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//| FXCORE1_V1.mq4 |
//| rodolfo.leonardo@gmail.com. |
#property copyright “FXCORE1_V1 BETA DEVELOPER”
#property link “http://goo.gl/9FoC8c”
#property version “1.00”
#property description “FXCORE1_V1 BETA DEVELOPER ”
#property description “This EA is 100% FREE ”
#property description “Coder: rodolfo.leonardo@gmail.com ”

#property description “Donation Link : http://goo.gl/9FoC8c”
#property strict

IMA = 0,// IMA

string vg_versao = ” FXCORE1_V1 BETA DEVELOPER 2018-03-03 “;

extern int InpMagicNumberFxCore = 988827;

extern int InpStopLevelFxCore = 20;
extern int InpMaxOrderFxCore = 15;
extern bool InpHabilitaFatorFxCore = true;
extern double InpFatorFxCore = 2.0;
extern bool InpHabilitaSomaFxCore = FALSE;
extern double InpLoteSomaFxCore = 1.0;

int InpModoFxCore = 2;
extern ENUM_SINALMODE InpSinalModeFxCore = IMA;

extern string SINALIMA= “————————- SINAL IMA————————-“;
extern int InpPeriodoIMAFxCore = 5;
extern int InpPeriodoLongIMAFxCore = 20;

extern string SINALBB= “————————- SINAL BB————————-“;
extern bool InpSinalBBFxCore = TRUE;
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES InpBBFrame= PERIOD_CURRENT; // Bands B TimeFrame
extern int InpBBPeriodFxCore = 20;
extern int vBandsBordFxCore = 2;

extern string SINALST= “————————- SINAL Stochastic————————-“;
extern bool InpSinalStochasticFxCore = TRUE;
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES InpStochasticFrame= PERIOD_CURRENT; // Stochastic TimeFrame
extern int InpPeriodStochastcFxCore = 5;
extern int InpPeriodStochastcCFxCore = 3;
extern int InpSlowingStochastcFxCore = 3;

extern string SINALRSI= “————————- SINAL RSI————————-“;
extern bool InpSinalRSIFxCore = TRUE;
extern int InpPeriodRSIFxCore = 9;
extern int InpRSIMaxFxCore = 70;
extern int InpRSIMinFxCore = 30;

int vg_CountOrdersFxCore = 0;
int vg_OrderTotalFxCore;
int vg_HistTotalFxCore;
int vg_PosFxCore;
//int vg_CountOrdersFxCore;
int vg_QtdDigitsFxCore;
int vg_TipoOrderFxCore;
int vg_TicketFxCore;
double vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore;
double vg_CloseProfitFxCore;
double vg_PointFxCore;
double vg_MinLotFxCore;
double vg_MaxLotFxCore;
double vg_StopLevelFxCore;
double vg_LastOrdemLotsFxCore;
double vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore;
double vg_ProfitCloseFxCore;
double vg_ProfitTotalFxCore;
double vg_ProfitOpenFxCore;
string vg_PriceFxCore;
string vg_AlertFxCore = “”;
string vg_MensagemFxCore;

int init() {
if (Digits == 3 || Digits == 5) vg_PointFxCore = 10.0 * Point;
else vg_PointFxCore = Point;
vg_MinLotFxCore = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
if (vg_MinLotFxCore == 0.01) vg_QtdDigitsFxCore = 2;
else {
if (vg_MinLotFxCore == 0.1) vg_QtdDigitsFxCore = 1;
else vg_QtdDigitsFxCore = 0;
if (vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore <= vg_MinLotFxCore) vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore = vg_MinLotFxCore;
vg_StopLevelFxCore = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_STOPLEVEL);
if (InpStopLevelFxCore <= vg_StopLevelFxCore) InpStopLevelFxCore = vg_StopLevelFxCore;
double leverage_0 = AccountLeverage();
if (AccountLeverage() <= 200) vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore = NormalizeDouble(AccountBalance() / 10000.0 * (leverage_0 / 200.0), 2);
else vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore = NormalizeDouble(AccountBalance() / 10000.0, 2);
vg_CloseProfitFxCore = 150.0 * vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore;
vg_MaxLotFxCore = 4.0 * vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore;
return (0);

int deinit() {
return (0);

int start() {
string ls_0;
if (AccountBalance() < 50.0) vg_AlertFxCore = “ERROR: Fundo Insuficiente \nMinimo 50”;

