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#property copyright “Tudor Ceban”
#property link “http://www.rapidresultsmethod.com”

#include <WinUser32.mqh>
#import “wininet.dll”
int InternetOpenA(string a0, int a1, string a2, string a3, int a4);
int InternetOpenUrlA(int a0, string a1, string a2, int a3, int a4, int a5);
int InternetReadFile(int a0, string a1, int a2, int& a3[]);
int InternetCloseHandle(int a0);

extern string note = ” ======= Authentication SETTINGS ======”;
extern string username = “”;
extern string password = “”;
extern double LotSize = 0.1;
extern double RiskPercent = 2.0;
extern int Slippage = 3;
extern int MagicNumber = 9869;
extern bool DynamicSLTP = TRUE;
extern int TakeProfit = 20;
extern int StopLoss = 10;
extern int MinStopLoss = 7;
extern int MaxStopLoss = 15;
extern bool PartialClose = FALSE;
extern int PartialClosePct = 70;
extern int PartialCloseAtPipsProfit = 10;
extern string txt = ” ====== Trailing Settings ======”;
extern double BreakEvenAtPct = 70.0;
extern int BreakEvenPips = 1;
extern bool UseTrailing = FALSE;
extern bool TrailOnProfit = TRUE;
extern int TrailingStop = 25;
extern int TrailingStep = 2;
extern bool SoundAlert = TRUE;
extern bool EntryPopUp = TRUE;
extern bool CloseOnReverse = FALSE;
bool gi_204 = FALSE;
extern string txtAdv = “====== !!!!! ADVANCED SETTINGS !!!!! ======”;
extern bool ConfirmWithDPI = TRUE;
extern bool ConfirmWith3rdEMA = TRUE;
extern bool ConfirmWith4thEMA = FALSE;
extern int PipsAwayFromCandle = 3;
extern color SLColor = Red;
extern color TPColor = Blue;
extern color BoxColor = Blue;
extern color NonSetupColor = Silver;
extern color UpColor = Green;
extern color DownColor = Blue;
extern color UpTrendColor = Lime;
extern color DownTrendColor = Red;
extern color CurrentUpColor = Yellow;
extern color CurrentDownColor = Red;
int gi_272 = 8;
int gi_276 = 13;
int gi_280 = 5;
int gi_284 = 13;
int gi_288 = 34;
int gi_292 = 89;
double gd_296 = 0.05;
double gd_304 = 0.5;
bool gi_312 = FALSE;
int gi_316 = 7;
int gi_320 = 30;
int gi_324 = 22;
int gi_328 = 30;
double gd_332;
double gd_340;
int gi_348 = 0;
int gi_352 = 0;
string gs_356 = “”;
extern color cTrendBG = C’0x37,0x37,0x37′;
double gd_368;
int gia_376[9] = {1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 240, 1440, 10080, 43200};
string gsa_380[9] = {“M1”, “M5”, “M15”, “M30”, “H1”, “H4”, “D1”, “W1”, “MN1”,
int gi_384 = 0;
int gi_388 = 0;
int gia_392[14];
int gia_396[14];
int gia_400[14];
int gia_404[14];
int gi_408;
bool gi_412 = FALSE;
int gi_416 = 0;
bool gi_420 = FALSE;
bool gi_424 = TRUE;
int gia_428[64] = {65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 43, 47};
int gi_432 = 1;
string gs_436;
int gi_444 = 0;
int gi_448 = 0;
int gi_452 = 0;
string gs_456;
int gia_464[1];
string gs_472 = “000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000”;
int gt_480 = 0;

string ProcessURL(string as_0) {
string ls_12;
string ls_20;
for (int li_8 = StringFind(as_0, ” “); li_8 != -1; li_8 = StringFind(as_0, ” “)) {
ls_12 = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight(StringSubstr(as_0, 0, StringFind(as_0, ” “, 0))));
ls_20 = StringTrimLeft(StringTrimRight(StringSubstr(as_0, StringFind(as_0, ” “, 0))));
as_0 = ls_12 + “%20” + ls_20;
return (as_0);

