XAU M V2.5 SC最新版


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//| XAU MINER EA.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2021, ZHEIL COMPANY |
//| | \
#property copyright “XAU MINER”
#property link “https://t.me/xauminerEA”
#property version “1.00” #property strict directive
#property description “MARTI PRO SCALPER COMBINED HEDGE ”
#property description “FXZHEIL”
#property description “CURRENCY SETTING M30 timeframe 10000$Cents per 0.03lot starting”
#property description “TIMEFRAME M30”
#property description “FULL VERSION”
//| Expert initialization function |
extern string xXAUMINERx = “https://t.me/xauminerEA”;
extern string LICENSED_TO = “=XAU MINER CHANNEL.=”;
extern bool MARtiScalper = TRUE;
double Account = 123567;
extern string xxxxxxxxxxx = “”;
extern bool USEnewsFilter = TRUE;
extern string xxSETTINGSxx = “==>>MONEY MANAGEMENT SETTINGS<<==”;
extern double Lots = 0.01;
extern double LotExponent = 1.55;
int Gi_108 = 2;
extern double MaxLots = 100.0;
extern bool MM = FALSE;
extern double TakeProfit = 200.0;
extern bool UseEquityStop = FALSE;
extern double TotalEquityRisk = 20.0;
extern string xxxxxxxxxxxx = “Set Current Trade & Orders”;
int MaxTrades_Hilo = 1000;
bool Gi_220 = FALSE;
double Gd_224 = 48.0;
extern bool UseTrailingStop_Hilo = FALSE;
double G_pips_236 = 500.0;
extern double TrailStart_Hilo = 10.0;
extern double TrailStop_Hilo = 5.0;
extern double PipStep_Hilo = 200.0;
double slip_Hilo = 3.0;
int MagicNumber_Hilo = 11111;
double G_price_280;
double Gd_288;
double Gd_unused_296;
double Gd_unused_304;
double G_price_312;
double G_bid_320;
double G_ask_328;
double Gd_336;
double Gd_344;
double Gd_352;
bool Gi_360;
string Gs_364 = “”;
int Gi_372 = 123;
int Gi_376;
int Gi_380 = 123;
double Gd_384;
int G_pos_392 = 123;
int Gi_396;
double Gd_400 = 0.0;
bool Gi_408 = FALSE;
bool Gi_412 = FALSE;
bool Gi_416 = FALSE;
int Gi_420;
bool Gi_424 = FALSE;
double Gd_428;
double Gd_436;
extern string MartiPRO = “>>=============<< “;
int MaxTrades_15 = 1000;
int G_timeframe_496 = PERIOD_H1;
extern bool UseTrailingStop_15 = FALSE;
double G_pips_508 = 500.0;
extern double TrailStart_15 = 10.0;
extern double TrailStop_15 = 5.0;
bool Gi_532 = FALSE;
double Gd_536 = 48.0;
extern double PipStep_15 = 200.0;
double slip_15 = 3.0;
int G_magic_176_15 = 12324;
double G_price_564;
double Gd_572;
double Gd_unused_580;
double Gd_unused_588;
double G_price_596;
double G_bid_604;
double G_ask_612;
double Gd_620;
double Gd_628;
double Gd_636;
bool Gi_644;
string Gs_648 = “”;
int Gi_656 = 123;
int Gi_660;
int Gi_664 = 123;
double Gd_668;
int G_pos_676 = 123;
int Gi_680;
double Gd_684 = 0.0;
bool Gi_692 = FALSE;
bool Gi_696 = FALSE;
bool Gi_700 = FALSE;
int Gi_704;
bool Gi_708 = FALSE;
double Gd_712;
double Gd_720;
int G_datetime_728 = 1;
extern string EXPERTSPro = “>>++++++++++<<“;
int MaxTrades_16 = 1000;
int G_timeframe_784 = PERIOD_H1;
extern bool UseTrailingStop_16 = FALSE;
double G_pips_792 = 500.0;
extern double TrailStart_16 = 10.0;
extern double TrailStop_16 = 5.0;
bool Gi_816 = FALSE;
double Gd_820 = 48.0;
extern double PipStep_16 = 200.0;
double slip_16 = 3.0;
int G_magic_176_16 = 16794;
double G_price_848;
double Gd_856;
double Gd_unused_864;
double Gd_unused_872;
double G_price_880;
double G_bid_888;
double G_ask_896;
double Gd_904;
double Gd_912;
double Gd_920;
bool Gi_928;
string Gs_932 = “”;
int Gi_940 = 123;
int Gi_944;
int Gi_948 = 123;
double Gd_952;
int G_pos_960 = 123;
int Gi_964;
double Gd_968 = 0.0;
bool Gi_976 = FALSE;
bool Gi_980 = FALSE;
bool Gi_984 = FALSE;
int Gi_988;
bool Gi_992 = FALSE;
double Gd_996;
double Gd_1004;
int G_datetime_1012 = 1;
int G_timeframe_1024 = PERIOD_M1;
int G_timeframe_1028 = PERIOD_M5;
int G_timeframe_1032 = PERIOD_M15;
int G_timeframe_1036 = PERIOD_M30;
int G_timeframe_1040 = PERIOD_H1;
int G_timeframe_1044 = PERIOD_H4;
int G_timeframe_1048 = PERIOD_D1;
bool G_corner_1052 = TRUE;
int Gi_1056 = 0;
int Gi_1060 = 10;
int G_window_1064 = 0;
bool Gi_1068 = TRUE;
bool Gi_unused_1072 = TRUE;
bool Gi_1076 = FALSE;
int G_color_1080 = Green;
int G_color_1084 = Green;
int G_color_1088 = Maroon;
int G_color_1092 = Blue;
int Gi_unused_1096 = 36095;
int G_color_1100 = Lime;
int G_color_1104 = Yellow;
int Gi_1108 = 65280;
int Gi_1112 = 17919;
int G_color_1116 = Red;
int G_color_1120 = Blue;
int G_color_1124 = Yellow;
int G_period_1128 = 8;
int G_period_1132 = 17;
int G_period_1136 = 9;
int G_applied_price_1140 = PRICE_CLOSE;
int G_color_1144 = Lime;
int G_color_1148 = Maroon;
int G_color_1152 = LimeGreen;
int G_color_1156 = MediumBlue;
string Gs_unused_1160 = “<<<< STR Indicator Settings >>>>>>>>>>>>>”;
string Gs_unused_1168 = “<<<< RSI Settings >>>>>>>>>>>>>”;
int G_period_1176 = 9;
int G_applied_price_1180 = PRICE_CLOSE;
string Gs_unused_1184 = “<<<< CCI Settings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>”;
int G_period_1192 = 13;
int G_applied_price_1196 = PRICE_CLOSE;
string Gs_unused_1200 = “<<<< STOCH Settings >>>>>>>>>>>”;
int G_period_1208 = 5;
int G_period_1212 = 3;
int G_slowing_1216 = 3;
int G_ma_method_1220 = MODE_EMA;
string Gs_unused_1224 = “<<<< STR Colors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>”;
int G_color_1232 = MediumBlue;
int G_color_1236 = Green;
int G_color_1240 = Yellow;
string Gs_unused_1244 = “<<<< MA Settings >>>>>>>>>>>>>>”;
int G_period_1252 = 5;
int G_period_1256 = 9;
int G_ma_method_1260 = MODE_EMA;
int G_applied_price_1264 = PRICE_CLOSE;
string Gs_unused_1268 = “<<<< MA Colors >>>>>>>>>>>>>>”;
int G_color_1276 = SteelBlue;
int G_color_1280 = DarkGreen;
string Gs_dummy_1292;
string G_text_1464;
string G_text_1472;
bool Gi_1480 = FALSE;//TRUE;
extern bool CloseFriday = FALSE;
extern int CloseFridayHour = 0;
extern bool OpenMondey = TRUE;
extern int OpenMondeyHour = 0;
extern string KEY = “Philippines Forex Traders”;
int Gi_1492;
int G_str2int_1496;
int G_str2int_1500;
int G_str2int_1504;

