == true)
if (SignalType != “continuous”)
bartime = iTime(Symbol,Period,1);

pass = true;

if (pass == true) {_callback_(1);} else {_callback_(0);}

// “Buy now” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6,typename T7,typename T8,typename T9,typename _T9_,typename T10,typename T11,typename T12,typename T13,typename T14,typename T15,typename T16,typename T17,typename T18,typename T19,typename T20,typename T21,typename T22,typename T23,typename T24,typename T25,typename T26,typename T27,typename T28,typename T29,typename T30,typename T31,typename T32,typename T33,typename T34,typename T35,typename T36,typename _T36_,typename T37,typename _T37_,typename T38,typename _T38_,typename T39,typename T40,typename T41,typename T42,typename T43,typename _T43_,typename T44,typename _T44_,typename T45,typename _T45_,typename T46,typename T47,typename T48,typename T49,typename T50,typename _T50_,typename T51,typename T52,typename T53>
class MDL_BuyNow: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 Group;
T2 Symbol;
T3 VolumeMode;
T4 VolumeSize;
T5 VolumeSizeRisk;
T6 VolumeRisk;
T7 VolumePercent;
T8 VolumeBlockPercent;
T9 dVolumeSize; virtual _T9_ _dVolumeSize_(){return(_T9_)0;}
T10 FixedRatioUnitSize;
T11 FixedRatioDelta;
T12 mmMgInitialLots;
T13 mmMgMultiplyOnLoss;
T14 mmMgMultiplyOnProfit;
T15 mmMgAddLotsOnLoss;
T16 mmMgAddLotsOnProfit;
T17 mmMgResetOnLoss;
T18 mmMgResetOnProfit;
T19 mm1326InitialLots;
T20 mm1326Reverse;
T21 mmFiboInitialLots;
T22 mmDalembertInitialLots;
T23 mmDalembertReverse;
T24 mmLabouchereInitialLots;
T25 mmLabouchereList;
T26 mmLabouchereReverse;
T27 mmSeqBaseLots;
T28 mmSeqOnLoss;
T29 mmSeqOnProfit;
T30 mmSeqReverse;
T31 VolumeUpperLimit;
T32 StopLossMode;
T33 StopLossPips;
T34 StopLossPercentPrice;
T35 StopLossPercentTP;
T36 dlStopLoss; virtual _T36_ _dlStopLoss_(){return(_T36_)0;}
T37 dpStopLoss; virtual _T37_ _dpStopLoss_(){return(_T37_)0;}
T38 ddStopLoss; virtual _T38_ _ddStopLoss_(){return(_T38_)0;}
T39 TakeProfitMode;
T40 TakeProfitPips;
T41 TakeProfitPercentPrice;
T42 TakeProfitPercentSL;
T43 dlTakeProfit; virtual _T43_ _dlTakeProfit_(){return(_T43_)0;}
T44 dpTakeProfit; virtual _T44_ _dpTakeProfit_(){return(_T44_)0;}
T45 ddTakeProfit; virtual _T45_ _ddTakeProfit_(){return(_T45_)0;}
T46 ExpMode;
T47 ExpDays;
T48 ExpHours;
T49 ExpMinutes;
T50 dExp; virtual _T50_ _dExp_(){return(_T50_)0;}
T51 Slippage;
T52 MyComment;
T53 ArrowColorBuy;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
Group = (string)””;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeMode = (string)”fixed”;
VolumeSize = (double)0.1;
VolumeSizeRisk = (double)50.0;
VolumeRisk = (double)2.5;
VolumePercent = (double)100.0;
VolumeBlockPercent = (double)3.0;
FixedRatioUnitSize = (double)0.01;
FixedRatioDelta = (double)20.0;
mmMgInitialLots = (double)0.1;
mmMgMultiplyOnLoss = (double)2.0;
mmMgMultiplyOnProfit = (double)1.0;
mmMgAddLotsOnLoss = (double)0.0;
mmMgAddLotsOnProfit = (double)0.0;
mmMgResetOnLoss = (int)0;
mmMgResetOnProfit = (int)1;
mm1326InitialLots = (double)0.1;
mm1326Reverse = (bool)false;
mmFiboInitialLots = (double)0.1;
mmDalembertInitialLots = (double)0.1;
mmDalembertReverse = (bool)false;
mmLabouchereInitialLots = (double)0.1;
mmLabouchereList = (string)”1,2,3,4,5,6″;
mmLabouchereReverse = (bool)false;
mmSeqBaseLots = (double)0.1;
mmSeqOnLoss = (string)”3,2,6″;
mmSeqOnProfit = (string)”1″;
mmSeqReverse = (bool)false;
VolumeUpperLimit = (double)0.0;
StopLossMode = (string)”fixed”;
StopLossPips = (double)50.0;
StopLossPercentPrice = (double)0.55;
StopLossPercentTP = (double)100.0;
TakeProfitMode = (string)”fixed”;
TakeProfitPips = (double)50.0;
TakeProfitPercentPrice = (double)0.55;
TakeProfitPercentSL = (double)100.0;
ExpMode = (string)”GTC”;
ExpDays = (int)0;
ExpHours = (int)1;
ExpMinutes = (int)0;
Slippage = (ulong)4;
MyComment = (string)””;
ArrowColorBuy = (color)clrBlue;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
//– stops ——————————————————————
double sll = 0, slp = 0, tpl = 0, tpp = 0;

if (StopLossMode == “fixed”) {slp = StopLossPips;}
else if (StopLossMode == “dynamicPips”) {slp = _dpStopLoss_();}
else if (StopLossMode == “dynamicDigits”) {slp = toPips(_ddStopLoss_(),Symbol);}
else if (StopLossMode == “dynamicLevel”) {sll = _dlStopLoss_();}
else if (StopLossMode == “percentPrice”) {sll = SymbolAsk(Symbol) – (SymbolAsk(Symbol) * StopLossPercentPrice / 100);}

if (TakeProfitMode == “fixed”) {tpp = TakeProfitPips;}
else if (TakeProfitMode == “dynamicPips”) {tpp = _dpTakeProfit_();}
else if (TakeProfitMode == “dynamicDigits”) {tpp = toPips(_ddTakeProfit_(),Symbol);}
else if (TakeProfitMode == “dynamicLevel”) {tpl = _dlTakeProfit_();}
else if (TakeProfitMode == “percentPrice”) {tpl = SymbolAsk(Symbol) + (SymbolAsk(Symbol) * TakeProfitPercentPrice / 100);}

if (StopLossMode == “percentTP”) {
if (tpp > 0) {slp = tpp*StopLossPercentTP/100;}
if (tpl > 0) {slp = toPips(MathAbs(SymbolAsk(Symbol) – tpl), Symbol)*StopLossPercentTP/100;}
if (TakeProfitMode == “percentSL”) {
if (slp > 0) {tpp = slp*TakeProfitPercentSL/100;}
if (sll > 0) {tpp = toPips(MathAbs(SymbolAsk(Symbol) – sll), Symbol)*TakeProfitPercentSL/100;}

//– lots ——————————————————————-
double lots = 0;
double pre_sll = sll;

if (pre_sll == 0) {
pre_sll = SymbolAsk(Symbol);

double pre_sl_pips = toPips(SymbolAsk(Symbol)-(pre_sll-toDigits(slp,Symbol)), Symbol);

if (VolumeMode == “fixed”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeSize);}
else if (VolumeMode == “block-equity”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeBlockPercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “block-balance”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeBlockPercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “block-freemargin”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeBlockPercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “equity”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumePercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “balance”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumePercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “freemargin”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumePercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “equityRisk”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeRisk, pre_sl_pips);}
else if (VolumeMode == “balanceRisk”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeRisk, pre_sl_pips);}
else if (VolumeMode == “freemarginRisk”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeRisk, pre_sl_pips);}
else if (VolumeMode == “fixedRisk”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeSizeRisk, pre_sl_pips);}
else if (VolumeMode == “fixedRatio”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, FixedRatioUnitSize, FixedRatioDelta);}
else if (VolumeMode == “dynamic”) {lots = _dVolumeSize_();}
else if (VolumeMode == “1326”) {lots = Bet1326(Group, Symbol, mm1326InitialLots, mm1326Reverse);}
else if (VolumeMode == “fibonacci”) {lots = BetFibonacci(Group, Symbol, mmFiboInitialLots);}
else if (VolumeMode == “dalembert”) {lots = BetDalembert(Group, Symbol, mmDalembertInitialLots, mmDalembertReverse);}
else if (VolumeMode == “labouchere”) {lots = BetLabouchere(Group, Symbol, mmLabouchereInitialLots, mmLabouchereList, mmLabouchereReverse);}
else if (VolumeMode == “martingale”) {lots = BetMartingale(Group, Symbol, mmMgInitialLots, mmMgMultiplyOnLoss, mmMgMultiplyOnProfit, mmMgAddLotsOnLoss, mmMgAddLotsOnProfit, mmMgResetOnLoss, mmMgResetOnProfit);}
else if (VolumeMode == “sequence”) {lots = BetSequence(Group, Symbol, mmSeqBaseLots, mmSeqOnLoss, mmSeqOnProfit, mmSeqReverse);}

lots = AlignLots(Symbol, lots, 0, VolumeUpperLimit);

datetime exp = ExpirationTime(ExpMode,ExpDays,ExpHours,ExpMinutes,_dExp_());

//– send ——————————————————————-
long ticket = BuyNow(Symbol, lots, sll, tpl, slp, tpp, Slippage, (MagicStart+(int)Group), MyComment, ArrowColorBuy, exp);

if (ticket > 0) {_callback_(1);} else {_callback_(0);}

// “Bears in a row” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6,typename T7>
class MDL_SignalBearsInArow: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 SignalType;
T2 RowSize;
T3 MinBodySize;
T4 RowMode;
T5 Symbol;
T6 Period;
T7 Shift;
/* Static Parameters */
datetime bartime;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
SignalType = (string)”continuous”;
RowSize = (int)3;
MinBodySize = (double)5.0;
RowMode = (string)”normal”;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();
Shift = (int)0;
/* Static Parameters (initial value) */
bartime = 0;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
bool success = true;
double cSizePrev = 0;
bool pass = false;

if (SignalType == “continuous” || bartime < iTime(Symbol,Period,1))
for (int id=Shift+RowSize-1; id>=Shift; id–)
double cSize = iOpen(Symbol,Period,id) – iClose(Symbol,Period,id);

if (
(cSize < toDigits(MinBodySize, Symbol))
|| (RowMode == “bigger” && cSizePrev > 0 && cSize <= cSizePrev)
|| (RowMode == “smaller” && cSizePrev > 0 && cSize >= cSizePrev)
success = false;

cSizePrev = cSize;

if (success == true)
if (SignalType != “continuous”)
bartime = iTime(Symbol,Period,1);

pass = true;

if (pass == true) {_callback_(1);} else {_callback_(0);}

// “Sell now” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6,typename T7,typename T8,typename T9,typename _T9_,typename T10,typename T11,typename T12,typename T13,typename T14,typename T15,typename T16,typename T17,typename T18,typename T19,typename T20,typename T21,typename T22,typename T23,typename T24,typename T25,typename T26,typename T27,typename T28,typename T29,typename T30,typename T31,typename T32,typename T33,typename T34,typename T35,typename T36,typename _T36_,typename T37,typename _T37_,typename T38,typename _T38_,typename T39,typename T40,typename T41,typename T42,typename T43,typename _T43_,typename T44,typename _T44_,typename T45,typename _T45_,typename T46,typename T47,typename T48,typename T49,typename T50,typename _T50_,typename T51,typename T52,typename T53>
class MDL_SellNow: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 Group;
T2 Symbol;
T3 VolumeMode;
T4 VolumeSize;
T5 VolumeSizeRisk;
T6 VolumeRisk;
T7 VolumePercent;
T8 VolumeBlockPercent;
T9 dVolumeSize; virtual _T9_ _dVolumeSize_(){return(_T9_)0;}
T10 FixedRatioUnitSize;
T11 FixedRatioDelta;
T12 mmMgInitialLots;
T13 mmMgMultiplyOnLoss;
T14 mmMgMultiplyOnProfit;
T15 mmMgAddLotsOnLoss;
T16 mmMgAddLotsOnProfit;
T17 mmMgResetOnLoss;
T18 mmMgResetOnProfit;
T19 mm1326InitialLots;
T20 mm1326Reverse;
T21 mmFiboInitialLots;
T22 mmDalembertInitialLots;
T23 mmDalembertReverse;
T24 mmLabouchereInitialLots;
T25 mmLabouchereList;
T26 mmLabouchereReverse;
T27 mmSeqBaseLots;
T28 mmSeqOnLoss;
T29 mmSeqOnProfit;
T30 mmSeqReverse;
T31 VolumeUpperLimit;
T32 StopLossMode;
T33 StopLossPips;
T34 StopLossPercentPrice;
T35 StopLossPercentTP;
T36 dlStopLoss; virtual _T36_ _dlStopLoss_(){return(_T36_)0;}
T37 dpStopLoss; virtual _T37_ _dpStopLoss_(){return(_T37_)0;}
T38 ddStopLoss; virtual _T38_ _ddStopLoss_(){return(_T38_)0;}
T39 TakeProfitMode;
T40 TakeProfitPips;
T41 TakeProfitPercentPrice;
T42 TakeProfitPercentSL;
T43 dlTakeProfit; virtual _T43_ _dlTakeProfit_(){return(_T43_)0;}
T44 dpTakeProfit; virtual _T44_ _dpTakeProfit_(){return(_T44_)0;}
T45 ddTakeProfit; virtual _T45_ _ddTakeProfit_(){return(_T45_)0;}
T46 ExpMode;
T47 ExpDays;
T48 ExpHours;
T49 ExpMinutes;
T50 dExp; virtual _T50_ _dExp_(){return(_T50_)0;}
T51 Slippage;
T52 MyComment;
T53 ArrowColorSell;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
Group = (string)””;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeMode = (string)”fixed”;
VolumeSize = (double)0.1;
VolumeSizeRisk = (double)50.0;
VolumeRisk = (double)2.5;
VolumePercent = (double)100.0;
VolumeBlockPercent = (double)3.0;
FixedRatioUnitSize = (double)0.01;
FixedRatioDelta = (double)20.0;
mmMgInitialLots = (double)0.1;
mmMgMultiplyOnLoss = (double)2.0;
mmMgMultiplyOnProfit = (double)1.0;
mmMgAddLotsOnLoss = (double)0.0;
mmMgAddLotsOnProfit = (double)0.0;
mmMgResetOnLoss = (int)0;
mmMgResetOnProfit = (int)1;
mm1326InitialLots = (double)0.1;
mm1326Reverse = (bool)false;
mmFiboInitialLots = (double)0.1;
mmDalembertInitialLots = (double)0.1;
mmDalembertReverse = (bool)false;
mmLabouchereInitialLots = (double)0.1;
mmLabouchereList = (string)”1,2,3,4,5,6″;
mmLabouchereReverse = (bool)false;
mmSeqBaseLots = (double)0.1;
mmSeqOnLoss = (string)”3,2,6″;
mmSeqOnProfit = (string)”1″;
mmSeqReverse = (bool)false;
VolumeUpperLimit = (double)0.0;
StopLossMode = (string)”fixed”;
StopLossPips = (double)50.0;
StopLossPercentPrice = (double)0.55;
StopLossPercentTP = (double)100.0;
TakeProfitMode = (string)”fixed”;
TakeProfitPips = (double)50.0;
TakeProfitPercentPrice = (double)0.55;
TakeProfitPercentSL = (double)100.0;
ExpMode = (string)”GTC”;
ExpDays = (int)0;
ExpHours = (int)1;
ExpMinutes = (int)0;
Slippage = (ulong)4;
MyComment = (string)””;
ArrowColorSell = (color)clrRed;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
//– stops ——————————————————————
double sll = 0, slp = 0, tpl = 0, tpp = 0;

if (StopLossMode == “fixed”) {slp = StopLossPips;}
else if (StopLossMode == “dynamicPips”) {slp = _dpStopLoss_();}
else if (StopLossMode == “dynamicDigits”) {slp = toPips(_ddStopLoss_(),Symbol);}
else if (StopLossMode == “dynamicLevel”) {sll = _dlStopLoss_();}
else if (StopLossMode == “percentPrice”) {sll = SymbolBid(Symbol) + (SymbolBid(Symbol) * StopLossPercentPrice / 100);}

if (TakeProfitMode == “fixed”) {tpp = TakeProfitPips;}
else if (TakeProfitMode == “dynamicPips”) {tpp = _dpTakeProfit_();}
else if (TakeProfitMode == “dynamicDigits”) {tpp = toPips(_ddTakeProfit_(),Symbol);}
else if (TakeProfitMode == “dynamicLevel”) {tpl = _dlTakeProfit_();}
else if (TakeProfitMode == “percentPrice”) {tpl = SymbolBid(Symbol) – (SymbolBid(Symbol) * TakeProfitPercentPrice / 100);}

if (StopLossMode == “percentTP”) {
if (tpp > 0) {slp = tpp*StopLossPercentTP/100;}
if (tpl > 0) {slp = toPips(MathAbs(SymbolBid(Symbol) – tpl), Symbol)*StopLossPercentTP/100;}
if (TakeProfitMode == “percentSL”) {
if (slp > 0) {tpp = slp*TakeProfitPercentSL/100;}
if (sll > 0) {tpp = toPips(MathAbs(SymbolBid(Symbol) – sll), Symbol)*TakeProfitPercentSL/100;}

//– lots ——————————————————————-
double lots = 0;
double pre_sll = sll;

if (pre_sll == 0) {
pre_sll = SymbolBid(Symbol);

double pre_sl_pips = toPips((pre_sll+toDigits(slp,Symbol))-SymbolBid(Symbol), Symbol);

if (VolumeMode == “fixed”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeSize);}
else if (VolumeMode == “block-equity”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeBlockPercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “block-balance”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeBlockPercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “block-freemargin”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeBlockPercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “equity”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumePercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “balance”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumePercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “freemargin”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumePercent);}
else if (VolumeMode == “equityRisk”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeRisk, pre_sl_pips);}
else if (VolumeMode == “balanceRisk”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeRisk, pre_sl_pips);}
else if (VolumeMode == “freemarginRisk”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeRisk, pre_sl_pips);}
else if (VolumeMode == “fixedRisk”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, VolumeSizeRisk, pre_sl_pips);}
else if (VolumeMode == “fixedRatio”) {lots = DynamicLots(Symbol, VolumeMode, FixedRatioUnitSize, FixedRatioDelta);}
else if (VolumeMode == “dynamic”) {lots = _dVolumeSize_();}
else if (VolumeMode == “1326”) {lots = Bet1326(Group, Symbol, mm1326InitialLots, mm1326Reverse);}
else if (VolumeMode == “fibonacci”) {lots = BetFibonacci(Group, Symbol, mmFiboInitialLots);}
else if (VolumeMode == “dalembert”) {lots = BetDalembert(Group, Symbol, mmDalembertInitialLots, mmDalembertReverse);}
else if (VolumeMode == “labouchere”) {lots = BetLabouchere(Group, Symbol, mmLabouchereInitialLots, mmLabouchereList, mmLabouchereReverse);}
else if (VolumeMode == “martingale”) {lots = BetMartingale(Group, Symbol, mmMgInitialLots, mmMgMultiplyOnLoss, mmMgMultiplyOnProfit, mmMgAddLotsOnLoss, mmMgAddLotsOnProfit, mmMgResetOnLoss, mmMgResetOnProfit);}
else if (VolumeMode == “sequence”) {lots = BetSequence(Group, Symbol, mmSeqBaseLots, mmSeqOnLoss, mmSeqOnProfit, mmSeqReverse);}

lots = AlignLots(Symbol, lots, 0, VolumeUpperLimit);

datetime exp = ExpirationTime(ExpMode,ExpDays,ExpHours,ExpMinutes,_dExp_());

