更新日期:2022-03-03分类标签: 语言:中文平台:没限制

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#property copyright “EA customized By Estevam@ 2017”
#property link “Use timer M1 currency EUR/USD”

extern string EA_Name = “EA LUCRE”;
string Use_TradeAgain = “If => TRUE,EA will trade again,If => FALSE => EA will Off”;
bool TradeAgain = TRUE;
string Use_Loop = “Example = 10,EA will trader for 10 Laps”;
int Loop = 10000;
int Gi_108;
extern string Use_Hour = “Start End Hour”;
extern int StartTrade = 0;
extern int EndTrade = 23;
extern string Use_DbLots = “If = 1-> Multiplier Lot, If = 2-> Fixed Lot”;
extern int DbLots = 1;
extern double Lots = 0.01;
extern double SL = 0.0;
extern double TP = 4.0;
extern double Distance = 3.0;
extern double Multiplier = 1.6;
extern int MaxLevel = 20;
double Gd_176 = 3.0;
extern double LotsDecimal = 2.0;
extern int MagicNumber = 163991;
string EA_Comment = “EA LUCRE”;
double Gd_unused_204 = 0.0;
double G_price_212;
double G_price_220;
double G_bid_228;
double G_ask_236;
double Gd_244;
double Gd_252;
bool Gi_260;
datetime G_time_264 = 0;
int Gi_268 = 0;
double Gd_272;
int G_pos_280 = 0;
int Gi_284;
double Gd_288 = 0.0;
bool Gi_296 = FALSE;
bool Gi_300 = FALSE;
bool Gi_304 = FALSE;
int Gi_308;
bool Gi_312 = FALSE;
double Gd_316;
//int Gi_324 = 65535;
//int Gi_328 = 65535;
//extern int Gi_332 = Lime;
extern color Gi_324 = Yellow;
extern color Gi_328 = Red;
extern color Gi_332 = Lime;
double Gd_336;
double MoneyPerLot = 1.7;

int init() {
if (Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) Gd_316 = 10.0 * Point;
else Gd_316 = Point;
return (0);

int deinit() {
return (0);

int start() {
double order_lots_0;
double order_lots_8;
double iclose_16;
double iclose_24;
double Ld_32;
if (f0_10()) {
if (G_time_264 == Time[0]) return (0);
G_time_264 = Time[0];
Gi_284 = f0_12();
if (Gi_284 == 0) Gi_260 = FALSE;
for (G_pos_280 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_280 >= 0; G_pos_280–) {
if (OrderSelect(G_pos_280, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
Gi_300 = TRUE;
Gi_304 = FALSE;
order_lots_0 = OrderLots();
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
Gi_300 = FALSE;
Gi_304 = TRUE;
order_lots_8 = OrderLots();
if (Gi_284 > 0 && Gi_284 <= MaxLevel) {
Gd_244 = f0_11();
Gd_252 = f0_3();
if (Gi_300 && Gd_244 – Ask >= Distance * Gd_316) Gi_296 = TRUE;
if (Gi_304 && Bid – Gd_252 >= Distance * Gd_316) Gi_296 = TRUE;
if (Gi_284 < 1) {
Gi_304 = FALSE;
Gi_300 = FALSE;
Gi_296 = TRUE;
if (Gi_296) {
Gd_244 = f0_11();
Gd_252 = f0_3();
if (Gi_304) {
Gd_272 = f0_4(OP_SELL);
Gi_268 = Gi_284;
if (Gd_272 > 0.0) {
Gi_308 = f0_5(1, Gd_272, Bid, Gd_176, Ask, 0, 0, EA_Comment + “-” + Gi_268, MagicNumber, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (Gi_308 < 0) {
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_252 = f0_3();
Gi_296 = FALSE;
Gi_312 = TRUE;
} else {
if (Gi_300) {
Gd_272 = f0_4(OP_BUY);
Gi_268 = Gi_284;
if (Gd_272 > 0.0) {
Gi_308 = f0_5(0, Gd_272, Ask, Gd_176, Bid, 0, 0, EA_Comment + “-” + Gi_268, MagicNumber, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (Gi_308 < 0) {
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_244 = f0_11();
Gi_296 = FALSE;
Gi_312 = TRUE;
if (Hour() >= StartTrade && Hour() < EndTrade) {
if (Gi_108 < Loop && TradeAgain) {
if (Gi_296 && Gi_284 < 1) {
iclose_16 = iClose(Symbol(), 0, 2);
iclose_24 = iClose(Symbol(), 0, 1);
G_bid_228 = Bid;
G_ask_236 = Ask;
if ((!Gi_304) && (!Gi_300)) {
Gi_268 = Gi_284;
if (iclose_16 > iclose_24) {
Gd_272 = f0_4(OP_SELL);
if (Gd_272 > 0.0) {
Gi_308 = f0_5(1, Gd_272, G_bid_228, Gd_176, G_bid_228, 0, 0, EA_Comment + “-” + Gi_268, MagicNumber, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (Gi_308 < 0) {
Print(Gd_272, “Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_244 = f0_11();
Gi_312 = TRUE;
} else {
Gd_272 = f0_4(OP_BUY);
if (Gd_272 > 0.0) {
Gi_308 = f0_5(0, Gd_272, G_ask_236, Gd_176, G_ask_236, 0, 0, EA_Comment + “-” + Gi_268, MagicNumber, 0, CLR_NONE);
if (Gi_308 < 0) {
Print(Gd_272, “Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_252 = f0_3();
Gi_312 = TRUE;
Gi_284 = f0_12();
G_price_220 = 0;
Ld_32 = 0;
for (G_pos_280 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_280 >= 0; G_pos_280–) {
if (OrderSelect(G_pos_280, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
G_price_220 += OrderOpenPrice() * OrderLots();
Ld_32 += OrderLots();
if (Gi_284 > 0) G_price_220 = NormalizeDouble(G_price_220 / Ld_32, Digits);
if (Gi_312) {
for (G_pos_280 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_280 >= 0; G_pos_280–) {
if (OrderSelect(G_pos_280, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
G_price_212 = G_price_220 + TP * Gd_316;
Gd_288 = G_price_220 – SL * Gd_316;
Gi_260 = TRUE;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
G_price_212 = G_price_220 – TP * Gd_316;
Gd_288 = G_price_220 + SL * Gd_316;
Gi_260 = TRUE;
if (!Gi_312) return (0);
if (Gi_260 != TRUE) return (0);
for (G_pos_280 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_280 >= 0; G_pos_280–) {
if (OrderSelect(G_pos_280, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) if (OrderModify(OrderTicket(), G_price_220, OrderStopLoss(), G_price_212, 0, White))
Gi_312 = FALSE;
return (0);

