Dragon Expert Advisor v4.1 updated 2019
Dragon Expert Advisor v4.1 updated 2019

Dragon Expert Advisor v4.1 updated 2019 最新版


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//| Dragon Expert v4.1.mq4 |
//| |
//| |
#property copyright “Copyright 2018, Dragon Expert v4.1”
#property link “”
#property version “4.1”
#property description “DRAGONEXPERTFX.COM\n”
#property strict

extern string CopyRight_by=” “;
extern string CopyRight=”Dragon Expert v4.1″;
extern string Website=”DRAGONEXPERTFX.COM”;
extern string email=”dragonexpert99@gmail.com”;
extern string notes=”0″; //Pin Code Real Account License
extern int Magic = 102030;
extern double Lots = 0.01;
extern double multiplier = 1.0;
extern double note = 10; // Distance (pips)
extern double pairglobalprofit= 8; //Take Profit (pips)
extern int tradesperday = 99; //Max Level Martingale
extern double Risk = 2; //Level Risk
extern double Target = 10000000.0; // Target Equity for Withdraw (USD)
extern bool UseVirtual = True;// Use Virtual Take Profit
extern bool timefilter = false;// Time Filter
extern int Start_Hour = 23;// Start Hour (Broker Time)
extern int Finish_Hour = 8;// End Hour (Broker Time)

bool MM = false;
double LotDigits = 2;
double profit = 8;
double globalprofit = 8;
double maximaloss = 0;
bool openonnewcandle = false;
double spacePips = 100;
int spaceOrders = 5;
double spaceLots = 0.03;
double space1Pips = 100;
int space1Orders = 1;
double space1Lots = 0.05;
double space2Pips = 100;
int space2Orders = 1;
double space2Lots = 0.07;
double space3Pips = 100;
int space3Orders = 99;
double space3Lots = 0.09;
int magicbuy = 1;
string buycomment = “”;
int magicsell = 2;
string sellcomment = “”;
int Start_Minute = 00;
int Finish_Minute = 59;
bool smaParabolicEntry = false;
int cciperiod = 0;
double ccimax = 100;
double ccimin = -100;
bool suspendtrades = false;
bool closeallsellsnow = false;
bool closeallbuysnow = false;
bool closeallnow = false;
int DisplayX = 0;
int DisplayY = 0;
int fontSise = 0;
string fontName = “”;
color colour = Yellow;

double totalprofit;
bool sellallowed=true;
bool buyallowed=true;
bool firebuy=true;
bool firesell=true;
string stoptrading=”0″;
bool validSetup=true;
string error;
int DisplayCount = 0;
bool KeepTextOnTop = False;
string txt,txt1;
string txt2=””;
string txt3=””;
color col = ForestGreen;
//| Expert initialization function |


int OnInit()

ObjectSet(“Lable1”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
ObjectSet(“Lable1”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);
ObjectSet(“Lable1″, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 10);
txt1=”Dragon Expert v4.1”;
ObjectSetText(“Lable1″,txt1,20,”Nirmala UI”,Yellow);
ObjectSet(“Lable”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
ObjectSet(“Lable”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);
ObjectSet(“Lable”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 75);
txt=”Contact : https://t.me/singhhack”;
ObjectSetText(“Lable”,txt,15,”Nirmala UI”,Yellow);


if (Digits==3 || Digits==5)
spacePips *= 10.0;
space1Pips *= 10.0;
space2Pips *= 10.0;
space3Pips *= 10.0;

double minLots = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT) ;
double maxLots = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT) ;
if (MM == true)
if (LotDigits<1 || LotDigits>3)
error=”Invalid LotDigits”;
return 0;

if (Risk < 0.01 || Risk >100)
error=”Invalid Risk”;
return 0;

if (Lots < minLots || Lots > maxLots )
error=”invalid LotSize”;
return 0;
if (multiplier < 0)
error=”invalid multiplier”;
return 0;

if (spacePips < 1 )
error=”SpacePips invalid”;
return 0;

if (space1Pips < 1 )
error=”SpacePips1 invalid”;
return 0;

if (space2Pips < 1 )
error=”SpacePips2 invalid”;
return 0;

if (space3Pips < 1 )
error=”SpacePips3 invalid”;
return 0;

if (spaceOrders < 1 )
error=”spaceOrders invalid”;
return 0;

if (space1Orders < 1 )
error=”space1Orders invalid”;
return 0;