// E37F0136AA3FFAF149B351F6A4C948E9
int init()
string Ls_4;
string Ls_12;
string Ls_20;
string Ls_28;
string Ls_36;
string Ls_44;
Gd_352 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD) * Point;
Gd_636 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD) * Point;
Gd_920 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_SPREAD) * Point;
ObjectCreate(“Lable1”, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 1.0);
ObjectSet(“Lable1”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 2);
ObjectSet(“Lable1”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 23);
ObjectSet(“Lable1”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 21);
G_text_1472 = “XAU MINER EA ,, .”;
ObjectSetText(“Lable1”, G_text_1472, 28, “Comic Sans MS”, Lime);
ObjectCreate(“Lable”, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 1.0);
ObjectSet(“Lable”, OBJPROP_CORNER, 2);
ObjectSet(“Lable”, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 3);
ObjectSet(“Lable”, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 1);
G_text_1464 = ” ———————-“;
ObjectSetText(“Lable”, G_text_1464, 10, “Wingdings”, Blue);
if(KEY != “”)
Gi_1492 = 0;
for(int Li_0 = 0; Li_0 < StringLen(KEY); Li_0++)
if(StringSubstr(KEY, Li_0, 1) != “X”)
Ls_4 = Ls_4 + StringSubstr(KEY, Li_0, 1);
Ls_12 = Ls_12 + f0_15(Ls_4);
Ls_4 = “”;
for(Li_0 = 0; Li_0 < StringLen(Ls_12); Li_0 += 2)
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “55”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “0”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “21”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “1”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “98”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “2”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “42”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “3”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “10”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “4”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “14”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “5”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “88”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “6”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “66”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “7”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “33”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “8”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “32”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “9”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “96”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “a”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “30”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “b”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “77”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “c”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “90”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “d”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “24”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “e”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “29”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “f”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “39”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “g”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “48”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “h”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “56”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “i”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “16”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “j”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “62”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “k”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “15”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “l”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “71”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “m”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “81”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “n”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “93”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “o”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “74”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “p”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “83”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “q”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “44”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “r”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “51”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “s”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “69”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “t”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “40”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “u”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “73”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “v”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “59”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “w”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “36”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “x”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “26”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “y”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “25”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “z”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “28”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “!”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “65”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “&”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “52”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “#”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “57”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “$”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “31”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “%”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “91”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “*”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “60”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “+”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “92”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “-“;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “34”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “?”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “46”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “^”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “38”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “|”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “37”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “@”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “49”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “_”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “50”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “S”;
if(StringSubstr(Ls_12, Li_0, 2) == “19”)
Ls_20 = Ls_20 + “.”;
Ls_28 = StringSubstr(Ls_20, 1, 2);
Ls_36 = StringSubstr(Ls_20, 3, 2);
Ls_44 = StringSubstr(Ls_20, 5, 4);
G_str2int_1496 = StrToInteger(Ls_28);
G_str2int_1500 = StrToInteger(Ls_36);
G_str2int_1504 = StrToInteger(Ls_44);
if(Year() > G_str2int_1504)
Gi_1492 = 3;
if(Year() == G_str2int_1504)
if(Month() > G_str2int_1500)
Gi_1492 = 3;
if(Month() == G_str2int_1500)
if(Day() > G_str2int_1496)
Gi_1492 = 3;
Gi_1492 = 1;
Gi_1480 = FALSE;
// Comment(“\n”, “License will expire on “, G_str2int_1496, “/”, G_str2int_1500, “/”, G_str2int_1504);
Comment(“\n”, “Connected . . . . .”);
return (0);

// 52D46093050F38C27267BCE42543EF60
int deinit()

int start()



int Li_4;
int Li_8;
int Li_12;
int Li_16;
int Li_20;
int Li_24;
int Li_28;
color color_32;
color color_36;
color color_40;
color color_44;
color color_48;
color color_52;
color color_56;
string Ls_unused_60;
color color_68;
color color_72;
color color_76;
color color_80;
color color_84;
color color_88;
color color_92;
color color_96;
string Ls_unused_100;
color color_108;
int Li_unused_112;
double ihigh_1128;
double ilow_1136;
double iclose_1144;
double iclose_1152;
double Ld_1192;
double Ld_1248;
double Ld_1256;
int Li_1264;
int count_1268;
double Ld_1316;
double Ld_1324;
int Li_1332;
int count_1336;
if(Gi_1492 == 1)
Alert(“Empty license KEY! Please enter the license KEY!”);
if(Gi_1492 == 2)
Alert(“Invalid license KEY! Please enter a valid license KEY!”);
if(Gi_1492 == 3)
Alert(“The license KEY has expired!”);
int ind_counted_0 = IndicatorCounted();
/* if (!IsDemo())
if (AccountNumber() != Account) return (0);*/
if(Lots > MaxLots)
Lots = MaxLots;
+ “\n”
+ “DEVELOPED BY FXZHEIL +639485758802”
+ “Broker : ” + AccountCompany()
+ “Server Time : ” + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)
+ “Your Name : ” + AccountName()
+ “Account # : ” + AccountNumber()
+ “Balance : ” + DoubleToStr(AccountBalance(), 2)
+ “Equity : ” + DoubleToStr(AccountEquity(), 2)
+ “”);
int ind_counted_272 = IndicatorCounted();
string text_276 = “”;
string text_284 = “”;
string text_292 = “”;
string text_300 = “”;
string text_308 = “”;
string text_316 = “”;
string text_324 = “”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_M1)
text_276 = “M1”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_M5)
text_276 = “M5”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_M15)
text_276 = “M15”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_M30)
text_276 = “M30”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_H1)
text_276 = “H1”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_H4)
text_276 = “H4”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_D1)
text_276 = “D1”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_W1)
text_276 = “W1”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_MN1)
text_276 = “MN”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_M1)
text_284 = “M1”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_M5)
text_284 = “M5”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_M15)
text_284 = “M15”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_M30)
text_284 = “M30”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_H1)
text_284 = “H1”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_H4)
text_284 = “H4”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_D1)
text_284 = “D1”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_W1)
text_284 = “W1”;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_MN1)
text_284 = “MN”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_M1)
text_292 = “M1”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_M5)
text_292 = “M5”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_M15)
text_292 = “M15”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_M30)
text_292 = “M30”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_H1)
text_292 = “H1”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_H4)
text_292 = “H4”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_D1)
text_292 = “D1”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_W1)
text_292 = “W1”;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_MN1)
text_292 = “MN”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_M1)
text_300 = “M1”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_M5)
text_300 = “M5”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_M15)
text_300 = “M15”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_M30)
text_300 = “M30”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_H1)
text_300 = “H1”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_H4)
text_300 = “H4”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_D1)
text_300 = “D1”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_W1)
text_300 = “W1”;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_MN1)
text_300 = “MN”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_M1)
text_308 = “M1”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_M5)
text_308 = “M5”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_M15)
text_308 = “M15”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_M30)
text_308 = “M30”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_H1)
text_308 = “H1”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_H4)
text_308 = “H4”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_D1)
text_308 = “D1”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_W1)
text_308 = “W1”;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_MN1)
text_308 = “MN”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_M1)
text_316 = “M1”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_M5)
text_316 = “M5”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_M15)
text_316 = “M15”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_M30)
text_316 = “M30”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_H1)
text_316 = “H1”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_H4)
text_316 = “H4”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_D1)
text_316 = “D1”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_W1)
text_316 = “W1”;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_MN1)
text_316 = “MN”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_M1)
text_324 = “M1”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_M5)
text_324 = “M5”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_M15)
text_324 = “M15”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_M30)
text_324 = “M30”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_H1)
text_324 = “H1”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_H4)
text_324 = “H4”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_D1)
text_324 = “D1”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_W1)
text_324 = “W1”;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_MN1)
text_324 = “MN”;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_M15)
Li_4 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1024 == PERIOD_M30)
Li_4 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_M15)
Li_8 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1028 == PERIOD_M30)
Li_8 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_M15)
Li_12 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1032 == PERIOD_M30)
Li_12 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_M15)
Li_16 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1036 == PERIOD_M30)
Li_16 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_M15)
Li_20 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1040 == PERIOD_M30)
Li_20 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_M15)
Li_24 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_M30)
Li_24 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1048 == PERIOD_M15)
Li_28 = -2;
if(G_timeframe_1044 == PERIOD_M30)
Li_28 = -2;
if(Gi_1056 < 0)
return (0);