//– send ——————————————————————-
long ticket = SellNow(Symbol, lots, sll, tpl, slp, tpp, Slippage, (MagicStart+(int)Group), MyComment, ArrowColorSell, exp);

if (ticket > 0) {_callback_(1);} else {_callback_(0);}

// “Bucket of Trades” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6>
class MDL_BucketSelectOpened: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 BucketID;
T2 GroupMode;
T3 Group;
T4 SymbolMode;
T5 Symbol;
T6 BuysOrSells;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
BucketID = (color)clrGray;
GroupMode = (string)”group”;
Group = (string)””;
SymbolMode = (string)”symbol”;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
BuysOrSells = (string)”both”;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
int list[];
double sortexp[];
int s = 0;

int i_start = TradesTotal()-1;
int i_stop = 0;
int i_inc = -1;

int pool = 0;
int i = i_start – i_inc;

while (true)
if (i == i_stop) {break;}
i = i + i_inc;

if (TradeSelectByIndex(i, GroupMode, Group, SymbolMode, Symbol, BuysOrSells))
ArrayResize(list, s+1);

list[s] = (int)OrderTicket();

BucketsOfOrders(BucketID, list, pool, true);

if (s > 0) {_callback_(1);} else {_callback_(0);}

// “check profit” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6,typename T7>
class MDL_LoopCheckProfit: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 Compare;
T2 ProfitCheckMode;
T3 CurrencyAmount;
T4 PercentAccountProfit;
T5 PercentEquity;
T6 PercentBalance;
T7 PercentFreeMargin;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
Compare = (string)”>”;
ProfitCheckMode = (string)”currency”;
CurrencyAmount = (double)10.0;
PercentAccountProfit = (double)50.0;
PercentEquity = (double)5.0;
PercentBalance = (double)5.0;
PercentFreeMargin = (double)5.0;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
if (FXD_BREAK == true) {return;}


double profit = NormalizeDouble(OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission(), 2);
double amount = 0;

if (ProfitCheckMode == “currency”) {amount = CurrencyAmount;}
else if (ProfitCheckMode == “accountprofit”) {amount = AccountProfit()*PercentAccountProfit/100;}
else if (ProfitCheckMode == “equity”) {amount = AccountEquity()*PercentEquity/100;}
else if (ProfitCheckMode == “balance”) {amount = AccountBalance()*PercentBalance/100;}
else if (ProfitCheckMode == “freemargin”) {amount = AccountFreeMargin()*PercentFreeMargin/100;}

if (compare(Compare, profit, amount)) {_callback_(1);} else {_callback_(0);}

// “Close trades” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6,typename T7,typename T8>
class MDL_CloseOpened: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 GroupMode;
T2 Group;
T3 SymbolMode;
T4 Symbol;
T5 BuysOrSells;
T6 OrderMinutes;
T7 Slippage;
T8 ArrowColor;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
GroupMode = (string)”group”;
Group = (string)””;
SymbolMode = (string)”symbol”;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
BuysOrSells = (string)”both”;
OrderMinutes = (int)0;
Slippage = (ulong)4;
ArrowColor = (color)clrDeepPink;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
int closed_count = 0;
bool finished = false;

while (finished == false)
int count = 0;

for (int index = TradesTotal()-1; index >= 0; index–)
if (TradeSelectByIndex(index, GroupMode, Group, SymbolMode, Symbol, BuysOrSells))
datetime time_diff = TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime();

if (time_diff < 0) {time_diff = 0;} // this actually happens sometimes

if (time_diff >= 60 * OrderMinutes)
if (CloseTrade(OrderTicket(), Slippage, ArrowColor))


if (count == 0) {finished = true;}


// “check loss” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6,typename T7>
class MDL_LoopCheckLoss: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 Compare;
T2 ProfitCheckMode;
T3 CurrencyAmount;
T4 PercentAccountProfit;
T5 PercentEquity;
T6 PercentBalance;
T7 PercentFreeMargin;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
Compare = (string)”>”;
ProfitCheckMode = (string)”currency”;
CurrencyAmount = (double)10.0;
PercentAccountProfit = (double)50.0;
PercentEquity = (double)5.0;
PercentBalance = (double)5.0;
PercentFreeMargin = (double)5.0;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
if (FXD_BREAK == true) {return;}


double profit = NormalizeDouble(OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission(), 2);
double amount = 0;

if (ProfitCheckMode == “currency”) {amount = CurrencyAmount;}
else if (ProfitCheckMode == “accountprofit”) {amount = AccountProfit()*PercentAccountProfit/100;}
else if (ProfitCheckMode == “equity”) {amount = AccountEquity()*PercentEquity/100;}
else if (ProfitCheckMode == “balance”) {amount = AccountBalance()*PercentBalance/100;}
else if (ProfitCheckMode == “freemargin”) {amount = AccountFreeMargin()*PercentFreeMargin/100;}

if (compare(Compare, profit*(-1), amount)) {_callback_(1);} else {_callback_(0);}

// “Once a day” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5>
class MDL_OnceAday: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 ServerOrLocalTime;
T2 HoursFilter;
T3 CertainHour;
T4 StartHour;
T5 EndHour;
/* Static Parameters */
int day0;
int year0;
datetime skipUntil;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
ServerOrLocalTime = (string)”server”;
HoursFilter = (string)”disabled”;
CertainHour = (string)”09:15″;
StartHour = (string)”01:00″;
EndHour = (string)”08:00″;
/* Static Parameters (initial value) */
day0 = 0;
year0 = 0;
skipUntil = 0;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
// The following variable is used for a little bit of cache, to prevent TimeToStruct() from slowing down.
// It seems that TimeCurrent(Time) is slower than TimeCurrent()

int day = 0;
int year = 0;
bool next = false;
datetime time = 0;
int mode_time = 0;

if (ServerOrLocalTime == “server”) {time = TimeCurrent(); mode_time = 0;}
else if (ServerOrLocalTime == “local”) {time = TimeLocal(); mode_time = 1;}
else if (ServerOrLocalTime == “gmt”) {time = TimeGMT(); mode_time = 2;}

if (time >= skipUntil)
MqlDateTime time_struct;
TimeToStruct(time, time_struct);

year = time_struct.year;
day = time_struct.day_of_year;

if (day != day0 || year != year0)
if (HoursFilter == “disabled”)
next = true;
else if (HoursFilter == “hour”)
if (
time >= TimeFromString(mode_time, CertainHour)
&& time < TimeFromString(mode_time, CertainHour) + 60 // make it 60 seconds period
next = true;
else if (HoursFilter == “period”)
if (
time >= TimeFromString(mode_time, StartHour)
&& time < TimeFromString(mode_time, EndHour)
next = true;

if (next == true)
day0 = day;
year0 = year;
skipUntil = (datetime)(MathFloor((time + 86400) / 86400.0) * 86400.0); // This calculation gives us 00:00 of the following day


// “Pass” model
class MDL_Pass: public BlockCalls
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()

// “Trailing stop (each trade)” model
template<typename T1,typename T2,typename T3,typename T4,typename T5,typename T6,typename T7,typename T8,typename T9,typename T10,typename T11,typename T12,typename T13,typename T14,typename _T14_,typename T15,typename _T15_,typename T16,typename T17,typename T18,typename T19,typename T20,typename T21,typename T22,typename T23,typename T24,typename _T24_,typename T25,typename _T25_,typename T26,typename T27,typename T28,typename T29,typename _T29_,typename T30>
class MDL_TrailingStop2: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 GroupMode;
T2 Group;
T3 SymbolMode;
T4 Symbol;
T5 BuysOrSells;
T6 TrailWhat;
T7 TrailingReferencePrice;
T8 TrailingStopMode;
T9 tStopPips;
T10 tStopMoney;
T11 tStopMultiple;
T12 tStopPercentTP;
T13 tStopPercentProfit;
T14 ftStop; virtual _T14_ _ftStop_(){return(_T14_)0;}
T15 ftDigits; virtual _T15_ _ftDigits_(){return(_T15_)0;}
T16 TrailingStepMode;
T17 tStepPips;
T18 tStepPercentTS;
T19 TrailingStartMode;
T20 tStartPips;
T21 tStartPercentTS;
T22 tStartPercentSL;
T23 tStartPercentTP;
T24 ftStart; virtual _T24_ _ftStart_(){return(_T24_)0;}
T25 ftStartFraction; virtual _T25_ _ftStartFraction_(){return(_T25_)0;}
T26 TrailingTPmode;
T27 tTPpips;
T28 tTPpercentTS;
T29 ftTP; virtual _T29_ _ftTP_(){return(_T29_)0;}
T30 LevelColor;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
GroupMode = (string)”group”;
Group = (string)””;
SymbolMode = (string)”symbol”;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
BuysOrSells = (string)”both”;
TrailWhat = (int)1;
TrailingReferencePrice = (int)0;
TrailingStopMode = (string)”fixed”;
tStopPips = (double)40.0;
tStopMoney = (double)10.0;
tStopMultiple = (string)”20/5, 30/10″;
tStopPercentTP = (double)100.0;
tStopPercentProfit = (double)50.0;
TrailingStepMode = (string)”fixed”;
tStepPips = (double)1.0;
tStepPercentTS = (double)10.0;
TrailingStartMode = (string)”none”;
tStartPips = (double)10.0;
tStartPercentTS = (double)100.0;
tStartPercentSL = (double)10.0;
tStartPercentTP = (double)10.0;
TrailingTPmode = (string)”none”;
tTPpips = (double)20.0;
tTPpercentTS = (double)200.0;
LevelColor = (color)clrDeepPink;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
int total = TradesTotal();

for (int index = 0; index < total; index++)
if (TradeSelectByIndex(index, GroupMode, Group, SymbolMode, Symbol, BuysOrSells))
string symbol = OrderSymbol();
double ask = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
double bid = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
double stopslevel = (double)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL);
int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);
int polarity = 1; // 1 = buy, -1 = sell
double askbid = ask; // could be Ask or Bid
double bidask = bid; // the opposite of askbid
double sltp = 0; // could be SL or TP
double tpsl = 0; // the opposite of sltp
double fsl = 0; // Freeze Level
double limit = 0;
double t_stop = 0; // trailing STOP
double t_start = 0; // trailing START
double t_step = 0; // trailing STEP
double t_opp = 0; // trailing Opposite (TP when trailing SL or SL when trailing TP)

if (TrailWhat > 0) {
sltp = attrStopLoss();
tpsl = attrTakeProfit();
else {
sltp = attrTakeProfit();
tpsl = attrStopLoss();

if (OrderType() == 0) {
polarity = 1;

if (TrailingReferencePrice == 1)
askbid = bid;
bidask = ask;
else if (OrderType() == 1) {
polarity = -1;
askbid = bid;
bidask = ask;

if (TrailingReferencePrice == 1) {
askbid = ask;
bidask = bid;

if (TrailingReferencePrice == 2) {
askbid = (ask + bid) / 2;
bidask = (ask + bid) / 2;

// Trailing Stop Size
if (TrailingStopMode == “fixed”) {t_stop = toDigits(tStopPips, symbol);}
else if (TrailingStopMode == “percentTP”) {t_stop = (MathAbs(OrderOpenPrice() – tpsl)) * (tStopPercentTP / 100);}
else if (TrailingStopMode == “percentProfit”) {t_stop = (MathAbs(askbid – OrderOpenPrice())) * (tStopPercentProfit / 100);}
else if (TrailingStopMode == “dynamicSize”) {t_stop = toDigits(_ftStop_(), symbol);}
else if (TrailingStopMode == “dynamicDigits”) {t_stop = _ftDigits_();}
else if (TrailingStopMode == “dynamic”)
// TODO: ftStop is now used for both, dynamic and dynamicSize – separate it
t_stop = _ftStop_();
t_stop = (polarity == 1) ? ask – t_stop : t_stop – bid;
else if (TrailingStopMode == “money”)
t_stop = tStopMoney;

double lotsize = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE);
double tickvalue = (SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE) / SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE)) * SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);
t_stop = t_stop / (OrderLots() * PipValue(symbol));
// TODO: remove this toDigits(), the calculation should be made directly into digits
t_stop = toDigits(t_stop / tickvalue, symbol);

// Trailing Start Level
if (TrailingStartMode == “none”) {t_start = -EMPTY_VALUE;}
else if (TrailingStartMode == “zero”) {t_start = 0;}
else if (TrailingStartMode == “fixed”) {t_start = toDigits(tStartPips, symbol);}
else if (TrailingStartMode == “percentTS”) {t_start = t_stop * (tStartPercentTS / 100);}
else if (TrailingStartMode == “percentTP”) {t_start = (MathAbs(OrderOpenPrice() – tpsl)) * (tStartPercentTP / 100);}
else if (TrailingStartMode == “percentSL”) {t_start = (MathAbs(OrderOpenPrice() – sltp)) * (tStartPercentSL / 100);}
else if (TrailingStartMode == “function”) {t_start = toDigits(_ftStart_(), symbol);}
else if (TrailingStartMode == “functionFraction”) {t_start = _ftStartFraction_();}

// Trailing Step Size
if (TrailingStepMode == “fixed”) {t_step = toDigits(tStepPips, symbol);}
else if (TrailingStepMode == “percentTS”) {t_step = t_stop * (tStepPercentTS / 100);}

// Trailing Opposite Size
if (TrailingTPmode == “none”) {t_opp = tpsl;}
else if (TrailingTPmode == “clear”) {t_opp = 0;}
else if (TrailingTPmode == “fixed”) {t_opp = TrailWhat * (OrderOpenPrice() + (polarity * toDigits(tTPpips, symbol)));}
else if (TrailingTPmode == “percentTS”) {t_opp = TrailWhat * (OrderOpenPrice() + (polarity * toDigits(t_stop * (tTPpercentTS / 100), symbol)));}
else if (TrailingTPmode == “function”) {t_opp = _ftTP_();}

// this mode is located here because it overrides Start, Stop and Step
// the idea here is to use Start as target profits
if (TrailingStopMode == “multiple”)
bool next = false;
string tmp1[];
string tmp2[];

StringExplode(“,”, tStopMultiple, tmp1);

for (int i = ArraySize(tmp1)-1; i >= 0; i–)
StringExplode(“/”, tmp1[i], tmp2);

if (ArraySize(tmp2) != 2) {continue;}

// trailing start will be used as the treshold level
double new_start = toDigits(StringToDouble(StringTrim(tmp2[0])), symbol);

// the regular trailing start is bigger than this level -> skip
if (new_start < t_start) {continue;}

// check whether the current price<->op distance is bigger than some of the desired levels
double diff = NormalizeDouble(askbid – OrderOpenPrice(), digits);

if (polarity * TrailWhat * diff >= new_start)
// and setup parameters so SL will be moved
t_start = new_start;
t_stop = polarity * TrailWhat * diff – toDigits(StringToDouble(StringTrim(tmp2[1])), symbol);

next = true;

if (next == false) {continue;}

stopslevel = stopslevel * SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);

if (t_stop <= 0) {continue;}

if (OrderType() == 0 && TrailWhat * (askbid – OrderOpenPrice()) > t_start)
if ((TrailWhat * (askbid – sltp) >= t_stop + t_step) || sltp == 0)
// consider minimum stop
fsl = MathAbs(askbid – t_stop);
limit = bidask – stopslevel * TrailWhat;

if (fsl > limit) {fsl = limit;}

if (TrailWhat == 1) // trail SL
if (sltp == 0 || sltp < fsl) {
ModifyStops(OrderTicket(), askbid – t_stop, t_opp, LevelColor);
else { // trail TP
if (sltp == 0 || sltp > fsl) {
ModifyStops(OrderTicket(), t_opp, askbid + t_stop, LevelColor);
else if (OrderType() == 1 && TrailWhat * (OrderOpenPrice() – askbid) > t_start)
if ((TrailWhat * (sltp – askbid) >= t_stop + t_step) || sltp == 0)
// consider minimum stop
fsl = MathAbs(askbid + t_stop);
limit = bidask + stopslevel * TrailWhat;

if (fsl < limit) {fsl = limit;}

if (TrailWhat == 1)
{ // trail SL
if (sltp == 0 || sltp > fsl)
ModifyStops(OrderTicket(), askbid + t_stop, t_opp, LevelColor);
{ // trail TP
if (sltp == 0 || sltp < fsl)
ModifyStops(OrderTicket(), t_opp, askbid – t_stop, LevelColor);


// “Condition” model
template<typename T1,typename _T1_,typename T2,typename T3,typename _T3_,typename T4>
class MDL_Condition: public BlockCalls
public: /* Input Parameters */
T1 Lo; virtual _T1_ _Lo_(){return(_T1_)0;}
T2 compare;
T3 Ro; virtual _T3_ _Ro_(){return(_T3_)0;}
T4 crosswidth;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
compare = (string)”>”;
crosswidth = (int)1;

public: /* The main method */
virtual void _execute_()
bool output1 = false, output2 = false; // output 1 and output 2
int crossover = 0;

if (compare == “x>” || compare == “x<“) {crossover = 1;}

for (int i = 0; i <= crossover; i++)
// i=0 – normal pass, i=1 – crossover pass

// Left operand of the condition
FXD_MORE_SHIFT = i * crosswidth;
_T1_ lo = _Lo_();
if (MathAbs(lo) == EMPTY_VALUE) {return;}

// Right operand of the condition
FXD_MORE_SHIFT = i * crosswidth;
_T3_ ro = _Ro_();
if (MathAbs(ro) == EMPTY_VALUE) {return;}

// Conditions
if (CompareValues(compare, lo, ro))
if (i == 0)
output1 = true;
if (i == 0)
output2 = true;
output2 = false;

if (crossover == 1)
if (CompareValues(compare, ro, lo))
if (i == 0)
output2 = true;
if (i == 1)
output1 = false;

FXD_MORE_SHIFT = 0; // reset

if (output1 == true) {_callback_(1);}
else if (output2 == true) {_callback_(0);}


// “Numeric” model
class MDLIC_value_value
public: /* Input Parameters */
double Value;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
Value = (double)1.0;

public: /* The main method */
double _execute_()
return Value;

