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//| Scalper_FX.mq4 |
//| Copyright 2017, Killer_FX MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| |
#property copyright “Copyright 2017, Killer_FX MetaQuotes Software Corp.”
#property link “”
#property version “1.00”
#import “stdlib.ex4”
string ErrorDescription(int a0);
extern bool UseMM = true;
extern double MinLots = 0.01;
extern double MaxLots = 1000.0;
extern double Risk = 10.0;
extern double FixedLots = 0.1;
extern int StopLoss = 300;
extern double MaxSpreadPlusCommission = 10.0;
extern int Limit = 20;
extern int Distance = 50;
extern int MAPeriod = 3;
extern int MAMethod = 3;
extern string TimeFilter = “———-Time Filter”;
extern int StartHour = 0;
extern int StartMinute = 0;
extern int EndHour = 23;
extern int EndMinute = 59;
extern int Filter = 300;
extern int MagicNumber = 777;
extern string TradeComment = “Scalper_FX”;
int Gi_180 = 0;
double G_pips_184 = 0.0;
int G_digits_192 = 0;
double G_point_196 = 0.0;
int Gi_204;
double Gd_208;
double Gd_216;
double Gd_224;
double Gd_232;
double Gd_240;
double Gd_248;
double Gd_256;
int G_slippage_264 = 3;
bool Gi_268;
double Gd_272;
double Gda_280[30];
int Gi_284 = 0;
string Gs_dummy_288;
string Gs_unused_316 = “”;
string Gs_unused_324 = “”;
double Gd_336;
double Gd_344;
int G_time_352;
int Gi_356;
int G_datetime_360;
string Gs_364 = “000,000,000”;
string Gs_372 = “000,000,255”;
int Gi_380;
int Gi_384;
int Gi_388;
int Gi_392 = 40;
double G_timeframe_396 = 240.0;
bool Gi_404 = TRUE;
color G_color_408 = DimGray;
string G_name_412 = “SpreadIndikatorObj”;
double Gd_420;
color G_color_428 = Red;
color G_color_432 = DarkGray;
color G_color_436 = SpringGreen;
bool Gi_440 = TRUE;
double G_ihigh_444;
double G_ilow_452;
double Gd_460;
int G_datetime_468;

int init() {
int timeframe_8;
ArrayInitialize(Gda_280, 0);
G_digits_192 = Digits;
G_point_196 = Point;
Print(“Digits: ” + G_digits_192 + ” Point: ” + DoubleToStr(G_point_196, G_digits_192));
double lotstep_0 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSTEP);
Gi_204 = MathLog(lotstep_0) / MathLog(0.1);
Gd_208 = MathMax(MinLots, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MINLOT));
Gd_216 = MathMin(MaxLots, MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_MAXLOT));
Gd_224 = Risk / 100.0;
Gd_232 = NormalizeDouble(MaxSpreadPlusCommission * G_point_196, G_digits_192 + 1);
Gd_240 = NormalizeDouble(Limit * G_point_196, G_digits_192);
Gd_248 = NormalizeDouble(Distance * G_point_196, G_digits_192);
Gd_256 = NormalizeDouble(G_point_196 * Filter, G_digits_192);
Gi_268 = FALSE;
Gd_272 = NormalizeDouble(G_pips_184 * G_point_196, G_digits_192 + 1);
if (!IsTesting()) {
if (Gi_404) {
timeframe_8 = Period();
switch (timeframe_8) {
case PERIOD_M1:
G_timeframe_396 = 5;
case PERIOD_M5:
G_timeframe_396 = 15;
case PERIOD_M15:
G_timeframe_396 = 30;
case PERIOD_M30:
G_timeframe_396 = 60;
case PERIOD_H1:
G_timeframe_396 = 240;
case PERIOD_H4:
G_timeframe_396 = 1440;
case PERIOD_D1:
G_timeframe_396 = 10080;
case PERIOD_W1:
G_timeframe_396 = 43200;
case PERIOD_MN1:
G_timeframe_396 = 43200;
Gd_420 = 0.0001;
return (0);