string text_332 = “”;
string text_340 = “”;
string text_348 = “”;
string text_356 = “”;
string text_364 = “”;
string text_372 = “”;
string text_380 = “”;
string Ls_unused_388 = “”;
string Ls_unused_396 = “”;
double imacd_404 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1024, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double imacd_412 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1024, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_SIGNAL, 0);
double imacd_420 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1028, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double imacd_428 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1028, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_SIGNAL, 0);
double imacd_436 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1032, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double imacd_444 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1032, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_SIGNAL, 0);
double imacd_452 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1036, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double imacd_460 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1036, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_SIGNAL, 0);
double imacd_468 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1040, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double imacd_476 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1040, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_SIGNAL, 0);
double imacd_484 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1044, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double imacd_492 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1044, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_SIGNAL, 0);
double imacd_500 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1048, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double imacd_508 = iMACD(NULL, G_timeframe_1048, G_period_1128, G_period_1132, G_period_1136, G_applied_price_1140, MODE_SIGNAL, 0);
if(imacd_404 > imacd_412)
text_356 = “-“;
color_44 = G_color_1152;
if(imacd_404 <= imacd_412)
text_356 = “-“;
color_44 = G_color_1148;
if(imacd_404 > imacd_412 && imacd_404 > 0.0)
text_356 = “-“;
color_44 = G_color_1144;
if(imacd_404 <= imacd_412 && imacd_404 < 0.0)
text_356 = “-“;
color_44 = G_color_1156;
if(imacd_420 > imacd_428)
text_364 = “-“;
color_48 = G_color_1152;
if(imacd_420 <= imacd_428)
text_364 = “-“;
color_48 = G_color_1148;
if(imacd_420 > imacd_428 && imacd_420 > 0.0)
text_364 = “-“;
color_48 = G_color_1144;
if(imacd_420 <= imacd_428 && imacd_420 < 0.0)
text_364 = “-“;
color_48 = G_color_1156;
if(imacd_436 > imacd_444)
text_372 = “-“;
color_52 = G_color_1152;
if(imacd_436 <= imacd_444)
text_372 = “-“;
color_52 = G_color_1148;
if(imacd_436 > imacd_444 && imacd_436 > 0.0)
text_372 = “-“;
color_52 = G_color_1144;
if(imacd_436 <= imacd_444 && imacd_436 < 0.0)
text_372 = “-“;
color_52 = G_color_1156;
if(imacd_452 > imacd_460)
text_380 = “-“;
color_56 = G_color_1152;
if(imacd_452 <= imacd_460)
text_380 = “-“;
color_56 = G_color_1148;
if(imacd_452 > imacd_460 && imacd_452 > 0.0)
text_380 = “-“;
color_56 = G_color_1144;
if(imacd_452 <= imacd_460 && imacd_452 < 0.0)
text_380 = “-“;
color_56 = G_color_1156;
if(imacd_468 > imacd_476)
text_340 = “-“;
color_36 = G_color_1152;
if(imacd_468 <= imacd_476)
text_340 = “-“;
color_36 = G_color_1148;
if(imacd_468 > imacd_476 && imacd_468 > 0.0)
text_340 = “-“;
color_36 = G_color_1144;
if(imacd_468 <= imacd_476 && imacd_468 < 0.0)
text_340 = “-“;
color_36 = G_color_1156;
if(imacd_484 > imacd_492)
text_348 = “-“;
color_40 = G_color_1152;
if(imacd_484 <= imacd_492)
text_348 = “-“;
color_40 = G_color_1148;
if(imacd_484 > imacd_492 && imacd_484 > 0.0)
text_348 = “-“;
color_40 = G_color_1144;
if(imacd_484 <= imacd_492 && imacd_484 < 0.0)
text_348 = “-“;
color_40 = G_color_1156;
if(imacd_500 > imacd_508)
text_332 = “-“;
color_32 = G_color_1152;
if(imacd_500 <= imacd_508)
text_332 = “-“;
color_32 = G_color_1148;
if(imacd_500 > imacd_508 && imacd_500 > 0.0)
text_332 = “-“;
color_32 = G_color_1144;
if(imacd_500 <= imacd_508 && imacd_500 < 0.0)
text_332 = “-“;
color_32 = G_color_1156;

double irsi_516 = iRSI(NULL, G_timeframe_1048, G_period_1176, G_applied_price_1180, 0);
double irsi_524 = iRSI(NULL, G_timeframe_1044, G_period_1176, G_applied_price_1180, 0);
double irsi_532 = iRSI(NULL, G_timeframe_1040, G_period_1176, G_applied_price_1180, 0);
double irsi_540 = iRSI(NULL, G_timeframe_1036, G_period_1176, G_applied_price_1180, 0);
double irsi_548 = iRSI(NULL, G_timeframe_1032, G_period_1176, G_applied_price_1180, 0);
double irsi_556 = iRSI(NULL, G_timeframe_1028, G_period_1176, G_applied_price_1180, 0);
double irsi_564 = iRSI(NULL, G_timeframe_1024, G_period_1176, G_applied_price_1180, 0);
double istochastic_572 = iStochastic(NULL, G_timeframe_1048, G_period_1208, G_period_1212, G_slowing_1216, G_ma_method_1220, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double istochastic_580 = iStochastic(NULL, G_timeframe_1044, G_period_1208, G_period_1212, G_slowing_1216, G_ma_method_1220, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double istochastic_588 = iStochastic(NULL, G_timeframe_1040, G_period_1208, G_period_1212, G_slowing_1216, G_ma_method_1220, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double istochastic_596 = iStochastic(NULL, G_timeframe_1036, G_period_1208, G_period_1212, G_slowing_1216, G_ma_method_1220, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double istochastic_604 = iStochastic(NULL, G_timeframe_1032, G_period_1208, G_period_1212, G_slowing_1216, G_ma_method_1220, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double istochastic_612 = iStochastic(NULL, G_timeframe_1028, G_period_1208, G_period_1212, G_slowing_1216, G_ma_method_1220, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double istochastic_620 = iStochastic(NULL, G_timeframe_1024, G_period_1208, G_period_1212, G_slowing_1216, G_ma_method_1220, 0, MODE_MAIN, 0);
double icci_628 = iCCI(NULL, G_timeframe_1048, G_period_1192, G_applied_price_1196, 0);
double icci_636 = iCCI(NULL, G_timeframe_1044, G_period_1192, G_applied_price_1196, 0);
double icci_644 = iCCI(NULL, G_timeframe_1040, G_period_1192, G_applied_price_1196, 0);
double icci_652 = iCCI(NULL, G_timeframe_1036, G_period_1192, G_applied_price_1196, 0);
double icci_660 = iCCI(NULL, G_timeframe_1032, G_period_1192, G_applied_price_1196, 0);
double icci_668 = iCCI(NULL, G_timeframe_1028, G_period_1192, G_applied_price_1196, 0);
double icci_676 = iCCI(NULL, G_timeframe_1024, G_period_1192, G_applied_price_1196, 0);
string text_684 = “”;
string text_692 = “”;
string text_700 = “”;
string text_708 = “”;
string text_716 = “”;
string text_724 = “”;
string text_732 = “”;
string Ls_unused_740 = “”;
string Ls_unused_748 = “”;
text_732 = “-“;
color color_756 = G_color_1240;
text_716 = “-“;
color color_760 = G_color_1240;
text_684 = “-“;
color color_764 = G_color_1240;
text_724 = “-“;
color color_768 = G_color_1240;
text_692 = “-“;
color color_772 = G_color_1240;
text_700 = “-“;
color color_776 = G_color_1240;
text_708 = “-“;
color color_780 = G_color_1240;
if(irsi_516 > 50.0 && istochastic_572 > 40.0 && icci_628 > 0.0)
text_732 = “-“;
color_756 = G_color_1232;
if(irsi_524 > 50.0 && istochastic_580 > 40.0 && icci_636 > 0.0)
text_716 = “-“;
color_760 = G_color_1232;
if(irsi_532 > 50.0 && istochastic_588 > 40.0 && icci_644 > 0.0)
text_684 = “-“;
color_764 = G_color_1232;
if(irsi_540 > 50.0 && istochastic_596 > 40.0 && icci_652 > 0.0)
text_724 = “-“;
color_768 = G_color_1232;
if(irsi_548 > 50.0 && istochastic_604 > 40.0 && icci_660 > 0.0)
text_692 = “-“;
color_772 = G_color_1232;
if(irsi_556 > 50.0 && istochastic_612 > 40.0 && icci_668 > 0.0)
text_700 = “-“;
color_776 = G_color_1232;
if(irsi_564 > 50.0 && istochastic_620 > 40.0 && icci_676 > 0.0)
text_708 = “-“;
color_780 = G_color_1232;
if(irsi_516 < 50.0 && istochastic_572 < 60.0 && icci_628 < 0.0)
text_732 = “-“;
color_756 = G_color_1236;
if(irsi_524 < 50.0 && istochastic_580 < 60.0 && icci_636 < 0.0)
text_716 = “-“;
color_760 = G_color_1236;
if(irsi_532 < 50.0 && istochastic_588 < 60.0 && icci_644 < 0.0)
text_684 = “-“;
color_764 = G_color_1236;
if(irsi_540 < 50.0 && istochastic_596 < 60.0 && icci_652 < 0.0)
text_724 = “-“;
color_768 = G_color_1236;
if(irsi_548 < 50.0 && istochastic_604 < 60.0 && icci_660 < 0.0)
text_692 = “-“;
color_772 = G_color_1236;
if(irsi_556 < 50.0 && istochastic_612 < 60.0 && icci_668 < 0.0)
text_700 = “-“;
color_776 = G_color_1236;
if(irsi_564 < 50.0 && istochastic_620 < 60.0 && icci_676 < 0.0)
text_708 = “-“;
color_780 = G_color_1236;