// “Time” model
class MDLIC_value_time
public: /* Input Parameters */
int ModeTime;
int TimeSource;
string TimeStamp;
int TimeCandleID;
string TimeMarket;
ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeCandleTimeframe;
int TimeComponentYear;
int TimeComponentMonth;
double TimeComponentDay;
double TimeComponentHour;
double TimeComponentMinute;
int TimeComponentSecond;
int ModeTimeShift;
int TimeShiftYears;
int TimeShiftMonths;
int TimeShiftWeeks;
double TimeShiftDays;
double TimeShiftHours;
double TimeShiftMinutes;
int TimeShiftSeconds;
bool TimeSkipWeekdays;
/* Static Parameters */
datetime retval;
datetime retval0;
int ModeTime0;
int smodeshift;
int years0;
int months0;
datetime Time[];
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
ModeTime = (int)0;
TimeSource = (int)0;
TimeStamp = (string)”00:00″;
TimeCandleID = (int)1;
TimeMarket = (string)””;
TimeCandleTimeframe = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)0;
TimeComponentYear = (int)0;
TimeComponentMonth = (int)0;
TimeComponentDay = (double)0.0;
TimeComponentHour = (double)12.0;
TimeComponentMinute = (double)0.0;
TimeComponentSecond = (int)0;
ModeTimeShift = (int)0;
TimeShiftYears = (int)0;
TimeShiftMonths = (int)0;
TimeShiftWeeks = (int)0;
TimeShiftDays = (double)0.0;
TimeShiftHours = (double)0.0;
TimeShiftMinutes = (double)0.0;
TimeShiftSeconds = (int)0;
TimeSkipWeekdays = (bool)false;
/* Static Parameters (initial value) */
retval = 0;
retval0 = 0;
ModeTime0 = 0;
smodeshift = 0;
years0 = 0;
months0 = 0;

public: /* The main method */
datetime _execute_()
// this is static for speed reasons

if (TimeMarket == “”) TimeMarket = Symbol();

if (ModeTime == 0)
if (TimeSource == 0) {retval = TimeCurrent();}
else if (TimeSource == 1) {retval = TimeLocal();}
else if (TimeSource == 2) {retval = TimeGMT();}
else if (ModeTime == 1)
retval = StringToTime(TimeStamp);
retval0 = retval;
else if (ModeTime==2)
retval = TimeFromComponents(TimeSource, TimeComponentYear, TimeComponentMonth, TimeComponentDay, TimeComponentHour, TimeComponentMinute, TimeComponentSecond);
else if (ModeTime == 3)
retval = Time[0];

if (ModeTimeShift > 0)
int sh = 1;

if (ModeTimeShift == 1) {sh = -1;}

if (
ModeTimeShift != smodeshift
|| TimeShiftYears != years0
|| TimeShiftMonths != months0
years0 = TimeShiftYears;
months0 = TimeShiftMonths;

if (TimeShiftYears > 0 || TimeShiftMonths > 0)
int year = 0, month = 0, week = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;

if (ModeTime == 3)
year = TimeComponentYear;
month = TimeComponentYear;
day = (int)MathFloor(TimeComponentDay);
hour = (int)(MathFloor(TimeComponentHour) + (24 * (TimeComponentDay – MathFloor(TimeComponentDay))));
minute = (int)(MathFloor(TimeComponentMinute) + (60 * (TimeComponentHour – MathFloor(TimeComponentHour))));
second = (int)(TimeComponentSecond + (60 * (TimeComponentMinute – MathFloor(TimeComponentMinute))));
else {
year = TimeYear(retval);
month = TimeMonth(retval);
day = TimeDay(retval);
hour = TimeHour(retval);
minute = TimeMinute(retval);
second = TimeSeconds(retval);

year = year + TimeShiftYears * sh;
month = month + TimeShiftMonths * sh;

if (month < 0) {month = 12 – month;}
else if (month > 12) {month = month – 12;}

retval = StringToTime(IntegerToString(year)+”.”+IntegerToString(month)+”.”+IntegerToString(day)+” “+IntegerToString(hour)+”:”+IntegerToString(minute)+”:”+IntegerToString(second));

retval = retval + (sh * ((604800 * TimeShiftWeeks) + SecondsFromComponents(TimeShiftDays, TimeShiftHours, TimeShiftMinutes, TimeShiftSeconds)));

if (TimeSkipWeekdays == true)
int weekday = TimeDayOfWeek(retval);

if (sh > 0) { // forward
if (weekday == 0) {retval = retval + 86400;}
else if (weekday == 6) {retval = retval + 172800;}
else if (sh < 0) { // back
if (weekday == 0) {retval = retval – 172800;}
else if (weekday == 6) {retval = retval – 86400;}

smodeshift = ModeTimeShift;
ModeTime0 = ModeTime;

return (datetime)retval;

// “Parabolic SAR” model
class MDLIC_indicators_iSAR
public: /* Input Parameters */
double Step;
double Maximum;
string Symbol;
int Shift;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
Step = (double)0.02;
Maximum = (double)0.2;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();
Shift = (int)0;

public: /* The main method */
double _execute_()
return iSAR(Symbol, Period, Step, Maximum, Shift + FXD_MORE_SHIFT);

// “Pips” model
class MDLIC_value_points
public: /* Input Parameters */
double Value;
int ModeValue;
string Symbol;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
Value = (double)10.0;
ModeValue = (int)1;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();

public: /* The main method */
double _execute_()
double retval = 0;

if (ModeValue == 0) {retval = Value;}
else if (ModeValue == 1) {retval = Value*SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol,SYMBOL_POINT)*PipValue(Symbol);}

return retval;

// “Candle” model
class MDLIC_candles_candles
public: /* Input Parameters */
string iOHLC;
string ModeCandleFindBy;
int CandleID;
string TimeStamp;
string Symbol;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
iOHLC = (string)”iClose”;
ModeCandleFindBy = (string)”id”;
CandleID = (int)0;
TimeStamp = (string)”00:00″;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();

public: /* The main method */
double _execute_()
int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(Symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);

double O[];
double H[];
double L[];
double C[];
long cTickVolume[];
long cRealVolume[];
datetime T[];

double retval = EMPTY_VALUE;

// candle’s id will change, so we don’t want to mess with the variable CandleID;
int cID = CandleID;

if (ModeCandleFindBy == “time”)
cID = iCandleID(Symbol, Period, StringToTimeEx(TimeStamp, “server”));


//– the common levels —————————————————-
if (iOHLC == “iOpen”)
if (CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1) retval = O[0];
else if (iOHLC == “iHigh”)
if (CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1) retval = H[0];
else if (iOHLC == “iLow”)
if (CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1) retval = L[0];
else if (iOHLC == “iClose”)
if (CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1) retval = C[0];

//– non-price values —————————————————-
else if (iOHLC == “iVolume” || iOHLC == “iTickVolume”)
if (CopyTickVolume(Symbol,Period,cID,1,cTickVolume) > -1) retval = (double)cTickVolume[0];

return retval;
else if (iOHLC == “iRealVolume”)
if (CopyRealVolume(Symbol,Period,cID,1,cRealVolume) > -1) retval = (double)cRealVolume[0];

return retval;
else if (iOHLC == “iTime”)
if (CopyTime(Symbol,Period,cID,1,T) > -1) retval = (double)T[0];

return retval;

//– simple calculations ————————————————–
else if (iOHLC == “iMedian”)
if (
CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
&& CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
retval = ((L[0]+H[0])/2);
else if (iOHLC == “iTypical”)
if (
CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
&& CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
retval = ((L[0]+H[0]+C[0])/3);
else if (iOHLC == “iAverage”)
if (
CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
&& CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
retval = ((L[0]+H[0]+C[0]+C[0])/4);

//– more complex levels ————————————————–
else if (iOHLC==”iTotal”)
if (
CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
retval = toPips(MathAbs(H[0]-L[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBody”)
if (
CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
retval = toPips(MathAbs(C[0]-O[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iUpperWick”)
if (
CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
retval = (C[0] > O[0]) ? toPips(MathAbs(H[0]-C[0]),Symbol) : toPips(MathAbs(H[0]-O[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBottomWick”)
if (
CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
retval = (C[0] > O[0]) ? toPips(MathAbs(O[0]-L[0]),Symbol) : toPips(MathAbs(C[0]-L[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iGap”)
if (
CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID+1,1,C) > -1
retval = toPips(MathAbs(O[0]-C[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBullTotal”)
if (
CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
&& C[0] > O[0]
retval = toPips((H[0]-L[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBullBody”)
if (
CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& C[0] > O[0]
retval = toPips((C[0]-O[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBullUpperWick”)
if (
CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& C[0] > O[0]
retval = toPips((H[0]-C[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBullBottomWick”)
if (
CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
&& CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& C[0] > O[0]
retval = toPips((O[0]-L[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBearTotal”)
if (
CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
&& C[0] < O[0]
retval = toPips((H[0]-L[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBearBody”)
if (
CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& C[0] < O[0]
retval = toPips((O[0]-C[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBearUpperWick”)
if (
CopyHigh(Symbol,Period,cID,1,H) > -1
&& CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& C[0] < O[0]
retval = toPips((H[0]-O[0]),Symbol);
else if (iOHLC == “iBearBottomWick”)
if (
CopyLow(Symbol,Period,cID,1,L) > -1
&& CopyOpen(Symbol,Period,cID,1,O) > -1
&& CopyClose(Symbol,Period,cID,1,C) > -1
&& C[0] < O[0]
retval = toPips((C[0]-L[0]),Symbol);

return NormalizeDouble(retval, digits);

// “Moving Average” model
class MDLIC_indicators_iMA
public: /* Input Parameters */
int MAperiod;
int MAshift;
string Symbol;
int Shift;
virtual void _callback_(int r) {return;}

public: /* Constructor */
MAperiod = (int)14;
MAshift = (int)0;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();
Shift = (int)0;

public: /* The main method */
double _execute_()
return iMA(Symbol, Period, MAperiod, MAshift, MAmethod, AppliedPrice, Shift + FXD_MORE_SHIFT);


// Block 2 (Bulls in a row)
class Block0: public MDL_SignalBullsInArow<string,int,double,string,string,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block0() {
__block_number = 0;
__block_user_number = “2”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[3] = {12,13,14};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
Shift = 1;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
RowSize = (int)c::Candle_in_a_row;
MinBodySize = (double)c::Min_body_size;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();

// Block 3 (Buy now)
class Block1: public MDL_BuyNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block1() {
__block_number = 1;
__block_user_number = “3”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSize = (double)c::fixed_trade_size;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorBuy = (color)clrBlue;

// Block 9 (Bears in a row)
class Block2: public MDL_SignalBearsInArow<string,int,double,string,string,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block2() {
__block_number = 2;
__block_user_number = “9”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[3] = {17,18,19};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
Shift = 1;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
RowSize = (int)c::Candle_in_a_row;
MinBodySize = (double)c::Min_body_size;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();

// Block 10 (Sell now)
class Block3: public MDL_SellNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block3() {
__block_number = 3;
__block_user_number = “10”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSize = (double)c::fixed_trade_size;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorSell = (color)clrRed;

// Block 15 (Bucket of Trades)
class Block4: public MDL_BucketSelectOpened<color,string,string,string,string,string>

public: /* Constructor */
Block4() {
__block_number = 4;
__block_user_number = “15”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[2] = {5,7};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
GroupMode = “all”;
SymbolMode = “all”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
BucketID = (color)clrGray;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();

// Block 16 (check profit)
class Block5: public MDL_LoopCheckProfit<string,string,double,double,double,double,double>

public: /* Constructor */
Block5() {
__block_number = 5;
__block_user_number = “16”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {6};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
ProfitCheckMode = “balance”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
PercentBalance = (double)c::Check_profit;

// Block 18 (Close trades)
class Block6: public MDL_CloseOpened<string,string,string,string,string,int,ulong,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block6() {
__block_number = 6;
__block_user_number = “18”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;
// Block input parameters
GroupMode = “all”;
SymbolMode = “all”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
ArrowColor = (color)clrDeepPink;

// Block 20 (check loss)
class Block7: public MDL_LoopCheckLoss<string,string,double,double,double,double,double>

public: /* Constructor */
Block7() {
__block_number = 7;
__block_user_number = “20”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {8};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
ProfitCheckMode = “balance”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
PercentBalance = (double)c::Check_loss;

// Block 21 (Close trades)
class Block8: public MDL_CloseOpened<string,string,string,string,string,int,ulong,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block8() {
__block_number = 8;
__block_user_number = “21”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;
// Block input parameters
GroupMode = “all”;
SymbolMode = “all”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
ArrowColor = (color)clrDeepPink;

// Block 26 (Once a day)
class Block9: public MDL_OnceAday<string,string,string,string,string>

public: /* Constructor */
Block9() {
__block_number = 9;
__block_user_number = “26”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[2] = {44,45};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
HoursFilter = “hour”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
CertainHour = (string)c::Scantime;

// Block 27 (Pass)
class Block10: public MDL_Pass

public: /* Constructor */
Block10() {
__block_number = 10;
__block_user_number = “27”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {11};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 28 (Trailing stop (each trade))
class Block11: public MDL_TrailingStop2<string,string,string,string,string,int,int,string,double,double,string,double,double,MDLIC_indicators_iSAR,double,MDLIC_value_points,double,string,double,double,string,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block11() {
__block_number = 11;
__block_user_number = “28”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
ftDigits.Value = 40.0;
ftStart.Value = 0.0;
ftStartFraction.Value = 0.001;
ftTP.Value = 0.0;
// Block input parameters
TrailingStartMode = “fixed”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _ftStop_() {
ftStop.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
ftStop.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return ftStop._execute_();
virtual double _ftDigits_() {
ftDigits.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();

return ftDigits._execute_();
virtual double _ftStart_() {return ftStart._execute_();}
virtual double _ftStartFraction_() {return ftStartFraction._execute_();}
virtual double _ftTP_() {return ftTP._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
tStopPips = (double)c::Trailing_stop;
tStartPips = (double)c::Trailing_start;
LevelColor = (color)clrDeepPink;

// Block 29 (Condition)
class Block12: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block12() {
__block_number = 12;
__block_user_number = “29”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {1};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Ro.Value = 0.0;
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 31 (Condition)
class Block13: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block13() {
__block_number = 13;
__block_user_number = “31”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {15};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 32 (Condition)
class Block14: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block14() {
__block_number = 14;
__block_user_number = “32”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {16};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Ro.Value = 2.0;
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 33 (Buy now)
class Block15: public MDL_BuyNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block15() {
__block_number = 15;
__block_user_number = “33”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;
// Block input parameters
VolumeMode = “fixedRisk”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSize = (double)c::fixed_trade_size;
VolumeSizeRisk = (double)c::amount_loss;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorBuy = (color)clrBlue;

// Block 34 (Buy now)
class Block16: public MDL_BuyNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block16() {
__block_number = 16;
__block_user_number = “34”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;
// Block input parameters
VolumeMode = “balanceRisk”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSize = (double)c::fixed_trade_size;
VolumeRisk = (double)c::Risk;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorBuy = (color)clrBlue;

// Block 35 (Condition)
class Block17: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block17() {
__block_number = 17;
__block_user_number = “35”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {3};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Ro.Value = 0.0;
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 37 (Condition)
class Block18: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block18() {
__block_number = 18;
__block_user_number = “37”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {20};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 38 (Condition)
class Block19: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block19() {
__block_number = 19;
__block_user_number = “38”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {21};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Ro.Value = 2.0;
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 39 (Sell now)
class Block20: public MDL_SellNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block20() {
__block_number = 20;
__block_user_number = “39”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;
// Block input parameters
VolumeMode = “fixedRisk”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSizeRisk = (double)c::amount_loss;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorSell = (color)clrRed;

// Block 40 (Sell now)
class Block21: public MDL_SellNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block21() {
__block_number = 21;
__block_user_number = “40”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;
// Block input parameters
VolumeMode = “equityRisk”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeRisk = (double)c::Risk;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorSell = (color)clrRed;

// Block 42 (Close trades)
class Block22: public MDL_CloseOpened<string,string,string,string,string,int,ulong,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block22() {
__block_number = 22;
__block_user_number = “42”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;
// Block input parameters
GroupMode = “all”;
SymbolMode = “all”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
ArrowColor = (color)clrDeepPink;

// Block 43 (Condition)
class Block23: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block23() {
__block_number = 23;
__block_user_number = “43”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {22};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::daily_close;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 58 (Bulls in a row)
class Block24: public MDL_SignalBullsInArow<string,int,double,string,string,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block24() {
__block_number = 24;
__block_user_number = “58”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[3] = {28,29,30};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
SignalType = “once”;
Shift = 1;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
RowSize = (int)c::Candle_in_a_row;
MinBodySize = (double)c::Min_body_size;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();

// Block 59 (Buy now)
class Block25: public MDL_BuyNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block25() {
__block_number = 25;
__block_user_number = “59”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSize = (double)c::fixed_trade_size;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorBuy = (color)clrBlue;

// Block 65 (Bears in a row)
class Block26: public MDL_SignalBearsInArow<string,int,double,string,string,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block26() {
__block_number = 26;
__block_user_number = “65”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[3] = {33,34,35};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
SignalType = “once”;
Shift = 1;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
RowSize = (int)c::Candle_in_a_row;
MinBodySize = (double)c::Min_body_size;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();

// Block 66 (Sell now)
class Block27: public MDL_SellNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block27() {
__block_number = 27;
__block_user_number = “66”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSize = (double)c::fixed_trade_size;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorSell = (color)clrRed;

// Block 85 (Condition)
class Block28: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block28() {
__block_number = 28;
__block_user_number = “85”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {25};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Ro.Value = 0.0;
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 87 (Condition)
class Block29: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block29() {
__block_number = 29;
__block_user_number = “87”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {31};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 88 (Condition)
class Block30: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block30() {
__block_number = 30;
__block_user_number = “88”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {32};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Ro.Value = 2.0;
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 89 (Buy now)
class Block31: public MDL_BuyNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block31() {
__block_number = 31;
__block_user_number = “89”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;
// Block input parameters
VolumeMode = “fixedRisk”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSize = (double)c::fixed_trade_size;
VolumeSizeRisk = (double)c::amount_loss;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorBuy = (color)clrBlue;

// Block 90 (Buy now)
class Block32: public MDL_BuyNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block32() {
__block_number = 32;
__block_user_number = “90”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;
// Block input parameters
VolumeMode = “balanceRisk”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSize = (double)c::fixed_trade_size;
VolumeRisk = (double)c::Risk;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorBuy = (color)clrBlue;

// Block 91 (Condition)
class Block33: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block33() {
__block_number = 33;
__block_user_number = “91”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {27};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Ro.Value = 0.0;
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 93 (Condition)
class Block34: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block34() {
__block_number = 34;
__block_user_number = “93”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {36};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 94 (Condition)
class Block35: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block35() {
__block_number = 35;
__block_user_number = “94”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {37};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Ro.Value = 2.0;
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::Trade_size;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 95 (Sell now)
class Block36: public MDL_SellNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block36() {
__block_number = 36;
__block_user_number = “95”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;
// Block input parameters
VolumeMode = “fixedRisk”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeSizeRisk = (double)c::amount_loss;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorSell = (color)clrRed;

// Block 96 (Sell now)
class Block37: public MDL_SellNow<string,string,string,double,double,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,double,int,int,double,bool,double,double,bool,double,string,bool,double,string,string,bool,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,double,double,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,MDLIC_value_value,double,string,int,int,int,MDLIC_value_time,datetime,ulong,string,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block37() {
__block_number = 37;
__block_user_number = “96”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// IC input parameters
dVolumeSize.Value = 0.1;
dpStopLoss.Value = 100.0;
ddStopLoss.Value = 0.01;
dpTakeProfit.Value = 100.0;
ddTakeProfit.Value = 0.01;
dExp.ModeTimeShift = 2;
dExp.TimeShiftDays = 1.0;
dExp.TimeSkipWeekdays = true;
// Block input parameters
VolumeMode = “equityRisk”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _dVolumeSize_() {return dVolumeSize._execute_();}
virtual double _dlStopLoss_() {return dlStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dpStopLoss_() {return dpStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _ddStopLoss_() {return ddStopLoss._execute_();}
virtual double _dlTakeProfit_() {return dlTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _dpTakeProfit_() {return dpTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual double _ddTakeProfit_() {return ddTakeProfit._execute_();}
virtual datetime _dExp_() {return dExp._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
VolumeRisk = (double)c::Risk;
StopLossPips = (double)c::SL;
TakeProfitPips = (double)c::TP;
MyComment = (string)c::Comment;
ArrowColorSell = (color)clrRed;