if (IsDemo() == TRUE) ls_0 = “Conta: Demo”;
else ls_0 = “Conta: Real”;
if (vg_AlertFxCore != “”) {
vg_AlertFxCore = “”;
} else {
switch (InpModoFxCore) {
case 0:
Comment(“\nAnalizando o Mercado”);
case 1:
Comment(“\n Verificando Fechamento de Ordens”);
case 2:
“\nAnalizando o Mercado . . .\n”, ls_0,
“\nAlavancamento: “, AccountLeverage());
return (0);
return (0);
int CountOrdersFxCore() {
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
vg_CountOrdersFxCore = 0;
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
return (vg_CountOrdersFxCore);

int OpenOrdersFxCore(int a_cmd_0, double a_lots_4, double a_price_12, color a_color_20) {
return (OrderSend(Symbol(), a_cmd_0, a_lots_4, a_price_12, 3, 0, 0, “”, InpMagicNumberFxCore, 0, a_color_20));
return (0);

int CloseOrdersFxCore() {
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
for (vg_PosFxCore = vg_OrderTotalFxCore – 1; vg_PosFxCore >= 0; vg_PosFxCore–) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
switch (OrderType()) {
case OP_BUY:
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 1, CLR_NONE);
vg_PriceFxCore = Bid;

case OP_SELL:
OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 1, CLR_NONE);
vg_PriceFxCore = Ask;

return (0);

double GetLastLotFxCore() {
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
vg_LastOrdemLotsFxCore = 0;
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
vg_LastOrdemLotsFxCore = OrderLots();

return (vg_LastOrdemLotsFxCore);

double GetTotalProfitFxCore() {
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
vg_ProfitCloseFxCore = 0;
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
vg_ProfitCloseFxCore += OrderProfit();
return (vg_ProfitCloseFxCore);

int GetSinalFxCore() {
double ima_0;
double ima_8;
double ima_16;
double ibands_24;
double ibands_32;
double istochastic_40;
double irsi_48;
if (InpSinalModeFxCore == 0) {
ima_0 = iMA(Symbol(), InpIMAFrame, InpPeriodoIMAFxCore, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
ima_8 = iMA(Symbol(), InpIMAFrame, InpPeriodoIMAFxCore, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
ima_16 = iMA(Symbol(), InpIMAFrame, InpPeriodoLongIMAFxCore, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
if (ima_0 > ima_8 && ima_8 > ima_16) return (-15);
if (!(ima_0 < ima_8 && ima_8 < ima_16)) return (0);
return (15);
if (InpSinalModeFxCore == 1) {
ibands_24 = iBands(Symbol(), InpBBFrame, InpBBPeriodFxCore, vBandsBordFxCore, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, 0);
ibands_32 = iBands(Symbol(), InpBBFrame, InpBBPeriodFxCore, vBandsBordFxCore, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, 0);
istochastic_40 = iStochastic(Symbol(), InpStochasticFrame, InpPeriodStochastcFxCore, InpPeriodStochastcCFxCore, InpSlowingStochastcFxCore, MODE_SMA, 0, MODE_SIGNAL, 0);
irsi_48 = iRSI(Symbol(), InpRSIFrame, InpPeriodRSIFxCore, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
if (InpSinalBBFxCore && (!InpSinalStochasticFxCore) && (!InpSinalRSIFxCore)) {
if (Close[0] > ibands_24) return (15);
if (Close[0] >= ibands_32) return (0);
return (-15);
if ((!InpSinalBBFxCore) && InpSinalStochasticFxCore && (!InpSinalRSIFxCore)) {
if (istochastic_40 > InpRSIMaxFxCore) return (15);
if (istochastic_40 >= InpRSIMinFxCore) return (0);
return (-15);
if ((!InpSinalBBFxCore) && !InpSinalStochasticFxCore && InpSinalRSIFxCore) {
if (irsi_48 > InpRSIMaxFxCore) return (15);
if (irsi_48 >= InpRSIMinFxCore) return (0);
return (-15);
if (InpSinalBBFxCore && InpSinalStochasticFxCore && (!InpSinalRSIFxCore)) {
if (Close[0] > ibands_24 && istochastic_40 > InpRSIMaxFxCore) return (15);
if (!(Close[0] < ibands_32 && istochastic_40 < InpRSIMinFxCore)) return (0);
return (-15);
if (InpSinalBBFxCore && (!InpSinalStochasticFxCore) && InpSinalRSIFxCore) {
if (Close[0] > ibands_24 && irsi_48 > InpRSIMaxFxCore) return (15);
if (!(Close[0] < ibands_32 && irsi_48 < InpRSIMinFxCore)) return (0);
return (-15);
if ((!InpSinalBBFxCore) && InpSinalStochasticFxCore && InpSinalRSIFxCore) {
if (istochastic_40 > InpRSIMaxFxCore && irsi_48 > InpRSIMaxFxCore) return (15);
if (!(istochastic_40 < InpRSIMinFxCore && irsi_48 < InpRSIMinFxCore)) return (0);
return (-15);
if (InpSinalBBFxCore && InpSinalStochasticFxCore && InpSinalRSIFxCore) {
if (Close[0] > ibands_24 && istochastic_40 > InpRSIMaxFxCore && irsi_48 > InpRSIMaxFxCore) return (15);
if (!(Close[0] < ibands_32 && istochastic_40 < InpRSIMinFxCore && irsi_48 < InpRSIMinFxCore)) return (0);
return (-15);
return (0);