double ima_784 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1024, G_period_1252, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_792 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1024, G_period_1256, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_800 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1028, G_period_1252, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_808 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1028, G_period_1256, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_816 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1032, G_period_1252, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_824 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1032, G_period_1256, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_832 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1036, G_period_1252, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_840 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1036, G_period_1256, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_848 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1040, G_period_1252, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_856 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1040, G_period_1256, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_864 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1044, G_period_1252, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_872 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1044, G_period_1256, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_880 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1048, G_period_1252, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
double ima_888 = iMA(Symbol(), G_timeframe_1048, G_period_1256, 0, G_ma_method_1260, G_applied_price_1264, 0);
string text_896 = “”;
string text_904 = “”;
string text_912 = “”;
string text_920 = “”;
string text_928 = “”;
string text_936 = “”;
string text_944 = “”;
string Ls_unused_952 = “”;
string Ls_unused_960 = “”;
if(ima_784 > ima_792)
text_896 = “-“;
color_68 = G_color_1276;
if(ima_784 <= ima_792)
text_896 = “-“;
color_68 = G_color_1280;
if(ima_800 > ima_808)
text_904 = “-“;
color_72 = G_color_1276;
if(ima_800 <= ima_808)
text_904 = “-“;
color_72 = G_color_1280;
if(ima_816 > ima_824)
text_912 = “-“;
color_76 = G_color_1276;
if(ima_816 <= ima_824)
text_912 = “-“;
color_76 = G_color_1280;
if(ima_832 > ima_840)
text_920 = “-“;
color_80 = G_color_1276;
if(ima_832 <= ima_840)
text_920 = “-“;
color_80 = G_color_1280;
if(ima_848 > ima_856)
text_928 = “-“;
color_84 = G_color_1276;
if(ima_848 <= ima_856)
text_928 = “-“;
color_84 = G_color_1280;
if(ima_864 > ima_872)
text_936 = “-“;
color_88 = G_color_1276;
if(ima_864 <= ima_872)
text_936 = “-“;
color_88 = G_color_1280;
if(ima_880 > ima_888)
text_944 = “-“;
color_92 = G_color_1276;
if(ima_880 <= ima_888)
text_944 = “-“;
color_92 = G_color_1280;

double Ld_968 = NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID), Digits);
double ima_976 = iMA(Symbol(), PERIOD_M1, 1, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
string Ls_unused_984 = “”;
if(ima_976 > Ld_968)
Ls_unused_984 = “”;
color_96 = G_color_1120;
if(ima_976 < Ld_968)
Ls_unused_984 = “”;
color_96 = G_color_1116;
if(ima_976 == Ld_968)
Ls_unused_984 = “”;
color_96 = G_color_1124;

if(Gi_1076 == FALSE)
if(Gi_1068 == TRUE)

if(Gi_1076 == TRUE)
if(Gi_1068 == TRUE)

int Li_992 = 0;
int Li_996 = 0;
int Li_1000 = 0;
int Li_1004 = 0;
int Li_1008 = 0;
int Li_1012 = 0;
Li_992 = (iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) – iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1)) / Point;
for(Li_1012 = 1; Li_1012 <= 5; Li_1012++)
Li_996 = Li_996 + (iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_1012) – iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_1012)) / Point;
for(Li_1012 = 1; Li_1012 <= 10; Li_1012++)
Li_1000 = Li_1000 + (iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_1012) – iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_1012)) / Point;
for(Li_1012 = 1; Li_1012 <= 20; Li_1012++)
Li_1004 = Li_1004 + (iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_1012) – iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_1012)) / Point;
Li_996 /= 5;
Li_1000 /= 10;
Li_1004 /= 20;
Li_1008 = (Li_992 + Li_996 + Li_1000 + Li_1004) / 4;
string Ls_unused_1016 = “”;
string Ls_unused_1024 = “”;
string dbl2str_1032 = “”;
string dbl2str_1040 = “”;
string dbl2str_1048 = “”;
string dbl2str_1056 = “”;
string Ls_unused_1064 = “”;
string Ls_unused_1072 = “”;
string Ls_1080 = “”;
double iopen_1088 = iOpen(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 0);
double iclose_1096 = iClose(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 0);
double Ld_1104 = (Ask – Bid) / Point;
double ihigh_1112 = iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 0);
double ilow_1120 = iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 0);
dbl2str_1040 = DoubleToStr((iclose_1096 – iopen_1088) / Point, 0);
dbl2str_1032 = DoubleToStr(Ld_1104, Digits – 4);
dbl2str_1048 = DoubleToStr(Li_1008, Digits – 4);
Ls_1080 = (iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1) – iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, 1)) / Point;
dbl2str_1056 = DoubleToStr((ihigh_1112 – ilow_1120) / Point, 0);
if(iclose_1096 >= iopen_1088)
Ls_unused_1064 = “-“;
color_108 = G_color_1100;
if(iclose_1096 < iopen_1088)
Ls_unused_1064 = “-“;
color_108 = G_color_1104;
if(dbl2str_1048 >= Ls_1080)
Ls_unused_1072 = “-“;
Li_unused_112 = Gi_1108;
if(dbl2str_1048 < Ls_1080)
Ls_unused_1072 = “-“;
Li_unused_112 = Gi_1112;