// Block 98 (Condition)
class Block38: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block38() {
__block_number = 38;
__block_user_number = “98”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {46};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::once_per_bar;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 99 (Once a day)
class Block39: public MDL_OnceAday<string,string,string,string,string>

public: /* Constructor */
Block39() {
__block_number = 39;
__block_user_number = “99”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {23};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
HoursFilter = “hour”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
CertainHour = (string)c::close_time;

// Block 100 (Condition)
class Block40: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_candles_candles,double,string,MDLIC_indicators_iMA,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block40() {
__block_number = 40;
__block_user_number = “100”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {0};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Lo.CandleID = 1;
Ro.Shift = 1;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
Lo.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {
Ro.MAperiod = c::ma;
Ro.MAmethod = c::method;
Ro.AppliedPrice = PRICE_CLOSE;
Ro.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
Ro.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return Ro._execute_();

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 101 (Condition)
class Block41: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_candles_candles,double,string,MDLIC_indicators_iMA,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block41() {
__block_number = 41;
__block_user_number = “101”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {2};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Lo.CandleID = 1;
Ro.Shift = 1;
// Block input parameters
compare = “<“;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
Lo.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {
Ro.MAperiod = c::ma;
Ro.MAmethod = c::method;
Ro.AppliedPrice = PRICE_CLOSE;
Ro.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
Ro.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return Ro._execute_();

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 102 (Condition)
class Block42: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_candles_candles,double,string,MDLIC_indicators_iMA,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block42() {
__block_number = 42;
__block_user_number = “102”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {24};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Lo.CandleID = 1;
Ro.Shift = 1;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
Lo.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {
Ro.MAperiod = c::ma;
Ro.MAmethod = c::method;
Ro.AppliedPrice = PRICE_CLOSE;
Ro.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
Ro.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return Ro._execute_();

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 103 (Condition)
class Block43: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_candles_candles,double,string,MDLIC_indicators_iMA,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block43() {
__block_number = 43;
__block_user_number = “103”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {26};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);

// IC input parameters
Lo.CandleID = 1;
Ro.Shift = 1;
// Block input parameters
compare = “<“;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
Lo.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {
Ro.MAperiod = c::ma;
Ro.MAmethod = c::method;
Ro.AppliedPrice = PRICE_CLOSE;
Ro.Symbol = CurrentSymbol();
Ro.Period = CurrentTimeframe();

return Ro._execute_();

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 104 (Condition)
class Block44: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block44() {
__block_number = 44;
__block_user_number = “104”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[2] = {0,40};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::movingaverage;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 0) {
else if (value == 1) {

// Block 105 (Condition)
class Block45: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block45() {
__block_number = 45;
__block_user_number = “105”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[2] = {2,41};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::movingaverage;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 0) {
else if (value == 1) {

// Block 106 (Condition)
class Block46: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block46() {
__block_number = 46;
__block_user_number = “106”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[4] = {24,26,42,43};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::movingaverage;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 0) {
else if (value == 1) {

// Block 107 (Bulls in a row)
class Block47: public MDL_SignalBullsInArow<string,int,double,string,string,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block47() {
__block_number = 47;
__block_user_number = “107”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {49};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
Shift = 1;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
RowSize = (int)c::Candle_in_a_row;
MinBodySize = (double)c::Min_body_size;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();

// Block 108 (Bears in a row)
class Block48: public MDL_SignalBearsInArow<string,int,double,string,string,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block48() {
__block_number = 48;
__block_user_number = “108”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {50};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
Shift = 1;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
RowSize = (int)c::Candle_in_a_row;
MinBodySize = (double)c::Min_body_size;
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
Period = (ENUM_TIMEFRAMES)CurrentTimeframe();

// Block 109 (Close trades)
class Block49: public MDL_CloseOpened<string,string,string,string,string,int,ulong,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block49() {
__block_number = 49;
__block_user_number = “109”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;
// Block input parameters
BuysOrSells = “sells”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
ArrowColor = (color)clrDeepPink;

// Block 110 (Close trades)
class Block50: public MDL_CloseOpened<string,string,string,string,string,int,ulong,color>

public: /* Constructor */
Block50() {
__block_number = 50;
__block_user_number = “110”;
_beforeExecuteEnabled = true;
// Block input parameters
BuysOrSells = “buys”;

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {

virtual void _beforeExecute_()
Symbol = (string)CurrentSymbol();
ArrowColor = (color)clrDeepPink;

// Block 111 (Condition)
class Block51: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block51() {
__block_number = 51;
__block_user_number = “111”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[2] = {47,48};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::reverse;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// Block 112 (Condition)
class Block52: public MDL_Condition<MDLIC_value_value,double,string,MDLIC_value_value,double,int>

public: /* Constructor */
Block52() {
__block_number = 52;
__block_user_number = “112”;

// Fill the list of outbound blocks
int ___outbound_blocks[1] = {9};
ArrayCopy(__outbound_blocks, ___outbound_blocks);
// Block input parameters
compare = “==”;

public: /* Custom methods */
virtual double _Lo_() {
Lo.Value = c::once;

return Lo._execute_();
virtual double _Ro_() {return Ro._execute_();}

public: /* Callback & Run */
virtual void _callback_(int value) {
if (value == 1) {

// +——————————————————————————————————————+ //
// | Functions | //
// | System and Custom functions used in the program | //
// +——————————————————————————————————————+ //

double AccountBalanceAtStart()
// This function MUST be run once at pogram’s start
static double memory = 0;

if (memory == 0) memory = NormalizeDouble(AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE), 2);

return memory;

double AlignLots(string symbol, double lots, double lowerlots=0, double upperlots=0)
double LotStep = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP);
double LotSize = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE);
double MinLots = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);
double MaxLots = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX);

if (LotStep > MinLots) MinLots = LotStep;

if (lots == EMPTY_VALUE) {lots = 0;}

lots = MathRound(lots/LotStep)*LotStep;

if (lots < MinLots) {lots = MinLots;}
if (lots > MaxLots) {lots = MaxLots;}

if (lowerlots > 0)
lowerlots = MathRound(lowerlots/LotStep)*LotStep;
if (lots < lowerlots) {lots = lowerlots;}

if (upperlots > 0)
upperlots = MathRound(upperlots/LotStep)*LotStep;
if (lots > upperlots) {lots = upperlots;}

return lots;

double AlignStopLoss(
string symbol,
int type,
double price,
double slo = 0, // original sl, used when modifying
double sll = 0,
double slp = 0,
bool consider_freezelevel = false
double sl = 0;

if (MathAbs(sll) == EMPTY_VALUE) {sll = 0;}
if (MathAbs(slp) == EMPTY_VALUE) {slp = 0;}

if (sll == 0 && slp == 0)
return 0;

if (price <= 0)
Print(“AlignStopLoss() error: No price entered”);


double point = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);
int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);
slp = slp * PipValue(symbol) * point;

//– buy-sell identifier ———————————————
int bs = 1;

if (
type == OP_SELL
|| type == OP_SELLSTOP
|| type == OP_SELLLIMIT

bs = -1;

//– prices that will be used —————————————-
double askbid = price;
double bidask = price;

if (type < 2)
double ask = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
double bid = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);

askbid = ask;
bidask = bid;

if (bs < 0)
askbid = bid;
bidask = ask;

//– build sl level ————————————————–
if (sll == 0 && slp != 0) {sll = price;}

if (sll > 0) {sl = sll – slp * bs;}

if (sl < 0)
return -1;

sl = NormalizeDouble(sl, digits);
slo = NormalizeDouble(slo, digits);

if (sl == slo)
return sl;

//– build limit levels ———————————————-
double minstops = (double)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL);

if (consider_freezelevel == true)
double freezelevel = (double)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_FREEZE_LEVEL);

if (freezelevel > minstops) {minstops = freezelevel;}

minstops = NormalizeDouble(minstops * point,digits);

double sllimit = bidask – minstops * bs; // SL min price level

//– check and align sl, print errors ——————————–
//– do not do it when the stop is the same as the original
if (sl > 0 && sl != slo)
if ((bs > 0 && sl > askbid) || (bs < 0 && sl < askbid))
string abstr = “”;

if (bs > 0) {abstr = “Bid”;} else {abstr = “Ask”;}

“Error: Invalid SL requested (“,
DoubleToStr(sl, digits),
” for “, abstr, ” price “,

return -1;
else if ((bs > 0 && sl > sllimit) || (bs < 0 && sl < sllimit))
return sl;

“Warning: Too short SL requested (“,
DoubleToStr(sl, digits),
” or “,
DoubleToStr(MathAbs(sl – askbid) / point, 0),
” points), minimum will be taken (“,
DoubleToStr(sllimit, digits),
” or “,
DoubleToStr(MathAbs(askbid – sllimit) / point, 0),
” points)”

sl = sllimit;

return sl;

// align by the ticksize
double ticksize = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE);
sl = MathRound(sl / ticksize) * ticksize;

return sl;

double AlignTakeProfit(
string symbol,
int type,
double price,
double tpo = 0, // original tp, used when modifying
double tpl = 0,
double tpp = 0,
bool consider_freezelevel = false
double tp=0;

if (MathAbs(tpl) == EMPTY_VALUE) {tpl = 0;}
if (MathAbs(tpp) == EMPTY_VALUE) {tpp = 0;}

if (tpl == 0 && tpp == 0)
return 0;

if (price <= 0)
Print(“AlignTakeProfit() error: No price entered”);

return -1;

double point = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);
int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);
tpp = tpp * PipValue(symbol) * point;

//– buy-sell identifier ———————————————
int bs = 1;

if (
type == OP_SELL
|| type == OP_SELLSTOP
|| type == OP_SELLLIMIT

bs = -1;

//– prices that will be used —————————————-
double askbid = price;
double bidask = price;

if (type < 2)
double ask = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
double bid = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);

askbid = ask;
bidask = bid;

if (bs < 0)
askbid = bid;
bidask = ask;

//– build tp level —————————————————
if (tpl == 0 && tpp != 0) {tpl = price;}

if (tpl > 0) {tp = tpl + tpp * bs;}

if (tp < 0)
return -1;

tp = NormalizeDouble(tp, digits);
tpo = NormalizeDouble(tpo, digits);

if (tp == tpo)
return tp;

//– build limit levels ———————————————-
double minstops = (double)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL);

if (consider_freezelevel == true)
double freezelevel = (double)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_FREEZE_LEVEL);

if (freezelevel > minstops) {minstops = freezelevel;}

minstops = NormalizeDouble(minstops * point,digits);

double tplimit = bidask + minstops * bs; // TP min price level

//– check and align tp, print errors ——————————–
//– do not do it when the stop is the same as the original
if (tp > 0 && tp != tpo)
if ((bs > 0 && tp < bidask) || (bs < 0 && tp > bidask))
string abstr = “”;

if (bs > 0) {abstr = “Bid”;} else {abstr = “Ask”;}

“Error: Invalid TP requested (“,
DoubleToStr(tp, digits),
” for “, abstr, ” price “,

return -1;
else if ((bs > 0 && tp < tplimit) || (bs < 0 && tp > tplimit))
return tp;

“Warning: Too short TP requested (“,
DoubleToStr(tp, digits),
” or “,
DoubleToStr(MathAbs(tp – askbid) / point, 0),
” points), minimum will be taken (“,
DoubleToStr(tplimit, digits),
” or “,
DoubleToStr(MathAbs(askbid – tplimit) / point, 0),
” points)”

tp = tplimit;

return tp;

// align by the ticksize
double ticksize = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_SIZE);
tp = MathRound(tp / ticksize) * ticksize;

return tp;

template<typename T>
bool ArrayEnsureValue(T &array[], T value)
int size = ArraySize(array);

if (size > 0)
if (InArray(array, value))
// value found -> exit
return false; // no value added

// value does not exists -> add it
ArrayResize(array, size+1);
array[size] = value;

return true; // value added

template<typename T>
int ArraySearch(T &array[], T value)
static int index;
static int size;

index = -1;
size = ArraySize(array);

for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if (array[i] == value)
index = i;

return index;

template<typename T>
bool ArrayStripKey(T &array[], int key)
int x = 0;
int size = ArraySize(array);

for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if (i != key)
array[x] = array[i];

if (x < size)
ArrayResize(array, x);

return true; // stripped

return false; // not stripped

template<typename T>
bool ArrayStripValue(T &array[], T value)
int x = 0;
int size = ArraySize(array);

for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if (array[i] != value)
array[x] = array[i];

if (x < size)
ArrayResize(array, x);

return true; // stripped

return false; // not stripped

double Bet1326(
string group,
string symbol,
double initial_lots,
bool reverse = false
) {
int pos = 0;
int total = 0;
double lots = 0;
double profit = 0;
int profit_or_loss = 0; // 0 – unknown, 1 – profit, -1 – loss

//– try to get last lot size from running trades
total = TradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (TradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}
if (OrderExpiration() > 0 && OrderExpiration() <= OrderCloseTime()) {continue;} // no expired po

if (lots == 0)
lots = OrderLots();

profit = OrderClosePrice() – OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));

if (IsOrderTypeSell())
profit = -1 * profit;

if (profit == 0)
return lots;

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


//– if no running trade was found, search in history trades
if (lots==0)
total = HistoryTradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (HistoryTradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}

if (lots==0) {

profit = OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));
if (IsOrderTypeSell()) {profit = -1*profit;}
if (profit == 0) {

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


if (initial_lots < MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT)) {
initial_lots = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT);

if (lots==0) {lots = initial_lots;}
if ((reverse==false && profit_or_loss==1) || (reverse==true && profit_or_loss==-1))
double div = lots/initial_lots;

if (div < 1.5) {lots = initial_lots*3;}
else if (div < 2.5) {lots = initial_lots*6;}
else if (div < 3.5) {lots = initial_lots*2;}
else {lots = initial_lots;}
else {
lots = initial_lots;

return lots;

double BetDalembert(
string group,
string symbol,
double initial_lots,
double reverse = false
) {
int pos = 0;
int total = 0;
double lots = 0;
double profit = 0;
int profit_or_loss = 0; // 0 – unknown, 1 – profit, -1 – loss

//– try to get last lot size from running trades
total = TradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (TradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}
if (OrderExpiration() > 0 && OrderExpiration() <= OrderCloseTime()) {continue;} // no expired po

if (lots == 0)
lots = OrderLots();

profit = OrderClosePrice() – OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));

if (IsOrderTypeSell())
profit = -1 * profit;

if (profit == 0)
return lots;

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


//– if no running trade was found, search in history trades
if (lots==0)
total = HistoryTradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (HistoryTradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}

if (lots==0) {

profit = OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));
if (IsOrderTypeSell()) {profit = -1*profit;}
if (profit == 0) {

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


if (initial_lots < MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT)) {
initial_lots = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT);

if (lots==0) {lots = initial_lots;}
if ((reverse==0 && profit_or_loss==1) || (reverse==1 && profit_or_loss==-1))
lots = lots – initial_lots;
if (lots < initial_lots) {lots = initial_lots;}
else {
lots = lots + initial_lots;

return lots;

double BetFibonacci(
string group,
string symbol,
double initial_lots
) {
int pos = 0;
int total = 0;
double lots = 0;
double profit = 0;
int profit_or_loss = 0; // 0 – unknown, 1 – profit, -1 – loss

//– try to get last lot size from running trades
total = TradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (TradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}
if (OrderExpiration() > 0 && OrderExpiration() <= OrderCloseTime()) {continue;} // no expired po

if (lots == 0)
lots = OrderLots();

profit = OrderClosePrice() – OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));

if (IsOrderTypeSell())
profit = -1 * profit;

if (profit == 0)
return lots;

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


//– if no running trade was found, search in history trades
if (lots==0)
total = HistoryTradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (HistoryTradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}

if (lots==0) {

profit = OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));
if (IsOrderTypeSell()) {profit = -1*profit;}
if (profit == 0) {

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


if (initial_lots < MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT)) {
initial_lots = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT);

if (lots==0) {lots = initial_lots;}
int fibo1=1, fibo2=0, fibo3=0, fibo4=0;
double div = lots/initial_lots;

if (div<=0) {div=1;}

if (fibo1 > NormalizeDouble(div, 2)) {break;}
//Print(“(“+fibo1 + “+” + fibo2+”+”+fibo3+”) > “+div);
if (profit_or_loss==1)
if (fibo4<=0) {fibo4=1;}
//Print(“Profit “+lots+”*”+fibo4);
else {
//Print(“Loss “+lots+”*”+fibo1+”+”+fibo2);

lots=NormalizeDouble(lots, 2);
return lots;

double BetLabouchere(
string group,
string symbol,
double initial_lots,
string list_of_numbers,
double reverse = false
) {
int pos = 0;
int total = 0;
double lots = 0;
double profit = 0;
int profit_or_loss = 0; // 0 – unknown, 1 – profit, -1 – loss

//– try to get last lot size from running trades
total = TradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (TradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}
if (OrderExpiration() > 0 && OrderExpiration() <= OrderCloseTime()) {continue;} // no expired po

if (lots == 0)
lots = OrderLots();

profit = OrderClosePrice() – OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));

if (IsOrderTypeSell())
profit = -1 * profit;

if (profit == 0)
return lots;

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


//– if no running trade was found, search in history trades
if (lots==0)
total = HistoryTradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (HistoryTradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}

if (lots==0) {

profit = OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));
if (IsOrderTypeSell()) {profit = -1*profit;}
if (profit == 0) {

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


//– Labouchere stuff
static string mem_group[];
static string mem_list[];
static int mem_ticket[];
int start_again=false;

//- get the list of numbers as it is stored in the memory, or store it
int id=ArraySearch(mem_group, group);
if (id == -1) {
if (list_of_numbers==””) {list_of_numbers=”1″;}
id = ArraySize(mem_group);
ArrayResize(mem_group, id+1, id+1);
ArrayResize(mem_list, id+1, id+1);
ArrayResize(mem_ticket, id+1, id+1);

if (mem_ticket[id]==OrderTicket()) {
// the last known ticket (mem_ticket[id]) should be different than OderTicket() normally
// when failed to create a new trade – the last ticket remains the same
// so we need to reset

//- now turn the string into integer array
int list[];
string listS[];
StringExplode(“,”, mem_list[id], listS);
ArrayResize(list, ArraySize(listS));
for (int s=0; s<ArraySize(listS); s++) {

int size = ArraySize(list);

if (initial_lots < MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT)) {
initial_lots = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT);

if (lots==0) {

if (start_again==true)
if (size==1) {
lots = initial_lots*list[0];
} else {
lots = initial_lots*(list[0]+list[size-1]);
if ((reverse==0 && profit_or_loss==1) || (reverse==1 && profit_or_loss==-1))
if (size==1) {
ArrayResize(list, 0);
else if (size==2) {
lots = initial_lots*(list[0]+list[1]);
ArrayResize(list, 0);
else if (size>2) {
lots = initial_lots*(list[0]+list[size-1]);
// Cancel first and last numbers in our list
// shift array 1 step left
for(pos=0; pos<size-1; pos++) {
ArrayResize(list,ArraySize(list)-2); // remove last 2 elements
if (lots < initial_lots) {lots = initial_lots;}
else {
if (size>1)
ArrayResize(list, size+1);
lots = initial_lots*(list[0]+list[size]);
} else {
lots = initial_lots*list[0];
if (lots < initial_lots) {lots = initial_lots;}


