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#property copyright “© mladen, 2016, MetaQuotes Software Corp.”
#property link “,”
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 8
#property indicator_plots 5

#property indicator_label1 “rsi OB/OS zone”
#property indicator_type1 DRAW_FILLING
#property indicator_color1 C’209,243,209′,C’255,230,183′
#property indicator_label2 “rsi up level”
#property indicator_type2 DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2 clrLimeGreen
#property indicator_style2 STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_label3 “rsi middle level”
#property indicator_type3 DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3 clrSilver
#property indicator_style3 STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_label4 “rsi down level”
#property indicator_type4 DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color4 clrOrange
#property indicator_style4 STYLE_DOT
#property indicator_label5 “rsi”
#property indicator_type5 DRAW_COLOR_LINE
#property indicator_color5 clrSilver,clrLimeGreen,clrOrange
#property indicator_width5 2


enum enPrices
pr_close, // Close
pr_open, // Open
pr_high, // High
pr_low, // Low
pr_median, // Median
pr_typical, // Typical
pr_weighted, // Weighted
pr_average, // Average (high+low+open+close)/4
pr_medianb, // Average median body (open+close)/2
pr_tbiased, // Trend biased price
pr_tbiased2, // Trend biased (extreme) price
pr_haclose, // Heiken ashi close
pr_haopen , // Heiken ashi open
pr_hahigh, // Heiken ashi high
pr_halow, // Heiken ashi low
pr_hamedian, // Heiken ashi median
pr_hatypical, // Heiken ashi typical
pr_haweighted, // Heiken ashi weighted
pr_haaverage, // Heiken ashi average
pr_hamedianb, // Heiken ashi median body
pr_hatbiased, // Heiken ashi trend biased price
pr_hatbiased2 // Heiken ashi trend biased (extreme) price
enum enRsiTypes
rsi_cut, // Cuttler’s RSI
rsi_ehl, // Ehlers’ smoothed RSI
rsi_har, // Harris’ RSI
rsi_rap, // Rapid RSI
rsi_rsi, // RSI
rsi_rsx, // RSX
rsi_slo // Slow RSI
enum enColorOn
cc_onSlope, // Change color on slope change
cc_onMiddle, // Change color on middle line cross
cc_onLevels // Change color on outer levels cross
enum enMaTypes
ma_sma, // Simple moving average
ma_ema, // Exponential moving average
ma_smma, // Smoothed MA
ma_lwma // Linear weighted MA

input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES TimeFrame = PERIOD_CURRENT; // Time frame
input int RsiPeriod = 14; // Rsi period
input enPrices RsiPrice = pr_close; // Price to use
input enRsiTypes RsiMethod = rsi_rsi; // Rsi method
input int PriceSmoothing = 0; // Price smoothing (<= 1 for no smoothing)
input enMaTypes PriceSmoothingM = ma_ema; // Price smoothing method
input enColorOn ColorOn = cc_onLevels; // Color change :
input int MinMaxPeriod = 50; // Floating levels period (<= 1 for fixed levels)
input double LevelUp = 80.0; // Up level %
input double LevelDown = 20.0; // Down level %
input bool alertsOn = false; // Turn alerts on?
input bool alertsOnCurrent = true; // Alert on current bar?
input bool alertsMessage = true; // Display messageas on alerts?
input bool alertsSound = false; // Play sound on alerts?
input bool alertsEmail = false; // Send email on alerts?
input bool alertsNotify = false; // Send push notification on alerts?
input bool Interpolate = true; // Interpolate mtf data ?

double rsi[],rsic[],fill1[],fill2[],levelUp[],levelMi[],levelDn[],count[];


int OnInit()
SetIndexBuffer(0,fill1 ,INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer(1,fill2 ,INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer(5,rsi ,INDICATOR_DATA);
SetIndexBuffer(6,rsic ,INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX);
SetIndexBuffer(7,count ,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) PlotIndexSetInteger(i,PLOT_SHOW_DATA,false);
timeFrame = MathMax(_Period,TimeFrame);
IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME,timeFrameToString(timeFrame)+” “+getRsiName(RsiMethod)+”(oma) (“+(string)RsiPeriod+”,”+(string)PriceSmoothing+”,”+(string)MinMaxPeriod+”)”);