void Base64Encode(string as_0, string &as_8) {
int li_28;
int li_32;
int li_36;
int li_40;
int li_44;
int li_48;
int li_52;
as_8 = “”;
int li_16 = 0;
int li_20 = 0;
int li_24 = StringLen(as_0);
while (li_16 < li_24) {
li_36 = StringGetChar(as_0, li_16);
if (li_16 >= li_24) {
li_32 = 0;
li_28 = 0;
li_20 = 2;
} else {
li_32 = StringGetChar(as_0, li_16);
if (li_16 >= li_24) {
li_28 = 0;
li_20 = 1;
} else {
li_28 = StringGetChar(as_0, li_16);
li_40 = li_36 >> 2;
li_44 = (li_36 & 3 * 16) | li_32 >> 4;
li_48 = (li_32 & 15 * 4) | li_28 >> 6;
li_52 = li_28 & 63;
as_8 = as_8 + CharToStr(gia_428[li_40]);
as_8 = as_8 + CharToStr(gia_428[li_44]);
switch (li_20) {
case 0:
as_8 = as_8 + CharToStr(gia_428[li_48]);
as_8 = as_8 + CharToStr(gia_428[li_52]);
case 1:
as_8 = as_8 + CharToStr(gia_428[li_48]);
as_8 = as_8 + “=”;
case 2:
as_8 = as_8 + “==”;

string LoadURL(string as_0) {
gi_452 = 0;
for (gi_444 = FALSE; gi_452 < 3 && gi_444 == FALSE; gi_452++) {
if (gi_448 != 0) gi_444 = InternetOpenUrlA(gi_448, as_0, 0, 0, -2079850240, 0);
if (gi_444 == FALSE) {
gi_448 = InternetOpenA(“mymt4InetSession”, gi_432, 0, 0, 0);
gs_456 = “”;
gia_464[0] = 1;
while (gia_464[0] > 0) {
InternetReadFile(gi_444, gs_472, 200, gia_464);
if (gia_464[0] > 0) gs_456 = gs_456 + StringSubstr(gs_472, 0, gia_464[0]);
if (StringSubstr(gs_472, 0, gia_464[0]) == “0”) break;
if (StringSubstr(gs_472, 0, gia_464[0]) == “4”) break;
if (StringSubstr(gs_472, 0, gia_464[0]) == “1”) break;
return (gs_456);

/* string authentication(string as_0, string as_8) {
string ls_32;
string ls_16 = “”;
string ls_24 = “”;
ls_16 = “mode=authenticate&username=” + as_0 + “&password=” + as_8;
Base64Encode(ls_16, ls_24);
return (LoadURL(ProcessURL(“http://www.rapidresultsmethod.com/authea/member.php?encoded=” + ls_24)));
} */