Print(“Labouchere (for group “+(string)id+”) current list of numbers:”+StringImplode(“,”, list));
if (size==0) {
ArrayStripKey(mem_group, id);
ArrayStripKey(mem_list, id);
ArrayStripKey(mem_ticket, id);
} else {
mem_list[id]=StringImplode(“,”, list);

return lots;

double BetMartingale(
string group,
string symbol,
double initial_lots,
double multiply_on_loss,
double multiply_on_profit,
double add_on_loss,
double add_on_profit,
int reset_on_loss,
int reset_on_profit
) {
int pos = 0;
int total = 0;
double lots = 0;
double profit = 0;
int profit_or_loss = 0; // 0 – unknown, 1 – profit, -1 – loss
int in_a_row = 0;

//– try to get last lot size from running trades
total = TradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (TradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}
if (OrderExpiration() > 0 && OrderExpiration() <= OrderCloseTime()) {continue;} // no expired po

if (lots == 0)
lots = OrderLots();

profit = OrderClosePrice() – OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));

if (IsOrderTypeSell())
profit = -1 * profit;

if (profit == 0)
return lots;

if (profit_or_loss == 0)
if (profit < 0)
profit_or_loss = -1;
profit_or_loss = 1;
if (
(profit_or_loss == 1 && profit < 0)
|| (profit_or_loss == -1 && profit >= 0)
) {


//– if no running trade was found, search in history trades
if (lots == 0)
total = HistoryTradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (HistoryTradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}

if (lots == 0)
lots = OrderLots();

profit = OrderClosePrice() – OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));

if (IsOrderTypeSell()) {profit = -1*profit;}

if (profit == 0)
return lots;

if (profit_or_loss == 0)
if (profit < 0)
profit_or_loss = -1;
profit_or_loss = 1;
else {
if (
(profit_or_loss == 1 && profit < 0)
|| (profit_or_loss == -1 && profit >= 0)
) {


// Martingale stuff
if (lots == 0)
lots = initial_lots;
if (profit_or_loss == 1)
if (reset_on_profit > 0 && in_a_row >= reset_on_profit)
lots = initial_lots;
if (multiply_on_profit <= 0)
multiply_on_profit = 1;

lots = (lots * multiply_on_profit) + add_on_profit;
if (reset_on_loss > 0 && in_a_row >= reset_on_loss)
lots = initial_lots;
if (multiply_on_loss <= 0)
multiply_on_loss = 1;

lots = (lots * multiply_on_loss) + add_on_loss;

return lots;

double BetSequence(
string group,
string symbol,
double initial_lots,
string sequence_on_loss,
string sequence_on_profit,
bool reverse = false
) {
int pos = 0;
int total = 0;
double lots = 0;
double profit = 0;
int profit_or_loss = 0; // 0 – unknown, 1 – profit, -1 – loss
int size = 0;

//– try to get last lot size from running trades
total = TradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (TradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}
if (OrderExpiration() > 0 && OrderExpiration() <= OrderCloseTime()) {continue;} // no expired po

if (lots == 0)
lots = OrderLots();

profit = OrderClosePrice() – OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));

if (IsOrderTypeSell())
profit = -1 * profit;

if (profit == 0)
return lots;

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


//– if no running trade was found, search in history trades
if (lots==0)
total = HistoryTradesTotal();

for (pos = total – 1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (HistoryTradeSelectByIndex(pos, “group”, group, “symbol”, symbol))
if (TimeCurrent() – OrderOpenTime() < 3) {continue;}

if (lots==0) {

profit = OrderClosePrice()-OrderOpenPrice();
profit = NormalizeDouble(profit, SymbolDigits(OrderSymbol()));
if (IsOrderTypeSell()) {profit = -1*profit;}
if (profit == 0) {

if (profit<0) {profit_or_loss=-1;}
else {profit_or_loss=1;}


//– Sequence stuff
static string mem_group[];
static string mem_list_loss[];
static string mem_list_profit[];
static int mem_ticket[];

//- get the list of numbers as it is stored in the memory, or store it
int id=ArraySearch(mem_group, group);
if (id == -1)
if (sequence_on_loss==””) {sequence_on_loss=”1″;}
if (sequence_on_profit==””) {sequence_on_profit=”1″;}
id = ArraySize(mem_group);
ArrayResize(mem_group, id+1, id+1);
ArrayResize(mem_list_loss, id+1, id+1);
ArrayResize(mem_list_profit, id+1, id+1);
ArrayResize(mem_ticket, id+1, id+1);
mem_group[id] =group;
mem_list_loss[id] =sequence_on_loss;
mem_list_profit[id] =sequence_on_profit;

bool loss_reset=false;
bool profit_reset=false;
if (profit_or_loss==-1 && mem_list_loss[id]==””) {
if (profit_or_loss==1 && mem_list_profit[id]==””) {

if (profit_or_loss==1 || mem_list_loss[id]==””) {
if (loss_reset) {mem_list_loss[id]=”1,”+mem_list_loss[id];}

if (profit_or_loss==-1 ||mem_list_profit[id]==””) {
if (profit_reset) {mem_list_profit[id]=”1,”+mem_list_profit[id];}

if (mem_ticket[id]==OrderTicket()) {
// the last known ticket (mem_ticket[id]) should be different than OderTicket() normally
// when failed to create a new trade – the last ticket remains the same
// so we need to reset

//- now turn the string into integer array
int s=0;
double list_loss[];
double list_profit[];
string listS[];
StringExplode(“,”, mem_list_loss[id], listS);
ArrayResize(list_loss, ArraySize(listS), ArraySize(listS));
for (s=0; s<ArraySize(listS); s++) {
StringExplode(“,”, mem_list_profit[id], listS);
ArrayResize(list_profit, ArraySize(listS), ArraySize(listS));
for (s=0; s<ArraySize(listS); s++) {

if (initial_lots < MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT)) {
initial_lots = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT);

if (lots==0) {lots = initial_lots;}
if ((reverse==false && profit_or_loss==1) || (reverse==true && profit_or_loss==-1))
lots = initial_lots*list_profit[0];
// shift array 1 step left
for(pos=0; pos<size-1; pos++) {
if (size>0) {
ArrayResize(list_profit, size-1, size-1);
mem_list_profit[id]=StringImplode(“,”, list_profit);
// reset the opposite sequence
else {

lots = initial_lots*list_loss[0];
// shift array 1 step left
for(pos=0; pos<size-1; pos++) {
if (size>0) {
ArrayResize(list_loss, size-1, size-1);
mem_list_loss[id]=StringImplode(“,”, list_loss);
// reset the opposite sequence

return lots;

int BucketsOfOrders(color &label, int &list[], int &pool, bool set=false)
static color mem_labels[];
static string mem_tickets[];
static int mem_pool[]; // 0 – trades, 1 – pending orders, 2 – history trades

//– cache, this will store only the last list that was set
static int mem_tickets_last[];
static color mem_label_last = clrNONE;
static int mem_pool_last = 0;

int size;

//– get data if the same data was asked before
if (set == false && (label == clrNONE || label == mem_label_last))
ArrayResize(list, 0);
ArrayCopy(list, mem_tickets_last);

label = mem_label_last;
pool = mem_pool_last;

return ArraySize(list);

int idx = ArraySearch(mem_labels, label);

//– set
if (set == true)
if (idx == -1)
size = ArraySize(mem_labels);

ArrayResize(mem_labels, size+1);
ArrayResize(mem_pool, size+1);
ArrayResize(mem_tickets, size+1);

mem_labels[size] = label;
mem_pool[size] = pool;
idx = size;

mem_tickets[idx] = StringImplode(“,”, list);
mem_pool[idx] = pool;

//– cache, save this array in a temporary memory
ArrayResize(mem_tickets_last, 0);
ArrayCopy(mem_tickets_last, list);

mem_label_last = label;
mem_pool_last = pool;

return true;

if (idx == -1)
ArrayResize(list, 0);

return 0;

//– get data
pool = mem_pool[idx];

if (mem_tickets[idx] == “”)
// because StringExplode returns one empty element for an empty string
ArrayResize(list, 0);
StringExplode(“,”, mem_tickets[idx], list);

return ArraySize(list);

int BuyNow(
string symbol,
double lots,
double sll,
double tpl,
double slp,
double tpp,
double slippage = 0,
int magic = 0,
string comment = “”,
color arrowcolor = clrNONE,
datetime expiration = 0
return OrderCreate(

int CheckForTradingError(int error_code=-1, string msg_prefix=””)
// return 0 -> no error
// return 1 -> overcomable error
// return 2 -> fatal error

if (error_code<0) {

int retval=0;
static int tryouts=0;

//– error check —————————————————–
//– no error
case 0:
//– overcomable errors
case 1: // No error returned
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Retrying..”));}
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Retrying..”));}
while(!IsConnected()) {Sleep(100);}
while(IsTradeContextBusy()) {Sleep(50);}
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Retrying..”));}
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Retrying..”));}
if (!IsTesting()) {while(RefreshRates()==false) {Sleep(1);}}
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Waiting for a new tick to retry..”));}
if (!IsTesting()) {while(RefreshRates()==false) {Sleep(1);}}
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Waiting for a new tick to retry..”));}
if (!IsTesting()) {while(RefreshRates()==false) {Sleep(1);}}
case 136: //ERR_OFF_QUOTES
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Waiting for a new tick to retry..”));}
if (!IsTesting()) {while(RefreshRates()==false) {Sleep(1);}}
case 137: //ERR_BROKER_BUSY
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Retrying..”));}
case 138: //ERR_REQUOTE
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Waiting for a new tick to retry..”));}
if (!IsTesting()) {while(RefreshRates()==false) {Sleep(1);}}
case 142: //This code should be processed in the same way as error 128.
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Retrying..”));}
case 143: //This code should be processed in the same way as error 128.
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Retrying..”));}
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Waiting for a new tick to retry..”));}
while(RefreshRates()==false) {Sleep(1);}
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code),”. Retrying..”));}
while(IsTradeContextBusy()) {Sleep(50);}
//– critical errors
if (msg_prefix!=””) {Print(StringConcatenate(msg_prefix,”: “,ErrorMessage(error_code)));}

if (retval==0) {tryouts=0;}
else if (retval==1) {
if (tryouts>=10) {
} else {
Print(“retry #”+(string)tryouts+” of 10″);


bool CloseTrade(ulong ticket, ulong slippage = 0, color arrowcolor = CLR_NONE)
bool success = false;

if (!OrderSelect((int)ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES))
return false;

while (true)
//– wait if needed ———————————————–

//– close ——————————————————–
success = OrderClose((int)ticket, OrderLots(), OrderClosePrice(), (int)(slippage * PipValue(OrderSymbol())), arrowcolor);

if (success == true)
VirtualStopsDriver(“clear”, ticket);


return true;

//– errors ——————————————————-
int erraction = CheckForTradingError(GetLastError(), “Closing trade #” + (string)ticket + ” error”);

case 0: break; // no error
case 1: continue; // overcomable error
case 2: break; // fatal error


return false;

template<typename DT1, typename DT2>
bool CompareValues(string sign, DT1 v1, DT2 v2)
if (sign == “>”) return(v1 > v2);
else if (sign == “<“) return(v1 < v2);
else if (sign == “>=”) return(v1 >= v2);
else if (sign == “<=”) return(v1 <= v2);
else if (sign == “==”) return(v1 == v2);
else if (sign == “!=”) return(v1 != v2);
else if (sign == “x>”) return(v1 > v2);
else if (sign == “x<“) return(v1 < v2);

return false;

string CurrentSymbol(string symbol=””)
static string memory=””;
if (symbol!=””) {memory=symbol;} else
if (memory==””) {memory=Symbol();}

static ENUM_TIMEFRAMES memory=0;
if (tf>=0) {memory=tf;}

double CustomPoint(string symbol)
static string symbols[];
static double points[];
static string last_symbol = “-“;
static double last_point = 0;
static int last_i = 0;
static int size = 0;

//– variant A) use the cache for the last used symbol
if (symbol == last_symbol)
return last_point;

//– variant B) search in the array cache
int i = last_i;
int start_i = i;
bool found = false;

if (size > 0)
while (true)
if (symbols[i] == symbol)
last_symbol = symbol;
last_point = points[i];
last_i = i;

return last_point;


if (i >= size)
i = 0;
if (i == start_i) {break;}

//– variant C) add this symbol to the cache
i = size;
size = size + 1;

ArrayResize(symbols, size);
ArrayResize(points, size);

symbols[i] = symbol;
points[i] = 0;
last_symbol = symbol;
last_i = i;

//– unserialize rules from FXD_POINT_FORMAT_RULES
string rules[];
StringExplode(“,”, POINT_FORMAT_RULES, rules);

int rules_count = ArraySize(rules);

if (rules_count > 0)
string rule[];

for (int r = 0; r < rules_count; r++)
StringExplode(“=”, rules[r], rule);

//– a single rule must contain 2 parts, [0] from and [1] to
if (ArraySize(rule) != 2) {continue;}

double from = StringToDouble(rule[0]);
double to = StringToDouble(rule[1]);

//– “to” must be a positive number, different than 0
if (to <= 0) {continue;}

//– “from” can be a number or a string
// a) string
if (from == 0 && StringLen(rule[0]) > 0)
string s_from = rule[0];
int pos = StringFind(s_from, “?”);

if (pos < 0) // ? not found
if (StringFind(symbol, s_from) == 0) {points[i] = to;}
else if (pos == 0) // ? is the first symbol => match the second symbol
if (StringFind(symbol, StringSubstr(s_from, 1), 3) == 3)
points[i] = to;
else if (pos > 0) // ? is the second symbol => match the first symbol
if (StringFind(symbol, StringSubstr(s_from, 0, pos)) == 0)
points[i] = to;

// b) number
if (from == 0) {continue;}

if (SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT) == from)
points[i] = to;

if (points[i] == 0)
points[i] = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);

last_point = points[i];

return last_point;

bool DeleteOrder(int ticket, color arrowcolor=clrNONE)
bool success=false;
if (!OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET,MODE_TRADES)) {return(false);}

//– wait if needed ———————————————–
//– delete ——————————————————-
if (success==true) {
//– error check ————————————————–
int erraction=CheckForTradingError(GetLastError(), “Deleting order #”+(string)ticket+” error”);
case 0: break; // no error
case 1: continue; // overcomable error
case 2: break; // fatal error

void DrawSpreadInfo()
static bool allow_draw = true;
if (allow_draw==false) {return;}
if (MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER) && !MQLInfoInteger(MQL_VISUAL_MODE)) {allow_draw=false;} // Allowed to draw only once in testing mode

static bool passed = false;
static double max_spread = 0;
static double min_spread = EMPTY_VALUE;
static double avg_spread = 0;
static double avg_add = 0;
static double avg_cnt = 0;

double custom_point = CustomPoint(Symbol());
double current_spread = 0;
if (custom_point > 0) {
current_spread = (SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_ASK)-SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_BID))/custom_point;
if (current_spread > max_spread) {max_spread = current_spread;}
if (current_spread < min_spread) {min_spread = current_spread;}

avg_add = avg_add + current_spread;
avg_spread = avg_add / avg_cnt;

int x=0; int y=0;
string name;

// create objects
if (passed == false)

if (ObjectFind(0, name)==-1) {
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+1);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+1);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 18);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrDarkOrange);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “Spread:”);
if (ObjectFind(0, name)==-1) {
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+148);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+17);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 7);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrOrangeRed);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “max:”);
if (ObjectFind(0, name)==-1) {
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+148);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+9);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 7);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrDarkOrange);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “avg:”);
if (ObjectFind(0, name)==-1) {
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+148);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+1);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 7);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrGold);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “min:”);
if (ObjectFind(0, name)==-1) {
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+93);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+1);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 18);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrDarkOrange);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “0”);
if (ObjectFind(0, name)==-1) {
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+173);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+17);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 7);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrOrangeRed);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “0”);
if (ObjectFind(0, name)==-1) {
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+173);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+9);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 7);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrDarkOrange);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “0”);
if (ObjectFind(0, name)==-1) {
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+173);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+1);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 7);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrGold);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “0”);

ObjectSetString(0, “fxd_spread_current”, OBJPROP_TEXT, DoubleToStr(current_spread,2));
ObjectSetString(0, “fxd_spread_max”, OBJPROP_TEXT, DoubleToStr(max_spread,2));
ObjectSetString(0, “fxd_spread_avg”, OBJPROP_TEXT, DoubleToStr(avg_spread,2));
ObjectSetString(0, “fxd_spread_min”, OBJPROP_TEXT, DoubleToStr(min_spread,2));

string DrawStatus(string text=””)
static string memory;
if (text==””) {

static bool passed = false;
int x=210; int y=0;
string name;

//– draw the objects once
if (passed == false)
passed = true;
ObjectCreate(0,name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_BACK, false);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+17);
ObjectSetString(0,name, OBJPROP_TEXT, “Status”);
ObjectSetString(0,name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 7);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrGray);

ObjectCreate(0,name, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_BACK, false);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_HIDDEN, true);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, x+2);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, y+1);
ObjectSetString(0,name, OBJPROP_FONT, “Arial”);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_FONTSIZE, 12);
ObjectSetInteger(0,name, OBJPROP_COLOR, clrAqua);

//– update the text when needed
if (text != memory) {
ObjectSetString(0,”fxd_status_text”, OBJPROP_TEXT, text);


double DynamicLots(string symbol, string mode=”balance”, double value=0, double sl=0, string align=”align”, double RJFR_initial_lots=0)
double size=0;
double LotStep=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_LOTSTEP);
double LotSize=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_LOTSIZE);
double MinLots=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT);
double MaxLots=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MAXLOT);
double TickValue=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_TICKVALUE);
double point=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_POINT);
double ticksize=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_TICKSIZE);
double margin_required=MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);

if (mode==”fixed” || mode==”lots”) {size=value;}
else if (mode==”block-equity”) {size=(value/100)*AccountEquity()/margin_required;}
else if (mode==”block-balance”) {size=(value/100)*AccountBalance()/margin_required;}
else if (mode==”block-freemargin”) {size=(value/100)*AccountFreeMargin()/margin_required;}
else if (mode==”equity”) {size=(value/100)*AccountEquity()/(LotSize*TickValue);}
else if (mode==”balance”) {size=(value/100)*AccountBalance()/(LotSize*TickValue);}
else if (mode==”freemargin”) {size=(value/100)*AccountFreeMargin()/(LotSize*TickValue);}
else if (mode==”equityRisk”) {size=((value/100)*AccountEquity())/(sl*((TickValue/ticksize)*point)*PipValue(symbol));}
else if (mode==”balanceRisk”) {size=((value/100)*AccountBalance())/(sl*((TickValue/ticksize)*point)*PipValue(symbol));}
else if (mode==”freemarginRisk”) {size=((value/100)*AccountFreeMargin())/(sl*((TickValue/ticksize)*point)*PipValue(symbol));}
else if (mode==”fixedRisk”) {size=(value)/(sl*((TickValue/ticksize)*point)*PipValue(symbol));}
else if (mode==”fixedRatio” || mode==”RJFR”) {