int deinit() {
if (!IsTesting()) {
for (int Li_0 = 1; Li_0 <= Gi_392; Li_0++) ObjectDelete(“Padding_rect” + Li_0);
for (int count_4 = 0; count_4 < 10; count_4++) {
ObjectDelete(“BD” + count_4);
ObjectDelete(“SD” + count_4);
return (0);

int start() {
int error_8;
string Ls_12;
int ticket_20;
double price_24;
bool bool_32;
double Ld_36;
double Ld_44;
double price_60;
double Ld_112;
int Li_180;
int cmd_188;
double Ld_196;
double Ld_204;
double ihigh_68 = iHigh(NULL, 0, 0);
double ilow_76 = iLow(NULL, 0, 0);
double ima_84 = iMA(NULL, 0, MAPeriod, Gi_180, MAMethod, PRICE_LOW, 0);
double ima_92 = iMA(NULL, 0, MAPeriod, Gi_180, MAMethod, PRICE_HIGH, 0);
double Ld_100 = ima_84 – ima_92;
if (!Gi_268) {
for (int pos_108 = OrdersHistoryTotal() – 1; pos_108 >= 0; pos_108–) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_108, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_HISTORY)) {
if (OrderProfit() != 0.0) {
if (OrderClosePrice() != OrderOpenPrice()) {
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
Gi_268 = TRUE;
Ld_112 = MathAbs(OrderProfit() / (OrderClosePrice() – OrderOpenPrice()));
Gd_272 = (-OrderCommission()) / Ld_112;