if (space2Orders < 1 )
error=”space2Orders invalid”;
return 0;

if (space3Orders < 1 )
error=”space3Orders invalid”;
return 0;

if (multiplier==0)
if (space1Lots < minLots || space1Lots > maxLots)
error=”space1Lots invalid”;
return 0;
if (space2Lots < minLots || space2Lots > maxLots)
error=”space3Lots invalid”;
return 0;
if (space3Lots < minLots || space3Lots > maxLots)
error=”space3Lots invalid”;
return 0;

if (Start_Hour < 0 || Start_Hour > 24)
error=”Start_Hour invalid”;
return 0;

if (Start_Minute < 0 || Start_Minute > 59)
error=”Start_Minute invalid”;
return 0;
if (Finish_Hour < 0 || Finish_Hour > 24)
error=”Finish_Hour invalid”;
return 0;
if (Finish_Minute < 0 || Finish_Minute > 59)
error=”Finish_Minute invalid”;
return 0;
if (cciperiod<0)
error=”cciperiod invalid”;
return 0;
if (cciperiod > 0)
if (ccimax < ccimin)
error=”ccimax/ccimin invalid”;
return 0;
if (ccimax <-100 || ccimax > 100)
error=”ccimax invalid”;
return 0;
if (ccimin <-100 || ccimin > 100)
error=”ccimin invalid”;
return 0;


//| Expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)

//| Expert deinitialization function |
void RemoveAllObjects()
for(int i = ObjectsTotal() – 1; i >= 0; i–)
if (StringFind(ObjectName(i),”EA-“,0) > -1) ObjectDelete(ObjectName(i));

//| Display |
void Display(string text)
string lab_str = “EA-” + IntegerToString(DisplayCount);
double ofset = 0;

ObjectSet(“EA-BG”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, DisplayX-20);
ObjectSet(“EA-BG”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, DisplayY-20);
ObjectSet(“EA-BG”, OBJPROP_XSIZE,1);
ObjectSet(“EA-BG”, OBJPROP_YSIZE,1);
ObjectSet(“EA-BG”, OBJPROP_BGCOLOR,C’0,0,0′);
ObjectSet(“EA-BG”, OBJPROP_COLOR,clrWhite);
ObjectSet(“EA-BG”, OBJPROP_WIDTH,1);
ObjectSet(“EA-BG”, OBJPROP_BACK,false);

ObjectCreate(lab_str, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(lab_str, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
ObjectSet(lab_str, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, DisplayX + ofset);
ObjectSet(lab_str, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, DisplayY+DisplayCount*(fontSise+9));
ObjectSet(lab_str, OBJPROP_BACK, false);
ObjectSetText(lab_str, text, fontSise, fontName, colour);



void SM(string message)

}//End void SM()

// Draw error screen
void DisplayErrors()
SM(“Trading turned OFF”);
SM(“Invalid settings:”);
// Draw info screen
void ShowStatus()
if(IsOptimization()) return;
// if(IsTesting()) return;


double lotsTrading=0;
int openTrades=0;
double profitLoss=0;
for (int k = OrdersTotal();k >=0 ;k–)
if (OrderSelect(k, SELECT_BY_POS))
if ( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() )
if (OrderMagicNumber() == magicbuy || OrderMagicNumber() == magicsell)
profitLoss += (OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission());

int wonTrades=0;
int lostTrades=0;
double profitToday=0;
double profitYesterday=0;
double profitTotal=0;
double totalLotsTraded=0;
double maxLotsizeUsed=0;
double profitFactor=-1;
double totalAmountWon=0;
double totalAmountLost=0;
datetime today = TimeCurrent() ;
datetime yesterday = TimeCurrent() – (60 * 60 * 24);
for (int l=OrdersHistoryTotal();l >= 0;l–)
if ( OrderSymbol() == Symbol() )
if ( OrderMagicNumber() == magicbuy || OrderMagicNumber() == magicsell )
totalLotsTraded += OrderLots();
maxLotsizeUsed = MathMax(maxLotsizeUsed, OrderLots());
if (OrderProfit() > 0) wonTrades++;
else lostTrades++;

double orderProfit = (OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission());
if (orderProfit<0) totalAmountLost += orderProfit;
else totalAmountWon += orderProfit;

profitTotal += orderProfit;

if( TimeDay (OrderCloseTime()) == TimeDay(today) &&
TimeMonth (OrderCloseTime()) == TimeMonth(today) &&
TimeYear (OrderCloseTime()) == TimeYear(today) )
profitToday += orderProfit;

if( TimeDay (OrderCloseTime()) == TimeDay(yesterday) &&
TimeMonth(OrderCloseTime()) == TimeMonth(yesterday) &&
TimeYear (OrderCloseTime()) == TimeYear(yesterday) )
profitYesterday += orderProfit;
if (totalAmountWon!=0 && totalAmountLost!=0)
profitFactor=MathAbs(totalAmountWon / totalAmountLost);

double totalTradeCount=(wonTrades+lostTrades);