// Ryan Jones Fixed Ratio MM static data
static double RJFR_start_lots=0;
static double RJFR_delta=0;
static double RJFR_units=1;
static double RJFR_target_lower=0;
static double RJFR_target_upper=0;

if (RJFR_start_lots<=0) {RJFR_start_lots=value;}
if (RJFR_start_lots<MinLots) {RJFR_start_lots=MinLots;}
if (RJFR_delta<=0) {RJFR_delta=sl;}
if (RJFR_target_upper<=0) {
Print(“Fixed Ratio MM: Units=>”,RJFR_units,”; Delta=”,RJFR_delta,”; Upper Target Equity=>”,RJFR_target_upper);
if (AccountEquity()>=RJFR_target_upper)
while(true) {
Print(“Fixed Ratio MM going up to “,(RJFR_start_lots*(RJFR_units+1)),” lots: Equity is above Upper Target Equity (“,AccountEquity(),”>=”,RJFR_target_upper,”)”);
Print(“Fixed Ratio MM: Units=>”,RJFR_units,”; Delta=”,RJFR_delta,”; Lower Target Equity=>”,RJFR_target_lower,”; Upper Target Equity=>”,RJFR_target_upper);
if (AccountEquity()<RJFR_target_upper) {break;}
else if (AccountEquity()<=RJFR_target_lower)
while(true) {
if (AccountEquity()>RJFR_target_lower) {break;}
if (RJFR_units>1) {
Print(“Fixed Ratio MM going down to “,(RJFR_start_lots*(RJFR_units-1)),” lots: Equity is below Lower Target Equity | “, AccountEquity(),” <= “,RJFR_target_lower,”)”);
Print(“Fixed Ratio MM: Units=>”,RJFR_units,”; Delta=”,RJFR_delta,”; Lower Target Equity=>”,RJFR_target_lower,”; Upper Target Equity=>”,RJFR_target_upper);
} else {break;}

if (size==EMPTY_VALUE) {size=0;}


static bool alert_min_lots=false;
if (size<MinLots && alert_min_lots==false) {
Alert(“You want to trade “,size,” lot, but your broker’s minimum is “,MinLots,” lot. The trade/order will continue with “,MinLots,” lot instead of “,size,” lot. The same rule will be applied for next trades/orders with desired lot size lower than the minimum. You will not see this message again until you restart the program.”);

if (align==”align”) {
if (size<MinLots) {size=MinLots;}
if (size>MaxLots) {size=MaxLots;}

return (size);

string ErrorMessage(int error_code=-1)
string e = “”;

if (error_code < 0) {error_code = GetLastError();}

//– codes returned from trade server
case 0: return(“”);
case 1: e = “No error returned”; break;
case 2: e = “Common error”; break;
case 3: e = “Invalid trade parameters”; break;
case 4: e = “Trade server is busy”; break;
case 5: e = “Old version of the client terminal”; break;
case 6: e = “No connection with trade server”; break;
case 7: e = “Not enough rights”; break;
case 8: e = “Too frequent requests”; break;
case 9: e = “Malfunctional trade operation (never returned error)”; break;
case 64: e = “Account disabled”; break;
case 65: e = “Invalid account”; break;
case 128: e = “Trade timeout”; break;
case 129: e = “Invalid price”; break;
case 130: e = “Invalid Sl or TP”; break;
case 131: e = “Invalid trade volume”; break;
case 132: e = “Market is closed”; break;
case 133: e = “Trade is disabled”; break;
case 134: e = “Not enough money”; break;
case 135: e = “Price changed”; break;
case 136: e = “Off quotes”; break;
case 137: e = “Broker is busy (never returned error)”; break;
case 138: e = “Requote”; break;
case 139: e = “Order is locked”; break;
case 140: e = “Only long trades allowed”; break;
case 141: e = “Too many requests”; break;
case 145: e = “Modification denied because order too close to market”; break;
case 146: e = “Trade context is busy”; break;
case 147: e = “Expirations are denied by broker”; break;
case 148: e = “Amount of open and pending orders has reached the limit”; break;
case 149: e = “Hedging is prohibited”; break;
case 150: e = “Prohibited by FIFO rules”; break;

//– mql4 errors
case 4000: e = “No error”; break;
case 4001: e = “Wrong function pointer”; break;
case 4002: e = “Array index is out of range”; break;
case 4003: e = “No memory for function call stack”; break;
case 4004: e = “Recursive stack overflow”; break;
case 4005: e = “Not enough stack for parameter”; break;
case 4006: e = “No memory for parameter string”; break;
case 4007: e = “No memory for temp string”; break;
case 4008: e = “Not initialized string”; break;
case 4009: e = “Not initialized string in array”; break;
case 4010: e = “No memory for array string”; break;
case 4011: e = “Too long string”; break;
case 4012: e = “Remainder from zero divide”; break;
case 4013: e = “Zero divide”; break;
case 4014: e = “Unknown command”; break;
case 4015: e = “Wrong jump”; break;
case 4016: e = “Not initialized array”; break;
case 4017: e = “dll calls are not allowed”; break;
case 4018: e = “Cannot load library”; break;
case 4019: e = “Cannot call function”; break;
case 4020: e = “Expert function calls are not allowed”; break;
case 4021: e = “Not enough memory for temp string returned from function”; break;
case 4022: e = “System is busy”; break;
case 4050: e = “Invalid function parameters count”; break;
case 4051: e = “Invalid function parameter value”; break;
case 4052: e = “String function internal error”; break;
case 4053: e = “Some array error”; break;
case 4054: e = “Incorrect series array using”; break;
case 4055: e = “Custom indicator error”; break;
case 4056: e = “Arrays are incompatible”; break;
case 4057: e = “Global variables processing error”; break;
case 4058: e = “Global variable not found”; break;
case 4059: e = “Function is not allowed in testing mode”; break;
case 4060: e = “Function is not confirmed”; break;
case 4061: e = “Send mail error”; break;
case 4062: e = “String parameter expected”; break;
case 4063: e = “Integer parameter expected”; break;
case 4064: e = “Double parameter expected”; break;
case 4065: e = “Array as parameter expected”; break;
case 4066: e = “Requested history data in update state”; break;
case 4099: e = “End of file”; break;
case 4100: e = “Some file error”; break;
case 4101: e = “Wrong file name”; break;
case 4102: e = “Too many opened files”; break;
case 4103: e = “Cannot open file”; break;
case 4104: e = “Incompatible access to a file”; break;
case 4105: e = “No order selected”; break;
case 4106: e = “Unknown symbol”; break;
case 4107: e = “Invalid price parameter for trade function”; break;
case 4108: e = “Invalid ticket”; break;
case 4109: e = “Trade is not allowed in the expert properties”; break;
case 4110: e = “Longs are not allowed in the expert properties”; break;
case 4111: e = “Shorts are not allowed in the expert properties”; break;

//– objects errors
case 4200: e = “Object is already exist”; break;
case 4201: e = “Unknown object property”; break;
case 4202: e = “Object is not exist”; break;
case 4203: e = “Unknown object type”; break;
case 4204: e = “No object name”; break;
case 4205: e = “Object coordinates error”; break;
case 4206: e = “No specified subwindow”; break;
case 4207: e = “Graphical object error”; break;
case 4210: e = “Unknown chart property”; break;
case 4211: e = “Chart not found”; break;
case 4212: e = “Chart subwindow not found”; break;
case 4213: e = “Chart indicator not found”; break;
case 4220: e = “Symbol select error”; break;
case 4250: e = “Notification error”; break;
case 4251: e = “Notification parameter error”; break;
case 4252: e = “Notifications disabled”; break;
case 4253: e = “Notification send too frequent”; break;

//– ftp errors
case 4260: e = “FTP server is not specified”; break;
case 4261: e = “FTP login is not specified”; break;
case 4262: e = “FTP connection failed”; break;
case 4263: e = “FTP connection closed”; break;
case 4264: e = “FTP path not found on server”; break;
case 4265: e = “File not found in the MQL4\\Files directory to send on FTP server”; break;
case 4266: e = “Common error during FTP data transmission”; break;

//– filesystem errors
case 5001: e = “Too many opened files”; break;
case 5002: e = “Wrong file name”; break;
case 5003: e = “Too long file name”; break;
case 5004: e = “Cannot open file”; break;
case 5005: e = “Text file buffer allocation error”; break;
case 5006: e = “Cannot delete file”; break;
case 5007: e = “Invalid file handle (file closed or was not opened)”; break;
case 5008: e = “Wrong file handle (handle index is out of handle table)”; break;
case 5009: e = “File must be opened with FILE_WRITE flag”; break;
case 5010: e = “File must be opened with FILE_READ flag”; break;
case 5011: e = “File must be opened with FILE_BIN flag”; break;
case 5012: e = “File must be opened with FILE_TXT flag”; break;
case 5013: e = “File must be opened with FILE_TXT or FILE_CSV flag”; break;
case 5014: e = “File must be opened with FILE_CSV flag”; break;
case 5015: e = “File read error”; break;
case 5016: e = “File write error”; break;
case 5017: e = “String size must be specified for binary file”; break;
case 5018: e = “Incompatible file (for string arrays-TXT, for others-BIN)”; break;
case 5019: e = “File is directory, not file”; break;
case 5020: e = “File does not exist”; break;
case 5021: e = “File cannot be rewritten”; break;
case 5022: e = “Wrong directory name”; break;
case 5023: e = “Directory does not exist”; break;
case 5024: e = “Specified file is not directory”; break;
case 5025: e = “Cannot delete directory”; break;
case 5026: e = “Cannot clean directory”; break;

//– other errors
case 5027: e = “Array resize error”; break;
case 5028: e = “String resize error”; break;
case 5029: e = “Structure contains strings or dynamic arrays”; break;

//– http request
case 5200: e = “Invalid URL”; break;
case 5201: e = “Failed to connect to specified URL”; break;
case 5202: e = “Timeout exceeded”; break;
case 5203: e = “HTTP request failed”; break;

default: e = “Unknown error”;

e = StringConcatenate(e, ” (“, error_code, “)”);

return e;

void ExpirationDriver()
static int last_checked_ticket;
static int db_tickets[];
static datetime db_expirations[];

int total = OrdersTotal();
int size = 0;
int do_reset = false;
string print;
int i;

//– check expirations and close trades
size = ArraySize(db_tickets);

if (size > 0)
if (total==0)
ArrayResize(db_tickets, 0);
ArrayResize(db_expirations, 0);
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)

if (!OrderSelect(db_tickets[i], SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {continue;}
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) {continue;}

if (TimeCurrent() >= db_expirations[i])
//– trying to skip conflicts with the same functionality running from neighbour EA

if (!OrderSelect(db_tickets[i],SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {continue;}
if (OrderCloseTime() > 0) {continue;}

//– closing the trade
if (CloseTrade(OrderTicket()))
print = “#” + (string)OrderTicket() + ” was closed due to expiration”;
last_checked_ticket = 0;
do_reset = true;
total = OrdersTotal();

//– check the ticket of the newest trade
if (do_reset == false && total > 0)
if (OrderSelect(total-1, SELECT_BY_POS))
if (OrderTicket() != last_checked_ticket)
do_reset = true;

//– rebuild the database of trades with expirations
if (do_reset == true)
ArrayResize(db_tickets, 0);
ArrayResize(db_expirations, 0);

for (int pos = 0; pos < total; pos++)
if (!OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS)) {continue;}
last_checked_ticket = OrderTicket();

string comment = OrderComment();
int exp_pos_begin = StringFind(comment, “[exp:”);

if (exp_pos_begin >= 0)
exp_pos_begin = exp_pos_begin + 5;
int exp_pos_end = StringFind(comment, “]”, exp_pos_begin);
if (exp_pos_end == -1) {continue;}

size = ArraySize(db_tickets);
ArrayResize(db_tickets, size+1);
ArrayResize(db_expirations, size+1);

db_tickets[size] = OrderTicket();
db_expirations[size] = (datetime)((int)OrderOpenTime() + (int)StringToInteger(StringSubstr(comment, exp_pos_begin, exp_pos_end)));

datetime ExpirationTime(string mode=”GTC”,int days=0, int hours=0, int minutes=0, datetime custom=0)
datetime now = TimeCurrent();
datetime expiration = now;

if (mode == “GTC” || mode == “”) {expiration = 0;}
else if (mode == “today”) {expiration = (datetime)(MathFloor((now + 86400.0) / 86400.0) * 86400.0);}
else if (mode == “specified”)
expiration = 0;

if ((days + hours + minutes) > 0)
expiration = now + (86400 * days) + (3600 * hours) + (60 * minutes);
if (custom <= now)
if (custom < 31557600)
custom = now + custom;
custom = 0;

expiration = custom;

return expiration;

bool FilterOrderBy(
string group_mode = “all”,
string group = “0”,
string market_mode = “all”,
string market = “”,
string BuysOrSells = “both”,
string LimitsOrStops = “both”,
int TradesOrders = 0,
bool onTrade = false
) {
// TradesOrders = 0 – trades only
// TradesOrders = 1 – orders only
// TradesOrders = 2 – trades and orders

//– db
static string markets[];
static string market0 = “-“;
static int markets_size = 0;

static string groups[];
static string group0 = “-“;
static int groups_size = 0;

//– local variables
bool type_pass = false;
bool market_pass = false;
bool group_pass = false;

int i, type, magic_number;
string symbol;

// Trades
if (onTrade == false)
type = OrderType();
magic_number = OrderMagicNumber();
symbol = OrderSymbol();
type = e_attrType();
magic_number = e_attrMagicNumber();
symbol = e_attrSymbol();

if (TradesOrders == 0)
if (
(BuysOrSells == “both” && (type == OP_BUY || type == OP_SELL))
|| (BuysOrSells == “buys” && type == OP_BUY)
|| (BuysOrSells == “sells” && type == OP_SELL)

type_pass = true;
// Pending orders
else if (TradesOrders == 1)
if (
(BuysOrSells == “both” && (type == OP_BUYLIMIT || type == OP_BUYSTOP || type == OP_SELLLIMIT || type == OP_SELLSTOP))
|| (BuysOrSells == “buys” && (type == OP_BUYLIMIT || type == OP_BUYSTOP))
|| (BuysOrSells == “sells” && (type == OP_SELLLIMIT || type == OP_SELLSTOP))
if (
(LimitsOrStops == “both” && (type == OP_BUYSTOP || type == OP_SELLSTOP || type == OP_BUYLIMIT || type == OP_SELLLIMIT))
|| (LimitsOrStops == “stops” && (type == OP_BUYSTOP || type == OP_SELLSTOP))
|| (LimitsOrStops == “limits” && (type == OP_BUYLIMIT || type == OP_SELLLIMIT))
type_pass = true;
//– Trades and orders ——————————————–
if (
(BuysOrSells == “both”)
|| (BuysOrSells == “buys” && (type == OP_BUY || type == OP_BUYLIMIT || type == OP_BUYSTOP))
|| (BuysOrSells == “sells” && (type == OP_SELL || type == OP_SELLLIMIT || type == OP_SELLSTOP))
type_pass = true;

if (type_pass == false)
return false;

//– check group
if (group_mode == “group”)
if (group == “”)
if (magic_number == MagicStart)
group_pass = true;
if (group0 != group)
group0 = group;
StringExplode(“,”, group,groups);
groups_size = ArraySize(groups);

for(i = 0; i < groups_size; i++)
groups[i] = StringTrimRight(groups[i]);
groups[i] = StringTrimLeft(groups[i]);

if (groups[i] == “”) {groups[i] = “0”;}

for(i = 0; i < groups_size; i++)
if (magic_number == (MagicStart+(int)groups[i]))
group_pass = true;

else if (group_mode == “all” || (group_mode == “manual” && magic_number == 0))
group_pass = true;

if (group_pass == false)
return false;

// check market
if (market_mode == “all”)
market_pass = true;
if (symbol == market)
market_pass = true;
if (market0 != market)
market0 = market;

if (market == “”)
markets_size = 1;
ArrayResize(markets, 1);
markets[0] = Symbol();
StringExplode(“,”, market, markets);
markets_size = ArraySize(markets);

for(i = 0; i < markets_size; i++)
markets[i] = StringTrimRight(markets[i]);
markets[i] = StringTrimLeft(markets[i]);

if (markets[i] == “”) {markets[i] = Symbol();}

for(i = 0; i < markets_size; i++)
if (symbol == markets[i])
market_pass = true;


if (market_pass == false)
return false;

return true;

bool HistoryTradeSelectByIndex(
int index,
string group_mode = “all”,
string group = “0”,
string market_mode = “all”,
string market = “”,
string BuysOrSells = “both”
) {
if (OrderSelect((int)index, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY) && OrderType() < 2)
if (FilterOrderBy(
) {
return true;

return false;

int HistoryTradesTotal(datetime from_date=0, datetime to_date=0)
// both input parameters are dummy
// they exist only to make the function compatible with MQL5-like code

return OrdersHistoryTotal();

template<typename T>
bool InArray(T &array[], T value)
int size = ArraySize(array);

if (size > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (array[i] == value)
return true;

return false;

bool IsOrderTypeSell()
int type = OrderType();

return (type == OP_SELL || type == OP_SELLSTOP || type == OP_SELLLIMIT);

bool LoopedResume()
ulong ticket = attrTicketInLoop();
int type = attrTypeInLoop();

if (ticket > 0 && ticket != OrderTicket())
if (type == 1) return OrderSelect((int)ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET);
else if (type == 2) return OrderSelect((int)ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET);
else if (type == 3) return OrderSelect((int)ticket,MODE_HISTORY);

return false;

bool ModifyOrder(
int ticket,
double op,
double sll = 0,
double tpl = 0,
double slp = 0,
double tpp = 0,
datetime exp = 0,
color clr = clrNONE,
bool ontrade_event = true
) {
int bs = 1;

if (
OrderType() == OP_SELL
|| OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP
|| OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT
{bs = -1;} // Positive when Buy, negative when Sell

while (true)
uint time0 = GetTickCount();


if (!OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET))
return false;

string symbol = OrderSymbol();
int type = OrderType();
double ask = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
double bid = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);
double point = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);
double stoplevel = point * SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_STOPS_LEVEL);
double freezelevel = point * SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_TRADE_FREEZE_LEVEL);

if (OrderType() < 2) {op = OrderOpenPrice();} else {op = NormalizeDouble(op,digits);}

sll = NormalizeDouble(sll, digits);
tpl = NormalizeDouble(tpl, digits);

if (op < 0 || op >= EMPTY_VALUE || sll < 0 || slp < 0 || tpl < 0 || tpp < 0)

//– OP ———————————————————–
// https://book.mql4.com/appendix/limits
if (type == OP_BUYLIMIT)
if (ask – op < stoplevel) {op = ask – stoplevel;}
if (ask – op <= freezelevel) {op = ask – freezelevel – point;}
else if (type == OP_BUYSTOP)
if (op – ask < stoplevel) {op = ask + stoplevel;}
if (op – ask <= freezelevel) {op = ask + freezelevel + point;}
else if (type == OP_SELLLIMIT)
if (op – bid < stoplevel) {op = bid + stoplevel;}
if (op – bid <= freezelevel) {op = bid + freezelevel + point;}
else if (type == OP_SELLSTOP)
if (bid – op < stoplevel) {op = bid – stoplevel;}
if (bid – op < freezelevel) {op = bid – freezelevel – point;}

op = NormalizeDouble(op, digits);