int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
const int prev_calculated,
const datetime& time[],
const double& open[],
const double& high[],
const double& low[],
const double& close[],
const long& tick_volume[],
const long& volume[],
const int& spread[])
if (Bars(_Symbol,_Period)<rates_total) return(-1);


if (timeFrame!=_Period)
double result[]; datetime currTime[],nextTime[];
static int indHandle =-1;
if (indHandle==-1) indHandle = iCustom(_Symbol,timeFrame,getIndicatorName(),PERIOD_CURRENT,RsiPeriod,RsiPrice,RsiMethod,PriceSmoothing,PriceSmoothingM,ColorOn,MinMaxPeriod,LevelUp,LevelDown,alertsOn,alertsOnCurrent,alertsMessage,alertsSound,alertsEmail,alertsNotify);
if (indHandle==-1) return(0);
if (CopyBuffer(indHandle,7,0,1,result)==-1) return(0);


#define _processed EMPTY_VALUE-1
int i,limit = rates_total-(int)MathMin(result[0]*PeriodSeconds(timeFrame)/PeriodSeconds(_Period),rates_total);
for (limit=MathMax(limit,0); limit>0 && !IsStopped(); limit–) if (count[limit]==_processed) break;
for (i=MathMin(limit,MathMax(prev_calculated-1,0)); i<rates_total && !IsStopped(); i++ )
if (CopyBuffer(indHandle,0,time[i],1,result)==-1) break; fill1[i] = result[0];
if (CopyBuffer(indHandle,1,time[i],1,result)==-1) break; fill2[i] = result[0];
if (CopyBuffer(indHandle,2,time[i],1,result)==-1) break; levelUp[i] = result[0];
if (CopyBuffer(indHandle,3,time[i],1,result)==-1) break; levelMi[i] = result[0];
if (CopyBuffer(indHandle,4,time[i],1,result)==-1) break; levelDn[i] = result[0];
if (CopyBuffer(indHandle,5,time[i],1,result)==-1) break; rsi[i] = result[0];
if (CopyBuffer(indHandle,6,time[i],1,result)==-1) break; rsic[i] = result[0];
count[i] = _processed;


#define _interpolate(buff,i,k,n) buff[i-k] = buff[i]+(buff[i-n]-buff[i])*k/n
if (!Interpolate) continue; CopyTime(_Symbol,TimeFrame,time[i ],1,currTime);
if (i<(rates_total-1)) { CopyTime(_Symbol,TimeFrame,time[i+1],1,nextTime); if (currTime[0]==nextTime[0]) continue; }
int n,k;
for(n=1; (i-n)> 0 && time[i-n] >= currTime[0]; n++) continue;
for(k=1; (i-k)>=0 && k<n; k++)
_interpolate(fill1 ,i,k,n);
_interpolate(fill2 ,i,k,n);
_interpolate(rsi ,i,k,n);
if (i!=rates_total) return(0); return(rates_total);


for (int i=(int)MathMax(prev_calculated-1,0); i<rates_total; i++)
rsi[i] = iRsi(RsiMethod,iCustomMa(PriceSmoothingM,getPrice(RsiPrice,open,close,high,low,i,rates_total),PriceSmoothing,i,rates_total),RsiPeriod,i,rates_total);
if (MinMaxPeriod<=1)
levelUp[i] = LevelUp;
levelDn[i] = LevelDown;
levelMi[i] = (levelUp[i]+levelDn[i])/2;
double min = rsi[i];
double max = rsi[i];
for (int k=1; k<MinMaxPeriod && i-k>=0; k++)
min = MathMin(rsi[i-k],min);
max = MathMax(rsi[i-k],max);
double range = max-min;
levelUp[i] = min+LevelUp *range/100.0;
levelDn[i] = min+LevelDown*range/100.0;
levelMi[i] = min+0.5*range;
case cc_onLevels: rsic[i] = (rsi[i]>levelUp[i]) ? 1 : (rsi[i]<levelDn[i]) ? 2 : 0; break;
case cc_onMiddle: rsic[i] = (rsi[i]>levelMi[i]) ? 1 : (rsi[i]<levelMi[i]) ? 2 : 0; break;
default : rsic[i] = (i>0) ? (rsi[i]>rsi[i-1]) ? 1 : (rsi[i]<rsi[i-1]) ? 2 : 0 : 0;
fill1[i] = rsi[i];
fill2[i] = (rsi[i]>levelUp[i]) ? levelUp[i] : (rsi[i]<levelDn[i]) ? levelDn[i] : rsi[i];
count[rates_total-1] = MathMax(rates_total-prev_calculated+1,1);