// Generic Money management code
double GetLotSize()
double minlot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
double maxlot = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
double leverage = AccountLeverage();
double lotsize = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSIZE);
double stoplevel = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);
double MinLots = 0.01;
double MaximalLots = 50.0;
double lots = Lots;

lots = NormalizeDouble(AccountFreeMargin() * Risk/100 / 1000.0, LotDigits);
if(lots < minlot) lots = minlot;
if (lots > MaximalLots) lots = MaximalLots;
if (AccountFreeMargin() < Ask * lots * lotsize / leverage)
Print(“We have no money. Lots = “, lots, ” , Free Margin = “, AccountFreeMargin());
Comment(“We have no money. Lots = “, lots, ” , Free Margin = “, AccountFreeMargin());
else lots=NormalizeDouble(Lots, Digits);

//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
if (!validSetup)

int ticketBuyOrder = GetTicketOfLargestBuyOrder();
int ticketSellOrder = GetTicketOfLargestSellOrder();
bool isNewBar = IsNewBar();
int totalTradesDoneToday = TradesToday();
int index;


if (GlobalVariableGet(stoptrading) == 1 && OrdersTotal() == 0 && CheckTradingTime() == true)

if (!smaParabolicEntry)
if (cciperiod == 0)
firesell = true;
firebuy = true;

// determine entry based on SMA/parabolic
if (smaParabolicEntry)
if (isNewBar==true)
firebuy = true;
firesell = true;
double ima = iMA(NULL, 0, 0, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_WEIGHTED, 0);
double isar = iMA(NULL, 0, 0, 0, MODE_LWMA, PRICE_WEIGHTED, 0);
if(isar < ima)
firesell = true;
firebuy = true;

if( isar > ima)
firesell = true;
firebuy = true;

// determine entry based on CCI
if (cciperiod > 0 && isNewBar == true)
firebuy = true;
firesell = true;
double cci = iCCI(Symbol(), 0, cciperiod, PRICE_TYPICAL, 0);

if(sellallowed && cci < ccimin)
firesell = true;
sellallowed = true;

if(buyallowed && cci > ccimax)
firebuy = true;
buyallowed = true;

if (cci < ccimax && cci > ccimin)
buyallowed = true;
sellallowed = true;

if (tradesperday > totalTradesDoneToday && CheckTradingTime() && ticketBuyOrder==0 && suspendtrades==false && firebuy && closeallnow==false && GlobalVariableGet(stoptrading)==0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(),OP_BUY, GetLotSize() , Ask , 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);
if (index >= 0)
firebuy = true;

if ((openonnewcandle == 1 && isNewBar == true && ticketBuyOrder != 0)|| (openonnewcandle == 0 && ticketBuyOrder != 0))
if ( OrderSelect(ticketBuyOrder, SELECT_BY_TICKET))
double orderLots = OrderLots();
double orderPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
if( Ask <= orderPrice – spacePips * Point() && GetBuyOrderCount() < spaceOrders)
if (multiplier > 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, NormalizeDouble(orderLots * multiplier, 2), Ask, 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);
else if (multiplier == 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, spaceLots, Ask, 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);

else if( Ask <= orderPrice – space1Pips * Point() && GetBuyOrderCount() <= (spaceOrders + space1Orders-1) && GetBuyOrderCount() >= spaceOrders)
if (multiplier > 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, NormalizeDouble(orderLots * multiplier, 2), Ask, 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);
else if (multiplier == 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, space1Lots, Ask, 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);

else if( Ask <= orderPrice – space2Pips * Point()&& GetBuyOrderCount() <= (space2Orders + space1Orders + spaceOrders-1) && GetBuyOrderCount() > (spaceOrders + space1Orders-1))
if (multiplier > 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, NormalizeDouble(orderLots * multiplier, 2), Ask, 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);
else if (multiplier == 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY,space2Lots, Ask, 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);

else if( Ask <= orderPrice – space3Pips * Point() && GetBuyOrderCount() <= (space3Orders + space2Orders + space1Orders + spaceOrders) && GetBuyOrderCount() > (spaceOrders + space1Orders + space2Orders-1))
if (multiplier > 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, NormalizeDouble(orderLots * multiplier, 2), Ask, 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);
else if (multiplier == 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_BUY, space3Lots, Ask, 3, 0, 0, buycomment, magicbuy, 0, Blue);