double f0_4(int A_cmd_0) {
double lots_4;
int datetime_12;
switch (DbLots) {
case 0:
lots_4 = Lots;
case 1:
lots_4 = NormalizeDouble(Lots * MathPow(Multiplier, Gi_268), LotsDecimal);
case 2:
datetime_12 = 0;
lots_4 = Lots;
for (int pos_20 = OrdersHistoryTotal() – 1; pos_20 >= 0; pos_20–) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_20, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) {
if (datetime_12 < OrderCloseTime()) {
datetime_12 = OrderCloseTime();
if (OrderProfit() < 0.0) {
lots_4 = NormalizeDouble(OrderLots() * Multiplier, LotsDecimal);
lots_4 = Lots;
} else return (-3);
if (AccountFreeMarginCheck(Symbol(), A_cmd_0, lots_4) <= 0.0) return (-1);
if (GetLastError() == 134/* NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY */) return (-2);
return (lots_4);

int f0_12() {
int count_0 = 0;
for (int pos_4 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_4 >= 0; pos_4–) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_4, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY) count_0++;
return (count_0);

int f0_5(int Ai_0, double A_lots_4, double A_price_12, int A_slippage_20, double Ad_24, int Ai_unused_32, int Ai_36, string A_comment_40, int A_magic_48, int A_datetime_52, color A_color_56) {
int ticket_60 = 0;
int error_64 = 0;
int count_68 = 0;
int Li_72 = 100;
switch (Ai_0) {
case 2:
for (count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++) {
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_14(Ad_24, SL), f0_1(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if (error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */) break;
if (!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */))) break;
case 4:
for (count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++) {
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_14(Ad_24, SL), f0_1(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if (error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */) break;
if (!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */))) break;
case 0:
for (count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++) {
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, A_lots_4, Ask, A_slippage_20, f0_14(Bid, SL), f0_1(Ask, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52, A_color_56);
error_64 = GetLastError();
if (error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */) break;
if (!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */))) break;
case 3:
for (count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++) {
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_7(Ad_24, SL), f0_2(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if (error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */) break;
if (!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */))) break;
case 5:
for (count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++) {
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_7(Ad_24, SL), f0_2(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if (error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */) break;
if (!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */))) break;
case 1:
for (count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++) {
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, A_lots_4, Bid, A_slippage_20, f0_7(Ask, SL), f0_2(Bid, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52, A_color_56);
error_64 = GetLastError();
if (error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */) break;
if (!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */))) break;
return (ticket_60);

double f0_14(double Ad_0, int Ai_8) {
if (Ai_8 == 0) return (0);
return (Ad_0 – Ai_8 * Gd_316);

double f0_7(double Ad_0, int Ai_8) {
if (Ai_8 == 0) return (0);
return (Ad_0 + Ai_8 * Gd_316);

double f0_1(double Ad_0, int Ai_8) {
if (Ai_8 == 0) return (0);
return (Ad_0 + Ai_8 * Gd_316);

double f0_2(double Ad_0, int Ai_8) {
if (Ai_8 == 0) return (0);
return (Ad_0 – Ai_8 * Gd_316);

double f0_11() {
double order_open_price_0;
int ticket_8;
double Ld_unused_12 = 0;
int ticket_20 = 0;
for (int pos_24 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_24 >= 0; pos_24–) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_24, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber && OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
ticket_8 = OrderTicket();
if (ticket_8 > ticket_20) {
order_open_price_0 = OrderOpenPrice();
Ld_unused_12 = order_open_price_0;
ticket_20 = ticket_8;
return (order_open_price_0);