int init() {
int li_16;
int li_20;
int li_24;
int li_28;
if (Point == 0.00001) gd_332 = 0.0001;
else {
if (Point == 0.001) gd_332 = 0.01;
else gd_332 = Point;
gi_348 = 0;
gd_340 = Slippage * gd_332 / Point;
gd_368 = gd_332 * TrailingStop;
gi_408 = 2;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP) == 0.1) gi_408 = 1;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP) == 1.0) gi_408 = 0;
gi_412 = FALSE;
int li_0 = OrdersTotal();
for (int li_4 = 0; li_4 < li_0; li_4++) {
if (OrderSelect(li_4, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) != FALSE)
if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) gi_348 = OrderTicket();
gi_420 = TRUE;
/* gi_424 = TRUE;
gi_416 = 0;
string ls_8 = “”;
if (gi_424 == TRUE && gi_416 == 0) {
ls_8 = “\nS.A.R.A. Trading Assistant \n authenticating…”;
/* gi_416 = StrToInteger(authentication(username, password));
if (gi_416 == 1) {
gi_420 = TRUE;
ls_8 = “”;
} else {
ls_8 = “\nS.A.R.A. Trading Assistant \n Authentication FAILED\n\n”;
ls_8 = ls_8 + ” Send an email to support@forexprofitmodel.com\n”;
gi_420 = FALSE;
gi_424 = FALSE;
} */
if (gi_420 == TRUE) {
objectCreate(“SRT_BoxBgA1”, 7, 20, CharToStr(103), 126, “Webdings”, BoxColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_BoxBgA2”, 7, 180, CharToStr(103), 126, “Webdings”, BoxColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_BoxBgA3”, 7, 213, CharToStr(103), 126, “Webdings”, BoxColor);
ObjectSet(“BoxBgB2”, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
objectCreate(“SRT_BoxBgB1”, 11, 23, CharToStr(103), 120, “Webdings”, Black);
objectCreate(“SRT_BoxBgB2”, 11, 183, CharToStr(103), 120, “Webdings”, Black);
objectCreate(“SRT_BoxBgB3”, 11, 218, CharToStr(103), 120, “Webdings”, Black);
objectCreate(“SRT_Pair”, 30, 25, Symbol(), 20, “Verdana”, White);
objectCreate(“SRT_Phase”, 20, 60, ” —- Phase “, 12, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_Direction”, 30, 83, ” NO TRADE “, 12, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_Separator”, 11, 70, “________”, 24, “Verdana”, BoxColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_TitanArr”, 91, 110, CharToStr(127), 14, “Wingdings”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_TitanPct”, 20, 110, “DPI “, 14, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
for (li_4 = 1; li_4 <= 10; li_4++) {
objectCreate(“SRT_TrendMA0” + li_4, 17, 9 * li_4 + 75, “-“, 65, “Verdana”, cTrendBG);
objectCreate(“SRT_TrendMA1” + li_4, 42, 9 * li_4 + 75, “-“, 65, “Verdana”, cTrendBG);
objectCreate(“SRT_ST”, 132, 140, “ST”, 14, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_STArr”, 102, 140, CharToStr(127), 14, “Wingdings”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_MT”, 130, 170, “MT”, 14, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_MTArr”, 102, 170, CharToStr(127), 14, “Wingdings”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_LT”, 134, 200, “LT”, 14, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_LTArr”, 102, 200, CharToStr(127), 14, “Wingdings”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_Psar”, 115, 230, “psar”, 14, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_PsarArr”, 91, 231, CharToStr(127), 14, “Wingdings”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_Psar_points”, 18, 195, “…..”, 40, “Calibri”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_Separator2”, 11, 225, “________”, 24, “Verdana”, Blue);
objectCreate(“SRT_Direction2″, 20, 263, ” DPI “, 14, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_TimeFrames”, 22, 286, gs_356, 9, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
for (li_4 = 1; li_4 <= 10; li_4++) {
objectCreate(“SRT_TF1” + li_4, 12, 7 * li_4 + 245, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_TF2” + li_4, 42, 7 * li_4 + 245, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_TF3” + li_4, 72, 7 * li_4 + 245, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_TF4” + li_4, 102, 7 * li_4 + 245, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
objectCreate(“SRT_TF5” + li_4, 132, 7 * li_4 + 245, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
li_16 = 17;
gia_392[0] = UpColor;
li_20 = gia_392[0] % 256 / li_16;
li_24 = gia_392[0] % 65536 / (li_16 * 256);
li_28 = gia_392[0] % 16777216 / li_16 << 16;
for (li_4 = 1; li_4 < 10; li_4++) gia_392[li_4] = gia_392[li_4 – 1] – li_20 – li_24 * 256 – li_28 * 256 * 256;
gia_400[0] = CurrentUpColor;
li_20 = gia_400[0] % 256 / li_16;
li_24 = gia_400[0] % 65536 / (li_16 * 256);
li_28 = gia_400[0] % 16777216 / li_16 << 16;
for (li_4 = 1; li_4 < 14; li_4++) gia_400[li_4] = gia_400[li_4 – 1] – li_20 – li_24 * 256 – li_28 * 256 * 256;
gia_396[13] = DownColor;
li_20 = gia_396[13] % 256 / li_16;
li_24 = gia_396[13] % 65536 / (li_16 * 256);
li_28 = gia_396[13] % 16777216 / li_16 << 16;
for (li_4 = 12; li_4 >= 0; li_4–) gia_396[li_4] = gia_396[li_4 + 1] – li_20 – li_24 * 256 – li_28 * 256 * 256;
gia_404[13] = CurrentDownColor;
li_20 = gia_404[13] % 256 / li_16;
li_24 = gia_404[13] % 65536 / (li_16 * 256);
li_28 = gia_404[13] % 16777216 / li_16 << 16;
for (li_4 = 12; li_4 >= 0; li_4–) gia_404[li_4] = gia_404[li_4 + 1] – li_20 – li_24 * 256 – li_28 * 256 * 256;
return (0);

