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indicator(“FREE ALGOs [EzAlgo SR]”, overlay=true)

//——————- EzAlgo SR | https://www.ezalgo.co ———————-//
// Get user input
enableSR = input(true, “SR On/Off”, group=”SR”)
colorSup = input(#00DBFF, “Support Color”, group=”SR”)
colorRes = input(#E91E63, “Resistance Color”, group=”SR”)
strengthSR = input.int(2, “S/R Strength”, 1, group=”SR”)
lineStyle = input.string(“Dotted”, “Line Style”, [“Solid”, “Dotted”, “Dashed”], group=”SR”)
lineWidth = input.int(2, “S/R Line Width”, 1, group=”SR”)
useZones = input(true, “Zones On/Off”, group=”SR”)
useHLZones = input(true, “High Low Zones On/Off”, group=”SR”)
zoneWidth = input.int(2, “Zone Width %”, 0, tooltip=”it’s calculated using % of the distance between highest/lowest in last 300 bars”, group=”SR”)
expandSR = input(true, “Expand SR”)
// Functions
percWidth(len, perc) => (ta.highest(len) – ta.lowest(len)) * perc / 100
// Get components
rb = 10
prd = 284
ChannelW = 10
label_loc = 55
style = lineStyle == “Solid” ? line.style_solid : lineStyle == “Dotted” ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
ph = ta.pivothigh(rb, rb)
pl = ta.pivotlow (rb, rb)
sr_levels = array.new_float(21, na)
prdhighest = ta.highest(prd)
prdlowest = ta.lowest(prd)
cwidth = percWidth(prd, ChannelW)
zonePerc = percWidth(300, zoneWidth)
aas = array.new_bool(41, true)
u1 = 0.0, u1 := nz(u1[1])
d1 = 0.0, d1 := nz(d1[1])
highestph = 0.0, highestph := highestph[1]
lowestpl = 0.0, lowestpl := lowestpl[1]
var sr_levs = array.new_float(21, na)
label hlabel = na, label.delete(hlabel[1])
label llabel = na, label.delete(llabel[1])
var sr_lines = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesH = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesL = array.new_line(21, na)
var sr_linesF = array.new_linefill(21, na)
var sr_labels = array.new_label(21, na)
if ph or pl
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_levels) – 1
array.set(sr_levels, x, na)
highestph := prdlowest
lowestpl := prdhighest
countpp = 0
for x = 0 to prd
if na(close[x])
if not na(ph[x]) or not na(pl[x])
highestph := math.max(highestph, nz(ph[x], prdlowest), nz(pl[x], prdlowest))
lowestpl := math.min(lowestpl, nz(ph[x], prdhighest), nz(pl[x], prdhighest))
countpp += 1
if countpp > 40
if array.get(aas, countpp)
upl = (ph[x] ? high[x + rb] : low[x + rb]) + cwidth
dnl = (ph[x] ? high[x + rb] : low[x + rb]) – cwidth
u1 := countpp == 1 ? upl : u1
d1 := countpp == 1 ? dnl : d1
tmp = array.new_bool(41, true)
cnt = 0
tpoint = 0
for xx = 0 to prd
if na(close[xx])
if not na(ph[xx]) or not na(pl[xx])
chg = false
cnt += 1
if cnt > 40
if array.get(aas, cnt)
if not na(ph[xx])
if high[xx + rb] <= upl and high[xx + rb] >= dnl
tpoint += 1
chg := true
if not na(pl[xx])
if low[xx + rb] <= upl and low[xx + rb] >= dnl
tpoint += 1
chg := true
if chg and cnt < 41
array.set(tmp, cnt, false)
if tpoint >= strengthSR
for g = 0 to 40 by 1
if not array.get(tmp, g)
array.set(aas, g, false)
if ph[x] and countpp < 21
array.set(sr_levels, countpp, high[x + rb])
if pl[x] and countpp < 21
array.set(sr_levels, countpp, low[x + rb])
// Plot
var line highest_ = na, line.delete(highest_)
var line lowest_ = na, line.delete(lowest_)
var line highest_fill1 = na, line.delete(highest_fill1)
var line highest_fill2 = na, line.delete(highest_fill2)
var line lowest_fill1 = na, line.delete(lowest_fill1)
var line lowest_fill2 = na, line.delete(lowest_fill2)
hi_col = close >= highestph ? colorSup : colorRes
lo_col = close >= lowestpl ? colorSup : colorRes
if enableSR
highest_ := line.new(bar_index – 311, highestph, bar_index, highestph, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, hi_col, style, lineWidth)
lowest_ := line.new(bar_index – 311, lowestpl , bar_index, lowestpl , xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, lo_col, style, lineWidth)
if useHLZones
highest_fill1 := line.new(bar_index – 311, highestph + zonePerc, bar_index, highestph + zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
highest_fill2 := line.new(bar_index – 311, highestph – zonePerc, bar_index, highestph – zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
lowest_fill1 := line.new(bar_index – 311, lowestpl + zonePerc , bar_index, lowestpl + zonePerc , xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
lowest_fill2 := line.new(bar_index – 311, lowestpl – zonePerc , bar_index, lowestpl – zonePerc , xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na)
linefill.new(highest_fill1, highest_fill2, color.new(hi_col, 80))
linefill.new(lowest_fill1 , lowest_fill2 , color.new(lo_col, 80))
if ph or pl
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_lines) – 1
array.set(sr_levs, x, array.get(sr_levels, x))
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_lines) – 1
line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x))
line.delete(array.get(sr_linesH, x))
line.delete(array.get(sr_linesL, x))
linefill.delete(array.get(sr_linesF, x))
if array.get(sr_levs, x) and enableSR
line_col = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? colorSup : colorRes
array.set(sr_lines, x, line.new(bar_index – 355, array.get(sr_levs, x), bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x), xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, line_col, style, lineWidth))
if useZones
array.set(sr_linesH, x, line.new(bar_index – 355, array.get(sr_levs, x) + zonePerc, bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x) + zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na))
array.set(sr_linesL, x, line.new(bar_index – 355, array.get(sr_levs, x) – zonePerc, bar_index, array.get(sr_levs, x) – zonePerc, xloc.bar_index, expandSR ? extend.both : extend.right, na))
array.set(sr_linesF, x, linefill.new(array.get(sr_linesH, x), array.get(sr_linesL, x), color.new(line_col, 80)))
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_labels) – 1
label.delete(array.get(sr_labels, x))
if array.get(sr_levs, x) and enableSR
lab_loc = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? label.style_label_up : label.style_label_down
lab_col = close >= array.get(sr_levs, x) ? colorSup : colorRes
array.set(sr_labels, x, label.new(bar_index + label_loc, array.get(sr_levs, x), str.tostring(math.round_to_mintick(array.get(sr_levs, x))), color=lab_col , textcolor=#000000, style=lab_loc))
hlabel := enableSR ? label.new(bar_index + label_loc + math.round(math.sign(label_loc)) * 20, highestph, “High Level : ” + str.tostring(highestph), color=hi_col, textcolor=#000000, style=label.style_label_down) : na
llabel := enableSR ? label.new(bar_index + label_loc + math.round(math.sign(label_loc)) * 20, lowestpl , “Low Level : ” + str.tostring(lowestpl) , color=lo_col, textcolor=#000000, style=label.style_label_up ) : na


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