ObjectCreate(“1”, OBJ_LABEL, G_window_1064, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(“1”, “XAU MINER”, 50, “Georgia”, Blue);

double Ld_1160 = LotExponent;
int Li_1168 = Gi_108;
double Ld_1172 = TakeProfit;
bool bool_1180 = UseEquityStop;
double Ld_1184 = TotalEquityRisk;
if(MM == TRUE)
if(MathCeil(AccountBalance()) < 2000.0)
Ld_1192 = Lots;
Ld_1192 = 0.00001 * MathCeil(AccountBalance());
Ld_1192 = Lots;
if((CloseFriday == TRUE && DayOfWeek() == 5 && TimeCurrent() >= StrToTime(CloseFridayHour + “:00”)) || (OpenMondey == TRUE && DayOfWeek() == 1 && TimeCurrent() <= StrToTime(OpenMondeyHour +
return (0);
f0_35(TrailStart_Hilo, TrailStop_Hilo, G_price_312);
if(TimeCurrent() >= Gi_376)
Print(“Closed All due_Hilo to TimeOut”);
if(Gi_372 == Time[0])
return (0);
Gi_372 = Time[0];
double Ld_1200 = f0_31();
if(Ld_1200 < 0.0 && MathAbs(Ld_1200) > Ld_1184 / 100.0 * f0_7())
Print(“Closed All due_Hilo to Stop Out”);
Gi_424 = FALSE;
Gi_396 = f0_4();
if(Gi_396 == 0)
Gi_360 = FALSE;
for(G_pos_392 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_392 >= 0; G_pos_392–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_392, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
Gi_412 = TRUE;
Gi_416 = FALSE;
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Gi_412 = FALSE;
Gi_416 = TRUE;
if(Gi_396 > 0 && Gi_396 <= MaxTrades_Hilo)
Gd_336 = f0_32();
Gd_344 = f0_20();
if(Gi_412 && Gd_336 – Ask >= PipStep_Hilo * Point)
Gi_408 = TRUE;
if(Gi_416 && Bid – Gd_344 >= PipStep_Hilo * Point)
Gi_408 = TRUE;
if(Gi_396 < 1)
Gi_416 = FALSE;
Gi_412 = FALSE;
Gi_408 = TRUE;
Gd_288 = AccountEquity();
Gd_336 = f0_32();
Gd_344 = f0_20();
Gi_380 = Gi_396;
Gd_384 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_1192 * MathPow(Ld_1160, Gi_380), Li_1168);
Gi_420 = f0_3(1, Gd_384, Bid, slip_Hilo, Ask, 0, 0, Gs_364 + “-” + Gi_380, MagicNumber_Hilo, 0, HotPink);
if(Gi_420 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_344 = f0_20();
Gi_408 = FALSE;
Gi_424 = TRUE;
Gi_380 = Gi_396;
Gd_384 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_1192 * MathPow(Ld_1160, Gi_380), Li_1168);
Gi_420 = f0_3(0, Gd_384, Ask, slip_Hilo, Bid, 0, 0, Gs_364 + “-” + Gi_380, MagicNumber_Hilo, 0, Lime);
if(Gi_420 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_336 = f0_32();
Gi_408 = FALSE;
Gi_424 = TRUE;
if(Gi_408 && Gi_396 < 1)
ihigh_1128 = iHigh(Symbol(), 0, 1);
ilow_1136 = iLow(Symbol(), 0, 2);
G_bid_320 = Bid;
G_ask_328 = Ask;
if((!Gi_416) && !Gi_412)
Gi_380 = Gi_396;
Gd_384 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_1192 * MathPow(Ld_1160, Gi_380), Li_1168);
if(ihigh_1128 > ilow_1136)
if(iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_H1, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 1) > 30.0)
Gi_420 = f0_3(1, Gd_384, G_bid_320, slip_Hilo, G_bid_320, 0, 0, Gs_364 + “-” + Gi_380, MagicNumber_Hilo, 0, HotPink);
if(Gi_420 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_336 = f0_32();
Gi_424 = TRUE;
if(iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_H1, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 1) < 70.0)
Gi_420 = f0_3(0, Gd_384, G_ask_328, slip_Hilo, G_ask_328, 0, 0, Gs_364 + “-” + Gi_380, MagicNumber_Hilo, 0, Lime);
if(Gi_420 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_344 = f0_20();
Gi_424 = TRUE;
if(Gi_420 > 0)
Gi_376 = TimeCurrent() + 60.0 * (60.0 * Gd_224);
Gi_408 = FALSE;
Gi_396 = f0_4();
G_price_312 = 0;
double Ld_1208 = 0;
for(G_pos_392 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_392 >= 0; G_pos_392–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_392, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
G_price_312 += OrderOpenPrice() * OrderLots();
Ld_1208 += OrderLots();
if(Gi_396 > 0)
G_price_312 = NormalizeDouble(G_price_312 / Ld_1208, Digits);
for(G_pos_392 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_392 >= 0; G_pos_392–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_392, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
G_price_280 = G_price_312 + Ld_1172 * Point;
Gd_unused_296 = G_price_280;
Gd_400 = G_price_312 – G_pips_236 * Point;
Gi_360 = TRUE;
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
G_price_280 = G_price_312 – Ld_1172 * Point;
Gd_unused_304 = G_price_280;
Gd_400 = G_price_312 + G_pips_236 * Point;
Gi_360 = TRUE;
if(Gi_360 == TRUE)
for(G_pos_392 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_392 >= 0; G_pos_392–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_392, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), G_price_312, OrderStopLoss(), G_price_280, 0, Yellow);
Gi_424 = FALSE;
double Ld_1216 = LotExponent;
int Li_1224 = Gi_108;
double Ld_1228 = TakeProfit;
bool bool_1236 = UseEquityStop;
double Ld_1240 = TotalEquityRisk;
if(MM == TRUE)
if(MathCeil(AccountBalance()) < 2000.0)
Ld_1248 = Lots;
Ld_1248 = 0.00001 * MathCeil(AccountBalance());
Ld_1248 = Lots;
if((CloseFriday == TRUE && DayOfWeek() == 5 && TimeCurrent() >= StrToTime(CloseFridayHour + “:00”)) || (OpenMondey == TRUE && DayOfWeek() == 1 && TimeCurrent() <= StrToTime(OpenMondeyHour +
return (0);
f0_21(TrailStart_15, TrailStop_15, G_price_596);
if(TimeCurrent() >= Gi_660)
Print(“Closed All due to TimeOut”);
if(Gi_656 != Time[0])
Gi_656 = Time[0];
Ld_1256 = f0_29();
if(Ld_1256 < 0.0 && MathAbs(Ld_1256) > Ld_1240 / 100.0 * f0_16())
Print(“Closed All due to Stop Out”);
Gi_708 = FALSE;
Gi_680 = f0_5();
if(Gi_680 == 0)
Gi_644 = FALSE;
for(G_pos_676 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_676 >= 0; G_pos_676–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_676, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
Gi_696 = TRUE;
Gi_700 = FALSE;
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Gi_696 = FALSE;
Gi_700 = TRUE;
if(Gi_680 > 0 && Gi_680 <= MaxTrades_15)
Gd_620 = f0_36();
Gd_628 = f0_28();
if(Gi_696 && Gd_620 – Ask >= PipStep_15 * Point)
Gi_692 = TRUE;
if(Gi_700 && Bid – Gd_628 >= PipStep_15 * Point)
Gi_692 = TRUE;
if(Gi_680 < 1)
Gi_700 = FALSE;
Gi_696 = FALSE;
Gi_692 = TRUE;
Gd_572 = AccountEquity();
Gd_620 = f0_36();
Gd_628 = f0_28();
Gi_664 = Gi_680;
Gd_668 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_1248 * MathPow(Ld_1216, Gi_664), Li_1224);
Gi_704 = f0_2(1, Gd_668, Bid, slip_15, Ask, 0, 0, Gs_648 + “-” + Gi_664, G_magic_176_15, 0, HotPink);
if(Gi_704 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_628 = f0_28();
Gi_692 = FALSE;
Gi_708 = TRUE;
Gi_664 = Gi_680;
Gd_668 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_1248 * MathPow(Ld_1216, Gi_664), Li_1224);
Gi_704 = f0_2(0, Gd_668, Ask, slip_15, Bid, 0, 0, Gs_648 + “-” + Gi_664, G_magic_176_15, 0, Lime);
if(Gi_704 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_620 = f0_36();
Gi_692 = FALSE;