void update_timeframes() {
double ld_0;
double ld_8;
double ld_16;
double ld_24;
int li_40;
int li_32 = 5;
int li_36 = 0;
double ld_44 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_280, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
double ld_52 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_284, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
double ld_60 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_288, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
double ld_68 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_292, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 0);
color li_76 = NonSetupColor;
string ls_80 = “Unordered Phase”;
if (ld_68 > ld_60 && ld_60 > ld_52) {
li_76 = DownTrendColor;
ls_80 = “Trending Phase “;
} else {
if (ld_68 < ld_60 && ld_60 < ld_52) {
li_76 = UpTrendColor;
ls_80 = “Trending Phase “;
} else {
if (ld_68 < ld_60 && ld_52 < ld_68) {
li_76 = DownTrendColor;
ls_80 = “Emerging Phase”;
} else {
if (ld_52 > ld_68 && ld_68 > ld_52) {
li_76 = UpTrendColor;
ls_80 = “Emerging Phase”;
ObjectSetText(“SRT_Phase”, ls_80, 12, “Verdana”, li_76);
int li_88 = 127;
if (ld_44 > ld_52) {
li_76 = UpTrendColor;
li_88 = 241;
} else {
li_76 = DownTrendColor;
li_88 = 242;
ObjectSetText(“SRT_ST”, “ST”, 14, “Verdana”, li_76);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_STArr”, CharToStr(li_88), 18, “Wingdings”, li_76);
if (ld_52 > ld_60) {
li_76 = UpTrendColor;
li_88 = 241;
} else {
li_76 = DownTrendColor;
li_88 = 242;
ObjectSetText(“SRT_MT”, “MT”, 14, “Verdana”, li_76);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_MTArr”, CharToStr(li_88), 18, “Wingdings”, li_76);
if (ld_60 > ld_68) {
li_76 = UpTrendColor;
li_88 = 241;
} else {
li_76 = DownTrendColor;
li_88 = 242;
ObjectSetText(“SRT_LT”, “LT”, 14, “Verdana”, li_76);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_LTArr”, CharToStr(li_88), 18, “Wingdings”, li_76);
double ld_92 = iSAR(NULL, 0, gd_296, gd_304, 0);
if (Bid > ld_92) {
li_76 = UpTrendColor;
li_88 = 241;
} else {
li_76 = DownTrendColor;
li_88 = 242;
ObjectSetText(“SRT_Psar”, “psar”, 14, “Verdana”, li_76);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_PsarArr”, CharToStr(li_88), 18, “Wingdings”, li_76);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_Psar_points”, “…..”, 40, “Calibri”, li_76);
ema_trend_locations(ld_44, ld_52, ld_60, ld_68);
for (int li_100 = gi_352; li_100 < gi_352 + 5; li_100++) {
ld_0 = iCustom(NULL, gia_376[li_100], “DPI”, gi_272, gi_276, 5, 0);
ld_8 = iCustom(NULL, gia_376[li_100], “DPI”, gi_272, gi_276, 6, 0);
if (ld_0 < 0.0 && ld_8 < 0.0) ld_16 = -1;
else {
if (ld_0 > 0.0 && ld_8 > 0.0) ld_16 = 1;
else {
if (ld_8 > ld_0) {
ld_24 = ld_8;
ld_8 = ld_0;
ld_0 = ld_24;
ld_8 = MathAbs(ld_8);
ld_0 = MathAbs(ld_0);
if (ld_0 > ld_8) ld_16 = 1;
else ld_16 = -1;
if (ld_16 < 0.0) li_40 = 10.0 * ld_16 + 10.0;
else li_40 = 10.0 * ld_16;
if (Period() == gia_376[li_100]) {
for (li_36 = 1; li_36 <= 10; li_36++) {
if (li_36 <= li_40) ObjectSetText(“SRT_TF” + li_32 + “” + li_36, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, gia_400[li_36 – 1]);
else ObjectSetText(“SRT_TF” + li_32 + “” + li_36, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, gia_404[li_36 – 1]);
if (ld_16 < 0.0) {
ObjectSetText(“SRT_Direction2”, “DOWN TREND”, 14, “Verdana”, CurrentDownColor);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TitanPct”, “DPI DOWN”, 14, “Verdana”, CurrentDownColor);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TitanArr”, CharToStr(242), 18, “Wingdings”, CurrentDownColor);
} else {
ObjectSetText(“SRT_Direction2”, “UP TREND “, 14, “Verdana”, CurrentUpColor);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TitanPct”, “DPI UP “, 14, “Verdana”, CurrentUpColor);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TitanArr”, CharToStr(241), 18, “Wingdings”, CurrentUpColor);
} else {
for (li_36 = 1; li_36 <= 10; li_36++) {
if (li_36 <= li_40) ObjectSetText(“SRT_TF” + li_32 + “” + li_36, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, gia_392[li_36 – 1]);
else ObjectSetText(“SRT_TF” + li_32 + “” + li_36, “-“, 60, “Verdana”, gia_396[li_36 – 1]);