int AnalizandoMercadoFxCore() {
if (GetTotalProfitFxCore() >= vg_CloseProfitFxCore) CloseOrdersFxCore();
if (CountOrdersFxCore() == 0 && GetLastLotFxCore() == 0.0) {
if (GetSinalFxCore() == -15)
if (OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUY, vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore, Ask, Blue) > 0) return (0);
if (GetSinalFxCore() == 15)
if (OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELL, vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore, Bid, Red) > 0) return (0);
if (CountOrdersFxCore() > 0 && CountOrdersFxCore() < InpMaxOrderFxCore) {
vg_TipoOrderFxCore = -1;
vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore = 0;
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
vg_TipoOrderFxCore = OrderType();
vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore = OrderOpenPrice();
if (vg_TipoOrderFxCore == OP_BUY) {
if (Ask > vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore – InpStopLevelFxCore * vg_PointFxCore) return (0);
if (InpHabilitaFatorFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, CountOrdersFxCore()), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
if (OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUY, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, CountOrdersFxCore()), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Ask, Blue) > 0) return (0);
if (InpHabilitaSomaFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + (GetLastLotFxCore() + InpLoteSomaFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
vg_TicketFxCore = OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUY, NormalizeDouble(GetLastLotFxCore() + InpLoteSomaFxCore, vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Ask, Blue);
if (vg_TipoOrderFxCore == OP_SELL) {
if (Bid < vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore + InpStopLevelFxCore * vg_PointFxCore) return (0);
if (InpHabilitaFatorFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, CountOrdersFxCore()), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
if (OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELL, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, CountOrdersFxCore()), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Bid, Red) > 0) return (0);
if (InpHabilitaSomaFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + (GetLastLotFxCore() + InpLoteSomaFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
if (OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELL, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + InpLoteSomaFxCore * vg_PosFxCore, vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Bid, Blue) > 0) return (0);
return (0);

int ProcessaFechamentoOrdemFxCore() {
if (CountOrdersFxCore() == 0) vg_CountOrdersFxCore = 0;
vg_HistTotalFxCore = OrdersHistoryTotal();
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
vg_ProfitCloseFxCore = 0;
for (vg_PosFxCore = vg_HistTotalFxCore – vg_CountOrdersFxCore; vg_PosFxCore < vg_HistTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
vg_ProfitCloseFxCore += OrderProfit();
vg_ProfitOpenFxCore = 0;
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
vg_ProfitOpenFxCore += OrderProfit();
vg_ProfitTotalFxCore = vg_ProfitCloseFxCore + vg_ProfitOpenFxCore;
if (vg_ProfitTotalFxCore >= vg_CloseProfitFxCore) CloseOrdersFxCore();
if (CountOrdersFxCore() == 0 && GetLastLotFxCore() == 0.0 && vg_CountOrdersFxCore == 0) {
if (GetSinalFxCore() == -15) {

vg_TicketFxCore = OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUY, vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore, Ask, Blue);
if (vg_TicketFxCore > 0) {
return (0);
if (GetSinalFxCore() == 15) {