double Ld_120 = Ask – Bid;
ArrayCopy(Gda_280, Gda_280, 0, 1, 29);
Gda_280[29] = Ld_120;
if (Gi_284 < 30) Gi_284++;
double Ld_128 = 0;
pos_108 = 29;
for (int count_136 = 0; count_136 < Gi_284; count_136++) {
Ld_128 += Gda_280[pos_108];
double Ld_140 = Ld_128 / Gi_284;
double Ld_148 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + Gd_272, G_digits_192);
double Ld_156 = NormalizeDouble(Bid – Gd_272, G_digits_192);
double Ld_164 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_140 + Gd_272, G_digits_192 + 1);
double Ld_172 = ihigh_68 – ilow_76;
if (Ld_172 > Gd_256) {
if (Bid < ima_84) Li_180 = 1;
if (Bid > ima_92) Li_180 = -1;
int count_184 = 0;
for (pos_108 = 0; pos_108 < OrdersTotal(); pos_108++) {
if (OrderSelect(pos_108, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
if (OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber) {
cmd_188 = OrderType();
if (cmd_188 == OP_BUYLIMIT || cmd_188 == OP_SELLLIMIT) continue;
if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) {
switch (cmd_188) {
case OP_BUY:
if (Distance < 0) break;
Ld_44 = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), G_digits_192);
price_60 = NormalizeDouble(Bid – Gd_248, G_digits_192);
if (!((Ld_44 == 0.0 || price_60 > Ld_44))) break;
bool_32 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), price_60, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Lime);
if (!(!bool_32)) break;
error_8 = GetLastError();
Ls_12 = ErrorDescription(error_8);
Print(“BUY Modify Error Code: ” + error_8 + ” Message: ” + Ls_12 + ” OP: ” + DoubleToStr(price_24, G_digits_192) + ” SL: ” + DoubleToStr(price_60, G_digits_192) +
” Bid: ” + DoubleToStr(Bid, G_digits_192) + ” Ask: ” + DoubleToStr(Ask, G_digits_192));
case OP_SELL:
if (Distance < 0) break;
Ld_44 = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(), G_digits_192);
price_60 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + Gd_248, G_digits_192);
if (!((Ld_44 == 0.0 || price_60 < Ld_44))) break;
bool_32 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), price_60, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Orange);
if (!(!bool_32)) break;
error_8 = GetLastError();
Ls_12 = ErrorDescription(error_8);
Print(“SELL Modify Error Code: ” + error_8 + ” Message: ” + Ls_12 + ” OP: ” + DoubleToStr(price_24, G_digits_192) + ” SL: ” + DoubleToStr(price_60, G_digits_192) +
” Bid: ” + DoubleToStr(Bid, G_digits_192) + ” Ask: ” + DoubleToStr(Ask, G_digits_192));
Ld_36 = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), G_digits_192);
price_24 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + Gd_240, G_digits_192);
if (!((price_24 < Ld_36))) break;
price_60 = NormalizeDouble(price_24 – StopLoss * Point, G_digits_192);
bool_32 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), price_24, price_60, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Lime);
if (!(!bool_32)) break;
error_8 = GetLastError();
Ls_12 = ErrorDescription(error_8);
Print(“BUYSTOP Modify Error Code: ” + error_8 + ” Message: ” + Ls_12 + ” OP: ” + DoubleToStr(price_24, G_digits_192) + ” SL: ” + DoubleToStr(price_60, G_digits_192) +
” Bid: ” + DoubleToStr(Bid, G_digits_192) + ” Ask: ” + DoubleToStr(Ask, G_digits_192));
Ld_36 = NormalizeDouble(OrderOpenPrice(), G_digits_192);
price_24 = NormalizeDouble(Bid – Gd_240, G_digits_192);
if (!((price_24 > Ld_36))) break;
price_60 = NormalizeDouble(price_24 + StopLoss * Point, G_digits_192);
bool_32 = OrderModify(OrderTicket(), price_24, price_60, OrderTakeProfit(), 0, Orange);
if (!(!bool_32)) break;
error_8 = GetLastError();
Ls_12 = ErrorDescription(error_8);
Print(“SELLSTOP Modify Error Code: ” + error_8 + ” Message: ” + Ls_12 + ” OP: ” + DoubleToStr(price_24, G_digits_192) + ” SL: ” + DoubleToStr(price_60, G_digits_192) +
” Bid: ” + DoubleToStr(Bid, G_digits_192) + ” Ask: ” + DoubleToStr(Ask, G_digits_192));
if (count_184 == 0 && Li_180 != 0 && Ld_164 <= Gd_232 && f0_4()) {
Ld_196 = AccountBalance() * AccountLeverage() * Gd_224;
if (!UseMM) Ld_196 = FixedLots;
Ld_204 = NormalizeDouble(Ld_196 / MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_LOTSIZE), Gi_204);
Ld_204 = MathMax(Gd_208, Ld_204);
Ld_204 = MathMin(Gd_216, Ld_204);
if (Li_180 < 0) {
price_24 = NormalizeDouble(Ask + Gd_240, G_digits_192);
price_60 = NormalizeDouble(price_24 – StopLoss * Point, G_digits_192);
ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_BUYSTOP, Ld_204, price_24, G_slippage_264, price_60, 0, TradeComment, MagicNumber, 0, Lime);
if (ticket_20 <= 0) {
error_8 = GetLastError();
Ls_12 = ErrorDescription(error_8);
Print(“BUYSTOP Send Error Code: ” + error_8 + ” Message: ” + Ls_12 + ” LT: ” + DoubleToStr(Ld_204, Gi_204) + ” OP: ” + DoubleToStr(price_24, G_digits_192) + ” SL: ” +
DoubleToStr(price_60, G_digits_192) + ” Bid: ” + DoubleToStr(Bid, G_digits_192) + ” Ask: ” + DoubleToStr(Ask, G_digits_192));
} else {
price_24 = NormalizeDouble(Bid – Gd_240, G_digits_192);
price_60 = NormalizeDouble(price_24 + StopLoss * Point, G_digits_192);
ticket_20 = OrderSend(Symbol(), OP_SELLSTOP, Ld_204, price_24, G_slippage_264, price_60, 0, TradeComment, MagicNumber, 0, Orange);
if (ticket_20 <= 0) {
error_8 = GetLastError();
Ls_12 = ErrorDescription(error_8);
Print(“BUYSELL Send Error Code: ” + error_8 + ” Message: ” + Ls_12 + ” LT: ” + DoubleToStr(Ld_204, Gi_204) + ” OP: ” + DoubleToStr(price_24, G_digits_192) + ” SL: ” +
DoubleToStr(price_60, G_digits_192) + ” Bid: ” + DoubleToStr(Bid, G_digits_192) + ” Ask: ” + DoubleToStr(Ask, G_digits_192));
string Ls_212 = “AvgSpread:” + DoubleToStr(Ld_140, G_digits_192) + ” Commission rate:” + DoubleToStr(Gd_272, G_digits_192 + 1) + ” Real avg. spread:” + DoubleToStr(Ld_164,
G_digits_192 + 1);
if (Ld_164 > Gd_232) {
Ls_212 = Ls_212
+ “\n”
+ “The EA can not run with this spread ( ” + DoubleToStr(Ld_164, G_digits_192 + 1) + ” > ” + DoubleToStr(Gd_232, G_digits_192 + 1) + ” )”;
if (count_184 != 0 || Li_180 != 0) {
if (!IsTesting()) {
return (0);