void manageAlerts(const datetime& time[], double& ttrend[], int bars)
if (!alertsOn) return;
int whichBar = bars-1; if (!alertsOnCurrent) whichBar = bars-2; datetime time1 = time[whichBar];
if (ttrend[whichBar] != ttrend[whichBar-1])
if (ttrend[whichBar] == 1) doAlert(time1,”up”);
if (ttrend[whichBar] == 2) doAlert(time1,”down”);


void doAlert(datetime forTime, string doWhat)
static string previousAlert=”nothing”;
static datetime previousTime;

if (previousAlert != doWhat || previousTime != forTime)
previousAlert = doWhat;
previousTime = forTime;

string message = timeFrameToString(_Period)+” “+_Symbol+” at “+TimeToString(TimeLocal(),TIME_SECONDS)+getRsiName(RsiMethod)+” state changed to “+doWhat;
if (alertsMessage) Alert(message);
if (alertsEmail) SendMail(_Symbol+” “+getRsiName(RsiMethod),message);
if (alertsNotify) SendNotification(message);
if (alertsSound) PlaySound(“alert2.wav”);


string getRsiName(int method)
switch (method)
case rsi_rsi: return(“RSI”);
case rsi_rsx: return(“RSX”);
case rsi_cut: return(“Cuttler’s RSI”);
case rsi_har: return(“Haris’ RSI”);
case rsi_rap: return(“Rapid RSI”);
case rsi_slo: return(“Slow RSI”);
case rsi_ehl: return(“Ehlers’ smoothed RSI”);
default: return(“”);


#define rsiInstances 1
double workRsi[][rsiInstances*13];
#define _price 0
#define _prices 3
#define _change 1
#define _changa 2
#define _rsival 1
#define _rsval 1
#define _smallRsiValue 0.0000000000000001

double iRsi(int rsiMode, double price, double period, int r, int bars, int instanceNo=0)
if (ArrayRange(workRsi,0)!=bars) ArrayResize(workRsi,bars);
int z = instanceNo*13;


workRsi[r][z+_price] = price;
switch (rsiMode)
case rsi_rsi:
double alpha = 1.0/MathMax(period,1);
if (r<period)
int k; double sum = 0; for (k=0; k<period && (r-k-1)>=0; k++) sum += MathAbs(workRsi[r-k][z+_price]-workRsi[r-k-1][z+_price]);
workRsi[r][z+_change] = (workRsi[r][z+_price]-workRsi[0][z+_price])/MathMax(k,1);
workRsi[r][z+_changa] = sum/MathMax(k,1);
double change = workRsi[r][z+_price]-workRsi[r-1][z+_price];
workRsi[r][z+_change] = workRsi[r-1][z+_change] + alpha*( change – workRsi[r-1][z+_change]);
workRsi[r][z+_changa] = workRsi[r-1][z+_changa] + alpha*(MathAbs(change) – workRsi[r-1][z+_changa]);


case rsi_slo :
double up = 0, dn = 0;
for(int k=0; k<(int)period && (r-k-1)>=0; k++)
double diff = workRsi[r-k][z+_price]- workRsi[r-k-1][z+_price];
up += diff;
else dn -= diff;
if (r<1)
workRsi[r][z+_rsival] = 50;
workRsi[r][z+_rsival] = workRsi[r-1][z+_rsival]+(1/MathMax(period,1))*(100*up/MathMax(up+dn,_smallRsiValue)-workRsi[r-1][z+_rsival]);


case rsi_rap :
double up = 0, dn = 0;
for(int k=0; k<(int)period && (r-k-1)>=0; k++)
double diff = workRsi[r-k][z+_price]- workRsi[r-k-1][z+_price];
up += diff;
else dn -= diff;
return(100 * up /MathMax(up + dn,_smallRsiValue));