vg_TicketFxCore = OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELL, vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore, Bid, Red);
if (vg_TicketFxCore > 0) {
return (0);
if (CountOrdersFxCore() > 0 && CountOrdersFxCore() < InpMaxOrderFxCore) {
vg_TipoOrderFxCore = -1;
vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore = 0;
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
vg_TipoOrderFxCore = OrderType();
vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore = OrderOpenPrice();
if (vg_TipoOrderFxCore == OP_BUY) {
if (Ask > vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore – InpStopLevelFxCore * vg_PointFxCore) return (0);
if (InpHabilitaFatorFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, vg_CountOrdersFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
vg_TicketFxCore = OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUY, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, vg_CountOrdersFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Ask, Blue);
if (vg_TicketFxCore > 0) {
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
if (OrderTicket() != vg_TicketFxCore) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 3, CLR_NONE);
if (InpHabilitaSomaFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + (GetLastLotFxCore() + InpLoteSomaFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
vg_TicketFxCore = OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUY, NormalizeDouble(GetLastLotFxCore() + InpLoteSomaFxCore, vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Ask, Blue);
if (vg_TicketFxCore > 0) {
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
if (OrderTicket() != vg_TicketFxCore) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 3, CLR_NONE);
if (vg_TipoOrderFxCore == OP_SELL) {
if (Bid < vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore + InpStopLevelFxCore * vg_PointFxCore) return (0);
if (InpHabilitaFatorFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, vg_CountOrdersFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
vg_TicketFxCore = OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELL, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, vg_CountOrdersFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Bid, Red);
if (vg_TicketFxCore > 0) {
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
if (OrderTicket() != vg_TicketFxCore) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 3, CLR_NONE);
if (InpHabilitaSomaFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + (GetLastLotFxCore() + InpLoteSomaFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
vg_TicketFxCore = OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELL, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + InpLoteSomaFxCore * vg_CountOrdersFxCore, vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Bid, Blue);
if (vg_TicketFxCore > 0) {
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
if (OrderTicket() != vg_TicketFxCore) OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Ask, 3, CLR_NONE);
return (0);

int VerificandoAberturaOrdemFxCore() {
if (GetTotalProfitFxCore() >= vg_CloseProfitFxCore) CloseOrdersFxCore();
if (CountOrdersFxCore() == 0 && GetLastLotFxCore() == 0.0) {
if (GetSinalFxCore() == -15) {

if (OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUY, vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore, Ask, Blue) > 0) return (0);
if (GetSinalFxCore() == 15) {

if (OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELL, vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore, Bid, Red) > 0) return (0);
if (CountOrdersFxCore() == 1 && GetLastLotFxCore() == vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore) {
vg_TipoOrderFxCore = -1;
vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore = 0;
vg_OrderTotalFxCore = OrdersTotal();
for (vg_PosFxCore = 0; vg_PosFxCore < vg_OrderTotalFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
OrderSelect(vg_PosFxCore, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES);
if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol() || OrderMagicNumber() != InpMagicNumberFxCore) continue;
vg_TipoOrderFxCore = OrderType();
vg_LastOrdemOpenPriceFxCore = OrderOpenPrice();
if (vg_TipoOrderFxCore == OP_BUY) {
for (vg_PosFxCore = 1; vg_PosFxCore <= InpMaxOrderFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
if (InpHabilitaFatorFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, vg_PosFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUYLIMIT, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, vg_PosFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Ask – InpStopLevelFxCore * vg_PosFxCore * vg_PointFxCore, Blue);
if (InpHabilitaSomaFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + InpLoteSomaFxCore * vg_PosFxCore, vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_BUYLIMIT, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + InpLoteSomaFxCore * vg_PosFxCore, vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Ask – InpStopLevelFxCore * vg_PosFxCore * vg_PointFxCore, Blue);
if (vg_TipoOrderFxCore == OP_SELL) {
for (vg_PosFxCore = 1; vg_PosFxCore <= InpMaxOrderFxCore; vg_PosFxCore++) {
if (InpHabilitaFatorFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, vg_PosFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELLLIMIT, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore * MathPow(InpFatorFxCore, vg_PosFxCore), vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Bid + InpStopLevelFxCore * vg_PosFxCore * vg_PointFxCore, Red);
if (InpHabilitaSomaFxCore) {
if (NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + InpLoteSomaFxCore * vg_PosFxCore, vg_QtdDigitsFxCore) > vg_MaxLotFxCore) return (0);
OpenOrdersFxCore(OP_SELLLIMIT, NormalizeDouble(vg_MinLotOpenOrderFxCore + InpLoteSomaFxCore * vg_PosFxCore, vg_QtdDigitsFxCore), Bid + InpStopLevelFxCore * vg_PosFxCore * vg_PointFxCore, Blue);
return (0);
void Painel2( string Ygs_104)
string name_0 = Ygs_104 + “L_1”;
if (ObjectFind(name_0) == -1)
ObjectCreate(name_0, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(name_0, OBJPROP_CORNER, 0);
ObjectSet(name_0, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 500);
ObjectSet(name_0, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 10);
ObjectSetText(name_0, vg_versao, 12, “Arial”, White);



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