int f0_4() {
if ((Hour() > StartHour && Hour() < EndHour) || (Hour() == StartHour && Minute() >= StartMinute) || (Hour() == EndHour && Minute() < EndMinute)) return (1);
return (0);

void f0_8() {
Gd_336 = WindowPriceMax();
Gd_344 = WindowPriceMin();
G_time_352 = Time[WindowFirstVisibleBar()];
Gi_356 = WindowFirstVisibleBar() – WindowBarsPerChart();
if (Gi_356 < 0) Gi_356 = 0;
G_datetime_360 = Time[Gi_356] + 60 * Period();
for (int Li_0 = 1; Li_0 <= Gi_392; Li_0++) {
if (ObjectFind(“Padding_rect” + Li_0) == -1) ObjectCreate(“Padding_rect” + Li_0, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, G_time_352, Gd_336 – (Gd_336 – Gd_344) / Gi_392 * (Li_0 – 1), G_datetime_360, Gd_336 – (Gd_336 – Gd_344) / Gi_392 * Li_0);
ObjectSet(“Padding_rect” + Li_0, OBJPROP_TIME1, G_time_352);
ObjectSet(“Padding_rect” + Li_0, OBJPROP_TIME2, G_datetime_360 – 1);
ObjectSet(“Padding_rect” + Li_0, OBJPROP_PRICE1, Gd_336 – (Gd_336 – Gd_344) / Gi_392 * (Li_0 – 1));
ObjectSet(“Padding_rect” + Li_0, OBJPROP_PRICE2, Gd_336 – (Gd_336 – Gd_344) / Gi_392 * Li_0);
ObjectSet(“Padding_rect” + Li_0, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
ObjectSet(“Padding_rect” + Li_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, f0_9(Gs_364, Gs_372, Gi_392, Li_0));

int f0_9(string As_0, string As_8, int Ai_16, int Ai_20) {
int str2int_24 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(As_0, 0, 3));
int str2int_28 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(As_0, 4, 3));
int str2int_32 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(As_0, 8, 3));
int str2int_36 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(As_8, 0, 3));
int str2int_40 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(As_8, 4, 3));
int str2int_44 = StrToInteger(StringSubstr(As_8, 8, 3));
if (str2int_24 > str2int_36) Gi_380 = str2int_24 + (str2int_36 – str2int_24) / Ai_16 * Ai_20;
if (str2int_24 < str2int_36) Gi_380 = str2int_24 – (str2int_24 – str2int_36) / Ai_16 * Ai_20;
if (str2int_28 > str2int_40) Gi_384 = str2int_28 + (str2int_40 – str2int_28) / Ai_16 * Ai_20;
if (str2int_28 < str2int_40) Gi_384 = str2int_28 – (str2int_28 – str2int_40) / Ai_16 * Ai_20;
if (str2int_32 > str2int_44) Gi_388 = str2int_32 + (str2int_44 – str2int_32) / Ai_16 * Ai_20;
if (str2int_32 < str2int_44) Gi_388 = str2int_32 – (str2int_32 – str2int_44) / Ai_16 * Ai_20;
Gi_384 *= 256;
Gi_388 <<= 16;
return (Gi_380 + Gi_384 + Gi_388);