// ——————————————–
// sell orders
// ——————————————–
totalTradesDoneToday = TradesToday();
if (tradesperday > totalTradesDoneToday && CheckTradingTime() == true && ticketSellOrder == 0 && suspendtrades == false && firesell == true && closeallnow == false && GlobalVariableGet(stoptrading) == 0)
index = OrderSend (Symbol(), OP_SELL, GetLotSize(), Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell, 0, Red);
if (index >= 0)
firesell = false;

// manage sell order
if ((openonnewcandle == 1 && isNewBar==true && ticketSellOrder !=0 )|| (openonnewcandle == 0 && ticketSellOrder != 0))
if ( OrderSelect(ticketSellOrder, SELECT_BY_TICKET))
double orderLots = OrderLots();
double orderPrice = OrderOpenPrice();
if( Bid >= orderPrice + spacePips * Point() && GetSellOrderCount() < spaceOrders)
if (multiplier > 0)
index = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, NormalizeDouble(orderLots * multiplier, 2), Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell, 0, Red);
else if (multiplier == 0)
index = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, spaceLots, Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell, 0, Red);
else if( Bid >= orderPrice + space1Pips * Point() && GetSellOrderCount() <= (spaceOrders + space1Orders – 1) && GetSellOrderCount() >= spaceOrders)
if (multiplier > 0)
index = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, NormalizeDouble(orderLots * multiplier, 2), Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell, 0, Red);
else if (multiplier == 0)
index = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, space1Lots ,Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell ,0, Red);
else if( Bid >= orderPrice + space2Pips * Point() && GetSellOrderCount() <= (space2Orders + space1Orders + spaceOrders – 1) && GetSellOrderCount() > (spaceOrders + space1Orders-1))
if (multiplier > 0)
index = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL, NormalizeDouble(orderLots * multiplier, 2), Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell, 0, Red);
else if (multiplier == 0)
index = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL, space2Lots, Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell, 0, Red);
else if( Bid >= orderPrice + space3Pips * Point() && GetSellOrderCount() <= (space3Orders + space2Orders + space1Orders + spaceOrders) && GetSellOrderCount() > (spaceOrders + space1Orders + space2Orders-1))
if (multiplier > 0)
index = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL, NormalizeDouble(orderLots * multiplier, 2), Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell, 0, Red);
else if (multiplier == 0)
index = OrderSend(Symbol(),OP_SELL, space3Lots, Bid, 3, 0, 0, sellcomment, magicsell, 0, Red);

double profitBuyOrders=0;
for(int k=OrdersTotal()-1; k >=0; k–)
if ( OrderSelect(k,SELECT_BY_POS))
if (Symbol()==OrderSymbol() && OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderMagicNumber() == magicbuy)
profitBuyOrders = profitBuyOrders + OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();

if ((profit > 0 && profitBuyOrders >= profit) || closeallbuysnow == true)
firebuy = false;

double profitSellOrders=0;
for(int j=OrdersTotal()-1; j>=0; j–)
if (OrderSelect(j,SELECT_BY_POS))
if (Symbol() == OrderSymbol() && OrderType()==OP_SELL && OrderMagicNumber() == magicsell)
profitSellOrders = profitSellOrders + OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();

if ((profit > 0 && profitSellOrders >= profit) || closeallsellsnow == true)
firesell = true;


if (pairglobalprofit> 0 && profitBuyOrders + profitSellOrders >= pairglobalprofit)

double totalglobalprofit = TotalProfit();
if((globalprofit > 0 && totalglobalprofit >= globalprofit) || (maximaloss < 0 && totalglobalprofit <= maximaloss))
GlobalVariableSet(stoptrading, 1);
firebuy = true;
firesell = true;

int GetBuyOrderCount()
int count=0;