void ema_trend_locations(double ad_0, double ad_8, double ad_16, double ad_24) {
double lda_32[4];
double ld_44;
int li_52;
int lia_36[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
int lia_40[4] = {65535, 255, 16711680, 16777215};
lda_32[0] = ad_0;
lda_32[1] = ad_8;
lda_32[2] = ad_16;
lda_32[3] = ad_24;
color li_56 = cTrendBG;
for (int li_60 = 0; li_60 < 3; li_60++) {
for (int li_64 = li_60 + 1; li_64 < 4; li_64++) {
if (lda_32[li_60] < lda_32[li_64]) {
ld_44 = lda_32[li_60];
li_52 = lia_36[li_60];
lda_32[li_60] = lda_32[li_64];
lia_36[li_60] = lia_36[li_64];
lda_32[li_64] = ld_44;
lia_36[li_64] = li_52;
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TrendMA01”, “-“, 65, “Verdana”, lia_40[lia_36[0]]);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TrendMA11”, “-“, 65, “Verdana”, lia_40[lia_36[0]]);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TrendMA010”, “-“, 65, “Verdana”, lia_40[lia_36[3]]);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TrendMA110”, “-“, 65, “Verdana”, lia_40[lia_36[3]]);
int li_68 = 10 – NormalizeDouble(10.0 * (lda_32[2] – lda_32[3]) / (lda_32[0] – lda_32[3]), 0);
int li_72 = 10 – NormalizeDouble(10.0 * (lda_32[1] – lda_32[3]) / (lda_32[0] – lda_32[3]), 0);
if (li_72 > 9) li_72 = 9;
if (li_68 > 8) li_68 = 8;
if (li_72 < 3) li_72 = 3;
if (li_68 < 2) li_68 = 2;
if (li_68 == li_72) {
if (li_68 == 2) li_72 = 3;
else {
if (li_72 == 9) li_68 = 8;
else li_72–;
for (li_60 = 2; li_60 < 10; li_60++) {
li_56 = cTrendBG;
if (li_68 == li_60) li_56 = lia_40[lia_36[2]];
if (li_72 == li_60) li_56 = lia_40[lia_36[1]];
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TrendMA0” + li_60, “-“, 65, “Verdana”, li_56);
ObjectSetText(“SRT_TrendMA1” + li_60, “-“, 65, “Verdana”, li_56);

void FirstInit() {
gi_352 = 0;
for (int li_0 = 0; li_0 < 9; li_0++) {
if (Period() == gia_376[li_0]) {
gi_352 = li_0 – 2;
if (gi_352 < 0) gi_352 = 0;
if (gi_352 > 4) gi_352 = 4;
if (gi_352 == 1) {
gs_356 = “M5 M15 M30 H1 H4”;
if (gi_352 == 2) {
gs_356 = “M15 M30 H1 H4 D1”;
if (gi_352 == 3) {
gs_356 = “M30 H1 H4 D1 W1”;
if (gi_352 == 4) {
gs_356 = “H1 H4 D1 W1 MN”;
gs_356 = “M1 M5 M15 M30 H1”;

int deinit() {
int li_0;
string ls_4 = “”;
bool li_12 = TRUE;
while (li_12) {
li_12 = FALSE;
li_0 = ObjectsTotal();
for (int li_16 = 0; li_16 < li_0; li_16++) {
ls_4 = ObjectName(li_16);
if (StringFind(ls_4, “SRT_”) != -1) {
li_12 = TRUE;
return (0);

int start() {
if (gi_420 == TRUE) {
if (gi_348 != 0) TrailStop();
if (gi_348 != 0) check_ticket();
if (gi_348 != 0) ObjectSetText(“SRT_Direction”, ” TRADE MODE “, 12, “Verdana”, White);
else ObjectSetText(“SRT_Direction”, ” NO TRADE “, 12, “Verdana”, NonSetupColor);
if (gi_204) CheckOrder();
if (NewBar()) CheckOrder();
return (0);