Gi_708 = TRUE;
if(G_datetime_728 != iTime(NULL, G_timeframe_496, 0))
Li_1264 = OrdersTotal();
count_1268 = 0;
for(int Li_1272 = Li_1264; Li_1272 >= 1; Li_1272–)
OrderSelect(Li_1272 – 1, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(Li_1264 == 0 || count_1268 < 1)
iclose_1144 = iClose(Symbol(), 0, 2);
iclose_1152 = iClose(Symbol(), 0, 1);
G_bid_604 = Bid;
G_ask_612 = Ask;
Gi_664 = Gi_680;
Gd_668 = Ld_1248;
if(iclose_1144 > iclose_1152)
Gi_704 = f0_2(1, Gd_668, G_bid_604, slip_15, G_bid_604, 0, 0, Gs_648 + “-” + Gi_664, G_magic_176_15, 0, HotPink);
if(Gi_704 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_620 = f0_36();
Gi_708 = TRUE;
Gi_704 = f0_2(0, Gd_668, G_ask_612, slip_15, G_ask_612, 0, 0, Gs_648 + “-” + Gi_664, G_magic_176_15, 0, Lime);
if(Gi_704 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_628 = f0_28();
Gi_708 = TRUE;
if(Gi_704 > 0)
Gi_660 = TimeCurrent() + 60.0 * (60.0 * Gd_536);
Gi_692 = FALSE;
G_datetime_728 = iTime(NULL, G_timeframe_496, 0);
Gi_680 = f0_5();
G_price_596 = 0;
double Ld_1276 = 0;
for(G_pos_676 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_676 >= 0; G_pos_676–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_676, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
G_price_596 += OrderOpenPrice() * OrderLots();
Ld_1276 += OrderLots();
if(Gi_680 > 0)
G_price_596 = NormalizeDouble(G_price_596 / Ld_1276, Digits);
for(G_pos_676 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_676 >= 0; G_pos_676–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_676, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
G_price_564 = G_price_596 + Ld_1228 * Point;
Gd_unused_580 = G_price_564;
Gd_684 = G_price_596 – G_pips_508 * Point;
Gi_644 = TRUE;
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
G_price_564 = G_price_596 – Ld_1228 * Point;
Gd_unused_588 = G_price_564;
Gd_684 = G_price_596 + G_pips_508 * Point;
Gi_644 = TRUE;
if(Gi_644 == TRUE)
for(G_pos_676 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_676 >= 0; G_pos_676–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_676, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), G_price_596, OrderStopLoss(), G_price_564, 0, Yellow);
Gi_708 = FALSE;
double Ld_1284 = LotExponent;
int Li_1292 = Gi_108;
double Ld_1296 = TakeProfit;
bool bool_1304 = UseEquityStop;
double Ld_1308 = TotalEquityRisk;
if(MM == TRUE)
if(MathCeil(AccountBalance()) < 2000.0)
Ld_1316 = Lots;
Ld_1316 = 0.00001 * MathCeil(AccountBalance());
Ld_1316 = Lots;
if((CloseFriday == TRUE && DayOfWeek() == 5 && TimeCurrent() >= StrToTime(CloseFridayHour + “:00”)) || (OpenMondey == TRUE && DayOfWeek() == 1 && TimeCurrent() <= StrToTime(OpenMondeyHour +
return (0);
f0_34(TrailStart_16, TrailStop_16, G_price_880);
if(TimeCurrent() >= Gi_944)
Print(“Closed All due to TimeOut”);
if(Gi_940 != Time[0])
Gi_940 = Time[0];
Ld_1324 = f0_8();
if(Ld_1324 < 0.0 && MathAbs(Ld_1324) > Ld_1308 / 100.0 * f0_30())
Print(“Closed All due to Stop Out”);
Gi_992 = FALSE;
Gi_964 = f0_12();
if(Gi_964 == 0)
Gi_928 = FALSE;
for(G_pos_960 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_960 >= 0; G_pos_960–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_960, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
Gi_980 = TRUE;
Gi_984 = FALSE;
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Gi_980 = FALSE;
Gi_984 = TRUE;
if(Gi_964 > 0 && Gi_964 <= MaxTrades_16)
Gd_904 = f0_17();
Gd_912 = f0_27();
if(Gi_980 && Gd_904 – Ask >= PipStep_16 * Point)
Gi_976 = TRUE;
if(Gi_984 && Bid – Gd_912 >= PipStep_16 * Point)
Gi_976 = TRUE;
if(Gi_964 < 1)
Gi_984 = FALSE;
Gi_980 = FALSE;
Gd_856 = AccountEquity();
Gd_904 = f0_17();
Gd_912 = f0_27();
Gi_948 = Gi_964;
Gd_952 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_1316 * MathPow(Ld_1284, Gi_948), Li_1292);
Gi_988 = f0_6(1, Gd_952, Bid, slip_16, Ask, 0, 0, Gs_932 + “-” + Gi_948, G_magic_176_16, 0, HotPink);
if(Gi_988 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_912 = f0_27();
Gi_976 = FALSE;
Gi_992 = TRUE;
Gi_948 = Gi_964;
Gd_952 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_1316 * MathPow(Ld_1284, Gi_948), Li_1292);
Gi_988 = f0_6(0, Gd_952, Ask, slip_16, Bid, 0, 0, Gs_932 + “-” + Gi_948, G_magic_176_16, 0, Lime);
if(Gi_988 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_904 = f0_17();
Gi_976 = FALSE;
Gi_992 = TRUE;
if(G_datetime_1012 != iTime(NULL, G_timeframe_784, 0))
Li_1332 = OrdersTotal();
count_1336 = 0;
for(int Li_1340 = Li_1332; Li_1340 >= 1; Li_1340–)
OrderSelect(Li_1340 – 1, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(Li_1332 == 0 || count_1336 < 1)
iclose_1144 = iClose(Symbol(), 0, 2);
iclose_1152 = iClose(Symbol(), 0, 1);
G_bid_888 = Bid;
G_ask_896 = Ask;
Gi_948 = Gi_964;
Gd_952 = Ld_1316;
if(iclose_1144 > iclose_1152)
if(iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_H1, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 1) > 30.0)
Gi_988 = f0_6(1, Gd_952, G_bid_888, slip_16, G_bid_888, 0, 0, Gs_932 + “-” + Gi_948, G_magic_176_16, 0, HotPink);
if(Gi_988 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_904 = f0_17();
Gi_992 = TRUE;
if(iRSI(NULL, PERIOD_H1, 14, PRICE_CLOSE, 1) < 70.0)
Gi_988 = f0_6(0, Gd_952, G_ask_896, slip_16, G_ask_896, 0, 0, Gs_932 + “-” + Gi_948, G_magic_176_16, 0, Lime);
if(Gi_988 < 0)
Print(“Error: “, GetLastError());
return (0);
Gd_912 = f0_27();
Gi_992 = TRUE;
if(Gi_988 > 0)
Gi_944 = TimeCurrent() + 60.0 * (60.0 * Gd_820);
Gi_976 = FALSE;
G_datetime_1012 = iTime(NULL, G_timeframe_784, 0);
Gi_964 = f0_12();
G_price_880 = 0;
double Ld_1344 = 0;
for(G_pos_960 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_960 >= 0; G_pos_960–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_960, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
G_price_880 += OrderOpenPrice() * OrderLots();
Ld_1344 += OrderLots();
if(Gi_964 > 0)
G_price_880 = NormalizeDouble(G_price_880 / Ld_1344, Digits);
for(G_pos_960 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_960 >= 0; G_pos_960–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_960, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
G_price_848 = G_price_880 + Ld_1296 * Point;
Gd_unused_864 = G_price_848;
Gd_968 = G_price_880 – G_pips_792 * Point;
Gi_928 = TRUE;
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
G_price_848 = G_price_880 – Ld_1296 * Point;
Gd_unused_872 = G_price_848;
Gd_968 = G_price_880 + G_pips_792 * Point;
Gi_928 = TRUE;
if(Gi_928 == TRUE)
for(G_pos_960 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_960 >= 0; G_pos_960–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_960, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), G_price_880, OrderStopLoss(), G_price_848, 0, Yellow);
Gi_992 = FALSE;
return (0);