//– SL and TP —————————————————-
double sl = 0, tp = 0, vsl = 0, vtp = 0;

sl = AlignStopLoss(symbol, type, op, attrStopLoss(), sll, slp);

if (sl < 0) {break;}

tp = AlignTakeProfit(symbol, type, op, attrTakeProfit(), tpl, tpp);

if (tp < 0) {break;}

//– virtual SL and TP ——————————————–
vsl = sl;
vtp = tp;
sl = 0;
tp = 0;

double askbid = ask;
if (bs < 0) {askbid = bid;}

if (vsl > 0 || USE_EMERGENCY_STOPS == “always”)
sl = vsl – EMERGENCY_STOPS_REL*MathAbs(askbid-vsl)*bs;

if (sl <= 0) {sl = askbid;}

sl = sl – toDigits(EMERGENCY_STOPS_ADD,symbol)*bs;

if (vtp > 0 || USE_EMERGENCY_STOPS == “always”)
tp = vtp + EMERGENCY_STOPS_REL*MathAbs(vtp-askbid)*bs;

if (tp <= 0) {tp = askbid;}

tp = tp + toDigits(EMERGENCY_STOPS_ADD,symbol)*bs;

vsl = NormalizeDouble(vsl,digits);
vtp = NormalizeDouble(vtp,digits);

sl = NormalizeDouble(sl,digits);
tp = NormalizeDouble(tp,digits);

//– modify ——————————————————-

if (vsl != attrStopLoss() || vtp != attrTakeProfit())
VirtualStopsDriver(“set”, ticket, vsl, vtp, toPips(MathAbs(op-vsl), symbol), toPips(MathAbs(vtp-op), symbol));

bool success = false;

if (
(OrderType() > 1 && op != NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(),digits))
|| sl != NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(),digits)
|| tp != NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit(),digits)
|| exp != OrderExpiration()
) {
success = OrderModify(ticket, op, sl, tp, exp, clr);

//– error check ————————————————–
int erraction = CheckForTradingError(GetLastError(), “Modify error”);

case 0: break; // no error
case 1: continue; // overcomable error
case 2: break; // fatal error

//– finish work ————————————————–
if (success == true)
if (!IsTesting() && !IsVisualMode())
Print(“Operation details: Speed ” + (string)(GetTickCount()-time0) + ” ms”);

if (ontrade_event == true)

if (OrderSelect(ticket,SELECT_BY_TICKET)) {}

return true;


return false;

bool ModifyStops(int ticket, double sl=-1, double tp=-1, color clr=clrNONE)
return ModifyOrder(

int OCODriver()
static int last_known_ticket = 0;
static int orders1[];
static int orders2[];
int i, size;

int total = OrdersTotal();

for (int pos=total-1; pos>=0; pos–)
if (OrderSelect(pos,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))
int ticket = OrderTicket();

//– end here if we reach the last known ticket
if (ticket == last_known_ticket) {break;}

//– set the last known ticket, only if this is the first iteration
if (pos == total-1) {
last_known_ticket = ticket;

//– we are searching for pending orders, skip trades
if (OrderType() <= OP_SELL) {continue;}

if (StringSubstr(OrderComment(), 0, 5) == “[oco:”)
int ticket_oco = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(OrderComment(), 5, StringLen(OrderComment())-1));

bool found = false;
size = ArraySize(orders2);
for (i=0; i<size; i++)
if (orders2[i] == ticket_oco) {
found = true;

if (found == false) {
ArrayResize(orders1, size+1);
ArrayResize(orders2, size+1);
orders1[size] = ticket_oco;
orders2[size] = ticket;

size = ArraySize(orders1);
int dbremove = false;
for (i=size-1; i>=0; i–)
if (OrderSelect(orders1[i], SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES) == false || OrderType() <= OP_SELL)
if (OrderSelect(orders2[i], SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (DeleteOrder(orders2[i],clrWhite))
dbremove = true;
else {
dbremove = true;

if (dbremove == true)
ArrayStripKey(orders1, i);
ArrayStripKey(orders2, i);

size = ArraySize(orders2);
dbremove = false;
for (i=size-1; i>=0; i–)
if (OrderSelect(orders2[i], SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES) == false || OrderType() <= OP_SELL)
if (OrderSelect(orders1[i], SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (DeleteOrder(orders1[i],clrWhite))
dbremove = true;
else {
dbremove = true;

if (dbremove == true)
ArrayStripKey(orders1, i);
ArrayStripKey(orders2, i);

return true;

bool OnTimerSet(double seconds)
if (seconds<=0) {
else if (seconds < 1) {
FXD_ONTIMER_TAKEN_TIME = seconds*1000;
else {

return true;

if (seconds<=0) {
else if (seconds < 1) {
return (EventSetMillisecondTimer((int)(seconds*1000)));
else {
return (EventSetTimer((int)seconds));

return true;

void OnTradeListener()
static datetime start_time = -1;
static int memory_ti[]; // memory of tickets
static int memory_ty[]; // memory of types
static double memory_sl[];
static double memory_tp[];
static double memory_vl[];
static double memory_op[];
static bool loaded = false;

if (!ENABLE_EVENT_TRADE) {return;}

int tn = 0; // ticket now (index)
int ti = -1; // ticket
int ty = -1; // type
int size = -1;
int pos = 0;
string e_reason = “”;
string e_detail = “”;
int i = -1, j = -1, k = -1;
int tickets_now[];

if (start_time == -1) {start_time = TimeCurrent();}

ArrayResize(tickets_now, 0);

int total = OrdersTotal();

// initial fill of the local DB
if (loaded == false)
loaded = true;

for (pos = total-1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
ArrayResize(memory_ti, tn+1);
ArrayResize(memory_ty, tn+1);
ArrayResize(memory_sl, tn+1);
ArrayResize(memory_tp, tn+1);
ArrayResize(memory_vl, tn+1);
ArrayResize(memory_op, tn+1);
memory_ti[tn] = OrderTicket();
memory_ty[tn] = OrderType();
memory_sl[tn] = attrStopLoss();
memory_tp[tn] = attrTakeProfit();
memory_vl[tn] = OrderLots();
memory_op[tn] = OrderOpenPrice();



tn = 0;

bool pending_opens = false;

for (pos = total-1; pos >= 0; pos–)
if (OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
ArrayResize(tickets_now, tn+1);
tickets_now[tn] = OrderTicket();

// Trades and Orders
i = -1;
ti = -1;
ty = -1;
size = ArraySize(memory_ti);

if (size > 0)
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (memory_ti[i] == OrderTicket())
if (memory_ty[i] == OrderType())
ty = OrderType();
pending_opens = true;

ti = OrderTicket();


// Order become a trade
if (ti > 0 && ty < 0)
memory_ti[i] = OrderTicket();
memory_ty[i] = OrderType();

memory_sl[i] = attrStopLoss();
memory_tp[i] = attrTakeProfit();
memory_vl[i] = OrderLots();
memory_op[i] = OrderOpenPrice();

e_reason = “new”;
e_detail = “”;


// New trade/order opened
else if (ti < 0 && ty < 0)
ArrayResize(memory_ti, size+1); memory_ti[size] = OrderTicket();
ArrayResize(memory_ty, size+1); memory_ty[size] = OrderType();
ArrayResize(memory_sl, size+1); memory_sl[size] = attrStopLoss();
ArrayResize(memory_tp, size+1); memory_tp[size] = attrTakeProfit();
ArrayResize(memory_vl, size+1); memory_vl[size] = OrderLots();
ArrayResize(memory_op, size+1); memory_op[size] = OrderOpenPrice();

e_reason = “new”;
e_detail = “”;


// Check for Lots, SL or TP modification
else if (ty >= 0 && i > -1)
if (memory_vl[i] != OrderLots())
memory_vl[i] = OrderLots();
e_reason = “modify”;
e_detail = “lots”;

else if (memory_op[i] != OrderOpenPrice())
memory_op[i] = OrderOpenPrice();
memory_sl[i] = attrStopLoss();
memory_tp[i] = attrTakeProfit();
e_reason = “modify”;
e_detail = “move”;

if (memory_sl[i] != attrStopLoss() && memory_tp[i] != attrTakeProfit())
memory_sl[i] = attrStopLoss();
memory_tp[i] = attrTakeProfit();
e_reason = “modify”;
e_detail = “sltp”;

else if (memory_sl[i] != attrStopLoss())
memory_sl[i] = attrStopLoss();
e_reason = “modify”;
e_detail = “sl”;

else if (memory_tp[i] != attrTakeProfit())
memory_tp[i] = attrTakeProfit();
e_reason = “modify”;
e_detail = “tp”;


// Check for closed orders/trades
bool missing = true;

if (
e_reason == “”
&& pending_opens == false
&& ArraySize(tickets_now) < ArraySize(memory_ti)
// for each ticket in the memory check if trade exists now
for(i = ArraySize(memory_ti)-1; i >= 0; i–)
for(j = 0; j < ArraySize(tickets_now); j++)
if (memory_ti[i] == tickets_now[j])
missing = false;


if (missing == true)
if (OrderSelect(memory_ti[i], SELECT_BY_TICKET))
// This can happen more than once
ArrayStripKey(memory_ti, i);
ArrayStripKey(memory_ty, i);
ArrayStripKey(memory_sl, i);
ArrayStripKey(memory_tp, i);
ArrayStripKey(memory_vl, i);
ArrayStripKey(memory_op, i);

e_reason = “close”;
e_detail = “”;

if (
StringFind(OrderComment(), “expiration”) >= 0
|| StringFind(OrderComment(), “[exp:”) >= 0
e_detail = “expire”;

// remove virtual stops lines
ObjectDelete(“#” + (string)OrderTicket() + ” sl”);
ObjectDelete(“#” + (string)OrderTicket() + ” tp”);


missing = true;

if (e_reason != “”)
UpdateEventValues(e_reason, e_detail);


int OnTradeQueue(int queue=0)
static int mem=0;

int OrderCreate(
string symbol = “”,
int type = OP_BUY,
double lots = 0,
double op = 0,
double sll = 0, // SL level
double tpl = 0, // TO level
double slp = 0, // SL adjust in points
double tpp = 0, // TP adjust in points
double slippage = 0,
int magic = 0,
string comment = “”,
color arrowcolor = CLR_NONE,
datetime expiration = 0,
bool oco = false
uint time0 = GetTickCount(); // used to measure speed of execution of the order

int ticket = -1;

// calculate buy/sell flag (1 when Buy or -1 when Sell)
int bs = 1;

if (
type == OP_SELL
|| type == OP_SELLSTOP
|| type == OP_SELLLIMIT
bs = -1;

if (symbol == “”) {symbol = Symbol();}

lots = AlignLots(symbol, lots);

int digits = 0;
double ask = 0, bid = 0, point = 0, ticksize = 0;
double sl = 0, tp = 0;
double vsl = 0, vtp = 0;

//– attempt to send trade/order ————————————-
while (!IsStopped())

static bool not_allowed_message = false;

if (
&& !MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_TRADEALLOWED)
) {
if (not_allowed_message == false)
Print(“Market (“+symbol+”) is closed”);

not_allowed_message = true;

return false;

not_allowed_message = false;

digits = (int)MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_DIGITS);
ask = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_ASK);
bid = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_BID);
point = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_POINT);
ticksize = MarketInfo(symbol, MODE_TICKSIZE);

//- not enough money check: fix maximum possible lot by margin required, or quit
if (type==OP_BUY || type==OP_SELL)
double LotStep = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_LOTSTEP);
double MinLots = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MINLOT);
double margin_required = MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_MARGINREQUIRED);
static bool not_enough_message = false;

if (margin_required != 0)
double max_size_by_margin = AccountFreeMargin() / margin_required;

if (lots > max_size_by_margin)
double size_old = lots;
lots = max_size_by_margin;

if (lots < MinLots)
if (not_enough_message == false)
Print(“Not enough money to trade 🙁 The robot is still working, waiting for some funds to appear…”);

not_enough_message = true;
return false;
lots = MathFloor(lots / LotStep) * LotStep;

Print(“Not enough money to trade ” + DoubleToString(size_old, 2)+”, the volume to trade will be the maximum possible of ” + DoubleToString(lots, 2));

not_enough_message = false;

// fix the comment, because it seems that the comment is deleted if its lenght is > 31 symbols
if (StringLen(comment) > 31)
comment = StringSubstr(comment,0,31);

//- expiration for trades
if (type == OP_BUY || type == OP_SELL)
if (expiration > 0)
//- convert UNIX to seconds
if (expiration > TimeCurrent()-100) {
expiration = expiration – TimeCurrent();

//- bo broker?
if (
StringLen(symbol) > 6
&& StringSubstr(symbol, StringLen(symbol) – 2) == “bo”
) {
comment = “BO exp:” + (string)expiration;
string expiration_str = “[exp:” + IntegerToString(expiration) + “]”;
int expiration_len = StringLen(expiration_str);
int comment_len = StringLen(comment);

if (comment_len > (27 – expiration_len))
comment = StringSubstr(comment, 0, (27 – expiration_len));

comment = comment + expiration_str;

if (type == OP_BUY || type == OP_SELL)
op = (bs > 0) ? ask : bid;

op = NormalizeDouble(op, digits);
sll = NormalizeDouble(sll, digits);
tpl = NormalizeDouble(tpl, digits);

if (op < 0 || op >= EMPTY_VALUE || sll < 0 || slp < 0 || tpl < 0 || tpp < 0)

//– SL and TP —————————————————-
vsl = 0; vtp = 0;

sl = AlignStopLoss(symbol, type, op, 0, NormalizeDouble(sll, digits), slp);

if (sl < 0) {break;}

tp = AlignTakeProfit(symbol, type, op, 0, NormalizeDouble(tpl, digits), tpp);

if (tp < 0) {break;}

//– virtual SL and TP ——————————————–
vsl = sl;
vtp = tp;
sl = 0;
tp = 0;

double askbid = (bs > 0) ? ask : bid;

if (vsl > 0 || USE_EMERGENCY_STOPS == “always”)
sl = vsl – EMERGENCY_STOPS_REL * MathAbs(askbid – vsl) * bs;

if (sl <= 0) {sl = askbid;}

sl = sl – toDigits(EMERGENCY_STOPS_ADD, symbol) * bs;

if (vtp > 0 || USE_EMERGENCY_STOPS == “always”)
tp = vtp + EMERGENCY_STOPS_REL * MathAbs(vtp – askbid) * bs;

if (tp <= 0) {tp = askbid;}

tp = tp + toDigits(EMERGENCY_STOPS_ADD, symbol) * bs;

vsl = NormalizeDouble(vsl, digits);
vtp = NormalizeDouble(vtp, digits);

sl = NormalizeDouble(sl, digits);
tp = NormalizeDouble(tp, digits);

//– fix expiration for pending orders —————————-
if (expiration > 0 && type > OP_SELL)
if ((expiration – TimeCurrent()) < (11 * 60))
Print(“Expiration time cannot be less than 11 minutes, so it was automatically modified to 11 minutes.”);
expiration = TimeCurrent() + (11 * 60);

//– fix prices by ticksize
op = MathRound(op / ticksize) * ticksize;
sl = MathRound(sl / ticksize) * ticksize;
tp = MathRound(tp / ticksize) * ticksize;

//– send ———————————————————

ticket = OrderSend(
(int)(slippage * PipValue(symbol)),

//– error check ————————————————–
string msg_prefix = (type > OP_SELL) ? “New order error” : “New trade error”;

int erraction = CheckForTradingError(GetLastError(), msg_prefix);

case 0: break; // no error
case 1: continue; // overcomable error
case 2: break; // fatal error

//– finish work ————————————————–
if (ticket > 0)
VirtualStopsDriver(“set”, ticket, vsl, vtp, toPips(MathAbs(op-vsl), symbol), toPips(MathAbs(vtp-op), symbol));

//– show some info
double slip = 0;

if (OrderSelect(ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET))
if (
) {
slip = OrderOpenPrice() – op;

“Operation details: Speed “,
(GetTickCount() – time0),
” ms | Slippage “,
DoubleToStr(toPips(slip, symbol), 1),
” pips”

//– fix stops in case of slippage
if (
) {
slip = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), digits) – NormalizeDouble(op, digits);

if (slip != 0 && (OrderStopLoss() != 0 || OrderTakeProfit() != 0))
Print(“Correcting stops because of slippage…”);

sl = OrderStopLoss();
tp = OrderTakeProfit();

if (sl != 0 || tp != 0)
if (sl != 0) {sl = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss() + slip, digits);}
if (tp != 0) {tp = NormalizeDouble(OrderTakeProfit() + slip, digits);}

ModifyOrder(ticket, OrderOpenPrice(), sl, tp, 0, 0, 0, CLR_NONE, false);




if (oco == true && ticket > 0)
sl = vsl;
tp = vtp;

sl = (sl > 0) ? NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(op-sl), digits) : 0;
tp = (tp > 0) ? NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(op-tp), digits) : 0;

int typeoco = type;

if (typeoco == OP_BUYSTOP)
typeoco = OP_SELLSTOP;
op = bid – MathAbs(op – ask);
else if (typeoco == OP_BUYLIMIT)
typeoco = OP_SELLLIMIT;
op = bid + MathAbs(op – ask);
else if (typeoco == OP_SELLSTOP)
typeoco = OP_BUYSTOP;
op = ask + MathAbs(op – bid);
else if (typeoco == OP_SELLLIMIT)
typeoco = OP_BUYLIMIT;
op = ask – MathAbs(op – bid);

if (typeoco == OP_BUYSTOP || typeoco == OP_BUYLIMIT)
sl = (sl > 0) ? op – sl : 0;
tp = (tp > 0) ? op + tp : 0;
arrowcolor = clrBlue;
sl = (sl > 0) ? op + sl : 0;
tp = (tp > 0) ? op – tp : 0;
arrowcolor = clrRed;

comment = “[oco:” + (string)ticket + “]”;

OrderCreate(symbol, typeoco, lots, op, sl, tp, 0, 0, slippage, magic, comment, arrowcolor, expiration, false);

return ticket;

This is a replacement for the system function.
The difference is that this checks the expiration for trades.
datetime OrderExpiration(bool check_trade)
if (OrderType() > 1)
return OrderExpiration();
else if (check_trade)
string comment = OrderComment();
int exp_pos = StringFind(comment, “[exp:”);

if (exp_pos == -1) return 0;

int exp_pos_end = StringFind(comment, “]”, exp_pos);

if (exp_pos_end <= 0) return 0;

int expiration_seconds = (int)StringToInteger(StringSubstr(comment, exp_pos + 5, exp_pos_end – (exp_pos + 5)));

return (datetime)((int)OrderOpenTime() + expiration_seconds);

return 0;

bool OrderModified(ulong ticket = 0, string action = “set”)
static ulong memory[];

if (ticket == 0)
ticket = OrderTicket();
action = “get”;
else if (ticket > 0 && action != “clear”)
action = “set”;

bool modified_status = InArray(memory, ticket);

if (action == “get”)
return modified_status;
else if (action == “set”)
ArrayEnsureValue(memory, ticket);

return true;
else if (action == “clear”)
ArrayStripValue(memory, ticket);

return true;

return false;

bool PendingOrderSelectByTicket(ulong ticket)
if (OrderSelect((int)ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES) && OrderType() > 1)
return true;

return false;

double PipValue(string symbol)
if (symbol == “”) symbol = Symbol();

return CustomPoint(symbol) / SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);

// Collect events, if any
void RegisterEvent(string command=””)
int ticket=OrderTicket();

int SecondsFromComponents(double days, double hours, double minutes, int seconds)
int retval =
86400 * (int)MathFloor(days)
+ 3600 * (int)(MathFloor(hours) + (24 * (days – MathFloor(days))))
+ 60 * (int)(MathFloor(minutes) + (60 * (hours – MathFloor(hours))))
+ (int)((double)seconds + (60 * (minutes – MathFloor(minutes))));

return retval;

int SellNow(
string symbol,
double lots,
double sll,
double tpl,
double slp,
double tpp,
double slippage = 0,
int magic = 0,
string comment = “”,
color arrowcolor = clrNONE,
datetime expiration = 0
return OrderCreate(

template<typename T>
void StringExplode(string delimiter, string inputString, T &output[])
int begin = 0;
int end = 0;
int element = 0;
int length = StringLen(inputString);
int length_delimiter = StringLen(delimiter);
T empty_val = (typename(T) == “string”) ? (T)”” : (T)0;

if (length > 0)
while (true)
end = StringFind(inputString, delimiter, begin);