int Trading_Hours() {
if (Hour() == gi_316) {
if (Minute() < gi_320) return (0);
return (1);
if (Hour() == gi_324) {
if (Minute() >= gi_328) return (0);
return (1);
if (gi_324 > gi_316) {
if (Hour() < gi_316) return (0);
if (Hour() < gi_324) return (1);
return (0);
if (Hour() >= gi_316 && Hour() <= 24) return (1);
if (Hour() < gi_324) return (1);
return (0);

int OpenTrade(int ai_0) {
double ld_4;
double ld_16;
double ld_24;
double ld_32;
if (gi_312 && (!Trading_Hours())) {
gi_348 = 0;
return (0);
int li_12 = 1;
if (DynamicSLTP) update_SLTP(ai_0);
if (notify(ai_0)) {
ld_4 = Ask;
if (ai_0 == OP_SELL) {
ld_4 = Bid;
li_12 = -1;
ld_16 = MyLotCalc();
gi_348 = OrderSend(Symbol(), ai_0, ld_16, ld_4, gd_340, 0, 0, 0, MagicNumber);
if (gi_348 < 0) gi_348 = OrderSend(Symbol(), ai_0, LotSize, ld_4, gd_340, 0, 0, 0, MagicNumber);
if (gi_348 < 0) {
Print(“Error opening Order ” + GetLastError());
return (0);
gi_412 = FALSE;
if (OrderSelect(gi_348, SELECT_BY_TICKET) != FALSE) {
ld_24 = 0;
ld_32 = 0;
if (StopLoss != 0) ld_24 = OrderOpenPrice() – li_12 * gd_332 * StopLoss;
if (TakeProfit != 0) ld_32 = OrderOpenPrice() + li_12 * gd_332 * TakeProfit;
OrderModify(gi_348, OrderOpenPrice(), ld_24, ld_32, OrderExpiration());
return (1);

int notify(int ai_0) {
int li_4;
string ls_8;
string ls_16;
if (SoundAlert) PlaySound(“alert.wav”);
if (EntryPopUp) {
li_4 = -3;
ls_8 = “BUY”;
if (ai_0 == 1) ls_8 = “SELL”;
ls_16 = Symbol() + ” ” + Period() + ” min chart at ” + TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_MINUTES)
+ “\n\n” + ls_8 + ” Signal with StopLoss: ” + StopLoss + “pips TakeProfit: ” + TakeProfit + “pips”;
ls_16 = ls_16
+ “\n\n Would you Like to place the Order Now?”;
li_4 = MessageBox(ls_16, “S.A.R.A. Trading Assistant”, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION);
if (li_4 == IDYES) return (1);
return (0);
return (0);

void update_SLTP(int ai_0) {
StopLoss = 7;
if (ai_0 == 0) {
for (int li_4 = 1; li_4 < 30; li_4++) {
if (is_fractal(li_4, 3) == 0) {
StopLoss = MathRound((Bid – Low[li_4]) / gd_332);
if (ai_0 == 1) {
for (li_4 = 1; li_4 < 30; li_4++) {
if (is_fractal(li_4, 3) == 1) {
StopLoss = MathRound((High[li_4] – Bid) / gd_332);
if (StopLoss > MaxStopLoss) StopLoss = MaxStopLoss;
if (StopLoss < MinStopLoss) StopLoss = MinStopLoss;
TakeProfit = StopLoss;

int is_fractal(int ai_0, int ai_4) {
int li_8 = 1;
int li_12 = 0;
int li_16 = 0;
while (li_8 < ai_4) {
if (High[ai_0] > High[ai_0 + li_8]) {
if (ai_0 – li_8 >= 0) {
if (High[ai_0] > High[ai_0 – li_8]) li_12++;
} else li_12++;
if (Low[ai_0] < Low[ai_0 + li_8]) {
if (ai_0 – li_8 >= 0) {
if (Low[ai_0] < Low[ai_0 – li_8]) li_16++;
} else li_16++;
if (li_12 == ai_4 – 1) return (1);
if (li_16 == ai_4 – 1) return (0);
return (-1);

int NewBar() {
if (gt_480 == 0) gt_480 = Time[0];
if (gt_480 != Time[0]) {
gt_480 = Time[0];
return (1);
return (0);

void check_ticket() {
if (OrderSelect(gi_348, SELECT_BY_TICKET) != FALSE) {
if (OrderCloseTime() != 0) {
gi_348 = 0;
if ((!gi_412) && PartialClose) {
if (MyTPClose(PartialCloseAtPipsProfit, PartialClosePct)) {
gi_412 = TRUE;
} else gi_348 = 0;