// 1DCB176FA67889B5B0CADBD0A6FE56CB
int f0_4()
int count_0 = 0;
for(int pos_4 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_4 >= 0; pos_4–)
OrderSelect(pos_4, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY)
return (count_0);

// BC923F6CA29E7C93CDFEA0D2DFB5608A
void f0_24()
for(int pos_0 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_0 >= 0; pos_0–)
OrderSelect(pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, slip_Hilo, Blue);
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, slip_Hilo, Red);

int f0_3(int Ai_0, double A_lots_4, double A_price_12, int A_slippage_20, double Ad_24, int Ai_32, int Ai_36, string A_comment_40, int A_magic_48, int A_datetime_52, color A_color_56)
int ticket_60 = 0;
int error_64 = 0;
int count_68 = 0;
int Li_72 = 100;
case 2:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_22(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_19(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 4:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_22(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_19(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 0:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, A_lots_4, Ask, A_slippage_20, f0_22(Bid, Ai_32), f0_19(Ask, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52, A_color_56);
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 3:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_11(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_1(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 5:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_11(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_1(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 1:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, A_lots_4, Bid, A_slippage_20, f0_11(Ask, Ai_32), f0_1(Bid, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52, A_color_56);
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
return (ticket_60);

// ABBF0924C7D109476997F144FF69BA18
double f0_22(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 – Ai_8 * Point);

// 65324E009A83B2CB88BFB3D4529CFA3F
double f0_11(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 + Ai_8 * Point);

// A4B319A5A3851A7BB5CE0B195DF27F55
double f0_19(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 + Ai_8 * Point);

// 0CCFFE5E259E6D9684C883601327DD0E
double f0_1(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 – Ai_8 * Point);

// DEE6BAA1FB47E044DB484D868C724C77
double f0_31()
double Ld_ret_0 = 0;
for(G_pos_392 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_392 >= 0; G_pos_392–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_392, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Ld_ret_0 += OrderProfit();
return (Ld_ret_0);

// F65FADF1B81B5341149ECACF620D59C5
void f0_35(int Ai_0, int Ai_4, double A_price_8)
int Li_16;
double order_stoploss_20;
double price_28;
if(Ai_4 != 0)
for(int pos_36 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_36 >= 0; pos_36–)
if(OrderSelect(pos_36, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
Li_16 = NormalizeDouble((Bid – A_price_8) / Point, 0);
if(Li_16 < Ai_0)
order_stoploss_20 = OrderStopLoss();
price_28 = Bid – Ai_4 * Point;
if(order_stoploss_20 == 0.0 || (order_stoploss_20 != 0.0 && price_28 > order_stoploss_20))
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), A_price_8, price_28, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Aqua);
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Li_16 = NormalizeDouble((A_price_8 – Ask) / Point, 0);
if(Li_16 < Ai_0)
order_stoploss_20 = OrderStopLoss();
price_28 = Ask + Ai_4 * Point;
if(order_stoploss_20 == 0.0 || (order_stoploss_20 != 0.0 && price_28 < order_stoploss_20))
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), A_price_8, price_28, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Red);

// 30DCB0D08244C03D0790FB15BE95C82F
double f0_7()
if(f0_4() == 0)
Gd_428 = AccountEquity();
if(Gd_428 < Gd_436)
Gd_428 = Gd_436;
Gd_428 = AccountEquity();
Gd_436 = AccountEquity();
return (Gd_428);

// E22889128875A189AD17995E32998332
double f0_32()
double order_open_price_0;
int ticket_8;
double Ld_unused_12 = 0;
int ticket_20 = 0;
for(int pos_24 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_24 >= 0; pos_24–)
OrderSelect(pos_24, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo && OrderType() == OP_BUY)
ticket_8 = OrderTicket();
if(ticket_8 > ticket_20)
order_open_price_0 = OrderOpenPrice();
Ld_unused_12 = order_open_price_0;
ticket_20 = ticket_8;
return (order_open_price_0);

// A5F3F48E555BFC9A5526CC1B30FF0AB2
double f0_20()
double order_open_price_0;
int ticket_8;
double Ld_unused_12 = 0;
int ticket_20 = 0;
for(int pos_24 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_24 >= 0; pos_24–)
OrderSelect(pos_24, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber_Hilo)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber_Hilo && OrderType() == OP_SELL)
ticket_8 = OrderTicket();
if(ticket_8 > ticket_20)
order_open_price_0 = OrderOpenPrice();
Ld_unused_12 = order_open_price_0;
ticket_20 = ticket_8;
return (order_open_price_0);

// 22F0FA52408CE450B63ADF3F087F21DE
int f0_5()
int count_0 = 0;
for(int pos_4 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_4 >= 0; pos_4–)
OrderSelect(pos_4, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY)
return (count_0);

void f0_18()
for(int pos_0 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_0 >= 0; pos_0–)
OrderSelect(pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, slip_15, Blue);
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, slip_15, Red);

// 114DC2E883BB39B95234C711A240BE3E
int f0_2(int Ai_0, double A_lots_4, double A_price_12, int A_slippage_20, double Ad_24, int Ai_32, int Ai_36, string A_comment_40, int A_magic_48, int A_datetime_52, color A_color_56)
int ticket_60 = 0;
int error_64 = 0;
int count_68 = 0;
int Li_72 = 100;
case 2:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_13(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_25(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 4:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_13(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_25(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 0:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, A_lots_4, Ask, A_slippage_20, f0_13(Bid, Ai_32), f0_25(Ask, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52, A_color_56);
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 3:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_33(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_26(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 5:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_33(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_26(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 1:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, A_lots_4, Bid, A_slippage_20, f0_33(Ask, Ai_32), f0_26(Bid, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52, A_color_56);
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
return (ticket_60);

// 7AE15E889172CCCB33ECFB32124CDF19
double f0_13(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 – Ai_8 * Point);

// E29638E1934BE380D2D902E838F29BF7
double f0_33(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 + Ai_8 * Point);

// BCF3A4C4831B7913DD5F18AF706ADC75
double f0_25(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 + Ai_8 * Point);

// C4C44C724F3DAE9C33262735893D433A
double f0_26(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 – Ai_8 * Point);

// D3C476201B00C1A782FB71A65C106452
double f0_29()
double Ld_ret_0 = 0;
for(G_pos_676 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_676 >= 0; G_pos_676–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_676, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Ld_ret_0 += OrderProfit();
return (Ld_ret_0);

// A84D2ACC80FE890D5547A65D5C3D18EE
void f0_21(int Ai_0, int Ai_4, double A_price_8)
int Li_16;
double order_stoploss_20;
double price_28;
if(Ai_4 != 0)
for(int pos_36 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_36 >= 0; pos_36–)
if(OrderSelect(pos_36, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
Li_16 = NormalizeDouble((Bid – A_price_8) / Point, 0);
if(Li_16 < Ai_0)
order_stoploss_20 = OrderStopLoss();
price_28 = Bid – Ai_4 * Point;
if(order_stoploss_20 == 0.0 || (order_stoploss_20 != 0.0 && price_28 > order_stoploss_20))
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), A_price_8, price_28, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Aqua);
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Li_16 = NormalizeDouble((A_price_8 – Ask) / Point, 0);
if(Li_16 < Ai_0)
order_stoploss_20 = OrderStopLoss();
price_28 = Ask + Ai_4 * Point;
if(order_stoploss_20 == 0.0 || (order_stoploss_20 != 0.0 && price_28 < order_stoploss_20))
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), A_price_8, price_28, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Red);