void f0_2() {
double Lda_0[10];
double Lda_4[10];
double Lda_8[10];
double Lda_12[10];
int Li_16;
int Li_20;
int Li_24;
int Li_32;
if (Period() < G_timeframe_396) {
ArrayCopySeries(Lda_0, 2, Symbol(), G_timeframe_396);
ArrayCopySeries(Lda_4, 1, Symbol(), G_timeframe_396);
ArrayCopySeries(Lda_8, 0, Symbol(), G_timeframe_396);
ArrayCopySeries(Lda_12, 3, Symbol(), G_timeframe_396);
Li_32 = 3;
for (int Li_28 = 2; Li_28 >= 0; Li_28–) {
Li_20 = Time[0] + Period() * (90 * Li_32);
Li_24 = Time[0] + 90 * (Period() * (Li_32 + 1));
if (ObjectFind(“BD” + Li_28) == -1) {
if (Lda_8[Li_28] > Lda_12[Li_28]) Li_16 = 170;
else Li_16 = 43520;
f0_6(“D” + Li_28, Li_20, Li_24, Lda_8[Li_28], Lda_12[Li_28], Lda_4[Li_28], Lda_0[Li_28], Li_16);
} else {
if (Lda_8[Li_28] > Lda_12[Li_28]) Li_16 = 170;
else Li_16 = 43520;
f0_5(“D” + Li_28, Li_20, Li_24, Lda_8[Li_28], Lda_12[Li_28], Lda_4[Li_28], Lda_0[Li_28], Li_16);

void f0_6(string As_0, int A_datetime_8, int A_datetime_12, double A_price_16, double A_price_24, double A_price_32, double A_price_40, color A_color_48) {
if (A_price_16 == A_price_24) A_color_48 = Gray;
ObjectCreate(“B” + As_0, OBJ_RECTANGLE, 0, A_datetime_8, A_price_16, A_datetime_12, A_price_24);
ObjectSet(“B” + As_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, A_color_48);
ObjectSet(“B” + As_0, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
int datetime_52 = A_datetime_8 + (A_datetime_12 – A_datetime_8) / 2;
ObjectCreate(“S” + As_0, OBJ_TREND, 0, datetime_52, A_price_32, datetime_52, A_price_40);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, A_color_48);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_RAY, FALSE);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);

void f0_5(string As_0, int A_datetime_8, int A_datetime_12, double Ad_16, double Ad_24, double Ad_32, double Ad_40, color A_color_48) {
if (Ad_16 == Ad_24) A_color_48 = Gray;
ObjectSet(“B” + As_0, OBJPROP_TIME1, A_datetime_8);
ObjectSet(“B” + As_0, OBJPROP_PRICE1, Ad_16);
ObjectSet(“B” + As_0, OBJPROP_TIME2, A_datetime_12);
ObjectSet(“B” + As_0, OBJPROP_PRICE2, Ad_24);
ObjectSet(“B” + As_0, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
ObjectSet(“B” + As_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, A_color_48);
int datetime_52 = A_datetime_8 + (A_datetime_12 – A_datetime_8) / 2;
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_TIME1, datetime_52);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_PRICE1, Ad_32);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_TIME2, datetime_52);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_PRICE2, Ad_40);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 2);
ObjectSet(“S” + As_0, OBJPROP_COLOR, A_color_48);

void f0_7() {
double Ld_0 = (Ask – Bid) / Gd_420;
string text_8 = “Spread: ” + DoubleToStr(Ld_0, 1) + ” pips”;
if (ObjectFind(G_name_412) < 0) {
ObjectCreate(G_name_412, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSet(G_name_412, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(G_name_412, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 260);
ObjectSet(G_name_412, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 10);
ObjectSetText(G_name_412, text_8, 13, “Arial”, G_color_408);
ObjectSetText(G_name_412, text_8);

void f0_3() {
int Li_8 = Time[0] + 60 * Period() – TimeCurrent();
double Ld_0 = Li_8 / 60.0;
int Li_12 = Li_8 % 60;
Li_8 = (Li_8 – Li_8 % 60) / 60;
Comment(Li_8 + ” minutes ” + Li_12 + ” seconds left to bar end”);
if (ObjectFind(“time”) != 0) {
ObjectCreate(“time”, OBJ_TEXT, 0, Time[0], Close[0] + 0.0005);
ObjectSetText(“time”, ” <–” + Li_8 + “:” + Li_12, 13, “Verdana”, Yellow);
ObjectMove(“time”, 0, Time[0], Close[0] + 0.0005);