void TrailStop() {
double ld_12;
int li_0 = 1;
double ld_4 = 0;
bool li_28 = FALSE;
int li_32 = OrdersTotal();
for (int li_36 = 0; li_36 < li_32; li_36++) {
if (OrderSelect(li_36, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) != FALSE) {
if (OrderCloseTime() == 0 && OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
li_0 = 1;
ld_4 = Bid;
} else {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
li_0 = -1;
ld_4 = Ask;
ld_12 = OrderStopLoss();
if (ld_12 == 0.0) ld_12 = OrderOpenPrice() – li_0 * gd_332 * (TrailingStop + TrailingStep);
if (BreakEvenAtPct > 0.0)
if (li_0 * OrderOpenPrice() > li_0 * OrderStopLoss() && li_0 * (ld_4 – OrderOpenPrice()) / MathAbs(OrderTakeProfit() – OrderOpenPrice()) >= BreakEvenAtPct / 100.0) OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderOpenPrice() + li_0 * BreakEvenPips * gd_332, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);
if (UseTrailing) li_28 = TRUE;
while (li_28) {
li_28 = FALSE;
if (li_0 * (ld_4 – ld_12) > gd_368 + gd_332 * TrailingStep) {
if (TrailOnProfit) {
if (li_0 * (ld_4 – OrderOpenPrice()) / gd_332 <= TrailingStop + TrailingStep) continue;
if (li_0 * ld_12 < li_0 * OrderOpenPrice()) ld_12 = OrderOpenPrice() + li_0 * gd_332 * TrailingStep;
else ld_12 += li_0 * gd_332 * TrailingStep;
if (!(OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), ld_12, OrderTakeProfit(), 0))) continue;
li_28 = TRUE;
ld_12 += li_0 * gd_332 * TrailingStep;
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), ld_12, OrderTakeProfit(), 0);
li_28 = TRUE;

int MyTPClose(int ai_0, double ad_4) {
int li_32;
double ld_12 = Bid;
int li_20 = 1;
double ld_24 = 0;
if (OrderSelect(gi_348, SELECT_BY_TICKET) != FALSE) {
if (OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
ld_12 = Ask;
li_20 = -1;
if (li_20 * ((ld_12 – OrderOpenPrice()) / gd_332) >= ai_0) {
ld_24 = MathMax(NormalizeDouble(OrderLots() * (ad_4 / 100.0), gi_408), MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT));
if (!(OrderClose(gi_348, ld_24, ld_12, gd_340))) return (0);
li_32 = OrdersTotal();
for (int li_36 = 0; li_36 < li_32; li_36++) {
if (OrderSelect(li_36, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES) != FALSE) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber && OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderOpenPrice(), OrderTakeProfit(), OrderExpiration());
gi_348 = OrderTicket();
return (gi_348);
return (1);
return (0);
return (0);

int check_open() {
return (check_signal(0));

int check_signal(int ai_0) {
double ld_16;
double ld_24;
double ld_40;
double ld_48;
int li_4 = 0;
int li_8 = 1;
int li_12 = is_ribbon(ai_0);
if (li_12 == 0) li_4++;
if (li_12 == 1) li_4–;
if (ConfirmWithDPI) {
ld_16 = iCustom(NULL, 0, “DPI”, gi_272, gi_276, 0, ai_0);
ld_24 = iCustom(NULL, 0, “DPI”, gi_272, gi_276, 1, ai_0);
if (ld_16 != EMPTY_VALUE || ld_24 != EMPTY_VALUE) li_4–;
else li_4++;
double ld_32 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_284, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, ai_0);
if (ConfirmWith3rdEMA) {
ld_40 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_288, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, ai_0);
if (ld_32 < ld_40) li_4–;
if (ld_32 > ld_40) li_4++;
if (ConfirmWith4thEMA) {
ld_48 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_292, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, ai_0);
if (ld_32 < ld_48) li_4–;
if (ld_32 > ld_48) li_4++;
if (li_8 == li_4) {
if (!(!IsTesting())) return (0);
MyArrowObject(0, ai_0);
return (0);
if (li_8 == -li_4) {
if (!(!IsTesting())) return (1);
MyArrowObject(1, ai_0);
return (1);
return (-1);