case rsi_ehl :
double up = 0, dn = 0;
workRsi[r][z+_prices] = (r>2) ? (workRsi[r][z+_price]+2.*workRsi[r-1][z+_price]+workRsi[r-2][z+_price])/4.0 : price;
for(int k=0; k<(int)period && (r-k-1)>=0; k++)
double diff = workRsi[r-k][z+_prices]- workRsi[r-k-1][z+_prices];
up += diff;
else dn -= diff;


case rsi_cut :
double sump = 0;
double sumn = 0;
for (int k=0; k<(int)period && (r-k-1)>=0; k++)
double diff = workRsi[r-k][z+_price]-workRsi[r-k-1][z+_price];
if (diff > 0)
sump += diff;
else sumn -= diff;
workRsi[r][instanceNo+_rsival] = 100.0-100.0/(1.0+sump/MathMax(sumn,_smallRsiValue));


case rsi_har :
double avgUp=0,avgDn=0,up=0,dn=0;
for(int k=0; k<(int)period && (r-k-1)>=0; k++)
double diff = workRsi[r-k][instanceNo+_price]- workRsi[r-k-1][instanceNo+_price];
{ avgUp += diff; up++; }
else { avgDn -= diff; dn++; }
if (up!=0) avgUp /= up;
if (dn!=0) avgDn /= dn;
workRsi[r][instanceNo+_rsival] = 100-100/(1.0+(avgUp/MathMax(avgDn,_smallRsiValue)));


case rsi_rsx :
double Kg = (3.0)/(2.0+period), Hg = 1.0-Kg;
if (r<period) { for (int k=1; k<13; k++) workRsi[r][k+z] = 0; return(50); }


double mom = workRsi[r][_price+z]-workRsi[r-1][_price+z];
double moa = MathAbs(mom);
for (int k=0; k<3; k++)
int kk = k*2;
workRsi[r][z+kk+1] = Kg*mom + Hg*workRsi[r-1][z+kk+1];
workRsi[r][z+kk+2] = Kg*workRsi[r][z+kk+1] + Hg*workRsi[r-1][z+kk+2]; mom = 1.5*workRsi[r][z+kk+1] – 0.5 * workRsi[r][z+kk+2];
workRsi[r][z+kk+7] = Kg*moa + Hg*workRsi[r-1][z+kk+7];
workRsi[r][z+kk+8] = Kg*workRsi[r][z+kk+7] + Hg*workRsi[r-1][z+kk+8]; moa = 1.5*workRsi[r][z+kk+7] – 0.5 * workRsi[r][z+kk+8];


#define priceInstances 1
double workHa[][priceInstances*4];
double getPrice(int tprice, const double& open[], const double& close[], const double& high[], const double& low[], int i,int _bars, int instanceNo=0)
if (tprice>=pr_haclose)
if (ArrayRange(workHa,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workHa,_bars); instanceNo*=4;


double haOpen;
if (i>0)
haOpen = (workHa[i-1][instanceNo+2] + workHa[i-1][instanceNo+3])/2.0;
else haOpen = (open[i]+close[i])/2;
double haClose = (open[i] + high[i] + low[i] + close[i]) / 4.0;
double haHigh = MathMax(high[i], MathMax(haOpen,haClose));
double haLow = MathMin(low[i] , MathMin(haOpen,haClose));

if(haOpen <haClose) { workHa[i][instanceNo+0] = haLow; workHa[i][instanceNo+1] = haHigh; }
else { workHa[i][instanceNo+0] = haHigh; workHa[i][instanceNo+1] = haLow; }
workHa[i][instanceNo+2] = haOpen;
workHa[i][instanceNo+3] = haClose;

switch (tprice)
case pr_haclose: return(haClose);
case pr_haopen: return(haOpen);
case pr_hahigh: return(haHigh);
case pr_halow: return(haLow);
case pr_hamedian: return((haHigh+haLow)/2.0);
case pr_hamedianb: return((haOpen+haClose)/2.0);
case pr_hatypical: return((haHigh+haLow+haClose)/3.0);
case pr_haweighted: return((haHigh+haLow+haClose+haClose)/4.0);
case pr_haaverage: return((haHigh+haLow+haClose+haOpen)/4.0);
case pr_hatbiased:
if (haClose>haOpen)
else return((haLow+haClose)/2.0);
case pr_hatbiased2:
if (haClose>haOpen) return(haHigh);
if (haClose<haOpen) return(haLow);