// 9EB62284E5C15187BCA5B502C66B6C59
double f0_16()
if(f0_5() == 0)
Gd_712 = AccountEquity();
if(Gd_712 < Gd_720)
Gd_712 = Gd_720;
Gd_712 = AccountEquity();
Gd_720 = AccountEquity();
return (Gd_712);

// F66F194C04A03CB5E74EC2A8C1DD0537
double f0_36()
double order_open_price_0;
int ticket_8;
double Ld_unused_12 = 0;
int ticket_20 = 0;
for(int pos_24 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_24 >= 0; pos_24–)
OrderSelect(pos_24, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15 && OrderType() == OP_BUY)
ticket_8 = OrderTicket();
if(ticket_8 > ticket_20)
order_open_price_0 = OrderOpenPrice();
Ld_unused_12 = order_open_price_0;
ticket_20 = ticket_8;
return (order_open_price_0);

// C8E1186288BBCE29FD09990000128B35
double f0_28()
double order_open_price_0;
int ticket_8;
double Ld_unused_12 = 0;
int ticket_20 = 0;
for(int pos_24 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_24 >= 0; pos_24–)
OrderSelect(pos_24, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_15)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_15 && OrderType() == OP_SELL)
ticket_8 = OrderTicket();
if(ticket_8 > ticket_20)
order_open_price_0 = OrderOpenPrice();
Ld_unused_12 = order_open_price_0;
ticket_20 = ticket_8;
return (order_open_price_0);

// 6EF0698100DD80AB6B7953B95E5FAD5C
int f0_12()
int count_0 = 0;
for(int pos_4 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_4 >= 0; pos_4–)
OrderSelect(pos_4, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL || OrderType() == OP_BUY)
return (count_0);

// 065CE9405D7D7C2EAE70F2FF0F5A8147
void f0_0()
for(int pos_0 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_0 >= 0; pos_0–)
OrderSelect(pos_0, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, slip_16, Blue);
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, slip_16, Red);

// 25977731C5753DECF295DA11C4378DE5
int f0_6(int Ai_0, double A_lots_4, double A_price_12, int A_slippage_20, double Ad_24, int Ai_32, int Ai_36, string A_comment_40, int A_magic_48, int A_datetime_52, color A_color_56)
int ticket_60 = 0;
int error_64 = 0;
int count_68 = 0;
int Li_72 = 100;
case 2:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYLIMIT, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_14(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_9(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 4:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_14(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_9(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 0:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUY, A_lots_4, Ask, A_slippage_20, f0_14(Bid, Ai_32), f0_9(Ask, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52, A_color_56);
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 3:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLLIMIT, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_23(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_10(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 5:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, A_lots_4, A_price_12, A_slippage_20, f0_23(Ad_24, Ai_32), f0_10(A_price_12, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52,
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
case 1:
for(count_68 = 0; count_68 < Li_72; count_68++)
ticket_60 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELL, A_lots_4, Bid, A_slippage_20, f0_23(Ask, Ai_32), f0_10(Bid, Ai_36), A_comment_40, A_magic_48, A_datetime_52, A_color_56);
error_64 = GetLastError();
if(error_64 == 0/* NO_ERROR */)
if(!((error_64 == 4/* SERVER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 137/* BROKER_BUSY */ || error_64 == 146/* TRADE_CONTEXT_BUSY */ || error_64 == 136/* OFF_QUOTES */)))
return (ticket_60);

// 87D810BEA6B0AD2FCF70C69C17E19362
double f0_14(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 – Ai_8 * Point);

// B3477275C69E607F97F2840B12AE4A9F
double f0_23(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 + Ai_8 * Point);

// 37FA8C95BB37E55BB52283CC69099A5F
double f0_9(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 + Ai_8 * Point);

// 5EF05A0BDFEED3445F4FE51BA1977B3C
double f0_10(double Ad_0, int Ai_8)
if(Ai_8 == 0)
return (0);
return (Ad_0 – Ai_8 * Point);

// 31C5A9E59B9C6E81AE342B735890CD44
double f0_8()
double Ld_ret_0 = 0;
for(G_pos_960 = OrdersTotal() – 1; G_pos_960 >= 0; G_pos_960–)
OrderSelect(G_pos_960, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Ld_ret_0 += OrderProfit();
return (Ld_ret_0);

// ED2502136334FB187FF67433121886AF
void f0_34(int Ai_0, int Ai_4, double A_price_8)
int Li_16;
double order_stoploss_20;
double price_28;
if(Ai_4 != 0)
for(int pos_36 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_36 >= 0; pos_36–)
if(OrderSelect(pos_36, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES))
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderType() == OP_BUY)
Li_16 = NormalizeDouble((Bid – A_price_8) / Point, 0);
if(Li_16 < Ai_0)
order_stoploss_20 = OrderStopLoss();
price_28 = Bid – Ai_4 * Point;
if(order_stoploss_20 == 0.0 || (order_stoploss_20 != 0.0 && price_28 > order_stoploss_20))
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), A_price_8, price_28, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Aqua);
if(OrderType() == OP_SELL)
Li_16 = NormalizeDouble((A_price_8 – Ask) / Point, 0);
if(Li_16 < Ai_0)
order_stoploss_20 = OrderStopLoss();
price_28 = Ask + Ai_4 * Point;
if(order_stoploss_20 == 0.0 || (order_stoploss_20 != 0.0 && price_28 < order_stoploss_20))
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), A_price_8, price_28, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Red);

// DED4C3E9893A50A6B8A9A57E1BCD0548
double f0_30()
if(f0_12() == 0)
Gd_996 = AccountEquity();
if(Gd_996 < Gd_1004)
Gd_996 = Gd_1004;
Gd_996 = AccountEquity();
Gd_1004 = AccountEquity();
return (Gd_996);

// 9FC0A73FE3F286FD086830C3094E8AB3
double f0_17()
double order_open_price_0;
int ticket_8;
double Ld_unused_12 = 0;
int ticket_20 = 0;
for(int pos_24 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_24 >= 0; pos_24–)
OrderSelect(pos_24, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16 && OrderType() == OP_BUY)
ticket_8 = OrderTicket();
if(ticket_8 > ticket_20)
order_open_price_0 = OrderOpenPrice();
Ld_unused_12 = order_open_price_0;
ticket_20 = ticket_8;
return (order_open_price_0);

// C55A286500E20535F02887DCF6EFC3C6
double f0_27()
double order_open_price_0;
int ticket_8;
double Ld_unused_12 = 0;
int ticket_20 = 0;
for(int pos_24 = OrdersTotal() – 1; pos_24 >= 0; pos_24–)
OrderSelect(pos_24, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != G_magic_176_16)
if(OrderSymbol() == Symbol() && OrderMagicNumber() == G_magic_176_16 && OrderType() == OP_SELL)
ticket_8 = OrderTicket();
if(ticket_8 > ticket_20)
order_open_price_0 = OrderOpenPrice();
Ld_unused_12 = order_open_price_0;
ticket_20 = ticket_8;
return (order_open_price_0);

// 92C7F8E36E974654E9EB3FFC8596DD76
string f0_15(string As_0)
int str_len_8 = StringLen(As_0);
bool Li_ret_12 = FALSE;
for(int Li_16 = 0; Li_16 < str_len_8; Li_16++)
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “1”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “2”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 2.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “3”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 3.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “4”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 4.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “5”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 5.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “6”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 6.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “7”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 7.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “8”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 8.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “9”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 9.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “A”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 10.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “B”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 11.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “C”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 12.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “D”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 13.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “E”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 14.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
if(StringSubstr(As_0, Li_16, 1) == “F”)
Li_ret_12 = Li_ret_12 + 15.0 * MathPow(16, str_len_8 – Li_16 – 1);
return (Li_ret_12);


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