void f0_0() {
int Li_0 = iBarShift(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Time[0]) + 1;
G_ihigh_444 = iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_0);
G_ilow_452 = iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_0);
G_datetime_468 = iTime(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_0);
if (TimeDayOfWeek(G_datetime_468) == 0) {
G_ihigh_444 = MathMax(G_ihigh_444, iHigh(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_0 + 1));
G_ilow_452 = MathMin(G_ilow_452, iLow(NULL, PERIOD_D1, Li_0 + 1));
Gd_460 = G_ihigh_444 – G_ilow_452;

int f0_1() {
if (ObjectFind(“FiboUp”) == -1) ObjectCreate(“FiboUp”, OBJ_FIBO, 0, G_datetime_468, G_ihigh_444 + Gd_460, G_datetime_468, G_ihigh_444);
else {
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_TIME2, G_datetime_468);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_TIME1, G_datetime_468);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_PRICE1, G_ihigh_444 + Gd_460);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_PRICE2, G_ihigh_444);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, G_color_428);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 13);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 0, “(100.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 211, 0.236);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 1, “(123.6%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 212, 0.382);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 2, “(138.2%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 213, 0.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 3, “(150.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 214, 0.618);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 4, “(161.8%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 215, 0.764);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 5, “(176.4%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 216, 1.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 6, “(200.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 217, 1.236);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 7, “(223.6%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 218, 1.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 8, “(250.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 219, 1.618);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 9, “(261.8%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 220, 2.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 10, “(300.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 221, 2.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 11, “(350.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 222, 3.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 12, “(400.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 223, 3.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 13, “(450.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, 224, 4.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboUp”, 14, “(500.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
ObjectSet(“FiboUp”, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
if (ObjectFind(“FiboDn”) == -1) ObjectCreate(“FiboDn”, OBJ_FIBO, 0, G_datetime_468, G_ilow_452 – Gd_460, G_datetime_468, G_ilow_452);
else {
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_TIME2, G_datetime_468);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_TIME1, G_datetime_468);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_PRICE1, G_ilow_452 – Gd_460);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_PRICE2, G_ilow_452);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, G_color_436);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 19);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 0, “(0.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 211, 0.236);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 1, “(-23.6%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 212, 0.382);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 2, “(-38.2%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 213, 0.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 3, “(-50.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 214, 0.618);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 4, “(-61.8%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 215, 0.764);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 5, “(-76.4%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 216, 1.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 6, “(-100.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 217, 1.236);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 7, “(-123.6%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 218, 1.382);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 8, “(-138.2%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 219, 1.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 9, “(-150.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 220, 1.618);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 10, “(-161.8%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 221, 1.764);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 11, “(-176.4%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 222, 2.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 12, “(-200.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 223, 2.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 13, “(-250.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 224, 3.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 14, “(-300.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 225, 3.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 15, “(-350.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 226, 4.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 16, “(-400.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 227, 4.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 17, “(-450.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, 228, 5.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboDn”, 18, “(-500.0%) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
ObjectSet(“FiboDn”, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
if (Gi_440) {
if (ObjectFind(“FiboIn”) == -1) ObjectCreate(“FiboIn”, OBJ_FIBO, 0, G_datetime_468, G_ihigh_444, G_datetime_468 + 86400, G_ilow_452);
else {
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_TIME2, G_datetime_468);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_TIME1, G_datetime_468 + 86400);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_PRICE1, G_ihigh_444);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_PRICE2, G_ilow_452);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR, G_color_432);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_FIBOLEVELS, 7);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_FIRSTLEVEL, 0.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboIn”, 0, “Daily LOW (0.0) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, 211, 0.236);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboIn”, 1, “(23.6) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, 212, 0.382);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboIn”, 2, “(38.2) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, 213, 0.5);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboIn”, 3, “(50.0) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, 214, 0.618);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboIn”, 4, “(61.8) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, 215, 0.764);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboIn”, 5, “(76.4) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, 216, 1.0);
ObjectSetFiboDescription(“FiboIn”, 6, “Daily HIGH (100.0) – %$”);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_RAY, TRUE);
ObjectSet(“FiboIn”, OBJPROP_BACK, TRUE);
} else ObjectDelete(“FiboIn”);
return (0);


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