// find all open orders of today
for (int k = OrdersTotal();k >=0 ;k–)
if (OrderSelect(k, SELECT_BY_POS))
if (OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == magicbuy)
return count;

int GetSellOrderCount()
int count=0;

// find all open orders of today
for (int k = OrdersTotal(); k >=0 ;k–)
if (OrderSelect(k, SELECT_BY_POS))
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == magicsell)
return count;

// GetTicketOfLargestBuyOrder()
// returns the ticket of the largest open buy order

int GetTicketOfLargestBuyOrder()
double maxLots=0;
int orderTicketNr=0;

for (int i=0;i < OrdersTotal();i++)
if ( OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS))
if( OrderType()==OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber()==magicbuy)

double orderLots = OrderLots();
if (orderLots >= maxLots)
maxLots = orderLots;
orderTicketNr = OrderTicket();
return orderTicketNr;

// GetTicketOfLargestSellOrder()
// returns the ticket of the largest open sell order
int GetTicketOfLargestSellOrder()
double maxLots=0;
int orderTicketNr=0;

for (int l=0;l<=OrdersTotal();l++)
if ( OrderSelect(l,SELECT_BY_POS) )
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == magicsell)
double orderLots = OrderLots();
if (orderLots >= maxLots)
maxLots = orderLots;
orderTicketNr = OrderTicket();
return orderTicketNr;

// CloseAllBuyOrders()
// closes all open buy orders
void CloseAllBuyOrders()
for (int m=OrdersTotal(); m>=0; m–)
if ( OrderSelect(m, SELECT_BY_POS))
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == magicbuy)
bool success = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 0, Blue);

// CloseAllSellOrders()
// closes all open sell orders
void CloseAllSellOrders()
for (int h=OrdersTotal();h>=0;h–)
if ( OrderSelect(h,SELECT_BY_POS) )
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL && OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == magicsell)
bool success =OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 0, Red);

// CloseAllOrders()
// closes all orders
void CloseAllOrders()

// TotalProfit()
// returns the total profit for all open orders
double TotalProfit()
double totalProfit = 0;
for (int j=OrdersTotal();j >= 0; j–)
if( OrderSelect(j,SELECT_BY_POS))
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() )
if (OrderMagicNumber() == magicsell || OrderMagicNumber() == magicbuy)

totalProfit = totalProfit + OrderProfit() + OrderSwap() + OrderCommission();
return totalProfit;

// IsNewBar()
// returns if new bar has started
bool IsNewBar()
static datetime time = Time[0];
if(Time[0] > time)
time = Time[0]; //newbar, update time
return (true);

// CheckTradingTime()
// returns true if we are allowed to trade
bool CheckTradingTime()
int min = TimeMinute( TimeCurrent() );
int hour = TimeHour( TimeCurrent() );

// check if we can trade from 00:00 – 24:00
if (Start_Hour == 0 && Finish_Hour == 24)
if (Start_Minute==0 && Finish_Minute==0)
// yes then return true
return true;

if (Start_Hour > Finish_Hour)

// suppose we’re allowed to trade from 14:15 – 19:30

// 1) check if hour is < 14 or hour > 19
if ( hour < Start_Hour || hour > Finish_Hour )
// if so then we are not allowed to trade
return false;

// if hour is 14, then check if minute < 15
if ( hour == Start_Hour && min < Start_Minute )
// if so then we are not allowed to trade
return false;

// if hour is 19, then check minute > 30
if ( hour == Finish_Hour && min > Finish_Minute )
// if so then we are not allowed to trade
return false;
return true;


// TradesToday()
// return total number of trades done today (closed and still open)
int TradesToday()
int count=0;

// find all open orders of today
for (int k = OrdersTotal();k >=0 ;k–)
if (OrderSelect(k,SELECT_BY_POS))
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() )
if(OrderLots() == Lots)
if (OrderMagicNumber() == magicbuy || OrderMagicNumber() == magicsell)
if( TimeDay(OrderOpenTime()) == TimeDay(TimeCurrent()))

// find all closed orders of today
for (int l=OrdersHistoryTotal();l >= 0;l–)
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() )
if(OrderLots() == Lots)
if (OrderMagicNumber() != magicbuy && OrderMagicNumber() !=magicsell)
if(OrdersHistoryTotal() != 0 && TimeDay(OrderOpenTime()) == TimeDay(TimeCurrent()))
count = count + 1;


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平均评分 4 / 5. 投票数: 1