int is_ribbon(int ai_0) {
double ld_4;
double ld_12;
bool li_20 = TRUE;
bool li_24 = TRUE;
bool li_28 = FALSE;
bool li_32 = FALSE;
for (int li_36 = 1; li_36 <= 3; li_36++) {
ld_4 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_280, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, ai_0 + li_36);
ld_12 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_284, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, ai_0 + li_36);
if (ld_4 > ld_12) li_20 = FALSE;
else li_24 = FALSE;
if (High[ai_0 + li_36] >= ld_12 && li_36 <= 2) li_28 = TRUE;
if (Low[ai_0 + li_36] <= ld_12 && li_36 <= 2) li_32 = TRUE;
double ld_40 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_280, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, ai_0);
double ld_48 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_284, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, ai_0);
double ld_56 = iMA(NULL, 0, gi_280, 0, MODE_EMA, PRICE_CLOSE, ai_0 + 1);
double ld_64 = iSAR(NULL, 0, gd_296, gd_304, ai_0);
if (ld_40 < ld_48 && Close[ai_0 + 1] < ld_56 && Close[ai_0 + 1] < Open[ai_0 + 1] && li_28 && li_20 && bNewSignal(1, ai_0) && ld_64 > Open[ai_0]) return (1);
if (ld_40 > ld_48 && Close[ai_0 + 1] > ld_56 && Close[ai_0 + 1] > Open[ai_0 + 1] && li_32 && li_24 && bNewSignal(0, ai_0) && ld_64 < Open[ai_0]) return (0);
return (-1);

int bNewSignal(int ai_0, int ai_4) {
double ld_8;
for (int li_16 = ai_4 + 1; li_16 < ai_4 + 10; li_16++) {
ld_8 = iSAR(NULL, 0, gd_296, gd_304, li_16);
if (ai_0 == 0) {
if (ld_8 > High[li_16]) return (1);
} else
if (ld_8 < Low[li_16]) return (1);
if (ObjectFind(“Arrow_SRT_” + ai_0 + “_” + Time[li_16]) != -1) return (0);
return (1);

void CheckOrder() {
int li_0 = -1;
li_0 = check_open();
if (li_0 != -1) {
if (gi_348 == 0) {
if (CloseOnReverse) {
if (OrderSelect(gi_348, SELECT_BY_TICKET) != FALSE) {
if (OrderType() != li_0) {
if (OrderType() == OP_BUY) {
if (!(OrderClose(gi_348, OrderLots(), Bid, gd_340))) return;
if (OrderClose(gi_348, OrderLots(), Ask, gd_340)) OpenTrade(li_0);

double MyLotCalc() {
if (LotSize != 0.0) return (LotSize);
double ld_0 = RiskPercent * AccountEquity() / 100.0;
double ld_8 = ld_0 / (StopLoss * MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_TICKVALUE)) / (gd_332 / Point);
if (ld_8 < MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT)) ld_8 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT);
if (ld_8 > MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT)) ld_8 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT);
int li_16 = 2;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP) == 0.1) li_16 = 1;
if (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP) == 1.0) li_16 = 0;
ld_8 = NormalizeDouble(ld_8, li_16);
return (ld_8);

void MyArrowObject(int ai_0, int ai_4 = 0) {
color li_8;
int li_12;
double ld_16;
double ld_24;
string ls_32;
int li_40;
if (ai_0 != -1) {
li_8 = TPColor;
li_12 = 241;
ld_16 = Low[ai_4] – 5.0 * gd_332;
ld_24 = 0;
ls_32 = “Arrow_SRT_” + ai_0 + “_” + Time[ai_4];
li_40 = Time[ai_4];
if (ai_0 == 1) {
li_8 = SLColor;
li_12 = 242;
ld_16 = High[ai_4] + gd_332 * Period() / 1.0;
ObjectCreate(ls_32, OBJ_ARROW, 0, li_40, ld_16);
ObjectSet(ls_32, OBJPROP_COLOR, li_8);
ObjectSet(ls_32, OBJPROP_ARROWCODE, li_12);
ObjectSet(ls_32, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 4);

void objectCreate(string as_0, int ai_8, int ai_12, string as_16 = “”, int ai_24 = 12, string as_28 = “Arial”, color ai_36 = -1) {
ObjectCreate(as_0, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, ai_36);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, ai_8);
ObjectSet(as_0, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, ai_12);
ObjectSetText(as_0, as_16, ai_24, as_28, ai_36);


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