switch (tprice)
case pr_close: return(close[i]);
case pr_open: return(open[i]);
case pr_high: return(high[i]);
case pr_low: return(low[i]);
case pr_median: return((high[i]+low[i])/2.0);
case pr_medianb: return((open[i]+close[i])/2.0);
case pr_typical: return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i])/3.0);
case pr_weighted: return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i]+close[i])/4.0);
case pr_average: return((high[i]+low[i]+close[i]+open[i])/4.0);
case pr_tbiased:
if (close[i]>open[i])
else return((low[i]+close[i])/2.0);
case pr_tbiased2:
if (close[i]>open[i]) return(high[i]);
if (close[i]<open[i]) return(low[i]);


#define _maInstances 4
#define _maWorkBufferx1 1*_maInstances
#define _maWorkBufferx2 2*_maInstances

double iCustomMa(int mode, double price, double length, int r, int bars, int instanceNo=0)
switch (mode)
case ma_sma : return(iSma(price,(int)length,r,bars,instanceNo));
case ma_ema : return(iEma(price,length,r,bars,instanceNo));
case ma_smma : return(iSmma(price,(int)length,r,bars,instanceNo));
case ma_lwma : return(iLwma(price,(int)length,r,bars,instanceNo));
default : return(price);


double workSma[][_maWorkBufferx2];
double iSma(double price, int period, int r, int _bars, int instanceNo=0)
if (ArrayRange(workSma,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workSma,_bars); instanceNo *= 2; int k;

workSma[r][instanceNo+0] = price;
workSma[r][instanceNo+1] = price; for(k=1; k<period && (r-k)>=0; k++) workSma[r][instanceNo+1] += workSma[r-k][instanceNo+0];
workSma[r][instanceNo+1] /= 1.0*k;


double workEma[][_maWorkBufferx1];
double iEma(double price, double period, int r, int _bars, int instanceNo=0)
if (ArrayRange(workEma,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workEma,_bars);

workEma[r][instanceNo] = price;
if (r>0 && period>1)
workEma[r][instanceNo] = workEma[r-1][instanceNo]+(2.0/(1.0+period))*(price-workEma[r-1][instanceNo]);


double workSmma[][_maWorkBufferx1];
double iSmma(double price, double period, int r, int _bars, int instanceNo=0)
if (ArrayRange(workSmma,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workSmma,_bars);

workSmma[r][instanceNo] = price;
if (r>1 && period>1)
workSmma[r][instanceNo] = workSmma[r-1][instanceNo]+(price-workSmma[r-1][instanceNo])/period;


double workLwma[][_maWorkBufferx1];
double iLwma(double price, double period, int r, int _bars, int instanceNo=0)
if (ArrayRange(workLwma,0)!= _bars) ArrayResize(workLwma,_bars);

workLwma[r][instanceNo] = price; if (period<=1) return(price);
double sumw = period;
double sum = period*price;

for(int k=1; k<period && (r-k)>=0; k++)
double weight = period-k;
sumw += weight;
sum += weight*workLwma[r-k][instanceNo];


string getIndicatorName()
string path = MQL5InfoString(MQL5_PROGRAM_PATH);
string data = TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH)+”\\MQL5\\Indicators\\”;
string name = StringSubstr(path,StringLen(data));


string _tfsStr[]={“1 minute”,”2 minutes”,”3 minutes”,”4 minutes”,”5 minutes”,”6 minutes”,”10 minutes”,”12 minutes”,”15 minutes”,”20 minutes”,”30 minutes”,”1 hour”,”2 hours”,”3 hours”,”4 hours”,”6 hours”,”8 hours”,”12 hours”,”daily”,”weekly”,”monthly”};
string timeFrameToString(int period)
if (period==PERIOD_CURRENT)
period = _Period;
int i; for(i=ArraySize(_tfsPer)-1;i>=0;i–) if(period==_tfsPer[i]) break;


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