double f0_3() {
double order_open_price_0;
int ticket_8;
double Ld_unused_12 = 0;
int ticket_20 = 0;
for (int pos_24 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_24 >= 0; pos_24–) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_24, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber && OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
ticket_8 = OrderTicket();
if (ticket_8 > ticket_20) {
order_open_price_0 = OrderOpenPrice();
Ld_unused_12 = order_open_price_0;
ticket_20 = ticket_8;
return (order_open_price_0);

void f0_0() {
if (iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, 0) > iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, 2)) {
if (iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, 0) < iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, 2)) {
if (iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, 0) > iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, 1)) {
if (iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, 0) < iClose(Symbol(), PERIOD_H1, 1)) {
if (iOpen(Symbol(), 0, 0) > iOpen(Symbol(), 0, 1)) {
if (iOpen(Symbol(), 0, 0) < iOpen(Symbol(), 0, 1)) {
if (iClose(Symbol(), 0, 0) > iClose(Symbol(), 0, 1)) {
if (iClose(Symbol(), 0, 0) >= iClose(Symbol(), 0, 1)) {

double f0_13() {
Gd_336 = 0;
double Ld_ret_0 = 0;
for (int pos_8 = 0; pos_8 < OrdersHistoryTotal(); pos_8++) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_8, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY))
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY && 1) Gd_336 += OrderLots();
Ld_ret_0 = Gd_336 * MoneyPerLot;
return (Ld_ret_0);

void f0_8() {
ObjectCreate(“Original”, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(“Original”, ” “, 10, “Arial Bold”, Red);
ObjectSet(“Original”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 2);
ObjectSet(“Original”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 200);
ObjectSet(“Original”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 10);

void f0_9() {
color color_0;
int Li_4 = 65280;
if (AccountEquity() – AccountBalance() < 0.0) Li_4 = 255;
if (Seconds() >= 0 && Seconds() < 10) color_0 = Red;
if (Seconds() >= 10 && Seconds() < 20) color_0 = Violet;
if (Seconds() >= 20 && Seconds() < 30) color_0 = Orange;
if (Seconds() >= 30 && Seconds() < 40) color_0 = Blue;
if (Seconds() >= 40 && Seconds() < 50) color_0 = Yellow;
if (Seconds() >= 50 && Seconds() <= 59) color_0 = Aqua;
string Ls_8 = “——————————————-“;
f0_6(“L01”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 10, Gi_328, 1, Ls_8);
f0_6(“L02”, “Verdana”, 15, 10, 25, color_0, 1, “EA LUCRE”);
f0_6(“L0i”, “Mistral”, 12, 10, 45, Gi_324, 1, “Scalping”);
f0_6(“L03”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 60, Gi_328, 1, Ls_8);
f0_6(“L04”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 75, Gi_332, 1, “Account Company: ” + AccountCompany());
f0_6(“L05”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 90, Gi_332, 1, “Name Server: ” + AccountServer());
f0_6(“L06”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 105, Gi_332, 1, “Account Name: ” + AccountName());
f0_6(“L07”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 120, Gi_332, 1, “Name Number: ” + AccountNumber());
f0_6(“L08”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 135, Gi_332, 1, “Account Leverage: 1 ” + AccountLeverage());
f0_6(“L09”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 150, Gi_332, 1, “Time Server: ” + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS));
f0_6(“L10”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 165, Gi_332, 1, “Spread: ” + DoubleToStr(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD), 0));
f0_6(“L11”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 180, Gi_332, 1, “Account Balance: $ ” + DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(), 2));
f0_6(“L12”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 195, Gi_332, 1, “Account Equity: $ ” + DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(), 2));
f0_6(“L13”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 210, Gi_332, 1, “Order Total: ” + DoubleToStr(OrdersTotal(), 0));
f0_6(“L14”, “Arial”, 9, 10, 390, Li_4, 1, “Profit / Loss: $ ” + DoubleToStr(AccountEquity() – AccountBalance(), 2));
f0_6(“L15”, “Arial”, 15, 10, 425, Li_4, 1, ” Reembolso: $ ” + DoubleToStr(f0_13(), 2));
ObjectCreate(“j”, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(“j”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 2);
ObjectSet(“j”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);
ObjectSet(“j”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 10);
ObjectSetText(“j”, “EA LUCRE “, 15, “Mistral”, color_0);

void f0_6(string A_name_0, string A_fontname_8, int A_fontsize_16, int A_x_20, int A_y_24, color A_color_28, int A_corner_32, string A_text_36) {
if (ObjectFind(A_name_0) < 0) ObjectCreate(A_name_0, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(A_name_0, A_text_36, A_fontsize_16, A_fontname_8, A_color_28);
ObjectSet(A_name_0, OBJPROP_CORNER, A_corner_32);
ObjectSet(A_name_0, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, A_x_20);
ObjectSet(A_name_0, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, A_y_24);

int f0_10() {
if (IsTesting()) return (1);
if (IsTradeAllowed()) return (1);
return (0);


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