ArrayResize(output, element + 1);
output[element] = empty_val;

if (end != -1)
if (end > begin)
output[element] = (T)StringSubstr(inputString, begin, end – begin);
output[element] = (T)StringSubstr(inputString, begin, length – begin);

begin = end + 1 + (length_delimiter – 1);
ArrayResize(output, 1);
output[element] = empty_val;

template<typename T>
string StringImplode(string delimeter, T &array[])
string retval = “”;
int size = ArraySize(array);

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
retval = StringConcatenate(retval, (string)array[i], delimeter);

return StringSubstr(retval, 0, (StringLen(retval) – StringLen(delimeter)));

datetime StringToTimeEx(string str, string mode=”server”)
// mode: server, local, gmt
if (StringFind(str, ” “) != -1) {
return StringToTime(str);

datetime now = 0;
datetime retval = 0;

if (mode == “server”) {now = TimeCurrent();}
else if (mode == “local”) {now = TimeLocal();}
else if (mode == “gmt”) {now = TimeGMT();}

return StringToTime((string)TimeYear(now)+”.”+(string)TimeMonth(now)+”.”+(string)TimeDay(now)+” “+str);

string StringTrim(string text)
text = StringTrimRight(text);
text = StringTrimLeft(text);

return text;

double SymbolAsk(string symbol)
if (symbol == “”) symbol = Symbol();

return SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);

double SymbolBid(string symbol)
if (symbol == “”) symbol = Symbol();

return SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);

int SymbolDigits(string symbol)
if (symbol == “”) symbol = Symbol();

return (int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);

double TicksData(string symbol = “”, int type = 0, int shift = 0)
static bool collecting_ticks = false;
static string symbols[];
static int zero_sid[];
static double memoryASK[][100];
static double memoryBID[][100];

int sid = 0, size = 0, i = 0, id = 0;
double ask = 0, bid = 0, retval = 0;
bool exists = false;

if (ArraySize(symbols) == 0)
ArrayResize(symbols, 1);
ArrayResize(zero_sid, 1);
ArrayResize(memoryASK, 1);
ArrayResize(memoryBID, 1);

symbols[0] = _Symbol;

if (type > 0 && shift > 0)
collecting_ticks = true;

if (collecting_ticks == false)
if (type > 0 && shift == 0)
// going to get ticks
return 0;

if (symbol == “”) symbol = _Symbol;

if (type == 0)
exists = false;
size = ArraySize(symbols);

if (size == 0) {ArrayResize(symbols, 1);}

for (i=0; i<size; i++)
if (symbols[i] == symbol)
exists = true;
sid = i;

if (exists == false)
int newsize = ArraySize(symbols) + 1;

ArrayResize(symbols, newsize);
symbols[newsize-1] = symbol;

ArrayResize(zero_sid, newsize);
ArrayResize(memoryASK, newsize);
ArrayResize(memoryBID, newsize);


if (sid >= 0)
ask = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
bid = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);

if (bid == 0 && MQLInfoInteger(MQL_TESTER))
Print(“Ticks data collector error: ” + symbol + ” cannot be backtested. Only the current symbol can be backtested. The EA will be terminated.”);

if (
symbol == _Symbol
|| ask != memoryASK[sid][0]
|| bid != memoryBID[sid][0]
memoryASK[sid][zero_sid[sid]] = ask;
memoryBID[sid][zero_sid[sid]] = bid;
zero_sid[sid] = zero_sid[sid] + 1;

if (zero_sid[sid] == 100)
zero_sid[sid] = 0;
if (shift <= 0)
if (type == SYMBOL_ASK)
return SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
else if (type == SYMBOL_BID)
return SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
double mid = ((SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK) + SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID)) / 2);

return mid;
size = ArraySize(symbols);

for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
if (symbols[i] == symbol)
sid = i;

if (shift < 100)
id = zero_sid[sid] – shift – 1;

if(id < 0) {id = id + 100;}

if (type == SYMBOL_ASK)
retval = memoryASK[sid][id];

if (retval == 0)
retval = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
else if (type == SYMBOL_BID)
retval = memoryBID[sid][id];

if (retval == 0)
retval = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);

return retval;

int TicksPerSecond(bool get_max = false, bool set = false)
static datetime time0 = 0;
static int ticks = 0;
static int tps = 0;
static int tpsmax = 0;

datetime time1 = TimeLocal();

if (set == true)
if (time1 > time0)
if (time1 – time0 > 1)
tps = 0;
tps = ticks;

time0 = time1;
ticks = 0;


if (tps > tpsmax) {tpsmax = tps;}

if (get_max)
return tpsmax;

return tps;

datetime TimeAtStart(string cmd = “server”)
static datetime local = 0;
static datetime server = 0;

if (cmd == “local”)
return local;
else if (cmd == “server”)
return server;
else if (cmd == “set”)
local = TimeLocal();
server = TimeCurrent();

return 0;

datetime TimeFromComponents(
int time_src = 0,
int y = 0,
int m = 0,
double d = 0,
double h = 0,
double i = 0,
int s = 0
) {
MqlDateTime tm;

if (time_src == 0) {TimeCurrent(tm);}
else if (time_src == 1) {TimeLocal(tm);}
else if (time_src == 2) {TimeGMT(tm);}

if (y > 0)
if (y < 100) {y = 2000 + y;}
tm.year = y;
if (m > 0) {tm.mon = m;}
if (d > 0) {tm.day = (int)MathFloor(d);}

tm.hour = (int)(MathFloor(h) + (24 * (d – MathFloor(d))));
tm.min = (int)(MathFloor(i) + (60 * (h – MathFloor(h))));
tm.sec = (int)((double)s + (60 * (i – MathFloor(i))));

return StructToTime(tm);

datetime TimeFromString(int mode_time, string stamp)
datetime t = 0;

if (mode_time == 0) t = TimeCurrent();
else if (mode_time == 1) t = TimeLocal();
else if (mode_time == 2) t = TimeGMT();

int stamplen = StringLen(stamp);

if (stamplen < 9)
int thour = TimeHour(t);
int tminute = TimeMinute(t);
int tseconds = TimeSeconds(t);

int hour = (int)StringSubstr(stamp, 0, 2);
int minute = (int)StringSubstr(stamp, 3, 2);
int second = 0;

if (stamplen > 5)
second = (int)StringSubstr(stamp, 6, 2);

datetime t1 = (datetime)(t – (thour-hour)*3600 – (tminute – minute)*60 – (tseconds-second));

return t1;

return StringToTime(stamp);

bool TradeSelectByIndex(
int index,
string group_mode = “all”,
string group = “0”,
string market_mode = “all”,
string market = “”,
string BuysOrSells = “both”
) {
if (OrderSelect((int)index, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) && OrderType() < 2)
if (FilterOrderBy(
) {
return true;

return false;

bool TradeSelectByTicket(ulong ticket)
if (OrderSelect((int)ticket, SELECT_BY_TICKET, MODE_TRADES) && OrderType() < 2)
return true;

return false;

int TradesTotal()
return OrdersTotal();

void UpdateEventValues(string e_reason = “”,string e_detail = “”)
e_Reason (true, e_reason);
e_ReasonDetail (true, e_detail);

e_attrClosePrice (true, OrderClosePrice());
e_attrCloseTime (true, OrderCloseTime());
e_attrComment (true, OrderComment());
e_attrCommission (true, OrderCommission());
e_attrExpiration (true, OrderExpiration());
e_attrLots (true, OrderLots());
e_attrMagicNumber (true, OrderMagicNumber());
e_attrOpenPrice (true, OrderOpenPrice());
e_attrOpenTime (true, OrderOpenTime());
e_attrProfit (true, OrderProfit());
e_attrStopLoss (true, attrStopLoss());
e_attrSwap (true, OrderSwap());
e_attrSymbol (true, OrderSymbol());
e_attrTakeProfit (true, attrTakeProfit());
e_attrTicket (true, OrderTicket());
e_attrType (true, OrderType());

double VirtualStopsDriver(
string command = “”,
ulong ti = 0,
double sl = 0,
double tp = 0,
double slp = 0,
double tpp = 0
static bool initialized = false;
static string name = “”;
static string loop_name[2] = {“sl”, “tp”};
static color loop_color[2] = {DeepPink, DodgerBlue};
static double loop_price[2] = {0, 0};
static ulong mem_to_ti[]; // tickets
static int mem_to[]; // timeouts
static bool trade_pass = false;
int i = 0;

// Are Virtual Stops even enabled?
return 0;

if (initialized == false || command == “initialize”)
initialized = true;

// Listen
if (command == “” || command == “listen”)
int total = ObjectsTotal(0, -1, OBJ_HLINE);
int length = 0;
color clr = clrNONE;
int sltp = 0;
ulong ticket = 0;
double level = 0;
double askbid = 0;
int polarity = 0;
string symbol = “”;

for (i = total – 1; i >= 0; i–)
name = ObjectName(0, i, -1, OBJ_HLINE); // for example: #1 sl

if (StringSubstr(name, 0, 1) != “#”)

length = StringLen(name);

if (length < 5)

clr = (color)ObjectGetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR);

if (clr != loop_color[0] && clr != loop_color[1])

string last_symbols = StringSubstr(name, length-2, 2);

if (last_symbols == “sl”)
sltp = -1;
else if (last_symbols == “tp”)
sltp = 1;

ulong ticket0 = StringToInteger(StringSubstr(name, 1, length – 4));

// prevent loading the same ticket number twice in a row
if (ticket0 != ticket)
ticket = ticket0;

if (TradeSelectByTicket(ticket))
symbol = OrderSymbol();
polarity = (OrderType() == 0) ? 1 : -1;
askbid = (OrderType() == 0) ? SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID) : SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);

trade_pass = true;
trade_pass = false;

if (trade_pass)
level = ObjectGetDouble(0, name, OBJPROP_PRICE, 0);

if (level > 0)
// polarize levels
double level_p = polarity * level;
double askbid_p = polarity * askbid;

if (
(sltp == -1 && (level_p – askbid_p) >= 0) // sl
|| (sltp == 1 && (askbid_p – level_p) >= 0) // tp
//– Virtual Stops SL Timeout
if (
&& (sltp == -1 && (level_p – askbid_p) >= 0) // sl
// start timeout?
int index = ArraySearch(mem_to_ti, ticket);

if (index < 0)
int size = ArraySize(mem_to_ti);
ArrayResize(mem_to_ti, size+1);
ArrayResize(mem_to, size+1);
mem_to_ti[size] = ticket;
mem_to[size] = (int)TimeLocal();

” timeout of “,
” seconds started”

return 0;
if (TimeLocal() – mem_to[index] <= VIRTUAL_STOPS_TIMEOUT)
return 0;

if (CloseTrade(ticket))
// check this before deleting the lines

// delete objects
ObjectDelete(0, “#” + (string)ticket + ” sl”);
ObjectDelete(0, “#” + (string)ticket + ” tp”);
i = ArraySearch(mem_to_ti, ticket);

if (i >= 0)
ArrayStripKey(mem_to_ti, i);
ArrayStripKey(mem_to, i);
else if (
|| OrderCloseTime() > 0 // in case the order has been closed
ObjectDelete(0, name);
// Get SL or TP
else if (
ti > 0
&& (
command == “get sl”
|| command == “get tp”
double value = 0;

name = “#” + IntegerToString(ti) + ” ” + StringSubstr(command, 4, 2);

if (ObjectFind(0, name) > -1)
value = ObjectGetDouble(0, name, OBJPROP_PRICE, 0);

return value;
// Set SL and TP
else if (
ti > 0
&& (
command == “set”
|| command == “modify”
|| command == “clear”
|| command == “partial”
loop_price[0] = sl;
loop_price[1] = tp;

for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
name = “#” + IntegerToString(ti) + ” ” + loop_name[i];

if (loop_price[i] > 0)
// 1) create a new line
if (ObjectFind(0, name) == -1)
ObjectCreate(0, name, OBJ_HLINE, 0, 0, loop_price[i]);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_COLOR, loop_color[i]);
ObjectSetInteger(0, name, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
ObjectSetString(0, name, OBJPROP_TEXT, name + ” (virtual)”);
// 2) modify existing line
ObjectSetDouble(0, name, OBJPROP_PRICE, 0, loop_price[i]);
// 3) delete existing line
ObjectDelete(0, name);

// print message
if (command == “set” || command == “modify”)
” #”,
“: virtual sl “,
DoubleToStr(sl, (int)SymbolInfoInteger(Symbol(),SYMBOL_DIGITS)),
” tp “,

return 1;

return 1;

void WaitTradeContextIfBusy()
if(IsTradeContextBusy()) {
if(!IsTradeContextBusy()) {

double attrStopLoss()
return VirtualStopsDriver(“get sl”, OrderTicket());

return OrderStopLoss();

double attrTakeProfit()
return VirtualStopsDriver(“get tp”, OrderTicket());

return OrderTakeProfit();

ulong attrTicketInLoop(ulong ticket=0)
static ulong t;

if (ticket > 0) {t = ticket;}

return t;

int attrTypeInLoop(int type=0)
static int t;

if (type > 0) {t = type;}

return t;

template<typename DT1, typename DT2>
bool compare(string sign, DT1 v1, DT2 v2)
if (sign == “>”) return(v1 > v2);
else if (sign == “<“) return(v1 < v2);
else if (sign == “>=”) return(v1 >= v2);
else if (sign == “<=”) return(v1 <= v2);
else if (sign == “==”) return(v1 == v2);
else if (sign == “!=”) return(v1 != v2);
else if (sign == “x>”) return(v1 > v2);
else if (sign == “x<“) return(v1 < v2);

return false;

string e_Reason(bool set=false, string inp=””) {
static string mem[];
int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;

string e_ReasonDetail(bool set=false, string inp=””) {static string mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

double e_attrClosePrice(bool set=false, double inp=-1) {static double mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

datetime e_attrCloseTime(bool set=false, datetime inp=-1) {static datetime mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

string e_attrComment(bool set=false, string inp=””) {static string mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

double e_attrCommission(bool set=false, double inp=0) {static double mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

datetime e_attrExpiration(bool set=false, datetime inp=0) {static datetime mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

double e_attrLots(bool set=false, double inp=-1) {static double mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

int e_attrMagicNumber(bool set=false, int inp=-1) {static int mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

double e_attrOpenPrice(bool set=false, double inp=-1) {static double mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

datetime e_attrOpenTime(bool set=false, datetime inp=-1) {static datetime mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

double e_attrProfit(bool set=false, double inp=0) {static double mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

double e_attrStopLoss(bool set=false, double inp=-1) {static double mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

double e_attrSwap(bool set=false, double inp=0) {static double mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

string e_attrSymbol(bool set=false, string inp=””) {static string mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

double e_attrTakeProfit(bool set=false, double inp=-1) {static double mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

int e_attrTicket(bool set=false, int inp=-1) {static int mem[];int queue=OnTradeQueue()-1;if(set==true){ArrayResize(mem,queue+1);mem[queue]=inp;}return(mem[queue]);}

int e_attrType(bool set=false, int inp=-1)
static int mem[];
int queue = OnTradeQueue()-1;

if (set == true)
mem[queue] = inp;

return mem[queue];

int iCandleID(string SYMBOL, ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TIMEFRAME, datetime time_stamp)
bool TimeStampPrevDayShift = true;
int CandleID = 0;
//== calculate candle ID
//– get the time resolution of the desired period, in minutes
int mins_tf = TIMEFRAME;
int mins_tf0 = 0;
mins_tf = (int)PeriodSeconds(PERIOD_CURRENT) / 60;

//– get the difference between now and the time we want, in minutes
//int time_stamp = StrToTime(TimeStamp);
int days_adjust = 0;
if (TimeStampPrevDayShift)
//– automatically shift to the previous day
if (time_stamp > TimeCurrent())
time_stamp = time_stamp – 86400;
//– also shift weekdays
while (true)
int dow = TimeDayOfWeek(time_stamp);

if (dow > 0 && dow < 6) {break;}
time_stamp = time_stamp – 86400;

int mins_diff = (int)(TimeCurrent() – time_stamp);
mins_diff = mins_diff – days_adjust*86400;
mins_diff = mins_diff / 60;

//– the difference is negative => quit here
if (mins_diff < 0) {return (int)EMPTY_VALUE;}

//– now calculate the candle ID, it is relative to the current time
if (mins_diff > 0) {
CandleID = (int)MathCeil((double)mins_diff/(double)mins_tf);
//Print(TimeToStr(TimeCurrent())+” “+TimeToStr(time_stamp) +” ::: ” + mins_tf + ” ” + days_adjust + ” ” + (days_adjust*1440/mins_tf) + ” ” + CandleID);

//– now, after all the shifting and in case of missing candles, the calculated candle id can be few candles early
// so we will search for the right candle
if (iTime(SYMBOL, TIMEFRAME, CandleID) >= time_stamp) {break;}


if (CandleID <= 0) {CandleID = 0; break;}

return CandleID;

// this method does the same, but it is slower

if (0)
CandleID = 0;
datetime t = StrToTime(TimeStamp);
datetime now = TimeCurrent();
datetime ctime;
ctime = iTime(SYMBOL, TIMEFRAME, CandleID);
if (ctime < t)
//– if the time is still in the future, we will shift to a previous day
if (t > now)
if (TimeStampPrevDayShift)
//– shift to the last day that is not sat/sun
t = t – 86400;
int dow = TimeDayOfWeek(t);
if (dow > 0 && dow < 6) {break;}


double toDigits(double pips, string symbol)
if (symbol == “”) symbol = Symbol();

int digits = (int)SymbolInfoInteger(symbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);
double point = SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT);

return NormalizeDouble(pips * PipValue(symbol) * point, digits);

double toPips(double digits, string symbol)
if (symbol == “”) symbol = Symbol();

return digits / (PipValue(symbol) * SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_POINT));



class FxdWaiting
int beginning_id;
ushort bank [][2][20]; // 2 banks, 20 possible parallel waiting blocks per chain of blocks
ushort state [][2]; // second dimention values: 0 – count of the blocks put on hold, 1 – current bank id

void Initialize(int count)
ArrayResize(bank, count);
ArrayResize(state, count);

bool Run(int id = 0)
beginning_id = id;

int range = ArrayRange(state, 0);
if (range < id+1) {
ArrayResize(bank, id+1);
ArrayResize(state, id+1);

// set values to 0, otherwise they have random values
for (int ii = range; ii < id+1; ii++)
state[ii][0] = 0;
state[ii][1] = 0;

// are there blocks put on hold?
int count = state[id][0];
int bank_id = state[id][1];

// if no block are put on hold -> escape
if (count == 0) {return false;}
state[id][0] = 0; // null the count
state[id][1] = (bank_id) ? 0 : 1; // switch to the other bank

//== now we will run the blocks put on hold

for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
int block_to_run = bank[id][bank_id][i];

return true;

void Accumulate(int block_id = 0)
int count = ++state[beginning_id][0];
int bank_id = state[beginning_id][1];

bank[beginning_id][bank_id][count-1] = (ushort)block_id;
FxdWaiting fxdWait;


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